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Top of the morning!


Joanne-your lil squares sound lovely! I love a good mystery too! the pattern that I used is the hooded baby ghan from lion bran. here is the link:




this is my go to pattern! Looks great on larger sized ghans. It is almost the weekend!:clap:cheer bet you are excited to get away from Paradise if only for a couple of days.


Beth-colds do tend to linger..the exhaustion part huh? Maybe you can just curl up with yarn, hook and a lil drink and relax?


Stacy-that Olive! Feel sorry for you, that is alot to clean up after a long day.


Marisa-did you make it to the movies? How was it?


I added a few of the candle goodies to my site still have a few more..going to do that in just a few. Then I must take inventory of what I have and see what needs made so that I can get crackin'! :lol


I am picking up my brother this evening..dd has tomorrow and Monday off! She's so excited to take a little break. My in-laws are planning a 44 wedding anniversary renewal of vows. I was elected to create the invitations...yikes! Going to their house after school to show them what I have come up...crossing my fingers that they like everything and that I can get it done exactly right.


off I go! hugs n squishes!

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


We did go to the movies yesterday afternoon and I enjoyed it although it did differ a bit from the book (but they always do :yes )


I made 4 squares for the mystery ghan so far. I'm trying to keep with my sister a bit so she doesn't get discouraged. She did 3...I did 1 ahead of time while she took a nap so I can see what we were doing and what it should look like. Then I worked on a fingerless mitt for her, which is coming out smaller than the last pair I made her so will have her try it on before I continue with it. So this morning while doing laundry, I started a baby blanket using a pattern from a fellow viller :D


LeeAnn - I've never done the join as you go method. I always seem to whipstitch, but maybe I'll try it sometime...just can't with the mystery ghan. Very cute pattern, I've seen it before but never made on myself.


Joanne - Look on the bright side, Phyllis offered to help you join at craft club :wink


Beth - Glad to hear you're starting to feel a bit better, even if not great yet :hug


Stacy - How's that math coming along?

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Hi friends!


LeeAnn, I forgot to tell you how pretty your afghans are. :manyheart I've never used that pattern, but it looks very cute. WTG on adding more goodies to your site. I am amazed by how much you can create in a day!


Marisa, good luck fixing the mitts for your sister. Who is the baby 'ghan for?


Joanne, I saw some of the squares on another Viller's FB, and they are so cute! Almost makes me want to join in, but I don't know if I have the time to dedicate to 12 squares a week. :eek:lol I'm sure it will be cute, if you decide to finish, though.


Beth, what's shakin', bacon? I was going to ask if it's pizza night- but since it's Thursday, there's my answer. :lol I hope the cold clears up quickly. :hug:hug:hug


The test went well, I think. I got maybe one wrong- and I don't even think I had the wrong answer, I just think I solved it the wrong way. :badidea Anywho- I am off for 4 glorious days! :cheer:lol Also had such a game of phone tag with the office at the girls' school today. Waiting for FIL to pick up Isabella, then I have to do some laundry and get my car washed and cleaned out. We are leaving tomorrow to visit BIL and family. I hope he arrives soon- I don't want to wash it after dark!


Be back later. Love and hugs!



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LeeAnn- That pattern is very similar to the Baby Bubbles pattern- I've used both- and I just love the texture. I also love the Peek-A-Boo blanket pattern that Marisa is now making So now I have 2 go-to baby blankets!! And of course there's always a RR --which I love making!!!


Stacy- Enjoy your long weekend and WTG on the math test!!!!!


Marisa- Good idea to keep pace with your sister so she doesn't get discouraged!!! And, I'm so excited that Phyllis offered to help joining the squares at craft club!!! So, I will happily continue on with the Mystery CAL!!!!


Beth- Hope you had a wonderful day--it was rainy and soggy here!


Off to hook a bit!

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Good morning, everyone.


Joanne, very happy Friday to you. I hope it goes well for you, and you get your weekend soon. How lovely that you have someone in your craft group to help with the sewing. Hmmmm. Wonder if I can join in now, and ship my stuff to her to sew. :rofl


Marisa, I love that you and your sister are crocheting together. That sounds like a great way to do something like that.


LeeAnn, thanks for sharing that link. I love the texture on your afghans. I am glad you are doing more candles. Your candles are wonderful.


Stacy, I hope your girls are OK. I'm glad you are off. Is that just school, or do you get time off from work as well? Good job on the test, too.


I am planning on taking it easy today. I have a horrible weekend planned: swim meet as far away from home as we can get in our league to eat up my Saturday, and a ballet dance meeting on Sunday to totally put a damper on it. When my kids turn 18, I am retiring from both activities. The kids can keep going for the rest of the year, but I will be done. Not very gracious of me, is it? But I have done my share, and I'm frustrated with the parents who sit back and do nothing but complain about how I'm doing what I'm doing. :soap OK, it's safe now, I'm done.

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Happy Friday!

Beth- I totally get what you are saying about parents who sit back and do nothing- been there, done that! So, how many months till the kiddos turn 18?

I'm so glad that Phyllis has offered to help with the sewing of the squares at craft club--and she's making not one, but two Mystery ghans! One crochet, one knit!!!


Stacy- Enjoy your weekend off and have fun!!! You are going to BIL's house, right?


LeeAnn- Good luck with the show this weekend- I'm sure your goodies will be a great big hit!


Marisa- How are you and sis coming along with the squares? I'm halfway done- six down, six to go! My friend wants me to make a hat for her 1 month old, so will probably work on that tonight after work and then go back to squares tomorrow.


Off to get ready!

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Good morning ladies :hi


Not much going on here. Enjoying my coffee while checking in. I stopped at Wendy's for bfast this morning. I had a coupon for a free bagel sandwich with any purchase and yep, my coffee qualified :clap:yay I have to take advantage where I can :lol


Stacy - The baby blanket is for a co-worker of my sisters if she chooses to give it to her...she started to second guess it because then she'll feel committed to give something to everyone that has a kid and apparently there's quite a few there right now that's pregnant :lol Enjoy your weekend, you deserve it!!!


Joanne - :yay on being half done. I did my 5th square last night and I don't think my sister did any but am not certain since I didn't see her last night. I was in my room watching American Idol :D Do you know what pattern your using for the baby hat?


Beth - I understand how you feel and if the other parents aren't doing anything, then they have no right to complain about what's being done :yes:hug I hope you're feeling better today and enjoy pizza night before the crazy weekend begins.


LeeAnn - I hope you're having fun subbing :D

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Just headed out the door,...subbing today. My craft show is not until March 9, 10 and 11...seems so close yet so far away. :-)


Hugs n squishes! Will post properly this evening!

Not sure why I thought it was this weekend!:think Hope your day of subbing went well. The weekend of your craft show is my DD' 30th birthday weekend!

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Good Morning friends!


So sorry that I did not make it here last night. My mom came over for dinner then I worked on soap labels...and then I just fell into bed exhausted. :lol Work went ok, only 3 kiddos, but they were a handful and had a few behavior problems...I had to remind myself a few times why I like working with children. Still working on soaps and sugar scrubs but it looks like I may see the light at the end of the tunnel. :yes


Joanne-that is awesome that your dd is turning 30! Is the excited? Thank you for sharing the link for the hat, super cute! So many patterns....not enough time.


Beth-I hear you about the parent thing...yup...when I was a Girl Scout Leader I could not get a single parent to help for more than 20 minutes..it was stressful, but yet they all had opinions of what we should/should no do. Had to drop that from my list because it was soo much work and I was over committing myself. Hopefully your time will end soon.:hug


Marisa-bet you have a fun weekend planned! Have a great time!


Stacy-did you get to rest some? Sure hope so!


Guess I had better get ds to his bowling and my lil brother ready to go home so that I can start working.


hugs n squishes!

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Finished my morning routine of cleaning and the last load of laundry in the dryer just finished!


DD and BF should be here any minute, but wanted to pop in and wish you all a good Saturday!!


Oh, I finished all 12 squares for the Mystery CAL this morning too!!!:clap

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WHEW! I slept in this morning (as much as the cats would allow) then took my dd to ballet (and worked on my afghan), then took my son to a swim meet half an hour away (and worked on hats until I got too hot for the yarn to flow through my fingers) and just got home. I am so tired.


Joanne, love love love the baby hat pattern. That is too cute.


LeeAnn, sorry your sub job was so challenging. Could you imaging being in that room all year? It sounds like you're really stocking up for your sale. That very special weekend is my daughter's next dance performance. She is only in one dance, it's mostly for jazz, modern, and lyrical, and she doesn't take any of those dances this year.


Marisa, I hope you are having a good weekend. How are things going at work? Did you get all your squares made for the mystery CAL?


Stacy, I hope you aren't working too hard. Have a happy weekend.

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Hello all!


Beth-you are so right! I will not work in that room every day..it would drive me insane! The folks that I work with are very sweet, but too nice. Children can sense it,...they go for it. :P Your day sounded tiring, driving back and forth has to be exhausting. Rest up dear friend!:hug


Joanne-you got all of your chores done early! WTG:cheer:clap! I try to do that but am afraid I have been making more messes than cleaning. Did you finish your baby hat?


Today the family helped me out with the sugar scrubs. We made 23 of them, and also lots of different soaps...these I am not listing on Etsy maybe after the sale..too tired. Also made 2 dozen lotion bars..yuppersss....the light is getting closer. Tomorrow I will finish up the last of the lego soaps and scrubs and call them good. Then have to work on the lil fish in a bag and the last of the lotion bars. Hoping to finish this week so that I can take a little break from it all. Off to rest.


hugs n squishes!

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Beth- Sounds like a very busy day for you! But at least you had some time to crochet!!!


LeeAnn- WOW--you really were a busy beaver today!!!! Hope you get some rest!!!!


DD and BF spent the day- they had 5 loads of laundry! DD told me her friend wanted a scarf like the one she has and will pay me for it. I had made my DD an improvised infinity scarf--just made a chain of 26 and then did the grit stitch which is just basically alternating sc and dc in each stitch across. I made it long and then whipstitched the ends together. So my friend's baby hat didn't get made today- nor did the scarf get anywhere near finished! Why? Because my youngest DD and GS came over too!!


Tomorrow I'll work on the baby hat in the AM and then I'm going to babysit a few hours around 3-4 ish!


Off to work a little more on the scarf!

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Good morning!

Not a holiday for me today, even though schools and lots of businesses are closed for President's Day! Oh, well!


Stacy- Hope you had a great weekend at BIL's house this weekend- and that you didn't have to spend too much time working on school work!!!


I finished the hat for my friend's baby-and worked on the infinity scarf a little before heading over to babysit.


Hope you ALL had a good Sunday!

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Hello there!


Let me try this for a third time…grrrr..:(

Joanne-sounds like your weekend was filled with your lovely family. Isn’t that the best? How is your little gs? I bet he is growing so fast! Sorry that you had to work today, my dh had to as well.



Beth-how’s it going on this find Monday? Do you get to play with the kittens today? Glad after reading your FB that all is well and ok at your house, very scary.



Marisa-bet you had a fun filled weekend? Do you get the day off?



Stacy-how was your weekend? Hopefully filled with rest and fun.



Yesterday I finished another scarf that was hidden in my closet..whew! Also worked on more soaps, just have to shrink wrap them. Today I plan on cleaning, then working on the last leg of soaps..yippee! Dh made about 2 dozen lotion bars yesterday for me, we are almost done. I can’t wait, then I can clean up my craft corner and put everything away at least for a week or so. Here's a pic of the latest scarf. Hugs n squishes dear friends!


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That is cute!!!! I might have to make a couple, but not yet. I have a good friend that is pregnant with twins after the 2nd round of IVF treatments, but she's still in the 'red zone'. I think only myself and her parents even know about the situation.....and now all of my friends on crochetville :wink


Finished my morning routine of cleaning and the last load of laundry in the dryer just finished!


DD and BF should be here any minute, but wanted to pop in and wish you all a good Saturday!!


Oh, I finished all 12 squares for the Mystery CAL this morning too!!!:clap




WHEW! I slept in this morning (as much as the cats would allow) then took my dd to ballet (and worked on my afghan), then took my son to a swim meet half an hour away (and worked on hats until I got too hot for the yarn to flow through my fingers) and just got home. I am so tired.


Marisa, I hope you are having a good weekend. How are things going at work? Did you get all your squares made for the mystery CAL?


I hope you get your body some rest :hug I think I have 6 squares done :think I'm trying to keep pace with my sister. But, I've also added the kal version to my list and I'm in the middle of the 2nd square for that one and need 8 so will definitely be behind for the kal. But it's my understanding that the next 2 weeks for that one are quicker than this one so hopefully I'll be able to catch up in that time :xfin The crochet ones work up really quick and I could have them done in no time, but I'm just spacing them out and using them to break up the knitting for me :think


Hello all!


Today the family helped me out with the sugar scrubs. We made 23 of them, and also lots of different soaps...these I am not listing on Etsy maybe after the sale..too tired. Also made 2 dozen lotion bars..yuppersss....the light is getting closer. Tomorrow I will finish up the last of the lego soaps and scrubs and call them good. Then have to work on the lil fish in a bag and the last of the lotion bars. Hoping to finish this week so that I can take a little break from it all. Off to rest.


hugs n squishes!


Great team work :h5


Hello there!


Let me try this for a third time…grrrr..:(


Marisa-bet you had a fun filled weekend? Do you get the day off?


Yesterday I finished another scarf that was hidden in my closet..whew! Also worked on more soaps, just have to shrink wrap them. Today I plan on cleaning, then working on the last leg of soaps..yippee! Dh made about 2 dozen lotion bars yesterday for me, we are almost done. I can’t wait, then I can clean up my craft corner and put everything away at least for a week or so. Here's a pic of the latest scarf. Hugs n squishes dear friends!


Beautiful scarf :manyheart

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Hello friends!


Joanne-did you have your craft meet up this evening? how was Paradise?


Thank you for the compliments on the scarf, I was worried that the colors would be too much?


Today was a Spring Cleaning kinda day..oh my gosh! The kiddos and I cleaned our little hearts out. Our home needed a good sweep, we are declutteriing as well. Tomorrow I have to sub, will miss you all! Going to make it an early night. Wore myself out today.


hugs n squishes!

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Good morning. I do apologize for not stopping by yesterday. I needed a day off the computer to do some other things.


Joanne, I hope you made it to craft night. Your weekend visits with family sound wonderful. I love that you get to see your daughter when she needs to do laundry. Great trade off there.


LeeAnn, you have been one busy lady. I hope you get a good room today for subbing. Your craft show is coming up. It sounds like you are almost ready.


Marisa, both a KAL and CAL at the same time -- you rock! I love the way you are going at your sister's pace, so she can get help if needed, and feel accomplishment.


Stacy, Is school going well? How are the girls doing? I hope everyone is well.


Today is pretty easy for me. My oldest has school, but since the car that he drives is now legal and back on the street, that is easy for me. I take my dd to class and hopefully meet my friend to sit and crochet and chat for an hour. And I go into the ballet studio for 2 hours to help sell tickets to the next performance. I made a bit of a fuss at the last meeting (which was Sunday) to let them know that I am not available to sell tickets all the time. I have 3 parent volunteers to take shifts. I'm so glad someone else is stepping up this time.

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Good morning!

LeeAnn- You sure are going at a fast pace between soaps, candles, lotion bars, subbing , home-schooling AND de-cluttering and Spring cleaning! I'm tired thinking about it. It's very cool that DH helped make some of the lotion bars!!!!


Beth- Ah, it sounds like a nice day on tap for you!! Have fun meeting up with your IRL friend!

I'm so happy that 3 others have stepped up to the plate to help out with the ballet studio!! Good for you in speaking up!


There was no craft club last night because the library was closed and that is where we meet. I guess it worked out for the best since I didn't get home from work till 7!!! A few of them are going to meet up tomorrow night, but I have my hair cut/color appt so I won't be going- I'll meet up again next Monday night!


Stacy- Are you back to school/work today? Hope your weekend was fabulous- I loved the pic of the girls you posted on FB!!!


Marisa- Did you get a chance to do any more squares? It's nice that you are keeping pace with your sis--and I can't imagine doing the CAL and KAL! :2rockBut it'll be nice to have two afghans when your done!!!


Time to get ready--oh, and Happy Mardi Gras Day!!!! Can't believe it's that time of year already! C'mon spring!!!!:cheer

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Good morning ladies :hi


Today is donut day!!! (What Mardi Gras is in my hometown) so I'll be going out for a donut after my walkin hours...not like anyone ever walks in :lol But they'd probably be banging the door in if I wasn't here....it's somebody's law....Murphy's :think:shrug


Tonight is haircut night...me, steph, and ingrid are all going :lol It'll be a party


LeeAnn - have fun cleaning


Beth - I will be behind on the kal officially as of tomorrow :lol I'm still only on the second of 8 squares for that one, but finished my crochet ones last night. I think my sister is on #8, she had one done last night when I got home :yay She did make one mistake on it, but that come from 'memorizing' the pattern instead of reading it which she'd be able to do. But at least it wasn't bad enough for her to feel she had to take it out :lol If it was me, I would've taken it out because it would drive me crazy knowing it's there :think:blush Glad to hear you finally get an easy day :clap:yay


Joanne - Sorry there was no craft club last night waiting for you after the long day of work :hug

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Good evening ladies and Happy Mardi Gras!


Marisa-wow! Can't believe that you are doing a cal and a hal...wowza! You go! Are they already claimed? I am sure they will be lovely. Have fun getting your haircut and hanging out with the gals. :lol


Joanne-how was Paradise today? Did you get home on time? Hope it wasn't too stressful for you.


Beth-did you get time to :chook? Sure hope so!


Today was a much better day! wohooo! I was in the toddler room, the kiddos are so cute and some are naughty but not difficult to manage...whew!


Made dinner, washed two loads of laundry, going to sit and veg..I'm tired.


hugs n squishes!:hug:hug:hug:hug

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