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Some good clean fun?!

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Good morning -- quick fly-by -- I have my "surgery" this morning on the mole on my back. I'm glad it's getting taking care of -- hasn't healed all the way from the first of December when it was snipped off, but I think it's because it's right under my bra strap. Won't this be fun! Gotta walk the dog and finish in the kitchen, and haven't mopped yet, so i'd like to get that done before 8:30 this morning (or I'll have to get someone else to do it later.... Hmmmmmm.... :think That may be an idea... :devil)


Have a good one, Ladies! Lots of hugs.

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Good morning

Good luck today Beth- I'll be thinking positive thoughts for you!!! And, I think that having someone else do the mopping sounds like a fabulous idea!!!!


Stacy-Ah, good ole' fundraisers!! I saw the pic of Isabella rockin it at Chuck E Cheese so I know you made it there this year! It was a great pic. I think that it's a good idea to have DH come with you to speak to the principal. As much as I hate to say that women have come along way, I do agree with Beth that for some reason, having a man when speaking to anything involved with schools seems to carry more weight. Sad, but true.


LeeAnn- I was very happy to spend some time with my GS last evening. Went there after work- and spent a couple of hours there- it was wonderful!!!!


Marisa- Yay for another patient! Crab chowder sure sounds good. It's not something I'd make because DH is not a fan of crabs or of clams for that matter!! It would just be too much for me! WTG on the sunflower ghan squares!! It's really coming along- and I'll be you will have it finished in time before the mystery ghan starts!


Have a good one everybody---and hugs and good thoughts again for Beth!

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Good Morning!


Beth-positive thoughts and warm hugs headed your way! Did ya get them?:) Seriously, hoping everything goes well and that one of your inventions can mop for you.:hug


Joanne-I was so happy to read that you were able to spend time with Ryan, AWESOME! I hope that you do not have to work too late this evening, perhaps you can treat yourself to something since you have been putting in so many hours:hug


Marisa-did your patient make it in? How was it?


Stacy-saw your pic on FB as well, what a cutie!


I had another etsy sale.:cheer another lotion bar, so happy tho. I have been trying to network as they say. It is time consuming but I think it will be worth it. Today ds has a homeschool group meet up. He hasn't gone in about 2 months as he is usually swamped with homework, or the time doesn't work for us. They have it at 1:00 but no one shows up until 1:30-2, we have to pick up dd at 3. But we are going to try our best to make it. Also have a few lotion bars that I need to whip up for a friend..:D and add the new scrubs to my site...oh and of course a little bit of tidying up. I have been working hard to keep the house tidy, the family is on board. It is soo WOnderful!


BBL! Hugs n squishes!

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Good morning ladies :hi


Stacy - Did the girls have fun at Chuck E Cheese? I'm sure they did. If I lived closer, I'd order something for your fundraising :yes


LeeAnn - I'm glad to hear you didn't overdo it yesterday when you were feeling overwhelmed :hug WTG on your orders :cheer My patient was great and she might actually be bringing her kids in on SUNDAY! Yep, you heard me right :lol But what can I say. I know she has a really hectic schedule with them and they are very active in a wide range of activities so she's been trying to work something out for a few weeks now and it's just not meshing, so she's going to call me and let me know. Plus, she's one of my sister's coworkers. One of my other patient's had also called in the afternoon and asked if he could come in, so I had 2 yesterday :yay


Beth - Sending positive thoughts out to you and hoping that you no longer have any problems with that mole after today, but your right, under the bra strap is a horrible place for healing :(:hug


Joanne - :yay for Ryan time.

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Beth- Saw on FB that all went well- and that you get to rest for an entire week!!! Let those inventions of yours help out (which I'm sure they will) and enjoy the mandated rest time!!!


LeeAnn- WTG on the sales!! So happy for you!!! I left work close to on time which is good- had dinner, laundry is on and I'm relaxing the rest of the evening- making some 'me ' time!!!


Marisa- So happy that the patient list is growing!!!!!!


Off to crochet for a bit- either a scarf I'm working on with Mosaic yarn or the RR--or maybe a little bit of both!

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Marisa, :bday I hope you have a wonderful day and weekend. Any exciting plans?


Joanne, Happy Friday to you! I know you have been working long hours. You will still get your weekend off, I hope. Any Ryan time in your near future?


LeeAnn, So glad your Etsy sales are picking up. It is awesome to bring in a little income doing something you love. I love those fishies in the bag. Is the "bag" made from soap, too?


Stacy, Thinking of you and your girls. I hope everything is going well for you. Get any good books read to you lately? :manyheart

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Good morning and thank you for the birthday wished ladies :hug


I worked on a square last night to mail out, still have a round or 2 to go though to reach the 12", but the pattern part of it is done so the rest will be quick :yes


Joanne - WTG on your rr :clap


Beth - How did your surgery go yesterday? We're going out for Thai tonight, but that's all since I have a patient in the morning. I think we're getting together with friends tomorrow night though for some drinks :wink


LeeAnn - A lot of posts seem to be getting lost lately :think:( I hope you have a great day.

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Beth- Hope you are continuing to rest!!! I am going into work tomorrow for about 4 hours- but I really don't mind because I'll have peace and quiet and can actually get some things done!!! DH has plans for the morning too so itll work out--the only thing not happening is my usual Sat morning routine of cleaning...I told DH we really have to look into the cleaning lady---but right now finances are a little tight- so don't think that is happening just yet!:(


Marisa- Have fun tonight--I love Thai food-:manyheart my DH doesn't so the only time I have it usually is if I go out with any one of my DD's!!!


LeeAnn- It does seem that quite a few posts are being lost lately! Strange!!! Hope you had a good day---You too, Stacy!!!!!:hug

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Nothing new to report since last night!:lol


Wishing you all a good Saturday! I've already told DH that after work, I'm taking some mandated 'me' time!!! Will probably do some:crocheting and I also am in desperate need of a manicure--and want to treat myself to that too!

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Good morning, and Happy Saturday! I walked the dog -- can't believe how nice it is here for the end of January. I am afraid that February may try to make up for it (and it's armed with an extra day this year.) I am meeting with one of my IRL crochet friends. She is the one who took me to the doc for my procedure. I'm doing pretty well. It's hard to get comfortable -- I guess I sleep in yoga poses, because it seems I want to stretch that shoulder too much to get comfortable. The bandage comes off today, so I hope to do better tonight.


Joanne, i'm glad you have a quick day today. I hope you get everything done you need to do. The cleaning lady sounds really good to me. I hope you can swing that soon. You deserve it.


Marisa, enjoy your birthday weekend. I hope you are having fun. A lot of Thai food is gluten free.


Stacy, are you working this weekend? Got any fun plans with those girls of yours?


LeeAnn, i'm always excited to hear what you are up to. It's fun to see the gorgeous creations you make.

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Good morning ladies :hi


I'm still trying to wake up :lol Just a quick stop to check in. Our food was wonderful last night and we enjoyed ourselves. Morning just came a little too early.


Well, I just listened to my messages and my patient had an emergency out of town and had to cancel. I guess I should've check my office messages before I left the house :think


On that note, I'll finish checking in with everyone here and then head home and crawl back into bed.

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Good morning!


Marisa, happy belated birthday!! :birthday:birthday Hope it was a fun day, with lots of :cake.


Joanne, Leeann, Beth- lots of :hug:hug:hug.


Yesterday, I got a text while at the laundromat that my BIL and family were on their way to visit. :blush So...I rushed home, only to find that Olive had diarrhea and it was all over the carpet in both hallways. :sigh And the carpet cleaner was broken. So I had to run to the store for a replacement part, run back to clean the carpets, put Olive in the bathroom while I picked up the girls, and when I came back, she had gone all over the bathroom, too. :yuck We think it's the dog food, so I had to go out this morning and buy a new bag. I also have to work in half an hour, and I'm still in jammies. :lol Too bad I can't wear them to work.


Anyway, time to go get ready. Have a great day! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Top of the morning to ya all!


Beth-I bet you are so happy that the bandage is coming off today.:hug That is awesome that you get to meet with your crochet buddy. How fun! Are you working on the gigantic green ghan?


Joanne-a mani sounds like the perfect "me time" for you!:hug I hope that you can get one. What colors of nail polish do you like? Have you seen the new crackle polish? it's really neat.!


Stacy-oh my gosh! Poor you, having to clean up after Olive. :hug Is she feeling better? Did your company make it to your house?


Marisa-sorry to hear that your patient cancelled, hope you were able to go back home and crawl in bed. So happy that you had an awesome birthday!:hug


yesterday was pretty busy. One of my dear friends was selling her Sensi goodies at our local college. She had ordered some items from me and also asked me if I wanted to set up a corner near her and sell. Of course, I was more than happy to do just that. Sold a few items, the cupcake soaps were a hit as well as the champagne bubble bath and lotion bars...of course. I have a few more items that I have made and still haven't put them on my site...gosh, I need to get with the program. I joined an Out of The Box Sampler Team, it is soo much fun! Lots do with it as well an Easter Egg hunt, I will share all of those details as soon as I get more info.


Oh, and also worked on the knook scarf. I am trying my hardest to get it finished so that I can post it to the WIP cal. here's a sneak peak at the items that will soon be added to my site. the little bears are Red Hot Cinnamon Scented, they are soaps...and oh so adorable! The other is a gift set (Strawberry Scented)


Hugs n squishes!




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Good morning!


LeeAnn- the soaps are adorable! You seem to have really found your niche!!! Can't wait to see the knook scarf! I saw the knook set at ACMoore and may just have to purchase it--with a 50% off coupon, of course!!! For now, I hope to do a little more on my knitted scarf since I haven't worked on that in 3 wks since the last time I went to craft club- I'm definitely setting it on my agenda to go tomorrow night- no matter how much work there is!!!


Beth- Why does your husband rock? (loved that post on FB, BTW) Hope you are feeling better every day!!!


Stacy- Did you and DH ever get to talk to Mia's principal yet? I know things are busy!!! And oh, my, what a day with Olive!!! Any better today? :hug



Marisa- Sorry to hear that the patient cancelled--and you made the trip to the office for nothing--Did you get to go back to sleep?



I worked till about 12:30, then went and bought myself some yarn for the Bernat Mystery Cal--I was going to use stash, but decided to treat myself for all the hours I've been and will be working!! Also got my manicure :c9 and met my DD and GS at a consignment shop that recently opened that has some great deals. I went to Costco last night to get that out of the way- and it was crazy and I was only getting 3 things. Wonder why they don't have an express lane there? :think Most people that go there have full carts, but with DH and I the only ones here, there are only a few things that I ever buy in bulk! It was a full day--but very little got done in the cleaning dept! Going to tackle the "must do" things as soon as I log off, then later going to meet my co-workers baby who was born on New Year's Eve!!


Have a wonderful day!

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Good Morning friends!


Joanne-:clap:cheerfor new yarn! You deserve it for sure! What colors did you get? A new consignment shop sounds like fun too, and spending time with your dd and gs as well. :manyheart I bet you will pick up knooking since you have learned how to knit, it seems to take me forever but I am determined to stick with it. :yes


Today I must start laundry, seems like it is never done, I really do not mind but I like to take a few days off. Made a few more soapy goodies yesterday, can't wait to share pics with all of you! Will take them and upload 'em in a few.


hugs n squishes!

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Hi friends!


BIL and his family left, and not a moment too soon. My step-niece is rather snobby and she's only 14...SIL doesn't see anything wrong with it, but it's to the point of rude. :ohdear It was wonderful to see my little niece, though- Eva just adores her. They even shared Eva's toddler bed last night. It was so cute.

This morning, we took the kiddos to mini-golf, then out to breakfast. It was fun. I work later today. The manager offered me the lead cashier position, which I think I will take. Dh and I talked about it yesterday, and it's a pay increase with basically the same amount of hours, so it makes sense. :yes


Leeann, your soapy goodies are adorable! You are so talented and really seem to have hit a stride with them. WTG! :cheer


Joanne, :clap for new yarn. :hug:hug Have fun meeting the new baby! I don't know about your Costco, but here, if you have less than 10 items, they will help you at the cigarette counter so you don't have to wait in the long lines.


Beth, how is your back feeling today? :hug:hug I bet those inventions are taking good care of you. :manyheart


Marisa, sorry to hear your client cancelled. Glad you had a wonderful birthday. :yay


I can't believe it's already 1 p.m.! :eek I had planned to start an Angry Bird for Eva, so I better get going. Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug



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Good Morning friends!


Joanne-:clap:cheerfor new yarn! You deserve it for sure! What colors did you get? A new consignment shop sounds like fun too, and spending time with your dd and gs as well. :manyheart I bet you will pick up knooking since you have learned how to knit, it seems to take me forever but I am determined to stick with it. :yes I got birch white (main color), aqua frost, sea goddess, butter and colonial beige (also got some navy because I couldn't decide if I was going to use the beige or the navy:lol)


Today I must start laundry, seems like it is never done, I really do not mind but I like to take a few days off. Made a few more soapy goodies yesterday, can't wait to share pics with all of you! Will take them and upload 'em in a few.


hugs n squishes!


Hi friends!


BIL and his family left, and not a moment too soon. My step-niece is rather snobby and she's only 14...SIL doesn't see anything wrong with it, but it's to the point of rude. :ohdear It was wonderful to see my little niece, though- Eva just adores her. They even shared Eva's toddler bed last night. It was so cute.

This morning, we took the kiddos to mini-golf, then out to breakfast. It was fun. I work later today. The manager offered me the lead cashier position, which I think I will take. Dh and I talked about it yesterday, and it's a pay increase with basically the same amount of hours, so it makes sense. :yes:clap:clap They must really like you Stacy (what's not to like?) I would do it too- more $, same hours- sounds like a win-win to me!!!!


Leeann, your soapy goodies are adorable! You are so talented and really seem to have hit a stride with them. WTG! :cheer


Joanne, :clap for new yarn. :hug:hug Have fun meeting the new baby! I don't know about your Costco, but here, if you have less than 10 items, they will help you at the cigarette counter so you don't have to wait in the long lines.

I didn't know that- next time I'm there, I'll have to check that out!!!

Beth, how is your back feeling today? :hug:hug I bet those inventions are taking good care of you. :manyheart


Marisa, sorry to hear your client cancelled. Glad you had a wonderful birthday. :yay


I can't believe it's already 1 p.m.! :eek I had planned to start an Angry Bird for Eva, so I better get going. Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug



Had a great visit with my friend- I picked up another friend and we went together and had a great visit!!! The baby is so cute--forgot already how tiny they are at almost a month!!! She also has a 7 year old daughter, and she is such a great 'big sister'. It was a nice, relaxing afternoon!!!!:manyheart

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Hello all, sorry i didn't pop in earlier. I slept in, then had to rush to walk the dog, get the grocery shopping done and put up, and lunch cooked. It's been a day. My dd is the best one for keeping me from overdoing. She's not overly fond of children, but she's great at mothering me. Yesterday, I found a recliner on craigslist, and bought it for just $20. I have been enjoying it whenever I can get my dog out of it. It usually has at least one cat in it, too. Great place to sit and crochet.


Joanne, the colors you got sound lovely. can't wait to see the finished project. I can't wait to see what the project is going to be! I'm excited for a mystery. It is amazing how tiny new babies look. I see one that looks like it must be premature, and it's over 7 pounds, and my twins were 3 1/2 pounds. Can't believe they were ever that small.


Stacy, congrats on the promotion. I think that is awesome. What new responsibilities will you have? Sorry your older niece is rude. I'm glad the young one is a joy. Family -- can't change them, can't pick them, gotta love them.


LeeAnn, you are amazing. I love your projects. The cinnamon bears sound very appealing to me, but I love the strawberry scrubby too.


Marisa, so sorry you went to work early when your client cancelled. Will you be able to reschedule soon?


It's past bedtime, so I should go. Oh, do any of you have any ideas of what I can use in place of a bandaid on my back? I'm having an allergic reaction to the adhesive, but I need to keep this covered, all the cat and dog hair in my house....


Gentle hugs on the right side to all of you...

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Beth- Aren't daughters wonderful?:yes


How about trying a piece of gauze with paper tape to hold it on? Or self-adhering first aid tape?I had some blood work drawn and I must have had a slight reaction to it because when I took it off it was all red and itchy!! Never had a reaction to band-aids before!! Maybe they have changed the adhesive they are putting in them!


Great deal on the recliner!!!:clap

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Top of the morning ladies!


It's Monday...not sure how I feel about that, yet:lol


Beth-ouch! I hope that you find relief, I agree with Joanne, maybe a softer tape and gauze. Band-aides really stick, I know that that is what they are supposed to do, but working with little one's it can be difficult to remove the band-aid to be tricky and sometimes painful. :hug:hug:hug Gentle hugs! Your new recliner sounds :c9 what a great find!


Joanne-so hoping that you make it to craft club tonight, I know how much you look forward to them. :hugYour new colors for your ghan are stunning! oh my! Reminds me of the ocean....purrrtttyy! I bet you are pumped to start the mystery ghan. :clap:cheer


Stacy-sorry to hear about your niece being a little naughty, it is difficult at times. We have a few naughty kiddos in our family, they know that they can not get away with it with "Aunty Lee" coz I just pull out my preschool voice...:rofl:rofl that usually does the trick...plus I can talk forever...about consequences, and how does that make you feel...and this is how that made me feel....:lol did you get your crocheting mitt done?


Marisa-:hughow was your weekend? Did you get to go back home to rest or perhaps relax? Are you participating in the Mystery ghan as well?


Yesterday ended up being crazy. My in-laws called to ask if they could come over...I love it that they call! Anyhow...it was funny coz we all started cleaning like crazy..got everything done in about an hour! Then I had to run to the store for groceries. I wanted to fix them lunch..back home to unload, fix lunch and spend time with them. Dear father in-law asked me to give him a hair cut, did that and ds's as well, then had to sweep, vacuum. After they left, I sat and made myself finish the scarf! wohooo! yep I finished it as well as the new Lego soaps that I had started...then homework with ds, manin and pedi for dd and finally time for bed...whew!


here's a sneak peak of the new soaps and scarf. hugs n squishes!




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Good morning ladies :hi


After I went home on Saturday, the whole day was relaxing. We watched tv, napped, crocheted, watched tv, napped again, crocheted some more until we went out to meet friends at the bar to celebrate my birthday (again) :wink


Yesterday we ran some errands and then were trying to make Halushki with my grandma's recipe and failed so started over and still had issues. My mom doesn't know what we did wrong because half came out ok and half didn't, but it was all done together :think I guess we need another lesson :shrug But that took the better part of the day. After that, it was more relaxing :lol I have 9 square to my ghan done and finished the 2nd square to mail both out today (I had to go back and fix it since I didn't have enough black to finish the last side of the last round :sigh I had another black, but they were clearly different). And I worked on my long running knit sweater. Finished the hook and am now on to edging when I sit with it again :lol


Stacy - So sorry to hear that Olive was sick :hug Is she better after changing her food? WTG on your promotion to lead cashier, that's awesome :hug:h5


LeeAnn - Awesome eye candy :drool Great job on the treats, the soaps, and the scarf :yes I have some of the shatter nail polish (same as crackle, just a different brand I think) it's so fun. I AM doing the bernat mystery ghan again, and my sister is going to give it a shot as well. I'm just going to use yarn from my stash, but we do need to get out to pick some up for my sister. I haven't actually looked into my stash yet to pick colors though :think:lol I'm such a procrastinator :shrug


Joanne - We run up to Sam's pretty frequently so we always only have a few items in our cart as well.


Beth - I'll have to call my patient, but I'm assuming I won't see her til Saturday. That's the day she usually comes since the weekdays are hard with her work schedule.

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Good morning!


Marisa, your weekends always sound so fun! :cheer Sorry the halushki didn't turn out. What is it, exactly? Sounds like a Polish dish. :think And now I want pierogi. :lol


Joanne, glad you had a nice, relaxing day with your friends and the baby. I hope you make it to craft club tonight!


Leeann, your soaps are SO cute!! How creative. Your scarf is pretty, too. Is that the pattern from the knook book? Sounds like you had a super-busy weekend, but super-fun, too. :yes


Beth, I agree with the others- try a soft gauze pad with the paper tape. :hug:hug Hope you find some relief soon. And I'm happy to hear that your wonderful dd is making sure you don't overdo it. :manyheart


Olive is feeling better, thank goodness. Turns out, she opened Isabella's art supply box and ate an entire oil pastel. :eek It re-emerged yesterday :yuck and now she is fine. :whew

My work is cut out for me today- we have an ant situation in our bathroom but they usually stay right next to the shower. Well, I went in there this morning, and there are ants all over the sink, toilet, trash, etc. So I need to do a thorough cleaning. Later, I need to run to school and pay Eva's tuition, then price out a couple of books at the bookstore.


Better get going. Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug

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