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Adorable lady bug, LeeAnn!!! And your almost at 50 in your shop!!! Woo-hoo!!!!


Beth- Haven't decided if I'll use the same pattern or not- I'm going to use two tones of blue for the boy and pink/brown for the girl since those are the colors the mom-to-be mentioned. I'm open to suggestions!!!


And to answer LeeAnn- No I haven't started them yet!! LOL


Off to get dinner-- just popped in to say hi- and I'll be back in the AM!!! Hugs to all!

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Hello! Remember me? :blush


I feel terrible about not popping in more often. I have an algebra exam on Monday (Beth, you are so sweet! I would send it to you if I could. :lol) I really need to study all weekend- I cannot get less than a 90% or I will be put on 'lifeline', which is an extra 2 hours with the tutor every week and ANOTHER workbook on top of the 2 we already have (plus all of the other required online/textbook homework.) :eek Needless to say- I'm a basket case!

Joanne, Marisa, and LeeAnn- congrats to your pregnant-with-twins friends/family! How exciting! :cheer


Joanne, WTG on walking during lunch! Sorry it didn't work out today, though.


Leeann, WTG on getting almost to 50! :h5 And the coverlets are darling. Your sis is going to love them!


Beth, how awesome that your SIL is picking up on crochet so quickly! You are so sweet for teaching her. I didn't know your dh is a twin, too- that is so cool!


Marisa, have fun with Maryann! Sounds like you will have a great St. Patty's Day. :clover I don't normally celebrate it, but my girls are all about "Patrick's Day" this year. :think We went shopping last night so they would have green goodies to wear to school today. I have a suspicion that my 4 year-old thinks it has something to do with Patrick from Spongebob. :lol


Oh, and tomorrow is my last day of work! :woo I am excited, but also a little sad. I really like my co-workers. I'm sure I will be in there shopping often, though, since it is right around the corner. :lol

Well, my computer is about to die, and I should probably go pull out the ol' textbooks and get crackin.' Love and hugs!

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May the luck of the Irish be with you ALL today- and with you STACY on your math exam!!! No worries about not popping in more often- you have so much on your plate right now between, work, school, home, and MATH!!! Pop in as you can!


Went to visit with GS and DD last evening- DH fell asleep on the couch so I decided to go visit and helped with his bath and played with him for a bit--the perfect ending to the work week!!!


Today, DD, GS and I are going to go to Trader Joe's. Every time I say I've gone, she says "why didn't you call me?" I told her it was because I go early so she said, can we go at 9? (that is a little later then I like to go, but it's ok). This afternoon, my stepdaughter and step grandson are coming for a visit. Needless to say, my DH (and I) are very excited. It'll be the first time we get to meet the little guy- and he's a month older than Ryan. We haven't seen his daughter in about 3 years! It's hard with her living in AL!


With that being said, I'd better get it in gear over here and start cleaning!


Hugs to you all!!!

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Happy St. Patrick's Day my friends!


Stacy-oh my! You sure do have a lot going on, :hug:hug:hugwill be keeping my fingers crossed that you do wonderfully on your Math exam. A lot of pressure, but you can do it.:clap:cheer:clap:cheer


Joanne-that is wonderful that you were able to spend the evening with your gs and dd. :c9 and meeting the new arrival today is going to be super neat. Have a great time!:hug


Beth-how are you today? driving your inventions somewhere fun? thank you again for your custom order, I really enjoy creating those.:hug


Marisa-have a great weekend with your friend.


Woke up late today, but that is ok. I have to take ds to his bowling league meet up because dh has caught a cold. I told him to rest up. Poor guy, he has had a tough week at work.


Yesterday was an amazing day! First I received a lovely order from our dear Beth, then my new crochet hooks came in. Here's a pic from her website ( I had ordered the green daisy one for me and the other one for my mother in law but now I want to keep hers as well, terrible I know):lol Received my supply order with two new men's fragrances...they are super duper yummy! Can't wait to create soapy and candle goodies ...and then I received my contract from the Migrant Headstart..I tell you...it was difficult to come down off the :c9:c9:c9:c9 .


best get my tush in gear. hugs n squishes!


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LeeAnn- Oh, my- those hooks sure are gorgeous! :manyheart Sounds like you've had a wonderful start to your weekend. :cheer What are your new fragrances?


Joanne, what a fun day you have in store! Enjoy the shopping, and the time with your step-dd and step-gs. :manyheart


Beth and Marisa- sending :clover and :hug today! :lol


I am off to take a shower and get ready for work. It is pouring here today, and the wind is blowing it sideways. :eek Should be a slow day, as most people around here will not drive in the rain.


Love and hugs and :clover!!

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Happy Sunday, everybody.


I was busy with ballet and swimming yesterday. Sorry I didn't pop in.


Stacy, I hope you had a good last day at work. I'm sure you'll miss it, and the income, but does it feel nice to have one thing off your list?


LeeAnn, sounds like your day was good. I am so glad you can send gifts to my sisters for their birthdays. It is a lot easier than me trying to find something (and I doubt I could find anything as nice for that price), then mailing it. So thank you so much.


Joanne, sounds like another great weekend. Enjoy your family and guests.


Marisa, I hope you had fun on St. Patty's day.


Well, I'm off to experiment with some yarn I have and different size hooks. I started the pattern I am thinking about using with a bigger hook, and it doesn't look right.

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Good morning!


Beth, it feels wonderful to know I will have one thing checked off my list. I am so happy that I will be home at nights to have dinner with my family and read bedtime stories to the girls. :manyheart Although the manager was so worried about having a staff shortage (another cashier quit, one more is done at the end of the week, and the assistant manager was suddenly transferred to a different store) that I told her she can call if there is a call-out and she can't find anyone else. :blush But I cannot be a regular employee. She was so happy to hear that. How are things going with the ballet mistress? Has she gotten rid of the birds?


Joanne, I hope you had a wonderful time with family!


LeeAnn, what are you up to today?


Marisa, hope your St. Patty's Day celebration was super-fun! :hug


Oh, guess what? Last night, Mia cut her bangs. :eek It looks okay if they are brushed off to the side, though, so I don't think she will need a visit to the salon. :whew And she took my contact lenses out of the case and lost them. Which she has NEVER done before. I don't know what has gotten into her. :think Oh, and I have pinkeye. And Eva possibly has the flu. :yuck She has been coughing a ton and last night she had a fever of 104. I am praying that no one else gets sick!

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Hi all,

Quick pop in to say hi- We had a busy, but fun-filled weekend playing with the two little ones and watching them "play together" (not with each other, just side-by-side) We all went out to lunch today then down to the beach and the bay. The went on the swings and then we went for a nice leisurely walk on the walkway along the water. It was so relaxing!!!

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Stacy, my dd cut her bangs at the roots the day before preschool started. Then she cut her brother's bangs the day before kindergarten started. His was an easy fix -- we shaved his head. Hers, not so much. Good luck with the math exam. I wish I could help.


Joanne, your weekend sounds perfect. I hope your week goes well, too.


Marisa, Did you have an awesome time with your friend? I didn't do much this weekend, besides the swim meet. I was in a very cranky mood all day yesterday. It didn't seem to wear off yet. I am dosing myself with chocolate, see if that will help. It's medicinal, you know. :wink


LeeAnn, got the shipping confirmation for my order. Thanks again.

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Good morning friends!


Beth-hope the chocolate helps.:):hug:hug:hug do you get to play with kittens today? Maybe you can sneak a bit of :hook therapy:devil


Joanne-have a happy Monday in Paradise! Sounds like you had a good weekend with family and great weather. :hug


Stacy-I am sure you are relieved to be home in the evenings and alsoto have more time for homework. :hug


Marisa-can't wait to hear about your weekend.:hug


Been a little busy here in my neck of the woods...but good busy. :lol We are having terrible wind storms yet again, yesterday we couldn't see out our windows, that was ok cuz I was busy crafting. yup! Completed all of the goodies for Beth's order and packaged them up and shipped them out...also worked on another order and a few more Easter Goodies. Need to add them to my shop sometime today.:D Today ds had TCAP Testing, dropped him off this morning, ran a few errands and now back home to clean. I have tons of dust...grrr...


guess I had better get to cleaning my room up. hugs n squishes!

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


:whew Made it through the weekend. On Friday, Maryann and I ran some errands and then we all went out for dinner with my sister's bf's sister (not Ingrid, but the other one that we don't see as often) and her dh, which was nice. Saturday was a long day, but we surely had a blast. It was HOT HOT HOT! I wore capri's and flip flops :eek Ended up with blisters on the bottom of my feet though :(:shrug It's supposed to hit 80 for the next 3 days :eek This is just crazy :lol


LeeAnn - :yay for the orders and those hooks are gorgeous (I'd want to keep them both too :devil ). How exciting on the new men's frangrances :yes I hope ds's testing goes well :xfin


Joanne - Such a wonderful weekend to see both grandsons :c9 I hope paradise treats you well today :wink


Stacy - Good Luck!!! :xfin Sending good thoughts and prayers that you do well on your algebra exam so you don't end up with all the extra :hug:xfin:hug:xfin So, if your manager keeps you on the schedule as per diem....do you still get the discount :think I wonder what got into Mia this week :( I hope everyone is feeling better :hug


Beth - How did you make out with your pattern and finding the right hook? I totally agree that chocolate is medicinal :yes:wink How was the swim meet?

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Marisa, the weather is crazy up there! 80's in March? No wonder you were in capris and flip flops. It sounds like you had a great weekend, though. The medicinal chocolate is helping. So is my son coming home from college and mowing the yard without being told, and apologizing for being late since he stopped to help someone change a tire. Yeah, I'm proud. The swim meet went better than I expected. The other team is notorious for being badly organized, and they are HUGE! About 4 times as large as ours. I worked concessions, and was cool, relatively quiet, had great company, and even got to crochet a bit.


LeeAnn, so excited about the gift baskets. Are you mailing them directly to my sisters or to me? I can't remember what we decided to do. I hope your son does well on his testing. Have you reached a decision about next year yet? Do the wind storms contribute to the dust in the house?


Joanne, How was the visit with the step-daughter? It is so cool that the two babies got to visit, too. What fun! I hope your week goes quickly. Any more exciting plans in your future?


Stacy, sending warm thoughts and hugs your way. I hope you ace your test!


Almost forgot, I decided to make a granny rectangle for the next afghan. It should be fast and mindless, now that I have it started. And I'm going to make random-sized stripes, so I don't have to count!

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HI all,

The randomized stripes sounds like a great idea. Still haven't decided what blankets I'm making- and instead started another summer wrap


Paradise was crazy- and will be busy that's for sure all week. But I'm looking forward to meeting up with Marisa on Saturday!!!!


Hope the chocolate is helping Beth-- it always works for me--especially dark chocolate!!!



Hugs to you all

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Hi friends!


Joanne, sounds like you had a fantastic weekend! :manyheart


LeeAnn, :cheer for finishing all of your goodies!


Beth, sounds like the swim meet was relatively relaxed. Well, as it can be, anyway. You must be so proud of those inventions of yours- apologizing for stopping to help change a tire! :manyheart


Marisa, sounds like you had an awesome weekend, also! The 80's sounds wonderful- here it has only been in the mid-50's. :wbrr


I actually had a really cool morning. Dh took the girls to work with him (because they get out early this week due to conferences but I would not have finished with my exam in time to pick them up) so I went back to bed after they left. Then I stayed in bed and studied until it was time to get ready. :manyheart I think I did well on the exam. I know for sure that I got one wrong- hopefully I will get half-credit though, because I did start out the right way- just forgot how to finish it. :blush Then when I got back to my car, I looked it up in my textbook and remembered what I did wrong. :oops

After I came home, I cleaned a bunch and started dinner. Then? I crocheted! :woo I am finished with the shawl for dh's friend's aunt, and am working on my ami swap projects. It feels so good to have some 'me' time!


Off to get ready for tomorrow. Love and hugs!



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Evening friends!


Whew! Long day of cleaning and running like a crazy woman. :eek Proud to say that I am almost finished Spring Cleaning my room. started with the windows..vacuumed and cleaned then moved on to the walls and part of the ceiling..just have under my bed and one of my shelves. Will get to that tomorrow and launder the curtains and put them back up...even scrubbed the blinds in the tub..:eek The dust storms have contributed to a lot of the dust/dirt as well as the wood stove. Hopefully it will warm up and we can stop burning. off to watch the last of DWTS.


hugs n squishes! Forgot..the new men's fragrances are Twilight Woods for Men and Edwards Temptation..of my gosh! Super yummy!

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Quick stop in to wish you all a good day


Stacy. So glad you had some me time to prep for your math exam. And then afterwards to crochet.


Lee Ann I have got to start getting my spring cleaning done. You put me to shame


Beth and Marisa -Hope your Tuesday is a good one


Running late so gotta run. Hugs.

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Mondays are kind of rough right now, and with allergy season, I'm not sleeping well, which just adds to the fun and excitement. Yetserday, I took Amanda to the ballet studio for her private lesson from 3:30 to 4:00. A teacher's car broke down in Williamsburg (30 minutes away) and she asked me to call her class to cancel. While that was going on, two people came in for tours of the studio, I signed one of them and a phone caller up for classes, I took payments, I altered a costume... I left at 5:15. Got home, finished dinner, turned around to take my daughter back for her class, and stayed until after 8 p.m. Meanwhile, after working on the granny rectangle for several days, I decided it's not what this particular yarn wants to be. This yarn is asking to try to become a granny ripple.


Joanne, thanks for the nice wishes. I hope your day in Paradise is a good one, too.


Stacy, When will you hear the score on the test? The "me" time sounds much deserved. So glad you got to appreciate some quiet.


Marisa, are you still getting 80 degree days now? Our temps have dropped a bit.


LeeAnn, congrats on so much progress on the spring cleaning. That is wonderful. You are the energizer bunny, aren't you!

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Top of the morning friends!


Beth-allergies are a bummer. :hug Feel your pain. Can you take meds? You had a busy Monday as well. That is so nice of you to help at the ballet studio, and you even were able to crochet. Fun fun fun! That is funny how your yarn decided it wanted to be something else, so true. Neat how that works huh? How's the ripple coming along? We are still on the fence so to speak about next year. Ds wants to try the school next to us, we applied just to be on the safe side..if we do not get in, then we will have to figure something out. He really misses children his age but also likes part of the homeschool process:think


Joanne-did you have craft meet up last night? I can't remember if you did:think A summer shawl sounds lovely, I bet it sure is puuurrttty!


Stacy-what is on your agenda for the day? that is wonderful that you were able to get some "me" time in, you deserve it! How are your inventions?


Marisa-you did have a fun filled weekend, I bet you missed Mary.


Woke up tired today but hoping the coffee will help give me a boost to finish my room. Dh was surprised when he got home last night, he made dinner...he felt bad for me working so hard. Guess I had better hop to it as ds is doing his testing and it is easier to get things done when I am alone.


hugs n squishes!

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Well, it's at 78 degrees right now :eek Stacy, if I could send it there I would...I hate the heat and anything over 70 is too hot for me :lol I did some errands a little bit ago and it was super hot in the car.


I had a new patient this morning :clap:yay So I did my running after I was done with her and then came back to finish inputting the info into the software. Now I'm getting a chance to check in and then I have some other things that I want to have done here before I leave tonight so I'm gonna get a move on it.


Stacy - I'm glad that the exam is over with and you :xfin did well. Usually when it comes to math, they give extra credit :xfin

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Hi all,

Sorry to hear about the allergies, Beth! My oldest and youngest have them---I don't nor does my middle DD- They seem to be kind of bad this year from what I see of folks at work that suffer from them. Busy day at the ballet studio!


I chuckled at your yarn telling you it wants to be a granny ripple. I've never made one, which pattern are you going to use?


LeeAnn- Nice of DH to cook for you since you did so much cleaning My DH cooked last night- since his DD wanted his chicken soup and then wanted his recipe. It's nothing special- but to her it is VERY special!


Marisa- Congrats on another new patient!!! Great news!!


Stacy- When will you find out how you did on the math exam? Hope your day went ok today and you got in a little more 'hooking" time!!!


Stepdaughter and family have gone to her sister's for the evening and tomorrow they are all going into NY. the house is so quiet now. I enjoyed their visit and it was great getting to know the little guy!! But it's nice to have the quiet back this evening too!


Hope you all have a good evening!

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Good evening!


I got an 83% on the exam! Which pulled my overall grade up to an 80%- :whew. Marisa- a couple weeks ago, we had some homework assignments due that everyone did poorly on- the instructor ended up counting them as extra credit instead, and I have 28 points of it. :cheer That will surely help at the end of the semester. Thanks everyone for cheering me on! :hug:hug:hug


I found out last week that my mom is coming to visit for spring break and Easter! :manyheart My dad was supposed to come out for Mia's birthday, which is the 30th, and leave by the 3rd (trying to avoid her, I guess. They do NOT get along.) Well....I just received a call from my dad tonight that he will be out for Easter weekend, also. :eek:sigh


Beth, sounds like you had a busy day! Glad you had time to crochet, though. Good luck with that yarn! I hope it doesn't change it's mind once it's started on the granny ripple.


Joanne, glad you had such a wonderful time with your step-dd. I had to giggle at your dh's chicken soup being special to her- I can totally relate! I normally can't stand meatloaf, but my mom's is completely something else. :c9 Hope Paradise isn't too rascally for you this week.


Leeann, how sweet of your dh to make dinner! I can't believe how much you cleaned, girl! :nworthy Good luck to your ds, figuring out what he will do for school.


Marisa, congrats on a new patient! How exciting! :h5


Well, I need to scoot and get the girls ready for bed. Love and hugs!

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Good morning!


First of all , big kudos to Stacy on the 83 on the math exam!:clap:clap That's awesome!!!!! Easter sounds like it will be quite the holiday this year for you and your family with both your Mom and Dad coming to visit at the same time! I'll bet they make it a point to get along because they are there to see you and your hubby and their granddaughters!!!


It's supposed to be another warm day here- and Paradise has been rascally (as Stacy put it). I like that term, rascally! At least it's Hump Day, so after today it's on the downhill slope till the end of the work week.


I do have a good Saturday ahead though, since I get to see Marisa and then babysit Ryan in the afternoon. Definitely something to look forward to!


Hope you all have a good day!

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Good morning! Guess what? I went back to bed after my dh left for work, and didn't wake up again until 7:30! It's great sleeping weather.


Joanne, sorry Paradise has been so rascally. I'm glad it's hump day. You have an awesome weekend to anticipate.


Stacy, congrats on the great score. I am so proud of you.


Marisa, congrats on the new patient. Are you looking forward to the weekend, too?


LeeAnn, I wish I could say that i'm getting as much work done around here as you are getting done there, but that wouldn't be true. I got the granny ripple started yesterday, and the yarn is much happier. It's going kind of slow for some reason.


It may be good sleeping weather, but it's bad allergy weather, and I am quite congested today. Off to get some coffee and some medicine, and I will face my day.

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Good morning~


I was kicked out of bed this morning by 2 kids and a dog. :yawn


Beth, :hug:hug:hug Hope your allergies aren't too bad today.


Joanne, good luck in Paradise! Only 3 more days 'til you have weekend fun! :cheer I hope my parents can get along- last time they really didn't. They are both bitter and resentful, but Mia is SO excited to have them here at the same time. :worried


Marisa and Leeann, have a great Hump Day!


Today I have parent conferences- Isabella's is before school, and Mia's is after. I sure hope I don't get an unexpected report from Mia's teacher again- I checked with her a couple weeks ago to make sure I wouldn't be surprised, and she said Mia is now working above grade-level. :xfin that she doesn't change her mind!


Gotta get ready- love and hugs!

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