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Hello there!


Joanne-why stuff? :clap Is it still coming down? I don't like driving on icy roads, so glad that you can stay home and get your stuff done. :hug


Stacy-oh my gosh! After reading your post, I got a little worried, walking home? Are you sure that is safe? how far is it? Don't I sound like your mother, sorry but I was worried. Glad that you had an escort.


Beth-how was the swim meet? Is your son not going to swim anymore?


Marisa-hello there! Whatcha up to?


I woke up early, had to clean the kitchen..dh was supposed to wash dinner dishes but he was feeling a little under the weather...I do not like getting up to a dirty kitchen...but all is well. :yes Joined a Sampler Box thru Etsy, you have to mail in samples of your products and business cards, they in turn put boxed together and sell them and in turn promote your business on their website. It gets your name out there...wish me luck!


also have a little bit of sewing to do. My sister is having a Reveal Party in about 2 weeks, I want to make her a bag and some other goodies to carry all of her things in to work.


Oh and I have also started blogging...kinda...trying to figure it out. Anyhow, here's my link, let me know if it does not work.




hugs n squishes!

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Snow stopped around noon I think! DH and I shoveled together- and took it easy doing it--it really wasn't worth dragging the snowblower out! I did a little cleaning, laundry and then spent the afternoon either reading or crocheting.


LeeAnn- the start of your blog is looking good!!!! You have really taken off with your little business ! So happy for you!


Marisa- Hope you have a good rest of the weekend! And thanks for rooting for the Giants tomorrow!


Stacy and Beth- Hope you are having a great Saturday!

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:cheer:clap:cheerGO GIANTS :cheer:clap:cheer


Good morning!


Hope you all have a nice relaxing Sunday! I'm going to do some work from Paradise since I didn't do any of it yesterday! Then later this afternoon it's all going to be football and crochet time! :hook

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Good morning,


Joanne, I'm glad the white stuff stopped early. I would appreciate it if you would keep it up there. People down here go nuts if they see flakes. I had a co-worked who bragged that if she saw snowflakes falling, she'd go off the road. Yeah, they don't know how to drive in accumulation here. I hope you get your Paradise work done, so you can enjoy your football/crochet time. Are you working on the RR? What colors is it?


LeeAnn, I can't believe you are adding "blogger" to your list of accomplishments. You are an amazing young woman. Congratulations on how well things are going for you. I am proud to know you.


Marisa, speaking of amazing young women. Are you having a great weekend? I hope you didn't work too hard.


Stacy, How do you like your classes? How are the kids doing? How is work? I'm so glad you post pics of your kids on facebook. They are so adorable, but growing so fast.


Well, I am rather proud of myself. I walked the dog a mile, did the grocery shopping, put up the groceries, and made lunch already, and it's only 10:37 a.m. The chili is simmering until it's needed. When I step away from the computer, I will work on the J.G.G. afghan. I tutor today, and have a roast scheduled for dinner tonight.

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Beth- WTG on getting so much accomplished already this morning!!! It's a rather cold day- but no snow falling so it's all good.

I did as much work as I intend to do for today. Still have lots to do- but it'll have to wait for work hours!


Chili sounds perfect for a Sunday- and roast for dinner- YUM! When is dinner being served? LOL


Have a good day everyone- I'm off to don my Giants gear and settle in for a relaxing afternoon!!

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Top of the morning ladies!


Beth-can I just say, you are AMAZING! All of you are! I would never have been able to blog, crochetville or Etsy, I had never heard of any of them until I had been here in the Ville. Thank you for the loveliest of compliments, you all are the best!


Joanne-you are on the ball! Work done now time to relax with :hook and the Giants Game! Go Giants! :think


Yesterday was busy but fun. I crafted quite a few different soaps, want to take pics and get them on my blog and website to share with all of you...also have new ideas floating in my head..:devil for a children's soap line. Can't wait!


My mom came over yesterday to pick up my brother, the kiddos had a good time. It was just what we needed. Also visited with my mom.


best get my tush in gear, my craft corner is looking scary but will soon be back to normal...


hugs n squishes!

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Ever so tired today. We are down a car, and the juggling of transportation is going to be a bit of an issue until we get Old Blue (the Oldsmobile) back up and running again. This will get really complicated if I get called into jury duty tomorrow. I haven't been called in yet, but it hasn't been this inconvenient before.


Joanne, I'm glad your team is going to the Super Bowl. Did you get any crocheting done?


LeeAnn, Your blog is awesome. I had no doubts.


Stacy, I hope you haven't been buried in homework.


Marisa, I hope you had a wonderful, relaxing, fun weekend.


I didn't even pull out the JGG afghan yesterday. I guess I needed a break.

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Good morning!

Good luck with the juggling act with the transportation, Beth!

I did get some crocheting done yesterday- I made a couple of hats and a few headbands with wool-ease thick and quick and then started a scarf with Bernat Mosaic that I had in stash.


It's going to be another long day- especially since I was so hyped up last night after the game---time for another cup of coffee


LeeAnn- Love the little fish soap you posted on FB.


Marisa- Hope you enjoyed the weekend and the football games!


Stacy- How'd you do on the Math placement exam?

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Good afternoon ladeis :hi


I had a great weekend. When I left on Saturday, I stopped for chinese food on the way home and then my sister and I kinda had a lazy day. She was making some soup when I got home so everything was already chopped up and then I helped her with some other stuff and we sat and crocheted and watched tv. Yesterday I helped her clean out the kitchen cabinets and then we headed out to celebrate Ingrid's bday and were out all day :eek I'll be rooting for the Giants to win the superbowl :clap:yay:cheer And now I'm here. I have some calls to make and things to get together but it always takes me forever to catch up in here on Monday's :think Then I'm going to work out. THEN, I'll do some work :lol


Beth - May I just say that I think we are all amazing women in here :yes I hope the car situation works out :her


I hope you all have a wonderful Monday :hug

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Hello there!


Been a teeny tiny bit busy..


Marisa-sounds like you had an excellent weekend!:hug


Joanne-happy that your team won and are going to the Super Bowl, when is it?


Beth-oh my! Hope your car situation works itself out. I bet it's hard.


Stacy-how ya doing?


Not much to report, did make an Etsy sale.:clap:clap have a few more goodies that I want to add as well. Best get a move on it, ds and I have been walking at least 3 times a week. Have to run to the post office first.


BBL! hugs n squishes!

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Congrats on the sale, LeeAnn!!


Beth- Hope that you were able to figure out the juggling act with the car. When will "Old blue" be fixed? Did you hear if you have to go to jury duty?


Marisa= Sounds like another good weekend for you in Pitt!!! You sure do seem to have very full weekends!!!


Got home from work at7:30 tonight!!! These hours are getting a little crazy! I missed craft club tonight and DH was surprised when I walked in the door. I'm definitely going to make it next Monday!

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Good morning, Another sleepy day.


The car situation is just taking a bit of adjusting on everyone's part. For instance, my oldest son arraqnged for a date with his girlfriend on Friday, my younger son arranged for a "play date" with a friend of his who will be off from school on Friday, and I meet Shrimp Boy at the library to tutor on Friday. We just need to schedule all those so they don't conflict. Unless my husband and number 2 son get the car fixed and I get in reinspected by then.


Joanne, how did you handle those long hours after your exciting evening of football the night before? I hope you aren't wearing yourself out. So sorry you missed your craft club - I know how much you enjoy it.


LeeAnn, congrats on your etsy sale, and on walking 3 times a week.


Marisa, Mmmmmmm Chinese!!! Did I tell you about the gluten free chinese restaurant in Ohio? Ohhh baby, :drool I want to go back! What type of soup did your sister make?


Stacy, Adorable picture you posted on facebook. Your babies are getting too big too fast, though.

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HI all,

I fell asleep last night at 8:30 in my chair with the laptop on!!! Woke up at 10 and then went to bed again at 11!!! Crazy!


Working till at least 5:30 tonight since I have a meeting from 4-5. tomorrow I hope to get out earlier so I can go see my GS-- I miss his smiling face and he's just what I need to get re-energized!!


Stacy- Eva and her purple bear were so cute!!! Loved the pic and it put a smile on my face. They are just growing up so fast.


Today my GS is 6 mos old--can't believe how the time is flying by....speaking of time--I'd better get ready! Have a good day!

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Good morning ladies :hi


I had a whole lazy day yesterday. I didn't really get anything done here yesterday (aside from reactivating my really old match.com profile....I guess I had a lapse of sensible thinking :lol:shrug ) Then last night I just layed down and watched tv...I can't tell you the last time I watched tv and not doing something else at the same time :think I guess I really wasn't feeling very well overall. I've had a nagging headache since last week and then last night some cramps too :(:shrug But, today's a new day :yes


LeeAnn - WTG on the Etsy sale :clap:yay And great job with the walking.


Joanne - My weekends are full :lol Sorry you missed craft club, but Ryan will be waiting to make you smile later today :wink


Beth - Good luck on Friday and working out the car situation :hug That is definitely not easy :no My sister made Maryland crab chowder/soup.....that's the tomato based one right? I always mix them up :blush


Stacy - Hope all is well in your neck of the woods. Did your semester start?

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Evening all!


Marisa-glad that you were able to take a break and relax. :-) I have never eaten clam chowder, can you believe that?


Beth-did you get everything worked out? Any time to crochet?


Joanne-you sure did have a late day yesterday, bet you are exhausted! hugs!


Finally made the sugar scrubs and a few soapy goodies. Going to add them to my site tomorrow. This evening dd has a function at her school and ds has Boy Scouts. Dh and I are breaking up and each going to something. I feel tired today...hmmm...maybe I am coming down with a cold.


best get a move! Hugs n squishes!

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Another long day- and I forgot that DD works on Tuesday- so I'm going to see Ryan tomorrow after work- already told my boss that I HAVE to leave on time tomorrow- no matter what is waiting to be done!!! Didn't get home tonight until 7:30!!!!!


Hope you are not coming down with something LeeAnn- but you have been going like the Energizer bunny- remember to rest!!!


Marisa- Hope that the headaches/cramps go away! I hate nagging headaches--used to get them every month back in the day when I used to have a visit every month(if you catch my drift) As soon as my 'friend' visited, the headache went away!


Off to crochet for an hour before calling it a night!

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Good evening! Later, evening, though, I suppose. Dh and I are supposed to be filing our taxes and filling out our FAFSA forms, but...well...:sigh I got discouraged and gave up. :blush


Joanne, :cheer for going to see Ryan tomorrow! Happy half-birthday to him. He is growing so quickly, I'm sure.


Beth, good luck getting the car situation worked out! I'm sure it is difficult to coordinate schedules when multiple teenagers are involved. :lol I guess you didn't get called in to jury duty. :clap Any crocheting today?


Leeann, :hug:hug:hug hope you are not getting sick. Remember to take time out and rest, just for you. :yes


Marisa, hope the headache and cramps go away. I get them each for about 3 or 4 days and it seems as though nothing helps. Good luck with your match.com profile. :wink


I am sleepy and grumpy. Taxes aside, we are still having problems with Mia's teacher, as well as another child, whose parent actually approached and confronted me. :angry It's frustrating. I'm trying not to let it get me down, but Mia doesn't even want to go to school now because she is afraid she will be blamed for something.

My semester starts on Feb. 6th. Also, I placed into intermediate algebra, which was surprising because the assessment shut off automatically after about 10 questions. :lol Luckily, I was able to get into a math class. It's another daily class, but I'm not crazy enough to take one of those again at 8 a.m.! It starts at 11. :lol

Well, I better scoot. Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug:hug

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Quick pop-in-

Stacy- Good luck with Mia's teacher- have you talked to the principal? WTG on placing in Intermediate Algebra-and 11 start was a good move!!! Need to be wide awake for a Math class!!!


Beth, LeeAnn, Marisa---hope Hump Day is a good one for you!!!

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Good morning, Kind of proud of myself: I already walked the dog and cleaned the dining room (just needs mopped, but I'll wait until I've done all the rooms, and mop all at once.)


Joanne, Happy Hump Day to you. I hope you get some good Ryan time in. Happy 1/2 birthday to him. Doesn't seem possible that it's been 6 months already.


Stacy, I feel your pain with the school. Talking to the principal is a good idea, but if you could get your hubby to go with, things will be a lot better for you. Almost universally, "educrats" respond better to male adults than to female. They feel that mothers are overly protective, but there's more respect for an involved father. Stupid, I know, but that's what I've seen in my years working with and for the school system. I wish I could help you with your algebra class. I love algebra. It's so much fun.


LeeAnn, when I read that you and your husband were going to break up (to take the two kids to two events at the same time) I momentarily freaked, because my brain stopped at the break up part, and I thought you were seperating or something. I can be dense early in the morning. I hope you got everything done.


Marisa, now I want clam chowder! I made the best gluten free chicken fried steaks that I ever had yesterday. Not that it's saying much, if they were gluten free, I made them, so there's not much competition there. But my dd said they were fantastic.


Well, the boys are gone, time to tackle the mess in the front room.

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Good morning ladies :hi


I have a patient at 11 :clap I did some hooking last night and finished square 8/12 so only have 4 more to go.


LeeAnn - Actually, we made crab chowder instead of clam chowder :lol (We like crab better) but it's pretty much the same recipe otherwise. It was really good and we found the recipe in a magazine and decided to give it a shot and there was nothing unhealthy in it :clap WTG on the scrubs and soapy goodness. I sure hope you're not coming down with a cold. Get a good nights rest :hug


Joanne - :eek that sure was a long day for you and now you'll have Ryan to look forward to seeing today :clap I've had this headache since last week now :eek It's not super bad, but it's there :(


Stacy - I hate thinking about the taxes too, but I sure do need to get everything together for my accountant :yes As for FAFSA, at least you only have to update it and most of the info is the same. I love algebra and :yay for getting the intermediate class. You probaby only had to get 10 questions right out of so many, so once you reach the minimum correct, they often shut off like that now a days :lol I never used to get cramps with my cycle, but they just started maybe the last time or 2 around :think I sure hope everything works out with Mia, it seems like they're ganging up on her and I agree with Beth that you should have DH go to the meeting with you :yes


Beth - Mmmmmm, chicken fried steak :drool Not something I have often at all, but is sounding good right about now :lol

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Good morning!


Marisa, crab chowder sounds yummy! My dh is a huge fan of clam chowder, though- which I can't even stand the smell of. Something about those clams that just turns me off. :think Good luck getting your paperwork in order for your accountant. The reason we had such a time filing is because this is the first year that we've ever had to file jointly. So lots of time was spent determining the benefits/downfalls of filing jointly or separately. But it's all taken care of. :cheer WTG on getting another client!


Beth, :clap for yummy chicken fried steaks. And gluten-free, to boot. :h5 I've never understood why it's called "chicken fried" though. :think Thanks for the tip about taking dh with me. I will talk to him about that. And I will take you up on that "I love algebra!" attitude when I start having problems. :rofl


Leeann, how's it going? :hug


Joanne, it's Ryan day! :cheer I'm sure you can't wait. Hope your day in Paradise goes by quickly.


So, Monday I ran all over, looking for these school-supply donation gift cards for Mia's class. Tonight there is a school fundraiser at Chuck E. Cheese. Then, there was an assembly in the morning at the girls' school, to inform of a candy fundraiser kicking off this week. :eek:eek I don't mind helping the schools at all, I just wish they didn't all happen at the same time!

I've so much been enjoying my days off. :manyheart Yesterday, I finished Mia's mittens at the laundromat. She loves them- she is even wearing them today, in 85+ degree weather. :lol Time to move on to Eva's- which must be pink and purple. (She didn't like the purple/green Impeccable.) I will have to check my stash- I know I had some, but I made a hat for Mia a while ago that may have taken all of it. :think Today I need to put away the laundry and clean up just a bit. Then off to Chuck E. Cheese. We missed it last year, so I absolutely promised the girls that we would go today. :lol


Gotta run and jump in the shower. Have a good one!



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Hello ladies!


Stacy-eesh, that is terrible about Mia's teacher, I agree with everyone else, take dh to meet with the principal. However I do suggest putting together some sort of documentation. Try to remember exact dates of when things have happened, whom you contacted and what the outcome was. This way your emotions will not overtake you and you can get your point across. :hug I know that this has helped me in the past, because I tend to talk a mile a minute when I am upset. It forced me to gather my thoughts and get everything out in the open.


Beth-you are so cute! (Dh and I separating) the school function was prety disorganized, we only stayed for an hour as we couldn't really walk thru all of the crowds of people. They had combined k-5th grade..what a mess! Did you get your mopping done?


Joanne-you sure have been putting a lot of hours in, I bet you are super excited to spend some time with Ryan. How fast he is growing!


Marisa-soo happy for you that you had a patient scheduled for today. :cheer and you are working on your ghan fast as can be.


I have shrink wrapped soap today and tidied up..not much else. But I feel better, I was feeling slightly overwhelmed. Trying to get so much done in a day. Have run, must pick up dd. BBL! Hugs n squishes!

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