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Michael's has a big sale, Beth--not to enable or anything!:devil They have their own Charisma (which is a bulky- nice and soft- and I love it) for $2.00 as well as their own Impeccable for $2.00 which I also love. Sugar N'cream is $1.00--lots of yarn on sale this week!


You just had to remind me didn't you?:lol:lol:lol


Glad to hear that you are starting to feel better!!!!

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Good morning ladies :hi


I'm feeling super sluggish this morning and I even had over 8 hours of sleep :think I got some hooking in last night :clap


Yesterday was my neice's 1st birthday :clap I called her on the ipad and sang...she kept trying to grab me :lol And today my middle nephew is having eye surgery, so if anyone can spare some extra prayers I'd appreciate some today for Joshua. The poor kid is quite scared about it so they stopped talking about it at the house.


Oh boy Joanne, I do like that Charisma :eek But I really just don't have the extra cash to spend right now....or credit for that matter :lol


Stacy - So what did you make for dinner last night?


LeeAnn - I love those kind of days, that was my sunday (but with football instead of movies) :lol


Beth - I tend to spend most of the day at the office. I have only a couple walk in hours per day mon through thurs so I make it a point to be here then, but other than that I pretty much come and go as needed. But spend most of the day here. And between checking in here and working out, I still have quite a bit of time working on computer and paperwork since I'm still learning everything. Today I have a phone training at 12 and another training at 2, plus an appt in between to get my eyebrows waxed nearby :lol

And of course not to be an enabler, BUT you tend to be contagious before you even experience symtpoms (which is how it's shared more often than not) and at the beginning of being sick.....so I'm guessing by now, you're probably not contagious anymore since this started last week :think


Joanne - Didn't find the I hook yet :think I though I tucked it in the skein and swear it was there when I carried my bag downstairs. I traced my steps and crawled on the floor :shrug I bent the skein in half....so it's definitely not hiding in there. I really am clueless. I have doubles of a couple, but that wasn't one of them.

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Good afternoon ladies!


Beth-so happy to hear that you are feeling better. :D Do ya get to take care of kittens today? How was the trek for yarn? Dd made popcorn yesterday, she kept saying, "we can't watch movies without popcorn." lil cutie.


Joanne-one last day before returning to Paradise..enjoy it! Oh my! A yarn sale? yikes! Did you go get some yummy yarn?


Marisa-I was feeling kinda sluggish too..maybe I should eat something besides coffee in the a.m. You are so motivated to get your workouts in. :clap


Stacy-do you get lots of hours this week?


nothing new to report, I am going to try felting soap...trying to add a few more items to my growing business and get ready for that big sale.


off I go...hugs n squishes!

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I wanted to stop by quick to update that my nephew is doing well. He had to make the car ride home with his eyes covered up from the sun and then we a pic while he was starting to wake up and then another with him playing :clap:yay


LeeAnn - how do you felt soap and how does it change the soap? OK, maybe my question is what is felted soap? :think:blush:lol

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Glad to hear that your nephew is doing well!!!!:clap:clap


LeeAnn- I was thinking the same thing as Marisa- what is felted soap?:think--and yes, I succumbed to the Michael's sale and bought some Charisma yarn- I just couldn't resist. :lol But I do have a plan for it. I'm going to use it for a RR . I chose Lakeside (ombre), navy blue, royal blue and white--Not sure when I'm going to make it, but it's all in a tote ready to go when I do decide to start.


I should finish the baby blanket tonight for DD's friend in Lilac Caron Pounder and then will go back to the RR I had started (also with Charisma yarn--forget the colors since I haven't worked on it in at least a month!:lol

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Good morning!

I finished the baby blanket last night! Will try and get pics this evening if it's not too dark- I did a few rounds of the RR in Charisma that I had started a while ago. Trying to finish up on that before the Bernat Mystery CAL starts!!


Hope you all have a good day. Back to Paradise for me---but at least it's already Hump Day!!!

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Good morning!


Joanne, i am trying to finish an afghan before the Bernat mystery CAL begins, too. I am working on a regular ripple using Charisma in brown and Bernat Harmony in tapestry green. It's going to be a big one -- I'm trying to make something that will cover my jolly green giant, I mean my oldest son.


Marisa, so glad to hear your nephew is doing well. Thanks for letting me know how your day goes.


LeeAnn, I am feeling much better, thank you very much. So glad your dd made popcorn to go with your movie day.


Stacy, thinking of you, as my boys get ready for their classes, and I know you have some, too. What are you taking this semester?


I did buy yarn. I bought Impeccable in two colors of purple and a green, and a variegated with all those colors in it. I didn't NEED the yarn, but I feel better since I got it.

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Good morning ladies :hi


I had some things to deal with when I got in this morning so now that's taken care of, I can check in here. Then I'm going to workout and then eat pizza and wings for lunch :eek Why else work out if it's not to eat what you like :wink:shrug:lol I have yet to try the place across the street, as a matter of fact, I have yet to order at all while at work :think Then we're going out to dinner later to celebrate one of my sisters coworkers bday's that was a couple weeks ago :yes Today is Ingrid's birthday, but we're celebrating on Sunday :clap


My nephew was running around with his brothers yesterday playing with a bow and arrow set my brother picked up for him. It's the kind that has the darts that stick to the window for arrows. So he's doing well, I'm surprised they haven't called yet....they just love using the ipad for chatting since we can see each other :lol It is fun and makes me feel a bit closer :yes


WTG Joanne on finishing your baby ghan :clap:yay


Beth - buying yarn is retail therapy :yes It's good for our souls :wink

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Beth, I'm glad the yarn purchase made you feel better. :yes:yay As for classes- this semester, I am taking child development, women's personal health, and am on the waiting list for a science class. I am taking my math placement on Saturday, :xfin I can get into a class- if I do, then I will drop something. Suffice to say, it will be another full-time semester. I am hoping to get all of the GE's finished, so I can transfer to the college with the dietetics program in the fall. :yes


Marisa, :cheer for your nephew recovering wonderfully from the eye surgery! I love my dd's iPad- a dear friend bought one for her and her friend, when the friend's family moved to Portland. The call each other on the weekends and play Littlest Pet Shop together. :lol It is a wonderful way to keep in touch.


Joanne, boo for back to Paradise, but at least you had a nice long break to refresh yourself. :yes Have you tried the blonde roast yet? Last time I went to the Bux, they didn't even have the pumpkin spice. :( I have the espresso machine, though- so I've been resisting the urge to pop into the coffee store every day. The espresso roast at TJ's is soooooo smooth. :manyheart


Leeann, the felted soap sounds awesome! (I Googled it. :lol) The article I read mentioned that you can only make it with handmade soaps- I wonder why? :think Hope you're having a wonderful day. How is your ds doing with homeschooling?


My work hours have been cut back to about 15 per week, which is nice. It's a bit of extra income, but I still have a few nights at home with the fam. :yes I am having problems with Mia's teacher. She called me for a meeting yesterday, and said that when she got Mia and the water-spitting-girl together, Mia agreed that it was a joke and the girl didn't really take the cap off of the water. She said that Mia tells her a certain girl in class threatens to punch her all the time (which she has mentioned to me, also) but that the little girl in question is the quietest, most shy girl in the class and she thinks Mia is making it up for attention. :angry And that if Mia doesn't stop making stuff up, she won't believe her if something bad really does happen. :sigh I don't know what to think.

Better scoot and finish cleaning. The FedEx guy should be here soon with my new phone, too! :woo Love and hugs!

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Good afternoon ladies!


Joanne-only two more days left till the weekend. :lol WTG finishing your project! :cheerand of course, yarn is always wonderful.


Beth-new yarn for you too! :cheer:clap love it!


Marisa-so happy that your nephew is feeling lots better and is up and playing.


Stacy-wow! Sounds like you are going to have a busy semester. Oh my! Dealing with teachers and our children is always heart wrenching, hope it gets better for you.


My ds is doing well as far as the home-school academics is going, he is lonely and is missing hanging out with kiddos his age. His bowling league is off for awhile and he is going to weekly Boy Scout meetings....it's hard. I feel so bad for him, he is contemplating going to another school next year, the one we had thought about kind of in the other direction of our house. I know that he is confused and try to offer him as much support as I can without being overbearing but it is difficult. Growing up is so hard to do.


Today was Early Release-had to pick up dd by noon and then we ran a few errands and then out to lunch. that was nice.


The felting was a bit of a disaster.:blush what you do is wrap wool fiber around the yarn in both directions then felt it with water and a wash board...I think I added too much water because it felted but not very nice and not tight...think I am going to skip it. The felted soap offers a scrubbie with soap inside. After the soap is all gone you can still use the felted wool.


Did finish a cowl that I had started awhile back for my mom..yippee one project down. I also started making granny squares awhile back, I am thinking of donating them..any idea where?


enough blah blah blah...hugs n squishes!

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Quick stop in- it's getting late and I want to work on the RR


Busy day -which all of mine will be till the end of the project. It is what it is....


Beth- I love the impeccable with the green and purple in it!!! What are you going to make with it! How's the jolly green giant ghan coming along?


Stacy- I did have a sample of the blonde roast- it's ok- a little to mild for me-but they gave me two bags to bring home (small sample size) and trust me, they won't go to waste!!!


LeeAnn- I would think it may get a little lonely at home- is there another activity he might enjoy? Thanks for explaining the felted soap! And WTG on finishing the cowl!!

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Good morning. I hope your almost-Friday goes well.


Joanne, my jolly green giant afghan is progressing. I finished a stripe and a couple of rows of the next stripe yesterday. I never measured it, but if I hold one end as high as I can over my head, the other end still drags on the ground, and I'm 5'9" tall, so it's pretty long. I can curl up in it while working on it. Blonde roast doesn't sound like your cup of tea (Ha! pun!!!) Aren't you a dark roast kind of gal?


Stacy, so sorry your daughter is having problems at school. It is frustrating and heart-wrenching, like LeeAnn said. Sound slike you are staying uberbusy. You are an inspiration.


LeeAnn, Congrats on finishing a WIP! It's a good feeling. Do we get pictures?


Marisa, When you work out, you can enjoy the extra-tasty food because you don't feel guilty. I am glad your nephew is doing well.


Have a great Thursday.

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Good morning!


Beth- Wow- that afghan is going to be perfect for your son! And you are right---I'm a dark roast coffee aficionado!!!:yes Now, that's my cup of tea!:lol Funny you mentioned tea- I had a cup of tea the other night for a change of pace and really enjoyed it!!


I worked a few more rounds on the RR last night. I'm going to put it away for a Christmas gift I think when I'm done--although not sure yet who it will be for:think


Off to get ready for Paradise--have a good day one and all!

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Good Morning ladies!:morcoffee

Beth-oh my gosh! Your ghan is super duper big. That is awesome that you and your family are tall. I'm a little shrimp...5" barely. :sofunnyI bet your son is excited to have his own blankie. Fun fun fun! What is on the agenda today? Seeing any more of Shrimp Boy? How's the ballet mistress?


Joanne-you are on a roll! I am amazed by all the projects your finish.:nworthy do your wrists ever hurt? Sorry to hear that Paradise is super busy but at least you get to have your delicious coffee. :hug Blonde roast sure sounds yummy tho. :lol


Marisa-how many patients are you up to? Your business is growing and growing! yippee!


Stacy-hope things work out with your dd and her teacher.:hug


I woke up feeling tired and groggy. dh snores and it is driving me crazy! He has tried those little nose strips but they are not working.:think


Last night I took ds to a church youth group, he said it was "ok" which I think in teenage talk that meant it was good. He starts bowling this Saturday-he's excited about that.


I have pics of the cowl that I finished and also of the Valentine Cupcake soaps to share with all of ya. Going to make sugar scrubs today-and then I should be well on my way for supplies on hand.


hugs n squishes!





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Good afternoon ladies :hi


I took my car in for an oil change today, so glad that's taken care of :yes We had fun out to dinner last night and I had a chicken ceasar salad and it was yummy!


LeeAnn - very interesting about the felted soap, sounds like a great idea :yes Positive thoughts going out to your ds so that he can make the right decisions for himself :hug :hug I have 7 patients :D One of them was going to bring her 2 kids in on Monday, but they had school projects that needed to be done :shrug And I had to phone calls asking questions that I anticipate them both calling back :xfin Awesome soap and cowl :manyheart


Beth - WTG on your green giant afghan :wink Last time I was in Starbucks, they were sampling the blonde roast, but I passed by since I'm a dark roast kind of girl along with Joanne :yes


Joanne - WTG on your rr and don't worry....I'm sure it'll have a recipient for xmas :yes

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Marisa, sounds like your business is growing! How exciting! :cheer:clap:yay


Leeann, sorry the felted soap was a disaster. Are you going to try it again? Your goodies look awesome! For a second I thought the cupcake might have been real- it looks like one of those with the hard chocolate "wrappers." We had them on our cruise- yumm!! Sorry to hear your ds is feeling lonely, I can understand why though. Good luck to him with the school decision. It is a big choice for a child to make. :hug:hug:hug And I'm sure it's tough on you to watch him make it by himself- they grow up too fast!


Joanne, :cheer for finishing the baby blanket. I am always amazed by how many projects you finish! Maybe I should send you some of mine. :devil:lol


Beth, the blanket is going to be huge! And snuggly, too- Charisma is such a soft yarn. I'm sure he will love it. :manyheart All this talk of yarn purchases makes me want to run out to Michael's right now. :yes I have 2 skeins of the purple/green impeccable, too- I am planning to make mitts and a hat for Eva. My kids always ask for this stuff, but when it's done, they wear it for 5 minutes. :sigh


Today I am trying to get my phone all set up. The people at the Sprint store said to bring it in when I receive it and they will transfer everything. I took it in and now they are saying I had to have the other one backed up first, which I didn't, so I am slowly doing everything one at a time. :whew It's taking a while.

I also need to finish Mia's other mitt, and run to the store for long-sleeved shirts to go under their uniform shirts. I should probably get moving, though- this stuff won't work itself out! :lol

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Great pics LeeAnn- the cupcakes look so real!!! What kind of camera do you have? It takes awesome pictures!!!


Stacy- The impeccable and Charisma is on sale this week for $2.00/skein--just in case you need more yarn!!!


Marisa- I had my oil changed last week- that's one thing I'm fanatical about- every 3K miles, in it goes! Maybe that's why it's been treating me well?


Here's a pic of the baby blanket- it's dark- so the pic isn't great-


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Joanne-sooo purrtty! I love it! Thank you for the compliment about my camera...it is new. One of my treats to myself or business with my Christmas sales. It is a Cannon and is excellent!


hugs n squishes!

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Joanne-sooo purrtty! I love it! Thank you for the compliment about my camera...it is new. One of my treats to myself or business with my Christmas sales. It is a Cannon and is excellent!


hugs n squishes!

I also have a Cannon- but it's about 6 years old I think:think Maybe I'll have to put a new camera on my "wish list" for next Christmas!!!


Hope you all have a Happy Friday!!!!

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Good "morning" I think. It sure feels like it's still nighttime...


Joanne, love the baby blanket. It is a very pretty pattern, looks soft and inviting. Is this for your dd's friend who didn't get any handmade items at her shower? If so, you blasted through that in record time! :nworthy


LeeAnn, your cupcake soap is unbelieveable. It looks so real. The cowl is lovely, too. Is that self-striping yarn? My mom was 5'2" tall. All of her 5 kids are at least 5'8" tall. Believe me, we still look up to her (and she's under 5 feet tall now, due to osteoporosis.)


Marisa, hooray for more clients! It sounds like things are growing very nicely. I wish you more and more success.


Stacy, I needed the yarn retail therapy. I am thinking some kind of an afghan with my yarn, maybe a giant granny square. I have a friend who is always doing things for other people. It would be fun to surprise her with something just for her. She loves the color purple. It must be frustrating to make something for your girls, then they don't wear it. I am really honored that my dd wears the shrug I made her to college. She says some of the guys gave her a weird look, but I think they may have been looking at her. she's beautiful.


Well, I did another stripe on the jolly green afghan. I also measured it. I think it will end up about 50 inches wide and 7 feet 9 inches long. Plenty of room for him to wrap it under his feet. Nice to stay snuggled even when you are tall.

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Good Morning friends!


Joanne-last day in Paradise for the week. :clap any big plans for the weekend?


Beth-that is fantastic that your dd wears all of her crochet goodies, I would wear them proudly. :yes Dd thought that the cupcakes were real too, he was going to eat one. They are fragranced with chocolate deluxe and warm vanilla...they really do smell edible. :devil You are whizzing thru on your golly green ghan, it is going to be wonderful.


Stacy-your dd's sound just so cute! I bet you have a lot of fun with them. :lol


Marisa-how's your day going? Get any hook time in last night?


I finished another granny square, almost have 10 done. I haven't measured them but they are about 10 inches or so. Going to box them up and mail them off as soon as I get to about 30. It has been good for stash busting, I should join that. :wink


didn't get to the sugar scrub yesterday, instead had to tackle the bathrooms and cleaning...where oh where did my cleaning lady go?:heehee


my brother is coming over to spend the weekend, he and ds are great buddies since they are only a year apart but in the same grade. It will be nice for both of them. Guess I should get to chores so that perhaps I can still in a few round of :crocheting


BBL! hugs n squishes!

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Good morning!


Leeann, how fun that your brother and ds are around the same age and can hang out together. Have a great weekend with him!


Beth, 7' 9"?!! Wowza! It will be nice for him to have something to keep his toes warm, though. :yes Does he still use the blue snuggie you made way-back-when? It's pizza night, right? Does Shrimp Boy still come over?


Joanne, your afghan is beautiful. :manyheart And you did whip through that pretty quick. :nworthy I saw on the news that the big white flakes are heading your way! Stay safe out there. :hug:hug


Marisa, how is everything? Any fun plans for the weekend?


I worked last night, and right after we closed the store, I realized I had forgotten my keys inside. We had to wait for the alarm to stop beeping so the manager could open the doors again. Well, as we were waiting, a man drove slowly through the parking lot (which is huge and empty and dark and there were only 3 of us.) It just so happened that a police car turned into the lot because they saw us trying to get back inside and asked us what was going on. Then asked if the man in the van was waiting for any of us, and we said no. Since I walk home, I got out my pepper spray (after getting my keys) and they asked what I was doing, so when I told them, they offered to follow me home. :yes So I had a police escort last night. :lol Then I had a nightmare about someone robbing the store while I was working. :( So I was up at 5 a.m., making brownies to calm down.

Oh, and Joanne- I did stop by Michael's yesterday and bought more Impeccable. Don't know what I will do with it, but it's a great buy! :devil And the Bernat for Waverly was on clearance, so I bought a couple of those, too. They seem soooo soft. :manyheart


Well, I better scoot. I don't work today, so my plan is to finish Mia's second mitt and move onto Eva's, before the rain hits. Have a great day! :hug:hug:hug

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


I got in a little hook time last night and started my 7th square :D


I have a patient in tonight at 6, so will be here a little late for a friday...but I don't mind :no It doesn't even feel like friday to me :shrug


Joanne - Your blanket is gorgeous :manyheart I'm crazy about getting my car done too, probably because we drive so much :think But, I don't drive as much anymore since I moved here....I guess because I'm not going to my parents every few weeks.


Stacy - That is very scary, I probably would've had a bad dream too :( I'm glad you got an escort home and were safe :hug


LeeAnn - You'll have a nice weekend with your brother there and it'll be good too for ds having a friend to play with :yes


Beth - WTG on the green giant :clap

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Good "morning" I think. It sure feels like it's still nighttime...


Joanne, love the baby blanket. It is a very pretty pattern, looks soft and inviting. Is this for your dd's friend who didn't get any handmade items at her shower? If so, you blasted through that in record time! :nworthyYes it is! I really wanted to finish it- and I love how easy the pattern is and how pretty the blanket turns out!! I'm going to bring it over to her tomorrow afternoon (weather permitting- snow in the forecast) I was going to stop tonight- i had it in my car- but I was just too tired and came right home and put on my comfy sweats and made some Coffee!!!


LeeAnn, your cupcake soap is unbelieveable. It looks so real. The cowl is lovely, too. Is that self-striping yarn? My mom was 5'2" tall. All of her 5 kids are at least 5'8" tall. Believe me, we still look up to her (and she's under 5 feet tall now, due to osteoporosis.)


Marisa, hooray for more clients! It sounds like things are growing very nicely. I wish you more and more success.


Stacy, I needed the yarn retail therapy. I am thinking some kind of an afghan with my yarn, maybe a giant granny square. I have a friend who is always doing things for other people. It would be fun to surprise her with something just for her. She loves the color purple. It must be frustrating to make something for your girls, then they don't wear it. I am really honored that my dd wears the shrug I made her to college. She says some of the guys gave her a weird look, but I think they may have been looking at her. she's beautiful.


Well, I did another stripe on the jolly green afghan. I also measured it. I think it will end up about 50 inches wide and 7 feet 9 inches long. Plenty of room for him to wrap it under his feet. Nice to stay snuggled even when you are tall.

Yes, Beth, your daughter IS beautiful!! The ghan is going to be great!!


Good Morning friends!


Joanne-last day in Paradise for the week. :clap any big plans for the weekend? Biggest plans are watching the NY Giants on Sunday evening- and of course I'll watch the Pats/Ravens game too. Will work a few hours tomorrow morning- either here or go into work - It-depends on weather


Beth-that is fantastic that your dd wears all of her crochet goodies, I would wear them proudly. :yes Dd thought that the cupcakes were real too, he was going to eat one. They are fragranced with chocolate deluxe and warm vanilla...they really do smell edible. :devil You are whizzing thru on your golly green ghan, it is going to be wonderful.


Stacy-your dd's sound just so cute! I bet you have a lot of fun with them. :lol


Marisa-how's your day going? Get any hook time in last night?


I finished another granny square, almost have 10 done. I haven't measured them but they are about 10 inches or so. Going to box them up and mail them off as soon as I get to about 30. It has been good for stash busting, I should join that. :wink


didn't get to the sugar scrub yesterday, instead had to tackle the bathrooms and cleaning...where oh where did my cleaning lady go?:heeheeThe same place as mine:lol:lol:lol I really need to see about getting one. cleaning is the last thing I want to do hen I get home from work


my brother is coming over to spend the weekend, he and ds are great buddies since they are only a year apart but in the same grade. It will be nice for both of them. Guess I should get to chores so that perhaps I can still in a few round of :crocheting


BBL! hugs n squishes!

It'll be great for your DS to have some company his own age:hug


Good morning!


Leeann, how fun that your brother and ds are around the same age and can hang out together. Have a great weekend with him!


Beth, 7' 9"?!! Wowza! It will be nice for him to have something to keep his toes warm, though. :yes Does he still use the blue snuggie you made way-back-when? It's pizza night, right? Does Shrimp Boy still come over?


Joanne, your afghan is beautiful. :manyheart And you did whip through that pretty quick. :nworthy I saw on the news that the big white flakes are heading your way! Stay safe out there. :hug:hugYes they are!!! I was going to go to work for a few hours tomorrow, but also brought the work home so if it snows, I'm staying in PJ's and working from here! I also want to go see Ryan tomorrow afternoon so hope we don't get too much snow! As far as the blanket- I really wanted to get it done for my DD's friend. She is term today- so could be any day (or week) now!!!


Marisa, how is everything? Any fun plans for the weekend?


I worked last night, and right after we closed the store, I realized I had forgotten my keys inside. We had to wait for the alarm to stop beeping so the manager could open the doors again. Well, as we were waiting, a man drove slowly through the parking lot (which is huge and empty and dark and there were only 3 of us.) It just so happened that a police car turned into the lot because they saw us trying to get back inside and asked us what was going on. Then asked if the man in the van was waiting for any of us, and we said no. Since I walk home, I got out my pepper spray (after getting my keys) and they asked what I was doing, so when I told them, they offered to follow me home. :yes So I had a police escort last night. :lol Then I had a nightmare about someone robbing the store while I was working. :( So I was up at 5 a.m., making brownies to calm down.

Oh, and Joanne- I did stop by Michael's yesterday and bought more Impeccable. Don't know what I will do with it, but it's a great buy! :devil And the Bernat for Waverly was on clearance, so I bought a couple of those, too. They seem soooo soft. :manyheart It's on clearance? It was $3.00 for the Waverly in my Michael's. I also stopped again last night- picked up some Impeccable too- in aran and neopolitan. I'm going to hold onto it to make an afghan- probably a RR-

Glad that nothing happened and that was good that the police officer escorted you home!!!!

Well, I better scoot. I don't work today, so my plan is to finish Mia's second mitt and move onto Eva's, before the rain hits. Have a great day! :hug:hug:hug

You're getting rain, we're getting snow!


Good afternoon ladies :hi


I got in a little hook time last night and started my 7th square :D


I have a patient in tonight at 6, so will be here a little late for a friday...but I don't mind :no It doesn't even feel like friday to me :shrug


Joanne - Your blanket is gorgeous :manyheart I'm crazy about getting my car done too, probably because we drive so much :think But, I don't drive as much anymore since I moved here....I guess because I'm not going to my parents every few weeks.


Stacy - That is very scary, I probably would've had a bad dream too :( I'm glad you got an escort home and were safe :hug


LeeAnn - You'll have a nice weekend with your brother there and it'll be good too for ds having a friend to play with :yes


Beth - WTG on the green giant :clap


It's funny to speak of the Green Giant, when what we should be thinking about this weekend is the "BIG BLUE" GIANTS!!!!!:lol:lol

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It's snowing!!!


Woke up to the white stuff on the ground and still coming down- forecast 4-6 inches- we'll see. I'm not going into work and I did bring some stuff home so instead of cleaning this morning, I think I'll work on that!


It is beautiful and I'm so glad that it's not on a weekday. Off to pour another cuppa--enjoy the day everyone!!!

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