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Good morning ladies :hi


I have alot I want to do today since I'm still not sure if I'm leaving tomorrow or Thurs :think I wasn't feeling very well yesterday so after we had dinner, I just went to bed :eek So far feeling a bit better today :shrug


LeeAnn - It's actually a bridal shower and this is what I made the sunflower ghan as a gift for. It still needs to be wrapped though :lol Did you get your sampler box? :yay for 41 sales, only 9 more to hit 50 and then we'll be counting down to 100 :devil How awesome for the kids pictures to be in the book :cheer It's funny that dh and your mom really want you to color your hair that bad :lol


Joanne - Yep, the bachelorette party is the weekend of the 24th :yay I can't wait for it AND to see you again :hug


Beth - The weather here is very strange to say the least. It snowed off and on all day yesterday, today the sun is trying to be out and it's supposed to be mid 50's :think


Stacy - :cheer You can do it, you can do it :cheer

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Evenin all!


Had a busy day but wanted to hop on here to check on all of ya.


Joanne-sure you are having a fabulous time babysitting. Hope Paradise flew by!


Marisa-a bridal shower??? ohhhh! :lol:lol:lol I must be loosing my mind. I agree, it is so funny about dh and my mom wanting me to color my hair..was letting it grow out. I have quite a bit of grey/white..but now I am dark brown. One of these days I am going to let it go...tired of coloring.


Beth-I have colored my hair when I was much younger just about every color imaginable..except for blues, pinks and green...those are way to crazy for me. It was more upkeep as my roots then were dark..you should try it with a temporary rinse-no commitment.


hi ho hi ho! Back to soaping, we had our days confused and were out the door when the in laws called to tell us the event is tomorrow. oh well! More time to get things done.



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Hi all,

Busy day yesterday, but then it was fun with the little one! It's nice now that he is starting to have some interactions- loves clapping hands, and giggles with peek-a-boo. It really puts things in perspective:) I love the innocence of little ones and how the simplest little thing makes them so happy!


Marisa- Looking forward to seeing you on the 24th!!! Do we have time/place yet? Same as always?


Beth-I'm glad that your cat afforded the ballet mistress a good night's sleep --hopefully the cat will now take care of the problem and be back home with you again!


LeeAnn- I color my hair too--but I don't do it myself- I've always been afraid to do it- that it would come out some weird color or something. So it's an indulgence I pay for!:lol


Stacy-Thinking of you and your math- how'd the quiz go? Just keep believing in yourself and you'll get through this--and before long it will be a distant memory!


Off to get ready for Hump Day!

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I will take Joanne's word for it, that it's morning. My body says there must be at least 4 more hours of sleep in there somewhere...


Joanne, Ryan sounds adorable. What a great way to unwind after a day at work. They are so sweet at that age.


LeeAnn, Did you make any special soaps yesterday? I think you are amazingly creative. Enjoy the book reveal today.


Marisa, I hope you are feeling better. Enjoy your trip and the bridal shower. The sunflower ghan is a great gift.


Stacy, I hope you aren't overdoing too much. Are you enjoying just working weekends?


Well, I'm expecting a call very soon to go visit my cat. I'm a bit concerned. She told me yesterday that she doesn't think he'll catch anything because he's too well fed. I hope this means she isn't planning to starve my cat. I will not permit that.

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I know, I know, it's not as big a deal to anyone else as it is to me, but Bearcat is home again. He was trying to get out of the house by pawing at the plastic inserts around the window a/c unit, and his hostess was afraid he might make it through. So I brought him back. She told me she may ask to borrow him again some time, since she slept so much better with him in her house with her. I was starting to miss him a lot, so I'm glad he's home.:cat:heart

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Hi ladies, just a quick post to let you know that I'm at my parents house now :) we went out for dinner and then I went to visit my aunt. Now me and my mom are watching American idol.


Joanne....I'm assuming same place, i should becoming from Newark, but possibly from my parents :think. Depends if I have riders with me to worry about.


Beth...glad to hear that bear at is back home :hug


Leeann....I hope the soaping went well :wink

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Quick pop in- read the posts and now running out of time!


Last night was the wake for my son-in-laws grandma who passed away Monday. Didn't get home till about 9:30.


I'll post more later on or tomorrow morning but know I'm thinking of you all!!!!


Beth- Glad that BearCat is home!!!

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Marisa, so glad you are safely at your parents house. I hope you enjoy the shower.


Joanne, my condolences to your son-in-law. It's hard to lose someone you love.


Stacy and LeeAnn, happy Thursday to you! I hope you enjoy your beautiful families today.

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Remember me??? I have been lost in the land of soapy and candle goodies....Let me out!


Joanne-so sorry to hear about your son in laws grandparent, it is difficult to lose someone. :hug:hug:hug:hug It's almost Happy Friday! Bet you are excited!


Beth-uuu I wouldn't let anyone starve my cat either. We are down to 1 cat, all of them have disappeared. I am sure it is either a coyote or owl. Dd is pretty upset, but short of penning them up or bringing them indoors their is not much we can do...it's our location. Hope your day goes well.


Marisa-have fun with your family!


Stacy-how's it going? hopefully well.


yesterday was spent making the last of the lotion bars,...dh had said that he would make them, but when I checked..he hadn't....:blush so got them all done just going to do an inventory of what I have and price price price..running the kiddos this evening down to the inlaws, they are spending the weekend. Hopefully I will get to bed early as the fair opens at 6:eek:eek:eek:eek off to work I go!


hugs n squishes!

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Another quick check. I'm off to meet my friend from chiro school in a bit for an adjustment and then we're going for lunch during her break. This is the girl that I'm carpooling with for the shower on Saturday.


I made 2 squares for this weeks cal clue last night and hope to make more later. My mom and I are going to the movies to see.....I can't remember then name, but it has Tom Hanks, Sandra Bullock, and John Goodman :D


Joanne - So sorry to hear about SIL's grandma :hug


Beth - Hope you have a good and relaxing day.


LeeAnn - You are like the energizer bunny over there :lol I hope the fair goes well and :yay for finishing your lotions.


Stacy - I hope all is well and that you are conquering that math :wink

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Good evening!


Beth, you are so sweet! :hug:hug:hug I am glad to hear BearCat is home. It's too bad that he didn't catch whatever was in the ballet mistress' house, but thank goodness you took him home before he could escape.


LeeAnn, good luck with your sale tomorrow! :h5 I bet your goodies will sell like hotcakes! :cheer


Marisa, hope you are feeling better. :hug:hug This year has been a bad one for the sickies. Enjoy the movie.


Joanne, so sorry to hear about your SIL's loss. :hug:hug:hug all around. I hope you didn't have to stay too late in paradise today.


Well, today was just a normal day- class, picking up the girls, dh has school until 10 so we are on our own. Mia was extra-crabby after school, so I sent her to bed for some quiet time, and she just now woke up! :eek I hope she's not coming down with something.

Oh, guess what? There's this park down the street that we've been taking the girls to for about 5 years, and Jorge used to go there as a child. It has a bunch of ducks and those huge geese, and for 25 cents you can buy a bag of bird seed and feed them. (Remember the photo I posted of Jorge hand-feeding them? LoL) Well, we went yesterday, and found out that it is on the list of state parks to be closed. There is a committee within the community that is trying to save it, and Isabella is so inspired to become involved! This morning she asked me if she could make an announcement to her class (because their teacher lets them go up to the front of the class and speak about whatever is on their minds) and give the class the website if they want more info, or to donate. Of course I said yes, so she wrote out an entire speech. Well, when she came home she was so excited to tell me that when she announced it in class, her friends were very excited to help and get involved, they made signs to hang up around the neighborhood and a sign-up sheet for things that they could make to sell and raise money.

I am really impressed by her. She is so excited to start raising money and tonight she said she is proud of herself. Which of course made me cry, because she is normally so shy and unsure of herself, it's not often I hear words of praise from her, about herself. Anyway, so I talked to Jorge and we are going to contact the committee in charge of raising the money to see how she (and possibly others in the class) can get involved.


Okay, well it is time to finish folding laundry and doing a couple little chores- then it will be time to sit and :hook. Whew! :lol

Good night!

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Good morning,


Joanne, happy Friday to you! Do you have any plans for this weekend?


Stacy, I'm very proud of Isabella for her park involvement. Maybe that's what she needed to come out of her shell, a mission.


Marisa, I hope you are having a good time. Enjoy the shower, and the time with your friends in the east.


LeeAnn, you have been so busy, but soon it will pay off. Good luck with the sale.


I go to the doc today. I've been having room-spinning dizzy spells since Monday night. I am quite sure it's just an inner ear infection from allergies. I am glad I'll be getting it straightened out.

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Good morning!

Stacy- That's so neat about Isabella!!! How proud you sound as you should! I agree with Beth- it sounds like she has found something that means a lot to her- all the times you and Jorge have taken them to the park- and now she is on a mission!!! How wonderful!!!


Beth- Hope that all goes well for you at the doc today and that the dizzy spells are taken care of!


Marisa- Have fun tomorrow at the baby shower. You must be enjoying your time 'home' with your folks too!!


LeeAnn- Much success to you at the fair!


Glad it's Friday- and tomorrow afternoon oldest DD will be here here from Boston and I can't wait!!!Sunday is my middle DD's 30th birthday so we'll all be together to celebrate with dinner and then the hockey game!

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Good morning ladies :hi


Not much going on here.


Beth - I hope you get to the bottom of your room spinning sells :hug


Stacy - Oh boy, I'm so proud of Isabella too....sounds like this is very important to her :hug You have every right to be super proud.


Joanne - Have fun celebrating this weekend and :birthday to middle dd :yay


LeeAnn - I hope the fair goes well :xfin

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Just a quick fly-by- I've done lots of running already today, and still have a few more errands to do before I pick up the girls.


Beth, :hug:hug Good luck at the doctor. Dizzy spells are scary, no matter what the reason is.


Joanne, have a fabulous weekend with your girls! :manyheart


Marisa, are you feeling better? Enjoy the weekend with your parents. :hug:hug


LeeAnn, thinking of you and :xfin that the fair goes well! :cheer


Thank you for the compliments about Isabella. She woke up this morning talking about it. :lol I think dh is going to take them to the info center at the park after school, so she can speak directly with one of the rangers. :manyheart

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Hiya friends!


Glad to hear that you are all doing well. Beth-please do keep us informed.


Had a loooong day, not that busy but did sell lotion bars..yea lotion bars! Going to veg as my head is woozy. Hugs n squishes! Will post more tomorrow a.m. when I can concentrate more.

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Good morning!

I've been up with the birds so to speak and have done some cleaning and the last load of laundry is in the dryer!

Today is the day that DD comes in from Beantown!!! I'll pick her up around 2 ish and then head over to my youngest so she can visit her and Ryan! We'll probably eat dinner together and then head back here. My "birthday girl" has an art show/birthday celebration tonight so we won't see her till tomorrow - but that's her official birthday anyway!


Have some errands to run- and want to get a few things at TJ's plus pick up the yarn that I won at the new LYS from their grand opening!


Hope you all have a good day!!

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Just a quick fly-by- I've done lots of running already today, and still have a few more errands to do before I pick up the girls.


Beth, :hug:hug Good luck at the doctor. Dizzy spells are scary, no matter what the reason is.


Joanne, have a fabulous weekend with your girls! :manyheart


Marisa, are you feeling better? Enjoy the weekend with your parents. :hug:hug


LeeAnn, thinking of you and :xfin that the fair goes well! :cheer


Thank you for the compliments about Isabella. She woke up this morning talking about it. :lol I think dh is going to take them to the info center at the park after school, so she can speak directly with one of the rangers. :manyheart


Yes, I am feeling better. It's been a strange week. On Monday I got a bad stomach pain...well low in gut (even though I've gone to the bathroom :think ) then it was fine on Tuesday and Wednesday. On Thursday night it happened again after we left the movies, I could barely stand up but as long as I was sitting or lying down it was ok :think And then it was fine again on Friday so I'm not quite sure what's going on :shrug I'll keep an eye on it to see if there's any pattern. I had attributed Monday's to having fried fish the previous Friday (I rarely eat fried) and had 4 meals from it over the weekend.


Did dh take Isabella to the park to talk to the rangers?


Hiya friends!


Glad to hear that you are all doing well. Beth-please do keep us informed.


Had a loooong day, not that busy but did sell lotion bars..yea lotion bars! Going to veg as my head is woozy. Hugs n squishes! Will post more tomorrow a.m. when I can concentrate more.


Sorry to hear it was a slow day, but :yay for lotion bars :hug


Good morning!

I've been up with the birds so to speak and have done some cleaning and the last load of laundry is in the dryer!

Today is the day that DD comes in from Beantown!!! I'll pick her up around 2 ish and then head over to my youngest so she can visit her and Ryan! We'll probably eat dinner together and then head back here. My "birthday girl" has an art show/birthday celebration tonight so we won't see her till tomorrow - but that's her official birthday anyway!


Have some errands to run- and want to get a few things at TJ's plus pick up the yarn that I won at the new LYS from their grand opening!


Hope you all have a good day!!


:yay Have fun with your dd's and wish middle dd :birthday for us while your out celebrating :hug

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Good morning ladies :hi


I have my bridal shower today and am going to crochet in the car since I don't have to drive :D I got a purple shirt last night to weat :whew So glad my friend mentioned that little detail at lunch the other day. My afghan is ready to go in the gift bag I picked up last night at wal mart so I just need to shower and I'll be ready to go. I think I'm being picked up about 11ish :think


Thinking about Beth and hoping she's doing alright after that dizzy spell :hug :hug

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Very quick fly-by here. I went to the doc, found out I had an inner ear infection, and it will take a while for the dizziness to subside. I'm having quite a day of it today, but I've been a lot more active than usual. This a.m. the boys and I helped lay the dance floor at the auditorium, then my hubby dropped off the girl and picked up the boys, and I stayed until that was over. Meanwhile, my van was loaded with things that had to go to the studio, so my boys and I took care of that when I got home, then we went to lunch, and now - :whew - I'm home for a bit. I get dizzy very easily, can't handle watching the dance, so I will be happy to sit in the relatively quiet lobby and sell tickets.


Marisa, enjoy the shower. I hope your gut pain goes away and stays away.


Joanne, enjoy your time with your daughters. What a lovely gift, time together!


LeeAnn, good luck with your sales. Those lotion bars are so popular!


Stacy, so very proud of Isabella. I think it's great to have her talk to a Ranger.


Time for me to try to get prettied up...

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Evening all!


Joanne-Happy Birthday to your dd! I am sure you are having an amazing time. Hugs! And yipppy skippy for new yarn!


Beth-so glad that the doc found out what was wrong, hopefully the meds will kick in and you will find relief soon. huggers!


Stacy-all of your dd's are pretty amazing! Such responsible young ladies..must be you and your dh's excellent parenting. hugs!


Marisa-hope your tummy didn't act up today..hmmm and am betting that you had a great time as the bridal shower.


The sale was still slow today, but did at least made enough to cover the booth rental and have extra spending money..all in all..not too shabby. Tomorrow is the last day for it, crossing my fingers that I sell sell sell. If not, I am grateful with the sales that I did have.


off to make a lotion bar for a special order. hugs n squishes!

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Good morning!


Hope you had a good time at the shower Marisa and that your tummy didn't give you any problems!!


LeeAnn- Glad to hear that you've made the cost of the booth rental plus some! Good luck today- Positive thoughts coming your way that you sell, sell, sell!!!


Stacy- Is this your last weekend of work- or is that next week? Did Isabella get a chance to speak with the Park Ranger?


Beth- How was DD's ballet performance last evening? Were you at least able to see her perform?


We had a great time yesterday and didn't get home till about 11. Today it's off to dinner and the game- and Beth, you are right! This is the best present for me- spending time with the girls all together today is going to be heaven!


I bought my DD a Nook simple touch for her birthday and hope she likes it. She loves to read, but is 'old school' when it comes to reading " a real book" . I think she'll like the convenience of always having a book with her though. I finished the shawl last night that I'm giving her as well. I just have to weave in a few ends this morning!


Off to pour some coffee and I guess I should start going around the house and re-set the clocks!

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Hi Everybody,


LeeAnn, :xfin that your sale goes very well today.

Joanne, enjoy the time with your dds. Hooray for finishing the shawl!

Stacy, Thinking of you and your daughter the activist.

Marisa, I hope the shower was a blast, and you are having a great time with your friends. When do you get home?


I did get to see my dd perform, and it was a very cute dance. The entire event was quite successful. I took the director home afterwards, then took my dd out to eat (Seafood! We're the only two that like it in the family.) We got home LATE! I was surprised that one of our cars was missing. I asked my son -- the transmission died (again) leaving him at the pizza place where he went to pick up dinner for the men. Hey, what do you expect from a 20-year-old car? My hubby and son are going to rebuild the engine, take off the transmission and send it off to get fixed, and do a few other improvements to it. This means we will be down a car, again, for a long time. Heavy sigh. Oh well. It will be a good learning experience for my son.

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Good morning all!

Beth- That will be a great learning experience for your son, but hugs for being without 1 car for what may be quite a while:hug:hug I'm happy that you got to see DD perform! And that you two got to share dinner (seafood is one of my favs too, DH only likes a few seafood items)


LeeAnn- How did the last day of the show go? I'll bet you are ready for a nice leisurely day today- although with 2 great kids, I don't think any days can be totally leisurely!


Marisa- Safe travels home to Pitt!!


We had an awesome day yesterday:) Dinner was fabulous- the service/food was outstanding- and they even sang to DD (which embarrassed the heck out of her when they put a birthday crown on her head) She took it like a champ though. The game was FUN and the Devils won 4-1:clap All in all, a perfect 30th birthday celebration for her. She loved the summer shawl and the Nook- she was totally surprised by the Nook and I'm glad I decided to get it for her.


Oldest heads back to Beantown today:( but I'm so glad she came down to help us celebrate! I'm planning to head up there to visit sometime in May:)


Hope you all have a fab day- it will be for me, since no Paradise today!!!

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