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Some good clean fun?!

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Joanne, glad you got a day off from work. sounds like you did a lot of work at home. I do have my car back. We took care of the Friday.


LeeAnn, Thanks for the compliments. The afghan doesn't really have a home. I am thinking of donating it to a sale my cat rescue organization is holding today. I would have to see if she'd want something like that.


Marisa, I hope you are having a good weekend.


Stacy, I hope everyone is feeling better.


I went to one grocery store, need to go to another, and I have to take the dog to get her mani/pedi. I am not tutoring, so that's like a day off.

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Top of the morning friends!


Beth-your afghan is super lovely, looks very soft and cuddly too! So glad that you have your own wheels and no tutoring:clap:cheer what will you do?:devil


Joanne-so glad that you did not work yesterday. You are probably coming down with a bug because you are tired. Do you feel better today? I hope that today is filled with rest and relaxation.


Yesterday we all cleaned...just have to finish up laundry. Also crocheted, should have been shrink wrapping soap but I will get to that today. I am about 3/4 done with the baby ghan and want to finish it. I think I will work on that while the family is still sleeping..they can sleep late. Other than that, nothing juicy or exciting..just the way I like things. :lol Off to grab a cup of coffee, hook and yarn. hugs n squishes!

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Have a good day LeeAnn!! And yes, I am feeling a bit better today!!!


I finished a Cotton Buster Market Tote this morning- works up really quick- and I thought the colors were perfect for Valentine's Day!


Here's the RR, Scarf and the Tote!!!





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:hugGood morning,


Joanne, love your projects -- that RR really calls out to me. The tote is perfect for Valentine's Day.


LeeAnn, sounds like you've been very busy. If you finished cleaning your house, you are welcome to come here and help out. :lol it's never been a high enough priority for me.


Marisa and Stacy, I hope you are both well and happy.


I found the perfect home for my RR. I donated it to the cat rescue organization where my dd and I volunteer. They were having a yard sale inside PetCo to raise funds. I hope it sold.


I think I'm coming down with a cold. I know I don't feel like getting moving today, but I have to -- Mondays are the busiest days of the week.

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Good morning!


Monday Morning---not feeling too shabby. :lol


Joanne-have a great fantastic awesome day in Paradise! Hoping that things will ease up a bit for you. :hug:hug:hug


Beth-I would so go help you clean, I like cleaning with friends/family makes the chore much easier to swallow. :yes Hope you are not catching the bug that seems to be floating around.:hug


Marisa-how was your weekend? Busy I am sure!:hug


Stacy-hope your family is feeling better.:hug


Yesterday dh made me a melting pot for my soap..so excite! I will take a pic and share all of the info. Now I can melt huge amounts of soap. he is going to make me own for my candle wax too...gotta love him!


Have a few items that I need to get packaged up. I am so excited, I have been networking my tail feathers off and have kept up with my goal of one sale per day. Some of them are from facebook, online and some from friends and family.


Best get a move on it! have so much to do today! hugs n squishes!

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


Maryann and I had a great weekend. She got in Friday afternoon and then we went to Hobby Lobby. I got what I needed to go with what I already had for the mystery cal :clap Then we had dinner at the Olive Garden and headed over to where the festival was being held. They had a fashion show Friday night which was fun, but a little lengthy. We went back for the expo on Saturday and I picked up some yarn :D I found the perfect sock weight steelers yarn to make my sister a pair for fingerless gloves :yes


We then went to Uno's for lunch and then had to stop to pick up new wipers for my car, changed those and headed back to the house where was sat and watched tv and crocheted a bit. We went out to dinner with my sister and her bf and stayed out for the jazz band. Then she left fairly early on Sunday.


I got to relax most of yesterday and then we picked up pizza and wings and went over to Ingrid's since we haven't seen them in a while.


I only have one color left to my border of the sunflower ghan, but I'm not sure if I'll be going 1 or 2 rounds with that.


I met Ingrid at Starbucks this morning, then we each did some separate running around and she came here to get her back treated. She was complaining of it last night. Now I have a patient scheduled at 2, but obviously she'll be late. She called, their previous appt ran later than expected and she asked if I minded if she took the kids for something to eat before coming in and I told her to feed those kids. So they should be here by 3 now I'm thinking :think


Beth - The rr is gorgeous, great idea of donating it to the cat rescue :yes


Joanne - Beautiful projects :clap


LeeAnn - How's the baby ghan coming along? :yay for dh making you the melting pots.

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Quick pop in before heading upstairs


Went to craft club tonight and it was nice and relaxing


LeeAnn- WTG on keeping up with your goal! And things in Paradise won't be easing up until the project is over--so sometime this fall! (wow that sounds so far away-)


Marisa- Glad you had a good time with MaryAnn - and a nice Sunday!!!!


Beth and Stacy- Hope you had a good Monday


Night all!

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Good morning. I am just playing on the computer while I can't sleep, in hopes I will get tired soon. I took a sinus pill before bed, so I probably won't be going to sleep soon. At least I can breathe.


Joanne, I'm glad you got to go to crochet club. How is the knitting coming along?


Marisa, so glad you had a great weekend. It sounds like a lot of fun. I think you were wise to tell that patient to feed her kids first. Did the kids come along?


LeeAnn, Awesome job meeting your goal. I'm so glad your business is taking off.


Stacy, that picture you posted on facebook was creepy. What was that thing?


Tuesday should be a good day for me. I am going to relax all day, except for the going to work part.

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Beth- Hope you got some sleep!!! I haven't touched the knitting in about a month- I brought it last night with me, but decided to just work on a crochet scarf! I needed to relax!!!:hook


Happy Valentine's Day one and all!!:valday:vheart

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Good morning ladies and :vheart:valday:vheart


I finished up my sunflower ghan last night with the squares that LeAnne made oh so long ago :think:lol


Tonight my sister and I are going to the movies to finally see the movie we've been wanting to see :clap There's a show that her bf really wanted to see, so it works out well, just a little ironic that it's V Day :lol


Joanne - I'm glad you made it to craft club last night :clap


Beth - Yes, my patient's kids came along and they became patient's too :clap:yay


Also, on my way in today one of the guys that works over at Enterprise (next door) was asking some questions and is going to try to stop over a little later. He couldn't remember his insurance :bounce

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Good afternoon Ladies and Happy Valentines Day!


Joanne-I am happy that you were able to make it to craft night, it's important to take time to do what makes us happy. Speaking of knitting, I found a set of knitting needles and a small project that I had started over a year ago,..maybe I will give it another whirl. Do you have any plans for the evening?:hug


Beth-saw your FB post on the gift that your dh gave you...hilarious! Great guy! Was your day relaxing?:hug


Marisa-you always have the most amazing weekends! So busy and yet filled with great friends and you!:hug


Yesterday I had parent teacher conference for my dd, she is doing wonderfully. I am so proud of her! Today she had a secret admirer...this little boy gave her a teddy bear and a box of chocolates..I guess he has had a crush on her for about a year or so. She was so surprised but handled herself well. She is not allowed to date until she is 16 but was happy and felt guilty at the same time...she wasn't sure if she was supposed to get him something. I reassured her that it was a gift. Still plugging away on the baby ghan, down to the last three rows..hopefully I will finish it this evening. here's a pic of my dd and her goodies as well as the presto pot..this is my little soap corner for my melting pots. I have a work table where I spread everything out.


BBL! hugs n squishes



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Great pics LeeAnn- How sweet that your DD has a 'boyfriend'- perfect gift - a teddy bear!!!! Love the ghan on the couch too!!!


Nice to see your little "corner of the world" where you create your beautiful soaps and candles


Marisa- The ghan came out beautifully!! Your friend is going to love it!


Beth, Stacy- hope you had a great V Day---


off to hook for a bit!

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Good morning ladies :hi


So now we're going to the movies today. We didn't go yesterday because my sister's bf's show was cancelled and not to mention she thought it wouldn't be crowded at the movies because it's V day :think I said I figure it'd be crazy because it's V day :think Isn't that what many couples do on V day, dinner and a movie? I haven't had a couple for so long that I really have no clue :rofl


LeeAnn - How cute that dd has an admirer :manyheart I'm assuming it's no longer a 'secret' admirer? How old is she now, I can't remember? Awesome station for you melting.


Joanne - Thanks, and I can't wait for the first clue either :bounce We'll probably work it after the movie. I won't start without my sister since she's only ever made a couple scarves and a dishcloth.

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Good Morning!

Marisa and Joanne-so excited to see your progress on the mystery ghan! how fun!


Beth-what's on the agenda for the day?


My dh surprised us all with dinner...yummy! Chili's ...shrimp for me...:lol


My dd is 11. The little boy has liked her for quite some time. She was so excited because the say before we were talking about secret admirer's. He was so sweet when he gave her the little bear and chocolates...blushed quite a bit and stammered...isn't that just so innocent and sweet?


Finished the baby ghan too! here's a pic. Best get a move on, it is Early Release today, and ds needs the computer for a 2 hour online meeting.


hugs n squishes!


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Good Morning!

Marisa and Joanne-so excited to see your progress on the mystery ghan! how fun!


Beth-what's on the agenda for the day?


My dh surprised us all with dinner...yummy! Chili's ...shrimp for me...:lol


My dd is 11. The little boy has liked her for quite some time. She was so excited because the say before we were talking about secret admirer's. He was so sweet when he gave her the little bear and chocolates...blushed quite a bit and stammered...isn't that just so innocent and sweet?


Finished the baby ghan too! here's a pic. Best get a move on, it is Early Release today, and ds needs the computer for a 2 hour online meeting.


hugs n squishes!


Gorgeous!!!! :manyheart


How sweet with your dd :hug

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good morning,


I looked at the first Bernat mystery clue, and I may run away crying with my tail between my legs. Seems like there will be a LOT of sewing involved. :yuck:scared


Joanne, I hope your day in Paradise goes smoothly and quickly.


Marisa, I hope you get to the movies today.


LeeAnn, so glad you posted a pic of the baby ghans. The texture is very appealing to me. Your nieces will feel lots of love wrapped up in those. The no-longer-a-secret admirer sounds very sweet.


Stacy, I hope school is going well, and your math class isn't dragging you down. It sounds like a lot of work, but it sounds like a great learning environment, too.


Today I planned on working on the mystery CAL, but I think I'll wait until there's a few more clues to see if all the pieces will be this little.

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Hi friends!


This math class is totally dragging me down! :eek Most of it is just review, I guess, but the homework is out of control- last night I spent 3 hours on it, and still had one hour left this morning! Plus, since it's a beta class, there are LOTS of mistakes in the online homework, so I end up getting about half wrong every single day. :angry We have our first quiz tomorrow, but I think I should be okay for that, because I understand the formulas and it's not online.

Also? Now that I am gone during the day again, Olive has decided that my hallway is her bathroom. :thair


Leeann, how cute that your dd had a secret admirer! It is very innocent and adorable that he stammered and blushed. :manyheart:manyheart:manyheart Your dd is gorgeous, btw!


Joanne, glad you made it to craft club. Have fun with the Mystery CAL. I wanted to join, but I just don't have the time. Can't wait to see what you all are making, though!


Beth, how's it going? Did you get the car window fixed? You probably did, I just haven't read that far back. :blush Hope all is well in your end of the world. How is Amanda feeling? I love the picture she drew of her kitty. :manyheart


Marisa, have fun at the movies! Which one are you going to see?


Well, it's time to pick up the girls, then I work tonight. We are going to visit BIL for his birthday this weekend, so I requested Thursday thru Monday off. I can't wait! (For the time off, anyway. :lol) Love and hugs!

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Beautiful blankets LeeAnn--is that the Bubbles Baby blanket pattern? I love the texture and have made some. I love your color choices---so pretty!!! How sweet that the not so secret admirer was stammering---so cute at that age!


Beth- I was thinking the same thing- about the amount of sewing- with 4 1/2 x 4 1/2 inch squares! I 'm going to try one, see what I think and then make a decision. I'm so pressed for time now with work!


Stacy- Have a great weekend!!!! You need it !!!! That math class would be killing me--good luck on the test! And hopefully Olive will realize that the hallway IS NOT the bathroom!!!


Marisa- Hope you enjoyed the flick!!!!

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Hello there ladies!


Joanne, Beth & Marisa-sewing granny squares together is not easy...Can you join as you go? I like that method much much more. :lol


Stacy-yikes at all the homework! I remember those days...nope...do not want to repeat. math is my weakness...I can't help ds..poor guy, he has to wait until John gets home.


Today was spent soaping...made a few of the champagne bubble baths as I have sold quite a few and also a few soap goodies. Still working on more. I am getting more nervous as the 3 day sale approaches..Oh my! Time to put it in high gear and get everything done...


going to add a few items to my shop...wasn't going to, but dh thinks that the variety helps.


night all hugs and squishes!

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Good morning,


LeeAnn, I think it's great the your dh is so supportive of your shop. I think variety does help, because so many people have different tastes. The Mystery CAL isn't a join-as-you-go, because they are making pieces to make a mystery item, and they may not connect together.


Stacy, so sorry to hear about Olive's restroom issues, and that math is taking so much of your time. That is a lot of work.


Joanne, I decided not to do the Bernat Mystery CAL. I originally planned to make flower-themed squares from the yarn I was going to use, and had started one of them. I took that, added a row to turn it into a granny square, and I'm rolling with that. It is fun to use girly colors after working on all those stadium blankets last year. I don't know what the home for it will be, but I'm having fun playing.


Marisa, did you make it to the movies? What did you see?


I'm still fighting with this cold. It's not bad, but I'm just tired.

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Good morning,

I made 2 of the squares for the Bernat Mystery CAL- and they are small - 4 1/2 X 4 1/2- but easy to make. I'm not sure I want to have to commit to all that sewing at the end, but I do love a good mystery!:lol


Good luck getting ready for the 3 day show LeeAnn!!!! it's wonderful that your DH is so very supportive of you and your undertakings!!!


Marisa- Hope you enjoyed the movie- and the square making!!!


Stacy- How'd it go with the math test?


Time to get ready for Paradise. Have a superb day everyone!

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