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Hi all,

Beth- You should join Marisa and I doing the Bernat Mystery Ghan-it was lots of fun last year!!! I decided I'm going to do one color- I had 14 (or was it 15???) skeins of RHSS Light Sage in my stash so I'm going to use that. I read on the Bernat forums this morning where the mods said that one color would work out good with the crochet ghan and that some of the Bernat staffers are actually using one color! I can't buy another skein of yarn until I go through some of what I have....It's like a mini yarn store out in my garage!


Marisa- Yay for another patient---and I can't wait to see a pic of the graphghan


I hope you had a great time with your DD today LeeAnn!!!


Stacy- Hope you are enjoying your daughter-less time (or do you have one at home with you?)


I worked this morning and spent the afternoon babysitting for Ryan--it was fun---and we went for a nice long walk in the beautiful 60 degree weather!!! My middle DD and her BF stopped by to see Ryan and to bring a couple of things for me to bring up to Boston next weekend!!


Off to relax--(haven't done that yet today, LeeAnn_ LOL)

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Hi all!


Marisa, congrats on the new patients! :cheer:clap:woo You go, girl! And I can't believe how fast you whipped through that 'ghan! Your hook must be smokin'. :yes


Beth, WTG on walking! :h5 I think getting motivated is the hardest part. Mine is still here somewhere, but it hasn't come out yet. :shrug


Joanne, I had a good giggle at the yarn store in your garage. Is it in the garage, or your trunk? :devil I thought of you when we went to Starbucks this morning. Only another week or two for the holiday favorites. :eek Dh took his Nook and I took my hooks. :yes It was nice, but Mia was bored rather quickly (the iPad wouldn't play Netflix for some reason) so we left after a couple hours. How fun that you babysat Ryan today! He must be getting so big! Is he rolling over and sitting up yet?


Leeann, you are a whirlwind, woman! I don't know how you have the time. The little "snapping" purse sounds really cool. Do you have photos?


Mia decided to stay home this weekend, which doesn't surprise me. She loves to be the only one here. We went to dinner at her favorite restaurant on Thursday night, and dh's friend came over for a Fruit Ninja replay last night. :lol Today after Starbucks I took her out rollerblading, then came home and made black bean chili. It turned out pretty tasty, I think. Now I am going to sit on my badorkus and finish my mitts- just have the edging to do on the second one. :clap I feel victorious- it is the first thing I've finished in months!



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Yay for almost finishing a crochet project, Stacy!!!! It must feel great! Yes, he is rolling over and just about sitting on his own. He is still such a happy little boy and a joy to be around!!!

Oh, and BTW, all yarn is out of my trunk!! :lol


I started a baby ghan for my DD's friend. My Dd went to her baby shower yesterday and she said she didn't get one handmade item :( and asked if I could PLEASE make her a baby blanket. So of course, I said yes.


Started this morning using a Caron Pounder in lilac--this is the pattern I'm using here


Its a mindless pattern (my favorite kind:lol)


Hope you all have a good Sunday!

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Joanne, that pattern is lovely. I'm glad the baby will get something handmade. How sweet that your dd thought it was important. Ryan sounds like a very well-loved little boy. No wonder he is so happy! I'm glad you got to spend time with him.


Stacy, sounds like your dd is having a great weekend! I hope you are enjoying it, too.


Marisa, hooray for new patients and for getting the 'ghan almost done. You are amazing. I'm so happy for your success.


LeeAnn, did you have fun at the Stitch meeting? How are your men? Are they home yet, or still roughing it in the cold?


The dog's enthusiasm for the walk certainly inspires me to get moving in the morning. I even walked before my coffee today! :eek

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Lost my post...let me see if I can do this again.


Stacy-so happy that you were able to get hook time in, drink delicious Bux coffee and spend time with your family. :hug


Beth-I am very proud of you! Walking every day, do you feel more energized? :clap:cheer


Joanne-that is so sweet of you to make a ghan for the new arrival to be. I love the pattern, I find that I stick to one or two baby patterns cuz they are just so easy. I was looking thru the patterns here on the ville, and came across these...oh so cute! Maybe you can try a set withto go with the ghan. http://www.crochetville.org/forum/showthread.php?t=82747

I am not exactly sure how to insert the link but hope this works. They are called "Best Ever Baby Booties".


Marisa-how has your weekend been?


The stitching group was fun, dd really liked it! She is making baby hats using the knitty knitter and has already finished one and is almost done with the second one. She is making some for my sister's twins and then some for our local hospital.:manyheart We were invited to another craft group on Wed called Fiber Floozies...not sure about that name either but we are looking forward to going.


the men are not home yet, we have to drive in and pick them up since they had to drive the truck that was taking the Boy Scout trailer.


I will post pics of all the goodies in just a few, better get my tush showered just in case I have to run to town earlier than I thought.


BBL! hugs n squishes!

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Hi there everyone!!!


Enjoyed my Sunday watching two good football games!!! And My Giants won!! So did Denver in a thrilling OT!


Off to get ready for another busy (although only 4 day) week in Paradise!!! Craft club tonight where I'll practice my knitting!

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good morning. It's my boys first day of the new semester. My daughter starts tomorrow. We have kitty care. I tutor, if Shrimp Boy is feeling better. I work at the ballet studio.


I don't like the overtime rules in the NFL. The other team should have a chance to come back and score to tie it up again. First score shouldn't win. Not that I care that the Steelers aren't in the playoffs any more, but it just doesn't seem fair. I just feel it should be an additional 15 minute period, or maybe a shorter period, say 5 or 10 minutes.

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Good morning ladies :hi


I was just here saturday, but feel as though it's been forever and a day :lol


I finished the graph ghan when I got back on saturday with enough time to squeeze in a half hour nap before having to get ready to go out. The birthday boy's gf picked me and steph up at 5:45 to go decorate and then the party started at 8 and we didn't get home until 3 AM :eek:think He loves his blanket and was VERY excited to receive it :yes I do well finishing things with a deadline :yes if there's no deadline or purpose then it keeps getting thrown to the side like the 2 WIP afghans I have going on. I think ones about 2 years old and the other is about 1 :think Remember LeeAnne's sunflower square???? Well, since then I've been working on a sunflower square afghan with it :blush:shrug


So, enough stalling on your Monday eye candy :wink



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top of the morning!


Marisa-oh my gosh! The ghan is fantastic, beautiful, soo awesome! I love it! You sure did whip that out fast, wow! I bet the birthday boy loved it. Sounds like you had a good weekend, nice.:hug


Joanne-I thought of you yesterday when everyone was talking about the game, wasn't sure who was playing until someone mentioned the Bronco's :lol I bet you are excited to have a four day week and knittyness tonight? fun fun fun!:hug


Beth-you are going to be busy today, lots on your to do list. fun fun fun! Are your boys excited about starting school/another semester?:hug


Stacy-how was your weekend?


Yesterday ended up being a busy day. We had to pick up dh and ds. They had a great time, they said that it started to snow while they were camping and woke up to icicles on their pillows. Not my idea of fun but they seemed to enjoy it. They went sledding, target practiced with real guns :eek and did a few games. After we got home I put a stew in the crockpot, then the in-laws came over to help figure out what is wrong with one of our vehicles, then it was unpacking...lots of laundry for just one night. Then my parents came over for dinner...visiting and then homework and cleaning..whew!


Today I must finish the Valentine goodies for both my website and the two shops. I am going in on Wed to switch out products and discount the left over x-mas goodies for a sale in one of the shops this weekend. We are having an Ice Carving Festival. It is soo neat! Ds also needs help with his school work and dd is getting ready to go back tomorrow.:yes


guess I had better get myself in gear and get moving. Here's a pic of the snappy purse and an apron that I made as well. I couldn't find dd's baby hats, but will take a pic and upload it later.




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Thank you ladies :hug


Great work LeeAnn :manyheart I hope you made some progress on your valentine's goodies.


Guess what....I ended up with 2 new patient's today, the one that was scheduled and another :clap:yay


Now I need to go squeeze in a workout before heading out for the day :think I told my sister I'd cook tonight and we're going to a neighborhood council meeting at 7 :eek

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Gorgeous projects, ladies! :manyheart:h5


Joanne, have fun at craft group. I bought some new yarn at Michael's :blush today (because I really need more...) for another snowflake afghan. Hopefully I will make the snowflakes the correct way this time. :lol


Time to get ready for work. Have a great night!

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LeeAnn, I actually had some snappy bags for sale at my craft fair. My son's girlfriend made them. They sold nicely. Yours is lovely, as is the apron. Can't wait to see the Valentine's goodies.


Stacy, don't fool yourself, we all need more yarn! Good luck with the snowflake afghan. Did you see the picture Mary posted on Facebook of one? It's gorgeous!


Marisa, so happy your patient base is growing!


Joanne, good morning! I am glad I beat you up. I'd hate to see you awake this early. I hope Paradise treats you well today. Is the new position going well for you?

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Good morning!

Got up early- but not as early as Beth!!!


Gorgeous afghan, Marisa!!! Simply gorgeous!!! And congrats on another new patient!!!! I'm so happy for you!


LeeAnn- Sounds like a busy weekend! I love the snap purses- your DD certainly is taking after her mama! The apron is great too!!!


Stacy- Have fun with the snowflake afghan--actually that's the only place I like to see snowflakes--on an afghan! LOL


Beth- The new job is kicking my badorkus! There are so many new things to learn-and so few hours in which to learn them is how I feel right now! I didn't get home till7 last night and missed craft club -but I did crochet a little on the baby blanket before caling it a day. I'm sure things will work out- it's just a bit overwhelming right now!


Trying to "keep calm and carry on"!!!


Have a good day!

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Good morning ladies :hi


I have some things to get done here this morning and some errands in the afternoon. Laundry later and hopefully some hook time :xfin We have tickets to the Pitt/Rutgers basketball game tomorrow night, so that should be fun. My friend from back in Philly used to coach one of Pitt's current players in HS so he got us a couple tickets :clap:yay Now I just need to figure out what I need to do to actually get the tickets :lol


I hope you all have a wonderful day :hug

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Good morning ladies :hi


I have some things to get done here this morning and some errands in the afternoon. Laundry later and hopefully some hook time :xfin We have tickets to the Pitt/Rutgers basketball game tomorrow night, so that should be fun. My friend from back in Philly used to coach one of Pitt's current players in HS so he got us a couple tickets :clap:yay Now I just need to figure out what I need to do to actually get the tickets :lol


I hope you all have a wonderful day :hug


Go Rutgers!!!!:lol:lol:lol:lol

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WTG on more orders LeeAnn!!:clap Your little business has really taken off!


Another busy busy day today--but I will get out on time since I have my hair cut/color appointment after work!!! Will bring my Nook along so I can get in some reading (for pleasure) time!!


Have a good one everybody!


Oh, and in case you missed it, Marisa- Go Rutgers!!!!:cheer;)

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Joanne, Enjoy your hair cut and reading for pleasure time. I am sure you will do great with your new position. After all, you are brilliant!


Marisa, enjoy the game. I hope you got all your chores and errands accomplished. Did you get some :crocheting time in? What are you working on now?


LeeAnn, congrats on the new orders. You are one busy lady. I am so glad your business is taking off so well.


Stacy, thinking about you and the new semester. What classes are you taking? How are they, so far?


I am sitting in bed with the "outside" cat curled up beside me purrrrring. He's such a sweet snuggly cat. I only have to tutor today, but should probably shovel out part of the house -- I've been a bit negligent on housekeeping lately.:blush


Have a great day! :hug :hug :hug :hug :hug

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Good morning ladies :hi


LeeAnn - WTG :clap:yay:cheer keep those orders coming


Joanne - I "heard" you the first and the second time :lol LET'S GO PITT!!! :lol When I saw that we were playing Rutgers I immediately thought of you and my friend Kathy (the one you met) :lol Have fun at your hair appt and reading :wink


Beth - Right now I'm working on the sunflower squares of LeAnne's to make an afghan....but, I started that back when she gave it to us :think:blush It keeps getting pushed aside I think because I don't have any specific plans for it. I also plan on doing the mystery ghan that starts in Feb :yes I got my errands done yesterday and have a new set today since I told my sister I'd go to the market for her today. And, I'd like to get a load of laundry done before we head to the game (I did sheets last night) :xfin Doesn't sound like your day should be too busy so I hope you get to enjoy some 'me' time in there too :wink

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Top of the morning!


Beth-I am so very happy that you have a relaxing day planned. You deserve it! Housework is never done...:lol thankfully my kiddos have been pitching in more, makes it a little easier to do...and the new apron makes me feel happy, when I need a cleaning boost, I just put it on and off I go.


Marisa-ohh laa laaa, hope your game is interesting and exciting all in one! Congratulations on the new patient (in case I forgot)


Joanne-I know you are doing wonderfully in your new position. :cheer:clap Yipee for a hair cut/color. Glad that you will be able to get "me" time in. :hugI had mine cut last week, I like it, it's a bit on the short side but it outgrows fast.


Today I am taking a few Valentine goodies to the shop in Monte Vista-switching the old with the new. Also stopping at the shop here in Alamosa-she is having a reduced Christmas sale this weekend. So thought I would put what didn't sell for x-mas. And delivering an order.:clap


We also have the craft club tonight, dd and I are soo excited! :manyheart And...I added lots of new goodies to my site, hope you all can pop over and have a looksie. I placed an Etsy ad for the 13, hoping to get everything listed before then.


hi ho hi ho it's off to work I go! Hugs n squishes!

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Hi all!


Just a quick stop-in...


Marisa, have fun at the game! WTG on the new patients! :h5


Joanne, enjoy your hair appointment. You deserve pampering after all of the long hours you've been putting in. Is this the weekend you are going to Boston?


Leeann, I took a peek at your Etsy shop- your goodies are awesome! I love the loofah inside of the soap- what a creative idea!


Beth, I'm not taking winter classes- my school is closed for winter intercession this year due to budget cuts- so Eva and I are enjoying a month off until spring semester starts in Feb. Your inventions' school must be on a trimester schedule? Or do they have a shortened session- like 5 weeks? That's what our winter/summer ones usually are, then the fall/spring are the normal 16-week courses.


Waking up early is kicking my badorkus. :blush The girls were late yesterday because I couldn't pull myself out of bed. Really, why does school have to start so early? :sigh:lol I cleaned a bunch this morning because we received a note saying the owner reps were coming by to tour some apartments today. :shrug If they don't stop by, at least it is nice and spiffy so I (hopefully) won't have to do much on my days off (tomorrow and Friday.)


Off to make more coffee, then work on the mitts that I promised Isabella a month ago. :blush love and hugs!

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I was summoned into the ballet company last night. I am getting frustrated. I don't get paid, and I'm spending just about every evening there. Mrs. Evans is so sweet, but I would like to spend more time at home. I need to grow a backbone and set some limits. It won't be easy.


Stacy, my kids are on a two semester system. The first semester is August until December, then the next one is January through May. There is a short summer session, too, 8 weeks as opposed to 16. So far, the twins like their classes, my oldest one finds one of his boring.


Marisa, sounds like work is picking up for you. I'm so glad.


LeeAnn, sounds like your crafting is working nicely. You do have some very nice items.


Joanne, I hope you enjoy your day at Paradise. It's almost Friday!


I missed walking the dog yesterday, so I definitely need to do that today.

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Quick stop in before getting ready!

Enjoyed my 'me' time of getting my hair cut/colored and reading.


LeeAnn- I'll take a looksee at your shop later this evening when I have time to really check it out! I'll bet it's awesome!! You have such creative ideas!


Marisa- Hope you had fun at the game despite Rutgers winning it!


Beth- Here's hoping you grow a backbone- and do set limits. Sometimes people do take advantage of a kind heart!


Stacy- Enjoy your two days off!!! Did you get all your cleaning done? I have to clean --but probably won't till I get back from Boston, which yes, is this weekend!!!--I really need to get the oil changed in my car tonight since I now have to be in work tomorrow for an 8:00 meeting- (which is when I had planned to get my oil changed).


Well, better skoot--it's raining out there which always means a slower commute...


Have a good day!

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