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Good morning all!!


Happy Friday!!!


Stacy- Hope DH feels better today and have fun at the Museum!!! I love going to museums!! That's funny about your mom asking which TV shows you watch! I have a few I like, but if I miss them, I miss them- no biggie! Now that baseball season is here, mostly I have the Yankee game on while I crochet!


DH and I are going to my DD's MIL's for Easter. My oldest will be home in Beantown and not sure yet if middle DD is coming or not. She is coming to my house today to work on her thesis since the library is closed and is spending the night! So I'll see her when I get home from Paradise!!!


LeeAnn- Hope you are having a fun time with your sis and family!! Enjoy the weekend!! Try not to work too much----


Beth- Did you think of something to make with the new yarn?


Marisa- Enjoy your weekend! Does your sis have season tix to the Pirates games?

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I slept in! :c9 well, if it counts after I get up to get my dh's breakfast and lunch for him... Any way, I am looking forward to a great day.


Joanne, Happy Friday! Always nice to see your girls. I hope your dd's thesis is going well. How nice to have a quiet place to work while the library is closed. It's too bad you won't all get together. That must be so special.


Stacy, I hope your dh is feeling better today. The dinosaur exhibit sounds right up my dd's alley. I hope you have lots of fun and no drama from the visitors.


LeeAnn, enjoy your sister's visit, and your nephews, of course. What fun! Don't overdo anything.


Marisa, are you looking forward to the end of Lent?


My new yarn is going to try to become a hooded shawl. It may decide it doesn't like that, and decide to become something else later, but for now, that's the plan.

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


I didn't take notes while reading so I'll probably miss commenting on some things :blush


The patient did treat on Wed night and I told him that I was going to submit the bills to the insurance anyway and we'd go from there. I told him if they really don't cover it that it'd be the 'cash' price which he was ok with. But I said we'll see what comes of the insurance first.


We went to Banjo night, which is always enjoyable :yes


Started the day yesterday with kegs n eggs at stephs before the game. We had a pretty big group of us, so had a lot of fun even though the Pirates lost :( Went to the sports bar right there afterwards and I ended up meeting a guy!!! Don't get too excited yet, but he does seem really nice and he's super tall. But we'll see if I hear from him or not. He and his friend did come back and hang out at the house a bit. And he did text when he got home to let us know he made it ok. Only time will tell, but you know I'll keep you posted if anything else comes up :yes:lol


Steph and bean have a viewing to go to tonight, but I don't know if there's any other plans or just a relaxing evening at home :think Tomorrow they'll be going to the game and I'm hoping for time to work on my mcal ghan with the assembly :xfin I may also run to the mall over the weekend to look for a new dress for the wedding next weekend since I have a gift card for the mall anyway....I shouldn't feel bad then :think


I'm going to get moving and call it a day. I'm heading home for a nap I think :lol


I hope you all have a wonderful Easter (in case I don't get back until Mon)

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Beth- that hooded shawl is really nice! Hope your new yarn decides that it wants to be made into that!! Hope you had a great day!


Stacy- Saw a pic on FB of one of the dinosaurs. I'll bet you had a great time!


Marisa- You never know- when you least expect something- that's when it happens!!! Happy Easter to you too!


LeeAnn- Hope you are relaxing a bit and enjoying sis and her family!!


Hugs to you all!

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Just popping in to say :hi and wish you all a good Good Friday! The yarn is very happy making the hooded shawl, though the ruffle may not make it into the final project. I am really enjoying it. Very quick, mindless type of work. My yarn is a bit thinner than called for, but I can probably make up for it with a few clever ideas I have. Wouldn't it look awesome with a collar? Bwahahaha! (is there an evil laugh smiley?)

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Good evening!


It's been a long day. We took the girls to the Natural History Museum, then to the Science Center, and back to the NHM. The dinosaur hall was amazing! Then we stopped for some pho, came home, ran out to Target and Petco, and back home again. :whew We picked up a ball for the hamster and she is rolling around in it right now. This hamster is a smart one! She keeps rolling back and forth on the kitchen tile, trying to gain enough speed to make it to the carpet! :eek She has made it twice already but the carpet seems too tough to roll on for now. We played a game of Clue- so fun! Dh played for the first time last night, and he really enjoyed it. Now I'm waiting for my dad to call- hopefully he will soon because I am worn out!


Beth, that hooded shawl is adorable! I agree with the ruffles, though- it would definitely look cute with a collar! Or in Homespun...hmmm...:devil


Joanne, hope you enjoyed coming home from Paradise and seeing your dd. How is her thesis coming along?


Leeann and Marisa- hope your weekend is off to a great start!


My dad just called, so I gotta scoot. Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug:hug

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Good morning!

Beth- I'm glad that your new yarn is liking becoming that pretty shawl. And a collar- oh, yes, I can see that!! I know whatever ideas you have for it will be awesome!! Can't wait to see when you have finished!!!


Stacy- Oh, my, but a busy but fun day you and the family had!! Glad to hear your Dad finally called and I've got my fingers crossed that your Mom and Dad can co-exist peacefully and without drama! Cute ball with the hamster in it that you posted on FB.

My DD's thesis is coming along- and she said she'd be getting up early today to do some more work on it. It was a nice quiet evening- DH retreated to the bedroom to watch tv (or should I say the tv watched him?) I worked on the RR and made my DD a new coffee cup cozy.


Here's to a good Saturday!!!

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I worked the pattern for a skein and a half, then tore it out, altered it, worked a skein and a half again, and now I"m going to tear it out again, make one more change. I think I will be happy with it this time. The pattern calls for making two halves and sewing them together. I'm making the body in one piece, but I'll still make the hood in two pieces.


Joanne, sounds like you had a nice, quiet, relaxing Friday. I hope today is a good one.


Stacy, what a fun day you had! I hope your dd realizes the hamster is from her sister. That could be crushing to a young girl. Zhu Zhu is adorable. Your day sounds like fun. I hope your time with the two parents is drama free.


Marisa and LeeAnn, have a great Saturday. Enjoy your weekends of fun!

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Beth- I'm sure whatever you come up with will be great. I'm not good at altering patterns and I read through the pattern and thought to myself why can't this be in one piece instead of two halves? But wouldn't know how to change it! Enjoy your time putting your original spin on the shawl!!!


Laundry is ready to go in the dryer- and DD is working on her paper. I've been to Target, Kohls and back- picked up a sandbucket for GS and thats what I'm putting his Easter goodies in- got him a pair of swim trunks and also a safety flotation device that is for 9-24 mos old. Since we'll open the pool, figured I'd get him set with a few pool/beach items!


Have a great day!

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picked up a sandbucket for GS and thats what I'm putting his Easter goodies in-
I used to do that with my kids! I was thinking about that today when I went to a store and bought big plastic baskets for my kids (that will look really good with yarn in them later...:devil)
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Hello there friends!


Remember me? Feels like I have been gone for a loooong time, could it be that the days are jam packed?


Beth-I love that shawl, perhaps you can share your updated pattern version? What color did it decide it wanted to be?


Joanne-ohh how sweet! Your gs is at such a fun age. That is soo nice that you are able to spend time with your other dd.


Stacy-crossing my fingers that your parents get along today and that all is well.


Things in my neck of the woods have been exhausting...I feel a little frazzled. My sis is preggers and tired, so it has left me with all of the kiddos, cooking and cleaning..and her friends kids..other folks that she has invited as well as some of my extended family members...been soaping with my brother in law (he wanted to learn how) and of course had a few more orders that I mailed out this morning.


best get a a move on it.hugs n squishes!

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LeeAnn, you sure have been busy. It sounds like a good busy, though. I hope you are enjoying your extended family and friends gathering at your house. I am using a yarn called "ocean." It's mostly navy blue with different shades of blue and white in it.


Joanne, I hope you are enjoying your weekend. It sounds pretty good so far!


Marisa, I think it's great that you met someone interesting. I hope you are having fun.


Stacy, I'm thinking about you and your family get-together. I hope all is well. the dinosaur pictures were great -- the museum looks so interesting. I'll bet the girls had fun. Was today Chuck E Cheese day?

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Good morning and Happy Easter!


We had a wonderful day yesterday -it was relaxing for me and I finished the RR while DD worked on her thesis. We went shopping for a bit and then came back and watched the Yankee game --unfortunately they lost again-- :-(


Another nice day on tap here weather wise - and I can't wait to spend the afternoon with GS (and of course everyone else).


Beth- I had to chuckle that you used to do the same thing buying a sand bucket!


LeeAnn- I'm hoping that you got to take a little break last evening!


Stacy- Enjoy Easter with both your parents in town.


Marisa- Enjoy your Easter!!

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Hiya friends!


Happy Easter to all of you as well!


My company has left for the evening. My sister and her family went to my mom's house to spend the evening and the night. I am secretly a lil happy. I love my sis and her family but with her being preggers she is very moody and a lil mean. She had me in tears the other night...my poor brother in-law.


Going to sit, relax and get some hook time in. hugs n squishes!

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Glad to hear you are going to get in a little "me" time, LeeAnn- you so deserve it. Sorry your sis had you in tears---:hug:hug


We had a wonderful Easter! :manyheart It was great to see my MIL's father- who is doing great at 87! My SIL's dad's father was there as well and he seems to have deteriorated since his wife died about a month ago.I spent a bit of time with him and let him talk about her. He just kept saying this is the first holiday without her. :(


My DD's and I took Ryan for a nice walk after eating and it was gorgeous outside!


Found out that my DD's SIL is doing well so far- she wasn't there since she is on complete bed rest, but is hanging in and goes to the doc Tuesday for a follow up- she'll be 24 wks then. The baby shower is scheduled for May 19- so I guess I'll have to start the blanket for the girl twin sooner rather than later!


Hugs to you all and many blessings!

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Good morning, everybody,


I hope you all had a great day yeserday. I get one more day off from the ballet studio, but my dd and I get to take care of the cats today.


Joanne, I hope your week in Paradise flies by. Do you have many baseball games to watch this weeek?


LeeAnn, please don't do too much. How long will your sister be in the area? Pregnancy hormones are not fun. I'm sorry she had you in tears on Easter. Big hugs.


Marisa, what's going on? Did you have a good weekend?


Stacy, How was Chuck E Cheese? How are the parents coexisting?

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Beth- Baseball season is LONG!! I won't watch ALL of them!:lol But I do enjoy having a game on and hook in hand!!


Off to get ready- running behind this morning!!! Craft club tonight! Have a great Monday everyone!

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Good Morning friends!


Beth-enjoy your last day off, taking care of kittens sounds like a fabulous start. Are your kiddos all done with homeschooling?


Joanne-have a great day in Paradise and fun fun fun at craft club tonight!


Marisa & Stacy-can't wait to hear about your weekend.


I had a relaxing evening, worked a little bit on my etsy shop, ( I find it relaxing). Trying to tidy up my product shelves, noticed that I did not have some items listed. :lol Was wondering why they hadn't sold. :D:D


Today I need to start laundry and get the house cleaned..it was clean but now looks a little scary. Dh loaded the dishwasher before he went to work this morning, so happy about that. Just need to sweep and swiffer..and a little organizing.


My new supply order should be in today..:clap:cheerhave to make the last of the soaps 19 of them...and then I can play..maybe. :devil My sister will be stopping by later this morning on her way out..but I think it will be ok. For some reason, we just did not mesh this visit. We have such different personalities..usually we can appreciate that, but it was really difficult this time around.


off to work I go!


hugs n squishes!

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LeeAnn, so sorry you and your sister had a personality clash. I've been through that with my sister, and it isn't fun. I hope your next little visit goes smoothly. I can't wait to see what other goodies you are posting on your Etsy site.


Joanne, it's too pretty to be at work. Tell your boss you need a good weather day. I hope Paradise is treating you well.


Marisa, I'm waiting to hear about your weekend. You seem to have a lot of fun -- it makes me feel young to hear about your adventures.


Stacy, Are you and the kiddos back at school already? I think the public schools are off one more day here.


Well, I guess I should get something done today. Or maybe I should take a nap!:devil

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


Beth - I vote for the nap!!!! :lol


So, I guess I was last here on Friday :think Let's see....Friday night I got to work on the mystery cal laying it out and started to join. Now it's lying on my bedroom floor almost half way joined :lol So, Saturday I got up and had a quick bfast, my sister and I went for a 'hike' to the strip district to pick up our veggies and some other groceries for Easter. Then she and her bf ran out to Sam's and the market for everything else we needed. I showered and got myself together. Went to the mall in search of a dress for the wedding this weekend. Tried on a whole lot of them, and found one I liked, but they didn't have my size :( But, it was at JC Penny's so we're going to check near my parents on Thursday since I'm headed back there Wed, otherwise I'll wear the black one in my closet (but I forgot about the wedding when I packed to move and most of my dresses are in storage :( ) I left the mall at 6:30 and then I had a DATE at 7:30 with the guy I met on Thursday :eek


We went to YoRita's, they have crazy tacos :lol and it was yummy. That was over on the South Side (I live on the North) and it gets busy with the college kids around there. But then we walked the few blocks down to the milkshake factory for dessert :drool He definitely wins points for sharing :yes So we ordered different things and shared it all, I highly dislike when people don't want me picking at their food :rofl Then since we couldn't think of somewhere right around there that we'd be able to chat because of the rowdy scenes there, we went down to the end of that strip where there's an Irish bar and we sat outside. It was a very enjoyable evening and he was a perfect gentleman :yes I think we have a lot in common and he seems pretty laid back like myself. We shall see, only time will tell :blush But I didn't get home until midnight!!!


Yesterday was Easter so we spent a good portion of the morning and afternoon preparing, enjoying some mimosa's and sangria. Ingrid had to cook up her dish when she got there and we ate around 4:30ish. It was a great day. We had an egg hunt for the kids, they were too darn cute :manyheart Those lucky ducks had 3 hunts yesterday :eek Sloan was super tired because he woke up at 4 AM wanting to find his eggs and kept trying to wake everyone else up :rofl


Last night I worked some more on my mcal ghan after our holiday was over. Slept well last night and woke up early this morning. Threw in a load of laundry and took my sister to work. Her bf's car is in the shop, so he used her car and I brought her in. His should be done today, in which case he'll pick her up and they'll run right over for his car. I went back to the house and did 3 more loads of laundry, unloaded the dishwasher, got my lunch together, made croutons with the stale bread, watched last weeks American Idol, ate breakfast, worked out and showered. I still have to fold my scrubs when I get back later.


Then I ran to the dentist office to pick up my recent x-rays because I'm seeing my mom's dentist on Thursday morning because I don't believe this guy that I have like 5 cavities :eek Plus I just didn't like him....horribly bedside manner :shrug


That brings me here to work and checking in with you :D:whew


Joanne - Definitely cut and pasting this!!! :lol You're right, things only happen when you're not looking :yes Did you take a pic of dd's new cozy? Have fun at craft club tonight. I'll be waiting to hear the verdict of the doc's appointment tomorrow to hear the sex of the babies :bounce


Beth - Oh boy, you've had a time with that hooded shawl already :hug I can't wait to see your final product, you sure are putting in a lot of time with it :yes Glad I can keep you young :wink


Stacy - I bet you guys had so much fun at the museums :manyheart Hamsters are quite the smarties :yes How exciting that dh enjoyed playing clue :clap We played Apples to Apples last night with Averie.


LeeAnn - Girl, you make me look like I don't do anything :shrug Glad to hear you got some 'me' time, you totally needed it :hug Sorry about your sister, but it's good you usually are good with your differences, but you know what those hormones are doing to her :eek

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Hi. Since I can't sleep now (my 24-hour allergy medicine seems to quit 8 hours early) I thought I'd stop in and say :hi, since I will be going back to bed after I send off the dh. so hi!


Joanne, did the Yankees play last night? Did they win? We were watching the cubs for a bit. It's kind of sad -- I recognized one player. I think I knew more players on the Brewers.


Marisa, so exciting to get to know someone knew. I hope he continues to be a gentleman, and you two get to be good friends. You can always use more friends. Keep us posted!


LeeAnn, is your sister back home now? I never did make it over to your Etsy shop to see what goodies you posted. I will have to take a peek. I told my mom about how great my bathroom smells with your vanilla soap in it, and she wants some for Mother's Day.


Stacy, how was the big weekend? How are things with your family? I hope it ws free of parental drama.


Well, I need to go back to the studio this evening. I really enjoyed my break from there. The teacher called me 3 times over the wekeend, though, checking up on me.


Oh, my twin son has a job interview Wednesday with the YMCA. I hope he gets that one.

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good morning!


Never made it to craft club last night. I came home from Paradise and the landscaper was here- and I wanted to make sure that all was done that we asked. Yard looks good, weeds all gone, bushes trimmed, mulch put down and then he thatched the lawn and put new seed in. We're supposed to get rain which would be perfect!


Beth- Sorry the allergy meds decided to stop working and you were up in the middle of the night. Good luck to DS on his job interview!!!


Marisa- Oh, what fun- he seems like a nice guy and it'll be interesting to see where this new friendship goes.


LeeAnn and Stacy- Hope you both had good Monday's! Mine was crazy at work- they are moving everyone's seats in my dept- and it is crazy because of course it is business as usual while the moves are going on. My turn is today. UGH!


Oh, well, have a good day!!

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