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Quick stop in--the clock is ticking!


I had fun at craft club and so happy I went. The group is growing and it's fun to see all kinds of crafters- one lady makes jewelry, another does plastic canvas, one lady is doing a gorgeous embroidered piece and the rest of us either crochet or knit. I finished a scarf in Royal Blue Charisma (for the Giants) and am going to attempt to embroider the NY logo on it --which should be an interesting feat if I can actually do that!


Love the lego soaps--how creative--and the knook scarf came out great, LeeAnn!!1


Hope the band-aid situation is resolved, Beth!


Stacy- Glad that Olive is ok--but I guess swallowing an oil pastel was not a good thing!!

Did the ant situation get taken care of? That's one thing about winter here in the NE--no bugs this time of year!!!


Marisa-It sounds like you had a great birthday weekend- and that dish you mentioned--what is in it?


Gotta run---the time just flies by when I'm here having fun!!!


Have a wonderful day everyone!

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Good morning ladies :hi


I worked another square last night and also got the 11th started :clap


Ok, well halushki is Polish Stacy and it's what most people have as cabbage and noodles. Only traditionally it's made with a potato dumpling and not noodles. But since the dumplings are time consuming and a pain in the badorkus, everyone goes with the noodles. So it's just the potato dumpling (grated potato, grated onion, salt, pepper, egg, and flour to consistency and then drop in lumps into boiling water for cooking) then mixed with sauteed cabbage, onion, and butter. And voila, you have halushki...it's one of my favorites :drool Of course grams always did it the best and she'd call one day at 10 saying there was halushki on the stove and all the grandkids came running! :lol


Stacy - Glad to hear that Olive is feeling better AND that you don't have to waste the other bag of food :whew


Joanne - WTG on the scarf and I'm sure you'll do great with the logo part :yes:xfin

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Hi all!


Joanne, I'm glad you made it to craft group and finished your scarf. :clap Good luck with the embroidery!


Marisa, thanks for explaining halushki. My grandma only cooked a handful of dishes and that is one I hadn't heard of. Sounds yummy! :drool


Leeann, how's it going today? :hug:hug


Beth, did you find something that won't irritate your shoulder? :hug:hug


Eva talked me into doing laundry at home today, so...here I sit, with 3 loads finished and none of them folded. :blush:lol The good news, I guess...I cleaned a bunch yesterday and it stayed that way last night, so I didn't have cleaning to do today. :cheer:lol Tonight I need to finish Eva's blue Angry Bird. Isabella went to school :blah about how I'm making one for Eva, and now her friend wants one. She's a sweet girl, though- so I will make her one when I finish Eva's.


I better scoot. Today is early release, and I should probably fold some of this laundry first.

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Did you get the laundry folded Stacy? I don't mind laundry- and even folding it--it's the putting it away after it's folded that gets me!!:lol I'll bet the Angry bird hat is going to be adorable and every friend will probably want one!:yes


Marisa- wTG on the squares!! And thanks for explaining what halushki is --sounds yummy--but something I wouldn't make since DH is not a fan of cabbage---but may just have to suggest this to DD when I visit in Boston--that's where I usually get to eat things that DH doesn't like!:lol


LeeAnn- Hope you had a wonderful day-- and again, I just love those lego soaps


Beth- Hope you are feeling ok!!!:hug


Off to figure out if I can get what I have in my head onto the scarf in the form of a ny logo!

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Great job, Joanne! :h5


I haven't worked on the Angry Bird, but it's just going to be a little backpack key chain, not a hat. I've seen the hat patterns, but I don't think my kids would wear them.

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Good Evening friends!


Wow! It's almost bed time and I haven't had a chance to get on here and post properly.


Joanne-I was so happy to read that your craft club was fun and filled with so many wonderful folks. That is so neat that you have a variety of crafters! And your scarf looks lovely! I love the NJ on it, very cool. Did you embroider it? Thank you for the compliment on the soaps, they are so much fun to make, it's the shrink wrapping that takes forever. :lol


Beth-how are you feeling? Are you healing?


Stacy-oh my ants? What kind of weather are you having? Does it ever get really cold? The little backpack key chain sounds adorable.:manyheart


Marisa-I have never heard of your dish but it does sound :c9 have you ever eaten Gnokies? they are a potato cake that sounds similar to what you were describing. My friend bought me some at Trader Joe's..talk about yummy! I have found them one time in our local grocery store, my kiddos adore them. They are rather difficult to make.


I had an Etsy sale yesterday and two more today! yippe! I am so excited, had to make a few items, plus run errands, help ds with his school work, laundry, cooking...whew! I am tired but feel like I accomplished quite a bit. We are heading up to my sister's this weekend for the Reveal Party..had to get their Christmas goodies together as well as a few soapy treats for my nephews.


Going to just sit and do nothing...shhhh don't tell the family, they will find something they need. :lol


hugs n squishes!

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:hi remember me? Sorry I've been MIA. Being down a car puts me back in chauffeur mode and I'm not used to that drain on my time.


I couldn't find paper tape, so I tried cloth tape, and didn't like it. My back may have still been irritated from the bandaid, though. I may try that again some time. i still have a red line where the bandaid was. I am using the off-name brand without much problem, except it slipped yeterday, and, well, I ended up pretty uncomfortable with the booboo being right under the bra strap... Stitches come out on Thursday.


Joanne -- you did great on the scarf. Wear it with pride.


LeeAnn -- love the lego soaps. those are just awesome. Do they have a scent? Love the scarf, too.


Stacy -- neither ants nor folding laundry arre fun. Did you get to play any lately? Glad to hear Olive is better.


Marisa -- my kids and I love cabbage. I may need to try your recipe.

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Great job, Joanne! :h5


I haven't worked on the Angry Bird, but it's just going to be a little backpack key chain, not a hat. I've seen the hat patterns, but I don't think my kids would wear them.

Key chain is a great idea!!! I think the hats are cute too- but I like the idea of a backpack key chain so much better!!!!:yes

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Beth- I had forgotten that you were down a car--that does make life challenging!!! Glad to hear that the stitches come out tomorrow!


LeeAnn! Congrats on some more etsy sales!!! WTG!!! Hopefully, you got some quiet time to sit and do nothing! Have fun this weekend!! I have had gnocci-from Trader Joe's---YUM!!! I've never made them from scratch either!!! Oh, and that is actually a "NY" on the scarf. Even though the Giants stadium is located in NJ, they are the NY Giants! Go figure!!!:lol NJ just doesn't get any respect!:lol


Marisa- Do you have any patients lined up for today? How was your evening?


Off to begin Hump Day! 2 more days!!! then it's Super Bowl weekend!!!!

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Good morning ladies :hi


I'm glad the halushki sounds good to all of you :manyheart


So, I had a date last night with a guy I met online :eek Talk about nerve racking!!! Anyhow, while the evening went well and I enjoyed myself....he's just not for me :think So the search continues :lol That being said, I didn't get in any crochet time last night :no


Stacy - WTG on getting your laundry done, I don't mind laundy but I'm not fond of ironing.


Joanne - Awesome job on the scarf :manyheart My dad's not big on alot of foods either, he's a meat and pototoes or pasta kinda guy :yes I do have a patient today coming in at 3 :yay


LeeAnn - Yes, I enjoy gnocci but I've never had trader joes. I use that as my 'go to' make shift halushki ingredient instead of making the difficult homemade potato dumplings, but we want to get it down so I see more practice in our future :lol


Beth - I hope your car situation is resolved soon :xfin and that your 'booboo' doesn't act up on you today :think Maybe a sports bra would be more comfortable right now :think

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Good morning ladies!


Beth-thank you so very much for your order! :hugI love being in business! Brings such joy to create goodies. The Lego soaps are fragranced Blueberry, Crazy Monkey(Banana ish) fragrance, Orange, Strawberry and green Watermelon. they do smell heavenly! I love them and want to use them to build a huge tower. Ouccchhhh! Hope your tender spot feel better. I bet it is tough being a chauffeur. Will your other vehicle be fixed soon?


Joanne-Are you Super Bowl Ready? Do you have special snacks that you like to eat?


Stacy-How's it going?


Marisa-that is so neat that you went out on a date. Dating is tough, so tough to find that "special someone" Ohhh laaa laaa I bet you are excited to keep trying your recipe, keep us posted as I would love to give it a try. Yippee for a new patient!


I have a few orders to ship out,:manyheart we walk today too. The post office is right next to the park, I love it! Early Release as well and a trip to the store...I forgot dish soap yesterday...we have some in Betty but I do not want to pull from there unless absolutely necessary. Best get a move on it..have to color my hair too!


hugs n squishes!:hug:hug:hug

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Joanne, happy Hump Day to you! I hope it goes by fast, and the rest of the week, so you can enjoy Super Bowl Weekend. What do you have planned for enjoying the game? Anybody coming over, or are you going anywhere?


Marisa, See if your sister or her friends know any nice, shy guys, and get set up on a blind date. Shy guys need a bit of training, but they are loyal, passionate, and appreciative. I've been married to my shy guy for 21 years. I was working with his sister who set us up on a blind date. I still thank her every anniversary.


LeeAnn, your items are so cute, they are sure to put a smile on my sister's face, and she needs a good reason to smile. Your prices are so good, it's a great bargain. I'm just sorry I won't be experiencing your goodies in person. Maybe I need to visit my sister... I am in love with the bears and the legos. Tells you how mature I am, right? :lol Your day sounds great. It's supposed to get up to the 70's today, and I haven't walked the pooch yet, so I guess I need to get going. If I can get her out of the sunbeam...


Stacy, I'm glad to hear you are taking Yoga again. You seemed to enjoy it last time. It fits so well with your healthy life style. My dermatologist told me they have yoga in their office after closing time. I think it would be so cool to work somewhere like that.

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Good morning!


Beth, :hug:hug:hug to you! Sorry your booboo keeps getting rubbed by the bra strap. I agree with Marisa- maybe a sports bra would work for now? I hope you can get the car situation resolved soon- I'm sure it is no fun to be chauffeuring again after such a long break. I am super-excited about having another yoga class. It is a different type, so that is why I am able to take it again.


Marisa, :yay for a patient! Sorry you didn't "click" with your date. I think it's neat that you went out with someone you met online- that is how I met my dh. :manyheart Keep your search- the perfect one will come along when the time is right. :yes


Joanne, hope Paradise goes by quickly. Any big plans for the Super Bowl?


Leeann, wonderful idea to keep Betty stocked. :yes Good luck finishing all of your running today. :hug:hug:hug


The ant situation is an ongoing problem, but most days it's just a few here and there. I don't know where they came from the other day- it has been almost 80 here daily. At night it can get down to about 38 or so- but that's the lowest I've ever seen it. I told my dh that I will take ants over any other type of bug, always. :yes Eva has a huge problem with them, though- and the fact that they are in both bathrooms does not help at all. :ohdear We finally bought her big-girl bed (as a reward for using the toilet consistently) and she has decided she would rather go in her pants than use a bathroom with one ant in it. :sigh Hopefully when the really warm weather comes, the ants will stay out. :xfin

Well, I have cookies in the oven (inspired by Beth's FB post :lol) so I better check on them. Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug

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Happy Groundhog day!:pig OK, so that's a pig. They don't have a ground hog smiley.


Stacy, how did your cookies turn out? I used Jules Gluten Free Flour and gluten free oats, and made oatmeal raisin cookies, and they are :drool. Both my sons love them, and they don't have to eat gluten free. I am sorry to hear your daughter dislikes ants so much. I agree about them being my "favorite" bug -- I'd prefer them over any other bug any day -- but it must be so frustrating for her to avoid the bathroom because ants are in there.


Marisa, I hope business continues to pick up for you. What type of workout do you do?


LeeAnn, do you and your son walk often? It was such a perfect day for outdoor activities here in Virginia. It was up to 70 degrees yesterday. Not normal for the first of February.


Joanne, Happy Almost Friday! I hope things are going well with your project at work. Does it have a completion date, when things will get more normal for you?


Well, today will be fun. I take my daughter to class and meet a friend at a nearby park. We will sit and crochet and talk for an hour, then I go pick up my dd. I get my stitches out. Then I'm done. Tomorrow, we are going on a field trip to the Chrysler Art Museum in Norfolk, Virginia. I am really excited about it.

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Good morning!

Since you are all asking about the Super Bowl- we are going to DD and SIL's house- they have been hosting a super bowl party for several years now. Last year at their Super Bowl party they announced that DD was pregnant-- this year will be Ryan's first Super Bowl--and it's great that it is our team playing in it!! Go Giants!!!


I need to get ready so can't post more now--but wanted to pop in and wish you all a great Thursday-- Hugs to all!

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Beth- you and I posted at the same time!!! Sounds like a nice day on tap for you today and tomorrow!!! I forgot it's Ground Hog Day!!! Yesterday was in the 60's here! So strange for Feb!! The project is scheduled to finish end of Sept--but I wouldn't be surprised if it took a little longer--so the end is a ways off!


Off to get ready!

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Top of the morning friends! And Happy Ground Hog Day!


Beth-sounds like you have a great day scheduled and getting :hook is the best! Your upcoming trip to the museum sounds like so much fun! I love museums, what part of the museum is your favorite? Ds and I walk three days a week, his idea of walking is like speed walking. We do 2 huge laps around the park in less than 20 minutes...gets my heart pumping. I like it most days, but on occasion I would rather be lazy. He motivates me to exercise 30 min per day. Sweet guy! I mailed out your package yesterday afternoon. :clap


Joanne-what great plans for the Super Bowl. Since we will be driving home, I think we will miss it. Maybe their will be less traffic?:devil


Marisa-did your patient stop in? sure hope so.


Stacy-ants are pesky but my favorite bug. Since it is so cold here we hardly ever have bugs..:cheer I guess that is one good thing about freezing cold weather.


Today we are supposed to be getting a snow storm, I hope it hits today so that the roads will be clear tomorrow. Other than that, going to pack, tidy up and try to rest a little. I know that my sister is going to put me to work on Saturday...cooking, cleaning, entertaining...


hugs n squishes!

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Hello ladies :hi


Not feeling so hot today, I'm getting a cold...well, I think it settled in already and it sure didn't take it's time doing so. I guess I'd rather it that way instead of lingering around. Just get it over with :think:yes


Beth - I usually do cardio on my elliptical and I have a weight bench, some free weights, and my exercise ball that I use for toning. It's convenient because I have all those things in my office so I'll work out while I'm here.

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Feel better Marisa!!


LeeAnn- Hope the snow storm cooperates so you'll have no trouble traveling. Not sure what time you are coming home Sunday- game is 6:40 EST so that would put it at 3:40 your time right?


Off to get 'breakfast' for dinner--didn't get home till 7!!!

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Happy Friday ladies :tea


I'm feeling pretty much the same as yesterday so am pumping in the hot tea :yes I skipped my workout yesterday so we'll see how I feel as the day goes on here. I need to try to get my tax information together. I finished my last sunflower square last night and started joining them. I have 12 squares so it's 3x4 and measuring at about 31"x40" before the border. Do you think that's ok for a bridal shower gift or do I need to suck it up and make it bigger?

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Top of the morning ladies!


yupperrrrsss...no traveling for us..their is a Winter Blizzard and Storm in Denver, they have about 12 inches of snow and are continuing to get more. This storm broke a record from 100 years ago. Some parts of CO have 22 inches of snow...here in the San Luis Valley where I live, we have nothing.:lol All of my family members are upset, sad and disappointed but our safety is our main concern.


Marisa-:hughope the tea helps and you feel better soon. The afghan, do you think it will cover the top of a bed? that is always my rule of thumb, if it fits across at least a full size bed, doesn't have to drape over a lot but then I think it is big enough. My bestie Rose always makes teeny tiny ghans, they are like toddler size. :devil


Joanne-Happy TGIF to you! Hope your day flies by! Go Giants!:hug


Stacy-what is on your agenda for the day?:hug


Beth-chauffeuring today?:hug


dh has made a late breakfast, homemade pancakes..must gobble at least one up before the kiddos attack them. Hugs n squishes!

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