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Hi all,


Didn't make it to craft club last night again. I didn't get home from paradise till 6:45 and CC starts at 6:30- I could have gone late, but didn't feel like rushing so I had some dinner and got in my comfy pj's and worked some more on the baby ghan for twin girl.


Beth- To answer your question, I'm almost done with the twins blankets. I finished the boy's , then started the girls. I had to stop working on the girls when DD asked me to make a blanket for her friend- so that's when I started a ripple. After doing quite a bit I realized it was going to be too big, so stopped that and made the RR that I posted a pic of. I'm on the border now of the twin girl's blanket and then will finish the ripple and it will be Ryan's 'family room' afghan! THEN, I hope to finish the shawl I have on the hook that is for me!!!


LeeAnn- What a weekend you had. Loved the pictures you posted!!!! I sure hope you got to unwind a little, although it seems that you never stop!!!


Stacy- Hang in there- only a few more weeks and Math will be done! Is this the only math class you have to take?


Marisa- How'd it go with the new patient? Tonight the Devils play again at home at "The Rock" so hopefully they can tie up the series!!!


Have a good day!!!!

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Busy busy busy day today! I was going over it with my hubby and son, so we could figure out if there would be transportation available when needed, and the guys offered to cook dinner without me asking. Any excuse to play with fire at the grill.


Joanne, you are getting those afghans done in record time. How is the mama of the twins doing?


Marisa, good luck with the new patient. It seems like your business is growing.


LeeAnn, what a weekend! Thanks for sharing the pictures. The kids look adorable on that little bed.


Stacy, the end is near! You can do this.


Today my dd finishes her art history class. I am introducing the new ballet "boss" to some of the local businesses that we use, I am tutoring Shrimp Boy an extra day, I am taking dd to her final exam, I am meeting old ballet "boss" to write out paychecks, and I am working at the studio for a couple of hours. I'm tired just thinking of it. I hope everybody has a good one! :hug :hug :hug :hug :hug

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Good Morning friends!


It really is morning :morcoffee


Joanne-ouch! That was a long day for you, :hug however it is nice to go home and put pj's on and relax. Can't wait to see your finished ghans, fast fast fast.


Beth-oh my! You have a super busy day on tap! wow! Hope the new ballet mistress can get the hang of it and that the old one feels better. How are you allergies? Hope they are calming down. And how sweet of your kiddos to fix dinner. Dh loves grilling too. :devil Your necklace sounds lovely as well. Thank you so very much for your order, will get it shipped out today. :clap


Marisa-how was the new patient? hope he/she made it in. I haven't read the Hunger Games, but my ds has and said they were excellent books.


Yesterday in between laundry and a bit of cleaning, I was able to soap and candle, my two favorite things to do. I made The Power Of FLOWER Soaps, they are pretty awesome if I do say so myself. I saw a recipe for them but decided to tweak it until I liked it, changed the ingredients up a bit, the fragrance and such and VIola! They smell heavenly..:c9 Also made 5 of the packages of tarts. Have to label those today before I can post them, they were fun too. Have a long list of tarts that are floating around in my head.


Other than that, the usual...running errands, cooking, ds had a "snow day" the server that his on line school uses was hit by lightening, so he had the day off. He was super excited.


Today I am meeting my mom for lunch and then running a few errands, best get the house tidied up. Hugs n squishes!

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:hi all!


Just popping in to say hello! I have to get the girls to school early today so Isabella and her friend can go back and show the teacher their dance. Then it's off to school. The end is in sight! :lol I'll be back later with individual hellos (you all are so busy! I can't keep up! :eek)


Have a great one!

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


I can't believe I didn't get in this morning :eek I've been trying to get stuff together and organized to see what else needs to be done yet for my mall event next week :think


My new patient has a lot of other stuff going on, but the visit went well :D


Joanne - Sorry to hear that you missed craft club again :hug


Beth - Hopefully you make through your busy day without any hiccups and :yay for the boys grilling


LeeAnn - Wow, you always have so much going on, I don't know how you keep your head attached :eek Too funny about ds's snow day :lol The Hunger Games is very good, I finished the 2nd book in a day and a half and started the 3rd last night. It's quite addicting :eek


Stacy - I hope Isabellas routine is now long enough for the talent show :xfin Counting down to the end of classes :yes

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Hi all,


Beth- I should finish the baby blanket tonight. The mom of the twins is still on bedrest and had a f/u appointment today- I'll check in with DD tomorrow night and see if she heard any updates.


Stacy- The end is near!! How'd Isabella and her friend do? Are they in the show?


LeeAnn- Wow- you think I'm busy? You are one busy lady too!!!


Marisa- You sure are reading through those books quickly. I've heard lots of people at work talking about them and saying how good they are. I haven't had much time for reading lately- my free time has been spent on making baby blankets!!!


Off to watch the Devils hockey game- hope they can tie the series up tonight!!!

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Well, today has been one of those days. :ohdear Early this morning, I had a run-in with a woman from the building next door about the dogs. She accused me of not cleaning up after them, but I've never even seen her before. So then I took the girls to school early, we found out that Mia did not get into the talent show. Then we saw the teacher in charge and she said that the list was already made and Isabella and her friend could not try out again. :angry I was angry, since she had told me that they could. So Isabella was in tears before she even got to class. Poor kiddos. Eva's teacher asked me to take 5 plums for their Hungry Caterpillar party tomorrow, and would you believe plums won't be in season for 2 more weeks?! :eek So now I have to figure out something else to take. :sigh It's just a bunch of little things that add up...I know none of them are serious, but I just hate to see my kiddos so sad. :(




Joanne, sorry to hear you didn't make it to craft club. Can't wait to see those baby blankets.


Marisa, you are flying through those books! I've heard they are really good- no time to read here, though. :lol Have you seen the movie? Or are you waiting to finish the books first?


Leeann, I saw your tarts on Etsy! You go, girl!! Do the tarts have a maximum burn time? I leave my warmer on all day when I am home, but I've seen some that say they can only be heated for 4 hours at a time. The boy scout camp sure sounds fun! But it would have been nice to have a small amount of relaxation time. Glad you guys had a great family weekend!


Beth, how'd it go with the 'bosses?' So sweet of your guys to offer to grill. :manyheart How did dd's last class go? Did she have a final?


Well, I better scoot and get the gang ready for bed. Love and hugs!

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Well, today has been one of those days. :ohdear Early this morning, I had a run-in with a woman from the building next door about the dogs. She accused me of not cleaning up after them, but I've never even seen her before. So then I took the girls to school early, we found out that Mia did not get into the talent show. Then we saw the teacher in charge and she said that the list was already made and Isabella and her friend could not try out again. :angry I was angry, since she had told me that they could. So Isabella was in tears before she even got to class. Poor kiddos. Eva's teacher asked me to take 5 plums for their Hungry Caterpillar party tomorrow, and would you believe plums won't be in season for 2 more weeks?! :eek So now I have to figure out something else to take. :sigh It's just a bunch of little things that add up...I know none of them are serious, but I just hate to see my kiddos so sad. :(

that's one of the hardest things about being a Mom!!! We never want to see our kids sad- even when they are grown up!!



Joanne, sorry to hear you didn't make it to craft club. Can't wait to see those baby blankets. I finished the twin girls blanket last night. It was too dark to take pics---plus I was watching my Devils win!!!!


Marisa, you are flying through those books! I've heard they are really good- no time to read here, though. :lol Have you seen the movie? Or are you waiting to finish the books first?


Leeann, I saw your tarts on Etsy! You go, girl!! Do the tarts have a maximum burn time? I leave my warmer on all day when I am home, but I've seen some that say they can only be heated for 4 hours at a time. The boy scout camp sure sounds fun! But it would have been nice to have a small amount of relaxation time. Glad you guys had a great family weekend!


Beth, how'd it go with the 'bosses?' So sweet of your guys to offer to grill. :manyheart How did dd's last class go? Did she have a final?


Well, I better scoot and get the gang ready for bed. Love and hugs!


Happy Hump Day everyone!!!! Three more days, and then I'm headed to Beantown!!!!:clap

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Hi all,


Marisa- You sure are reading through those books quickly. I've heard lots of people at work talking about them and saying how good they are. I haven't had much time for reading lately- my free time has been spent on making baby blankets!!!


Off to watch the Devils hockey game- hope they can tie the series up tonight!!!


:lol I still have to get back to my mcal border :eek It got tossed aside for the 2 baby blankets I whipped out and then I started the books and just can't put them down. I'm 2/3 through the 3rd book, so soon enough I'll have it finished and my life can return to normal :think:lol




Well, today has been one of those days. :ohdear Early this morning, I had a run-in with a woman from the building next door about the dogs. She accused me of not cleaning up after them, but I've never even seen her before. So then I took the girls to school early, we found out that Mia did not get into the talent show. Then we saw the teacher in charge and she said that the list was already made and Isabella and her friend could not try out again. :angry I was angry, since she had told me that they could. So Isabella was in tears before she even got to class. Poor kiddos. Eva's teacher asked me to take 5 plums for their Hungry Caterpillar party tomorrow, and would you believe plums won't be in season for 2 more weeks?! :eek So now I have to figure out something else to take. :sigh It's just a bunch of little things that add up...I know none of them are serious, but I just hate to see my kiddos so sad. :(




Marisa, you are flying through those books! I've heard they are really good- no time to read here, though. :lol Have you seen the movie? Or are you waiting to finish the books first?


Well, I better scoot and get the gang ready for bed. Love and hugs!


:hug :hug :hug That is horrible and those are all things that should've been avoided. When it comes to your girls age, first of all...they shouldn't have to try out for a talent show but should be allowed to enter if they want to do it :think


The books are addicting :eek I didn't not yet see the movie. I was supposed to go with my sister when she went, but had a new patient :D But she wanted to see the movie first because she always ends up analyzing it too much in comparison to the book and dislikes the movie. So, I purposely didn't get it on the nook until she saw it :lol I prefer to read the book first, but it doesn't much matter to me. I accept the differences :lol


Happy Hump Day everyone!!!! Three more days, and then I'm headed to Beantown!!!!:clap



You totally deserve to get away :hug

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Good afternoon friends!


Stacy-it is always lovely to see your purple posts. :manyheart So sorry to hear about your dd..some things are just not right. Makes me upset when my kiddos are sad too. Hang in there! The tarts can be melted for longer than four hours..but I think with both tarts and candles you shouldn't burn them for longer than a couple of hours. It sounds funny but each fragrance has a flash point..once you reach it..pooof! The fragrance disappears. My mom leaves her tarts on 24/7 and goes thru them like water. I will keep mine lit but then turn them off for a few hours in between. This seems to help keep the fragrance longer.


Joanne-wohoohoo! I bet you are excited about your upcoming trip to Beantown, fun for sure! Will you be driving?


Beth-what's a shakin bacon? How has your day been?


Marisa-books can be soo addicting! I hear ya..when I get into a good book, I tend to loose focus on life, isn't it great?


picked up dd as today was early release also went grocery shopping before. I am thinking of creating a sales flyer to help boost my sales. What do you all think?


best go clean those bathrooms..uggghhh but I guess it must be done.


hugs n squishes!

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Hi all,


I had to run early today (we were out of wet cat food, and they will REBEL if they don't get it, and there are so many of them...) so I went to WalMart at 5 a.m. a friend bought me gluten free Bisquick there once, so I went looking for it, and found a fairly impressive gluten free section. I had to get a few items to try, plus the Bisquick, so I am all excited to do some baking.


Joanne, Happy Hump Day, only by the time you read this, you'll be over the hump and on your way to weekend! I am amazed that you finished the baby blanket, and I can't wait to see pics.


Stacy, I hope you dds aren't too disappointed. Did you figure out a substitute for the plums?


Marisa, I had to quit reading because I just won't put down a book. Please let us know how well you think the movie coincides with the books. I'm always curious to know.


LeeAnn, thanks for making my mom's mother's day gift. I think she'll really enjoy the soap.


I have been enjoying a day off, after yesterday's busy-ness, but getting absolutely nothing of value accomplished. Oh, I got another student for tutoring. My new boss's son is struggling in Algebra. I am going to work with him on Saturday. She also asked me to make her a shrug like my dd's. I told her to give me the yarn that she wants, and I'll be happy to crochet it for her.

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Leeann, thanks for the tip! Now that you mention it...I usually leave mine on for only a couple of hours, then turn it off. Well lately I have been leaving it on longer and longer (sometimes I just plain forget that it's on :blush) and I have been going through them much more quickly. :think Who knew? :lol I think a flyer is a great idea! :cheer


Marisa, the reason they "try out" is that most kids will just go in there in groups and try to make up a dance on the spot, and end up just telling each other what to do the whole time. The teacher is only given a few days where the kids can stay after school and put the whole show together, so I guess they only want kids who already know what they are doing. :think Oh, well. It's great that you can read the books and see the movies, and accept the differences. I have not seen the HP movies because everyone says so many details were left out. I am a judg-er. :rofl


Joanne, happy hump day! Your trip to Beantown is almost here! Woot, woot!


Beth, have fun tutoring. I am always impressed by the selection of gf that Wal-mart sells! Who knew? What are you going to bake?


So...we got ready early and went to Von's by the girls' school- no plums. I bought red pears instead. Then on a whim I stopped by the Mexican grocery store across the street (should have went there first, but I digress) and guess what? Plums. :eek When we got to school I told Eva's teacher about our hunt and she said, "Oh, I knew they would be difficult to find, but you could have substituted. We aren't picky." Really? She couldn't have mentioned that yesterday? Anyway...we now have a new fruit to try, since I am keeping the pears. (They were expensive! :lol)


I stayed at Eva's school for the party and it was so cute! The kids were super excited, they had made paper butterflies and caterpillars yesterday to wear on their shirts today. :manyheart

I have a page of math left, then I am going to start on my Relaxed Cardi for the CAL. :clap (Marisa, I saw that you posted- are you planning to make one?)


Gotta scoot- love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug:hug

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Just a quick stop before I head out for the day.


Beth - my sister said that some of the differences between this book and movie are the order that things happen in and that the lovestory is played up alot more in the book.


Stacy - I love HP!!! I like to read the books first because of all the details that don't get into the movie :lol I feel like I know more of what's going on, like I'm in a secret club or something :think:rofl I just accept that if they always put everything into the movie....it may as well be a few year tv series :lol I probably will not make the cardigan/shrug, I just don't have the time. My friend having the twins should find out the genders in a couple weeks so then I'll have 2 more baby ghans to make. And I have signed up with volunteer to help at about 6-7 charity walks coming up. Going to events with the professional group as well. Plus, I'm heading to Tampa at the end of the month for my cousins graduation :whew I just don't think I can commit to it right now :shrug


:hi Joanne and LeeAnn


See you all tomorrow

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Good morning.


Joanne, happy Almost Friday day to you! Your week in Paradise is almost over.


LeeAnn, Nice to know why you are only supposed to burn candles for a short time. I finally used up the pina colada one you sent me. Can you remember how long it's been? It was a great candle.


Marisa, thanks for the info on the Hunger Games. I thought the Harry Potter movies didn't need to be any longer. I thought they did a good job of sticking to the books, for all they could. Kind of like reading the Reader's Digest Condensed Version of the book -- the plot is mostly there, but a lot of details, and some minor parts of the story line, are left out.


Stacy, I understand why the teachers make the kids audition, it also prohibits smarty-pants from coming in front of everyone and burping the ABC's, or something like that. I think it is wrong for the teacher to say the girls could do a longer performance, then change her mind. Those girls worked very hard under a time constraint, and should have been rewarded for their efforts.


Well, my son has his first day of work at the YMCA today. I've been so busy with the ballet company, I"m not even sure I told you he got the call from them, called the city and respectfully declined that job, and has been doing paperwork and training for the Y. I am happy. It's close, it's a safe environment, and he has friends who work there.


I also don't know if I told you I'm going to be tutoring my new boss's son. She seemed taken aback when she heard what I charge, but it is less than a certified tutor would charge, and I am good at what I do.

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Good morning!


I got home late again last night- had something to eat and decided to take a little 'power nap'- well the power nap turned into a full night's sleep!!! Guess I was tired!!!


Read the posts, but need to get ready since our vendor is in town and I have lots to do- So happy that it's almost the weekend!!!


Will try and post more tonight after work!!


Hugs to all!

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Beth- That's great that DS got the job at the Y!!! And congrats on your new student to tutor. You are worth every cent that you charge!!!! You could probably make tutoring your part time job!!!!


Another gray rainy day here today- pics of baby ghan will be taken when there is better light- I need all the help I can get with my photography! LOL

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Good morning ladies :hi


Joanne - cut and paste.....I'm kind of in a hurry today and have a lot to get done before I need to leave AND I'd like to not miss my workout since I didn't yesterday :eek


So, I found out that while my SILs sister bought a ticket for her....it did not come with a round trip/return flight :eek Don't ask! Anyhow, while she was already on the plane coming home my brother did find a reasonable flight back on the 12th so she'll be around for a week and a half so I'm hoping in between her crazy schedule with the grieving of her family that my mom will get a little time with them as well, which she's not really expecting so if it doesn't get fit in I don't think she'll be too torn up.


So the 3 boys thought they were coming too and immediately started pulling out their suitcases and deciding what to pack to bring to Pennsylvania :lol Well, when they told them that only mommy and madeline were going they all started screaming, wailing, crying in hysteria :( They all pulled out their money and got it all together and counted it together (they are 8, 6, and almost 4) and came up with 170 and change and decided that maybe just one of them could go and among themselves decided it would be the youngest because he was crying the hardest! Now I know why my mom was heartbroken that they weren't coming too :(


My dad needs a CV by tomorrow, his supervisor is retiring and they are looking to fill that spot and my dad is going to apply but thinks they'd be stupid to give it to him since he only has a couple years left as well. I said not really because he wouldn't need to be trained and then it would buy them more time on finding a long term candidate and then they can pay someone else less to do his job :think Anyhow, he just told us last night and I have to leave here by 3:30 at the latest today.


I heard back from the 2 walks/runs. Today's I have to be there by 4:30 and then the Marathon on Sunday starts at 7am, so I have to be there at 5:30 am!!! :eek Oh boy :sigh

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Marisa- Thanks for the "cut and paste alert";) Hope it went well this evening!


Had a decent day and I'm home, dinner is done, laundry is on and only one more day till I have 4 days off!!!:clap


Getting ready to watch the Devils hockey game---so glad I got a good night sleep last night!!


Hope you ALL had a good day!:hug

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Leeann, I just read on FB that you are attending a Velata/Scentsy party! :clap You'll have to let me know if the Velata is yummy- my Scentsy consultant lives in Kansas. :eek So I can't really try it. :lol


Marisa, how sad for your nephews! :( It is so sweet that they were trying to pool their money so one of them could go. :manyheart Good luck with the run/walks. :h5


Joanne, it's almost time for your weekend getaway! :woo I'm sure you cannot wait for a break from the craziness of Paradise.


Beth, good luck with the tutoring. It's wonderful that you know you are good at what you do. :manyheart Congrats to your son for getting the Y job! Awesome-ness...so does that mean you get a family membership now? :devil


I spoke with my dear old-man friend today. :manyheart He had some health scares in the beginning of the year and I hadn't heard from him, I was actually beginning to worry. Dh called him a couple weeks ago but he didn't return the call. Today he called about half an hour before my class started, so we spoke for a while. It was so nice to hear from him- I am planning to have him over for dinner next week.

Dh is at school tonight so it is just the girls and me. I am planning to take a small break from math and start my cardi tonight. :clap I haven't crocheted in a couple weeks (since spring break, actually!) and I am itching to make something. :lol


Well I need to scoot and get dinner ready. Love and hugs!

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Hello again!


Thought I'd stop in before heading off to bed. I took some pictures of the girls with Zhu-Zhu tonight, and when I connected the camera to the computer, there were 1031 photos to transfer! :eek:eek:eek It's been working for 10 minutes already and is only at 300 or so. :lol


The girls and I just puttered around tonight. I spent lots of time on FB :blush and :hook a little. The girls all wanted to stay up to wait for dh but they fell asleep about 10 minutes ago. Poor dears. Tomorrow will be busy, though- pizza after school, then Mia's soccer practice, and Eva's pajama story time at her school. So hopefully they will get lots of Daddy time then. :manyheart

Well, that is all from here. Good night!!

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Stacy, they say there's something special between little girls and their daddys. :heart They must have been tired to fall asleep before your hubby got home. I hope you enjoy your busy day tomorrow.


Joanne, happy Friday! Beantown, here you come! So will you walk with an extra spring in your step all day, looking forward to your escape from Paradise?


LeeAnn, can't wait to hear about the Scentsy party. I hope you have fun.


Marisa, Your nephews sound so sweet and considerate. Poor dears, it must have been hard for them to hear they weren't coming. So sweet that they tried to get a ticket for the youngest. I hope they end up having a special fun time with their dad while mom and sister are gone.


Happy Friday. I need to tackle some of the work that's been piling up around the house while I've been exhausting myself with the ballet studio stuff.

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Good morning and TGIF!!!


Beth- Oh, yes, there will be an extra spring in my step today!!! The Devils won a great hockey game last night, my laundry is all done--all that's left is a day in Paradise, then packing tonight. Very excited to be escaping from Paradise for a few days, but more importantly to be spending time with my DD!!!


Stacy- Hope you have a GREAT day today with the kiddos- and the activities!! That's so cute how they tried to wait up for their Daddy--makes my heart feel good!!


LeeAnn- Anything exciting planned for your weekend?


Marisa- How did it go last night?


Off to get ready!!! Have a fabulous day!

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Good Morning Friends!


Joanne-woohooo! So happy that you are headed to Beantown to spend time with your dd and escape Paradise..fun fun fun! Have a lovely time! Will you get to go see any sporting events?


Beth-so glad that your mom liked her package and that it got their super fast:D Our postal service here rocks! Congratulations to your DS for getting the job, does he love it? Bet you are sprinkling your house with love? (cleaning) that how I try to remind myself that it's not work. :devil What crochet projects are you working on?


Marisa-have a fun filled weekend! know you are going to be super busy.


Stacy-your dd's are just adorable! The Scentsy party is next week. I am excited, there are two actually. I think I will go to the one closer to home. My other great friend Stacy is a Scentsy host..she is awesome! She loves what she does and sells like crazy.


Yesterday was an off day for me..felt out of sorts really. I think I was feeling a bi overwhelmed with the busyness of it all. I feel much better today. I took my mom out to lunch yesterday for a late b-day gift. She has such a busy schedule as well. Today I am meeting a few friends from the Migrant for lunch at Kathi's house, have to also run ds back into town this evening to deliver soil (boy scouts) tomorrow he has another scouting event and dd has a b-day party that she wants to attend but I think that is it for this weekend..hopefully. Next week...now that is a different story..I get stressed thinking of it..oh my! Something every evening and weekends too..


going to pour my self a cup of coffee and relax with hook in hand before tackling the day.


hugs n squishes!


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LeeAnn- Glad you get a little 'down' time- but it seems that more than not you are on the go-go-go!


Didn't get home till 7- and packed most of my things for my trip!! Very excited! No sporting events this time around, but her town as "Open Studio's" this weekend which should be fun to see all kinds of artistic works.


My middle DD and a friend are curating an art show in a town here in NJ tomorrow and I feel bad that I'm missing it, but I have gone to other openings of hers and have already told her that I'll be there in spirit! I had no idea when I made my plans to go to Boston. (she's really good at letting me know things at the last possible moment):lol


Off to pack the rest of my things!


Have a great weekend everyone!

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Feliz Cinco de Mayo


Joanne, have a safe trip, and have fun! It is a shame you didn't know about your other daughter's art show when you scheduled this trip. Enjoy Beantown and your time away from Paradise.


LeeAnn, you are very busy. I hope you get some down time, but I have a feeling your down time is close to my uptime. Now that "THE" sweater is done, and the baby shower is over, what is on your hook?


Marisa, I hope things go well for your dad at his job. It's difficult to hear that you are too old for a promotion you deserve. I agree with you, though. Taking advantage of his experience would be a wise move for the company.


Stacy, How was your busy Friday? It sounded like everyone would have lots of fun. I tried a new pizza crust mix that I got at WalMart (of all places) and was pleasantly surprised. And we had lots of good vegies to top it with, so it was a nice treat.


I am really looking forward to tutoring the new kid today. He is an 8th grader with a touch of ADHD and maybe some dislexia issues, but he wants to learn, and his mom swears he'll love my warped sense of humor.

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