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Good morning!


Beth, hugs to your friend! Jorge has been hospitalized twice for diverticulitis. This time he didn't run a fever, thank goodness, but he has been taking it easy and drinking lots of water, and eating a bland diet. The advice we received in the hospital is that, while recovering, eat a low-residue diet (so you don't have to pass much while in pain), and when feeling better, eat high-fiber foods and drink lots of water. Have fun with your afghan. Do you already have a recipient in mind? How are your inventions doing with their classes?


LeeAnn, glad you got some much-needed family time, and that deal you got on your yarn is awesome!


Joanne, how was babysitting? I love the pic you posted on FB- Ryan sure is a cutie!


Eva is painting my toenails, then I am taking the girls to visit the in-laws for the day. Jorge is going to a study group, and I need to run to Costco. It is the cheapest place for gas, which is already 4.61 at the station down the street. :eek



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Marisa- "cut and paste" alert

Cozy, lazy Sunday's are the best!!!


DD stayed till about noon- she worked on her thesis and I finished up the infinity scarf for her friend! I then worked on the square and decided I really didn't like this one and between all the stress at work, I don't want stress in the limited amount of time I have to crochet! So I'm bowing out of the CAL


I hit up the ACMoore "midnight madness sale" this evening @6 and picked up some Caron Pounders for 5.99 plus 20% off. I think I'm going to make a flannel'gan for my nephew to take off to college. I just picked up lace and taupe and will make a nice neutral ghan for him- he's not decided yet where he's going so it won't be in 'college colors' but I think taupe and beige are fine for a guy. I also picked up a few more skeins of Bernat Waverly yarn that were on sale plus 20% off since I do like the yarn. So much for no more yarn buying;)


I perused some patterns to use for the Bernat yarn that I have and this name just caught my eye- so I think I'll be starting this afghan http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/libr...in-dead-afghan


There was just something about the name of the pattern that struck my fancy:lol:lol


Beth- Hope your friend will be ok- diverticulitis is not fun!! What afghan are you making?


Stacy- Wow- your gas is over a dollar more than ours:eek It's getting out of hand! There is no reason for it to be so high!!! Between coffee prices and gas prices, I'm going to be working forever!


LeeAnn- it sounds like you had a nice day yesterday- and I wouldn't worry about not being able to work Thursday! That's really cool that you are selling at the college too!


Off to start that "brain -dead" pattern!!!!

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Joanne, that afghan is pretty! What a great deal you got on the yarn, too. I picked up some Waverly the other day and it is really wonderful to work with. :manyheart Oh, and I saw the coolest cotton yarn! It was Sugar N' Cream, but raglan-style. So awesome! I picked a little pattern book of scrubbies to use with it.


I actually paid $4.15 at Costco- I refuse to buy gas at any of the stations around here. The prices are just out of control and greedy, if you ask me. I had a giggle at your coffee comment- I stopped by to get one after fueling up, and all I could think was, that is one more gallon of gas I could've bought! LoL



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Good morning!

Happy Monday!

Stacy- 4.15 a gallon is crazy high too! And it's not even summer yet, when gas prices normally go higher (it's all a conspiracy if you ask me--people traveling on vacations in summer and the greedy oil companies know it and gas prices always go up in the summer) The Waverly is nice to work with and I started the afghan last night. It truly is as it's name suggests a "brain dead" pattern and I like the look of it already!


Marisa- Did you enjoy your first day 'home alone'? I bet it's a challenge after living on your own for so many years to be in the situation of not having your own place. All in good time, though I'm sure!


Beth- How is your friend doing? How is Bearcat (is that the name- memory is a little sketchy this early in the morning) adjusting to being an indoor cat?


LeeAnn- Hope your subbing day today goes way smoother than Friday!!! Did you start making anything with your new yarn?


Well, it's time for this gal to start the day--and then tonight it's craft club!

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Joanne, that is the pattern I used for the first 3 afghans I made. I love it. I found it in a stitch pattern book. It's the same stitch that used in the corner-to-corner afghan I've made, too. It has a wonderful texture. BearCat is adjusting, but it will take some time. He spends a lot of time sleeping on my bed, and a lot of time at night pounding on the window, asking to be let out. he is perfect with the litter box so far, though, which is a huge plus. And there has been some hissing between the cats, but no actual fighting.


Stacy, I am sorry to hear you are paying so much for gas. It is a horrible thing, very unfair.


Gah! i just noticed the time, gotta run.

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


I ended up not having a marathon crafting day yesterday as originally planned. After I took them to the airport I came back home and napped for about 2 hours when Ingrid text me inviting me over to just hang out. She had to run to the market and I had to run to Sam's so we did our running together :yes Then back to her house and we all just hung out. Her dh was watching the penguin games and the kids were alternating between playing and doing their homework. I got home around 9 :eek And although I had my crafting with me, I just never pulled it out :shrug


Stacy - Wow, you're gas prices are insane. I filled up this morning for 3.56. The station has 3.59 but with their card you save 3 cents :D How did your toes come out? And no seeds for dh!


LeeAnn - Glad to hear you had fun shopping with MIL and great find on the yarn :cheer


Beth - You're moving right along on your ghan. :yay


Joanne - Thanks for the disclaimer :lol Great ghan choice and great find on the yarn :yay

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Evening all!


Joanne-have fun at your craft meet up this evening! Thank you for sharing the link for the pattern, will have to try it out. I haven't had a chance to crochet, but sure miss it...keep meaning to, but then something else pops up.


Beth-So glad that your new indoor cat is adjusting, how was your day?


Stacy-your poor dh..is he feeling better? Are you counting down the last of your work days?


Marisa-glad that you were able to hang out with Ingrid and run errands together, that is always fun.


today was a hurry up and wait kinda day..the kiddos in the toddler class were on slow motion like the ocean as I say. :lol I feel dead tired too...dh stopped at the grocery store as I forgot a few items yesterday..hope he cooks too. Going to lie on the couch until I have to move.


hugs n squishes!

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Good evening! (Or morning, depending where you are. :lol) I just got out of work and have about 2 hours of homework to do. Of course I had to pop in here, though- and had to submit my survey for the scavenger hunt swap- it looks like too much fun to pass up!


Marisa, sounds like you had a nice, chill day even though you weren't home to enjoy the quiet. Oddly enough, my dh's doctor told him that seeds really don't cause a problem, it's just that he needs to keep a high-fiber diet to keep things moving. :think We've heard such conflicting reports, and truthfully, the way he eats sometimes, seeds are the last of his worries. :blush:lol Thank you for the tip, though. :yes


Beth, how is your friend? How is Shrimp Boy? Glad to hear the kitty is using the litter box, and sleeping in your room. Are you still helping at the ballet studio?


Joanne, glad to hear your brain-dead afghan lives up to its name. :lol I'm with you on the gas conspiracy! We had planned to travel to Portland for Roomie's wedding this summer (mostly so Isabella could see her friend) but we calculated the cost of gas alone and sadly, it's just not worth it. We had also planned to take the girls to Yosemite for the week, which we still might do, since it's not *quite* as far away.


Leeann, did you sub today? I hope it went well! :hug:hug


Well, I've already puttered around for half an hour, this homework isn't going to write itself. (Where, oh where, is my magic wand? :lol) Good night!

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Good morning!


Beth- I'm loving this 'brain-dead afghan"! :hook I didn't realize that you had made a couple of these! I was able to chat at craft club and crochet. It's perfect for being able to hook and watch tv or chat- no counting involved!!! And it is a nice texture!!! I'm glad to hear that BearCat is adjusting (and that my early morning brain yesterday actually remembered the cat's name):lol


Stacy- Hope that you got your homework done! Have fun with the scavenger hunt swap!! You are not alone in curtailing travel plans due to the gas prices. I think this summer, we may just stay close to home. :think


LeeAnn- Did DH cook dinner? I've never heard that expression before--'slow motion like the ocean" :) Hope your day goes well today.


Marisa- Sounds like your Sunday turned out to be a good day--even if it wasn't spent :crocheting or :knit Did you get any further on the CAL or KAL last night?

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Good morning ladies :hi


I have some things to do today. I have to get my taxes ready to meet with a new accountant tomorrow afternoon. Most of it's togther, I'll just organize it all to make sense to an outsider :lol I'm meeting a friend for dinner tonight to get some Thai food :drool


LeeAnn - You need a day off young lady! :yes


Stacy - I guess the diverticulitis is different for everyone. My uncle cannot eat ANY seeds or he's down for the count for a couple days :eek We all know if a seed slipped through the cracks somewhere. There's only 1 pizza place in town he can eat from, they strain the sauce for him :manyheart I hope you got your homework done :cheer


Joanne - Well, I did an octagon for the CAL so still have 3 more to go but I'm not worried about those. I did finally finish my first knit square for this week, so need 3 more of those as well :lol I'm glad you're enjoying your brainless afghan. I saved the pattern for later use :wink

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Good evening everyone!


Joanne-that is my little saying for the children, we used to do a Music & Movement activity similar to slow motion...so cute!


Beth-how was your day?


Marisa-Thai Food? Yummy! What is your favorite dish?


Stacy-still subbing, for a little bit, then going to take a break.


Today work went well until this afternoon. I got sick...really sick! Tossed my cookies uncontrollably to where I couldn't hold myself up..the drive home was scary. Glad that I made it, but then I had to run and I mean run into the house..got sick outside three times before I made it in the door. Dh had to rush home and give me meds, as it wasn't letting up after an hour..feel a little bit better. Not 100%..not sure if I should attempt to go in tomorrow? What do you all think?


going to lie down again as my head is feeling slightly fuzzy. Hugs n squishes!

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Today work went well until this afternoon. I got sick...really sick! Tossed my cookies uncontrollably to where I couldn't hold myself up..the drive home was scary. Glad that I made it, but then I had to run and I mean run into the house..got sick outside three times before I made it in the door. Dh had to rush home and give me meds, as it wasn't letting up after an hour..feel a little bit better. Not 100%..not sure if I should attempt to go in tomorrow? What do you all think?


going to lie down again as my head is feeling slightly fuzzy. Hugs n squishes!

Oh, you poor sweetie! :hug I hope you are feeling better today. Did your hubby take good care of you? When my kids went to public school, the rule was that they had to be vomit-free for 24 hours before they could return. I think you should stick to that rule. Of course, if you are preggers, and it's morning sickness, that would be different, because that isn't contagious (well, not for preschoolers, but I swear every female in my vicinity got pregnant when I was carrying my twins.)


Marisa, sounds like you've been a busy bee. So good you've got your tax stuff together. Did you get that all done? I bought software to help me this year, and forgot something, so I need to file a change.


Joanne, so glad you are enjoying the brain dead afghan. That's the stitch pattern used in the corner-to-corner afghan Mary made, that I've made a couple of times, too. I love the texture. Are you making stripes?


Stacy, my friend is running around like usual. I haven't heard from her yesterday. Shrimp boy is better. Bear cat is doing pretty well. He spent the night in my dd's room. Yesterday I worked at the ballet studio. I took payments for tuition, for shoes, for costume rental for recital, and for tickets for a show. All the money had to go in different places, because it's for different accounts, and I had to make change from one place for another place, because there weren't enough ones... And it was a huge nightmare.

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Good morning!

LeeAnn- Hugs for you! I agree with the 24 hour rule that Beth mentioned. Hope you are feeling a little better today!! Glad you made it home safe and sound- definitely not a fun ride for sure when you feel so lousy:hug:hug:hug


Beth- Yes, I am making stripes on the afghan. I'm using the Bernat yarn that I had gotten for the Bernat Mystery CAL. So there will be 5 different color stripes. I really do like the texture of this stitch:hook. Oh, reading about your day at the ballet studio:eek-all those different accounts and having to make change from one since there wasn't enough in another--my head spin!!!

Glad to hear that BearCat spent the night in DD's room- sounds like he is starting to adjust to being an indoor cat. How is your friend doing with the diverticulitis?


Marisa- How was your Thai food? Has me wanting some! DH doesn't really like it, but my DD's and I do- and the last time I had Thai was in Boston. I think my next trip up definitely calls for Thai food! I'm hoping to make a trek in April!

Good luck with the taxes and finding an accountant you like- maybe this guy will be the one for you! Are you enjoying having the place to yourself? I wouldn't worry about not being caught up on the KAL! Knitting is so much slower than crocheting!


Stacy- How is your DH feeling? Is this your last week of work? Have fun with the scavenger hunt swap.


Hope you all have a great Hump Day!!

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Good morning ladies :hi


Well first of all


LeeAnn - I hope you stayed home!!!! Not only is it better and safer for you, but also the kids :soap:yes Your body is telling you to rest :hug Oh, and Pad Thai is my favorite, I also like the curries. But I don't really get it often enough to change up what I get :lol


Beth - It's funny you mention the pregnancy being contagious :rofl In Philly, the office we worked in was in a business district with alot of people walking around right there. Me and Maryann always noticed that everyone seemed to be pregnant at the same time :think I wonder if it has something to do with the time of year, weather, and tv programming :think:idea Doesn't it feel wonderful to get a haircut like that :manyheart


Joanne - I do love Thai too but also don't get it very often, which really just keeps me ordering the same thing :lol I'm not worried about the KAL, but am trying to at least keep track. On my way over to bernat now to get the new clue today :bounce



So I still have one 'square' for the CAL but am debating on holding off and waiting for my sister to get that far and do it with her so she has a visual for her first :think We'll see. We had fun and were at the restaurant for 3 hours just chatting :yes She text me this morning and her and another lady that we often go with are going out of Friday for fish if I wanted to go, so now have dinner plans for Friday too :yes

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Morning friends!


Beth-so happy that your curls were liberated! how cute! I love short hair, so much easier to manage. So glad that your new indoor cat is adjusting, poor thing. Running three different accounts has to be mind boggling. Yikes! They are so blessed to have you.


Marisa-sounds like you are having a fun filled week! awesomeness! I wish my sister lived closer so that we could crochet together, how neat! My dh doesn't like Thai, but oh well, I do! :lol:lol You are right, seems like pregnancies happen in bunches, glad that I am not on that wagon. :D


Joanne-Happy Hump Day to you as well dear friend! Working late today? Sure hope not.


I took all of your advice and called in today, I woke up with a terrible headache and the aches and pains of being sick...so going to take it easy. Dh took pretty good care of me, 7UP and saltines was all I managed to hold down..haven't eaten much today but a slice of toast, but feel a little hungry. Perhaps for soup? Back to my bed.


hugs n squishes!

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Morning friends!


Beth-so happy that your curls were liberated! how cute! I love short hair, so much easier to manage. So glad that your new indoor cat is adjusting, poor thing. Running three different accounts has to be mind boggling. Yikes! They are so blessed to have you.


Marisa-sounds like you are having a fun filled week! awesomeness! I wish my sister lived closer so that we could crochet together, how neat! My dh doesn't like Thai, but oh well, I do! :lol:lol You are right, seems like pregnancies happen in bunches, glad that I am not on that wagon. :D


Joanne-Happy Hump Day to you as well dear friend! Working late today? Sure hope not.


I took all of your advice and called in today, I woke up with a terrible headache and the aches and pains of being sick...so going to take it easy. Dh took pretty good care of me, 7UP and saltines was all I managed to hold down..haven't eaten much today but a slice of toast, but feel a little hungry. Perhaps for soup? Back to my bed.


hugs n squishes!


Glad to hear you stayed home. At least the saltines stayed down :yes It's also a good sign that your feeling hungry, but keep it light :hug

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Hi friends!


LeeAnn, sorry to hear you were so sick! Yay for keeping down crackers and 7-up, though. Hope you're feeling better by now. :hug:hug:hug:hug


Beth, :cheer for a haircut! It always feels so refreshing, doesn't it?


Marisa, sounds like are having a fantastic week! :clap


Joanne, what's shakin', bacon? Your afghan sounds like it's really coming along. :clap


Bad news- I'm back to not liking algebra. :lol We are finished with word problems and have moved on to parabolas. :yuck Anywho...after school today we worked on hats for Crazy hat day on Friday. Mia's is some form of the Lorax, and Isabella's is going to be a flower pot. I love that my kiddos like crafts. :D

I am tired, so I am going to meet up with my pillow and blanket. Love and hugs!

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Good morning, haven't had my coffee yet, so excuse any muddle-headedness.


Stacy, Hugs to you, friend. The crazy hat day sounds like a hoot. I do hope you will post pics on FB. Your daughters are so adorable. You make some pretty babies. I am sorry you aren't enjoying parabolas. I am not sure I remember them. They weren't covered in Shrimp Boy's algebra texts.


LeeAnn, I hope you feel better by now, Sweetie. It sounds like whatever you got hit you like a ton of bricks. Take care of yourself. Don't try to push too hard too soon.


Joanne, happy Almost Friday! How is your mindless afghan coming along? I am playing with the edging I picked for mine, trying to see how it will fit with the rows that I have, see if I need to alter it any. At least it's square, so I can make the same alterations on all 4 sides.


Marisa, your sister is so lucky to have you crochet with her, give her moral support, show how things are done. That would have helped me a lot when i was learning. How are things at work?


Well, yesterday my IRL crochet buddy called me, and asked if we could meet at McD's for free coffee. We both somehow ended up with shamrock shakes, too. :think Don't really know how that happened. Our daughters came, and got a chance to hang out together. They used to be really close, but kind of lost track of each other. They had a good time, and are texting again now. Then we went to a park and took a walk, looked at the animals. Very nice break from the day. Today I am going to clean in the back half of the house, organize my twins' 18th birthday party, go to a store, take my dd to her class and to ballet.

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Good morning --and Welcome to March!


Stacy- What is a parabola? I don't remember that from Algebra--although there is not a whole lot I remember from Algebra. I was much better with english/history/social science than with math! It's great that your kiddos are into crafts. I'll bet it was fun making 'crazy hats" Fun times!!!


LeeAnn- Hope today finds you feeling better. Today is the day you have something craft-related I think- but for the life of me and at this early hour I can't remember what! LOL


Marisa- How'd it go with the accountant? Did your gut tell you good things?


Beth- Yay for a new haircut! It always makes me feel great when I go to get mine trimmed. I am really liking the 'brain-dead' afghan. I'm on the the 5th color and then will begin the repeat tonight. It's a great one to work on--even when DH is talking!!!


Well, time to start this day.....Hugs!

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Wow Beth- your twins are going to be 18!!!! What kind of party are you planning? Sounds like you had an awesome day yesterday and I chuckled about the Shamrock shakes!!! That's great that your DD and friend have re-connected!!!!:)


I bought the tickets last night for the hockey game that we are all going to for my middle DD's 30th Birthday a week from Sunday. Luckily I was able to get 7 seats together! The Devils are playing the Philadelphia Flyers so it should be fun! I still can't believe I will have 2 DD's in their 30's:eek


Now I'd better really get off the puter and grab a cup of coffee and get this day moving!

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Top of the morning friends!


Joanne-your ghan sounds so relaxing and fun! I really need to get a few minutes of hook time in, it always makes me feel better. You are right, I have a sale at the college today. My friend is so kind and includes me in on the days that she sells. She sells Sensi goodies. And she is also my best customer. Love it but adore her too. :lol


Beth-shamrock shakes? what is the flavor? Sounds interesting. When is your twins 18 b-day party? Oh my gosh! All of our kiddos are growing up soo fast.


Stacy-I feel for you dear friend, Math is not my strong subject..I don't remember much of my college classes..it was in one ear and out the other.:devil Did you get all of your dd's hats figured out? fun fun fun!


Marisa-how was your evening? Did you work on your KAL? I agree with Beth and Joanne, awesome that you and your sissy get to work on things together.:manyheart


I guess I had better get a move on it, feel better but sluggish. Yesterday I had to finish a few soapy goodies for Stacy...it took me forever cuz I just wasn't moving fast. Have to run a few errands today. I am up to 39 sales on my Etsy shop...come on 50!


hugs n squishes!

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Good morning ladies :hi


Well, last night I decided to just finish up clue 2 for the cal and then did 2 octagons for the new clue :clap I haven't started one from the kal yet, maybe tonight :think


Stacy - I kind of remember parabolas, but am feeling like it's supposed to be a geometry topic and not algebra :think It's has to do with curves I think, but am not positive and definitely don't remember the formula :lol Hope you slept well :yes


Beth - :drool Completely understandable that you ended up with a shamrock shake. How great that your dd got to be in touch with her friend. Of course I agree, my sister's lucky to have me :wink:lol BUT, I'm just as lucky to have her :manyheart


Joanne - I like this new accountant and he gave me 'homework' to do and get some information back to him :yes Need to take care of that today hopefully :xfin


LeeAnn - Glad to hear you're feeling better, even if still a bit sluggish. Don't push yourself too hard just yet. I didn't work on the new kal clue yet, but we have 8 squares this week :eek WTG on your etsy sales, soon enough you'll be past 50 and be waiting to hit 100 :yes

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LeeAnn, glad to hear you are feeling better, even if a little sluggish. C'mon, 5-0! You will hit it very soon, I'm sure. :cheer Hope the sale went well today.


Joanne, woohoo on getting the tickets all together! Does your birthday DD know about the game or is it a surprise?


Beth, your twins will be 18? Wow! Glad you got out and had fun with your IRL friend, and that your dd re-connected with her old friend. :manyheart I had a good giggle about the shamrock shakes.


Marisa, how's it going? Good luck getting everything finished with the KAL/CAL. You are brave to do both at the same time. :eek


Math is definitely not my strong suit, either- I'm more of a social science person, also. This one math class is required for my AA, though- so I have to suck it up! Especially if it's only one math class- can't complain too much, I guess.

It's a quiet night. Dh has class until 10, Isabella is finishing up her hat, and the other two are watching videos on YouTube. :lol They love the "America's Funniest"-type videos. Since dh is gone, I don't have to worry about a fancy dinner- the girls will just have TJ's chicken nuggets and some fruit. Easy-peasy, and I plan to work on some things for the ami swap tonight after they are in bed. :D


Have a great evening, all!

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