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Evening my friends!


Beth-ooooohhhh laaaaa laaaaa! Wantsie alert!!!! LOVE love the hooded shawl. Great work! Too bad we do not live closer, I would scarf it from you! :lol:lol:lol I adore the colors too!


Joanne-you sure do have a lot of projects, isn't it great? :D The weekend is almost here...one more day. :clap:cheer


Marisa-yupperss..you are amazingly fast at crocheting!


Stacy-hope you had a great day, any plans for the weekend?


The sweater that I am making is going painfully slow...grrrr...I had made the exact same sweater about 7 years ago..it's just not working up smoothly..had to frog 5 rows..backtrack..go forward..back again. Did get the back panel done, need the front and then the sleeves. Hoping that I can fly thru the rest;)


Ds is at my sister's house, my mom and brother drove up today, they asked Cristopher if he wanted to go, he was soo excited to get away from mama...:devil he finished all of his assignments, so we let him go. Dd has a field trip tomorrow. She is super excited about that. While she is away I will be cleaning and getting things tidy, have the baby shower gift bags packed just need to get the prizes together. Made a few candles for those and also have soapy goodies to add to the gift bags..tomorrow. Oh and made lego soaps today..they are selling like hotcakes! Up to 85 sales!!! woohoooo! I am shipping orders out every day, so wonderful but I am exhausted.


back to THE sweater. Before I forget, I am using RH Lipstick..had to order it on line as my sister brought me the wrong color, but am already using that yarn for another sold ghan.


hugs n squishes!

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Happy Friday everyone!!!


LeeAnn- Congrats on all the sales!!! That is great!!!! Good luck getting all that you have to get done finished!! I sure hope that the rest of the sweater goes smoothly with no more visits to the frog pond!! Enjoy the weekend- and hope DD has fun on her field trip.


Beth- How are your allergies doing? Any better? Did DS take the city job?


Marisa- Enjoy the weekend with your folks and the celebration for Bean's birthday.


Stacy- I chuckled when I saw your post on FB about going clothes shopping for the girls in their closet and finding summer wardrobes for the younger two! Used to do that all the time.


Off to get ready for Friday in Paradise. TGIF!!!!

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Joanne - "visit the frog pond" VERY funny. Happy Friday to you, my lady! I hope your day goes well.


LeeAnn - sorry the sweater is being difficult. I hope it goes smoothly the rest of the way. You have been very busy, and it's great that your store is doing so well.


Marisa - I hope you got some good networking in the young professionals meeting. Sounds like your hook is smoking. Are you letting it cool down once in a while? I can't wait to see the pic you took earlier.


Stacy - I am still doing the occaisional "shopping in the closet" for my younger son. My older son never cleans out his dresser, so when I go in there, I can sometimes find a pair of jeans too short for him that will fir the other. They have different tastes, and the same size shirt now.


Off to get my coffee! Gotta love the dd! She made it for me today, so it will be extra good.

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Hey ladies :hi


I've been running around all morning, doing laundry and errands. I dropped my car off to the guy across the street for a good washing since I just didn't feel like dealing with it :lol I had a lot of bugs from the last 3 recent trips back home :eek I ran through the wash once, but it wasn't very effective :lol


Sorry I didn't get to post my pic yesterday, for some reason the computer wouldn't read the card and I forgot to bring it today. But I did take one on my phone this morning to send to my friend. I'll email that to myself and download it from there :idea


I started the 2nd baby ghan last night and just finished the first of nine squares this morning. After I finish here, I'm going to get my hook going since I don't have any paperwork or anything really to do here today. But may as well use my time wisely until my car comes back, I told him that I'd be here til around 4. I didn't want him to feel rushed since I just called this morning to get it in :yes He just opened his business in November too, so we gotta stick together :lol


Joanne - :yay for the Devils I'm hoping the Pens do well tonight :xfin I don't think I ever remember you having so many WIPs at one time :think


Beth - Great hooded shawl, I love it :manyheart I did finish that rr in good time, started on Friday and finished Wed :D


LeeAnn - Sorry the sweater is being such a hassle :hug WTG on all your sales and orders :cheer Have fun this weekend.

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Good evening friends!


My how the day just flew by!


Joanne-Happy TGIF! What will you do with yourself this weekend? Hopefully something fun and relaxing, have a great one! I loved your Pond reference, made me giggle. Thank you, I needed that.



Beth-how was your day? how nice to shop in your son's dresser drawers..I do that sometimes with my ds, love his hoodies. :-)


Stacy-have a great weekend!


Marisa-networking is always fun, bet you are loving your squeaky clean car. :-)


today was a bit busy, but have all the soaps that I wanted to made, gift bags packed, just need to get our overnight bag then we will be set. We will be leaving early..6 a.m.


Will miss all of you, chat with ya all on Monday. Hugs n squishes!

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Hi friends!!


I'm pooped. We've had a busy couple of days already, and with BIL arriving in the morning, I don't see it slowing down. :shrug


Joanne, mocha chip sounds :drool!! I'm am polishing off a pint of Ben & Jerry's fro-yo Phish Food. Love this stuff! I hope you have a very relaxing weekend. You definitely deserve one! :hug:hug It was nice to do some shopping from home and not actually pay for anything. :lol


Leeann, have fun at the baby shower! How nice that you have a small break from the kiddos, even if you are still very busy. Hope your dd enjoyed her field trip! Where did she go?


Marisa, :cheer for networking! I can't believe you finished that ripple so fast! :eek


Beth, how nice that you are still able to do a bit of shopping from home, also. :lol Is your younger ds much shorter than your older one? The good thing here is that my younger two have a similar style of dress (as in, only dresses! rofl) Isabella hates dresses, so any that are given as gifts almost always stay in mint condition until Mia can wear them. Anywho...did you have pizza night? How are the inventions? I saw that your dd got an A+ on her project. Awesome! :cheer


I've been kind of down in the dumps lately- dh has been working long hours, and when he's not at work, he's at school. It's taking a toll on all of us, I think.

My friend IM'ed me this morning that she was giving away her other hamsters because her kids weren't interested anymore. We went to pick up two this afternoon, and one of them has died already. :( It was the one Eva picked out. :sigh I feel so bad because she was really excited to have her very own hamster. The move must have stressed it, poor thing.


Well, I am going to scoot. Mia has a soccer game bright and early tomorrow morning, and Isabella has swim lessons at noon. Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug

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Stacy, so sorry about the loss of Eva's hamster. That's tough for one so young.


We did have pizza night, with a twist. My son decided to grill the pizzas. I'm told they were very good. He says they'll get better with practice.


My oldest son is 6'6" tall. My other son is probably 6'2" or so, so there's a definite difference.


LeeAnn, I was shopping in tall son's drawers for not quite so tall son. I think I cleared out all the 34 inch inseams, though, so that's over. I'm too wide to fit in my sons' clothes, but I can still "borrow" from my dh.:devil

Have fun this weekend. This is the baby shower, right?


Marisa, sounds like you are flying through the granny square afghan, too. let the hook cool off from time to time, or you'll get blisters on your hands from the heat.:D


Joanne, I hope you can fly through your chores, so you get some nice relaxing time in to destress from the week.

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Good morning!

Stacy- It's tough being a mom, student and having DH in school and working long hours! Hang in there!!! Sorry to hear about the hamster!! hope the girls have fun at their activities today. I loved that my girls were always doing something, although the running around sometimes got to me!


It's supposed to rain this weekend, but right now the sun is out, so I think instead of doing the cleaning now, I'll run my errands and head to the grocery store while it's nice out. As much as I don't want it to rain on the weekend, we really NEED the rain.


Heading over to DD's late this afternoon and watch the Devils hockey game with her and Ryan!


Have a wonderful time at the shower LeeAnn! I just know she's going to LOVE your gifts!


Marisa- Have a fun-filled weekend with your parents. And I see the Pens won their game!!


Beth- I saw that you posted looking for a nice summer 'manly looking' pattern for DH. I chuckled and thought- my DH could use something other than his beloved flannel'ghan too!


I worked on the girl twin's large granny last night for a bit- it's almost done- and will bring that with me when I go to DD's- nice and mindless and hopefully this WIP will be done!!

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Good morning!

Had a busy day yesterday and didn't get as much crocheting done as I had wanted to. had a good time with DD and GS watching the Devils game, but alas, they lost! If they don't win on Tues night, they are out of the playoffs! Although I'd have been surprised if they went far, to be honest.


today is cloudy and we had a few thunder storms last night. Supposed to be raining today and a generally yucky day---but perfect day to stay in and read and crochet. I'm making it a lazy day!!!


Thinking of you all!

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:tired I went to the circus last night, and it didn't end until 10 p.m. It was LOUD! And little kids like to throw their popcorn at the seats below them. Besides that, it was amazing. I went with oldest ds and girlfriend, dd and boyfriend. Nice little group. Got home super late, after grabbing a snack and taking the friends home, and my dh and other ds were watching a very violent manly movie. It was on until 12:30. I am kind of cranky this morning, since they were watching in my bedroom, and I couldn't go to sleep.


Joanne, enjoy your lazy rainy day. Sounds like a perfect slice of heaven to me. I need to run to the grocery store, and I have to go to a ballet company meeting - :yawn

Marisa, Stacy, and LeeAnn, hope you are having an awesome weekend. Lots of hugs!

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Hi all,

Beth- The circus sounds like it was a lot of fun, even if you didn't get enough sleep. Hope you were able to catch up a little bit.


I did have a nice lazy rainy day. I flitted from one project to another- and then just for some instant gratification, made a washcloth for GS. I needed to finish something:lol:lol


LeeAnn- Hope the shower was fun and that you are home safe and sound!


Stacy- How many more weeks of school for you till you are on summer vaca? Or are you going to take a summer class?


Marisa- Hope the weekend with your parents was great!


Off to get ready for what is going to be a very, very, busy week. Coffee time!!!!

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


The weekend was busy yet relaxing at the same time :yes Let's see....well obviously I forgot to post my pic, but I'm getting there today for sure!


My parents got in Friday night while we were out with friends for the hockey game and celebrating Bean's birthday. We got in around 2:30 am :eek Saw my parents when I got up Saturday morning (since they were in bed when we got back of course). Mom made us breakfast and then we went out shopping. Stopped at the office first and then went to IKEA, wal mart, Sam's, the market, and the liquor store. Meanwhile Bean helped a friend with his new dryer. We had some relaxing time when we got back and then we all went out for dinner together and then relaxed at the house Saturday night. Yesterday we had a houseful for the Pens game (that they lost :( ) with good food. I spent all the downtime crochting to finish up the baby granny so my mom could take it back with her and I could avoid mailing it. So in order for that to happen I downsized from 3x3 to 2x3, but it still works and measures at about 27"x37". We went our for breakfast this morning to one of my parents favorite spots here and then they headed out. I got myself together and headed in here where I've been in the ville since :eek


It always takes me so long to check in on Monday's when I have to catch up from the weekend :yes I'll be getting ready to do my workout in a bit though.


LeeAnn - WTG on your soaps and gift bags. I hope your travels are safe and go smoothly :hug


Stacy - Sorry to hear about the hamster. I hope it wasn't already too neglected from your friend's kids that lost interest :think:(


Beth - Yes, I think my hook need s a little break :lol grilled pizza sounds quite yummy :yes I haven't been to the circus in forever :think


Joanne - We have rain here too, some areas are getting snow and I'm surprised we don't have it yet too. Should by the end of the day.

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Good Morning friends!


I tried hopping on here earlier but ds needed to take a test..so off I went.


Marisa-the baby ghans are stunning! You sure finished those fast! Pretty pretty pretty! Sounds like you had a fun filled weekend, it is always great to spend time with our friends and family.


Joanne-glad to hear that you had a relaxing day and that you were able to get in lots off hook time in and a washcloth. Hope you get to craft night this evening and that Paradise isn't too stressful.


Beth-the circus? how fun! I bet it was nice to see all the tricks and animals..except for the popcorn part. :lol Are you getting to relax somewhat today?


Stacy-so sorry to hear about your dh being away from home as much, I know the feeling, it can be difficult. Hang in there, the semester will hopefully be ending soon. Does your dh have a long time left in school?


We drove up early Saturday morning, actually I drove..it's quite a ways a little over 4 hours. When we got to my sissy's house, they had already did most of the decorating, just had to set up a table for the games and prizes, pick up the food, set it out..then host..whew! It was a lot of fun! After the shower, my mom and I went shopping..bought a few skiens of the Pound Of Love yarn since it was on sale..also found new silicone molds. Can't wait to play! We also ran a few errands for my sister then went back to her house and called it a night. I was soo tired. Yesterday we got up early, I tidied up the downstairs of her house, made her breakfast in bed then got everyone packed up. We left about 9. My mom followed us back, both of my kiddos decided to go with her and my brother..so just dh and myself. I was bummed because I did not take any projects to work on but I think I needed time to rest. We stopped in Pueblo to eat lunch, visit the mall and then to Sams..didn't get home until 5 or so..whew! Went to bed early, I was soo tired.


This morning, I am lazying around, working on laundry but need to get back to the sweater. And my new supply order came in..I forgot what I had needed/ordered..isn't that scary?


off I go to shower and get started on the sweater. Finished the back panel just need the front and the sleeves..wish me luck!


I missed all of you! hugs n squishes!





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Hello everybody-- too early to say good morning.


Marisa, those afghans are so pretty. You did an amazing job on them. Sounds like your weekend was fun. Did your parents make it home safely?


LeeAnn, welcome back! It sounds like you had a good weekend, too. I hope your sister had a good time at her shower. So what new and exciting molds did you get? Shopping at a craft store is always fun.


Joanne, Did you make it to craft club? How are all the afghans coming along?


Stacy, you've got to be about done. This is the last week for my kids classes, then they have exams next week. It is tough when you and your hubby don't get enough time together. I hope you can squeeze in couple time. And I hope it won't be much longer before he's done with school.



Well, the ballet studio director retired. She just never came back after Easter break. She has a family friend running things now. I have a meeting scheduled for lunch time today. I am hoping she'll offer me a paying position. Otherwise, I need to let her know that I'm done in May. I will honor my contract with the retired director, but I see no reason to keep it up without compensation. Any way, we are dragging the studio into the 20th century (with plans to pull it all the way into the 21st century eventually.) The new director's son and I will be working on some computer programs to keep track of the many details that go on. I woke up at 3 this morning with visions of spreadsheets dancing in my head. Fun, fun, FUN! No, I'm serious -- I love this stuff!

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Good morning!


Beth- That is awesome that you have been commissioned to make a hooded cape!!! Good for you! I hope that that the new director does offer you a paying job- that would be great- otherwise, I agree- time to hang up the ballet helper shoes!


Marisa and LeeAnn- Sounds like you both had busy but good weekends!


Stacy- Thinking of you- and loving the pic of you and hubby on FB- what a great looking couple you are!


I didn't make it to craft club last night- I got home late and opted to not rush over. So I worked on the RR at home while watching tv. I went to bed early and feel much better this morning.


The large granny is almost done and the RR is coming along- I just keep switching between the two and will be glad when they are done.


Hope you all have a good Tuesday:-)

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Top of the morning friends!


Joanne-you are going to finish all those WIPS in no time. :cheer:clap Happy Tuesday to you as well dear friend.:hug


Beth-ohh so sorry to hear about the ballet mistress, but like Joanne said, if they do not decide to take you on as a payed employee, it may be time to hang up your ballet shoes. Joanne..I love your posts, btw! :lol Ohhh laaa laaa...a commission for a hooded shawl? fantastic!:D You are making it in black? I sooo would scarf it from you. I love black sweaters, shawls, poncho's..:hug


Stacy & Marisa-what's a shakin? bet you gals are both busy.


Yesterday I worked on THE sweater..finished the back and front panels, started on the sleeves, soo excited cuz the end is near..can't wait! I do not think I will attempt a sweater for awhile, too much counting.


Meeting with the realtor today to sign contracts and such. Hoping and wishing hoping and wishing.


other than that, getting ready for our camping trip this weekend. We will be leaving on Friday and returning on Sunday..we get to stay in a cabin..woohoooo! So happy we are not sleeping in a tent.


Forgot to tell ya, dd had a great time on her field trip, they went to a farm and hatchery. They were able to feed the baby animals, visit different kinds of fish and have a picnic outdoors. She loved it!


The new soapy molds are little octopus, gold fish and flowers, oh and stars too for the 4th of July soaps. fun fun fun!


best get my tush in gear. hugs n squishes!

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Good morning ladies :hi


I didn't leave the office last night until just after 7 and then I stopped by Ingrid's to drop something off. So by the time I got home and showered it was pushing 9 and so I just crawled into bed and turned on the tv :lol I did read a bit before actually going to sleep after I turned the tv off. It was quite a relaxing evening.


Well, about the guy that I met at the home opener a couple weeks ago. We were chatting last night and decided on the friends route :shrug So the search continues :lol


Thank you to all of you for your comments on my ghans, and yep, I did them up fast so now giving my hands a little break :yes


LeeAnn - Sounds like you had a nice time at your sisters and the drive ended up giving you some alone time with dh :manyheart WTG on your sweater, you're moving right along with it :yes Good luck with the realtor :xfin Camping this weekend! :clap:yay You guys are always out and about doing something, that's awesome! :cheer


Beth - My parents did make it home safe and sound, somewhere between 2-3 :clap I hope all goes well with your meeting with the new ballet director and that you get a paid position :xfin How awesome that you got an order for the hooded shawl :clap:yay


Joanne - Sorry you didn't get to go to craft club last night.....having your very own at home isn't quite the same, but at least you did get in some craft time regardless (have to look at the bright side :wink ) Hopefully work goes better today and your out on time :xfin


Stacy - Hope all is well in your neck of the woods :hug

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Quick pop in before the Devils hockey game starts! Win and they move on to game 7- lose and they go home for the summer!!!


Work was busy as usual and had a very lonnnng meeting today- but it's over and I'm home, and I'm getting ready to de-stress with hook and yarn so all is good!!!


Read the posts, but need to clean up after dinner before the game starts!!!

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Good morning, Happy Hump Day and all that!!!


Running behind since I stayed up late to watch the Devils win their game---in overtime!! It was exciting!!! Got some more rounds done on the RR, --not as fast going as Marisa got hers done, but it'll be done by this weekend and I'll give it to DD to take to her friends shower next weekend.


And I was officially given the 2 days off I requested so will be headed to Boston on Cinco-De Mayo for a few days of R&R with DD!!! And there is an art festival that weekend so should be lots of fun.


Have a good day!

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Top of the morning friends!


Not much to report here..but that's a good thing. Met with the realtor yesterday, we are officially on the market..worked on THE sweater..am almost finished..back to crocheting before I lose steam.


BBL! hugs n squishes!

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Good morning ladies :hi


Last night I headed home and some things at the house....made some croutons with our extra bread before it goes bad, washed the towels, and cleaned up the crock pot dinner. Steph and Bean went to the Pirates game and were gone when I got there.


Then I watched some tv and worked on the border of my mcal ghan. I'm hoping to not run out of yarn before I make the round because I'd like to get a round of each color without buying more yarn :xfin


This morning I stopped at the post office to mail out the rr and then stopped next door for a bagel with cream cheese for breakfast which is very rare for me :yes


So the comcast guy is here because they have to put the digital box on my business tv and he walks up front and says he's almost done just has to go up on the pole for a minute. I say ok, don't fall :rofl He says ok without batting an eye and then turns around and busts out laughing!!!


Joanne - WTG Devils, when is game 7? Glad to hear you got your days off for cinco de maio, you totally need and deserve it!!! And the art festival will be great too. My ghans only got done because I ended up on a deadline....that's all I did to get them done :lol


LeeAnn - :yay fo rthe house being on the market, now sending prayers that it will sell :xfin Are you catholic? Did you bury the saint in your yard? Just curious :lol How's that sweater coming along?


:hi Beth and Stacy Hope all is well :hug

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