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Good morning ladies :hi


Thanks everyone :hug


I was up early again and unable to go back to sleep :shrug So I got up and made bfast for me and my sister before she ran out the door. Then got ready and headed in here for the day. I took a little walk and met a couple neighbors, but not many were open yet. I didn't go into the one that said no soliciting even though I'm not really soliciting....it just intimidates me a bit :lol Trying to get over that. Now back here since I have walk in hours from 10-12, not that anyone ever walks in but you know that time I'm not here there'll 5 people knocking on the door :rofl


I made another octagon and a half last night so I still have 1 1/2 to go for last weeks clue and the new clue comes out in a few minutes :lol


Stacy - WTG on your exam :yay Great that your prof decided to use that assignment for extra credit :yes I'll pray that easter goes well with your mom and dad there at the same time. Good luck on the parent conferences :xfin


Joanne - Have a great hump day, see you in 3 days!!!


Beth - Of course I'm looking forward to the weekend, I get to see Joanne and a couple other villers :manyheart:yay:clap I miss meeting with them :( I hope your granny ripple speeds up a bit for you :yes

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Howdy do friends!


Stacy-:cheer:clap:cheer:clapSo proud of you! WTG! Hope that PTC go smoothly and you hear nothing but greatness about your fantastic inventions. :hug


Joanne-Have a great Wednesday, will keep my fingers crossed that it is not too rascaly..I love that!:hug I bet you and Marisa are both excited to meet up, so wish I lived closer.


Beth-glad that you were able to get rest, I adore granny ripples. It will pick up I am sure. Hope you feel better with the meds.:hug


Marisa-so nice of you to fix your sissy breakfast. :manyheart hope you get a walk in today.:hug


best get my tush in gear, have to pick up ds and noon. hugs n squishes!

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:mailLeeAnn, guess what happened to me today?

Thank you so much for the special surprise goodies. My dd sniffed the cucumber melon lotion bar, and I may need to fight her to keep it. Thank you thank you thank you!


Marisa and Joanne, enjoy your countdown to Saturday. What fun to get together like that.



Stacy, I know sleep is nice, but enjoy having kids wake you up with affection. My sons woke me up this morning looking for the van key. Oh well, at least i didn't have to get up and drive them any where.


I got another nice surprise in the mail: An invitation to be in the craft fair that I was in last year. I need to think about it -- didn't make much money last time, but I had fun. I am thinking about borrowing from Miss Mary's ideas for things to sell, and concentrate on small items.

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Beth-so happy that you liked everything! :hug:hug:hug I hadn't made cucumber melon lotion bars, decided to make them in your honor.:manyheart I mailed my brother in law a lotion bar, now he and my sister are fighting over it..you can't win with a pregnant woman. :lol am mailing my sister another one in a different fragrance so she can leave me brother in law to his.


on another note, small items do sell at bazaars,(Mary is such a smart woman) perhaps dish clothes, scrubbies with the dishcloth surrounding them (one of the ladies sells out every event) small purses, phone cozies, tote bags and coin purses seem to do well here in my neck of the woods.


back to laundry. hugs n squishes!

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HI all,

Busy , rascaly day again today!


I couldn't get the link to work for the granny ripple but I'll be the yarn is liking be made into it!!


Nice surprise you got in the mail today, Beth!!! Cucumber melon is a great scent!! So refreshing!!!


Stacy- I'll keep my fingers crossed that your mom and dad behave themselves this time around. How'd the conferences go today? Hope you didn't have any surprises!!


Marisa- Did anyone 'walk-in'? I would go knock on the "no soliciting' door anyway- you are not selling anything- just being neighborly!!

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Hiya ladies!


Joanne-the weekend is almost here. :clap:cheerglad that you are home and can relax and enjoy your evening. Are you watching this seasons DWTS? I recorded it, but only managed to watch about 10 minutes. I hope to watch the entire thing this evening.


Beth-soo happy that your sister loved her basket, here is a sneak peak of what it looked like. Sorry for not sharing sooner.


off to eat dinner. hugs n squishes!


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Joanne, sorry. For some reason, crochetville edited out the link for the granny ripple pattern. It's at www dot ******* dot com slash grannyripple dot html. I love the way they did it there, with the color changes. My dh says a manly afghan should have few big stripes, though, so I'm doing 10 rows of each color (9 colors total.) I'm planning to finish the second color today.


Happy almost Friday. Your rascally week will be over soon.


LeeAnn, my other sister got hers yesterday, too. She is very happy with it. Thanks again.


Marisa, I hope you got more sleep last night than the night before.


Stacy, I hope you didn't get kicked out of bed by your dogs and children.


I washed the hats I've been making for brain surgery patients. I hope to mail the box off today. I also need to run to the grocery store. I am taking my dd to the college library so she can do some research. I am taking her to ballet. I would like to clean and reorganize my dining room.

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Hiya ladies!


Joanne-the weekend is almost here. :clap:cheerglad that you are home and can relax and enjoy your evening. Are you watching this seasons DWTS? I recorded it, but only managed to watch about 10 minutes. I hope to watch the entire thing this evening.


Beth-soo happy that your sister loved her basket, here is a sneak peak of what it looked like. Sorry for not sharing sooner.


off to eat dinner. hugs n squishes!


Wow! That is really beautiful. No wonder my sisters are so happy!

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Morning friends!


Joanne-the countdown has begun! about a day and a half till the weekend.


Beth-can't believe how fast the postal service is! wowza! Do you feel better today? sure hope so.


Marisa-crossing my fingers that you will be busy today.


I am taking a break from all the cleaning..yesterday I cleaned my little heart out..the house is looking mighty purrttty! Going to treat myself with a day of laundry and crocheting..that is it..maybe an occasional meal. :-)


hugs n squishes!

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Good morning ladies :hi


I finished last weeks clue for the mystery cal last night. We got a new clue yesterday that I was not happy with from the looks of the chart and a couple people made some slight changes that I think I'm good with so I'm going to do them that way. It's just enough to make the octagon 'come together' a bit better, but still has the look of the pattern to it :yes So that's what will go away with me this weekend. I leave tonight around 7-7:30 for my parents....my friend that I lived with in Long Island during our last year of chiro school, who also lives here, is riding with me so my mom is definitely excited to see her again too :yes


Joanne - No walk-ins yesterday...but in my travels I met quite a few people and there's a baby/teen store across the street that had 3 ladies working and they were nice to chat with and they like my skeleton in the window....I let them know that his name is Hugo :rofl When I was leaving I heard one of them say that I was so cute :manyheart:blush


LeeAnn - Gorgeous basket for Beth's lucky sisters :wink I'm not expecting anything going on today and I'll be leaving at 4, right after my walk-in hours are over. I'm hoping to squeeze in a little nap before my 4 1/2 hour drive. Have fun with the laundry and crochet :bounce But if you're anything like me you'd be eating every 2 hours :rofl


Beth - :yay for making progress on the hats, I hope you get them out today in between chauffering dd around :wink I did sleep in this morning, until 8 :clap I'm pretty sure I was starting to stir before that though :think

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Good afternoon!


Marisa, have a safe trip! :hug


LeeAnn, hope you had a great day of relaxing and :hook. The baskets for Beth's sisters are gorgeous!


Joanne, only 1 more day until the weekend! :xfin that it is an easy-peasy day for you.


Beth, hope you're feeling better with those allergies. Did you finish the second stripe?


Both conferences went well. Mia is ahead in reading and I found out that she is in an SAS class, also. So weird that her teacher didn't tell us that in the beginning. I only found out because her class is making a book of poetry, as is Isabella's. And Isabella's teacher said only the advanced studies classes are making them. :think Huh. She got 2's in class behavior, because she is always :blah. Wonder where she got that from? :blush:lol Anyway...as for Isabella's conference- her teacher could not say enough wonderful things about her. She said she is very good at reasoning, which is what they look for in the gifted testing (that will happen later in the spring.) The teacher recorded their oral presentations on her iPad and I got to watch it! :manyheart She was very calm, expressed herself well, and didn't even take notes up the microphone! The teacher ended by saying she thinks Isabella could very well attend an Ivy League school when the time comes. But, of course, that is a long way off. :lol


Anyway, it is time for our "spa night," hosted by Isabella. She is making a "hot tub" in the bathtub, she set up a foot bath, and is planning to give us all pedicures. :D Love that kid!



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Good morning and Happy, Happy Friday!!!


Stacy- That is wonderful news about your daughter's conferences. You must be on cloud 9!!!!! Your "spa" night sounds like so much fun! What color nailpolish did you all choose? Isabella sure sounds like a great kid (as do Mia and Eva, too)


Beth- There is still a bunch of ***** in the address so I guess you can't post the link to the granny ripple here. I found one on Project Linus's website http://www.*******.com/grannyripple.html and wonder if it is this one. Seems like you yarn likes becoming a granny ripple!!! (when I put the link to the Proj Linus website granny ripple, mine comes up with *** too so I guess this may be the one)


Marisa- Hope you had an uneventful trip to your parent's house- and I'm really looking forward to seeing you tomorrow!!!


LeeAnn- I had to chuckle when you said you were going to treat yourself to doing a little laundry and crochet---the crochet part I get, but doing the laundry is a treat? LOL I'll bet your house looks all nice and spic and span!!!!


Off to get ready for Paradise- Have a wonderful Friday!!!

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Joanne, so glad you found it. That is the right one. Crochetville doesn't seem to like the URL at all. I like how it looks with the short rows, but my hubby recommended big fat bold stripes for a manly afghan. The jury is still out on it, but we'll see how it turns out.


Stacy, those are the kinds of conferences you like! Congrats on the good reports for your girls. I did finish the second stripe. Didn't get much else done -- ran around taking care of things while I had a car available. I am really proud of my daughter. She has her first research paper, and it's for college, and she's working on it every day, getting tons (literally - they are heavy) of books from multiple libraries, and researching on-line, too. No last-minute stuff for her!


LeeAnn, I could certainly use some motivation to clean my house. It's hot here now -- and I don't handle heat as well as I used to, and I never was good with heat. Congrats on getting all the cleaning done. Did you get your laundry and hook time in?


Marisa, hope you are safe and sound at your parents' house. Have a fun weekend!

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Joanne-thinking of you on this Friday morning and hoping that it speeds by for ya. I bet you are anxious for the weekend to arrive. :hughow is the summer shrug coming along? You are right, laundry is not relaxing but it had to be done, almost done..have two more loads left.


Beth-I think I have used the same pattern for the granny ripple...I so love granny ripples compared to normal ripples..easy and not a lot of counting. My kind of crocheting. The big bold striped are going to look awesome! Do you get to run your inventions to and fro today? that is fantastic that your dd is working so hard on her research paper. WTG! She has very good work habits. :manyheart


Stacy-I bet you are over the moon with all of the lovely compliments regarding your dd's. It is all because you and your dh are great parents! Keep up the good work! Is this your first weekend off?


Marisa-how was the trip to your parents house? Sounds like you will be busy having fun and spending time with friends and loved ones.:hug


I am almost finished with the shrug/sweater that I had for an order..just need to sew up the sides. Other than that, same ol' but I did get 2 more sales:cheer:clap up to 48:manyheart:manyheart will get those out in the mail today.


best get my tush in gear if I want to get everything on my list done. hugs n squishes!



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Good morning!


Beth- Thanks, I was hoping that was the granny ripple. I think I may have to start one- but I do have 2 baby blankets to make for my DD's sis-in-law's twins! Your DD sure does have good work habits and you should be proud of her!!! What is her topic? I could always get into research papers when it was something that interested me!


LeeAnn- the gift basket you sent for Beth's sis is so lovely! And congrats on sale 48!!! I'm doing my "fun" laundry now- did 2 loads last night and had 2 this morning (and there are only 2 of us here) I did have a bunch of towels and sheets to do though from when stepdaughter was here! Last load in the dryer now!!!


Stacy- It must be must less stressful now that you are 'only' being a mom and student. And please note that the 'only' is in quotes, since being a mom and student is not easy! Nice that you were able to cut out the work part!


Marisa- Will be seeing you in a few hours! I'm So Excited!!!!!

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Good morning friends!


Joanne-so funny that you did your "fun" laundry. I actually do not mind washing and drying..when I was younger, we had an old maytag washer..that was work! My step dad liked the way the clothes washed...silly old man.:lol I bet you are meeting with Marisa as we speak..fun fun fun!


Beth-found a pattern for a granny ripple yesterday at walymart, thought of you. Did you get all of your hats mailed out?


caught a bit of a cold, dh has been sick for about a week now..I am trying to fight it...but it may just catch me! Finished the sweater but the decided it wasn't long enough, soo....took out the side seams and am adding more rows. Should finish today.


off to hop in the shower, I am running a bit behind today..not enough energy. hugs n squishes!

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Joanne, I think I'd like to do the granny ripple just like the pattern says, with the rows that get darker, then lighter. I think it looks so pretty. This one isn't too exciting so far. I bought another skein of the RHSS in coffee to finish the third stripe. I should be 1/3 of the way done tonight. How exciting to do the baby blankets.


LeeAnn, I hope you don't get sick. Tell your husband he is a very generous man, but he can keep his cold germs to himself! I hope the alterations to the sweater aren't taking too long.


Marisa, I am thinking about you and Joanne, getting together. I hope you are having nicer weather than we are in Virginia.


Stacy, are you enjoying a weekend without work?


I took my dd to her ballet practice today, and helped out at the desk. It is a little sad: the teacher asked me to read some letters she received from family members. I enjoyed the letters, but the fact that she can't read them any more is sad. Later, I took my good IRL crochet buddy and my dd and went to Michael's. It was a lot of fun to go with someone who has similar interests and taste. We both needed to pick up something from the grocery store, so we ran there next. It was fun! Grocery shopping usually isn't fun!

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Had a great meet up this morning and Marisa looks great! The two hours flew on by!!!


I do like the way the granny ripple looks darker to lighter, Beth! Fun going to a craft store with others who share the love! I got my ACMoore rewards $10.00 and starting tomorrow all yarn is 30% off. So guess where I'm going? Free yarn!!!!!


LeeAnn- Oh, I hope you can fight off the bug!!! And good luck with the sweater!!!! I don't mind doing laundry either- but I still won't call it fun!!! LOL


Stacy- Thinking of you and hoping you and the fam are enjoying your Saturday!!!!

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Joanne, glad you had a fun meet-up with Marisa! Have fun free-yarn shopping.


LeeAnn, feel better soon! :hug:hug My littlest had a fever for quite a few days- I thought everyone else had side-stepped it, but this morning my dh woke up sick. It seems to be going around worse than usual this year.


Marisa, hope you're having a great weekend!


Beth, I love that pattern, and have had it on my list for quite some time. Can't wait to see how it looks with the "manly" stripes. Good luck to your dd with her research paper- she sounds very dedicated! :clap


We puttered around this morning, then I took the girls to the IL's for the rest of the weekend. Dh has been doing homework and I've been working on my package for the scavenger hunt swap. We are planning to watch a movie tonight, but I need to run to the RedBox to find one. LoL


Good night!

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Good morning!

It's a cool cloudy, kind of yucky stay in the house kind of day today! But I may still venture out for some 'free' yarn later and also drop of some clothes at Goodwill.


Stacy- Hope you and DH enjoyed your kid-less evening together last night! Did you get to the RedBox to get a flick?


Marisa- Safe travels back home today! Hope you had a blast at the party last night!


Beth-I hear you on the grocery shopping not being fun! I'm trying not to go- need to use some things we have here first. I stocked up last weekend when I went to TJ's with DD.


LeeAnn- Hope you are feeling ok and not coming down with what ever DH had!


Off to make breakfast and hunker down with a book or a hook!

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Morning friends!


Joanne-so happy that you had an awesome meet up with Marisa, I knew it would be fun! Did you venture out to pick up your yarn? fantastic deal by the way!:D


Beth-I started a granny ripple, had been thinking about it for awhile, decided to give it a whirl. It sure works up fast! I am using yarn that I had in my stash, couldn't decide if I wanted it to be a scrappy ghan or one with a few select colors...decided on one with browns and tan. Will share pics soon.


Stacy-glad that you and your dh were able to have couple time, isn't it just :c9 Is your dh feeling better?


Marisa-have a safe trip back home. :hug


I officially caught "the cold", yesterday I crocheted and in between sat on the couch and zoned out...the kiddos were great helpers and took very good care of me. Dh is still in bed, he is sick sick sick..together we make quite a pair. :lol


going to add dishwasher soap to the dishwasher and try to tidy up the kitchen...loaded it but forgot to put soap in and turn it on..:eek


hugs n squishes!

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Hello, Besties,


It is very good sleeping weather. I slept in today, and went grocery shopping for the week a lot later than usual. DH came with -- I love him more than I can say, but I'd rather shop without him. But we got it done, had a decent lunch, and now it's time to play. I am hoping to make two UBW hats and finish another stripe on my afghan.


Joanne and Marisa, so glad you got some time together. It's so nice to meet up with friends with the same interests. Marisa, I hope you have safe travels. Joanne, I hope you find some yummy yarn. Love the price: free!


Stacy, what movie did you decide to watch? Good luck with the scavenger hunt swap. Sounds like a lot of fun.


LeeAnn, my wishes for good health get added to the others. I hope you aren't getting what your hubby had, or that you get over it faster. Amazing how the same thing can hit one person much harder than another.


Well, I applied for a job at Michael's yesterday. Wish me luck! I guess since my youngest inventions turn 18 this week, I need to get a "real" job. I get to retire from the stay-at-home mom position.

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Good evening!


I cannot believe it is almost 6 p.m. already! :eek This day flew by. Dh and I went out for breakfast, then came home and did homework. The older girls came home about 15 minutes ago- Eva is staying one more day so she can go to school with MIL tomorrow. It is pouring here- has been all day. I love it!


Beth, :xfin that you hear good news about Michael's! How exciting. glad you were able to sleep in, and I hear you about shopping with your dh- I'd much rather do it by myself. :lol


Marisa, have a safe drive home.


LeeAnn, hope you're feeling better. We've been using Emergen-C with immune support (it has Vitamin D in addition to all the usual ones) and it has been very good at keeping colds at bay.


Joanne, did you venture out for your "free" yarn?


Well, I am off to :hook. I'm thinking of starting the granny ripple, now, too. :lol I could put it away for a Christmas gift, I'm sure.


Love and hugs!

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Hi all,

Good luck Beth!!! You'd be a great addition to Michael's!!! Can't believe your twins are going to be 18!!! I had to laugh about the 'retiring from your job as stay-at-home mom" I would like to retire from my job and become a 'stay-at-home crocheter/reader/gardener, laundress/cleaner"!! Not in the cards though unfortunately. Still paying off some student loans that I helped my DD's with (and their father didn't but I won't go there)


I did venture out to AC Moore and got my 'free' yarn! I picked up some Bernat Waverly in Blue gown. I had some Birch White in my stash and also Classic Navy and am going to use it for the RR I'm making for the boy twin. I decided to go for RR's for them. I had just started it and was about 5 rounds in, when DD and GS came over.


I didn't know they were coming- she had called when I was out and DH didn't tell me. It was a great surprise and they stayed through dinner and left at 8! It was a relaxing afternoon- although I didn't get too much crocheting done!


LeeAnn- Big hugs that you get better quick. I always take zinc and echinachea at the first sign of a cold and knock wood, I've been very fortunate and haven't really gotten one! Knocking on wood again!!!


Stacy- Sounds like a great evening and day - nice that you two could do your homework together!!! My DD commented that the fruit she got at Trader Joe's was so much better than the fruit from the supermarket. She wanted to know if I was going again next week and if she could come too. I told her I usually go every two weeks- EARLY and she is more than welcome to join me!!


Marisa- Watching the Penguins play my Devils- and the Penguins are really good!!! Hope your trip home is uneventful!


It'll probably be a quick stop in the morning since I'll be heading out early!

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