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Good morning!

Been up cleaning and doing laundry that didn't get done yesterday. At 9 DD is coming over for a trek to the grocery store(s) with GS in tow! It'll be a fun adventure!:lol


This afternoon, I'm hoping for some :crocheting time but sometimes the best well laid out plans don't always pan out! We'll have to see.


LeeAnn- I'm glad that the consultation with the realtor went well. Positive thoughts that you are able to sell your house. We had tried for about year and a half, then ended up taking it off the market. We'll probably try again in a year or two. In the meantime, I keep telling DH that I want to purge some of the stuff we have. It may be up to me to do it while he's not here! :lol

I'm happy to hear that your DD is on some meds! Amazing how you were able to get in/out with the help of DH! Although it shouldn't have taken him being there to get things moving. :eek


Marisa- It was a gorgeous day yesterday in NJ for a wedding.:manyheart I hope you and your friends had a blast!!!! Safe travels!


Beth- How was your IRL crochet date? I am definitely going to Craft Club tomorrow night- I missed chatting and :crocheting last Monday!


Stacy- Hope you didn't get any of the tornadoes like the midwest! Very, very scary stuff. My heart and prayers go out to all the families affected.


Hope you all have a great Sunday!

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Good Morning friends!


How is everyone today? busy, perhaps relaxing a bit?


Beth-how was your IRL meet up? Sure you had lots of fun!:hug


Stacy-what's a happenin?:hug


Joanne-that is great that you and your dd and gs get to go shopping, makes that task a little more enjoyable. :hug


Marisa-bet you are having the best time ever.:hug


The realtor came over and said everything looked wonderful..whew! So glad. Dd and I went out to lunch, it was soo nice then we came home and watched White Lion, pretty good movie. I was able to crochet while watching. yippee! I had forgotten about a child's ghan that a friend had commissioned me to make...so working on grannies and then going to connect them together. They are about 12 in squares. Shouldn't take too long. I have 5 of them done, thinking I only need 16 or so:think but what fun it is to make them.


Also had a few sales on Etsy...getting up there. Need to add new products. Think I will get to that this morning...right after I hop off here.


The rest of my family will be home today. We missed them but it was nice to have quiet.


best get a move on..hugs n squishes!

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Just a quick pop-in. I am up past my bedtime. My hubby isn't going to work tomorrow, so I get to sleep in until 5:30 tomorrow, then get ready to take care of kitties.

Joanne, hope you had fun with the shopping with the grandson in tow. How wouldn't you? And I hope you got your crochet time in.

LeeAnn, I'm sure you enjoyed the peace and quiet while your men were out camping. I am also sure you missed them. Sounds like you had a great time, though. Is your dd feeling better?

Marisa, I hope the wedding was magical and fun. Can't wait to hear about it.

Stacy, I love the facebook pics. Your dds are adorable!

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Quick good morning!


Going to be in the80's here today- crazy for April- and definitely more of a beach day than a heading into Paradise day!


I did get some crocheting in yesterday- I worked on my shawl (York Shawlette from Anastacia knits-designs that I found on Ravelry) I'm using LB Amazing yarn and I love how it's turning out. Also started a ripple (not round) for my DD's friends baby to be. Then headed to DD's to watch the hockey game!


Off I go--Have a great day one and all! And safe travels Marisa!

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Morning friends!


Can't believe we are back to Monday, the days just seem to fly by.


Joanne-have a great day at Paradise and an even better evening at Craft Night.


Beth-how's it going? You sure get up early, how do you do it?


Stacy & Marisa-hoping that you are both having Marvelous Monday's!


Dd is home today, she is not 100% but she is getting there slowly. Have to take ds in for a physical today and mail out an order..other than that, I plan on relaxing a bit..of forgot have an order for Coconut Lotion...uggghh guess I will have to do that in between.


hugs n squishes!

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Good afternoon ladies:hi


Joanne, I'm sure you'll enjoy reading about the wedding a second time :wink


Did you miss me?! :lol


Let me just say that this wedding was one of the best I've ever been to. So, you know how they do the name cards and let you know what table you're at? I got there and my name was on a Boston Red Sox ticket!!!!! :clap Along with everyone else at my table....which was Fenway Park. Each table was a ballpark with the ticket coordinating for that team. The hors d'ouerve (sp?) hour had a mashed potato bar, which was awesome and some other great appetizers being served. When we went into the ballroom and they announced everyone, the parents were announced as the head coaches :lol And then each bridesmaid and groomsman was announced with their height like at a game when they introduce the starting lineup. It all went so quickly. They went right in to the first dance when they entered. Then did the speeches. Our bride and her brothers played a few songs (the boys play guitar and she was on the drums...yes, in her wedding gown!) After that was dinner and then we did more fun stuff and dancing, and then dessert. Everything was spaced out well and almost in a way that you wouldn't really think would work :think But it was great and nothing was all 'clumped' together. Definitely a great day and she was gorgeous!!!!!


I started to make a baby rr in the car on the way to Jersey for my friend that flew in from Colorado who had a girl a few months ago. Almost finished before she left yesterday, but not quite although it is coming out very cute :yes She left yesterday and I drove back today.


I had a patient email to come tomorrow (a new one) and then called today and asked if she could come tonight instead :clap I was supposed to go to the movies with my sister to see Hunger Games, but now she'll be going alone unless someone else is going with her :shrug I really want to see the movie, but we all know it's got to be much more important than a movie for me to tell a patient no :yes


Stacy - I hope is well, did you get any tornados? Keeping you in my prayers, I see you haven't posted since then :think:hug Did you get any cleaning done?


Beth - How did your IRL crochet meet-up go over the weekend? And did you really sleep in today until 5:30? :clap


Joanne - I bet your niece's confirmation went well. Was there a party too?


LeeAnn - Glad to hear that dd is on the mend, that's always frustrating when things like that happen at the doctors office :hug But dd heals when she sleeps which is why her body wanted so much sleep :yes Glad to hear things went well with the realtor :xfin How much fun did the boys have on their camping trip? WTG on the etsy orders and I hope ds's physical goes well :hug


I just looked outside and it seems to be getting darker, I wonder if they're calling for rain here :think

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I did enjoy reading about the wedding twice, Marisa!!! It's right up my alley!!! What a fun theme for a wedding I absolutely LOVE it!!!


Had craft club- it was fun,and what I needed after a horrific day in Paradise!!!


Hoping for a better day there tomorrow!


Hugs to you all!

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I actually slept in until 6:00:eek! My dd's alarm didn't go off, so we all started kind of late and in a rush. The kitties were good -- we even got the shy ones to come out and enjoy themselves in the store. Work was hideous. Mondays are long, any way, and one mom left her daughters (a 4 year old and 2 year old) with grandma, and came 45 minutes late to pick them up. the studio was already supposed to be closed. So I got home really late, grabbed dinner, then realized that I had to make brownies for my dh's lunch tomorrow. My dd mixed them up for me. I just need to cut them and put them up.


Joanne, so sorry to hear Paradise wasn't that great today. I'm glad you had craft club to help destress.


Marisa, the wedding sounds like a lot of fun -- really showed the personality of the bride and groom.


LeeAnn, so glad to hear dd is feeling better. Sounds like your orders are keeping you busy.


Stacy, I hope things are going well. You're almost done with the semester, right?

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Hi all-

I second what Beth said!!!!


And Beth, I sure hope your Tuesday is better than your Monday!!! Did you ever hear anything back from Michael's? How much longer do you have to work at the ballet studio? Can't believe that the Mom was 45 minutes late to pick up her kids!!!!


Supposed to be less hot than yesterday- which is a welcome relief- April is too early for 90 degree weather!


Have a good one!

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Good morning ladies :hi


Not much going on here today :whew I need to get back into my routine and my workout routine too, which I've been slacking on lately because of having so much going on. Time to kick myself in the badorkus and keep it moving :lol


I got home around 9 last night, ate some chili that Steph had in the crock pot, unpacked, and did a little crocheting on my baby rr I'm working on. I need to do up another baby girl ghan too for my mom's dentist after she checked out my mouth for me as a follow up and wouldn't let me pay. She just had a little girl a couple months ago so I decided that would be a great 'thank you' gift to her :think I'd like to finish it by Sunday so my mom can take it home with her after they come out this weekend :xfin So it looks like I'll be taking a run to Joann's a bit later :devil


Joanne - Yes the wedding was awesome and I told the bride that if I ever get married I'm going to hijack her ideas :lol Glad to hear you got to unwind from your horrible day at work with craft club :manyheart


Beth - I guess sleeping in was bitter sweet, great to sleep in but not so great to be running late all day :shrug That's horrible that you ended up late at work because of other people :( It's nice to hear that dd helped out with the brownies :manyheart


LeeAnn and Stacy - Hope all is well in your corners :hug

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Oh, what a day!!! But home and watching the Devils hockey game- they got off to a great start 3-0 and it's already 3-2 (still winning) and there are 2 periods of hockey left!!!


Beth- Hope the allergies calm down soon for you!


LeeAnn- Can't even begin to imagine all that you did today!


Stacy- How's classes going? Have you begun the countdown till the end of the semester?


Had a mini-meltdown today at work- the pressure is starting to get to me....but I'll hang in (not that I have a choice--LOL) and TRY like heck to leave on time. Didn't leave till 6 tonight!

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Good evening my friends!


Joanne-:flower:ghug Here are some flowers and a group hug from all of us. So very sorry to hear that Paradise has been stressful. Hope tomorrow and the rest of the week is better for you. :hug


Beth-:2hug hope your allergies are calming down a bit. That is terrible that one of the parents was 45 minutes late to pick up their child..:angry Wish I could taste your yummy brownies.:hug


Marisa-oh my! The wedding sounded fun and eventful with great ideas! I haven't worked out in ages.:eek How sweet of you to make a baby ghan for the dentist lady.


Been a busy lil bee today..ds had a lot of schoolwork. The on-line classes are tough...but he finished! He worked on his English for about 8 hours..poor kid, he is exhausted but he had Boy Scouts this evening. They froze this weekend, forgot to tell you all about it. They said it was kinda miserable..windy and bitter cold. I do not think they were thinking it was going to be that chilly. Cristopher said that his legs were hurting him from the cold. Dh had to wrap him up in plastic and then add layers and try to warm him up..not my idea of fun.


My dd went to school today but they called me to go in and pick her up..as soon as we got home, she started vomiting..:( poor thing, I feel so bad for her. I think this bug has taken it's time going away. She may go to school tomorrow..I do not want her to..but she has missed 3 days already...we shall see.


In between my family, I did manage to make 4 different lotions, about 6 candles, 3 lotion bars and 3 orders of Legos..whew! The legos were for a custom order, actually I think everything was, :lol I did make a few extra lotions to add to my shop..one of them in particular..Energy..smells divine! I made me a small bottle keep in my purse..so happy about them. They are hemp as well.


have to update my blog and etsy before calling it a night. hugs n squishes dear friends!

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Hiya Besties!


Joanne, lots of :hug:hug to you! I'm sorry that you had a mini-meltdown, and :xfin that things go smoother for the rest of the week.


Leeann, your poor dd! She just can't catch a break with the illness. I hope that she is feeling better tomorrow and is able to go to school. How scary to hear that your ds was so cold he had to be wrapped in plastic and extra layers. Doesn't sound like fun to me. :( Glad everything turned out okay. I saw all of your goodies on FB- you are so creative and I am constantly amazed by the new ideas you come up with. :cheer


Beth, :hug:hug:hug hope the allergies have lightened up a little. How awful that the mother picked up her children 45 minutes late! And such young ones, too. How is the ballet mistress feeling these days? I agree with Leeann- the brownies sound yummy! How sweet of your dd to mix them up for you. Has your son heard anything about the YMCA job yet?


Marisa, the wedding sounds like a blast! What an awesome theme, and it sounds like the festivities were well-planned. I think the baby blanket sounds like a wonderful way to repay the friend for the check-up. :manyheart


We've had an eventful couple of days. On Monday, I went to the Y after school to pick up Mia's soccer schedule, and the aquatics director recognized me immediately, and told me that another swim class had opened up, if we were still interested. Yes! So Isabella is now signed up for swim lessons. She must go through 4 levels before she can be on swim team. Each level lasts for 6 weeks, so as long as she learns what she needs to and advances every 6 weeks,:xfin she should be trying out for swim team by the end of the year.


Mia has soccer practice on Friday nights, her games are Saturday morning, and swim lessons are Saturday afternoon, so our weekends will be busy for a while. For the past 2 days, Isabella has went home with her friend to practice for the talent show. The girls want to perform a karate routine- hopefully Isabella remembers enough to do it! Today the girls' school had open house, so we went to see their classrooms and the things they have been working on. They are both doing well, but Isabella is really shining in her class, and her teacher was quick to point it out. :manyheart Well, the battery on my laptop is low, so I must get going. I am attaching a picture of Isabella's art project for her class- I rarely post things like this but I am really proud of her work and quite honestly, it is much more detailed than the rest of them were. :devil:lol




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Good morning!


Stacy- Isabella's artwork is so pretty!!! Thank you for posting it so we all could see!!! Reminds me of artwork from my artist DD! So happy that a swim class opened up! And I just have to comment on the adorable pic you posted of your DD's doing the "marry dance"- absolutely too cute!!!


LeeAnn- Here's hoping that DD is feeling better today. That camping trip doesn't sound like fun at all!!! Glad to hear that DS and DH made it through ok- Your shop is great and you are so creative!!


Beth- Hope the allergies are calming down a bit for you! Today is much cooler - in the 50's. Strange weather indeed- 90 on Monday and today 50!!! Weather forecast is calling for rain on the weekend and although we need rain desperately, I would prefer that it occur during the week while I'm at work. Guess Mother Nature has her own plans though!


Marisa-I thought it was interesting that one dentist said you had cavities and then your family friend dentist checked you out and you don't! Makes me wonder how many 'non-cavities' I had filled! LOL. Great idea to repay the 'free visit' with a baby blanket!!


Off for what I hope is a much better day at work today.


Oh, and my Devils lost last night- after starting out the game so strong! Oh, well.....at least the Yankees won their game!!!


Hugs to all!

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Hi. So good to hear from everybody.


Joanne, Here's more wishes that Paradise behaves today.

Stacy, the artwork is amazing. I'm so glad you shared it with us.

LeeAnn, so sorry to hear your dd is so sick. Poor thing. It's so hard when you want to keep them out because they need time to recuperate, but attendance laws are so strict.

Marisa, How was the trip to Joann's? Making baby blankets seems to be a theme here recently.


Well, my son was offered the job lifeguarding for the city. He really wants to work for the YMCA, but doesn't want to turn down a job that is being offered until he knows for sure he has the other one. He has to let the man know today what his decision is. I haven't heard from any of my applications.

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Good morning ladies :hi


I did get my workout in yesterday :clap And it felt great too :yes I got home just after 7....showered, had a bite to eat, and worked on the baby ghan #1. I'm just about done with it and only have a round or 2 left depending on the yarn :lol I went to Joann's this morning before coming in here and I got 2 of the big baby skeins in pink and yellow and then I got 2 caron simply soft in vareigated (the same one I'm using for this rr) to filter in a bit. I think I'm going to do some grannies and whipstitch them together for this one :think


Joanne - Sorry work was so stressful yesterday and that you had to stay late again :hug :hug :hug As for the cavities, if the guy would've said 1 or 2 then I wouldn't have questioned it. BUT he came in after the assistant did my cleaning, looked in my mouth for a couple seconds and told the girl taking notes that I had decay and listed about 6-7 numbers...meaning those are the teeth with cavities! :eek I don't have bad teeth by any means so of course that raised a red flag, nor did he poke into them with the pick to see if it was softened at all :sigh I've only every had 3 cavities, very tiny and after the fact my instinct was that I should've gotten a second opinion then too :shrug


LeeAnn - WTG on your candles, lotions, and legos :yay ds's camping trip does not sound like it was much fun being THAT cold :sigh Is he completely finished with school for the year now? I sure hope dd is feeling better, but it's probably a good idea to still keep her home. She won't be able to concentrate and will already be overwhelmed at being behind anyways. Are you picking up her work for her to do at home? :hug


Stacy - Wow, Isabella's artwork is awesome!!!!! :manyheart You have every right to be extremely proud, that is a picture I could see hanging on my wall :yes Great news that she is able to get the swimming classes. I hope the talent show goes well, when is it?


Beth - I hope you're feeling better :hug I didn't buy anything EXTRA at Joann's :clap Maybe ds can give a call over to the Y to follow up with them to kinda see what they're thinking over there. He's right to not want to give up one while hoping for the other that is not yet guaranteed. Hopefully it works out well :xfin

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Good afternoon!


Beth, I think your son is making a wise choice by accepting the city one. Can't take the chance that the Y might not call him back! How are your allergies today?


Joanne, I hope Paradise was nicer to you today. :hug:hug:hug


Marisa, yikes at the dentist giving you a report of so many cavities! Glad you were able to get the second opinion from your mom's friend. The same thing happened to my youngest dd- our pediatric dentist (who told me Mia had 16 cavities and convinced me to put her through surgery to have them filled) told me that Eva had 5 cavities and would need the same surgery. I said, no way, she is only 2, so we took her to another dentist who said she did indeed have 2 cavities, but since they are baby teeth they should fall out and not cause any harm to her adult ones. It's amazing what some doctors will tell you, isn't it? Glad you got it sorted out!


Leeann, how is your dd feeling today?


Today wasn't too busy, thank goodness. I dropped off the girls, went to get a coffee, then came home to clean a bit. The maintenance man was supposed to stop by this morning to fix the sink, so I wanted the dishes to be done and put away, etc. I ended up taking apart the vacuum to find out why it doesn't have much suction, and one of the rubber rings around the bottom of the hose came unfastened because the screw broke. Hopefully that part can be replaced. Then I had class, picked up Eva, ran to Trader Joe's, went to pick up the other two, and went to the grocery store for ice cream sundae stuff. :drool Isabella really wanted to go to the waffle cone Wednesdays event at Baskin Robbins but I had to be home because the sink had to be fixed- so we bought ice cream stuff and made them at home. Yum, yum! Anyway, now we are home and chillaxin' until bedtime. This is the second night in a row that I haven't had homework, and it is SO NICE! LoL So i am probably going to clean a bit more, then sit my badorkus in the chair with hook and yarn. BIL and his fam are coming to visit this weekend and I have really been slacking in my housework since going back to school. :lol


Have a great night!


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Evening ladies!


Stacy-what a lovely picture your dd created! I would definitely have it framed. WTG! Ice cream sounds fantastic! I kinda slacked on the housework today, but tomorrow I will fly thru and clean like crazy. :lol


Beth-so happy for you son! I bet he is excited too? How ya feeling?


Joanne-how was Paradise today? hopefully well.


Marisa-you crochet fast! Can't believe that you will finish a baby ghan by the weekend. Send me some of your speed.


Today was another busy day..I drove to a neighboring town to deliver orders and stopped at one of the shops where I have my goodies consigned. She hasn't sold much as she is not open very often..we both decided I should try to sell my goodies on Etsy. I left a few lotion bars, but after that, I am going to stop consigning..tired of it all. I like keeping my own money and setting my own prices. What a control freak huh?


Dd is feeling better. She returned to school, it was Early Release. After school, we went Baby Shopping. My sister is on Bed Rest and the Baby Shower is this weekend.:eek We bought the babies each 3 outfits, socks, pj's, hair accessories, onesies, also added the homemade ghans, baby coverlets and a set of Mary Janes..here's a pic. Need the second set..tomorrow I Must finish. They are super easy. I blogged about them, but wanted to share a pic.


My new yarn from Joanns came in today,..so had to start on the sweater order..I am a bit behind getting this order out..trying to push myself..but a little tired.


guess I will head to bed. tomorrow will be here before I sleep enough.


hugs n squishes!



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Hi everyone!

Read through all the posts, but don't have much time to respond individually to all.


Paradise was busy- will be for a while--and the project won't be done till mid- Sept!!! Taking it one day at a time! I did work some more on the ripple and the more I'm doing, I think it's going to be too big for a baby blanket and I may start another blanket for my DD's friend's baby and then finish the ripple and give it to my GS. It'll match their family room with the brown, buff and green.


Off to get ready- have a good day everyone!

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Morning, all. Happy Almost-Friday to everyone. I hope you have an awesome day. I'm driving my dh to the dentist, picking up some groceries, and working at the ballet studio where I may get the opportunity to baby sit for the teacher. She has two tiny children. :manyheart

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Good morning ladies :hi


I feel like this week is just flying by :eek I finished my baby rr this morning while watching last nights American Idol and washing my sheets :D I snapped a pic before leaving the house so will share that in a bit, have to fish in my bag for the camera :lol


Last night we went out for wings and to watch the hockey game, we headed home for the 3rd period...I can't believe how Pitt played after the first 3 games :eek:clap:yay I'm going to get my workout right in when I'm done here. I'd like to start the first square for the next baby ghan that I want to have done by Monday morning :eek So, I think I'll be hooking all day at the office tomorrow :think:lol


Tonight I'm meeting a friend out for an event with the Pittsburgh Young Professionals group, so will leave kind of early from here.


Stacy - I hope your sink in fixed :xfin Your ice cream sundaes sound wonderful :drool Enjoy your homework free time :wink


LeeAnn - I'm only quick when I have some time :lol I worked on it while we were just hanging out in the room on the weekend from the hotel and also was able to work in the car since my friend drove :yes Glad to hear that dd is finally feeling better :clap You have so many goodies for the baby shower and those booties are adorable :manyheart


Joanne - I hope work goes smoothly today :hug Good idea to with the ripple if it's going to be that big :yes


Beth - I hope the dentist goes well for dh, good luck getting everything else done and maybe babysitting :D

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Hi all,


Off to watch the Devils hockey game and do a little crocheting. Decided after all that the ripple will be too big and I'm going to finish it for Ryan! But first, will start a Baby RR for DD's friend, then finish the large solid granny for the girl twin of her Sis-in-law, then finish my shawl and Ryan's ripple! Whew!!



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Hello Everybody!


Joanne, are you adding another afghan to your to-do list? I'm glad you have crochet to help you destress after a long day at Paradise.

Marisa, I am eager to see your finished RR. It seems like you finished that in record time.

LeeAnn, The booties are TOO adorable. I'm glad to hear dd is feeling better. I hope everyone stays healthy at your house.

Stacy, Have you had a chance to find the replacement part for the vaccuum? There are some really good parts sources on the internet. The sundaes at home sound really good. It's one of my favorite treats, but it has been a while.


I finished my hooded shawl. My son said "Hello, Dark Lord" when he saw me in it. I think that's a Star Wars reference. It is very warm, very fuzzy, very comfortable.



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The Devils won- what a great hockey game:clap:clap:clap


Beth- love the hooded shawl!!! It came out great and looks wonderful on you!!!

Yes, I did add another afghan to my list!!! I started it tonight- a RR for my DD's friend. I was making good progress on the regular ripple that I was originally making, but it's too big for a baby- and I just kept thinking as I was making it that this would be perfect for Ryan!


Marisa- You sure did make your baby ripple super quick! Hopefully, mine will go as quickly so I can finish up the granny square one- then I'll have all the baby blankets done and can finish my shawl and Ryan's ghan. then I want to felt the SBT that I made- just need to add the handles, get a zippered case to put it in and then start the felting! So many projects in mind, so little time!


LeeAnn- those baby booties are sooo cute!!! Hope you had a good day today! Did you get to start the sweater? What kind of yarn are you using?


Stacy- love making sundaes at home!!! Bet they were delicious. I just finished up the quart of Ralphs cream ice (mocha chip) :drool It's so good!!!

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