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Some good clean fun?!

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Beth-oh no! You are such a sweetie! Maybe you can talk to the ballet mistress. I know it's difficult. Be strong. :hug Did you get your hook time in?


Joanne-hope you can get in and get your oil changed without having to spend hours at the mechanic shop. Did you keep your hair color the same? I always think of changing mine but do not want to look like a striped cat. :lol


Stacy-enjoy enjoy enjoy your two days off! fun fun fun!


Marisa-how are you? How was your evening?


Today I need to finish a gift basket and a few last minute goodies to add to my site and then a little vacation from my website :yes I will be getting ready for my next craft sale in March. It is a three day sale, supposed to be extremely busy. I have made my list and am checking it twice:rofl if I have it planned correctly I can get everything finished in about two weeks. I am not going to sell any crochet goodies as I just burnt myself out on those. I want to crochet for fun for awhile.


best get my tush in gear. Hugs n squishes dear friends! Thank you for taking a peak into my website, your opinions are so valuable to me.:hug:hug:hug:hug:ghug

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Good morning ladies :hi


Joanne, the first paragraph is hijacked :lol


Well, the game was very painful to watch last night (not for Joanne I'm sure) and quite embarassing. I'm wondering if that's the lowest Pitt has ever scored in one game :think The team did not play well together nor did they seem to want to be there :shrug They are now 11-6 for the season and of the 6 losses, the last 5 were in a row :eek So anyways, when we got there finding parking was horrible and then as we were walking back to the car....I realized I had lost my keys :eek So back to the top of steps outside the arena we go and the guys at the information desk knew nothing....not if any keys were found, not where stuff gets taken when it's lost, not how to ask anyone :think Very interesting information desk, so we waited around for the head guy to get back and he said there was a set at security and one of the guys brought us down and :yay they were mine. Meanwhile, my sister's friend Nora works at all the sports events in town with the media crew and she spotted us when we first got there and text steph that she was gonna have the camera crew put us on the jumbotron :lol So we called her while the keys were lost, and wouldn't let her leave until we knew they were mine. So it was an evening to remember. Not to mention when we were looking for parking, some guy almost hit me 3x :eek The same guy in the same spot :shrug Needless to say we were glad to get home :yes


So that was my evening. I didn't get any hook time then, but did read a bit before bed :yes I also slept in a bit this morning. I have some things to take care of here and I may have to call my landlord about the heater....I don't think it's working. But I turned it off and will flip it back on in a few before calling :think


LeeAnn - Your goodies are great and I agree with Stacy that the pamper me soaps with loofas are very creative :yes I hope your xmas leftovers sell at the sale :xfin


Stacy - At least your place is clean, gotta look on the bright side. I had an apt in Philly that they did a walk through I think twice a year of the whole complex. I also wonder why school starts so early, but at least it doesn't really affect me anymore :lol


Beth - :cheer you can do it, you can do it :cheer Just let her know that time spent there is time away from your kids so you only have x amt of hours that your willing to volunteer. She may not like it, but she will respect it because she needs you :yes:soap


Joanne - That game was horrible, at least if they played well and lost....at least they would have tried, they may as well have sat there playing tiddly winks :lol Sorry about your early meeting tomorrow :hug

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Good morning!


Marisa, glad to hear it was an easy fix. :yes Yikes @ the crazy night. Glad you found your keys and made it home safe.


Joanne, sorry to hear about your early meeting, but at least you will be headed to Boston afterward! :clap


Leeann, good luck with crafting for your show!


Beth, sorry to hear about the summons. I hope that you can find the courage to speak with the ballet mistress. :hug:hug:hug


Today is a nice, relaxing day, watching cartoons with Eva and :hook. :cheer:clap I am finally on the second mitten for Isabella, hoping to get some finished for Mia also by tomorrow.

Well, I better run. I've had this post up for almost an hour and keep getting side-tracked. LoL Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug

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I'm all packed and ready for Boston!!--well almost- the laundry is in the dryer and there are just a couple of things in there that have to go in my suitcase- Of course, as usual- I overpacked--I have a hard time deciding what I'm going to feel like wearing. However, the one thing I had no problem with was my "Giants" gear to wear on Sunday while I watch the game. And of course, I packed yarn and hooks--I'm going to use up some more of my Thick and quick and make more hats. DD said some of her friends at school would like to buy some--so why not?


I did make it in time to get my oil changed. It was the fastest it was ever done. They had a couple of guys there and since it was 5:30 and they close at 6- there were a couple of guys working on it at once!! I watched to make sure they checked my tire pressure and the fluids, etc---I also got a new pair of windshield wipers- what a difference!!


I have to leave early in the morning because I need to stop at the ATM, get gas and also pick up a dozen bagels to bring to Boston. DD will be very upset if I don't bring those up---so I probably won't post again until I'm in Beantown!!


I'll wish you all an early Happy Friday!!!

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Good "morning." technicallly.


Joanne, have a safe, fun trip. I hope your meeting at work goes quickly, and you get to escape from Paradise (sounds like the title for a major motion picture) I'm glad you had a good time taking care of yourself with the new 'do and the reading time.


Stacy, Your day sounds great! I enjoy watching tv with my dd now. She likes informative television, like cooking shows, home improvement shows, and shows that explain how things are made. I hope you get the other mitt made.


LeeAnn, you seem to have a great knack for finding good shows. I am so proud of you. Your business seems to be doing well. That's what you get for having good products. I don't blame you for avoiding the crocheted items. You have plenty of other good things to offer.


Marisa, what an adventure you had! I'm glad you found your keys, and that idiot didn't hit you, even though he tried hard enough. Sheesh! i am glad your heater was an easy fix. Nice to have heat in Pittsburgh in January.


I think I'm coming down with a cold. What's that stuff you can take to lessen the symptoms and the duration? I figure my smart friends would know.


happy Friday. Who's having pizza tonight?

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Good morning- Got up a little early so figured I'd pop in while having my coffee.

Beth- I've found that taking Echinacea or zinc lozenges helps to lessen the effects of a cold. You have to start taking it at the first sign of a cold so get it today- There were studies that showed that Echinacea didn't really have an effect (although it seemed to work for me), but the last few times I felt the onset of a cold, I started taking zinc lozenges and they really seemed to help.


May not be heading to Beantown today due to a high wind advisory from here to there- checked weather in NY, CT and then MA and all the same --winds up to 50 mph which would not make for fun driving. I'll see what the forecast is saying when I'm done with my meetings....already gave DD a head's up email! I've gone up before early on a Saturday and it doesn't really make much of a difference in our plans since we wouldn't really be doing anything tonight anyway.


Happy Friday!!!

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Hello there!


Joanne-oh my! A wind advisory? Scary, please be careful. I bet your dd is excited to see you. :-)


Beth-sorry to hear that you are not feeling well. Dh always says "drink plenty of water" when you are feeling sick, almost to the point of bloated. We also drink lots of orange juice when we feeling the ickyness coming on. Hope that helps. Hugs!


Marisa-how's it going? Glad that your furnace is fixed especially cuz it's soo cold.


Stacy-did you get your other mitt finished?


Got another order! yippeee! I hope I hope I hope! Packaging up the gift basket and the other two orders to deliver today and with this one that will make three to deliver. Must go grocery shopping as well. Other than that, nothing juicy to report. We are going to the Ice Carving Festival tomorrow and also to a college basketball game-this will be my first sport event...yikes!


BBL! hugs n squishes!

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Good morning ladies :hi


I went home last night a little earlier than expected so did a load of laundry and emptied out the trash, since pick up is this morning. So when my sister got home the dryer was almost done (we've been doing ours together) and the trash was ready for her to take because there was still stuff from the basement. In between it all, I got to crochet a bit :clap


Not much else exciting here today. We're getting some snow and the roads are dusted over, but they're icy :eek Problem is that everything around here is hills and bridges....not a great combo with ice :no We're supposed to get the bulk later and into tomorrow I think :think


Stacy - I'm glad you finally got a relaxing day in. Did you finish the mitten and start your next set?


Joanne - Oh boy, I hope the wind dies down for you to go today...you really need to get away. Hopefully your meeting goes quickly too and I'm glad you got your oil and wipers changed. Great idea to make and sell some hats :yes


Beth - I'm sorry you're feeling like your getting sick :hug The other suggestions are good ones. I usually drink the OJ for the vitamin C (and I don't like OJ) and the zinc lozenges are good too :yes I also usually drink lots of oolong tea (no cream or sugar, but I know some people like to dissolve a cough drop in it) since it's good to help flush the system out. Other than that, I'll use dayquil and/or nyquil just to make the day and sleep easier :yes Oh yes, sleep helps so if your able to...take a nap :yes You're body heals when it sleeps.


LeeAnn - :yay for another order :clap You are on a roll girl! How exciting, an ice carving festival...sounds like fun. Do you get to carve ice yourselves, or just watch and see the professionals? Have fun at the bball game, you're going to love it :yes What game are you going to?


I'll probably drop back in later :hug

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Decided to forgo the traveling today--too stressful with the winds- and the bridges that I would have to travel on! So I'm going to relax, crochet and possibly take a nap. I re-packed and am bringing way less than I packed last night which is good. Sometimes I get a little carried away! Of course last night I was tired and couldn't make decisions- this morning when I got home I decided to re-evaluate what I was bringing!


Stay safe in the ice Marisa!


WTG on another order LeeAnn!! Have fun at the ice festival and the game!!!


Stacy- hope you are enjoying the day!


Beth- hope you are knocking that cold dead in its tracks!


It's going to be cold on Sunday in Beantown--16 degrees as the high!!!! But we are watching football that day anyway --We've decided we'll go to brunch which is right around the corner and then stay in for the afternoon! DD is going to make pulled pork in the crock-pot and collard greens and corn bread! YUM!!!

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Well, my heat is not working again :( Not sure what happened now, but it was working when I came in. It kicks on and off to keep the temp regulated and after a while I was thinking...hmm, I just can't get warm today (which usually means I might be getting sick) and a little time passed and I noticed the heat wasn't kicking on so I checked the thermostat and it's in the low 60's even though I have it set up around 70. So played with it a bit and not kicking on, so called the landlord again (he's really a sweetheart). The same company will be out at some point today, but will be a different guy from yesterday. Maybe he just gave me a bad fuse yesterday :think I guess that would be the easy answer :lol:shrug


Well, I'm finding that I'm having a hard time concentrating on anything here. But I'm going to try to focus to get a letter/mailer prepared for attorney's :xfin


Joanne - I'm glad you're being safe and not trying to battle that wind, it would have you all over the road :yes Enjoy your day resting and relaxing :D

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Good afternoon! Guess what- it's Friday! :cheer:clap:yay:woo


Beth, lots of :hug:hug:hug to you. Vitamin C really helps- we use the kind with rose hips (you can find them at Target, Rite Aid, wherever) and dh swears by them. I love my grapefruit seed extract, though- it comes in pill form and drops. The drops are more effective, I think, but they taste like, well- something not very good. So I usually take the pills 3 times a day. I also have a friend who swears by Echincea. Never tried it, though. :xfin that it doesn't last too long.


Joanne, sorry to hear about the wind advisory. I hope that it clears up by the morning! Your dd's Sunday brunch sounds delicous! :cheer for a quick oil change and new wipers. Have you tried the new blonde roast at the Bux yet? I hear they are having taste testings (?) until the 21st but I haven't stopped by yet.


Marisa, hope the new heating guy can figure out what's going on. Good luck getting your letter written up.


Leeann, :cheer for more orders! I am so proud of you!


This morning I did laundry, then came home to relax for a little while. Eva has a slight fever this morning so I didn't want to run too many errands. Now she is feeling better, though, and all of the errands that I put off need to be taken care of with 3 kids. :eek Isabella wants to stop by Michael's again. :devil I've created a monster. :lol I also need to speak with Mia's teacher- Mia is being bullied by a girl in her class. On Monday the girl spit in her water bottle at lunch, and on Wednesday she threatened to slap her. Then, when we got to school this morning Mia was in tears, and said that her teacher said if she's late to class one more time, she will get a "big, fat zero" for attendance. I told Mia if she says that one more time, to tell her she needs to speak with me about it. It's bad enough when the kids bully other kids, but when a teacher does it, it is just unacceptable.


Anyway, I better get moving. Love and hugs!! :hug:hug:hug:hug

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Stacy, big hugs to Mia. I am so sorry she has to endure this. I hope you get it all worked out.


Marisa, no heat again? :eek I am so glad your landlord is a sweetie. I hope the heating company fixes it permanently this time!


Joanne, so glad you aren't driving in dangerous conditions. I hope you are well rested for the trip, and have a safe, fun, relaxing long weekend!!!


LeeAnn, cartwheels for you! I hope your string of orders continues.


We're having a nice, quiet pizza night. My house smells yummy! :drool

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We did pizza night on Wednesday and I made my first-ever gluten-free crust. It was interesting. :think Chewy, but rather...well, plain. I will try another recipe next time. Usually I just use a store-bought one from Sprouts, but it was an impromptu pizza night.


Isabella is making pancakes tonight, so my job is pretty easy- just sit back and wait until it's time to heat up the stove. :lol I finished almost all of her mitt, just need to weave the ends. :cheer Plus we went to the park and made it to all of our errands. Eva is feeling much better, but fell at the park and there is now a huge bump on her forehead. Poor girl.


Sounds like it's time to heat the stove. Good night!


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Well, my heat is not working again :( Not sure what happened now, but it was working when I came in. It kicks on and off to keep the temp regulated and after a while I was thinking...hmm, I just can't get warm today (which usually means I might be getting sick) and a little time passed and I noticed the heat wasn't kicking on so I checked the thermostat and it's in the low 60's even though I have it set up around 70. So played with it a bit and not kicking on, so called the landlord again (he's really a sweetheart). The same company will be out at some point today, but will be a different guy from yesterday. Maybe he just gave me a bad fuse yesterday :think I guess that would be the easy answer :lol:shrug


Well, I'm finding that I'm having a hard time concentrating on anything here. But I'm going to try to focus to get a letter/mailer prepared for attorney's :xfin


Joanne - I'm glad you're being safe and not trying to battle that wind, it would have you all over the road :yes Enjoy your day resting and relaxing :D

Hope that the heat was once again an easy fix!! How frustrating!!! Did you get the letter/mailer done for the attorney's?




We're having a nice, quiet pizza night. My house smells yummy! :drool

I can almost smell it here in NJ:lol We had sausage (with chicken sausage which was actually quite good) and peppers/onions tonight!


We did pizza night on Wednesday and I made my first-ever gluten-free crust. It was interesting. :think Chewy, but rather...well, plain. I will try another recipe next time. Usually I just use a store-bought one from Sprouts, but it was an impromptu pizza night.


Isabella is making pancakes tonight, so my job is pretty easy- just sit back and wait until it's time to heat up the stove. :lol I finished almost all of her mitt, just need to weave the ends. :cheer Plus we went to the park and made it to all of our errands. Eva is feeling much better, but fell at the park and there is now a huge bump on her forehead. Poor girl.


Sounds like it's time to heat the stove. Good night!


Poor Eva--not a good Friday the 13th for her!!! WTG on finishing Isabella's mitt!!! How were the pancakes?


I had a nice relaxing afternoon! I crocheted two hats- one for me and one for DD's roommate. I had already made one for my DD...so at least our heads will be warm!!!


Off to read for a bit before going to sleep. I have an early start tomorrow!

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I'm having a snuggle-under-the-covers-and-crochet type of day. I'm sipping hot tea with lemon and honey, and there's homemade chicken soup simmering on the stove. I hope everyone is having a good day. Joanne, I hope your trip went well.

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I'm having a snuggle-under-the-covers-and-crochet type of day. I'm sipping hot tea with lemon and honey, and there's homemade chicken soup simmering on the stove. I hope everyone is having a good day. Joanne, I hope your trip went well.

Hope that the snuggle-under-the-covers-and :crocheting type of day helped you to feel better. Homemade chicken soup YUM!!!! The trip went great- no traffic, no winds- very stress free ride!!!


We were out and about yesterday afternoon and then we went out to dinner at the local pub- great food, great prices, fireplace in the dining room- and TV screens with football on! We had a nice relaxing day- and I got to :crocheting for a bit while watching the football game last night!


Today we're going out to brunch (literally right around the corner) and then in for the day. Pulled pork will be cooking in the crock-pot!! It's 8 degrees out!!!! :wbrr:wgrinSo it's the perfect day to stay inside!!:yes

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Joanne, 8 degrees is beyond cold! I wonder if LeeAnn's men would camp in that type of weather... I'm glad you are having a stay inside type of day. Seems like it's perfect weather for that.


My head is congested, I'm very tired, and I have a sore throat, and I still walked the dog. Do I get twice the calories off when I have to force myself to do it?


Have a great Sunday, everybody! :hug

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Good afternoon ladies!


Beth-you sure do get extra kudos for walking your dog when you are sick.:hug


Joanne-so glad that you made it to your dd's and are having a fantastic time. Pulled park sounds delicious! mmmm mmmmm good!


Stacy-how's Mia doing? Hopefully she feels better.


Marisa-how was your weekend? I am sure you watched the football game yesterday?


Yesterday was a busy, fun filled kinda relaxing day. We delivered some of the Valentine soaps to one of the shops that I have consigned as they are much to delicate to be mailed out. We had coffee at her shop and chit chatted for awhile. Then we went out to lunch Vietnamese...mmmm and then walked around main street to see the ice carving. How amazing! The men and women did such a great job! Our little town is soo cold that the ice will not melt for at least a few weeks. Joanne-we are just as cold here in our neck of the woods....brrr. Then we stopped for coffee at Starbucks, so relaxing and then it was off to the basketball games. We stayed for the men and women's games..what close scores! The Adams State College Grizzlies (our home team) against Colorado Christian College. The women lost by one point but the men took the lead by about 13 points or so...Very competitive! It was fun, I can see how they can become addicting.


Oh my, enough rambling for me, best get my tush in gear and get a few chores done.


hugs n squishes!

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Sounds like you had a fun weekend, LeeAnn!!! I'll bet those ice sculptures are beautiful!!!


Had a great day- out to brunch- and then in for the day- The two teams I was rooting for won!!!!:clap The Baltimore Ravens beat the Texans and the Giants beat the Packers!!!!:yay:clap:yay:clap:yay


I spent the day crocheting and watching football. :manyheart I made a Shelly scarf with Amazing yarn for my DD's roomie and then I made a cowl and worked on a baby blanket. The pulled pork was delicious!!!


Hope you all had a great day!!!

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


Well, the guy had my heater fixed just in time for me to be able to go out with steph and bean to bean's nephews outside hockey game on friday, and it was snowing...it was a wonderful evening and we won :clap Then we went out to eat and hung out at another bar that had a local band playing. I came in on Saturday morning to treat a patient and then steph and I went shopping. (Well, she shopped and I window shopped :lol ) Then we relaxed and lounged...I watched football and read in my bedroom, then we went out for the 2nd game and met up with some friends after we got a bite. Yesterday was truely a relaxing, waste the day kind of day :lol I never even left the house at all :eek I read, crocheted, and watched football :yes


Not much going on here today....I ran errands earlier and stopped by Joann's to pick up a new 'I' hook since I don't know where mine is :shrug Of course I'll find it as soon as I get home now :lol But, that's the one I'm currently using. My sister stopped by for a treatment and I just hung up with my billing company. Now I'm going to work out before I eat lunch :think


Stacy - Glad to hear that Eva's fever went down and Mia is being bullied by the girl and the teacher :hug :hug I'd request a parent/teacher meeting or something. How were Isabella's pancakes? :drool


Beth - :drool I love pizza, but oddly don't eat it very often :think How are you feeling today?


Joanne - I did finish the attorney letter, now I need to research some attorney's to send it to :lol I love pulled pork :drool


LeeAnn - Sounds like a great time you had and I love Vietnamese! :drool Makes me think of the hoagies Dr. Tan used to bring me at work sometimes.


OK....all of this :drool ing is not good for heading to workout :rofl

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Good morning!


Marisa, glad your heater is fixed.


Joanne, pulled pork sounds yummy! I am thinking bbq chicken in the crock pot tonight, but we had sausage and peppers last night so I don't know if dh will want sandwiches 2 days in a row. :think How was Boston?


Leeann, your day sounds wonderful! :yay for dropping off your Valentines goodies!


Beth, :hug:hug:hug Rest, crochet, and chicken soup sounds like the perfect prescription for you to feel better.


Easy-peasy day here. Isabella is on a play date with a friend, and Mia is on the couch watching cartoons. The play date was supposed to be here, but Mia woke up coughing. Now she is on the couch crying because she couldn't go. :( I have to work later. Trying to think of something to put in the crock pot. I really want bbq chicken but I don't think dh will. Hmmm. Well, I better get going. Have a great day! :hug:hug:hug

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Good evening friends!


It has been a pj movie watching kind of day here in our household...love it!


Marisa-your weekend sounded absolutely wonderful! Great food, good games and wonderful company.


Joanne-are you making the trek back from beantown?


Stacy-are you still getting more hours? hope so.


Beth-how are you feeling? Any better?


both dd and dh were home today with us. Ds finished his assignments so we decided to watch a movie together Secreteraite..great movie! now off to load the dishwasher.


hugs n squishes!

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Good morning,


Joanne, I hope you had a great time in Beantown, and a safe trip home. Are you back to Paradise today?


Marisa, do you stay at your office during normal office hours in case of a walk-in, or do you go in if you have someone scheduled to come in? I'm just curious about how it works. A do-nothing type of day sounds great.


LeeAnn, a pj/movie day sounds great. Did you have popcorn?


Stacy, I hope your little one is feeling better. So sad that she had to miss the play date, but I congratulate you for not sharing her germs.


Speaking of not sharing germs, I am coughing and sniffling, but really not feeling too bad. I had a sore throat yesterday, but that seems to be gone this morning. It's a shame. I feel like going to Michaels just to see what's there.

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Good morning,

Beth- How are you feeling? Hope that you are on the mend!


Stacy-So, what did you finally decide to make in the crockpot? BTW, I loved the pic of "rapunzel" you posted on FB--absolutely adorable! Went to the Bux yesterday and there is no more gingerbread latte (at least at the one I went to)--so I had to "settle" for a pumpkin spice latte!! Hadn't had one in a while and was surprised they still had those--guess it's not as popular as the gingerbread!


LeeAnn- I love pj days!! Basically that's what DD and I did on Sunday- after going out to brunch, we came home and put on our comfy sweats and lounged around! It was so relaxing!!! (well except for the exciting Giants Game---not so relaxing--but it was fun)


Marisa-Happy to hear that heat was fixed so quickly! I'll bet you found your "I" hook as soon as you got home!! LOL--I have about 3 hooks in each size- I like the bamboo handle hooks by Susan Bates- so one time I was at Joann's and they had them on sale plus there was an additional % off total price including sale items so I stocked up!! So I'm not only a yarn-a-holic- I'm a hook-a-holic too!!!


Home today--and then back to work tomorrow!

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