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Some good clean fun?!

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Evening friends!


Beth-:clap:cheerWe will be here cheering you on! I am positive that any company would be oh so lucky to have you as an employee. Keeping my fingers and toes crossed. :hug:hug:hug Are you wanting to work pt? ft?


Joanne-what a nice surprise for you! Having your dd and gs over for dinner:manyheart your rr sounds super lovely and oh so purtty!


Stacy-that is awesome that you had almost the whole weekend to work on homework and enjoy each others company. The granny ripple is addicting! i tell ya, works up super fast!


Spent most of the day being lazy lazy lazy...my head is still wooshy and I have been sneezing and feeling generally icky..but glad to say that my body isn't aching..all of you are right, I should be taking echinacea (sp?) adding more vitamins and drink more water..will do. :lol


on a happy note, did get an order for 5 soap bars (a returning customer) so excited! Not on Etsy, but that is ok, I will take it.


want to add Mother's Day Gift baskets to my etsy..some time this week.


off with myself! hugs n squishes!

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Happy Monday!


Congrats on the returning customer order, LeeAnn!!! Hope today finds you a little less wooshy in the head and less sneezy! Hope you were able to get a good night's rest!!!


I was able to work a little more on the RR last evening. I'm itching to try a granny ripple, but will hold off until I finish this RR- and then finish the summer wrap that I've also got on my hook! My DD saw the wrap in my tote bag, pulled it out and told me how much she loved the color, so needless to say, this will be gifted to her when its done.


Make it a good day!

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Good morning. I had to take my dh to work today, and crocheted between that and taking care of the kitties, so I'm a bit late popping in.


I hope you all have a great day. I had a wonderful time with the cats. The snarky long-haired one has been taken away. There are three sweet girls there now, lots of fun to care for. It went fast, too. We spent lots of time with each cat, and still were out of there in less than an hour.


Well, I could use some motivation to clean. I have company coming this weekend for the after-party party for the twins.

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Quick fly by..




Joanne-I bet you will finish your rr soon. :clap:cheerand your summer shrug:manyheart that is awesome that your dd's love all of the fantastic goodies that you create. Hope your day in Paradise goes well.:hug


Beth-playing with the kittens :c9 here's a little push to help you get motivated to clean:hug it was a hug and a squish...squishes help.:lol


still sneezing like crazy but I do feel a teeny tiny bit better..must get my tush in gear..soaps are calling to be made!:D


hugs n extra squishes!

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Good morning ladies :hi


I had a great long weekend :yes On thursday I picked up my friend at 8:30, but we did leave until about 9:30 because we were hanging out and chatting with her dh (whom I haven't seen in years, but we all went to chiro school together). We got to my parents around 2ish AM and my mom had just woken up to use the bathroom so she came out since she heard us and we stood in the hallway chatting a bit before we all went to bed :lol My mom hasn't seen her since our graduation so she was really excited to see her too.


When I got up on Friday, I watched American Idol on my mom's DVR and mom made us breakfast before she went to work. Then we got ourselves together and ran to the mall, then to a few stores looking for fun bachelorette party stuff :devil:lol, stopped at the liquor store, and starbucks. Then back to my parents where we had dinner and relaxed for a bit. Left for Newark around 7ish after visiting with my Aunt and Uncle too. Sat around chatting with Kathy for a while and then hit the sack.


Got up Saturday and I met with Joanne and the other ladies :clap:yay while Kathy went to work and our other friend met up with her Aunt who was visiting just outside Newark from Puerto Rico. When we all got back we walked over to the hot dog truck for a quick light lunch since it was around 1:30 and we were going to the Capital Grille for a big supper.


So supper was nice and one girl and I split because we couldn't decide so she ordered steak and I ordered salmon and we had the best of both worlds :lol After dinner we went back to the 'planners' house where the limo was waiting for us to take us into the city for the strip club....of course we had a blast and we got our bachelorette trashed :eek But she surely had a great night :yes When we left there, we went to an 80's club :clap I was super excited about that one :yes (I'm not a club person and hate techno) Well, all of a sudden the evenings events hit our bachelorette and she was ready to go home, so we called the limo to pick us up early and called it a night.


My friend and I left Newark about 9 yesterday morning back to my parents house and then showered there and lounged a bit. Had an early dinner around 1ish. We were getting our stuff together and another friend (that came out to Newark too) called to see if I was still at my parents that she was stopping over in a few minutes. She was going to get some coconut cream easter eggs for her daughter that my mom made :lol So we waited and hung out a bit more before leaving since she ended up coming earlier than she initially anticipated. She thought she'd be going over around 3 or 4 so we didn't anticipate seeing her again.


So we left my parents around 3:15 and got back to town around 7:30-7:45. I dropped my friend off at her house, went home and unpacked then watched tv and hit the hay.


I had a meeting this morning at a coffee shop near the house with a lady from the CF foundation. They have a walk coming up and I told her that I wanted to volunteer to help and she just gave me info about making a team....I tried to tell her a few times that I wanted to volunteer my time and help out with the event, but she just wasn't getting that part. :shrug:lol


Stacy - Great reports for Mia and Isabella (minus the sassing :eek ) How was your spa night? What movie did you end up watching?


Joanne - It was great seeing you ladies again :manyheart Sounds like you made out at AC Moore :clap I didn't see the hockey game last night :(


Beth - WTG to your dd with her research paper, I was always a procrastinator :( Good luck on the Michael's job :xfin And get moving with your cleaning preparations for the after party party this weekend :cheer :cheer :cheer


LeeAnn - Awesome news on the returning customer order :clap Did you finish your shrug/sweater? I hope you and dh are feeling better :hug

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Evening all!


Hope all of you had a Marvelous Monday! Here is a peak at the sweater that I finally finished..still plugging away on the ghan. Will have to take a pic to share with all of you. hugs n squishes!


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LeeAnn- I Love the sweater! I have one on my hook from a while ago -and it looks to be in the same yarn- Homespun, right? I had forgotten about it till I saw your pic. It's beautiful. After I finish the RR, I should pull it out and finish! Hope today finds you feeling even better than yesterday!


Beth- Sound like you had a good day with the cats yesterday! How'd you do with the cleaning? Here's some motivation to continue on!:cheer:hug:cheer


Marisa- Glad you made it home ok- and the bachlorette party sounds like you had a good time-- until the bachlorette decided it was time to go home!!!:lol


Stacy- Thinking of you! Did you start a granny ripple?


:eek just looked at the clock:eek Gotta run-

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Good morning,


Joanne, I hope your day in Paradise goes by as quickly as your morning did. I know how it is, looking at the clock and being shocked how quickly the free time slides away. How is the RR going? Do you have yarn for both of them?


LeeAnn, your sweater is beautiful, like everything you make. It looks so warm and soft. Sounds like you are staying busy. What soaps did you make yesterday? Oh, I only want to work pt. I am not ready to completely give up my life of "leisure."


Marisa, sounds like a wonderful weekend! It seems like you got to catch up on a lot of friends. :manyheart I am glad you are safe and sound back home. Did you ever get the woman from the CF foundation to understand just how you wanted to volunteer?


Stacy, did you get all your girls back? They are so cute, no wonder your in-laws want to keep them all the time! Watch out for the granny ripples. I can't believe how fast this one is going, particularly since I am not spending as much time crocheting as I usually do. I'm more than half done. I got to use it at the ballet studio yesteday. Two little ballerinas collided in class, and one hurt her arm. I got to hold her with an ice pack on the arm while she was wrapped up in the afghan (as far as it is finished.) She fell asleep in my arms. :c9 Makes me want to be a grandma.


Well, I am not on the computer as much as usual since my laptop's hinge is broken and it requires careful manipulation. I did check my e-mail yesterday, and had TWO e-mails from two places wanting my son to pursue a job with them. He is a lifeguard. He has a summer job, but he wants a car, so he is looking for a year-round job. The city and the YMCA both are pursuing him at this time. I hope he goes for the YMCA. I could use the free family membership, so I could work out there.:yes


Hmmmm, maybe I don't need a job: Maybe my son can support my yarn habit...:rofl

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Good morning ladies :hi


Well, I forgot to copy and paste from my other thread today, but Joanne, it'll be similar :wink


So last week I called over to the mall to see if they were going to be having any health fairs coming up or things like that and had to leave a message. The guy called me back last week and told me that they are having a 'mom's night out' event in May and that it's $500 for the table for the event :eek I talked it over with my sister and we feel it will be good exposure and that I should go for it. There will be a wide range of vendors and it's a high end mall too. We also decided that we should share the table with Ingrid (but I won't let her chip in for the table) since she makes shirts with the swarovski crystals. We'll have her make us up some to wear there with my name on and we'll kind of help each other out. So the 3 of us will be there, not sure if we'll recruit anyone else just yet. Just made the final decision yesterday on this so I still have to call the guy back and all. But we're thinking that her shirts will draw more attention than a chiropractor will :yes Gotta lure them in :lol Anyhoo, I emailed the guy that did my signs to see about pricing for a banner to wrap around the front of the table. I figured I'll take my spine model with me and make a tri fold display of some pics and basic info. I'm thinking little gift bags with business cards, pens, gift certificate for a free visit, biofreeze sample :think And some mints....the company I recently ordered from sell adjust-mints :lol with little sayings on the wrappers....I thought that was cute :think So, and ideas here would be greatly appreciated :hug


I started my second octagon for the mcal, but got side tracked by a phone call and started yapping. Which means that I should be making 4 1/2 tonight before tomorrows clue :think Well, that's just not gonna happen so no sense thinking it might :lol


LeeAnn - beautiful shrug :manyheart I love it!


Joanne - We did have a great night and a safe one :yes


Beth - I like your thoughts on ds supporting your yarn habit and working at the y for the family membership :yes It's definitely the economical way to go for them to pay him for you to use the gym :think:lol All this talk of granny ripples is making me want to make one too, but I have too many things to worry about right now on my plate already :eek

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Top of the morning!


Joanne-you are so very right! Homespun it is. :cheerTime sure does fly by, can't believe that my time home is almost over. The granny ripple is very contagious...yup yup! Have to buy more tan and brown yarn as I thought I would have enough in my stash but think I will be running out soon. Can't let that happen. :devil


Beth-that is awesome that both companies are seeking out your ds!:D:D Have you heard back from Michaels? Awww..that little girl fell asleep in your ghan, how sweet! what is on your agenda for the day?


Marisa-you sure did have a super fun filled busy weekend! I bet the bachlorette was plum worn out. Fun for sure! The booth at the mall sounds like a great idea! The gift bags are also a nice touch. I especially like the adjust mints. I know that you had tried advertising with a dr's office, have you tried companies that want to do a staff appreciation type of thing? they could offer an alignment for an employee of the month? What about a Mother's Day Special? Also workman's comp companies? just a few ideas.:hug


this cold is holding on..doesn't want to let go. I am trying to rest, drink plenty of fluids but I am ready to feel better. Today I will be delivering the soap order..oh yes! Forgot to tell you all about the soapies...ready? Movie Night With John Wayne...they are my customers favorite! I am glad, because they have a distinct fragrance that not everyone loves..smells like leather with a hint of popcorn. I have it listed in my Etsy shop but it doesn't seem to sell as well...going to have to promote it. Haven't played with the new fragrances..but I want to...the ideas are floating in my head and just won't stop...AND...going to try my hand at making organic chapstick..will let you all know how that goes. I am awaiting my supply order.


guess I had better get my tush in gear. hugs n squishes!


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Top of the morning!


Joanne-you are so very right! Homespun it is. :cheerTime sure does fly by, can't believe that my time home is almost over. The granny ripple is very contagious...yup yup! Have to buy more tan and brown yarn as I thought I would have enough in my stash but think I will be running out soon. Can't let that happen. :devil


Beth-that is awesome that both companies are seeking out your ds!:D:D Have you heard back from Michaels? Awww..that little girl fell asleep in your ghan, how sweet! what is on your agenda for the day?


Marisa-you sure did have a super fun filled busy weekend! I bet the bachlorette was plum worn out. Fun for sure! The booth at the mall sounds like a great idea! The gift bags are also a nice touch. I especially like the adjust mints. I know that you had tried advertising with a dr's office, have you tried companies that want to do a staff appreciation type of thing? they could offer an alignment for an employee of the month? What about a Mother's Day Special? Also workman's comp companies? just a few ideas.:hug


this cold is holding on..doesn't want to let go. I am trying to rest, drink plenty of fluids but I am ready to feel better. Today I will be delivering the soap order..oh yes! Forgot to tell you all about the soapies...ready? Movie Night With John Wayne...they are my customers favorite! I am glad, because they have a distinct fragrance that not everyone loves..smells like leather with a hint of popcorn. I have it listed in my Etsy shop but it doesn't seem to sell as well...going to have to promote it. Haven't played with the new fragrances..but I want to...the ideas are floating in my head and just won't stop...AND...going to try my hand at making organic chapstick..will let you all know how that goes. I am awaiting my supply order.


guess I had better get my tush in gear. hugs n squishes!


Beautiful :manyheart


All great ideas, thanks :hug


I hope you feel better soon and kick this thing in the badorkus :wink:hug

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LeeAnn Great start to the granny ripple!!! Good luck with the organic chapstick- i'll bet that would be a great seller!


Beth- That's great that 2 places want your DS--and I'd go for the Y too, just for the free membership. Love the thinking of having your invention support your yarn habit!!!!


Marisa- love the ideas you have!!! I can't think of anymore- but then again marketing was never my strong suit!!!


Stacy- Saw on FB that Isabella got a Super Star award for Outstanding Effort at School!!! Like mother, like daughter!!! I love that they have an award for effort. That's what I always stressed to my DD's ---it's not the final grade, but the effort you put into school that is what I wanted to see.


Off to chill for a bit with some hook, yarn and the RR!

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Hi all!


Well, I had this whole long post typed out, then clicked back to FB to message my mom, and whoosh!- it was gone. :eek


LeeAnn, hope your cold goes away soon! It has been trying to hang on for much too long. Good luck getting your soapy goodies all worked out- I think the movie night one sounds cool! And homemade, organic chapstick? Even yesser!


Marisa, sounds like you had a rockin' weekend! Good luck with your mall booth- sounds like you have everything worked out. :tup


Beth, how awesome that your ds has two offers! We have a YMCA membership, and from what I hear, it is wonderful. :blush:lol Lots to do. So sweet that the little girl fell asleep with you and your afghan. :manyheart


Joanne, thanks for the compliment. :manyheart I always tell my girls the same thing- it's not the final grade, it's the effort. If you can show me that you are putting your all into something and it doesn't come out quite right, that's fine with me, as long as you are trying your best. :yes Good luck finishing that rr!


The big news here is that we got a hamster! He is so stinkin' cute, and everything seemed to just fall into place. Mia wanted one for her birthday, and Isabella has been doing chores and saving money to buy it for her. :manyheart Well, Mia's friend's mom called yesterday to let me know her hamster babies were ready for new homes, if I knew of anyone who wanted one. So we went after school to buy a cage, food, etc, and then went to pick it up. Apparently, though, Isabella does not want Mia to know that it is for her until her birthday (Friday), so we are pretending right now that it is a class pet for Isabella's class. :rofl But I *think* Mia knows already, because she keeps calling it, "my pet." :lol My kids crack me up.


Anyway, time to get ready for dinner. Love and hugs!

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Good morning!

Stacy- that is just too cute that Mia's present is isabella's "class pet". Your kids are too cute.


I got another round done on the RR before I started getting sleepy. I also weaved in the tails that were there so far. I try not to wait till finishing before tackling the tails.


Hope today finds you feeling better LeeAnn!


Marisa- i was wondering too whether the cf lady ever finally understood that you wanted to volunteer.


Beth. Just wondering if all the cleaning has been done for the twins party?

I would love to work part time. I think that is perfect and a great way to still have time for other things.


Off to get ready--but at least it is Hump Day!!!!!

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Morning, all!

Just a quick fly-by to say Happy Hump Day!


I called yesterday to reserve a jumper for Mia's party- well it turned out to be double the price of having one at a house! :eek So this morning I made a party reservation for 10 kids at Chuck E. Cheese, and guess what? It was the same price, food and tokens included. I need to cancel the jumper this morning. I also have some math homework to do, so I need to scoot. Only 2 more days until Spring Break! :woo

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Good morning ladies and happy hump day :hi


The CF lady did not ever catch on :( So, I'm going to shoot her an email and tell her that I can't get a team together because it's on a Thursday and then ask if there's something I can do to help out with the event. Maybe when I tell her I have no team she'll get it :xfin:lol


I finished my 2nd octagon last night and there should be a new clue in a few minutes. My sister finished clue 1 last night and is ready to move on to clue 2 :clap Not too shabby considering shes new and ended up with 3 weeks of no crochet time :shrug


I have to run to the accountants office today to pick up all my papers and such :D He got me more money than I did when I did them. :clap:yay


It's very dreary outside this morning, but also quite warm. It's been a bit chilly and today we're looking at 70 and then back to the low 50's again tomorrow :think Now it's just starting to thunder. It looks like it's evening time out there.


Marisa- love the ideas you have!!! I can't think of anymore- but then again marketing was never my strong suit!!!


Stacy- Saw on FB that Isabella got a Super Star award for Outstanding Effort at School!!! Like mother, like daughter!!! I love that they have an award for effort. That's what I always stressed to my DD's ---it's not the final grade, but the effort you put into school that is what I wanted to see.


Off to chill for a bit with some hook, yarn and the RR!


Marketing is so not my strong suit either...I can't wait until I can pay someone else to do it :lol


My parents were always the same way, as long as we did our best they did hassle about the outcome. :manyheart


Marisa, sounds like you had a rockin' weekend! Good luck with your mall booth- sounds like you have everything worked out. :tup


The big news here is that we got a hamster! He is so stinkin' cute, and everything seemed to just fall into place. Mia wanted one for her birthday, and Isabella has been doing chores and saving money to buy it for her. :manyheart Well, Mia's friend's mom called yesterday to let me know her hamster babies were ready for new homes, if I knew of anyone who wanted one. So we went after school to buy a cage, food, etc, and then went to pick it up. Apparently, though, Isabella does not want Mia to know that it is for her until her birthday (Friday), so we are pretending right now that it is a class pet for Isabella's class. :rofl But I *think* Mia knows already, because she keeps calling it, "my pet." :lol My kids crack me up.


Anyway, time to get ready for dinner. Love and hugs!


How exciting to get a hamster....is he named yet? I used to have one when I was a kid and we got this ball for them to run around the floor in :yes It was cute :manyheart


Very quick here, gotta run. Just wanted to say "hi." :hi and wish you all a great day! :hug


:hi there and happy hump day :wink


Morning, all!

Just a quick fly-by to say Happy Hump Day!


I called yesterday to reserve a jumper for Mia's party- well it turned out to be double the price of having one at a house! :eek So this morning I made a party reservation for 10 kids at Chuck E. Cheese, and guess what? It was the same price, food and tokens included. I need to cancel the jumper this morning. I also have some math homework to do, so I need to scoot. Only 2 more days until Spring Break! :woo


That's great, now there will be so much more for them to do at the same cost :clap:yay

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Stacy-your kiddos are too cute! I love that you share what they say/do.:hug Sometimes we forget how funny and smart little ones are. :manyheart Chucky Cheese sounds like the perfect place to go. We do not have one here in our small town, but my kiddos love going when we go up to visit my sister.


Joanne-happy Humpity Hump day to you my friend! May the day fly by.:hug


Beth-howwdy! Bet you are running today. :hug


Marisa-what's a happenin today? the weekend is almost here, bet your are planning something fun.


Yesterday I ran around like a chicken but I did get a haircut..yup yup yup! I was feeling icky and had a bad hair day so just went in to a new shop an had my hair cut off...it is chin length, a little short but it grows so fast that by next month I will need another trim. Delivered the soap and my new supply order came in...today if I can get my chores done I really want to try my hand at the chapsticks. Have an order for 6 lotion bars..:manyheart the new essential oil that I ordered for the chappysticks is Tangerine 100% essential..smells :c9 also ordered a few fragrances that my customers had requested: Pearberry, Banana Coconut, Peach Daiquiri, and Japanese Cherry Blossom. So these are the new lotion bars that I will be creating. One of my best best customers Stacy orders monthly from me...can't deny her new fragrances as she has a good sniffer and really promotes my products.


guess I have rambled enough, off to work on my chores. hugs n squishes!

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Hiya friends...quick pop in as dh is fixing dinner and he's already calling. :-)


I did it! Created the All Natural Lip Balms! So excited just had to share, they are on my Etsy shop, here's the link in case ya all wanted to take a peek. hugs n squishes!


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LeeAnn, congratulations on your new product. How cool! Was it hard to make? Where did you get the tubes for them? I am impressed with all the great ideas you have, and how you jump right in there and get them going. I hear you about the hair cut -- it does grow fast, doesn't it? I think I could use another one myself.


Stacy, your birthday party sounds more exciting than mine, but I doubt I could get my 18 year olds to go to Chuck E Cheese, particularly since my girl isn't into "little kids." Congratulations on the hamster. What colors? Does he have a name? When will Mia know for sure that he is for her?


Marisa, You have some amazing ideas for marketing. When is the event where you have the table?


Joanne, Happy Thursday to you! I hope your day goes by fast, so you can be staring down your weekend soon!


I have two more stripes to do on my afghan, since a long discussion with multiple people led me to drop one of the colors I was going to use. When I bought the yarn, I bought for two afghans, and I think I put this yarn in the wrong bag. It was supposed to be part of the purple afghan with the flower in the middle. Poor lonely yellow yarn. I guess I need to find another idea for it.:devil My house is still not company ready, but it is really close. We usually do our sweeping and dusting on Thursday, and I need to straighten my room and the dining room. Besides that, I'm all set. Yesterday, I had the boys take all the furniture off the front porch, swept and scrubbed the pollen off. I hope it stays clean until Saturday. Today my sinuses are telling me all about sweeping the pollen off the front porch...

And my babies are now officially 18 years old.

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Good morning!


:birthday:cake to the twins, Beth!!!! They are now officially adults!!! Glad to hear that the house is just about all ready for the celebration this weekend!!!


Now what are you going to do with that lonely yellow yarn?:hook


LeeAnn- Those lip balms are awesome!!! You really have such a creative mind and I love them!!!


Stacy- I think that's a great idea to do Chuck E Cheese--especially since you get so much more for the same price. And on top of that, the party-goers will love it!!


Marisa- How wonderful that your accountant found more $ to get you!!:clap


Had a busy day yesterday- watched the little one- since my DD's sis-in-law was sent to the hospital and DD wanted to go to be with her. She is the one expecting twins- so if you could say a prayer and think lots of positive thoughts, it'd be much appreciated. She's only 21-22 wks along--She's definitely going to be on complete bed rest.


Gotta run- have a good day! And again, :birthday to Beth's 'babies'!

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Beth-Congratulations to and your dh for raising fantastic children!:flower:bday:birthday:wooI bet all of you are so excited. Hope your weekend is fantastic and that your allergies calm down...the yellow yarn will surely find a good home.:devil


Joanne-saying prayers for your dd's sister in law, that is way to early to have those babies. :hug


Marisa-hope you are doing well.


Yesterday was such a busy day that today I am exhausted. But no time to rest, have lots to do. I am meeting Kathi for coffee, delivering the sweater, delivering lotion bars, picking up my dd from school and picking up a stamping kit that I had ordered. Going to try my hand at creating my own cards and goody boxes. I found the cutest stamp set that will fit perfectly with my business...always thinking of new ideas. My dd loves stamping and origami-she is so excited to have new supplies. Have one more goody to create and add to my website, awaiting another supply order as one of my other customers called last night and ordered 6 more lotion bars.:clap:heart I forgot to order beeswax, I have enough for her order but will need more for my mother's day gift baskets..should be putting those together just as soon as I can..had to order lavender essential oil..I have lavender & chamomile, and lavender & basil but have had several requests for lavender...so added that to my order.


Thank you all for the lovely compliments regarding the lip balms...my dd stole one, as did my ds and dh..they love them...:c9


guess I had better get my tush in gear. hugs n squishes!

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Good afternoon ladies :hi:eek


I slept in today until 10:00 :eek I got up and ready and decided to watch American Idol from last night before leaving the house. So I started my 3rd octagon from last week while watching tv. Last night we went out for wings. The place they always went to had closed down over the summer and we have yet to find a new good place to rival them, but keep trying new ones :lol This place we went to last night came under new ownership a few months ago and our neighbor saw an advertisement for 25 cent wings Mon thru Thurs 8-10. Well they no longer had that special and the waitress went to ask if they would honor it and they DID. Then the new owner came out and was chatting with us and he lives near the office and like my skeleton in the window (that I never took down after Halloween), he gave me a tee shirt to put on him in the window, which I did when I got here :rofl So I gave him a gift certificate for a free visit too :yes


Tonight we're going to dinner with my cousin, who will be deployed sometime in April - June :think with the reserves....I can't remember if it will be Afghanistan or somewhere else though. He's my sisters age, they are the 2 oldest of our generation of siblings :yes


LeeAnn - I don't really have much planned for the weekend, unless my sister has plans for me :think:lol I love getting my haircut, it always feels so much better after :yes WTG on the lotion bar order and the lip balms....love your description of them on etsy :manyheart Question though, at the bottom where you say if they want more to contact you....but it says 'conve me' :think ????? Not sure if you meant it to say that or if it's a typo. How exciting to get the new stamp kit and work on cards. You are a wealth of creativity :h5


Beth - The mall event is May 10th, so definitely have some time to get ready for it :yes:birthday to the twins and I hope your allergies ease up a bit :hug


Joanne - Definitely sending prayers for dd's sil and the babies :hug My friend also already had a scare a few weeks ago, luckily everything was ok.

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hi there ladies!


just a quick fly by. "Convo me" on Etsy is the same for email, it's the term that etsy uses for chatting with each other or contacting the owner of a shop. off i go!


hugs n squishes!

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hi there ladies!


just a quick fly by. "Convo me" on Etsy is the same for email, it's the term that etsy uses for chatting with each other or contacting the owner of a shop. off i go!


hugs n squishes!

But, as Marisa said it says Conve me, not Convo me!:lol EDIT: Just checked and it looks like you have fixed it!:lol


Have fun with the stamping!!! You truly have a gift to come up with all the wonderful ideas that you do!!!!:)

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