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LeeAnn- BEAUTIFUL sweater!!! Great job on it.


Marisa- I buried 'the saint" and he didn't help me sell my house (St Joseph) Oh, well, I guess it wasn't meant to be at the time. Hopefully if LeeAnn buries him, he'll do a better job for her!


Beth and Stacy- Thinking of you!


Had a LONG day- and another one on tap for tomorrow- full of stress too---but Friday should be better so I'm looking forward to that!


Hugs to you all!

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Hi all!!


Hope all is well here! I will have to go back and catch up- I have only been gone a few days but I know you ladies are always on the go!


Leeann, your sweater is gorgeous!! :manyheart Great work!


Marisa, glad the Comcast guy got your humor. :lol


Joanne, woohoo for the weekend off to visit your dd! :cheer The art festival will be fun, I'm sure!


Beth, what's shakin' bacon? Sorry to hear about the ballet director- :xfin that you will be offered a paid position. Have fun with the spreadsheets, weirdo! LoL Just kidding. It is refreshing to hear someone who actually likes to do that kind of thing!


It's been busy here. Our first soccer practice didn't even happen because the coach never bothered to show up, and we were given the wrong time on the schedule. He didn't show up again for their game on Saturday, so one of the other parents offered to coach. Hopefully we can get back on track quickly.

Isabella had her first swim lesson and it went very well. I took the girls swimming at the Y yesterday and had her practice some things she learned. :xfin that she sticks with it this time.

School is going okay. (Beth, we still have 4 weeks left.) I had another math exam and got an 87%, which brings my overall grade up to 83%. Not an A, but way better than I thought it was. :whew

Okay, I'm going back to read through some posts. Love and hugs!

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Good early morning!

Stacy- An 83% overall grade in Math is great IMO!!! 4 more weeks and it's over!! Remember the goal is to pass and get your credits!! That's really all that matters!!!Crossing fingers that Isabella sticks with the swimming!!! That really stinks about the soccer coach not showing up. Wonder why some people offer to do something and don't follow through? I know life gets in the way sometimes, but to say you'll coach a team and then not show up disappoints the kids!!


Marisa- Hope you have enough yarn to finish the border on your mcal afghan!!! I didn't do a stitch of crocheting last night. I had a headache and opted to go to bed, put the tv on and promptly fell asleep! Got a good night's sleep, but here I am up earlier than usual, but feel so much better.


Beth- Interested to hear how it went with the ballet studio. Any crocheting with your IRL friend at the park coming up?


LeeAnn- Again, I must say, I love that sweater and the color you used. Good luck with the house sale!!!


Today is a day that will be very stressful, but I'm ready to take it on!! And then tonight its game 7 of the Devils playoff run. Win or go home time! I'm not happy that the game doesn't start till 8:30 though. I'm thinking a nap before the game may in order!!


I'm taking a Tunisian crochet class at the LYS that opened up a couple of months ago this Saturday! It's being taught by Mary Beth Temple who wrote "Hooked for Life- The Adventures of a Crochet Zealot". I'm really looking forward to it!!


Have a good day all!

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Morning, all.


I am sorry I didn't pop in yesterday. When I got up at 3 in the morning, I made a hat, instead of getting on the computer. Then I went back to bed after sending dh off to work, and woke up running late.


Joanne, happy almost Friday to you. I think Tunisian crochet sounds most interesting. I'm looking forward to hearing how you like it.


Stacy, Good job on the math scores! A B is a happy grade. Boo to the coach who didn't show, but Hooray for the parent who stepped up. 4 weeks will be gone before you know it.


LeeAnn, the sweater is lovely. You did a good job on it. Love the details on the front.


Marisa, I've been known to pull out borders, and recrochet the whole thing tighter, to make the yarn last all the way around. I hope yours works OK for you. The ComCast story is a hoot.


The ballet meeting was pretty good. I could get a little paycheck if things go well next year. I am pretty sure I don't want to work for the possibility of a small paycheck, though. I think I'll try to get back into substitute teaching.

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Top of the morning friends!


Joanne-it's almost Friday and one of your favorite teams will be playing this evening..something great to look forward to for sure! Hope Paradise flies by and you are home in a blink of an eye. Glad that your headache feels better too. :hug I tried Tunisan crochet, it was fun! Will you start with a small project? Can't wait to hear the juicy details.:lol


Marisa-I am Catholic but have never heard of burying a saint in the yard??? :think That is kind neat, will have to ask my inlaws about that one. Did you have enough yarn to go around the ghan? sure hope so! Nothing is worse than running out a few inches short. And your comment to the Comcast guy :laughrollhilarious! It's nice to get a chuckle out of someone isn't it?


Beth-ohh laa laaa subbing? you are brave and oh so wonderful to take that task on. I am positive you will do a fantastic job! what delicious crochet projects are you working on?


Stacy-you are doing an amazing job keeping up with everything, your math grade is WONDERFUL! I can't imagine how you and dh both go to school and take care of your awesome kiddos..hats of to you both.:hug


Today I am working on the last of the laundry and getting packed for our trip, might pour a few waffles (candle tarts) this is going to be my first attempt at them but since my mom and I both love the Sensi tarts, this is better for the environment, cheaper and I can add them to my shop as well.


guess I had better get a move on it. hugs n squishes!

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


I got in late today since I did laundry this morning, usually on Thursdays :) Not much exciting going on here today. I have a haircut tonight so I'm excited to get the bulk cut out :yes


I worked on my mcal border last night and didn't make it all the way so I pulled it out and then just did a round of hdc. Now what to do for the next rounds of the other colors :think


Joanne - Was you saint blessed? (Just curious) The tunisian class sounds like just what the doctor ordered for you to get in some 'me' time :wink


Stacy - That is absolutely horrible that the coach didn't show for practice or the game :eek Glad to hear that Isabella's swim class went well though. You are doing great in your math class :clap:yay


Beth - Good luck with the subbing :xfin Glad to hear the meeting went well, but not exactly what you were looking for. What kind of hat did you make?


LeeAnn - I couldn't remember which saint it was, but Joanne says St. Joseph and that sounds right :lol Have fun making your 'waffles' :)

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Hi all!


Beth, I agree- with all the work you do for the ballet studio, a small paycheck doesn't sound like a very fair reward. Good luck with the subbing- you are a brave woman!


Joanne, :xfin that you made it through your hectic day safely. Have fun watching the game. A nap sounds wonderful.


Marisa, good luck getting all of the other colors to make it around your 'ghan.


Leeann, are you making the little blocks that are like the Scentsy? I love them!! Which fragrances are you making? As for the saint, I've always heard you should bury it upside down. :think:shrug Good luck!


Isabella and her friend tried out for the school talent show today. They did well but their routine was only 40 seconds long! :eek I had no idea. The mother of the friend had told me that it was good but that she didn't really watch them practice much. The teacher in charge of it pulled me aside and said she loves the concept of their routine (karate moves to a pop song) but that it must be longer. If they can get it worked out by Tuesday, they will be in.


I have a boatload of homework this weekend, and some cleaning to do. I don't think we are going anywhere. Dh also has a math test- it's a take-home one, but I'm sure he'll spend most of the weekend working on it.


Well, I better scoot and make dinner. Dh is at school, so we are having breakfast for dinner. Yum!

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Good morning! It was so nice to go back to bed after sending off the hubby, and sleeping as long as I wanted! My younger ds is at City Hall, taking a drug test for his job. I hope he does OK, he didn't study!:rofl


Joanne, double Hooray! It's Friday, and your team won!:cheer I hope Paradise is good to you today, since you didn't get as much sleep as usual.


Stacy, I hope Isabella and her friend work out their talent routine. It sounds very cool. Good luck with getting the cleaning done. I'm home all the time, and my house needs a lot of love. Don't know how people do it who are students, moms, wives, etc... You rock, girl! :2rock


Marisa, I'm glad you figured out something with the border. I'm glad it went all the way around eventually. The hat I made is just a UBW hat with a ruffly brim. I am using up 2 one pound skeins of burgundy, so I've made 4 hats out of it already, so I'm trying to switch it up every time so I won't get bored. I have a regular one, one that's front post, back post, one that ends in a border of front post, back post, Then the brinned hat.


LeeAnn, Have a great day -- gotta run -- the boy needs to go to a medical center for his actual test, and he doesn't know where it is.


Whoosh! (Darn, my broom doesn't seat two, so we'll have to take the minivan.)

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Good morning ladies :hi


Not much to report today. I got a haircut after work last night, it was starting to look a little shaggy :lol When I got home I had a bite to eat and then read until bed. This morning I watched American Idol from last night before I left the house.


Joanne - :yay for the Devil's It must have been an exciting game and with a win like that, you're right that the loss of sleep is worth it :lol


Stacy - You're right, the saint should be upside down and I believe facing a certain direction, although I can't remember if it's toward the house or away from the house :think I hope Isabella and her friends can extend their routine :xfin


Beth - Uh oh....I hope ds does well too without studying :rofl:wink I like the UBW hats and that's a great idea for switching them up a bit :yes

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Morning friends!


Joanne-so glad that your team won and that it is FRIDAY!:elle:elle:elle


Stacy-your dd's are adorable! Didn't get a chance to make the Scentsy tarts..can't believe how I misspelled it..I must be tired. :lol What fragrances do you think I should start off with?


Beth-:Dhappy that you were able to sleep in..wonderful!


Marisa-bet you already have plans for the weekend, have fun!


Well my friends we are all packed up and ready to head out the door. Will make sure to take lots of pics to share with all of you. Have a great weekend! Talk to you all on Monday!


hugs n squishes!:hug

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Hi all,

Beth-Hope your son passed his test without studying!:lol Did you have pizza night last night? I went out to dinner at Olive Garden with a couple of friends from work and it was lots of fun.


Marisa- It was an exciting game and I'm happy that the first game of the 2nd round is Sunday @3!! Against the Flyers!!! Of course I thought of you since they are playing the Flyers--When we all went to the hockey game for DD's birthday, the Devils played the Flyers and won, so at least I know they can beat them. The Flyers are a good team. It should be a fun series!


LeeAnn- Hope you have a fabulous weekend and 'talk to you' on Monday!


Stacy- Isabella and her friend's skit sounds cute- hope they are able to lengthen it so they can be in the show! Anything on your hooks lately?


Time to pour another cup of coffee and start the cleaning ritual- I'm only doing the bare necessities this morning since I'm heading out for Tunisian Crochet Class that starts at 10! Looking forward to learning how to do it.


I am on round 20 of the RR for my DD's friend and I'm thinking maybe 2-3 more rounds and calling it done. I want to give it to her this weekend since her friend's shower is next weekend. Not sure how much practicing I'll get in with the tunisian since I then have to finish the large solid granny and MY shawl!:)

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Good morning, all.


Joanne, good luck with the cleaning ritual. Enjoy the tunisian class. I hope you get a lot done on your crochet to-do list. It's amazing how fast you flew through the round ripple.


LeeAnn, have a fun weekend. Can't wait to hear all about it.


Marisa, how's the new 'do? I love a good haircut. Brightens up the whole day.


Stacy, got any fun plans with the girly girls this weekend? How was swimming?

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Hey ladies,


Just dropping in far a quick hello and how do ya do :)


We're heading across the street for a Tastefully Simple party this afternoon and then an indoor football game later on, which ive never been to before :bounce


Joanne, I'll be rooting for the Devils with you :yes. And watch out because the refs seemed to be favoring the Flyers a bit :eek. There were a few times they called something on us but when they did the same thing, no call :shrug I'll admit that I don't know all the rules of hockey and have a hard time following the puck, but everyone else that I was watching with is :lol and they would see what's going on.


Beth, my do didn't change much although he did go a bit shorter in the back than im used to, but it does feel so good after a good cutting :lol


LeeAnn, safe travels :hug

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I stayed up late last night for the craziest reason. Here I am, almost 48 years old, married to an almost 50-year-old, and we stayed up late, so i could help him finish a level in his video game. My allergy alarm clock woke me up still-dark and early, though. I am tempted to pop a Benadryl, and get some really good, deep sleep, but I need to get my shopping done today.


I hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday. I have to say, I'm really looking forward to this football season. I am excited about the 'Skins drafting RG3. He seems to have a lot of talent, brains, and work ethic.

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Good morning!!


Thanks for the chuckle, Beth!!! The Skins did make a good draft pick and I'm pleased as well with the Giants picks (and they had last pick since they are the Super Bowl Champs) Looking forward to football season myself, but first, things first!!! Let's Go Devils!! First game at 3 today!


Marisa- I think you are right about the ref's==I've seen some questionable calls throughout the playoff games I've watched. The Devils have to bring their "A" game, and Brodeur has to be spot on for them to have a chance to win against the Flyers. It'll be fun to watch while it lasts though. Hope you had fun at the Tastefully Simple party. I've never been to an indoor football game and I'm curious to hear what you thought of it.


LeeAnn- Hope you are enjoying yourself this weekend!


Stacy- I chuckled at your post on FB about your "exciting" Saturday night!! Ahhh, the life of a great mom!!!


The tunisian class was fun and Mary Beth Temple was a great teacher- she is really laid back and fun!!! I like tunisian, but not the way it curls. Definitely would work better in a natural fiber rather than acrylic so that you would be able to block it.


Had a nice time with Ryan and after he fell asleep for the night, I was able to finish the RR!! So happy that's done- now to hopefully finish the large solid granny today!


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Good afternoon ladies :hi


I made a run over to the office to vacuum, plus I just felt like getting out and away a bit :shrug But I have a new patient coming in tomorrow and possibly my hairdresser to do a little video. He shoots little snippet videos, somewhat on the viral side of the spectrum although of course mine has to keep a certain level of professionalism and they play at his salon all day. I haven't gotten a positive confirmation on this yet though, but want to be prepared.....you know, with clean floors and all :lol


I stayed up late last night for the craziest reason. Here I am, almost 48 years old, married to an almost 50-year-old, and we stayed up late, so i could help him finish a level in his video game. My allergy alarm clock woke me up still-dark and early, though. I am tempted to pop a Benadryl, and get some really good, deep sleep, but I need to get my shopping done today.


I hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday. I have to say, I'm really looking forward to this football season. I am excited about the 'Skins drafting RG3. He seems to have a lot of talent, brains, and work ethic.


That's awesome! I love it :yes It's the little things


Good morning!!


Marisa- I think you are right about the ref's==I've seen some questionable calls throughout the playoff games I've watched. The Devils have to bring their "A" game, and Brodeur has to be spot on for them to have a chance to win against the Flyers. It'll be fun to watch while it lasts though. Hope you had fun at the Tastefully Simple party. I've never been to an indoor football game and I'm curious to hear what you thought of it.


The tunisian class was fun and Mary Beth Temple was a great teacher- she is really laid back and fun!!! I like tunisian, but not the way it curls. Definitely would work better in a natural fiber rather than acrylic so that you would be able to block it.


Had a nice time with Ryan and after he fell asleep for the night, I was able to finish the RR!! So happy that's done- now to hopefully finish the large solid granny today!


The Tastefully Simple party was alot of fun. Then we headed into town for the game. Well Joanne, for people like you and me who LOVE 'real' football.....let's just say I don't need to go to another :no It seems almost like a joke and I hate to say that. But, the field is a quarter of a football field, they can play off the net, there are no sidelines and the coaches were just on the field. I think if I was nieve to football, it would have been great. But, the whole thing just seemed very strange to me :think:shrug We all kind of felt the same way.


Glad to hear that your class went well :yay WTG on the rr, it's gorgeous and good luck with your granny today :cheer

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Joanne, love the round ripple. can't wait to see the granny. I hope you get a nice, relaxing day to work on it.


Speaking of relaxing, I didn't get moving until 11 today. It's kind of cloudy, good sleeping weather.


Marisa, too bad the indoor game wasn't very exciting. I am waiting to hear about the video. It could be a nice bit of advertising for you.


LeeAnn, thinking of you, hoping you are having such a good time.


Stacy, did the girls ever decide who was queen of the throne? I saw on facebook they were fighting over turns in the bathroom. Made me chuckle.


I have a fundraiser for the ballet company this evening. Yuck. I need to dress up for it :yuck

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Had a great time with DD and GS, even though the Devils lost!


I decided to organize all my printed out patterns today and put them in categories and then put them in sheet protectors and binders! It was quite a project, but I'm glad I did it!!! I worked on the granny while watching the game. Just have a little bit of a row left and then I'm going to border it. So that 'll be done really soon!!!


Beth- Hope the fundraiser went very well--especially since you had to get dressed up for it!!!


Stacy and LeeAnn- Hope you had a good Sunday!!!

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Joanne, wow! You are going to have another afghan done soon. You are flying through those. I've lost count: did you get the twin baby afghans both done already?


Marisa, LeeAnn, and Stacy, if I were a little more awake, I'd send you individual greetings, but I hope you have a good day. I get to take the hubby back to the dentist today. Glad I have a mindless crochet project to work on while he's in the back.


The fundraiser was a lot more fun than I expected. I got to hold a 5-month-old boy (So sweet!) talk to a lot of people, and I found a necklace that I love! The pendant is a glass bead shaped like a leaf with a flower imbedded inside.

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Top of the morning friends!

I am BACK! Sure did miss all of you. Let me catch up with ya all first.:lol

Joanne-Wow! Can’t believe you finished another ghan! :rockIs it amazing! The colors are awesome as well as your crocheting, your hooks are smokin’. Your time with gs sounds soo sweet too. Glad that you liked the tunisan class, perhaps with a scarf it would work?

Beth-Good morning! How funny that you stayed up with your dh so that he could advance to the next level on a video game. :manyheart Did he make it? That is great that you had a good weekend too. Holding babies is always fun. Did your ds decide on what he wanted to do about the job/jobs? Will your kiddos be off from college classes during the summer months?

Marisa-a video of your company?:cheer What an excellent way to advertise, I hope that it works out well. Yippee for a new patient. And indoor football??? Hmmm…never heard of that before either but it does sound interesting.

Stacy-It is almost over! Woohooo! :DBet you are super excited! Your dd’s of course are the cutest and say the funniest things. I love reading about them on fb, makes me smile every time.

This weekend was BUSY! Can I just say that Boy Scouts do not waste a single minute on relaxation? We got there Friday at 4, they had us check in. We each were given a buffalo leather name tag to stamp our names on them. Dd and I loved that part! Crafters for life, is what dd says. After check in, we were given our cabin number. Everything is a bit spread out..can’t believe that most folks walk back and forth..yikes! lots of walking, good but tiring. Anyhow we checked in then had dinner outdoors. A BBQ, then it was off to the Gathering Room for a Meet N Greet. We were each given a paper and pencil then had to ask other’s questions to fill it out. My kiddos really got into it. After introductions and such, we went over the Itinerary and then sang a few songs..had what they call a “Cracker Barrel” snacks :lolthen were broken up into teams for an outdoor Scavenger Hunt. We had to use flashlights, it was fun! Our other team members really got into it. We came in second. Then after that, more songs..finally bedtime at 10. The next morning we had to check in at 7 a.m…yupppers! They are up when the sun rises. We had breakfast then a flag ceremony. Then dh and ds went off to work on First Aide and a rocket making activity while dd and I went to meet up with the “girls” group. We thought we were going to do more crafting but the leaders decided that we should go on a nature walk..She said,..”it’s only 1 mile well maybe 1 ½ miles one way!! Oh my! Dd and I were not extremely eager but decided to make the best of it..we walked and walked and walked. We saw a few deer, birds and lots of cactus. After the Nature Walk, we went back and the children made rockets out of baking soda and vinegar..what fun! Then it was lunch..a tour of a Mansion, launching of the rocket ships, shopping at the Trading Post, back for the Flag Ceremony, dinner, another Gathering,…more songs…and finally a concert. That was soo neat! The one man band was fantastic! He had a variety of music that he sang well. Have a pic of dh and dd cutting a rug as well as ds too..then it was off to bed at 10:30.yesterday back up at 5:30, flags at 7:15 then breakfast and another walk..then it we were supposed to go to church and then have a final gathering..well after breakfast and our walk..we all were SOO DONE..we decided to cut out early and do a little bit of site seeing on our own and relax on the trip home..whew! I must say, it was exhausting, the folks were really nice and the activities were great..but I think a teeny tiny bit of down time would have been much appreciated.


On our way home, we saw bison, here's a pic. It was a curvy ride down a tight and windy pass, but all in all it was a great weekend. Did get home and wash almost all of the laundry.:) today I am going to work on soaping, have you all seen Ollie? He's my new octopus friend, I love him!


guess I had better scoot, dd had another field trip to the Great Sand Dunes today, got her and dh our the door..poor gal, she is burning her candle on both ends. I had her take a nap yesterday after we got home...she has a busy week.


hugs n squishes! here are a few pics that I wanted to share with you. My kiddos look soo cute laying in the BIG bed..I thought they looked like Raggaddy Ann and Andy.




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Good morning ladies :hi


Not much going on here. I read most of the 2nd Hunger Games book yesterday and only have 2 chapters left....guess I better buy the 3rd :shrug


Joanne - Sorry the Devil's lost, they are creating a record for themselves though with going into OT. WTG on your granny and pattern organization :h5


Beth - Glad to hear the fundraiser went well and you found that necklace, it sounds beautiful :yes I hope dh's dentist appt goes well.


LeeAnn - Wow! What a whirwind of a weekend for you :eek You're right, a bit of downtime would have been nice :yes I hope dd makes it though her busy week alright :hug

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