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Hi all,

Greetings from Beantown!! Had a good trip and we're getting ready to head out to open studios! No rain, but cloudy and 50's, but that's ok!!!


Have a good day!

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Top of the morning friends!


Joanne-have a safe and lovely trip to Beantown..:hug:hug:hug


Beth-I have meaning to tell you, that is great that you have another student to tutor! Awesomeness! I am sure he will love ya. :hug Happy Cinco De Mayo to all of you as well!


Stacy & Marisa-know that you two are busy but have a wonderful weekend!


Yesterday I crocheted off and on between all the business..I know where's the little faint smiley? Haven't had a lot of hook time. I am working on a granny ghan in pinks. A friend of mine ordered it for her daughter. I think I need 3 more squares to make, then the connecting of them and the border. I am using Lucy's connect as you go method from Attic 24, I love it! The squares are about 9 rounds each so they are a good size and I am using my new green polymer covered crochet hook..what a dream to use!


I go back to work on the 21st...:) scared to death I will not be able to keep up with everything..but sure going to try.


Other than that..nothing juicy. Dd has a party that she is attending this afternoon. Dh and ds are out delivering soil for scouts..really need to tidy up my bedroom as I have been crafting and making messes.


will hop on here later to check on ya. hugs n squishes!

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Had a wonderful day yesterday and enjoyed going to the "Open Studios" and seeing lots of beautiful handmade artwork and jewelry. Bought myself and DD a ring and a few small pieces of art (about 4X6) to frame and put on my desk at work.


We had a fun-filled, relaxing afternoon and then went out to dinner.


LeeAnn- I hope you can keep up with both the Migrant position and your booming crafty business!!! But it seems to me like you have a ton of energy and get up and go!!! Positive thoughts that everything works out!!! Any lookers for the house?


Beth--How was your new student? We are going to celebrate Cinco de Mayo a day late! We bought ingredients yesterday to make homemade quesadillas, but then opted to go out to dinner and make dinner at home tonight since the Devils game is on this evening.


Stacy- How's your weekend going? Did you start the cardi?


Marisa- Hope your weekend is going well.


Off to pour a cup of coffee- Enjoy the day everyone!

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Joanne, so glad you are having a good time. It sounds like a lot of fun.


LeeAnn, don't work too hard! I can't believe you are working in addition to all the crafting you do. You wear me out when you aren't working outside the home.


Stacy, I hope your weather is awesome and you are having a good weekend. We got a lot of rain. It makes me think of you.


Marisa, What's up in Pittsburgh this weekend? Anything fun?


Oh, it was a real eye-opener to tutor a public school kid after dealing with homeschooled children for so long. It seems he can't do basic math (like 3 x 7) without a calculator. He might has a special needs issue that I wasn't told about, but it was very difficult. I'm so used to Shrimp Boy who can do huge multiplcation problems in his head. Newbie is a great kid, though. We had a fun talk. We've both played some of the same video games.

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Good morning!


It's business as usual here, this weekend. Soccer yesterday (they finally have a permanent coach, and they played together as a team! But still didn't win, although they gave it a good shot) and swimming lessons. Isabella is disappointed that she will not be advancing just yet, I had to remind her that it is only her third lesson. Afterward two girls went with my IL's, Mia chose to stay home with her mama. :manyheart Dh is out with a friend this morning, and Mia and I took the doggies to the dog park. They are tuckered out now. I have 4 baskets of laundry begging to be folded and a pile of dishes in the sink, and a bag full of homework to finish up for tomorrow. My work is cut out for me, but I really and truly just want to be lazy today. :dreaming


Beth, sorry to hear of the tutoring issues. I hope you can work through them. Thanks for letting me know about the mix. I will have to stop by our Wal-mart this week after class. They carry the Panda Puffs cereal that all of my children just love, and for half the price of TJ's! Last time I was there, I bought 6 boxes, and my dh was like- :eek:eek:eek (Well, if he his hair was longer it would have done that, I'm sure.) :rofl


Joanne, sounds like you're having a fabulous time in Boston! :clap Have a great game/quesadillas/Seis de Mayo night. :lol


Marisa, what's shakin' bacon? Hope you're having a great weekend. I did start the cardi, but it is too chunky for my liking, so I'm going to fiddle with the hook size and see what I can figure out.


Leeann, I don't know how you are going to fit working in with that schedule of yours! :nworthy You amaze me. Did your dd have fun at the birthday party? And those scouts really know how to keep busy, don't they? :lol How is Kathi doing?


Well, I better scoot. This laundry won't fold itself, I suppose.

Love and hugs!



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Thanks, Stacy, now I'm going to have dreams about self-folding laundry...LOL Sounds like you've had a good weekend, even though you are going to be super busy with the school work and laundry. I got a few necessary but stinky thngs accomplished -- all the cat boxes and the mice cage are cleaned, scrubbed out, and refilled. Still have to do the guinea pig cage, but I need to work up to that one.

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Thanks for the laugh and I LOVE the idea of self-folding laundry!!!!


Had another great day!! I just feel so much more rejuvenated when I'm here in Boston!!!


Off to watch the game- Hugs to you all

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Evening all!


quick fly by. So glad that all of you are having relaxing weekends or productive (Beth) :cheer:clapjust got home from spending the day at the inlaws and then went grocery shopping.


have a bit of a headache..going to take some meds and relax. hugs n squishes!

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Hmmmm, LeeAnn went to see her in-laws, and ended up with a headache.... Sounds like when I spend time with my in-laws. LOL


I hope you all have a great Monday. I'll write more when I have more time.


:hug :hug :hug :hug :hug

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Hmmmm, LeeAnn went to see her in-laws, and ended up with a headache.... Sounds like when I spend time with my in-laws. LOL


I hope you all have a great Monday. I'll write more when I have more time.


:hug :hug :hug :hug :hug

:lol:lol:lol Thanks for the laugh!!! Have a good day!


Evening all!


quick fly by. So glad that all of you are having relaxing weekends or productive (Beth) :cheer:clapjust got home from spending the day at the inlaws and then went grocery shopping.


have a bit of a headache..going to take some meds and relax. hugs n squishes!

Hope you hae a great day today --headache free!!:hug


Good morning!


It's business as usual here, this weekend. Soccer yesterday (they finally have a permanent coach, and they played together as a team! But still didn't win, although they gave it a good shot) and swimming lessons. Isabella is disappointed that she will not be advancing just yet, I had to remind her that it is only her third lesson. Afterward two girls went with my IL's, Mia chose to stay home with her mama. :manyheart Dh is out with a friend this morning, and Mia and I took the doggies to the dog park. They are tuckered out now. I have 4 baskets of laundry begging to be folded and a pile of dishes in the sink, and a bag full of homework to finish up for tomorrow. My work is cut out for me, but I really and truly just want to be lazy today. :dreaming


Beth, sorry to hear of the tutoring issues. I hope you can work through them. Thanks for letting me know about the mix. I will have to stop by our Wal-mart this week after class. They carry the Panda Puffs cereal that all of my children just love, and for half the price of TJ's! Last time I was there, I bought 6 boxes, and my dh was like- :eek:eek:eek (Well, if he his hair was longer it would have done that, I'm sure.) :rofl


Joanne, sounds like you're having a fabulous time in Boston! :clap Have a great game/quesadillas/Seis de Mayo night. :lolThe quesadillas were awesome!!!


Marisa, what's shakin' bacon? Hope you're having a great weekend. I did start the cardi, but it is too chunky for my liking, so I'm going to fiddle with the hook size and see what I can figure out.


Leeann, I don't know how you are going to fit working in with that schedule of yours! :nworthy You amaze me. Did your dd have fun at the birthday party? And those scouts really know how to keep busy, don't they? :lol How is Kathi doing? I agree with Stacy! You amaze me with all that's on your plate. But Stacy--you amaze me too--school for both you and DH, and raising 3 wonderful girls---kudos to you too!!!


Well, I better scoot. This laundry won't fold itself, I suppose.

Love and hugs!



Really? Laundry won't fold itself? :lol


We're heading downtown today- and of course, I'm going to Windsor Button to look and drool at the lovely, lovely yarn they have there! I have a feeling that something will end up in my bag--how can you go to an awesome yarn shop and not have some come home with you?;) We're going out to dinner for my Mother's Day gift in the North End.


For once in a long time, I don't mind that it's Monday!:)


Oh, and the Devils won their game last night!!:clap They can advance in the playoffs if they win their game tomorrow night!

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Good morning friends!


Joanne-I am so happy for you! Glad that you are having an excellent time and that you get to go shopping today..for new yarn! :cheer:clap You deserve it! Your quesadillas sounded yummy too..we love them!


Beth-you are just too cute! I bet it is difficult mentoring other's. Especially if he has a developmental delay or needs alot of extra help. Will you be working with him every week?


Stacy-did you get all of your homework done? I bet your gals will finish school soon, any big plans for summer?


Marisa-how was your weekend? Can't wait to hear all about it.


My headache feels a little bit better. Yesterday was had severe winds..the dust makes my allergies go crazy. I spent the evening relaxing and reading a book..couldn't sleep as I had a cup of coffee too close to bedtime..so I tossed and turned. But on the bright side, I have a small order to mail out today..one lotion. I am happy tho, it's still an order. :devil


Spoke to the realtor she said that she has two perspective clients..don't know if anything will pan out but I am keeping my fingers and toes crossed. She will coming over some time this week to take more pics, must keep the house in tip top shape. The family has really been helping, it's me that they have to worry about..all my craft goodies seem to take over.


today I really do have to sweep and mop the entire house but I am waiting for my coffee to kick in..oh and almost finished the small ghan! Soo excited, I have to deliver it some time this week..guess I had better finish it up.


hi ho hi ho it's off to work I go. Hugs n squishes dear friends!

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Hey ladies :hi


Just a quick drop by to say hola and let you know that I'm still alive and kicking. Life just got the better of me for a few days :sigh


I read through the posts and took notes, but not have time to respond if I want to make it home for dinner :D So I'll catch up in the morning :hug

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Hi all,

Had a great day in downtown Boston today and then had an awesome dinner in the North End.


Tomorrow it's back home for me and I'm sad to leave. I really love this city! It's jsut the perfect size for me!


I'll check in when I'm back home!

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Good morning ladies:hi


Joanne - definitely a cut and paste day :lol


Back into my routine (I hope :xfin )


So let's see....since last Thurday :think


OK, so the CF charity walk Thursday night was fun, I didn't do a big job, but definitely an important one as I had to organize the walkers that donated vs the ones that didn't. Then I just got to hang out and chat after that and met some really nice people. They even had a keg and a buffet, so I even got to eat there :D


Friday, I spent a good portion of the day working on my dad's resume stuff and he said he'd be ok with getting it in on Monday, so at least we had the weekend, which was good. My girlfriend from chiro school and I met up for some adjusting and then lunch, her mom was with her too whom I haven't seen since their wedding in 05 in Puerto Rico so it was great to see her too and while we were adjusting each other she said a blessing for me to be successful here :manyheart I had a new patient that afternoon and after finishing up that paperwork I headed home. Totally don't remember what and if I did anything that night :think


Saturday morning a friend and I went on the Just Ducky Tour with a small group from PYP (Pitt Young Professionals) and then had lunch. After that I came to the office and worked on brochures and gift certificates for the mall event this Thursday. Sue text me to see if I wanted to go to Mad Mex for dinner since her friend wasn't feeling well that she was supposed to meet. So I met her out and of course with it being Cinco De Maio (sp?) it was insane since it's a Mexican restaurant....they had the parking lot blocked off with police watch, portopotties, events, etc. We just had dinner and headed out. She checked out what I had for my brochure and liked it, just added one thing (and she's a medical auditor and is good with that kind of stuff). Ran back to the office to pick up some things I forgot. In bed around 11.


Sunday, up at 4:45 :eek Got myself together and walked into town to check in at the volunteer tent for the marathon (I did not run Julie :no ) I got a nice red shirt to identify me as a medical volunteer and they had me at the starting line, so there was really nothing to do since nobody really needs medical care BEFORE the race. So our group just hung around chatting, and there was about 7 or so of us :yes We ended up directing people to where they needed to be and handing out safety pins :lol I was done around 8:30 and then I just walked around downtown a bit and checked out all of the tents and things going on. Headed back home and then into the office around 11:30ish to print out my brochures and gift certificates, which I needed to give the guy at the mall yesterday. Well, my printer didn't like the thick brochure paper after the one side was already printed so I had to load one piece at a time and print them individually....100 times :angry Needless to say it took forever.


Anyhow, I finally got that done and folded them, then put books on top of them to flatten them. Steph and bean were going out after the baseball game and I was going to meet them but since it was so late I just ran over to Ingrid's for a bit instead. I think I made it back home just after 9 and slept for almost 12 hours Sunday night into Monday :eek


Yesterday when I came in I had to go through the brochures and add a gift certificate and business care to each one. Then I counted out pens and ran my stuff up to the mall. I also had a patient in the afternoon. So all that time I spent in the office over the weekend and it was all being time consuming so I never got a chance to pop in with you :( That's my weekend in a nutshell :lol


Today Averie has a talent show at school at 1:30 and again tonight at 7, so I'll go over for the afternoon one. I think Steph and bean are going to the Pirates game again tonight (every night this week actually, however, Steph is coming to the mall even on Thursday with me so bean will need to find a 'date' for that game :lol )


I think that about covers it :whew I got a couple rows of knitting in last night, but haven't really gotten any crafting in since finishing the baby blankets (BUT I did really the Hunger Games trilogy in there :think )


One of my turtles laid an egg on Sunday :eek Unfortunately my parents didn't see it until it was already busted up. I told my mom to keep her eye out because there will probably be more since they don't usually lay just one. She said it made a mess of the tank and wanted to clean it. I just told her to pick out the big pieces, but no sense cleaning it until they're done because it'll only keep happening unless she gets it as soon as it comes out because of the turtles swimming and not having sand to bury them in :lol


OK, now you're all up to date. :D


(End cut and paste :wink)


Joanne - Glad to hear that your trip to Boston is a good one and I hope you are relaxing during your time away from work :yes Have a safe trip home


Stacy - I thought that cardi looked a little 'chunky' in the pic too, which I'm not fond of for a cardi :think Let me know what you come up with :yes Did you get your chores and homework done?


Beth - Hopefully you'll be a huge help to your new student :xfin I have a feeling that you'll be able to get the information through to him :yes


LeeAnn - What are you reading? I hope your headache is feeling better :hug Did you get all straightened up for more pics for the realtor? Did you hear anything about the 2 prospective buyers? :bounce


I should be in and out today :D

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Top of the morning friends!


Marisa-oh my! you sure had a busy weekend. That is awesome that you were able to network and :cheer for the new patient. Do you create all of your brochures?


Beth-how are you? busy tutoring I bet? What crochet project are you working on?


Stacy-saw that you only have 3 weeks left..woohoooo!!! So happy! It will be over soon, are you taking summer classes as well?


Joanne-have a safe trip home, will it be back to Paradise tomorrow? Can't wait to hear about your new yummy yarn.


I finished the afghan that I had for an order last night. So proud of myself, I got it done faster than I thought. Think it was the new hook..such a dream to work with..and best of all...it didn't rub my finger the wrong way..I do so love grannies! what a fun time it was for me to create this ghan....blogged about it as well. :D


Today I am meeting with the realtor to look at a house that I saw over the weekend and also to give her a lil push..she was supposed to come out yesterday but "forgot" dh is coming with me..he can help to let her know that she needs to move on things..she is really sweet but a little scatterbrained..much like myself but we need her to be motivated! :lol


have new soapy ideas that are floating in my head..must work on those as well.


BBL! hugs n squishes!



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Hi all,

Beautiful afghan, LeeAnn!!! Good luck with the realtor? What kind of new hook is that you have?


Marisa- Whew! I'm tuckered out reading about your weekend!!!! DD has Hunger Games on her Nook- she's going to lend it to me when she's done!!!


It was raining when I left Boston- but not too heavy- and by the time I'd gone about 50 miles or so, it was just misting. By Hartford, it was just cloudy. I got home around noon, unpacked, laundry on, showered and getting ready to head out to the grocery store to get some fruit. I bought Effie's Oatcakes (LOVE THEM) that I can only find up in DD's local grocer (or you can buy them online) and they taste so good with cut up apples and cheese and that's what I'm craving at the moment. I had brought some apples up to DD's so they wouldn't go bad, and DH finished the ones that were here.


Beth and Stacy---Hi!!!!

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Hello all,

LeeAnn, beautiful afghan! it turned out very nicely. Good luck with the realtor -- hope she focuses on getting your property sold.


Joanne, welcome home! It sounds like your trip to Beantown was just delightful.


Marisa, what a fun, busy weekend! Congrats on the new patient -- seems like you get one about every week now. Growth is good.


Stacy, hope you and your family are doing great. You've almost made it through your semester of math. you can do it!


I took my hubby to the dentist again today. They had worked in an emergency patient, so everything was running a bit late. I was there from 11 to 1. At least I had my crochet. I'm working on a crocodile stitch bag in a soft yellow. Tomorrow, my dd is going to Washington, DC with a co-dancer who works there, to check out his place of employment. She has to leave REALLY early, but I think she will get inspired. He is in the profession she's interested in pursuing. They do testing at this facility. she'll love seeing that.

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I'm back from Averie's talent show and she did great with her dance. There were a couple kids that did an Irish jig which was fun, some pretty good singers and musicians too :yes


I went to Sonic after for lunch :devil and traffic was horrible due to accidents with all this rain :( I'll workout in a bit since I skipped yesterday :yes


Top of the morning friends!


Marisa-oh my! you sure had a busy weekend. That is awesome that you were able to network and :cheer for the new patient. Do you create all of your brochures?


I finished the afghan that I had for an order last night. So proud of myself, I got it done faster than I thought. Think it was the new hook..such a dream to work with..and best of all...it didn't rub my finger the wrong way..I do so love grannies! what a fun time it was for me to create this ghan....blogged about it as well. :D


Today I am meeting with the realtor to look at a house that I saw over the weekend and also to give her a lil push..she was supposed to come out yesterday but "forgot" dh is coming with me..he can help to let her know that she needs to move on things..she is really sweet but a little scatterbrained..much like myself but we need her to be motivated! :lol


have new soapy ideas that are floating in my head..must work on those as well.


BBL! hugs n squishes!


I made the brochure in Publisher :D


Your ghan is gorgeous, great job :manyheart


Good luck on getting your realtor moving, sounds like she needs a swift :kick:wink


Hi all,


Marisa- Whew! I'm tuckered out reading about your weekend!!!! DD has Hunger Games on her Nook- she's going to lend it to me when she's done!!!


It was raining when I left Boston- but not too heavy- and by the time I'd gone about 50 miles or so, it was just misting. By Hartford, it was just cloudy. I got home around noon, unpacked, laundry on, showered and getting ready to head out to the grocery store to get some fruit. I bought Effie's Oatcakes (LOVE THEM) that I can only find up in DD's local grocer (or you can buy them online) and they taste so good with cut up apples and cheese and that's what I'm craving at the moment. I had brought some apples up to DD's so they wouldn't go bad, and DH finished the ones that were here.


Beth and Stacy---Hi!!!!


Glad to hear your home. It's been pouring off and on here all day.


Hello all,


Marisa, what a fun, busy weekend! Congrats on the new patient -- seems like you get one about every week now. Growth is good.


I took my hubby to the dentist again today. They had worked in an emergency patient, so everything was running a bit late. I was there from 11 to 1. At least I had my crochet. I'm working on a crocodile stitch bag in a soft yellow. Tomorrow, my dd is going to Washington, DC with a co-dancer who works there, to check out his place of employment. She has to leave REALLY early, but I think she will get inspired. He is in the profession she's interested in pursuing. They do testing at this facility. she'll love seeing that.


Let's just hope the new ones keep rolling in :xfin:lol


That bag is super cute :manyheart Sounds like your dd is going to have a good trip and hopefully it will inspire her

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Hi friends!


Joanne, so happy to hear you had a nice, relaxing time in Boston! The oatcakes sound scrumptious. :manyheart


Beth, speaking of food- I found Bob's GF oats and baking mixes at Big Lots today! :clap Hope your dd has fun tomorrow. Your crocodile stitch purse is really cute!


Marisa, you are a whirlwind of activity! :cheer for a new patient!


Leeann, good luck with that realtor! Seems to me that would be a profession where you just HAVE to be motivated. :shrug Dh's uncle is a realtor and he is always on the go. :xfin that you get results by taking dh. Oh, and your afghan is gorgeous!! :manyheart You really whipped that one up quickly. Can't wait to see your newest soapie ideas.


Nothing much happening here. I had 2 math tests today- one was on logarithms, which I am absolutely LOST on. The second was a make-up test for the exponents quiz we took 2 weeks ago. Only 2 people passed, so we had to take it again- this time I know I got an A. I really need to get my badorkus in gear and work on the stuff I don't understand- the MET is in 3 weeks and if I don't pass, I cannot advance to the next math class- which, for me, is statistics. :eek

Also? My health prof STILL hasn't released her book, which she is now saying will be available possibly at the end of the week. Still required to read it and write a 3-page paper by the end of the term, though. :think It's a little inconsiderate, if you ask me, to think that we all have the free time to read a book and write a paper in 3 weeks, with the other classes we have. :shrug


Well, that's enough :blah for now. I need to scoot and figure out what's for dinner. I'm thinking 'taco Tuesday.' Love and hugs!


Well, I need to scoot.

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Stacy, I will definitely check my local BigLots now. I love having oats in the house that I can eat. I actually have some in the freezer, but the more the merrier! And the baking mixes that I've tried so far have been good. Let me know what you've got and how you like them.


Marisa, congrats to Averie for a good talent show. It sounds like an enjoyable evening. Here's to many more patients!


Joanne, are you back to Paradise today? Your trip sounds like a piece of heaven. So nice you have a dd in your favorite town!


LeeAnn, Are you going to take the time for a breath or two today? You are such a motivated lady! I wish some of it would rub off on me.

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Good morning!


Back to Paradise for me- and it's raining and yucky out- perfect weather for staying in with a book or hook! Trying to motivate myself --at least it's only a 3 day week till the weekend!!!


The Devils won their game against the Flyers and are moving on to the Eastern Conference Finals!!! It'll be fun if the Rangers win their series since my SIL and his family are avid Rangers fans and DD and I are Devils fans!!!


Stacy- Good luck with the end of the semester and your math tests!! You can do this!!!I've been eyeing that cardi that Amy started the CAL for--but I MUST use stash if I do it. Any suggestions on what might be good?


LeeAnn- Hope you had some good luck bringing DH with you to the realtors.


Marisa- My DD and i were talking about how I love Boston- the size of the city and the general good vibe I feel when I'm there--anyway- she said she heard that Pittsburgh is a great city to live in too--so I told her about you and how you like it there.


Better get a move on- since I HAVE to--not cause I WANT to---


Have a good day!

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Good morning ladies :hi


I've been here since about 8:30 this morning. Working on getting things together for tomorrow nights mall event. Trying to print out more brochures since the others went up to the mall for their gift bags. They are so expensive to have them done, but I think I found a cheap spot online last night, but obviously it's too late for that now :lol I'm using a different printer from the other day and it's going a bit smoother but I still have to keep close watch that it feeds the sheets correctly. But it's a far cry from having to load only one sheet at a time and print them individually :eek I'm giving away a cervical pillow so wrapped a box today in shiny red paper and printed out entry forms last night that still need to be cut up and which also say on them that they are interested in more info about Pancheri Chiro :devil


Stacy - I hope both your tests went well and keep up the awesome work :h5 Only a few more weeks and I agree about your health prof, that's crazy to read a whole book and write a report in such a short time :( Love taco tuesday though :bounce


Joanne - :yay for the Devils winning. I've been to Boston a few times and love it there as well, but I have to say that I love here more :lol But one thing I can say is that it's easier driving in the city here than there. Boston is the one place that I never want to physically drive in ever again :eek Must use public transportation :yes Maybe you have a future in Boston????????


:hi Beth and LeeAnn, have a great hump day

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Morning Sunshine's!


Beth-you are right, I do need to take a break but don't think it will happen this week. :lol I am hoping to schedule one in next week perhaps Wed. Hope your dd's day is fantastic. I bet she is excited!


Joanne-hope your day in Paradise flies by and that you are home with hook in hand relaxing. What are you working on? The new hook that I used is the polymer clay one that I purchased thru Etsy. I find the hook wonderful to use..relieves my wrist fatigue as well. Here's the link:




Stacy-I agree, not very nice of your prof. to withhold info especially when it concerns and assignment, shouldn't she/he have put the book in the syllabus?


Marisa-hoping that your new brochures get you lots and lots of business!


Yesterday was a bit of a marathon. we met the realtor to have a looksie at a house that of course I LOVE but the best part..she is now motivated..I think she has too many irons in the fire. She is on her way here now to take more pics to do the visual tour..I will keep on her. After that, I drove home to drop off ds..(made him go with) then had to go back and pick up dd..I would have stayed in town if I would have checked the time..:lol anyhow. picked her up then it was home again to fix dinner..then back to Monte Vista to the Scensy party. Mmm..the new warmers with Belgium chocolate are awesome! I also networked and sold a few goodies. The event was held at one of the shops where my goodies are located in. The owner of the tanning salon is really nice. She is not charging my commission..she just wants products. My kind of deal..plus she gets free goodies..so it's a win win situation. Then of course it was back home but by then I was tired..so just watched the tube..


Today after the realtor leaves, I need to work on soapy goodies as I have an order..then have an appt at 1 pick up dd at 3..then Fliber Floozies our Craft Club at 5:30..oh my! Hoping that I can get everything done in time.


Best get myself in gear..have a few goodies that I am listing on Etsy.


hugs n squishes!

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Good morning ladies :hi


I've been here since about 8:30 this morning. Working on getting things together for tomorrow nights mall event. Trying to print out more brochures since the others went up to the mall for their gift bags. They are so expensive to have them done, but I think I found a cheap spot online last night, but obviously it's too late for that now :lol I'm using a different printer from the other day and it's going a bit smoother but I still have to keep close watch that it feeds the sheets correctly. But it's a far cry from having to load only one sheet at a time and print them individually :eek I'm giving away a cervical pillow so wrapped a box today in shiny red paper and printed out entry forms last night that still need to be cut up and which also say on them that they are interested in more info about Pancheri Chiro :devil


Joanne - :yay for the Devils winning. I've been to Boston a few times and love it there as well, but I have to say that I love here more :lol But one thing I can say is that it's easier driving in the city here than there. Boston is the one place that I never want to physically drive in ever again :eek Must use public transportation :yes Maybe you have a future in Boston????????


:hi Beth and LeeAnn, have a great hump day


very good idea with the shiny red box, and the entry form saying they want more info about your practice!!!


I don't like driving in Boston either. I do not mind driving around Cambridge and Somerville But when we go downtown- it's mass transit every single time!! I think that is one thing that drew my DD to Boston! She hates driving period (think she inherited that gene from my grandmother on my Dad's side) She wanted to live somewhere where she wouldn't have to drive and I think Boston is perfect for her!!! She can do anything she wants and the mass transit is good. I would love to see Boston in my future--I feel at home there---but now with a grandson living so close to me, that'd be a tough move. Plus DH isn't so much of a Boston fan---think Red Sox, Bruins, Patriots-:lol

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LeeAnn- Wow what a day!!! Congrats on the sales!!!


Paradise was rough today, but had a good visit with my GS after work. Just what I needed.


I think tonight I'm just going to read for a bit and then call it a night!

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