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Some good clean fun?!

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Great work, Beth!


Leeann, I'm glad to hear you stayed put, although your family is upset. Better to be safe.


Joanne, hope all is well there!

Marisa, sorry to hear you are still under the weather. I'm catching a tad of something myself. Hope the tea helps!


Well, my laptop has a nasty virus, and I keep getting error prompts when i turn it on, so for now I am stuck posting from my phone or Isabella's iPad. We spent 4 hours at urgent care today- Mia hurt her arm doing cartwheels at school. It's not broken, thank goodness. She has to keep it wrapped for a week.

Tomorrow night, i have to work. Not sure about Sunday yet, but dh is hoping I don't, because he is having friends over the Super Bowl. We start school again on Monday. I didn't really do anything i had planned to on my break. Oh, well- I am ready to go back!

Well, my thumbs are getting sore, so I will scoot for now. Love and hugs!

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FINISHED! The Jolly green giant ripple is done. Here's a pic.

Beth- It came out great!!! I'm almost finished with my RR that I used Charisma for. I was going to try and finish it last night- but I was so tired! I should finish it today. What "straight ripple" pattern did you use?

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Good morning!


I worked till 7 last night- but good news? I'm not going to work this weekend!!! I was so tired last night and ended up heading to bed at 9:30- which is very early! Of course I'm up bright and early this morning!


Stacy- Poor Mia--and poor you having to spend 4 hours in Urgent Care--did you have any crochet with you to help with the wait? Have a good weekend before school begins on Monday!


Beth- read about the great news on your mole- and the trek to the Museum sounds wonderful! I love going to museums!!! Any news on the car front?


LeeAnn- Yikes! That's is alot of snow! It is very understandable that you opted to stay home- safety first!!!!


Marisa- Sure hope that you beat the cold and that today finds you feeling better- lots of tea, rest, chicken soup etc!!!!


I'm babysitting tonight so DD can take one of her good friends out to dinner as a belated birthday gift! Looking forward to spending some time with the little one!!!!

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Hi, Thanks for the compliments on the jolly green afghan. I used the ripple afghan pattern that was on the Charisma package, just enlarged it to make it jolly-green-sized. He slept under it yesterday, and liked it.


Joanne, I am amazed at how much you get done, working full-time at a high-stress job, being a wife, mom, and grandmother -- you rock, my friend. I am glad you rested when you needed it. I'm sure you'll get your round ripple done very soon.


Stacy, so sorry to hear that Mia hurt her arm. I hope she's not too uncomfortable now. I hope you get Sunday off, too


LeeAnn, I'm glad to hear you are staying out of the storm and keeping your family safe. I'm sure everyone else is upset tht they won't get to see you -- but at least you're safe, and there's the opportunity to see you another time.


Marisa, I hope you are having a very good Super Bowl weekend.


I will be meeting with 2 crochetville friends today. One I've never met before, the other is the sweetheart who took me to my mole surgery. I am so excited. Have a good day!

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Good Morning friends!!!


Feel refreshed today! I have not been sleeping well, between dh's snoring, my light sleeping and an achy shoulder. It has been rough. Last night I went to bed before dh, made myself comfortable and fell asleep. Slept thru the entire night, much better. Got up early as everyone is still in bed.:manyheart


Joanne-you have such long work weeks, I really am in awe of you.:hug Glad that you get to spend time with your gs today. I bet you will finish your ghan soon.


Beth-yippee for meeting two crochet buddies! How fun! What will you work on now that you finished the jolly green giant? that is so sweet of your ds to snuggle and sleep under it straight off the hook. :manyheart


Stacy-poor Mia! Is she in a lot of pain? I bet it is super busy having three little ones. :hug hope next week is fun and exciting. Sorry to hear about your computer, will you have to go to the lab during school hours?


Marisa-are you feeling better? How's it going? I know that you will be watching the Super Bowl this weekend, I hope that you get to rest some tho.


Yesterday was a lazy day, since I had cleaned and did everything it was nice to get hook time in. I started a granny circle cushion for the couch using scraps. Just about finished. Today when I take ds to bowling I will stop and see if I can find a round cushion form. I have made my own but find that the cushion forms hold up much longer...since the kiddos will be using it on the couch it has to be durable.


I also starting networking on Ravelry a little more. Nice folks it does take me awhile to navigate.


Will let you all know the sex of the babies..my sister found this and wants me to make the turtle and lady bug, what do you all think?




this has given me a bad case of the "wantsies" I want to make them just because they are adorable!


bbl! hugs n squishes!



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Hi, Thanks for the compliments on the jolly green afghan. I used the ripple afghan pattern that was on the Charisma package, just enlarged it to make it jolly-green-sized. He slept under it yesterday, and liked it.


Joanne, I am amazed at how much you get done, working full-time at a high-stress job, being a wife, mom, and grandmother -- you rock, my friend. I am glad you rested when you needed it. I'm sure you'll get your round ripple done very soon.


Stacy, so sorry to hear that Mia hurt her arm. I hope she's not too uncomfortable now. I hope you get Sunday off, too


LeeAnn, I'm glad to hear you are staying out of the storm and keeping your family safe. I'm sure everyone else is upset tht they won't get to see you -- but at least you're safe, and there's the opportunity to see you another time.


Marisa, I hope you are having a very good Super Bowl weekend.


I will be meeting with 2 crochetville friends today. One I've never met before, the other is the sweetheart who took me to my mole surgery. I am so excited. Have a good day!


:yay for meeting Crochetville friends!!! Have a great time!!!!!


I did my errands, laundry, grocery shopping and put away- and cleaning! Now I want to run to the consignment store and then I'll sit down to crochet- My friend wants me to make her and her DD these lip balm holders--good thing I have tons of cotton yarn!!!


Happy that you got a good night's rest too LeeAnn!!! It really makes a big difference and I find I have so much more energy today!!!!

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Good morning! Well, technically I think it's afternoon, but...:shrug Still feels like morning here.


We got up early and watched a movie in bed. That doesn't happen often, but I :manyheart it. Then, dh went for a run, while the girls and I took the pups to the dog park. They had fun. I think the dogs did, too. :heehee Dh also fixed my computer- he had to do a system restore- good thing I don't have photos on this one. :yes It seems to have worked. :whew


Later, the girls are going to spend the night with my IL's, and I have to do some shopping for the Super Bowl. Then work, of course.


Beth, have fun with your 'Ville friends! How fun! :manyheart


Joanne, how sweet that your friend asked you to make the chap stick holders. I received one of them in a swap last year. They are so cute! Have fun with Ryan tonight!


Leeann, I'm happy that you got to relax and get some hook time in! The little turtle and ladybug are cute. The dressed-up babies creep me out, though- I don't know why. :shrug Good luck finding your round cushion form. Our Joann's usually has them for much cheaper than Michael's, then of course with the 40% off coupon, it's even better. :devil


Marisa, hope you're feeling better. :hug:hug:hug


Gotta get moving and get the girls' clothing ready to go. Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug

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Good morning!! It's here--Super Bowl Sunday!!!


Had a wonderful, fun time with Ryan last evening!!! Oh, it's so great to play and be silly!!! I sang him a song about the Giants and even though I can't sing to save my life, he didn't mind! :) I made up words as I went along to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star:lol


Hope you had a good night at work Stacy! How's Mia feeling?


Beth- I hope you had a wonderful time with your 'ville' friends!


LeeAnn- The pillow sounds great- did you get the cushion form? I have a few pillows up in the attic that I don't use anymore---just gave me an idea to re-purpose them with a little crochet cover! But that'll have to wait- too much on my plate right now!


Didn't finish the RR- but I did make 2 of the chapstick holders and finished the scarf with Mosaic yarn last night--went to take pics- and battery was dead so it's charging now!


Marisa- Hope you are having a good weekend-- and thanks for being on my side for this game:hug


:cheer :cheer Go Giants!!!:cheer:cheer

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Good Morning! Almost afternoon!


Joanne-I bet Ryan loved having you sing to him! :manyheart Great memories for sure. And you finished a few projects too. wtg! What will you be working on during the game?


Stacy-are you ready for your get together?


Beth-will your family be watching the game as well?


Marisa-how ya feeling?


Well....great news! GIRLS!!!! two of them! :cheer:clap yippy skippy! My sister called us yesterday after cutting the cake, two little girl babies..We are over the moon excited, I personally want them to be healthy..but am excited for my sister as she really really wanted a girl.


Had a few more etsy sales! :cheer:clap Need to get them put together and ready for shipping. Also have to finish the Out of the Box Sampler that I joined and have a few soapy ideas floating around in my head that just won't leave...so must work on those too.


My mom and brother came over yesterday to watch movies, eat pizza and hang out. We had fun.


Good luck to the football players this evening! off to soapy land! hugs n squishes!

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LeeAnn- :yay Yay for girls!!! Can "hear' the excitement!! And Kudos on some more sales:clap


That was nice that your Mom and bro came over last night- sounds like a nice family night!


I've decided I'll work on a Shelly scarf during the game, since I don't have to think AT ALL making that!! Going to make it in blue (although it's more of a robin's egg blue, not Giants blue---but blue non-the-less!:hook)


I finished the Mosaic scarf and made 3 lip balm holders- 2 in Peaches n'Cream and one in Patons Grace which comes out smaller. Quick, easy, instant gratification- so I have one for me and I have the two that that my friend wanted!:)



And one more time--GO GIANTS!!!





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Good morning,

Joanne, happy for you that your Giants won. I'm sure that's very exciting. did you get any sleep last night?


LeeAnn, so nice to have family visit. Congrats on the baby girls. My MIL was really excited when one of her twins had twins. They are such a joy.


Stacy, how is your daughter's arm? I hope everyone is doing OK. Did you get Sunday off?


Marisa, did you have a good weekend? Did you have a superbowl party?


Well, I had a great time meeting with my friends IRL. The young lady I met for the first time has the most inspirational story. She lost a lot of weight, and she's such a sweetheart. Except for the weather, it was a very nice day.


Busy day today: I'm still down a car, so I get to chauffeur, tutor, and work at the ballet studio.

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Quick good morning to wish you all a nice day.


Beth- so glad that you had a nice time with IRL friends!!! Good luck today with the chauffering, tutoring and ballet studioing!


LeeAnn, Marisa, and Stacy- Make it a good Monday!!!

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Top of the Morning friends!


Joanne-your chap stick cozies are soo neat! I love them! My dd collects chapsticks and has quite a few. Those would be great stocking stuffers as I always buy chapsticks from Avon for my nephews. Thank you for sharing the link. Hope your Monday is fantastic!


Beth-have a good day in spite of being chauffeured. Do you have to drive or can you sit back and relax?


Marissa & Stacy-hope your weekend was fun!


Today I have a few orders to mail out and a few items to add to my site, worked like a busy bee yesterday...new ideas. Also have to help ds with his schoolwork, that's an everyday thing, but I enjoy it. Maybe I will get a walk in too.


off to switch laundry loads. Hugs n squishes!:hug:hug:hug:hug


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Good morning ladies :hi


I feel like I haven't been in here in forever :think I worked on my taxes Friday, not finished yet and debating about having a professional do them to check against mine, but seeing as my practice isn't really very involved yet am thinking I'm fine for this year. I figured as I was getting everything together and adding up receipts that all those numbers just needed to be plugged in and I was already doing the hard part anyway :think We'll see how I feel when I go through it all again.


Saturday I met a girlfriend of mine and she helped to explain the one insurance website and navigating it (she did a much better job than the rep did :think ) Then headed back to the house. My sister and her bf were picking up a coffee table for me from his dad's house (he just sold the house and was just getting rid of the coffee table so I asked if I could have it since I love it....it's a half circle, but will swing out to make a full circle) and when they were getting to the office with it, my sister realized that she forgot her key. So they went to a bar just a few buildings down and I met them there for an afternoon snack and then we came here. Then back to the house for a relaxing afternoon and then they were going out (got free tix for the Duquesne basketball game) so I drove them into town. Then I relaxed for the evening and started the border of my ghan.


A friend of mine was coming in from Philly with 2 of his buddies on Saturday night and they didn't leave until 11pm so rolled in pushing 4am :eek The other 2 friends were supposed to be staying at the college with the basketball player they came out to see. But of course he wasn't answering his phone at that hour (yes it was Saturday, but he had an afternoon basketball game on Sunday!) So I got up to let them in. Then I went to the Pitt vs. Villanova game with them in the afternoon. They stayed to hang out a while and I headed back to the house to get ready for the superbowl. The boys made it back around 7 and stayed for the game, but left to head back to Philly around midnight :eek It was really like a whirlwind day :lol


Now today, it's back to the real world :sigh


(I better go copy that so I don't have to type it out again in my next thread :think )


LeeAnn - Great news for your sister and those baby outfits are adorable :manyheart


Beth - Gorgeous ripple :manyheart I hope you had fun with your friends.


Stacy - I hope class goes well today :xfin


Joanne - Great job on the lip balm holders :yes And, :yay Giants!!! My whole group was rooting for the Giants (mainly because nobody wanted the Pats to win :lol )

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I think there were a lot of non-Giants fans who were rooting for them to win!! Now i'm in Patriots country at a work conference for a couple of days. It feels weird to be away from the NY media who I'm sure are full of Giants talk today!!!


Wanted to pop in and say hi--now I'm off to crochet/read for a bit before calling it a night!

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:hi all!


Leeann, congrats to your sister with the girls! :yay And to you on all of your new goodies. I took a peek at your Etsy, and all of your things are so cute!


Marisa, sounds like you had quite the whirlwind weekend! A fun one, though, I'm sure. :yes


Joanne, how is the snow out that way? Be careful on the way back from your conference. :hug:hug


Beth, how are you feeling? Has the cold gone away? What are your inventions up to these days?


Well, math class was...interesting. Turns out, the one I'm in is an experimental program (which I didn't know) so I get one extra credit (for a total of 6) just for this class, BUT the instructor said it will require about 2 hours of homework every single day. :blush:eek:think So...I'm trying to figure out if that's going to work with my job, etc. :sigh On the other hand, I do need a math class, and I might as well take this one, since it does come with extra instruction. Anywho...I'm going to have a little before-bedtime snack, and then get my things ready for tomorrow. Love and hugs!

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Hello hello!


Joanne, Beth-where are you? I hope that both of you are doing well.


Stacy-your new math class sounds like quite a challenge. When do you have to decide?


Marisa-you sure did have a busy weekend! Sounded fun, lots of friends make great company.


Have a 6 Specialty orders for lotion bars and 2 soapy orders also have to finish packaging up a Sampler box,...but hopefully I can get a little time in to :hookI did not find the pillow form here at our walymart, hope I can find it at Hobby Lobby or Joann's, going to check their website. Guess I had better scoot if I want to have free time.


hugs n squishes!

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LeeAnn, I had a rough night, was up at 1:30, but didn't feel much like visiting the 'ville. I did go back to bed, got up with the hubby at 4;45, but you wouldn't WANT me at the 'ville at that time... grrrrrrrrr... went back to bed, sister texted me at 5:30 for nothing... grrrrrrr... went back to bed, son woke me up at 8 for the car keys, not quite as grrrrrrr.... went back to bed, woke up around 9, and I've got a hot cup of coffee, and life is looking a lot better now. I hope you got some you time. I love your Etsy shop, too, and my sister was very happy with her box.


Stacy, your math course sounds interesting, but what a pile of work! I hope you can keep up with everything.


Marisa and Joanne, I hope your day goes well.


I get to meet my friend Shirley while Amanda is at class for some IRL crocheting and chatting. I am so glad she has a break from her busy schedule to meet with me. unfortunately, it's just for an hour and a bit, but at least we get to meet!

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Good morning ladies :hi


I didn't do much last night. I'm feeling like I don't know what to say this morning :think


Joanne - How long will you be there for your conference? Anywhere near dd that you might get to see her for a lunch or dinner or something?


Stacy - That is alot of time for one class, but there is the extra credit which is decent incentive. If you stay with it, I'm sure you'll get through it fine and if you need any help feel free to ask me and Beth ( I only offer Beth up too since she previously offered the help too :devil ), we wouldn't mind helping you out :hug


LeeAnn - WTG on your orders :cheer:yay What pillow are you looking for? (you may have mentioned, but I don't remember :blush )


Beth - Sorry you had such a rough night and then when you finally were getting some sleep, everyone kept bothering you :hug :hug Enjoy meeting your friends today, a short time is better than none at all :yes

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Hi all,

quick pop in before dinner


I am about 20 miles away from my DD but won't have time to meet up between her work schedule and the conference schedule, but she's coming down in March for my middle Dd's birthday!!!


Off to get ready for dinner-so far the conference is interesting!

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Hello all!


Joanne-how's the conference going? I bet you are learning lots, it is always nice to network.


Beth-sorry to hear that you had a terrible nights rest, did you get to meet with your crochet friend today?


Marisa-I am looking for round pillow forms....I guess I can sew them and stuff them with fiberfill...I will do just that! Lol How was your day?


Stacy-that is a bummer about your math book...grrr.


finished all of my orders, mailed out the Sampler items...didn't get time to crochet but their is always tomorrow. Been working my little tail feather off.


hugs n squishes!

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Amazing! I laid down early last night, then woke up to the alarm this morning. I feel so much better. I hope I'll have some more energy today than yesterday.


Joanne, enjoy your conference.


LeeAnn, got any plans to make things for the baby girls? How exciting to get two new nieces.


Stacy, I hope your math class goes well. I will be most happy to help, if I can. What type of math is it?


Marisa, Have a great Hump Day!

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