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Hi friends!


LeeAnn- WTG on getting so many orders! :clap:cheer:h5 You rock!


Beth, can't wait to see a pic of the granny ripple. :D


Marisa, how sweet of you to make the fudge for your sister's coworker. Peanut butter fudge sounds delish!


Joanne, have fun at craft club. :hook


The girls and I did a ton of running today- bank, Walgreens for some prescriptions, the doctor for Eva's ear (which turned out to not be infected at all), laundromat, Trader Joe's...and some other places, I think. :think They argued a bunch too, so they are grounded in their room right now. I hope this is not a sign of the week to come. They are on spring break this week, also. I did just find out that our school even has Monday off, so that will be nice. My mom and I had planned to do breakfast alone one day, so I'm thinking we could do that, then head out to Santa Monica. :manyheart I did speak with my mom earlier, and she's already starting with the drama about my dad, though- I had to tell her to knock it off. :blush I hate holding my ground against my parents, but she can't act like that around my kids.

Anyway, my battery is about to die, so I better scoot and get the laundry put away, along with some other chores. Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug

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Good morning!


Stacy- sounds like a busy first day of spring break for you and the girls! Glad you have one more day than they do and you and your Mom will get to spend the day together! Here's thinking positive thoughts that any parental drama is kept to the bare minimum - or better yet, none at all!


LeeAnn- Seems that the orders are coming in like hotcakes! That's wonderful for you!!! Still don't know how you do it all- plus I see from FB that you are on pinterest too! Just not enough hours in the day for me to go to yet another site!

How are you feeling- is the cold gone?


Beth- So happy you had a good time this past weekend! And I can't wait to see pics of the granny ripple. I worked on the RR last night at craft club. I'm about 18 rounds in I think. The mama to be who this is for is still hanging in there.


Marisa- How did your patient do after a full day of work? Sounds like as always you have a busy schedule in the evenings! Have fun at opening day! So happy baseball season is almost here- Go Yankees!!!:lol


Off to get ready for another busy day!

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Good morning ladies :hi


Not much going on over here today. I made the fudge last night and when my sister cleaned out the pot she said it tasted great :manyheart I did a little knitting, but not enough to amount to anything :lol We're going out to dinner tonight with some of the ladies from our neighborhood to the place we often go to for jazz :yes


Stacy - Wow, you sure got alot of errands done yesterday...I guess the long day got to the girls :think You have to stand your ground with your parents on this issue....sending out good thoughts to you :xfin


Joanne - Well, my patient called yesterday to say something came up and he wouldn't make it in. So, I'll give him a call a bit later just to check up on him. And yep, we are always busy :lol Can't wait for Thursday :clap:cheer We're starting the day with kegs 'n eggs before we head down to the ballpark :wink

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Top of the morning to you good friends!


Joanne-so happy to read that you made it to your craft club, I know how much you look forward to it. 18 rounds in? wow! Pretty soon you will be finished then you can start a granny ripple. :devil I do feel better, thank you so very much for asking :hug


Stacy-you ran lots of errands yesterday, those days happen way too often for me. :lol How are your girls doing today? WTG standing your ground between your parents, I know firsthand how frustrating that can all be...my parents are a hugs pain..love them, but they are like oil and water-just do not mix. Hopefully you can get a little bit of crochet time in.:hug


Marisa-you sure are busy as a bee! How nice to not have to cook :D and your fudge...well...I would love some! :devil You are strong to be able to fix it and not sample...I know I could never do that.


Beth-oh I can't wait to see your pic of the granny! What will you start on next? you finished that super duper fast! How are your inventions? and how are you feeling now that they are legal adults?:hug


My days have been a whirlwind of activity. I really need to slow down but just can't find the time. Yesterday I took dd to my great aunts house for the afternoon. We had a severe wind storm visibility driving was pretty scary. I mailed off all the orders that I had received then came home tossed a load of laundry to wash, helped ds with his school work and set about making lip balms. Made 12 of the banana coconut and 12 Peach Daiquiri and also made the sugar scrubs, cleaned up the kitchen and made dinner. By the time dh picked up dd and came home, I was tuckered out...but we stayed up watching DWTS. I tried to crochet but I couldn't get into it...also have a new custom order for 25 champagne oval soaps and 7 of the bubble bath. She hasn't officially checked out thru etsy so I am holding off starting until she does..I do have the bubble bath in stock and a few of the soaps..but will have to work like a busy bee to get them in the mail by Friday. They are for her bridal party. oh and of course I still haven't made all of the lotion bars..they keep selling faster than I can make. Will get to them this morning. the kiddos are still sleeping, so I can craft then spend the afternoon with them.


hi ho hi ho it's off to work I go. hugs n squishes!

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LeeAnn - I know I'm busy, but just reading about all you do wears me out :whew


The fudge is easy to make, I'd be glad to share the recipe with you if you wanted to give it a try :devil

Please please please please please!:drool:hyper


Joanne, 18 rounds -- wow! You are flying! How many do you expect you'll need for the RR? I hope the mama-to-be stays -to-be for a while longer.


LeeAnn, you do make me tired. I am so glad your business is taking off, though. Smart to wait until the order is finalized before you make the product. I'll tell you, the vanilla soap I have in my bathroom is making the whole room smell so good. I told my Mom about it, and I'll be ordering her a couple vanilla soaps before Mother's Day.


Marisa, sorry your patient couldn't make it in. I hope he's feeling OK. I'm glad you got him fit for work. I think it's awesome that you will check on him, too. You are such a caring doctor.


Stacy, I hope you and your mom have lots of good times this week! Are the girls thrilled? What will you be doing while she is here? Enjoy!


I don't have much to say. I am waiting for Thursday, because I get 4 days off in a row after that! Hooray! Also, the circus is coming to town, and I think I'll get to go with my dd (and Shrimp boy) and possibly my oldest and his honey.

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Chocolate Peanut Butter Fudge


4 C sugar

1 1/3 C milk

8 tbsp cocoa

4 tbsp karo


I usually use a liquid measurer for the sugar and just use a tablespoon from the silverware drawer.


Mix well and bring to a boil. Now here's where to watch, it'll kind of grow in the pot and then go back down. It's done when:


You dribble a little from the spoon into a cup of COLD water and it hardens in there when you roll it into a little ball. It'll probably be somewhere aroun d15-25 minutes depending on your heat and all. Stir frequently so it doesn't stick too bad.


Have these next ingredients ready to go.....


2 sticks Imperial margarine (we've tried others, but this yeilds the best result)

12 tbsp Peanut butter (we only ever use jif, I'd strongly discourage natural PB)

2 tsp vanilla


Again I use a tbsp from the silverware drawer and they heap, so I can't tell you for certain on exact measurements but I'd guess I use more than what it would be if I actually measured it correctly :lol But I do it the way mom does :wink


As soon as you take off the stove, add these and mix until it's all combined. Then pour into a pan and let it set in the fridge. If the kids are good, leave a little behind in the pot and give each a spoon to help clean it out :drool


Any questions, let me know :D

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OK, so I actually came to complain!!!!!!! Because I have to vent :(


A guy calls to make an appointment and finds me on Aetna's webpage because I'm in network with them. So I get his insurnace info so I can verify before he comes in. Low and behold his plan does not cover a spinal manipulation when performed by a chiropractor....only a medical doctor or osteopath!!!! I hope he'll still want to treat :xfin I forgot to get his number so I can't even call him back to let him know :blush

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Quick stop in-


LeeAnn- You are soooo busy, I am tired reading about it- but I am oh so happy that you've had good success with your business---Good luck getting all the orders filled- and remember to breathe!!!


Marisa--That seems strange since manipulation of the spine is what chiro's do. Went to Aetna's coverage policy and only found this: Manipulation is deemed experimental and investigational and is not covered when it is rendered for non-neuromusculoskeletal conditions

But it did also say this Some plans have limitations or exclusions applicable to chiropractic care. Doesn't make sense to not cover chiro for spinal manipulation! Can't blame you for venting!!!!


Stacy- Have fun with your Mom!!!


Beth- Nice to have 4 days off!!! Enjoy them!!!!!


Heard about tornadoes in Dallas- this weather is scary- hoping and praying that all in the area are ok!

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Good morning,

Marisa, thanks for the fudge recipe. I will have to try it. I am sorry the insurance company is being so strange. They should definitely pay. I know first-hand what a difference a chiro can make.

LeeAnn, I hope you are taking breaks from time to time. You are so busy. Aren't you supposed to be on break this week? So, if your business continues growing, would you consider hiring someone to help? Or do you want to do it yourself, so you know the quality will be consistent?

Joanne, Can't wait to see the RR. How is it progressing? happy Hump Day!

Stacy, I am thinking of you. I hope you are having a wonderful time with your mom.


Guess what? I think you all know that my hubby and I are going to Wrigley field in July for his 50th birthday -- well, I checked their menus at their concession places, and two of them specialize in gluten free food! :faint I am now highly excited!

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Good morning everyone and Happy Hump Day!!!


Hope you had fun last night Marisa after the crazy news about the potential new patient and the insurance!!


LeeAnn- Hope you were able to take a few moments to yourself!!!


Beth- I'm up to Round 22 on the RR--so it looks like I'm nearing the finish!


Stacy- I'll bet your Mom is thrilled to see you and the girls!! When does your Dad arrive? Here's to a drama-less visit!!!!


Hugs to you all---:hug

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Morning, Beth!! We posted at the same time!!! That is awesome that Wrigley has some gluten-free food!!!! Now your trip to Wrigley will be perfect!!! That's great!!!! I would love to see Wrigley some day---there's something about an old ball park--that's why I love going to Fenway (even though it is home of the Yankee rivals, the Red Sox). It's a great old ball park.


I'm planning to go to Boston in May- should check the schedule to see if there is a ball game while I'm there.

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Good morning ladies :hi


Had fun at dinner with the ladies last night and I met some of the new ones that are just moving into the new set of townhomes going up in the next block. We all walked back together and ended up hanging out at steph's house for a bit chatting. 2 of the ladies called their dh's to come down and the guy's hung out in the living room watching hockey while we were in the kitchen (but it's all open so can still see the tv :wink ). The other lady's dh was watching their baby who was already sleeping so he couldn't come down. She knits though so now I might have a crafting buddy only a block away :clap I think she's going to come down for bit tomorrow morning before we all head out for the game. Steph always tells everyone to just stop by if they hear people are over!!! :lol The knitting girl was cute, she says we need a flag system to let people know where to go :lol


I was up early this morning so headed in here. I have 3 patient's today, well :xfin that the last one (with the weird insurance) will choose to be self pay...it's not like he can go to another chiro anyway. I'm thinking I'll still submit the bills and see what comes of it though :shrug I also have Ingrid bringing the kids to hang out for a bit while her and her dh's work overlaps since his mom couldn't watch them today or something. Apparently she gets weird about it at times :think She started to panic last week when she found out the kids were off starting Tuesday (yesterday) and she was texting with his mom all morning and then mentioned that and she stopped texting back. I told her not to worry and that she could always bring them here if she needs to. The funny thing is that she always referred to her as the babysitter....never and the children's grandparent (as in the dh's mother) and when I met her and put 2 and 2 together realized that the babysitter IS the grandparent and then found myself super baffled at the hassle she gets about being available. :shrug OK :blah :blah :blah


Tonight is banjo night if I'm home in time after the last patient :xfin


LeeAnn - I think you need a day long break to recoupe a bit :yes


Joanne - I have aetna and I have chiro coverage :think OK, so here's the weird thing. I have one patient with highmark from PNC and they only cover the spinal manipulation and not any therapy modalities, extremity adjusting, exams, etc. This aetna one also happens to be thru PNC :think Now, I do all of my banking with PNC and I'm starting to not like them very much :think:lol


Beth - Enjoy the fudge and how exciting about the gluten free places at Wrigley. I've been there once, but didn't eat anything in the park. I went to that pizza place I told you about before hand so I was already stuffed :lol

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Good morning friends!:morcoffee this is how I feel today


Joanne-Happy Wednesday to you as well! The weekend is almost here! Can't believe that you are almost finished with your rr? wowza! Your hook is smoking. :manyheart


Beth-soo happy that you will have yummy food to enjoy while on your trip with your dh:heart that will make your trip so memorable and enjoyable and just fun fun fun!


Stacy-how is Spring Break going? Getting to do lots of fun things with your kiddos?


Marisa-three patients today? awesomeness!!!:clap:woo I am so happy for you, and all of the wonderful folks that you meet, well that is fantastic! I love networking and chatting...so much fun! Hope the guy with the insurance goes anyway.


Yesterday was a bit of a tornado day...are you all ready to hear about it? Got up early, started cleaning just as soon as I jumped out of the shower. The day before we had a major dust storm...:angry vacuumed all of the windows and the entry way. Then swept and mopped the living room, started more laundry, cleaned up the kitchen...took time to bake cookies with my dd...I love that she keeps me grounded. Then while the cookies were baking, we cleaned out the refrigerator..shelves..everything. After cookies were done and the dishwasher was loaded I helped ds with his homework then set to making lotion bars (had another custom order for 3 more from Etsy) made 24 of them:eek inbetween helping ds and chatting with dd and laundry...then cleaned up again, made dinner, got dh and ds out the door for Boy Scouts, printed labels..took a break to sit and watch DWTS with dd, then stayed up till midnight working on the last of the labeling for the lotion bars and lip balms..did receive the order for 25 soaps and 7 bubble baths...started on the soaps last night, but going to run out of my soap base..so have to wait for it to come in..it should deliver on Monday..I was supposed to have everything out in the mail by Friday but since she ordered a day later and it is Good Friday I am going to get the last of them done on Monday.


whew! Tired yet? me too! I love sharing my day to day activities with all of you, thank you all so very much for listening to me go on and on.


today we are going to a play date with a new friend that I had met at the craft bazaars. Both of her children are around the same age as ours..and she homeschools. It should be fun..going to make another batch of soap before I get ready and tidy up yet again and perhaps the last of the laundry.


hugs n squishes dear friends! I so wish I could hire someone to help with orders, that would be awesome!:hug

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Hi all!


We are having fun here. Well, we did yesterday, anyway. :lol Today, dh had his wisdom teeth removed. So I took him to that, then did a bit of shopping for the ice cream, popsicles, etc. He slept on and off for most of the day, my mom took the girls to the park, and I crocheted! :woo I've actually had lots of time to :hook since we've been on break- I actually finished the sidewalk shawl. I will try to take a pic of it tomorrow. I started on the granny ripple tonight but am only on the second row.


Marisa, sorry you are having such a poopy time with the insurance. I don't know if it helps, but we have HealthNet and there are different tiers with it. Ours is the "middle" coverage and will only cover certain services (like a routine adjustment, but not for specific ailments.) It sounds like the same type of thing you are dealing with. :hug:hug:hug Hope you can get it straightened out.


LeeAnn, as usual, you are a whirlwind of activity! :nworthy I don't know how you do it! How fun to take time out of work and bake with your dd. :manyheart


Joanne, what's shakin' bacon? I can't believe you are almost finished with that rr! Seems like you barely started it. Oh, when the girls and I were at TJ's the other day, the sample at the kiosk was Journey to the Center of the Cookie. Ohhhhh my goodness, was it yummy! A chocolate chip cookie in a muffin shape with a chunk of chocolate melted right in the middle. And of course I had it with a sample of the Ethiopian blend coffee. Heaven! :manyheart


Beth, how awesome that Wrigley Field has a gluten-free menu! :cheer


It is a quiet night- my mom is watching Survivor and the girls are watching Kung Fu Panda. Dh is sleeping already, so I guess I will turn off the computer and sneak in a bit more hooky time. Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug



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Stacy, that pattern is gorgeous! I can't wait to see your project. I'll bet it's lovely. I hope Jorge is feeling OK. I'm glad you are enjoying your visit with your mom. It's almost Chuck-E-Cheese day. Is the birthday girl excited?


LeeAnn, Can I please sit down a minute? You are wearing me out! I hope you will get some rest this weekend. Do you celebrate Easter? What do you have planned?


Marisa, So what happened with the man with the unpleasant insurance?


Joanne, Happy Thursday. Did your week go by quickly? Mine sure did. I'm on vacation from the ballet studio now until Tuesday. :D And I got some yarn from Herrschners yesterday! :hook I just don't know what to make with it.:think but since I saw that pattern Stacy shared...:crocheting


Today I meet with my crochet friend while my dd has class. My oldest son and I will play with his taxes. And I need to check on the ballet teacher. She isn't feeling well. I worry.

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Good morning!

I am exhausted after reading your post LeeAnn!!! I don't know how you do it!!! Your days are just jam packed--and I'm sure that 'minor' thing called a dust storm didn't help! Oh, my!!! Hope you get a chance to put your 'feet up' for a bit!!


Marisa- Have fun at the Pirates game today!! Exciting to be going to an opening day baseball game!!! (insert jealous smiley here)


Stacy- Can't wait to see pics of the shawl--the link showing the pattern and pic of the shawl- well, all I can say is it's beautiful!!! I'm so happy that you are having a good time on your spring break and getting in some hooky time. Hoping DH has an uneventful recovery from his wisdom tooth removal.


Beth- Today is the start of your 4 days off!!! Enjoy!!!! (insert another jealous smiley here) LOL


Off to get ready- have a wonderful day everyone!

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Two days in a row that you and I posted at the same time, Beth!!! We are on the same early wavelength it seems. Enjoy your visit with your IRL crochet buddy!!! What color yarn did you get from Herschner's? Prayers and positive thoughts for the ballet mistress!

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Good Afternoon ladies!


Beth-your afghan is stunning! :hugI love it! You sure finished super duper fast, wow! It is soo lovely and the background...fantastic! Hope you ballet mistress is feeling better, poor thing. Does she have a lot of health problems? Did you ever hear back from the craft store?


Joanne-you are going to finish your rr soon too..I just know it! Are you having your dd, son in law and grandson over this weekend?:hug


Marisa-I forgot, what are your plans for the weekend, sorry I am sure that you will be doing something fun and exciting. :hug


Stacy-the sidewalk shawl is awesome! I can't wait to see a pic. What kind/color of yarn did you use? Thank you so very much for sharing the pattern. I am so glad that you are able to get a bit of rest and relaxation in and spend time with your wonderful family. Hope your dh is feeling better soon.:hug


Today has been somewhat busy. I forgot to tell ya all. My sister and her family are driving down from Johnstown to spend Easter with us. :clap:cheer They should actually be here any minute. Got up early this morning to clean the bathrooms and give the house a tidy up...and threaten anyone that makes a mess. :lol Then went grocery shopping...planned my menu of meals for the next three days..had to shop a lot. whew! Dh took the day off, thank goodness. We spent almost 3 hours shopping. We just put everything away and the kids are relaxing. I have some promoting for my shop that I need to do but just feel like I need an Etsy break. I love the business but think I need to recharge.


We should have a busy next 5 days..hope I can catch a little rest in between all the cooking. My sister is preggers, so don't think she will be able to be on her feet much...she also has my two youngest nephews to keep her busy.


off to veg if only for a few minutes. hugs n squishes!



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LeeAnn Enjoy your weekend with family- and don't overdo it! Although with you I don't know if you can!!


Marisa- Hope you had a fun time at the ball game today. The weather was great here and hope it was at the ballpark too. Sorry about the loss, though!


Beth- Love the afghan!!! And what a great setting for a little 'hooky' time!!!


Stacy- Hope you had a great day with your Mom and kiddos. Is your Dad in town yet?

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Hey besties!


Dh's tooth removal went well- the bottom two teeth were horizontally impacted, so they put him completely to sleep to remove them. He says he feels worse than yesterday, but he's up and walking around, and we went out to breakfast this morning because ice cream and pudding just weren't cutting it. :lol The girls went to see a movie with my mom and MIL, so dh and I just hung out at home this afternoon. He napped and I crocheted. I'm on the 6th row of my granny ripple. :manyheart


Leeann, have fun with your family!


Beth, your afghan is gorgeous! I hope the ballet mistress feels better. :hug:hug:hug


Marisa, did you hear back from the insurance? How long does that usually take? I see you went to a ball game- hope you had a blast!


Joanne, what is on the agenda this weekend? Any plans with your girls for Easter?


My mom keeps asking which tv shows we watch, and I've told her a gazillion times that we don't really watch tv. She's really hooked on reality shows, though, and insists there must be *something* that we just have to watch. Nope. :shrug Tomorrow we are going to take the girls to the Natural History Museum. That should be fun. Dh doesn't want to go- can't blame him. But Isabella is dying to see the new dinosaur exhibit that opened over the summer.


Well, that's all the news from here. My dad arrives tomorrow night around midnight. I tried to get ahold of him to see where he plans to stay but he is not returning my calls. :think Hmm. Well, I better scoot and get ready for bed. It's early, but we are going to get an early start tomorrow. Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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