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Quick pop in since dinner is ready.


My Dd's SIl had a cerclage done today and is on complete bed rest. They are continuing to monitor her and she may go home tomorrow- but will remain on complete bed rest for the remainder of her pregnancy. So keep the prayers coming!!!


Hugs to you all

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Heya besties!


Beth, :birthday:birthday to your twins! 18 years old! I had to giggle at you thinking our birthday party sounds more fun than yours, because I thought the exact same thing! I'm not a fan of Chuck E. Cheese. But I am relieved that someone else will be in charge of the party and all we have to do is show up. I am terrible at leadership. :blush Anywho- hope your allergies clear up and the pollen doesn't get too bad on the patio! I'm sure the party will be a huge hit!


Joanne, continued prayers for your DD's SIL. How scary to be on continued bed rest so early on!


Leeann, I am so impressed by your constant creativity! Are you planning to make the lip balms in any other flavor, or sticking with tangerine for now? It is a unique one- I don't think I have seen that flavor before. :think have fun with the stamp set!


Marisa, how funny that the restaurant owner gave you a shirt to put on your skeleton. :lol I'm happy that your friend's scare turned out okay.


I had a midterm this morning, and afterward, I left class and saw Eva out on a walk with her class. :manyheart I stopped to give her a quick hug and say hello to her friends. :lol They are too cute for words. Yesterday morning, a little girl came up to me as soon as we arrived to say that a little boy from the class keeps insisting that he is her boyfriend, but that she is trying to "find a way out of the relationship." :rofl I laughed so hard!


Tomorrow we are going to Knott's for Mia's birthday. I think I am just as excited as the girls! :lol Oh, and as for the hamster- we *think* he is a she, and her name is Zhu-Zhu (like the toy.) She has the typical coloring of a dwarf hamster- gray fading to white toward her belly, with a dark gray stripe running down her back. And she is super playful already! As soon as I stick my hand in for the food dish, she climbs onto it. Also, if she's awake when I go into the girls' room, she will run right over to the cage door and climb the bars. So cute. :manyheart


Okay, enough :blah- my kids are withering away because they haven't eaten in, oh, 2 hours. Time to make dinner. BBL!

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:cake:birthday to MIA!!!


Stacy- Hope you have a blast at Knott's today!!! Seems like your birthday girl is going to have quite the weekend between Knotts, Chuck E Cheese and getting her hamster!!! :) Good times for you, too being on spring break!!!!


We're forecast to get your favorite kind of weather- rain--tonight and tomorrow! I sure wish the rain would come during the week and not on the weekend, but what can you do?


Beth- Hope your twins had an awesome birthday yesterday and have fun at the party this weekend!!!!


Marisa-How was wings night? Do you have any fun plans for the weekend? I'm planning to do my usual cleaning in the morning, and since it looks like we'll have rain, I won't get to work in the yard so guess I'll just HAVE to do some crocheting!:lol


LeeAnn- It's great that DH, DS and DD took one of the lip balms- can't say as I blame them- I am still in awe at how creative and talented you are! It looks like you've hit the goal of 50 with the order for 6 more lotion bars!:clap Did you and DD get to do some stamping?


I got to sleep in this morning since I have a 9AM appointment before heading to Paradise. It was a nice treat and nice to not have to rush to get ready! Have a great day---

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:birthday:cake Happy birthday to your Darling Mia, hope she has a wonderful day!:hug




Beth-how was your Thursday? did you and your family enjoy the day together? I am sure you are planning your weekend party, fun for sure!


Joanne-so happy that you were able to sleep in late, isn't that the best? I wish I could steal the rain and bring it here to CO. We need moisture, we had a very mild winter and not enough rain last year. The farmers really need the water. Your weekend sounds relaxing and enjoyable.


Marisa-what a great deal on the wings, not a wing girl but my dh and ds love them. :manyheart


delivered the lotion bars and lip balm yesterday as well as the sweater...have an order for sugar scrubs, more lip balms and of course more lotion bars. Have not made 50 sales on Etsy but I am positive that I have surpassed that on my own. :cheer


This weekend my ds has a lot going on with Boy Scouts, delivering potting soil/manure, volunteering and I am sure more but I just can't remember it all.


Didn't get a chance to stamp but did figure out how to make the boxes, will share as soon as I get them whipped up.


guess I had better get my tush in gear. Need to start laundry before any crafting can happen.


hugs n squishes!

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:bday Mia! I hope the sweet girl has a special day! What a great weekend for her!:c9


I can't say good morning, because it's already after noon here. :blush I went back to bed, woke up with a horrid sinus situation from the pollen count. It took me a while to get moving. I've taken care of the animals, I've gone to a couple stores to get everything I need for Saturday, and I chopped up some fresh fruit including a pineapple (they intimidate me, but they are SO good fresh!) YUMMY! I love things that taste that good and are still healthy.


Joanne, prayers for your daughter's SIl and her babies. Some times, they just seem to be in a big hurry to get here. I hope you get some good :hook time in this weekend.


LeeAnn, sounds like your homeschooled boy has a very busy extracurricular life. I hope he doesn't run you too much this weekend. How awesome to be involved in good programs, though. I think it's awesome that your business is doing so well. I guess when you count Etsy sales, you aren't counting the number of items sold, but the number of transactions, right?


Stacy, I love preschoolers! How funny about the girl wanting to get out of her "relationship." Please keep telling your stories. You have a gift. happy Spring Break! I hope you enjoy. You'll have to let us know how your party goes. I will do the same with mine.


Marisa, I'm glad your skeleton is no longer naked. How funny! I think it's nice that they honored the old special for the wings. How did their wings rate? Before I was diagnosed with celiac disease, I was on a quest to find the best biscuits and sausage gravy in the area. I hope you find your perfect wings!


Shrimp boy called and cancelled math today. Funny, he still wants to come over and see my kids. I'm really glad. I'm going to go take some major allergy medicine, and turn into a zombie. :out

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Good afternoon ladies :hi Almost evening :eek


Cut & paste Joanne :wink


I came in late today because I did laundry this morning. I stopped at Sheetz to get a sandwich for lunch since we only had meat items in the fridge at home and I can't have meat today and decided to run through the car wash....I was loaded with bugs from all my travels last weekend :lol


Well, when I got in I took 2 bites of my wrap and a new patient walked in :clap:yay Unfortunately he was in rough shape :( So he'll be back tomorrow afternoon again. He wants to be able to go to work on Monday morning. So then I had his paperwork to do and finish up the paperwork from the patient I had last night :yay After all that, I got my workout in :D


We met my cousin for dinner last night at LongHorn Steakhouse and it was excellent, I have never eaten there before. Nothing on the agenda for tonight since we went out the last 2, I think we're making salmon at home and then I'm hoping to crochet :xfin Tomorrow my sister and bf are going out for dinner (at least I think it's date night and that I'm not going :think:shrug) So, it seems I may have a fairly relaxing weekend.


LeeAnn - Thanks for the explanation, I didn't know what it was with an 'e' or an 'o' :lol I'm sure you've definitely surpassed the 50 sale mark outside of Etsy...I know you're always delivering orders and I didn't put mine through Etsy either :no I didn't want you to have to share your earnings with them :lol Looks like we were both on the laundry wavelength today :h5 I hope you find some 'me' time over the weekend too.


Joanne - Glad to hear that dd's sil is ok for now, continued prayers for her and the twins :hug How did your appointment go this morning? Don't worry, I'd be happy to eat your share of wings too :wink:lol


Stacy - :birthday to Mia. I'm sure the party will be a blast :yay And how cute of Eva's classmate, that's one bright young 'woman' right there :lol Enjoy dinner.


Beth - I hope your sinuses are feeling a bit better this evening :hug I love fresh fruit too, I remember when we went to Aruba (me, my sister, and my friend colleen) we were in the market looking at pineapples having a conversation about how to pick a fresh one and a guy stopped behind us and explained it (I don't remember now :shrug but I think it had something to do with knocking on it :think ) anyhow he owned an italian restaurant there and of course we ended up going after that :lol You just made me think of that :manyheart The wing search continues!!!!!


I should be in tomorrow since I'll be at work :D

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Good morning!


Beth- Have fun at the twins celebration today!! Hope the sinuses are ok today and that you are feeling much better!!!


It's raining here so I think this afternoon, I'll plan on doing some crocheting after getting the necessary Saturday morning chores and errands done. So on that note, I'm going to go pour another cup of coffee, crank up some music and get to it!


Have a great day everyone!

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Good Morning friends!


How is everyone today?


Joanne-How do you have the energy to get everything done? :hugyou are on the ball. :D Can you send me some of your energy via puter?:lol Are you almost finished with the summer shrug?


Beth-hope your day is filled with delicious food and great company and perhaps a bit of R & R.:hug


Marisa-:clap for a new client, but sorry to hear that he is in so much pain. Your weekend sounds relaxing, bet you will get all of your clues done for the CAL and KAL. How is your sister liking it?


Stacy-today is the day for Chuckie Cheese right? have fun! It can definitely get crazy in there, but the kiddos sure love it.


Guess WHAT???? I made it!! 50 SALES!:clap:cheer:bounce:jumpyay:woo:bheart:flyingCan you tell I am excited? Yesterday I had a custom order for 3 lego soap sets and today another order for another set. I already mailed out yesterdays order, she needs them fast for a birthday party and have the new set almost ready but think I will put those in the mail Monday morning. I have been networking and working my tail feathers off to make this happen...so happy. Now my next goal is 100 but I am going to give myself a few months to reach that.


my dh took my ds to help with the church, they are re-potting their flowers and cleaning up the yard and building. So it is just dd and myself. She is on Spring Break. Oh my! What an awesome start to the weekend!


guess I had better hop off the :c9and get crackin on my chores.


hugs n squishes!

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


Steph and I went for a walk this morning and then I wanted to go to DSW since I had a coupon for $20 off $49 which is an awesome deal, but it expired today :eek So she came with me and we each got a pair of shoes :clap I got some cute black sketcher sandals that look nice and I should be able to walk in down to the ball park over the summer :think:xfin Then we went into Old Navy (she was looking for a specific shirt that they were sold out of :( ) Then down to the market. I took her back home and headed here. My patient should be here momentarily :xfin She's meeting a friend at 2 and I might join if I'm back in time.


Her and bf are having date night and I'm meeting a guy for dinner from online :eek We shall see how it goes :lol


Joanne - It poured here last night with thunder and lightening too :eek It was crazy. I hope you got your chores done and are enjoying some :hook time now


LeeAnn - :cheer:yay:clap:jumpyay:bounce:woo for 50, now come on 100! :wink I am all caught up with the cal so am going to try to do soemthing for the kal now :xfin I also want to finish my sister's new fingerless gloves before the Pirates home opener on Thursday, but I only have the cuff left on the 2nd glove so it won't be a problem :no


I hope you all have a wonderful weekend :hug

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Quick pop in to say Congrats to LeeAnn on her 50th sale!!:clap And to wish Marisa fun tonight.:)


Hope Stacy and Beth and kiddos are enjoying the birthday celebrations!:cheer


I finished the summer wrap and instead of being for me as originally intended, it's going to my youngest who asked if she could have it when she saw me working on it last week!


It's not the best pic- it's cloudy and rainy, but here it is anyway!


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Quick pop in to say good morning!!!


Hope the birthday celebrations that Stacy and Beth were having yesterday were tons of fun!!!!


Marisa- Hope you had a good time last evening!!!


LeeAnn- I like what you've favorited on Pinterest. Saw it through a link on FB. I'm trying to stay away from Pinterest or I won't get any crocheting done. I spend enough time on the computer as it is!!!


Hope you all have a wonderful, relaxing, "day of rest"!!!

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Joanne, your summer wrap (I mean your dd's summer wrap!) is just beautiful. I love that color, too. You did an awesome job on it, as always. It's great that your girls love your work.


LeeAnn, congrats on reaching the big 5-0, without that referring to getting old. :rofl. It is great fun to watch your business take off like that.


Marisa, how was your date? I hope you found someone worthy of you, or at least had a fun time. Congrats on the new shoes.


Stacy, was your party as much fun as ours? I had a blast, truly. The kids and young adults all had a good time, too. The arcade was the hit of the day -- the golfing was just a warm-up activity. Now the other mom who was there wants our kids to get together regularly and play -- they used to meet every month to bowl, but that bowling center closed. I wouldn't mind at all. I really like my kids' friends.


Today I have to go grocery shopping, and my hubby is asking when we want to go. Ugh. I do not like shopping with him. I feel rushed when he is there. Oh well. At least he is showing interest now.

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Good morning ladies :hi


Guess what Joanne.....you got it......cut & paste :lol


My patient is coming back today at noon and by golly I think he just might be ready to return to work tomorrow morning :think:xfin He was doing considerably better yesterday, although definitely not 100%. He asked if I worked on Sunday and I told him not typically but that I'd come in to treat him :yes


When I got up to leave, steph and bean were in the kitchen making easter bread and then theres a pasta meal on the menu today so she'll be starting sauce soon if she didn't yet. I ran over to the bread store for a regular loaf so she wouldn't have to do that. Then ran to Starbucks for a coffee, came here and made a bfast sandwich :drool Started dusting while the toaster over was on, so I got about half way done before it beeped :lol So I'll finish the dusting and then I think I'll vacuum tomorrow when I come in :think


So my date!!!! :think Well not as bad as the first 2, but I'm just not sure how much was really him and how much was him trying to be "cool & impressive" :think:shrug We went to a restaurant at a mall that I hadn't been to yet. But we were going to go to Chili's but the parking lot was insanely crowded so then we went to Houlihan's which was attached to the mall. So after we walked around the mall and it was quite large and a very nice mall :yes And that was it, nothing crazy exciting and I'm not really sure about how I feel about him yet :shrug


Joanne - Gorgeous shrug and of course too funny that dd already claimed it as her own :manyheart


Beth - I hope your grocery trip goes smoothly with dh :hug Great news that the party was so great and a blast :clap:yay


Stacy - I hope your party turned out as great as Beth's, I'm sure the kids loved Chuck E Cheese


LeeAnn - I hope you're getting in some relaxing 'me' time over the weekend :hug

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Hi friends!

I have to make this quick- I told dh I was going to start cleaning because my mom will be here in 2 days and this place looks like a tornado hit. It IS spring break, so I guess that should be expected. :think:lol Mia's party at Chuck E. Cheese is next weekend- my mom is never here for their birthdays and I thought it would be nice for her to be here for at least 1 party.


LeeAnn, congrats on 50 sales! How exciting! I have a friend on FB and another board whose son is having a huge Lego birthday party next weekend, and your order reminded me of her. :lol I love to look through all of the treasuries that you are featured in. You go, girl! :cheer


Joanne, your shrug is so pretty! I love the color. How cool that your dd claimed it already. I had to giggle at your comment about Pinterest- I have purposely stayed away because I am on the computer too much already. But I hear it's really fun.


Beth, glad to hear the party was a success! I loved your post on FB about your kids' friends. :manyheart


Marisa, :clap for a new client! Glad you were able to get him (mostly) straightened out. :D Bad pun, right? Anyway...your date sounds fun, good luck with him! Maybe after another date or two you will be able to tell if it is really "him" or if he is just trying to be a cool guy. :wink


Well, I really need to scoot. I just found out that dh's friend is coming over today so I'm going to toss a lasagna in the oven and call it good for lunch/dinner. :D Happy Sunday!

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Mia's party at Chuck E. Cheese is next weekend- my mom is never here for their birthdays and I thought it would be nice for her to be here for at least 1 party.

Marisa, :clap for a new client! Glad you were able to get him (mostly) straightened out. :D Bad pun, right?


Stacy, I'm so glad your mom will get to be part of the big birthday party. That's totally cool.


And :rofl with the pun. I loved it!

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Good evening ladies!


Gosh, I can't believe that the weekend is almost over...


Joanne-your summer wrap is beautiful! I love it! I am positive that your dd will cherish it. How was your day? Did you get to crochet and relax? Sure hope so, cuz the week days get here soo fast.


Beth-I am so glad that you had a great time with your family and their friends, that is awesome! Did your dh go grocery shopping with you? My dh went yesterday without me asking I am grateful.


Stacy-that is wonderful that your mom will be here for Mia's party, is your dad still going to be there at the same time?


Marisa-dating is difficult, sometimes we get nervous and just do not act like ourselves until after the first 2 dates. I remember when my hubby and I were dating, I was so nervous. Hang in there, you will find some one special.


been busy this weekend, just now trying to get in a few minutes of relaxation. Will post more later. Hugs n squishes!

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Had a nice day-spent mostly not crocheting. I finished a SBT that I'm going to felt hopefully next weekend. I had some Paton's wool in stash. DH and hung out for a bit at a cafe and then DD, GS and I went to the Gap- she wanted to get some jeans and slacks and the trip was successful- and she was thrilled to find out she is back to a size 6! They came over for dinner and left about 8:30. It was a wonderful day- and tomorrow, well- it's back to Paradise.


Stacy- That was sweet that you are having the party when your Mom is here so she an go!! Lasagna sounds perfect for lunch/dinner!!!


Marisa- Date #3 or should I say Guy #3 sounds like he was probably nervous. Great that you saw your patient and that he is almost straightened out- (to borrow Stacy's pun):lol


Beth- Glad you had such a great time at the party- and it's wonderful when our children pick out awesome friends!:manyheart

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Good evening ladies!


Gosh, I can't believe that the weekend is almost over...


Joanne-your summer wrap is beautiful! I love it! I am positive that your dd will cherish it. How was your day? Did you get to crochet and relax? Sure hope so, cuz the week days get here soo fast.


Beth-I am so glad that you had a great time with your family and their friends, that is awesome! Did your dh go grocery shopping with you? My dh went yesterday without me asking I am grateful.


Stacy-that is wonderful that your mom will be here for Mia's party, is your dad still going to be there at the same time?


Marisa-dating is difficult, sometimes we get nervous and just do not act like ourselves until after the first 2 dates. I remember when my hubby and I were dating, I was so nervous. Hang in there, you will find some one special.


been busy this weekend, just now trying to get in a few minutes of relaxation. Will post more later. Hugs n squishes!

I don't know when you ever relax with all the soapmaking, lotion bar making, pinteresting, selling crocheting, etc. etc. etc. Hope you get a little bit of relaxation!!

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I'm back!


I feel like I can hardly breathe....this weekend has been a flurry of orders..had to share, I am up to 57!!!! yupperrrs...more sales! I am soo excited, I can hardly stand it.


Watched part of a movie with the kiddos, missed the first part cuz I was putting together an order, after we finished the movie my brother in law called for help with a fragrance....logged on to my etsy shop to find 3 more sales..:clap:cheer:clap:cheer Still behind on my lotion bar orders for one of my customers..will have to do them first thing in the morning, she is not in a hurry but I do want to get them finished and delivered tomorrow afternoon..oh and the scrubs and one custom lip balm...oh my gosh!


just had to share.


Joanne-your dd is a size 6? wow! I haven't been that size since high school. the good ol' days.


have a wonderful Monday in Paradise!


hugs n squishers!

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Good morning!!


Wow- LeeAnn- up to 57 orders!!! Congrats on your business!!!


Nothing much new to report since last night! Craft club tonight and I'll work on the RR while there since I can crochet that and chat at the same time!


Happy Monday!

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Morning friends!


Joanne-have a great time at Craft Club, so glad that you will get a chance to go and work on your rr.


Haven't had time to crochet, but I sure do miss it..had another sale! Haven't walked off the clouds yet..but I will...have to get chores done.


hugs n squishes!

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


Well, I did some running around this morning. Now I had lunch and am checking in, then I need to vacuum and get that done :yes I have some paperwork to do and need to see what needs to be paid this week :think


Wow, I get side tracked way too easy. I start typing my post and then started doing something completely different :oops:lol


I did some knitting yesterday and got 1/2 square done....well, every little bit helps :yes My sister asked if I'd make a pan of my mom's fudge to give her coworker as a thank you for babysitting Ingrid's kids on Thursday so that she and her dh can join us for the Pirates home opener game. So I'll have to do it tonight because we're going out the next 2 nights :eek


Stacy - Love your pun :wink I think it's a great idea to wait on Mia's party so your mom can be there too :manyheart Is she excited about the hamster???


LeeAnn - I really do not like dating :no Awesome news on all the orders and up to 57 so quickly :clap:cheer:yay We'll be celebrating that 100 soon I think :yes


Joanne - Have fun with your felting of the sbt. Glad to hear you had a nice day with dd and ryan :manyheart


Beth - I hope you're having a great Monday :hug

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I could have sworn I wrote something this morning -- oh well, my brain hasn't been functioning that well lately. I think I need a nice, long, quiet vacation.


Marisa, I wasn't too fond of dating, either. I hope you find the right guy soon. It sounds like your mom's fudge must be pretty good. :drool


Stacy, happy spring break to you! It's break at all the local public schools, so it's odd to see kids in all the stores during the day. Are your girls off, too?


Joanne, enjoy your craft group. How is the RR coming?


LeeAnn, you and your orders! You go, girl! I am so happy to see your success.


Well, I finished my granny ripple afghan. It's a nice size, covers my son from below his head to his feet, and he's a nice size. I hope to take decent pictures soon. I tried to take some today (with my son) and the dog jumped on the couch and tried to hog the spot light... Or flash in this case...

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I could have sworn I wrote something this morning -- oh well, my brain hasn't been functioning that well lately. I think I need a nice, long, quiet vacation.


Marisa, I wasn't too fond of dating, either. I hope you find the right guy soon. It sounds like your mom's fudge must be pretty good. :drool


Stacy, happy spring break to you! It's break at all the local public schools, so it's odd to see kids in all the stores during the day. Are your girls off, too?


Joanne, enjoy your craft group. How is the RR coming?


LeeAnn, you and your orders! You go, girl! I am so happy to see your success.


Well, I finished my granny ripple afghan. It's a nice size, covers my son from below his head to his feet, and he's a nice size. I hope to take decent pictures soon. I tried to take some today (with my son) and the dog jumped on the couch and tried to hog the spot light... Or flash in this case...


A vaca sounds wonderful :manyheart Hopefully the dog will let you get a decent pic of the granny ripple to share :xfin Oh and my mom's fudge is the best!!! It's chocolate peanut butter :drool Cleaning out the pot is my favorite part, but I can't tonight because I give up chocolate for lent.

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