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Good morning all and Happy Friday!!!


Pizza night at Beth's house and I hope shrimp boy is feeling better!


Stacy- My DD knows about the game- actually I asked what she'd like to do for the "Big 3-0!!! We had gone to the Inner Harbor in Baltimore when my oldest turned 30. She said she is so busy with school right now and thought it'd be great to go to a hockey game since the Devils arena is in the city where she lives and she's the only one that hasn't been to a hockey game! There is a section in the city that has awesome Portugese restaurants so she is going to pick which one she wants to go to. It'll be a fun day and I'm looking forward to it.


Marisa- Have fun tonight going out! Love how your square turned out! You are moving right along!


LeeAnn- I sure hope today finds you feeling well- you have been going non-stop lately--! I'm looking forward to a relaxing weekend- after I get the cleaning done, of course. There is also an LYS that opened not to far from one of the Trader Joe's and they are having a grand opening tomorrow- so I will just HAVE to stop there and check it out.


Off to get ready- have a fab friday!

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Good morning.


Happy TGIF, Joanne. I hope you get the relaxing weekend you are planning.


LeeAnn, good luck with the sale. Is this the 3 day sale? I am so glad your Etsy shop is doing so well.


Marisa, tonight is your fish dinner. I hope it is delicious.


Stacy, How did the crazy hats turn out? Did the girls have a lot of fun? did you get some crocheting done for your ami swap?


Well, since you asked, we are having a laser tag party in our backyard for the twins' 18th birthday. They are inviting a few friends (4) plus our family, and we'll play for a while, come in and eat, then play video games for a while. They have a great set of friends. It should be a lot of fun.


Shrimp boy said he was coming today for tutoring, so I'm looking forward to that.

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Joanne-so hope today flies by for you so that you can relax. Your dd's 30 B-day events sure sound exciting! Fun fun fun!


Beth-the party that you planned is sure going to be awesome! Food, family, friends...nothing better! The three day sale is next week...oh my! I am starting to stress just a teeny tiny bit as I have been selling..sold a chunk of soaps yesterday, have more orders for custom lotion bars..and sold a few lotion bars too..today I am going to crank a few soaps out..new soapies too.


Marisa-have a wonderful evening! This week has flown by, when is your ds and here bf returning?


Stacy-how's it going? work today?


Nothing too exciting going on here. Last night we were looking at the calendar..have so much going on in April. That I think I better rest before it gets here..camping trips, baby shower, Easter..oh my!


best get my tush in gear, the laundry is SHOUTING my name. hugs n squishes!

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


Joanne - cut and paste alert!


Wow! Where has the day gone already :think Last night I realized that I didn't take the landlords a check for March, so did that first thing. I slept horribly last night, tossed and turned until about 2:30 :eek And then woke up without an alarm around 7 :ohdear I'm feeling overly stressed about money right now :( But that's par for the course. Surprisingly I feel pretty good today....I feel refreshed (don't ask me how with that little sleep :think ) and my mom is always good at cheering me up :manyheart Last night I worked on a square for the knit kal and was about 2/3 done when I stopped and measured and it was about 1 1/2 inches too big :eek So I ripped out the 2nd half (it's worked diagonally and the first half is one color and the 2nd half is another) so then I scaled back the first half to the right size. So my stitch number will be off, but I didn't want to take the whole thing out and start from scratch with it. So the size will be right, I'll just have to work with it when joining. The second half will still work out with the pattern it makes and I don't even have to change it for it to work, just eliminate one of the 6 rows of repeats :think I got that back on track this morning while I put the towels in the washer. I threw them in the dryer before I left. I had to do 2 loads :eek But I dried them all together. When I checked my sisters bathroom, their whole laundry basket was towels :lol So, I'll have to fold them later. I also washed her sheets earlier this week since I know she wanted to do them before she left but just didn't get to them. I pulled my sewing machine out this morning so I can fix a skirt of hers tomorrow morning that has a rip near the seam...something else that's been on her list for a while. Geez, if I'm not careful, she'll be trying to go away all the time :lol:think


I have dinner plans tonight with 2 of her coworkers, well, they've become my friends too. :yes What else? This morning after I came in and ran my rent to the landlord, I went to the bank to switch an account to a different type and needed them to fix a posted check that was posted incorrectly....someone just hit a wrong #. So on my way back I stopped at Starbucks to treat myself to a coffee since I have a gift card :D


Stacy - :cheer You're almost done with the math :cheer Did you work on your ami swap stuff last night?


Joanne - Thanks, I worked on the knit square last night and almost have one done....would've had one finished if I'd stopped to measure it sooner :lol Looking forward to dinner out :D


Beth - :yay for shrimp boy coming today and pizza night. I'm excited about my fish dinner :D


LeeAnn - My sister and her bf come back Sunday a little later in the afternoon. Did you get your laundry done?

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Quick pop in--Met DD and GS for dinner - totally unplanned but so nice!! Then we went shopping and got some things for him--it was such a great way to end the long day at work---


Keeping those affected by the devastating tornadoes in my prayers!

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Joanne, :manyheart what a lovely way to end your day! I am so happy for your grandson, that he is close enough to you that he gets to be properly loved on my his grandma! Every child should have that.


Marisa, :lol your sister is going to be so happy with everything you've done for her while she was away. How nice to come back to things being cleaner than when you left.


LeeAnn, :hug don't stress about the sale. You will have lots of great stuff to sell, and it will go wonderfully. If you make any new soaps, let us get a sneak peek!


Stacy, :hi I hope you are getting to relax this weekend, and spend time with your beautiful family . When is your last day of work?


I am going to meet my friend for coffee and crochet this morning. I am so excited, I was up at 5:30, and we don't meet until 9. :lol

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Beth- Have fun with your IRL friend!!! Coffee, crochet, chatting with a friend = :c9


I'm heading to the grand opening of a new LYS and am very excited:hook--and I too have been up for a bit--Can't wait to go see all the pretty yarn--and grand opening prizes.


The party you have planned for your twins sounds like so much fun!!!!


Marisa- Hope you had a nice time last night- and I agree, your sister is very lucky to have YOU as a housemate for now---she'll be happy to come home to a nice clean place!!! :)


LeeAnn- Your goodies are so nice- please don't stress about it. This is supposed to be fun!!!!


Stacy- Hang in there with the algebra and whatever that other term was that you spoke of. Pretty soon, this will be a distant memory!! How did crazy hat day go?


Off to put the laundry in the dryer and get back to cleaning:(


But once that is done- it's off to the LYS :)

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Good Morning dear friends!


My ya all are up early! I love getting up early on the weekends, sipping a cup of coffee and checking emails. One of my most treasured chunk of me time.


Joanne-oohhh laaaa laaaa! A new LYS:clap:cheerplease pet the yarn for me. I am excited for you. Spending time with your gs is invaluable. :manyheart My inlaws are the best grandparents, they really do enjoy our children, it's so neat!


Beth-how fun to have a crochet meetup! Doesn't it just make life exciting? Sharing one's hobby and passion with others is the best. What project are you working on?


Marisa-like the others said, very sweet of you to help your sister out, I am sure she will appreciate and love that you thought of her so much while she was away. How was your dinner last night?


Yesterday was a bit of a busy day..same as usual right? I am kinda tired of running like a chicken and have made a decision to slow down a little. Going to see how I can manage just that, but the running back and forth, homeschooling, family and housework is taking a toll on me. I just feel tired.


ds has his weekly bowling, going to beg dh to take him so that maybe I can tidy up a bit...we cleaned yesterday but with the dust storms that we have had..we have lots of dust. Makes my allergies go crazy.


On a happier note, did get about an hour to work on some soapy goodies, will finish those up today to share with all of you. I love that you all are interested in what I am up to,:manyheart:manyheart motivates me to create.


BBL! Hugs n squishes!


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Just a quick check in this morning. Dinner was great last night and we had fun. I had left over fish with Mac n cheese so had fish and grits for blast. There's still enough for a whole meal yet! :eek


Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend :hug

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LeeAnn I hope that DH was able to take your son to bowling! Had no idea you were having dust storms out there. I thought it would still be snowing!


You have been going like crazy- and I'm glad you are going to slow down a bit!!!


The new LYS was fun! The asked me if I knit or crocheted- and I told them I crocheted and they didn't bat an eye! The place is set up so nicely- and warm and inviting- couches to sit on, table and chairs, spinning wheels and lovely yarn!!! I ended up buying some Universal Cotton Supreme yarn and started a Summer wrap that I found here: http://www.caron.com/projects/op/op3_one_skein_summer_wrap.html


I also might treat myself to a Tunisian crochet class that they are having end of April taught by Mary Beth Temple. That is the weekend I was thinking of going to Boston though so I have to think more on that!


Today I have to go replace the headlight in my car, which I noticed has burned out.


Off to go enjoy the quiet of the house with my coffee and crochet!


Beth- I saw on the FB that your friend wasn't feeling well and that you didn't get to meet up. Hope you had a good day anyway!!!!


Marisa and Stacy- Have a wonderful Sunday!!!

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Top of the morning dear friends!


Joanne-your LYS sounds amazing! And the summer wrap is awesome! I love it! That is so neat that they offer crochet classes too. Let us know if/how the Tunisan class works out. I have a hook, tried it, but never got into it...hmmm We have had major dust storms. March winds,...serious winds! The dust is terrible, some days you can not see outside..similar to Dorothy in the Wizard of Ozz..my allergies are going crazy. I had to buy an eye rinse, eye drops, allergy meds and extra kleenex. My eyes are bloodshot..scary and I started wheezing the other day..something fierce. Trying not to complain about it all, but it is bringing me down.


Beth-sorry to hear that you did not meet up with your friend. How was your day?


Yesterday was a whirlwind of soaping and laundry...seems like I just can't catch up. Today should be the last day of all day laundry..:think Dh took Cristopher to bowling, so excited about that. Celine and I made a beef stew for lunch. I am teaching both children how to cook and prepare meals. Knives scare me, so does the cheese grader...:eek The kiddos also helped make soap, they wanted to... isn't that amazing? I am so proud of them, here are pics of their creations. Aren't they just so talented?


BBL! Hugs n squishes!




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Morning friends!


LeeAnn, I'm glad you're deciding to take it a little easier- I hope you can find some time to carve out of your day for just you. :hug:hug:hug It is so difficult balancing work, family, housework, etc...plus all of the extras that you do! Your kiddos' soapy creations are beautiful! I love the eggs that look paint-splattered. Very creative.


Joanne, the new LYS sounds wonderful!! So many are biased against crochet...:think It's all yarn to me. :lol The wrap is gorgeous- what color did you choose?


Marisa, how wonderful that you have leftovers for lunch and dinner. :clap I love leftovers, but dh doesn't- so I really don't cook big enough meals to have them. :shrug When does your sister come home?


Beth, how's it going? Sorry to hear your friend wasn't feeling well. Any fun plans for today? How's the newly-indoor kitty doing?


Well, this was supposed to be my last week of work, but...since the manager wasn't there when I gave my two-week notice, I told her I would stay an extra week to give her time to find someone. Dh isn't going to be too happy. :blush I told her that I am leaving because of the conflicts between work/homework, and she was kind enough to schedule me on the weekends for the next 2 weeks so I don't have that conflict.

We took the girls to see The Lorax last night! It was definitely cute. Mia is just in love with the lorax himself. :lol Then we walked around and took the girls to see the koi pond by the theaters, and went to get frozen yogurt. We were out until almost 10:30- Eva was pretty tired, but the other two were still raring to go once we got home. :lol It was so nice to have a family night, which we haven't had in quite some time.

Today is laundry day, and I have to work at 4:30. Have a great Sunday!



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Top of the morning dear friends!


Joanne-your LYS sounds amazing! And the summer wrap is awesome! I love it! That is so neat that they offer crochet classes too. Let us know if/how the Tunisan class works out. I have a hook, tried it, but never got into it...hmmm We have had major dust storms. March winds,...serious winds! The dust is terrible, some days you can not see outside..similar to Dorothy in the Wizard of Ozz..my allergies are going crazy. I had to buy an eye rinse, eye drops, allergy meds and extra kleenex. My eyes are bloodshot..scary and I started wheezing the other day..something fierce. Trying not to complain about it all, but it is bringing me down.


Yesterday was a whirlwind of soaping and laundry...seems like I just can't catch up. Today should be the last day of all day laundry..:think Dh took Cristopher to bowling, so excited about that. Celine and I made a beef stew for lunch. I am teaching both children how to cook and prepare meals. Knives scare me, so does the cheese grader...:eek The kiddos also helped make soap, they wanted to... isn't that amazing? I am so proud of them, here are pics of their creations. Aren't they just so talented?


BBL! Hugs n squishes!

:manyheart the creations!!! It's really cool that they want to help make the soap- and they did an awesome job--just like their Mama!!! Really cool the eggs with the drizzle!!! That dust sounds horrible. How long does it usually last? Take it easy and watch that wheezing!:hug

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HI Stacy-

Color is called Phlox- color 605 here: http://www.universalyarn.com/quality_color.php?quality=184

It's a really pretty purple,with a bit of a magenta tone to it. I really like it! I've worked on it a bit today- and also did some reading. That was nice of you to offer 2 more weeks and I'm sure the Mgr appreciated it too- and that was nice that the days are on the weekend. Your family day yesterday sounded like fun!!!

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Good morning, everybody,


Joanne, what a lovely pattern! And the color is :drool I can't wait to see the finished project.


Stacy, your family night sounds like so much fun. You are a nice person to give your manager another week. I'm sure Jorge will understand. He probably married you because you are so nice.


Marisa, Sounds like your fish dinner was HUGE if you are eating it for 3 additional meals! I am glad you had a good time with your friends.


LeeAnn, Crafting with your kiddos -- :c9 What fun! I love the soaps they made -- very colorful. Do they have favorite scents?


BearCat is adjusting well. He still knocks on the windows to ask to go out, but not as intensely as before.


I finished my afghan and started a shawl. I'm using this pattern with this yarn in Admiral Blue -- my MIL gave it to me for Christmas a few years ago. This will take a while.


I plan to post pics, but haven't gotten around to it yet.

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Good morning!


Oh, Beth, I like that shawl AND that yarn!:manyheart It's going to be gorgeous!!! Can't wait to see pics of it when you are done- and of course pics of the afghan!!

Glad to hear that BearCat is adjusting from his life as an outdoor cat to an indoor one!


Stacy- Hope that work went well last night and that you got a little crochet time this weekend. :hook


LeeAnn- How are the dust storms? Hope they are settling down and that your wheezing is too!!!


Marisa- Did your sis and BF get back safe and sound? Are you all "fished" out, yet?;)

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Good morning ladies :hi


Since I think all of you commented on my fish :devil Let me tell you that I officially had 4 meals from it! :lol Now that was well worth it :yes


My sister and her bf got back yesterday. They were delayed about an hour and a half which got them back at about 4:30 and the snow started at about 4 :lol I told them it was just for them as a welcome home because it was 64 on Friday :lol It's still snowing now and I had to clean about an inch off my car this morning and add that to the inch last night. We were only supposed to get some flurries :think And, it's supposed to be back in the 60s by Wed :think So strange


I'm heading to my parents on Wed or Thurs, haven't exactly decided yet. I have the bridal shower in Saddle River, NJ on Sat and will be a day trip from my parents and carpooling with a friend who lives near them :yes


Joanne - Your new yarn looks delightful and I love the color you chose....that shawl is going to be gorgous :manyheart


LeeAnn - Be careful with those allergies young lady :soap Love your kids creations :manyheart They really do a great job with everything they do and I don't know your dh, but I'm guessing they get it from you :devil:lol


Stacy - :yay for having a family night together. Very nice of you to extend your job to help out...it's always good to leave on a good note in case you ever want to go back in the future when everything else calms down :think I love leftovers...most of them anyways :manyheart


Beth - That shawl is gorgeous! Can't wait to see your progress. Is your friend feeling better?

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Morning friends!


Beth-ohhh laaa laaa. :c9 The pattern is lovely and the yarn looks delicious! Can't wait to see pics. What fun! What is on your agenda for the day?


Joanne-back to Paradise, my the weekends fly by! :hug Will you have your crochet meet up tonight? Sure hope so, those are always something nice to look forward to.:)


Stacy-one more week. :clap You can do it! :cheer Your dd’s are soo cute! Got a good giggle out of your dd answering the door with a hammer…too funny!


Marisa-snow? Wow! :PWe need some, but no snow. We have had the strangest winter, not a lot of snow but Wind. my dh is not crafty at all...so the kiddos get it from me. :devil Thank you for the compliment.



The wind has died down a little bit, I am taking allergy meds, doing an eye rinse plus antihistamine drops. All of it combined is helping..whew! The wheezing has slowed down, I feel like I can catch my breath. So happy about all of that.


Last night I crochet..I know…it’s been a while. Working on the little capelet for my new nieces, better get cracking as the baby shower is next month. Also added the new goodies to my webosite. Today I am packaging everything up, labels and all that fun stuff.


I joined an Out Of the Box Sampler Team. Here is the link, you can order a box of samples and have them delivered to yourself or that special someone. This is such a neat idea! Great way to promote business and get your products out there. Thinking of ordering one for my mom for her birthday and one for me.







They sell our super fast, I will keep checking to see when the March Boxese are listed as my Death By Chocolate Soaps will be in a few boxes. Also signed up for an Easter Hunt, it is free to play, will share those details with all of you soon..this way you can play and win free goodies...some of mine will be included in those as well. Can't wait!



best get my tush in gear. Hugs n squishes!

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:whew What a day! We took care of the kitties. It was more of a challenge than usual, because we have some very shy cats, and one who is flat-out scared, and who tends to claw. They'll adjust.


Got home, got a call from the ballet mistress. She's had birds in her Victorian house, can't find them, can't get them out, so she finally asked to borrow my cat. So my newly-moved-indoor cat is living the good life in a big beautiful house a block from the yacht club. He seemed very happy when we left him there. I hope they get along well.


I have pictures of all my latest creations. Here are a couple of the afghan, and one of the hoodie I made for a build-a-bear.




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:whew What a day! We took care of the kitties. It was more of a challenge than usual, because we have some very shy cats, and one who is flat-out scared, and who tends to claw. They'll adjust.


Got home, got a call from the ballet mistress. She's had birds in her Victorian house, can't find them, can't get them out, so she finally asked to borrow my cat. So my newly-moved-indoor cat is living the good life in a big beautiful house a block from the yacht club. He seemed very happy when we left him there. I hope they get along well.


I have pictures of all my latest creations. Here are a couple of the afghan, and one of the hoodie I made for a build-a-bear.


Beautiful projects Beth :manyheart

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Good morning!


Beth- Great projects- love the hoodie on the build a bear, and the afghan came out great! How nice of you to lend your cat to the ballet mistress-and yea, what a life- living in an old Victorian by the sea!!!


LeeAnn- Just took a peak at the out of the box samplers- very cool!! Much success to you! I was happy to read that your allergies are calming down a bit--hopefully the wind does too! We're supposed to get up to the high 60's tomorrow or thursday! Today, though, it's freezing!


Stacy- I hope you didn't dream math last night! I'll bet you'll be ecstatic when this class is over!! I couldn't wait to be done with math-Unlike, Beth, it's not my strong point!


Marisa- Have fun at the shower this weekend- and that's great that you'll go to your parents first and then head up to NJ together. Are you still going to be in NJ on the 24th?


Time to get it in gear--and then after work, I'm babysitting:clap

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Good morning ladies!


Is it really morning? not fully awake but wanted to hop on here before I start running.:lol Have to go get my fingerprints done for the subbing position in a small town called San Luis..it is about 40 minutes away...tonight we have a book reveal party. My in-laws are in a writing group. They put together some of their writers short stories and poems, they had asked if my kiddos wanted to draw a few pics to enter for the book. Both of their drawings made it! So....tonight is the reveal party, how very exciting. Will let ya all know how that goes. Also had an Etsy sale yesterday, and one last week for a total of drum roll please.....41...:cheer:clapalmost there!


Joanne-have fun baby sitting, sure it will be so much fun! Did you get :hook time in last night? I was thinking of you after dinner and wondering if you were getting a few minutes but hopefully an hour of relaxation.


Beth-that is awesome that your kitty cat is helping someone. You must be a proud mama. :lol the little teddy bear hoody is adorable!


Stacy-the countdown is on...just a few more days..you can do it.


Marisa-a baby shower? I love them! Did you make something special for the new arrival? Glad you get to meet up with your parents, I bet all of you are missing each other.


well my friends, best get my tush in gear. Want to color my hair before I jump in the shower..was going to let it go..but...my mom and dh begged me to color it as they think it makes me look much older that I am...:lol


hugs n squishes!

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It is truly a beautiful day here, bright blue sky with the yellow glowy thing, I think it's called "sun." I went to visit my cat (how odd) this morning. He didn't catch whatever is in the house, but his presence helped the teacher sleep better.


LeeAnn, when i'm done here, I'm going to check out those sampler boxes. I need to send something superb to my sister for her 50th birthday. Since you color your hair, do you ever do anything outrageous, and change the color drastically? I want to go flaming red some time. I'd just hate keeping it up, so I'm going salt and pepper instead.


Joanne, Lucky you, spending time with your grandson this evening. I'll bet work can't end soon enough!


Marisa, drive carefully to your parents, and have fun at the shower. Is the snow still up there?


Stacy, In case nobody told you lately, you are an amazing person, for being such an awesome mom and being a college student, and doing everything so well. I am glad you are my friend. I hope you will continue to share stories from your kids. They always make me smile.

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