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Good morning, and happy Ash Wednesday.


I have nothing on tap for today -- absolutely nothing! Well, I may be going to the vet. One of my cats isn't eating normally, and after what happened with my daughter's cat, I'm a bit paranoid about it.


I hope you all have a wonderful day. I think I may just go back to sleep for a while!

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Top of the morning friends!


Beth-love love love that you get the day to yourself! What will you do with yourself?:devil


Joanne-sorry that you had to work so late last night, hope today is better.


Marisa-what is on the agenda for today?


must finish those soaps..just have to motivate myself. off I go! Hugs n squishes!

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Good morning ladies :hi


We had fun at the salon last night :yes They keep snacks there and a fridge full of goodies, so we had some wine. They also keep water, sodas, and juices there. We were there for about 2 hours I think. Ingrid took the longest since she gets bleached :eek Me and Steph do our own colors so only needed to be cut. We just colored about 2 weeks ago and my greys are coming out already :eek My mom told me to bring my stuff with me in March when I go to the bridal shower and she'll color me trying to adjust the amounts and stuff to see if it works better. If not, she'll have to switch me to a permanent color instead of the semi-permanent :eek:(


Anyhoo, I didn't sleep very well last night and am having a slightly stressful morning fighting with student loan people. But I just ranted in my other thread and got it out of my system :lol No need to retype it all and I didn't copy it today to paste over here :no


LeeAnn - my ghans are not yet claimed, I'm not sure how the knit one will turn out. The new clues were released today so I'll work on the crochet tonight :xfin Glad you had fun with the kiddos :wink As for me today, I may have a patient coming in but she wasn't sure since she has alot on her schedule but was really trying to figure out how to get here between today and tomorrow so I told her I'd be here anyway to just shoot me a text when she see's' an open window of time :lol She works with my sister so I'm a bit less formal with her, but she drives about 30-40 minutes to get here depending on traffic so she really needs a chunk of time. I have a patient coming tomorrow too, neither of these are new patients and have already been here. Here's a :kick to get you moving on your soaps


Joanne - I hope work flies by and you get to your appointment on time :xfin See you later.


Beth - It's great to hear that you have a free day today :yay Did you decide to take the cat in? Probably a good idea to check it out. A few years ago that happened with my turtles...I noticed they weren't really eating and after a while I took them to the vet and they had an infection. She gave me stuff to put in their water in a separate tank for about 10-15 min per day :yes

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Marisa, I have a vet appointment tomorrow morning for the cat. I hope your sister's co-worker managed to get there.


LeeAnn, How are the supplies for your 3 day craft show coming? That sounds like a huge undertaking. I am excited for you. i'm glad you had a good time with the toddlers. That sounds like fun.


Joanne, I hope your day in Paradise went well. Happy Hump Day, by the way.


Stacy, i hope your math class isn't dragging you down.

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Evenin all!


Marisa-thank you so much for the little kick in the badorkus...I literally laughed and had just a good giggle. I needed that! And best of all, it worked! Did your patient make it in today? that is a bit of a drive. I feel her pain, we live in a rural community that is spread out in all directions. Since we live 10 miles east of town, it can be a hassle. The place where I am subbing is about 8 miles north eastern. It is literally 40 minutes from where my dd goes to school. It can get pretty hairy figuring everything out.


Beth-I finished the little fish in a bag, I colored the water aqua blue, dh's idea. they came out pretty neat. I am such a forgetful person, I thought next week was the 9,10 and 11..of March! Where oh where did I get that from?


Joanne-how was Paradise? Did you get off on time? How's the Mystery Cal coming along? the yarn that I used for the scarf is RH Primary Colors, a little busy but fun. I found it in Denver while I was visiting my sister, but haven't seen it here in my neck of the woods.


The daycare called today to offer me a full time position, but I am going to turn it down as I really like the Migrant program, they are willing to let me take a leave of absence but I like subbing and having time off...I feel selfish, but dh does not want me to work both jobs, he really doesn't like me subbing either, but he is trying to be supportive. I will be subbing all next week..yikes! And then hopefully on Fridays.


best get my tush to bed, I am trying to make myself go to bed at a decent hour...seems like I start doing something and before I know it, it's midnight.


hugs n squishes!

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Good morning!

LeeAnn- Wow- congrats on them offering you the full time position! Even if you didn't take it, it's a testament to how much they really like you! Next week sounds like a full time week for you! Plus homeschooling- how is that going for your DS?


Beth- Hope you had a great day of doing nothing! (so jealous-LOL) How is your cat?


Marisa- I had my haircut/color last night- and I just made it to the appointment on time! The salon where I go was bought by one of the hairdressers and some of the simple changes she has made have made such a big difference. It seems more relaxing now-simple touches can go a long way!

I feel your frustration with the student loans and bureaucracy!


Stacy- I know you must be super duper busy between work and school and MAth!!! Hope all is well with you and your family!!! Have you had any time to do any crocheting?


Off to get ready- make it a good day!

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Good morning,


I need to get moving -- got an early appointment at the vet today, and need to get out of the shower before the boys need to get in before their early college classes. I am really worried about my outside cat. He wasn't on the porch this morning when I went to feed him. I have all 3 of the other cats here in my room with me, though, which is odd.


LeeAnn, I would love to see the fishies in the blue. That just sounds so cute. It sounds like subbing will keep you busy enough. I know you hate to say no, and you ejoyed working with the migrant program, but don't you get tired? You make me tired, listening to all you are doing.


Marisa, It sounds like your salon experience is amazing. I am glad you had such fun. So, are you glad you made the move and started your own business?


Joanne, happy almost Friday. I hope your week in Paradise has been good. Will you get to see Ryan this weekend?


Stacy, Are the girls and you and Jorge all healthy? I hope all is well in California.

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Top of the morning dear friends!


Joanne-isn't it just awesome to have a good salon experience? I am so happy for you!:hug You deserve it! Did you get a little bit of hook time in?


Beth-so sorry to hear about your cat, did he/she come home? Hope the vet appointment went well. I do kinda burn my candles at both ends, huh? I don't know why...I just need to be busy. Sometimes I do get tired, Tuesday evening I was in bed feeling just burnt out..after a night's sleep I felt better. :lol


Cristopher is doing well with his homeschooling. The English class is the most challenging for him, but he's such a go getter he gets everything done at the beginning of each week so that he can take it easy towards Friday and the weekend. He really pushes himself pretty hard...wonder where he gets that from?:devil He is seriously thinking of going back to public school next year, we are contemplating moving both children to Sierra Grande, this is the small town where I am subbing. It is about 10 miles from our house. The school is smaller, from what I have studied, they have a better academic program than Alamosa. I do not want Celine to attend the same middle school that Cristopher was in. We are filling out paperwork and still contemplating,thinking, trying to come up with the best solution for our family.


oh the decisions, decisions, decisions...Cristopher is lonely, I can understand that as I am a social bug and like to be out and about. He goes to Boys Scouts and bowling every week, but I think he misses the day to day chit chat.


enough about me..gosh I can :blah:blah:blah


Marisa-hope your patient makes it in today!


cleaned up my craft room yesterday..now what do I do with myself? have a few more orders for scrubs, soaps and lotion bars with a new fragrance that I have called "Flower Shop" it smells just like walking in to a flower shop! Soo neat, you can smell the green.


here's a lil pic of the aqua fish in a bag and my lil goody shelf


hugs n squishes!



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Good afternoon ladies :hi


I had a sluggish morning, but did some laundry. When I was most of the way to work I realized I forgot my salad at home :( So turned around to go get it, not so much because I really wanted it that bad but because it wasn't in the fridge and I didn't want it to go bad :think Nothing exciting going on right now.


My patient didn't make it yesterday, but I didn't really expect her to because I know she had a full day. The one scheduled for later today rescheduled for Monday. She got a haircut this week as well and apparently it's really bad :eek The quickest this other place she called could get her in was tonight :lol I told her I completely understand and she said she's hoping that they can help her and not have her still looking bad :xfin . So she should be here monday now :yes


Beth - How did everything turn out with the cat? I'm very glad that I moved :yes The business is slow going, but at least it's going in the right direction. However, I can only make it through a few more months before I run out of the money the bank lended me :eek So I may start looking for a part time job somewhere :think Previously my mom and sister told me not to do that, but I think it's silly not to :think


LeeAnn - No problem, I'll kick you any time you want :wink:lol How awesome to get a job offer that you're not even looking for :clap I agree with dh though, you're going to run yourself ragged with a hundred jobs, you business, and caring for a family :eek I don't know how you do it!


Joanne - :yay for a fresh hairdo and you're right about the little things :yes

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:hi all!


I am tired and really stretching myself too thin. :( Anywho...


Beth, has your kitty come home yet? What did you find out at the vet? Hope you enjoyed your free day.


Marisa, how fun to get haircuts together! Like a girls' spa day. :manyheart How funny that your patient didn't come in because she had a bad haircut. :lol:xfin that business picks up!


LeeAnn, congrats on the job offer! I agree with Joanne- it is a testament to what a wonderful job you are doing. :hug:hug Good luck making the decision about school for next year. Which reminds me- I need to enroll Eva for kinder! :eek Thanks for that, even though you didn't know. :rofl Your pictures are beautiful- that little fishie soap is just too adorable! And your soapy-crafty corner is :manyheart.


Well...I am quitting my job. :sigh I just can't do school and work with this crazy homework schedule, plus taking care of the girls and our home. No way...Tuesday night, I had 4 hours of math homework, and last night I was supposed to have more but worked from 3 until 10 and didn't have time to finish. So I did it this morning very rushed, and it still took 2 hours. :eek It's not even difficult material- it is just that time-consuming. Dh doesn't really want me to be working anymore, anyway...and there is so much drama going on over there, that I really, truly do not mind leaving. The extra income will be greatly missed, but we've done it before.


Anywho...I did have a teeny bit of time to finish up a couple things for the chocolate swap. Dh wants me to make a pineapple shawl for his friend's aunt who welcomed him into their home when he went to Seattle. I'm thinking of maybe starting that this weekend. My sister-in-law also asked for one, but the other one takes priority, since dh has been asking for a while. :blush I also plan to make the amigurumi Beatles dolls from the Crochet Today music issue for Mia's birthday, so I should probably get moving on that. All of these projects...so very little time. :lol


Well, I'm going to scoot for the evening. Once the girlies are in bed, I have some homework for my online child development class. Love and hugs!



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Hello there!


Stacy-oh my! I feel your pain, college classes along with a job and family is stressful. So glad that you can relieve some of the pressure. Hugs!


Joanne-have a great Friday! know that you are looking forward to the weekend.


Beth-how was the vet appt.? Hopefully well. :-)


Marisa-are you getting ready for another fun filled weekend?


must get myself to bed as I have to be in at 7:30. Have a great Friday! Hugs n extra squishes!

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Good morning and Happy Friday!


Stacy- It was good to see your purple post! Hopefully you'll have a little 'me' time now that you've decided to quit your job. It's hard raising a family AND going to school AND doing homework AND working! Your decision to stop working is probably what is best for your situation now. It may mean a little less $, but sounds like DH is all on board with the decision- especially since you mentioned that he really didn't want you working anyway. Is he still taking classes?


Good luck with the pineapple shawl- and those Beatle dolls are so cute!!!


LeeAnn- Have a good day subbing today-will you be with the toddlers again? I love your shelves of homemade goodies! And the fishy in the bag is oh so cute!


Beth- Did your outside cat turn up? How's the one you took to the vet? Never easy when one of your pets isn't well.


Marisa- Any big plans for this weekend? I'm babysitting tomorrow night so DD can go to a shower for a friend. Tonight I'm going out with some co-workers to celebrate one of them completing nursing school. She graduated in Jan and will be taking her nursing boards next month. I hope to make Sunday a totally relaxing pj kind of day. We'll see if that pans out!


Weather is strange- yesterday sunny and in the 60's, today raining and temps have dropped to about 37 degrees! At least it isn't snow!!!!


Have a good day everyone.

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Good morning,


Yesterday was cat drama day. First I couldn't find the outdoor cat, then he ate and ran, then the neighbor came over to let me know they called Animal Control on him, since he beat up their cat (oops.) then I caught him in the back yard, and he's been in my house or at the vet since. I was ready to make him a full-time inside cat, even talked to my daughter about making her room his safe room until he adjusts to the other cats, before the neighbor came over. He got a clear bill of health from the vet. He's a very clean outside cat. his name is now BearCat. The other cat that I took to the vet has nothing obviously wrong. We'll hear about the blood work today. I think she's doing OK.


Joanne, happy Friday/pizza night to you! I'm sorry your weather turned ugly. That probably means mine will follow yours. I really enjoyed the taste of spring in February. Your weekend sounds wonderful. Enjoy babysitting. How awesome!


Stacy, you will have time to work later, when you are done with school and the kids are a bit bigger. You have your hands more than full now. I don't know how someone with little kids can take college classes.


LeeAnn, so glad you aren't going to work full-time. You may not have such small children, but you definitely have your hands full. I love your little fish soaps. They are too cute. Your craft corner is just awesome.


Marisa, I hope things pick up for you soon. It would be best if you didn't get a part time job somewhere else. You need to be available for your practice when you are needed there.


I hear my coffee pot calling out to me. I need to go take care of it, so I can get my :coffee soon. Have a good day.

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I totally forgot my exciting news! I got to spend some time with the neighbors yesterday when they came to discuss the cat with me. They are being very sweet about it. The family living there is a brother and his wife and his sister and their daughters -- a combination of 4 teenaged girls (my son is so happy) and the baby of one of the girls. Any way, the wife works at .... Joann's! Isn't life wonderful! I wonder if she crochets...

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Good morning (almost afternoon) :hi


It doesn't feel like Friday to me, but yet it is :lol I finally got my square started for the mystery kal correctly :blush If only I'd actually read the pattern right the first 4 times :eek This morning I ran to the market before coming into the office. My sister asked if I could make the run so she wouldn't have to this morning to get a cookie cake for her coworker. We're going out for dinner tonight to celebrate her bday, which will be fun. I like those ladies, they are always such fun to be around :manyheart


I don't have anything on my agenda this weekend. I'm debating on heading out to see Averie (Ingrid's daughter) dance in her competition tomorrow. She has 4 numbers she's in, I'll have to talk to Ingrid and see what's going on. Steph and bean are going on vacation Sunday with our neighbors across the street (they've been good friends since before they lived there and in fact they ended up buying that house when my sister gave them in info since it was new construction townhomes) and I'm taking them to airport on Sunday about 5-5:30 AM :eek and I'll have the whole week to myself through next Sunday :clap I hoping for alot of crafting time over this week. Since I won't have any plans because they won't be here and I can't afford to have my own plans :lol


Stacy - Wow girl....how many more weeks to go now for this math class? :cheer:yay:cheer:yay:cheer You can do it, you can do it! I think it's a good idea on leaving the job with everything else you have going on. You'll make it work :yes Good luck with your projects :hug


LeeAnn - I hope you have fun subbing today :yay


Joanne - Congrats to your coworker and sending her positive thoughts on her boards :h5 I bet you can't wait to babysit tomorrow. Our weather is also weird. It was 53 this morning, but I started to feel the air changing when I left the market.


Beth - What a fiasco with the cats :eek How exciting that your neighbor works at Joann's :bounce We'll be waiting to hear if you have a new crafting buddy :wink Hope all turns out well with the cats :hug

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Hi all!


Quick fly-by- I have to work in 15 minutes, and still need to get ready. Good thing it's right around the corner. :lol Dh texted me today to say he feels like he has diverticulitis again. :eek So we will be keeping an eye on that. I left my work number with Isabella in case she has to call.


Beth, sorry to hear about the situation with the cat. :cheer for a clean bill of health, though. Oh, and I forgot to tell you- I'm secretly enjoying some of the algebra- I love word problems, and that is what we are working on right now. :devil


Everyone else- love and hugs! I have to run. :hug:hug:hug

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Good evening friends!


Just got home awhile ago...yup! Worked 10 hours today:( Had a chat with the director, everyone left home early but yours truly..not happy about that. Not that I mind working but i do not like being taken advantage of...also had the "naughty children" so...told her that I can sub next week because I had already agreed to that but that after that, I am only available to sub when the need arises. I do not want to be put on the schedule...sorry, do not mean to vent..but I haven't eaten much and I can feel my horns popping out.:lol


Going to sit and veg, dh is bringing pizza home as well as dd...she had to go to his office after work..another thing that I do not like..ok enough with my complaining.


hugs n squishes dearest friends, I will hop on here after I have had a bite to eat and can think positively.

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LeeAnn, that is too long of a day, particularly with the naughty kids, and why did everyone else go home early?


Stacy, I like word problems, too. I was supposed to start tutoring again today, but Shrimp Boy is sick, and missed pizza night.


Joanne, I am thinking of you and babysitting. I know you are excited for tomorrow. <3


Marisa, I get so frustrated with myself when I read a pattern wrong, or even worse, read part of it, assume I understand the rest, and mess it up regally. I hope you enjoy your time alone. Some times that is quite a gift.


Speaking of gifts, we ordered my hubby's 50th birthday present today: tickets for 2 to Wrigley field in July (near his birthday) with deluxe hotel accomodations, a tour of the field, and a gift. We haven't travelled together without kids since before we were married. That's over 21 years.


Cat update: I did some research, and found a spray that I apply to the areas where the cats hang out, and it calms them down, helps them get along together better. I sprayed it in my room around noon, and the cat has been sleeping since.

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LeeAnn- The first question that popped into my head reading your post was why the others left and you got stuck 10 hours? Glad to hear you spoke up for yourself!!! I hope after you ate and had time to de-stress, that you had a good rest of the evening. Feel free to vent anytime--that's what friends are for!!!!


Stacy- How's Jorge doing? When is your last day of work?


Beth- Glad the cat situation worked itself out and that's great that you got to know your neighbor a little better despite the circumstances that initiated it. How fun that she works at Joann's!!!! Yarn discount!!!! That'd be great if you found a new crafting buddy! Sorry to hear Shrimp Boy is sick!!!


Have an awesome time on your vaca with DH! I've always wanted to go to Wrigley field-


Marisa- Enjoy your time alone next week- I agree with Beth- sometimes alone time is the best gift.


Gotta run- DH is asking me questions and I can't type and answer him at the same time!:lol

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Good morning ladies :hi


Well, we went to dinner last night but had to detour since the original planned restaurant lost power due to all the wind. I guess that whole area did. So we went to the place we usually go with Steph's coworkers near their job. There were about 17 of us out and celebrating a 60th birthday. We had a ball :yes And the birthday girl ended up putting the whole thing together all the while not knowing that everyone elses intentions were to celebrate her birthday :rofl


It's snowing here this morning and overnight. I had to clean off my car, but it was only just under an inch and the roads aren't bad. Averie (Ingrid's daughter) has a dance competition today with 4 numbers and I think her first is around 4 so I still have time to decide if I'm going. It is a bit longer of a ride than I'm up for though, which is the only reason I'm still debating :lol


Stacy - Diverticulitis is horrible, I sure hope dh is alright :hug Good idea giving Isabella your work # just in case :yes Glad to hear your secretly enjoying some of the algebra :wink


LeeAnn - Oh boy :hug that's horrible and like everyone else here, I'm wondering how you're the only one that didn't get to leave early :think It definitelly does sound like they're trying to take advantage of you and I'm glad you stood up for yourself. It'll be their loss when they lose you in the longrun and they just keep scratching their head trying to figure out what happened :devil:lol How nice of dh to bring home pizza :drool


Beth - I've been to Wrigley before back when I was interviewing in Chicago (I almost moved there but got the better job offer in Philly). It's a great ballpark and it's right in the city so people gather on the rooftops as well for the games and sell seats up there too (just a little something to keep your eyes peeled for :lol ) I recommend the Chicago Pizza & Oven Grinder Co. since you love pizza. They make a pizza pot pie or an upside down pizza, I can't remember exactly :lol My dad saw it on tv and of course told me I had to try it and I did...it was great and they even had whole wheat dough as an option. Now I actually walked from there to the ballpark but it is a bit of a hike at about 2 miles. I'll have to see what else my brain musters up for you :devil


Joanne - I'm definitely looking forward to my alone time :yes Lately I've been missing having my own place to go home to and I know it'll be a while yet :yes:shrug Have fun with Ryan tonight :wink

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Good morning!


Joanne, have fun babysitting! How was the dinner? Congrats to your friend and good luck to her on her boards.


Beth, glad you found something to hopefully help the kitties get along. Sorry to hear Shrimp Boy is sick. How fun that you and dh will be taking a getaway by yourselves! :manyheart I went to Wrigley Field once about 20 years ago- my mom's bff lives in Chicago so we went there maybe every two weeks. :lol How long are you staying?


Marisa, how nice that you will have some alone time for a whole week! :clap Sometimes that is just what you need to recharge. Your dinner with friends sounds wonderful.


Leeann, good for you, sticking up for yourself! I was also wondering why you were stuck there with the naughty ones for 10 hours while everyone else left early. :angry That stinks. Have fun with your in-laws today! :hug:hug:hug


I am supposed be studying right now. :blush:lol I have a math test on Monday and the prof gave us 2 of the problems to take home. :whew My last day will be two weeks from today. The schedule is made out until then, I just told her not to put me on the next one. Turns out that the other cashier they were thinking of for lead also quit last week while I was gone. :eek I feel bad about leaving now but I have to do what is best for me. :D


Gotta run! Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug:hug

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Good Morning friends!


Sorry I was MIA, life got a little busy and crazy for a few.:heehee


Joanne-your gs is growing up super duper fast! he is adorable! His wheels are awesome. :flowerHow was your evening out with friends? Hope you had a great time.


Beth-how was your weekend since Shrimp Boy was sick? Your new indoor cat seems to be adjusting well. :hug


Stacy-oh my! Your semester has flown by! I bet you are more than excited to take a break from working, it is a lot to take in. How is your dh feeling? Hopefully better.


Marisa-a week alone sounds :c9 It is nice to get a little space and time away from our loved ones. What ohh what will you do? :hook:crocheting


Yesterday was so busy, fun and exhausting. It was my mother in-laws Birthday as well. We had fun shopping and shopping and more shopping. She found an outfit that she is going to wear for the wedding anniversary renewal...I think:think We also bought alot of the paper products and such that they are going to need for the reception. But best of all, besides spending time with my family...I bought YARN! :cheer:clap:cheerYarn therapy is just what I needed. I found Vanna's Yarn on sale at Joann's and with my coupon saved almost $17.00 I now have the colors that I was needing to make the turtle coverlets for my new nieces. I had started them in some yarn that I found here, but was not happy with the results.


Let me explain about Friday at work. The teachers had a training but it was cancelled, so they stopped and had breakfast and then came back to the center. They worked on Lesson plans then went home. Meanwhile I was in the big room with the children. They covered my break tho. The other teacher that was in the infant room, she left at 3:45 because she did not want to go over hours...after I had cleaned the center, they moved me into her room..but the little guy that I was watching did not get picked up until 5:30 so that left me working from 7:30-5:30...:blush I know now that none of the teachers want to work in the big room on Fridays because that is where the older children that do not have regular school go..it is challenging to say the least. I agreed to work this week but remembered that I had made an obligation to help my friend with a booth at the college..we sell my goodies there too. :DSo will have to call off from work on Thursday, kinda feel bad about that, but I just can't do everything.


now that ya know the "juice" as I like to call it, doesn't it just sound so dramatic? geessshh!


Going to start on my hooky project because the family is still in bed, they stayed up late playing the WII. The kiddos and dh both bought new games.


hugs n extra squishes!

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happy Sunday,


I hope you are all having a good day.


LeeAnn, your shopping trip sounds like fun. You got a great deal on your yarn. How fun, to make special projects for the nieces.


Joanne, the pictures of Ryan are fantastic. He's such a happy, adorable boy. Did you have a lot of fun?


Marisa, thanks for the advice about Chicago. We won't be going until July, but I'm so excited we actually got the tickets.


Stacy, my best friend has just been dioagnosed with diverticulitis. She is in a lot of pain from it. I am sorry to hear Jorge suffers from it, too. Any words of advice? I can understand feeling a little guilty about quitting your job when the other head cashier is also quitting, but in this economy, if they can't keep workers, there's a reason.


Well, I'm working on the afghan I'm making in stead of the Bernat mystery CAL. I think I'm only making 3 more stripes, then edging it.

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