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Some good clean fun?!

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Good morning!


Marisa, I'm so glad to hear the date went well and that he was a perfect gentleman. :clap for having lots in common. That is always a must in a relationship, I think. Sounds like your Easter was fun, too! My middle dd was awake at 6 to find her basket, well of course once she realized the Easter Bunny had actually visited, she HAD to wake her sisters and let them know, too. :lol I love to see the holidays through the girls' eyes. Has the patient with the problem insurance visited again? Did you get him completely straightened out?


Joanne, sounds like also had a wonderful Easter. How nice it must be to get along so well with your SIL's family. I'm glad to hear that your dd's SIL is still hanging in there. Good luck finishing the girl's afghan.


Beth, sorry that your allergy meds aren't what they are cracked up to be. :hug:hug Hope you got some rest after dh left. Good luck to your son with the interview! Is there one offer that he is more excited about than the other? How are the college classes going for everyone?


Leeann, sorry to hear your sis had you in tears. Pregnancy hormones are awful. Hopefully your "good-bye" visit went much better. :hug:hug


Well, let's see. The "dual-parent" visit went well. Mia had asked my mom (without me knowing) if she would please get along with Grandpa for her birthday, because last time they fought a lot. That breaks my hear to think it was so bad last time that she remembers it, because she was only about 4. :( Anyway, my mom tried hard to get along with my dad, but my dad ignored her much of the time. So sad. But the weekend went off without drama between them, at least. :whew


We only had 3 RSVP's for the party on Saturday, all girls from Isabella's class, whom Mia also plays with during recess and lunch. She specifically asked to invite these girls, so I am happy that they came. I felt bad for Mia that not one child from her class attended, but she seemed to have lots of fun anyway.


For Easter, we went to dh's aunt's house, as usual. The girls had an egg hunt, and they all made out like bandits, because they are the only grandchildren in the family and everyone spoils them when they have the chance. :lol Mia's godfather was there (whom she adores), and he also attended her party, and she was thrilled to see him twice in one weekend because usually we only see him once every couple of months. :manyheart


Yesterday, the older girls went back to school but Eva and I still had one more day off, so we took my parents to the Cuban bakery and to Santa Monica. We only stayed a couple hours, but took a nice stroll down the Santa Monica Pier. At the end of the pier, there is a huge fishing operation, and whatever is caught is used for the seafood restaurant on the pier. I don't like seafood, but it is nice to see the catch, with the nets and huge fishing equipment. There is also a beautiful view of the ocean, and we saw a sea lion right up next to the end of the pier. Eva thought that was so cool. Then we went to pick up the older girls, went to the Y to sign up Mia for soccer, and ran some other errands. My dad left around 8 last night.


Today I have class and then I need to take Isabella for a swimming evaluation. She is a great swimmer already, and really wants to be on the swim team at the Y. But she needs to take a swimming class to learn the actual strokes and proper form before she can try out.


Well, I need to scoot and get the girls ready. Love and hugs!

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Good morning ladies :hi


Tomorrow I head out to my parents :clap My friend from chiro school is getting married on Saturday :yay So I'll head home and our neighbor is giving me a pedicure just after 3. Then we'll go to pizza hut for dinner :drool Thurs morning I have an appt with mom's dentist and one friend is flying in around 5 to a small airport near my parents, so we'll all go pick her up (stopping at the mall on the way to see if that JCP has the dress I like in my size) and then we'll stop at the other friend's office and get adjusted :wink


Friday we'll all have dinner with my parents and then head to the hotel in NJ. We're meeting up with the bridal party after the rehearsal dinner that night. Then we have the wedding on Sat and we'll head back to my parents on Sun, have dinner with them. My one friend will head home and then we'll take the other back to the airport. I'll have bfast with my parents Mon morning and then head back here in time to make my open/walk in hours at 2 :whew


Last night I worked on joining my mcal some more and hope to finish it up tonight. Although I still need to pack for my trip :think But the new clue will come in the morning and I'm assuming it'll be the border so I'd like to take it with me :xfin


Beth - Sorry your allergy meds are not lasting long enough :hug Sending out positive thoughts for ds' interview tomorrow :xfin Meeting someone new is exciting, especially when you kinda like them :blush:lol


Joanne - :yay for getting the landscaping taken care of, did you get the rain? We got poured on yesterday afternoon and evening :eek Sorry you didn't make it to craft club though :hug I hope your move goes well and uneventfully today :hug


Stacy - The patient with the insurance issue, I decided to bill the insurance anyway and see what happens and go from there. He may be back in a week or 2, but we didn't actually schedule anything yet, but seems promising. Amazing that Mia remembers about your parents and asked them to 'behave' and I guess if your dad felt he was going to have a problem with it, then ignoring may have just been the best option for him as opposed to the fighting :think:hug Glad to hear the party went well despite the turnout and glad to hear that Eva and your parents enjoyed the Cuban bakery and the Santa Monica Pier :manyheart WTG Isabella with her swimming and Mia with soccer :clap How is Isabella's park project going?


LeeAnn - Thinking of you this morning and hoping your able to breath :wink

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Top of the morning friends!


Beth-hope you are in bed resting, perhaps sleeping.:manyheart Good luck to your ds on the job interview..:cheer:clap:cheer:clap Enjoy your last day off from work, doesn't it just go by soo fast? The Vanilla is a favorite, I have candles, lotion bars and sugar scrubs listed on my website but need to add the soap. Had some but my BIL 's grandma loved it, so gave it to her over the weekend. Hop on over to my shop anytime, I love creating custom orders.:hug


Joanne-hoping that the move at work goes smoothly, have you seen your new location? I hope you like it. That is great that you had landscapers, awesome!


Stacy-glad that your parents got along...well for the most part. Ignoring someone takes a lot of effort. But at least they were not really going at it. Your dd's are all soo cute! Sounds like you had a busy but fun weekend.


Marisa-such busy weekends and days that you have, and the date with the new guy, now that's just exciting! Maybe you can all meet up sometime again? Like everyone says, new friends---well one can never have too many.


My sister finally stopped by at 4 yesterday on her way out. They had a long drive and left really late. We chatted for just a few minutes and it seemed like she was ok. I understand about the pregnancy hormones but gosh, doesn't give you a right to go spouting off at the mouth for everything and think you are entitled to have everyone do everything for you..I am going to make myself get over it.


On a happy happy note, I whipped up Hemp Seed Lotion last night, it works mighty well...not sure about the fragrance. It is called Rainforest, the hemp has a distinct fragrance. Not bad just different. But the lotion...well it works wonderfully and does not leave a greasy residue. Have to make the labels, then add to my shop.


best get my tush in gear, ds is needing the puter and I have tons of laundry calling my name. hugs n squishes!

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Top of the morning friends!


Marisa-such busy weekends and days that you have, and the date with the new guy, now that's just exciting! Maybe you can all meet up sometime again? Like everyone says, new friends---well one can never have too many.


My sister finally stopped by at 4 yesterday on her way out. They had a long drive and left really late. We chatted for just a few minutes and it seemed like she was ok. I understand about the pregnancy hormones but gosh, doesn't give you a right to go spouting off at the mouth for everything and think you are entitled to have everyone do everything for you..I am going to make myself get over it.


On a happy happy note, I whipped up Hemp Seed Lotion last night, it works mighty well...not sure about the fragrance. It is called Rainforest, the hemp has a distinct fragrance. Not bad just different. But the lotion...well it works wonderfully and does not leave a greasy residue. Have to make the labels, then add to my shop.


best get my tush in gear, ds is needing the puter and I have tons of laundry calling my name. hugs n squishes!


We'll probably go out again sometime after I come back :xfin But then my parents will be out here the following weekend, and definitely not ready for all that :lol


:hug :hug for dealing so well with your sister :hug :hug


Ooooo, I've used some hemp seed lotion before, and shampoo/conditioner....it is very nice :yes

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Quick stop in- I'm tired-

Moved today- and LeeAnn- they only moved me three aisles over- to the same size cubicle and the same location- end of the aisle! Crazy--but it is what it is and it's done. Work was crazy busy too.


Marisa- Have fun!


Stacy- What a weekend!!! I'll try and post more in the AM when I have a little more energy!!!


Beth hope the allergy meds cooperated today!!!

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Hi all and Happy Hump Day!

Stacy- How was the first day back to class? How many weeks till the semester is done?


Beth- Will be thinking possible thoughts for your DS at his interview at the Y today!! How was the ballet studio yesterday? Did you ever hear back from Michael's?


Marisa- Safe travels today to your parents. Enjoy your Pizza Hut dinner (oh, and of course the pedicure)


LeeAnn- Glad that you got to have a little relaxing time last night. You deserve it.


I started a large granny last night for the twin girl blanket. I'm using Michael's impeccable yarn in "Neopolitan". I was going to do another RR, but decided to do a large solid granny instead. Next up, a granny ripple and finish the shawlette I started using Amazing yarn.


oh, and the Yankees won, so it was a good night!!!:)

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Good Morning ladies!


Joanne-Happy Hump Day to you too! Do you feel a little more rested? Sure hope so. As I know Paradise can be challenging. :hug


Beth-how are you feeling today? Are your allergies calming down somewhat?


Stacy-back to classes you go, will you be finishing soon?


Marisa-bet you worked on you cal last night, can't wait to see it.


Last night I was able to get a good amount of crochet time in..I missed it! I want to crochet today, I really really really needed to. What a stress reliever it is and oh so much fun! About 1/3 of the way done with the granny ripple. It is going by fast, can't wait to finish. Thinking it will be a throw and not a huge ghan. Since I am using up stash yarn not sure if I want to buy more yarn. Ohhh and ordered yarn on line. The lipstick yarn that I had needed for a custom sweater order and deep purple, light purple and cream for an afghan for my BIL's grandma. She asked if I could make her one.:manyheart


Today I have to run to the place that I was subbing in to sign paperwork...not sure what they are needing but ok. Also have to give ds a haircut. He is looking rough. And tonight is Craft Night at our library. Dd and I are excited to go. Going to take yarn and hook for a set of Mary Janes for my baby nieces to be to start on as I think the ripple is a bit much to carry..but we shall see.:devil


Am up to 72 SALES:cheer:clap:cheer:clapHad a small candle order, it's funny how every sale is soo exciting for me. I feel blessed that others like my goodies as much as I do.


off the :c9 and on to tidying up. hugs n squishes!


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It is chilly here today. I started my day snuggled under a blanket in front of the tv set, and it's taken me until now to get out from under that blanket, so I could get something to eat (and my first cup of coffee!)


Joanne, Happy Hump Day to you. I hope you like your new space. At least you didn't have to figure out how to get everything in a smaller area. A giant granny is fun. Can't wait to see it.


LeeAnn, you are flying through those orders. It seems like last week we were waiting for number 50. You are almost at 75 already! Awesomeness. Craft day sounds like fun. Can't wait to see the goodies you are making for your nieces-to-be. How do your nephews feel about the twins?


Marisa and Stacy, wishing you a great Wednesday. Don't overdo, but have fun!

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:hi friends!


Joanne, glad to hear they didn't move you too far and that your cubicle is still the same size. The giant granny sounds cute- I love that Neopolitan color!


Marisa, I am worn out just by listening to your plans! Have a great weekend. :cheer


LeeAnn, hope you got the paperwork all straightened out. Woohoo for 72! :cheer That is awesome!! Glad to hear your sis wasn't too bad when she visited the second time. I know hormones are crazy during pregnancy, but sometimes people use that as an excuse to say what they please. :xfin that you don't have to encounter that again. :hug:hug How is your ds doing with the homeschooling? What has he decided about going back to school next year?


Beth, hope your allergies are better. :hug:hug I like your idea of staying snuggled under the blanket until it's coffee time. How is the ballet mistress feeling?


We had such a busy day today! It is my mom's last day here, so I skipped class today to spend it with her. We dropped off Eva for her field trip then went out for breakfast. Afterward I had laundry to do so we went to the laundromat, then she had some things to get from the store so we went shopping for a couple hours.

Dh had a check-up for his teeth today. He is still in a load of pain, but the dentist said his teeth are healing just fine. It should be about another 2 weeks before the pain is gone completely. I feel so bad for him. He keeps telling me, "Just wait until you have this done," but my wisdom teeth have never given me problems and 3 of them are grown in already. :D


Anywho...Mia had her soccer evaluation yesterday and we find out on Saturday which team she is on. I took Isabella for her swimming evaluation and after she was given a level to enroll in, the girl at the desk said that level was closed and they should not have allowed her to be evaluated. :think So I need to go back in about half an hour to speak with the aquatics director. :xfin that we can get her into a class, or she will be one disappointed little girl.


Well, I need to get some things cleaned up before I go, so have a great night! Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug



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HIya friends!


Stacy-so happy to see your purple post. Your day sounded awesome! I love that you were able to spend time with your mom. Crossing my fingers and my toes that Isabella will get into a swim team. Poor lil gal, it is heart wrenching for kids when they really want something and it doesn't work out.


Joanne-hoping that your day went smoothly and that you are curled up with yarn and hook in hand.


Beth-did you make it out of the covers? Feel better soon


Marisa-can't wait to hear all the juicy details about your weekend and the wedding and also hoping that you find your dress.


This morning I drove out the daycare but the director was not there and did not leave the paperwork that she wanted filled out...:( she called and asked me to stop in tomorrow..not happy about that.


I did get to make perfume balms..didn't get a chance to label them cuz I had to help ds with his schoolwork and then run to pick up dd. Ds is still kinda confused about next year, he does not want to do the home schooling, it has been pretty intense. Similar to taking college classes online. He does well, but he is tuckered out. We registered him for another school but not sure that we will get in...and with the price of gas..going up UP and UP. I am not sure that it is financially smart to add an extra 160 miles a week to take him back and forth. So he may end up going to the high school in our district. We are also putting our house back on the market to sell. We had tried a few years ago, with no success but more and more folks are wanting the peace and quiet. While I love it out here I am tired of driving like a chicken. I was on the road 3 hours today:eek After I picked up dd from school she shared that she had a terrible sore throat with body aches..she was looking pretty miserable. So took her to Convenient Care..she did not test positive for strep but she did not test negative:think They did a test there then took another throat culture to send to the lab. Her throat was extremely red, her ears were red as well ...so brought her back home to put in bed. Then dh called and asked me to run ds back into town..he had a Boys Scout shopping trip that he needed to attend...so there I went back again...:blush


now I am home and going to just tucker out..haven't made dinner but I think sandwiches may work.


have a good night friends! hugs n squishes!

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Oh, LeeAnn- I couldn't do all that driving all the time! Good luck with selling your home! We had tried to sell a couple of years ago-we'd like to downsize to a condo/townhouse, but the market was tough. We're going to hang for a few more years and then try again. At least DH got a landscaper to come in and make the front look good again- and I didn't have to do the weeding, trimming the bushes and putting the mulch down =that is way better than a cleaning lady in my books. Such a relief to have the yard looking pretty!


Had my hair/cut and color after work- well, actually right after work I stopped to see my GS for about 1/2 hour and it perked me right up- all the troubles at work go away when I see him!!


I would have liked a larger cubicle since I have so much additional stuff with this project- binders- folders, and I feel a little closed in. But like Beth said, at least they didn't move me to a smaller one than I had--


Off I go for possibly a little crocheting before calling it a night!


Hugs to you all!

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Quick pop in to wish you all a good Thursday! My Dd filled me in on her sis-in-law and her check up on Tuesday- Each twin weighs about 1 lb 7oz and so far so good. Keep the prayers coming that she holds on to them until at least 30 wks--at the minimum.


Did a little crocheting on the granny last night and then the zzzzz's were calling!!!

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Hello all,


Joanne, good news about the twins. I hope they continue to grow and flourish before they decide to come into the world. Happy Almost Friday to you! so glad you got a visit with your GS after work to brighten your day. I need a cleaning lady and a gardener, and I'm a "stay at home mome." I don't know how you do everything you do.


LeeAnn, speaking of not knowing how people accomplish so much, I grew up in the country, and the half hour drive time to get anywhere still lingers in my plans, so I'm always early. While my kids can easily walk to stores that sell everything they'd want, I feel like they are missing out on a quality of life. My kids are all adults, and they still aren't comfortable riding their bikes in the street because there is so much traffic. It can be hard to choose the right education option for your child when you have so many concerns. No matter what you decide, I am confident that you will stay abreast of any issues, and things will go well for him.


Stacy, It sounds like you had a great visit with your mom. :heart I'll bet she was thrilled to spend time with her beautiful daughter and granddaughters. I hope Jorge feels better soon, poor guy. Sounds like he had a really bad time of it. I'm glad your wisdom teeth are not giving you trouble. My oldest doesn't need his removed. My other son has Jorge teeth -- coming in sideways. My dd has slightly bad ones -- she is supposed to get hers removed, too, but they aren't coming in sideways.


Marisa, have a great time at the wedding. It sounds like you have a great weekend planned.


I get to meet with Shirley at the park again today - whoo hoo! :woo Now, :think what project to take - laceweight shawl, or hooded shawl... Since it's kind of cool, I'll go with the hooded shawl. It's a nice, mindless project to work while chatting.

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Morning friends!


Beth-so happy that you get to meet your friend to crochet. Can't wait to see your finished project. You are so so fast at crocheting, betting you will have it done in no time. :hug Thank you for the kind words regarding my ds, it is difficult trying to figure out everything to do and what works best for some may not work for others. He really is a great kid and his mood swings have tapered off a bit. :lol


Joanne-WTG getting to spend time with your adorable gs before going in to get your hair done. I have never worked in a cubicle before but my office at work is the size of a small closet. :devil:lol:lol teaching preschool for so many years and never having privacy can get to a gal. :D


Stacy-hoping going back to classes hasn't been too stressful.


Marisa-thinking of you and hoping that you are having an awesome time.


My dd fell asleep yesterday at 6:30 and hasn't gotten up..kinda worried about her, she is exhausted. I think after the busy weekend she is worn out.


Here's a sneak peak of the hemp lotion, what do you all think? and had to share a pic of the dust storm that we had yesterday...and and and a pic of my handsome son before and after haircut...he is so dern cute.:manyheart


guess I had better shake a leg..have an appointment with the realtor today at 11. My ds is all finished with his school work for the week, he offered to take care of his sister while I am gone. :manyheart


hugs n squishes!





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Good morning.


:morcoffee <~~ This is me today. My mom's flight left bright and early at 6:15 this morning, so I had to take her to the bus station at 3:30. I am so dragging right now! And I miss her already. :( It is so quiet this morning with no one to talk to.

My health prof cancelled class today, so I am hanging out at home until it's time to leave for math. Wish I could go back to bed but I'm afraid I wouldn't hear my alarm to get up! :lol


Joanne, I'm so happy to hear your dd's SIL and the twins are doing well. Hopefully they will not come out until they are good and ready!


LeeAnn, your son is quite a handsome fella! I love his new haircut. That dust storm looks like a doozy! Sorry to hear you went out to the daycare center for nothing- how frustrating! And rude on the director's part. :xfin that she has all of your paperwork ready for tomorrow. Hope your dd feels better soon! It certainly sounds like strep. Did they give her antibiotics or do you need to wait until the culture comes back?


Marisa, have a great weekend! Can't wait to hear about your adventures.


Beth, have fun crocheting with your friend! The hooded shawl sounds like the perfect project, and as LeeAnn said, I'm sure you will have it finished in no time. :cheer Which yarn are you using for it?


Eva had her field trip yesterday, and the teacher said they had lots of fun. I didn't hear many details from Eva, except that they did not see the butterfly show or the dinosaur show that they were scheduled for. The teacher said that since it was raining, the butterfly exhibit was closed. The parent that chaperoned her bought her a small clay glazed pot from the gift shop. :manyheart I thought that was really sweet. I need to pick up a thank-you card for her.

Mia is on her field trip to the automotive museum today. She went last year but she was very excited to go back and see the life-sized Hot Wheels cars and the Batmobile again. :lol

Jorge had class until 10 tonight, so it is just the girls and me. I am thinking of ordering pizza for dinner. My mind is too fuzzy to cook.


I better scoot and try to get something done around here. Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug:hug

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Quick stop in

LeeAnn- Your son is a handsome guy!!! But then again, look at his pretty mama!!! Oh my that dust storm is crazy!!! It looks blinding! Hope all went well at the realtor and good luck with the sale of your house! Love the lotion BTW!!


Beth- Hope you had a great time at the park with your friend! Today was a nice, but cool day here- and I would have loved to have spent some time outside!!


Stacy- I'll bet you do miss your mom- and hope you can get to bed at a decent hour tonight! I always miss my DD when she comes here or I go to Boston to visit. But, I'll be going in a few weeks- planning the first weekend in May! Can't wait!


Marisa- sending good wishes for a fun-filled time this weekend!!!


DD asked me to make a baby blanket for her friend who is having a baby girl- the shower is May 6!!!

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Good morning.


Joanne, another baby blanket! Is this one for a boy or a girl? Any ideas as to pattern and color?


Stacy, it is so hard to make up for lost sleep. I hope you bounced back the way young people do (if I remember correctly.) I am sure you miss your mom -- but that's a sign of a good visit.


LeeAnn, your son is adorable. Does he like his haircut? He looks so grown up. The lotion looks professional, like everything you make.


Marisa, hope you are gearing up for your fun weekend. Enjoy it!


I don't have much going on today, gotta schedule dentist appointments, but that's all. Oh, and my son has his swim test at the YMCA for the lifeguard position.

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Good morning!


Beth- If he passes the lifeguard test does this mean he got the job? Or is this your other son? I haven't decided what blanket I'm going to make for the baby girl that my DD's friend is having. I may end up giving her the one on my hook now (large solid granny) since it's also being made for a girl and she needs it by the 6th. I'll make a different one for her sis-in-laws twin girl. Her shower isn't until the 19th.


Nothing much else going on here. We're going to go to DD's tonight and watch the Devil's playoff hockey game. I'll probably go right after work so I get in some GS time and then DH will join us at game time. It's great she only lives about 5 min away!


Enjoy your Friday everyone!

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Good morning ladies :hi


Joanne, of course I had to cut and paste :wink


I got in Wed afternoon and went to the neighbors for a pedicure, then we went to pizza hut. Ran to the mall, I wanted to see if our JCP had the dress I like in my size. I was surprised they had the dress, just not the size I needed :shrug So I went into another store and they were having a grand reopening of buy one get one half off, so I got 2 dresses. One to wear to the wedding and just a fun summery one. Then I got a pair of flats and a pair of flip flops at payless.


Yesterday just ended up being a crazy day. I woke up at 5:30 unable to go back to sleep. I had a dream about my brother and then couldn't get myself to stop crying from the absurdity of him and being back at his tricks. When my mom tells me of things he does, I really try not to keep complaining because then she keeps going and it really upsets her. So then I came downstairs after about an hour and a half and layed on the couch with the tv on. I had a dentist appt at 10 and woke up 9:50 :eek My mom was happy I was getting sleep (I didn't tell her WHY I couldn't fall back to sleep) and didn't want to wake me but forgot about the appt :lol So, we ran ALL day from then :whew


On the upside, my friend from Colorado made it safely although her plane was a bit delayed, but that really just gave us the little extra time we needed to stop running around with our heads cut off :rofl We stopped by our other friend's office for a quick hello and then something to eat. Made it home around 8.


As for my brother and just because I need to vent a bit....I guess they didn't do anything baskets or eggs/hunts for the kids for Easter. Anyways, the kids called my mom on the ipad in the morning all excited to show them their outfits (that she bought and sent out) and my bro came in and yelled at them that he didn't give them permission to use the ipad and call, took it away told my mom they didn't have permission to call and they had to go and hung up!!!! No good bye, no I'll talk to ya later, no nothing!!! She had since got some pics in email of them in their clothes, but she has not heard from them on the phone since :( I just hate seeing her so upset and he was not raised to treat anyone that way, let alone her :angry She does everything for them that she can. She buys all the clothes for all 4 kids and ships them out there. On top of that, their 10 year anniversary is next weekend and my mom usually sends them a gift card for dinner since they can't afford to eat out. I guess he asked my dad if they were doing that again or can he get something else because he wants some kind of blade for his blender thing :think My mom is even more ****** that he would even ask and she says she just sending him a card with nothing in it like the kids got for easter. This has been ongoing for quite some time and she can only take so much, I think she's approaching that point. She actually said at pizza hut that she like him better back when he was a pothead!!!! :rofl Never thought THOSE words would come out her mouth!


OK, well sorry to be MIA and then come in and vent, but I need to get some off my chest since I try not too keep her going. Wait til I get back and fill my sister in :sigh


Some errands on deck for today. Mom's feeding the 3 of us and then we'll head to NJ later on. We're meeting our friends after the rehearsal dinner, so around 9 :clap I'm so excited, I actually cried at the airport when we picked up my friend. We were always best friends in school and I haven't seen her in about 2 years.


Thanks for all the well wishes for the wedding :hug


LeeAnn - ds sure is a cutie pie :yes And I agree about all that driving, good luck with the house :xfin I like your lotion bottles :yes


Joanne - Sorry you're cubicle's a bit tight but good idea to look at the bright side in not having to go smaller :wink Continued prayers for the twins :hug My friend finally let it out to the 'public' that she's pregnant with twins :clap


Stacy - That's a bummer that Eva didn't get to see the butterflies or dinosaurs :( I hope Mia's field trip goes a bit smoother :xfin


Beth - You are a stay at home mom, but that is like having 2 full time jobs in itself :yes Sending out positive thoughts for ds and his swim test :hug

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Good morning! It is rainy and windy outside (which I love!) But it's also just one of those gloomy days where I don't feel like doing much of anything. This is the first day in about 3 whole weeks that I have been home alone with nothing to do! I really, really need to clean, and have some homework to do, but I just feel like passing out on the couch with some mindless t.v. and my granny ripple. I might just do that, anyway. :lol


Marisa, sounds like you (and your mom!) need some hugs! :hug:hug:hug It's bad enough when people act like that all on their own, but when kids are involved, it makes it that much worse. Hope you are able to enjoy your weekend with your friends, without worrying too much about your brother.


Joanne, have fun watching the game with your dd!


Beth, good luck to your ds! I did not bounce back from being sleepy- I ended up going to bed with the girls around 7:30! :lol Is it pizza night? How is Shrimp Boy doing?


LeeAnn, what's on your agenda today?


Okay...I am a little creeped out- turned on the news and they said there is a very slim chance of tornadoes or waterspouts! :eek:eek Thunder and lightning do not worry me, but tornadoes- yikes! Especially since this is NOT the area for them. I'm going to scoot and lie down for a little while. Love and hugs!

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Stacy, I hope the weather behaved itself, and you got to enjoy the rainy day. Are you feeling any more rested?


LeeAnn, I hope your dd is feeling better, and everyone else is staying well. Did you hear if it's strep yet?


Marisa, I am thinking of you and hoping you are having a lot of fun.


Joanne, That seemed like a quick turn around for making a baby blanket. Now you get to think about the other one longer.


I am so excited about another IRL crochet meet-up today, I couldn't sleep. Like a little kid. Have a great Saturday.

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Happy Saturday!

Had a wonderful fun time with DD and GS after work-he's such a joy to be with- He was dressed in his NJ Devils gear, as was I and DD--and the Devil's won! :clap


Beth- Have a great time crocheting today with your friend!!!


Stacy- Can you send some rain this way? (just not on the weekend- you can wait till Monday! :lol )


Marisa- I feel for your mom with your brother! Probably a good thing he doesn't live close by. Feel free to vent anytime you need to--that's what friends are for- in the good times and the bad times.

Have a blast at the wedding today-it's a gorgeous day here in NJ!!!


LeeAnn- Hope the dust storms are gone- and that you are having some relaxing time! Although probably lots more on your plate getting the place ready to sell!! Did it go well with the realtor?


I won't be too far from where Marisa is today- I'm heading up to North Jersey today for my niece's confirmation. It'll be nice to see everyone today!


Hope you all have a fabulous day:hug

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Good Morning friends!


Joanne-have a great time with family, how fun! And your turn around time for those ghans is amazing. :hug That is soo cute that your gs, dd, and yourself had on team shirts. :manyheart I bet he is just growing and growing. He is one of the funnest baby stages.


Beth-that is great that you get to meet up with an IRL crochet buddy, can you teleport one my way? :devil perhaps yourself? Did your ds get the job?


Stacy-I am so glad that you had an awesome visit with your mom, that is just wonderful. How far away does she live? I am sure that she is missing all of you too.


Marisa-have fun at the wedding, so glad that you found a dress and new shoes...gotta love that. :lol Sorry to hear about your brother, family members can be tough to deal with. I love mine but am glad that I have a break from them as well. They are all very needy.


Things over here in my neck of the woods have been moving like lightening. Thursday dd stayed home cuz she was still feeling sick. I had to take her back to the doc's office because her ear was really hurting..turns out she had an ear infection. The PA that was on duty when I took her on Wed. had said to call if she felt worse and she would write her an RX...well she was gone and forgot to put it down in her chart...soo....back to the doc's office we went. This time, I took dh with me. He is part of their organization and such..wow..the difference! We were rushed right into a room, given an rx and an apology. :D With her meds, she is starting to feel better. She didn't go to school yesterday, she has been sleeping 10-14 hours at a time.:eek She had me really worried.


The consultation with the realtor went well, she seems very energetic and really helpful..she is coming today to take pics and do a walk thru. I have been cleaning like a crazy woman. The house wasn't bad just want it to be sparkly.


Dh and ds are camping this weekend, so it's only dd and yours truly. Hoping I can get a bit of hooky time in. After dd gets up, we are going out to lunch then perhaps to rent a movie and then back home to relax. I have a friend coming over this evening, she needs help with her Early Childhood homework.


guess I had better get those bathrooms cleaned, they were the last on my list of chores for the day.


hugs n squishes dear friends!



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