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Good morning ladies :hi


It's snowing outside this morning and the temps dropped again. I worked a square last night to test a pattern for a fellow viller....now I need to make my corrections and send it back to her :yes


Joanne - That's a bummer that you won't get to see dd and being so close :hug But at least March will be here before you know it :yes


LeeAnn - WTG on getting your orders done and out :yay I have to get to the post office myself :sigh Good luck with your pillows.


Beth - Glad to hear you got a good nights sleep for a change :hug

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Good Morning ladies!


Beth-I am so happy that you were able to get a good night's sleep. Isn't it amazing how important sleep is to the body? What will you do with yourself today?:manyheart Being sleep deprived is terrible. My sister will know that soon enough:lol I had started a pink/yellow baby blanket awhile back. Pulled it out yesterday to finish. Just ordered the pattern for the lady bug and the turtle hatchling as my sister fell in love and wants them soo badly. I bought the yarn for the turtle, hoping to be able to start on that soon.




Joanne-how is the conference going?


Marisa-any new patients today?


Stacy-did your math teacher refund part of your money or can you sell the book back?


Today I am going to pick up an application for a substitute preschool. One of my friends runs a center and asked me if I would be willing to sub...sure...I guess. I do miss working with children. Also going to meet another friend for drinks at Chili's...tea of course! :lol she is taking some of my lotion bars to her district manager to see if he/she would like to add them to their products....big step for me...wish me luck!


better scoot! hugs n squishes!

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Hi all,

Hope it went well today LeeAnn- that's pretty exciting!!


I'm home and my brain is tired from all the information that got put into it these last couple of days. Back to work tomorrow! And I know I'll be busy just trying to catch up


I'll post more tomorrow night!

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Good morning,


Joanne, Welcome home! I hope your brain gets some rest at work today. Can't wait to hear more details.


LeeAnn, how was your meeting? Your business certainly is growing.


Marisa, is your wrist and hand OK after signing all those letters? Is it for an advertising campaign?


Stacy, how is your math class? What type of math is it, algebra, calculus, technical math???


Well, I am too excited to sleep, though I think I may give it another try in a bit. The car that has been out of commission went to an alignment specialist yesterday (appointment at 2, they called me at 2:30 telling me it was done, and hardly charged me anything) and I drove it from there to a more general-purpose garage where I left it to get the new motor mount installed. Hopefully, I'll hear from them fairly early today, so I can take it back to the garage where it was inspected, get it reinspected, and have it legally back on the road tomorrow! I am so happy. It's like I'm getting a piece of my life back.

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Good morning!


Great news about the car, Beth!! I can only imagine how happy you will be to finally get it back - and fingers crossed and positive thoughts that it will be tomorrow!!!


I don't think my brain will get much of a rest today--but at least I slept for about 6 hours so my brain doesn't feel as tired! LOL


Hope you all have a great day!

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Good morning friends!


Joanne-so hope that you have a great day even tho your brain is on overload. :D the weekend is almost here.


Beth-I bet you are super excited about getting your car back...woohooo! I am doing a happy dance for you!


Marisa-oh gosh! Did you get all of your forms signed?


Yesterday I went in to pick up an application, they asked me if I had time to do an interview...ok,...anyhow, got the job! Yikes! I am subbing today and tomorrow, they want me to work there when I am off season from the Migrant program..not sure about that but I will give subbing a try. Also had craft club last night, what fun! working on a baby ghan that I had started forever ago. Hope to get it done soon. Gotta run! Will be back hopefully this evening!


hugs n squishes!

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


LeeAnn - Wow!!! :yay for getting the subbing job, I guess they really need the help. Got all of my forms signed and half of them in the mail. I still have the other half to put together for mailing.


Beth - This group of letters are going to local attorneys pretty much to let them know I'm here so if they have any clients in the area that need care, they can send them to me :xfin Keeping my fingers crossed for your car to be done today :xfin


Joanne - I hope your brain doesn't explode today :eek


Not much going on. I did laundry this morning so got to the office late. I'm about to go workout and then I'll stuff the other 100 envelopes waiting :yes

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My brain is still on overload!!! I can't wait for the weekend- although I may go in Saturday morning just to have quiet and to organize myself for next week! It may help to avoid too much stress.


So glad that tomorrow is Friday!!!!


LeeAnn- WTG on getting the subbing job--don't know you do it- between homeschooling, your new business and being a Mom!! Kudos to you!!!

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Hello friends!


Joanne, glad the conference went well. :cheer Good luck getting everything organized for Monday.


Beth, :clap for getting the car fixed! I'm sure that is a huge relief. :yes Hope you had lots of fun with your friend.


Marisa, 20 letters?! Your hand must be sore. :eek:xfin that it helps you to drum up business.


Leeann, WTG on getting the position! :woo You are always on the go. I don't know how you do it, girl! :nworthy



We have had such a loooooong day. Isabella has had a cough for a couple days now, well she woke up this morning saying that her chest hurts when she coughs, so I figured it was time to be seen. We ran my homework over to my teacher since I wouldn't be in class, then went to the doctor. It turned out to be just a cold. :whew Then went to Toys R Us so she could use a gift card from her birthday, then to pick up Eva and Mia. Isabella and I had dentist appointments today, so we went straight there after picking up Mia. Then a quick run to the bank and Trader Joe's- now we are home. Thank goodness! I feel like I lived in the car today. And it all happened with a throbbing headache that I think I'm getting from my backpack. :eek

I received good news at the dentist office, though- the tooth that I thought was infected is actually just a loose filling. Yay! So I have to go back in a couple weeks to have a crown placed.

As for the math class- it is intermediate algebra. Right now we are talking about x- and y-intercepts, which I think is just a review/refresher. The class is actually really cool- we work in groups, there are review questions and a new chapter to read nightly, as well as some online review work and one or two questions to turn in the next day. It is a lot of work, but I think I will keep it, since it seems to be more in-depth than a regular class. :yes It will be the only class I take this semester, though.


Well, since I've written a book already, I better go and get the girls all squared away for the night. Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug


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Evening all!


Joanne-so sorry that your brain is on overload, hoping that tomorrow flies by for you so that Saturday you can work in the quiet and get a few things done.


Stacy-oh my! you did do a lot of running! Seems like those days happen way too often for me.


Marisa/Beth-how was your day?


Today was fun, tiring and a bit stressful....I am not used to being on the floor with little ones, changing diapers, takes a bit of time to get used to. Of course I fell in love with the babies! All of them! Feels like I am behind here at home too...tomorrow I will be working again and then only on Fridays for now. I just do not want to feel so overwhelmed. Cristopher is needing more support regarding his schoolwork, I like to be home to do that and I like picking Celine for school, making dinner and then having a somewhat relaxing dinner with the family. John had a Boy Scout meeting for the second time this week, so we have not seen each other much..so...I think I need to take a little breather.


going to take a nice hot bubble bath with some of my favorite soaps! hugs n squishes!:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Sending lots of hugs, Leeann!! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug It's so hard to balance everything sometimes. I had a mini-meltdown the other day where I was questioning school and work, and if I should drop one or both. :sigh I hope you enjoyed your nice, relaxing bubble bath. :manyheart

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Oh! I forgot to mention one thing. Remember how Mia's teacher said that she couldn't read very well and that if she didn't practice over Christmas break, she would recommend for Mia to be held back? Well, Mia has had no problems at all reading kids' books here- she struggles with the ones from school, for some reason, but I think they're just not interesting. Anyway, so all along her teacher is telling me how she is struggling, etc- well, today I received a paper saying that her reading and vocabulary are in the 90th percentile for her grade! :manyheart:cheer:clap so I don't know what that teacher is talking about, but it sounds like she is making great progress. :yes

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Good morning and happy Friday!


Stacy- Wonderful news about Mia and her reading!! Seems to be a disconnect between what the teacher is saying and her scores on reading- and you would know best if she is reading at home!!! I think that Math class sounds interesting -having it done in groups- I would have had a much easier time with Algebra I think if I had learned it in a group situation- where you can get help as you go along!


I totally get the mini-meltdown--I had one too about a week and a half ago- very overwhelmed with all the responsibility at work--I'm trying now to take it just one day at a time and not let it encroach on my personal time!!


LeeAnn- Your bubble bath sounds very relaxing- hope you enjoyed!!!


Beth- Today is the day you get the car back--or at least I hope so for your sake (and sanity)


Marisa- Enjoy your weekend with MaryAnn- I know you must be so excited to see her!! As she is to see you!! Did your sis get her yarn for the Mystery CAL--and have you decided what colors you are using from your stash?


Off to get ready for a fab friday- LOL

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Stacy, I wonder if your Mia is like my Amanda. She did not do well in school because she didn't like her teachers, didn't like the busy work, just didn't see a reason to do it. Amanda was also bullied, and the teacher took the side of the other child (he was little and cute, a Hawaiian kid with a growth disorder who still looks about 8 and he's 18.) Amanda did great in some years, depending on the teachers. It is a lot to balance work, school, and motherhood. You are showing your girls the importance of school first-hand, though.


LeeAnn, congrats on the job. I think sticking to sub work sounds like a good idea, and repeat after me: "No!" You need to be able to say that. You have other priorities. Taking care of babies during the day then sleeping through the night sounds like a dream to me.


Marisa, I hope the letters to the attorneys bring in lots of business.


Joanne, TGIF! It sounds like work is super-busy for you. I'm glad you will get some time to relax this weekend. Going in for a bit to get organized for next week sounds like a plan.


The car failed inspection again. The driver's side window quit going up and down. I can repair this one, though. We ordered the parts yesterday, they come in today, and I hope to get them in quickly.We'll see. I have to take my dd back to the art museum. no complaints here. I love that place, and want to take more time to look at it.

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Hi all!


Seems like everyone is in a whirlwind today! Lots of love and :hug:hug:hug:hug!!


Beth, hope you had lots of fun at the museum!


Another busy day here, too, although it wasn't supposed to be. Dh called around 7 to say that he ripped a contact lens and wanted me to take another pair to him after I dropped off the girls. Then he called back again to ask for breakfast. :lol So, I dropped them off, got breakfast from the bakery I love, and took it to him. I came home and started to clean, when I got a phone call from school that I had to pick up Isabella. So off I went to pick her up, then run some errands, pick up Eva, then home. Now we are having lunch before picking up Mia, then to TJ's for dinner, and home to cook. :loco I have to work tonight and tomorrow morning, but I am :xfin for Sunday off, so I have some time to sit on my badorkus and :hook. I have a couple things to make for the chocolate swap, which needs to be mailed by the 21st.


I need to scoot- lots of love and hugs to everyone!

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Lots of busy-ness!!!! I didn't get home till 8pm tonight---a very long day in Paradise! Glad it's the weekend


Beth- hugs to you and Amanda- I was sorry to see on FB that you had to put her cat down:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Joanne, enjoy the weekend! Are you going in this morning to get things organized for next week?


Beth, lots of :hug:hug:hug to you and Amanda.


LeeAnn and Marisa, enjoy your weekend!


We are all sick. :( Last night, almost right after we closed, I was hit with it suddenly, and now I am a sneezing, runny-nosed mess. Dh is still sleeping, and probably won't get up until I have to leave. (He is always the one who gets it the "worst. :wink) I have some Costco rotisserie chicken I need to use up, so maybe I will make some chicken soup for dinner. :yes


Off to get ready! Love and hugs. :hug:hug:hug:hug

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Good Morning friends!


Stacy-hope you feel better soon as well as the rest of your family.:hug Will you be able to make it to work today? how is the math class going?


Beth-so sorry to hear about your dd's cat. :hug:hug:hugdid you get your car fixed?


Joanne-hello there! Are you at work this morning? Or did you get to work from home?


Marisa-have a great weekend!


Yesterday I was tired tired tired. I felt achy and sick. I went to bed after work about 8 and fell asleep till 8 this morning. I am still a little groggy and disconnected..made a mistake on one of my etsy sales and overcharged a customer by $1.00. I will refund it in just a few minutes when I get her postage together. I bought a postage scale so that I can print labels from home. Printing online offers more bang for you buck. You automatically get delivery confirmation and a reduced price on everything, it's great! Have to make more goodies to add to my stash as I need to stockpile for the sale next month. I have quite a bit but want to have extra...also have more soapy ideas floating in my head.


off to clean before I do anything else. My chores have been neglected. hugs n squishes!

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Stacy and LeeAnn, I hope everyone is feeling better.


Joanne, I hope you had a relaxing weekend.


Marisa, I hope you are having a fun weekend.


I finished my round ripple from the Herrschners kit. Here's a pic:


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Good morning!

I did not go into work yesterday since I stayed till 7:30 on Friday night. I tackled the cleaning that needed to be done here and did 3 loads of laundry and the grocery shopping!


I finished the RR and scarf I had been working on - and will get pics later when it's light out.


Beth- The RR is gorgeous- I love all the colors!!!! Do you have your car back?


Stacy- Feel better!!! I also started with a cold yesterday- taking lots of Vit C and Zinc, drinking fluids and praying for the best!!!!


LeeAnn- Hope you are feeling better too! I haven't been sick in a long time and I think it is my body's way of telling me that I've been working too hard!


Marisa- Hope you and MaryAnn are having a blast together and can't wait to hear about the Knit and Crochet festival!


Off to re-fill the coffee!!!


Have a wonderful Sunday

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