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Good morning, my friends. :manyheart


Today was day 3 of walking a mile with my dog in the morning. She is so excited. When I get up, she starts prancing around, all happy. When I put my shoes on, and go to stand up, she races for the door -- she's READY to go! With this enthusiasm, I hope I can stick to the walking and lose a little weight.


Joanne, it is great weather to work on an afghan. I am making a big fuzzy warm blanket for one of my sons (I think) that is going slow -- it's probably 7 feet long -- but it's been a great go-to project. I'm glad you are getting to meet with your friends on Wednesday.


Marisa, so glad your business is growing. I hope your day goes well, with not enough sleep. I went back to bed - shhhhh, don't tell! It was great to send the hubby off to work, and crawl back under the covers for a nice sleep.


LeeAnn, Getting rid of ornaments because you have too many? :think I can't understand that. My cats are very generous with their ornament-thinning capabilities, and our selection is decreasing annually.


Stacy, hope all is well with you and your little ones! (And Jorge, too.)


Oh, we did not take the cat home that my dd likes. the only way I can work there is knowing that I cannot bring home any more cats. Otherwise, I'd feel guilty for not bringing home more cats, when I have more than I need already.

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Good Morning!


Gotta do a quick fly by as ds is back to school and needs the computer.


Joanne-a small lapghan sounds like an excellent idea! Bet you will finish it soon. Have a great day back in Paradise!:hug


Beth-walking every day?:clap:cheer:clap WTG! I need to jump on that wagon as well. I think that's great that you did not take home the lil kitten with you, too many pets is exhausting. We have the 5 cats and 2 dogs...no more for us, it is difficult to travel or go places.


Marisa-your business is picking up! yippeee! So proud of you.:hug I am making the trek to the post office in a few and will send you a confirmation email that it has been mailed. Did you enjoy your time at Ingrids?


Stacy-hope you are doing well.:hug


made more luffa soaps yesterday, just can't get over them, they are soo neat! Today must really run errands and get the laundry finished.


BBL friends! hugs n squishes!

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Beth - I'll be sure to keep your secret :wink


LeeAnn - We had an enjoyable afternoon at Ingrid's yesterday :yes I sent your check with my postmas today :yes


I think I'm getting ready to head out here momentarily, so probably won't be back now until tomorrow :think

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Hi there!


Not much to report here, ran lots and lots of errands today...guess that's what happens when one decides to hermit themselves for a few days.:lol


Marisa-your package is in the mail...so hope you like it. :hug


Here's pic of the cutest lil bag that dd made, and her sewing in my partially messy craft corner..no matter how much I clean and organize, I still find a way to mess it all up.


hugs n squishes!



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Couldn't sleep, so I got on-line to play a mindless game, and ended up automatically checking in here.


LeeAnn, Awwwwwww, that's so sweet, your dd sewing away. Her bag is adorable. She did a beautiful job.


Marisa, So glad to hear you had a good time at Ingrid's.


Joanne, good morning. I hope your day in Paradise goes well. Enjoy craft group tonight.


Stacy, I hope you had a good time with your daughters at the park yesterday. How goes life in the apartment?

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Quick good morning- it's freezing cold out there--in the teens I think- BRRRRRRR!!!


Great pic of your DD sewing, LeeAnn- and that bag came out so cute!! She must be so proud of herself!


Beth- That's great that you've been walking!!! Today is cold one, so bundle up!!!


Marisa- How's the ghan coming along?


Stacy- Thinking about you- and hope you and the 'girlies' had fun yesterday!


Off to Paradise and then craft club tonight!

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Good morning, technically, though it's almost lunch. I went back to bed after sending off the hubby today, then rushed off to the bookstore to buy texts for the kids -- long line. Then I went to sign my son up for the second semester of swim team. Then i came home and walked the dog. Now I'm sitting with my coffee in the sunbeam just relaxing for a few minutes before I go tutor. At least I don't work today. Good thing - -I'm already tired.


I hope you all have a great day! :hug

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Good morning ladies :hi


I made up for sleep last night that I lost the previous night and didn't wake up until 10:30 this morning :eek I forgot the alarm last night since I'm always up before it anyway and I didn't even wake up once through the night either :shrug


LeeAnn - Your dd is working diligently and she made a beautiful purse :manyheart I'm excited to get my package and since I just finished burning a candle, I'm waiting for a new one instead of starting one that I already have :lol As for the craft room...just accept it the way it is :lol


Beth - I'm sorry you had trouble sleeping last night and hope you were able to make up at least a bit this morning :hug I hope the tutoring goes quickly for you.


Joannne - I'm moving along on my ghan and finished up the white last night, so am just having to meet the length above the pattern in black :clap:yay Not sure if I'll get to work on it tonight though :shrug


OK, so much for a long relaxing evening yesterday. At about 4:25 (I ended up doing some more stuff around here) my sister called and asked what I was doing and when I told her I was getting ready to leave, she said her bf's car wouldn't start and leaves for work at 4:30 since he works the night shift right now :eek So I left immediately and he tried to jump with my battery pack (I keep it in the car) and it didn't work so he was just going to take my car and then my sister was on her way home (I think she just took advantage of the excuse to leave early :lol ) so he waited until she got there and took her car instead. In the meantime we put our dinner in the over and called AAA, it always takes them forever...then went to throw a load of laundry in. As we were putting the laundry in the guy called that he was there so steph met him outside and I kept an eye on our salmon in the oven. He got it started, but was only down to 2 batteries and neither were for bean's car and starts his day with 15! It was a busy day for them with the yucky and cold weather. So once the car was started we didn't want to turn it off :think So start calling around and nobody could do it last night because it was late and they were already backed up. So we dropped it off to have done this morning. Steph's taking advantage again and leaving work early :lol I don't blame her since she usually gets stuck there til 7 almost every night. But I'm on call in case something happens and I have to take him to get the car.


Then steph has a haircut tonight so I'm going with her, I think Ingrid is too and then we're going to grab a bite after :yes:whew


Alright, I'm done babbling :lol

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Top of the morning or almost afternoon!


Marisa-busy busy evening for you....hope your sister's bf's car gets fixed,..now try saying that three times. :-)


Beth-I am tired after reading your post! whew! you were on the ball!


Joanne-how's the new training going? Are they picking it up?


I got up early and have been crocheting...started a set of fingerless mitts with a new pattern and new/old yarn that I have had in my stash..I am afraid they are huge! Going to have to frog them and start over, think I will stick to the pattern that I know by heart. Guess I should get hopping and get some chores done.


hugs n squishes!

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Good morning, everyone!


Glad to see you all had a great start to the New Year. :hug I worked until 10 on New Years Eve, then when I came home dh had a friend over. My dad was still here, Isabella stayed up with us, and we all played Fruit Ninja on Kinect until the ball dropped. Lots of fun! (It doesn't hurt that I won by a landslide, either. :rofl) My dad left the next morning, and I worked for 4 hours, then we took the girls to Universal Studios for the last night of Grinchmas. They had fun, I think. :yes Dh and I have decided that we are going to start with a new way of eating this year- only whole foods, preferably nothing boxed or processed. So far, so good- but this is only day 3. :lol


Today I have to work. Before that, though, I need to finish getting the hall closet organized, run to Starbucks to have the rest of my espresso ground, and Isabella wants to go to Michael's. She received a gift card for her birthday, :devil and it is burning a hole in her pocket. Last time we went, she purchased a canvas! She made a painting right away. I am impressed, for her first experience with an actual canvas. I will take a pic and post later.


Must scoot for now. Will do individual hellos later! Love to all! :hug:hug:hug

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I bought a new coat yesterday that is rated for temperatures down to -9 degrees. It fits very well, and has a removable lining which can be worn as a jacket by itself. (The lining is reversable, so there are 4 ways to wear the coat.) Yes, I'm excited. I wanted a new coat last year, but it doesn't stay cold here that long, so I didn't feel like it was justified. This year, since I intend to walk the dog every day, despite the weather, I need a really nice coat, right? And it was on sale, so I saved a pile of money -- very frugal of me.


I am sitting on the bed typing, and the vortex of gravity is threatening to take over, so have a really nice day, everyone. Hugs to all of you!!!

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Quick good morning- running behind this morning. I had craft club last night and worked on my knitting! Slow and steady! LOL


LeeAnn- I'm not training anymore- but have begun my new position as project leader---lots of work-....


Will try and catch up tonight on posts!

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I bought a new coat yesterday that is rated for temperatures down to -9 degrees. It fits very well, and has a removable lining which can be worn as a jacket by itself. (The lining is reversable, so there are 4 ways to wear the coat.) Yes, I'm excited. I wanted a new coat last year, but it doesn't stay cold here that long, so I didn't feel like it was justified. This year, since I intend to walk the dog every day, despite the weather, I need a really nice coat, right? And it was on sale, so I saved a pile of money -- very frugal of me.


I am sitting on the bed typing, and the vortex of gravity is threatening to take over, so have a really nice day, everyone. Hugs to all of you!!!

:yay for a new coat!!! Totally worth it--especially on sale---that's the only way I buy!! Yes, very frugal--and don't forget--you are worth it!!!


Wish I could go back to bed---but I'd better get ready for Paradise

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Good morning ladies :hi


I worked 10 rows of my ghan last night and now have 11 to go, plus the border :clap


Beth - :yay for a new coat, sounds like you really need it!


Joanne - The knitting will start to get a bit quicker as you stick to it :yes


LeeAnn and Stacy - :hi

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Good Morning friends!


Joanne-I am so happy for you that you learned how to knit and are really taking off with it! WTG! I bet your new position is hard but I bet it can be a fun challenge too.


Beth-a new coat? Awesomeness! I love new coats! That is so cool that you can reverse it and take out the liner, many possibilities. :lol


Marisa-wow! You will finish your graph ghan in no time:cheer:clap anything exciting planned for the evening?


Stacy-I like your new way of eating, two of my friends only eat organic-non processed food, I do not have the willpower. :lol It is so healthy I bet you feel great!


Slept late but it felt good, now that dh has been on vacation life in our household has slowed down quite a bit. It is so nice and comfy, next week we will all be struggling but for now we are enjoying relaxing, hanging out, cooking and cleaning together.


I frogged the mitt and decided on a scarf...the yarn is Berroco Vintage a dark blue, very soft and oh so cuddly! I may keep this scarf for myself as I haven't made myself a scarf in a looong time or I may add it to my stash for one of my sales.:think This weekend they are having a Stitch & B..... I don't know why they have to call it that....I just don't like it. Dd and I will be going as ds and dh are going camping! yup! Winter camp! They are crazy! One year they went and it was -30F:eek:eek:eek They are almost ready, have all of their sleeping bags and tents in the living room. I worry about them freezing but dh reassures me that they will be warm enough...:P Going to work on the scarf some more...life is good!:lol:lol:lol:lol


hugs n squishes!

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Good morning!


Beth, :cheer for treating yourself to a new coat! And on sale, too- WTG! You deserve it. :yes


Joanne, WTG on learning to knit! How fun. :clap I have not gotten past the knit-and-purl stage, although I have grandiose plans to make gorgeous mitts one day. :lol Are you also crocheting something these days?


Marisa, how's it going? Did your sister's b/f's car get fixed?


Leeann, have fun at the stitch & b...My guess is that they named it after "sewing circles," as in sitting around and gossiping while you craft. :think:shrug Good luck to your ds and dh! Camping in - temps- yikes! But sounds like they know what they're doing. :yes Your dd's purse is so cute! She definitely inherited your crafty genes. :D Oh, as for our eating- I would love to buy organic, but it is so pricey! So I stick with what I can afford. LoL So far, so good, though. Haven't felt much more energy, but I think my body is still trying to rid itself of all the junk I ate over the holiday. :lol


Today I have off, and dh also stayed home. Two of the girls are going to stay with MIL until Saturday. Mia is trying to bribe us to get her to stay, but I told her she can go, too. :devil But she is sneaky and cute, so she will probably get her way. She enjoys being the only one here. :yes

Yesterday was spent cleaning, so today I am rewarding myself with lots of :hook time. I am working on the flower mitts from this month's Crochet Today.

I better scoot and get the girls all packed up. Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug:hug

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Good morning and Happy Friday!

I've been super super busy at work- we are getting ready to kick off the new project and there is lots to be done.


Stacy- Enjoy your crochet time and time off!! I took a look in the magazine at the mitts you are making --very nice! What color are you making them?


Stacy- Hope your DH and DS have fun camping--not my idea of a good time--but hey, whatever floats your boat, as they say!!:lol I've seen a few groups with that name--despite the name, I'll bet you and DD will have a good time! :yay for making a scarf for yourself!!! You asked if I'm crocheting anything- yes- a RR with Charisma (bulky) yarn - It'll probably be lap sized (or could be Ryan sized)--the colors would go well in their family room! I'm also making a convertible cowl for my oldest. So far, the knitting is going well--just doing the "knit" (aka garter) stitch- and will turn what I've got on the pointy sticks into a a cowl with a button, I think. I don't know if I have the patience to have it be a scarf since knitting is so much slower than crocheting. But I'm enjoying the change of pace!


Marisa- What an adventure with the car battery:eek--hope all is fixed now for your sis's BF!! Glad to see you are going to do the Bernat Mystery Ghan CAL again--it was fun last year! I like how my ghan turned out and it looks good in my LR. I'm not sure I'm going to use the Waverly yarn though--I really need to use yarn in my stash- so I'm going "shopping" in my many totes this weekend to see if I have enough colors that will go together.


Beth- Bet you were glad to have the new coat with the super cold temps we have been having (I assume you had very cold temps in VA too). This weekend, we are supposed to warm up again to the 50's:clap


Have a good Friday!

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Good morning, haven't had my coffee yet, so I'm a bit groggy.


Joanne, I hope the new project is fun. Happy Friday to you. Sounds like you are doing well with the knitting. I have a 92-year-old friend who knits so fast. It's amazing to watch her work. Course, she has a bit of experience, but still... I started a knitted scarf years ago. I intend to get back to it some day.


Stacy, I am curious to hear how many girlies stay at the inlaws. Your little ones are so adorable. I hope you have a good weekend.


LeeAnn, I am not too crazy about that name, either, and I dislike it when someone calls a crocheter a "hooker" thinking it's funny. I hope your family has fun this weekend on their adventures. Your men can keep the winter camping. That doesn't appeal to me at all.


Marisa, I hope the car battery saga ended well.


Have a good Friday!

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Good morning ladies :hi


I only have 2-3 rows left of my ghan to do tonight and then to start the border....should have it done tomorrow :clap:yay


LeeAnn - Last night I didn't get home until 8, then showered and had a bite to eat before watching The Vampire Diaries and crocheting :D I got your package yesterday (I didn't get back in to tell you) and already started burning the lavendar basil candle :manyheart I see more of these in my future :lol


Joanne - My sister is going to do the bernat mystery cal too :eek Although I failed to let her know that last time we had 16 squares in one week :devil We're going to look for yarn, but joann has the waverly on sale online right now for 2.79 and I'm not sure for how long :think Not sure if I'm using that yet though.


Stacy - Yes, stephs bf's car got fixed....we dropped it off and they fixed that following morning replacing the battery and it needed something else done too. But, is working well again :clap


Beth - Are you making pizza today? :wink

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Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy


I had to come tell you that I have a new patient scheduled tomorrow morning at 11 and another on monday (the one I've been playing phone tag with) :clap:yay


And, my 2nd sign went up today since the weather is finally clear :clap

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Marisa~So very happy for you! :manyheartI know that your business will be a huge success! WTG! Happy Dance! Also glad that you liked the candles and such-makes my heart flutter. :hug


Joanne-the Mysteryghan sounds so neat! I bet you will find the colors you need. :hug


Beth-I wanted to go back today, but didn't. :lol did you get your walk in? :hug Like Marisa said, pizza this evening?:D


Today has been another relaxing kind of day. I did finish the scarf that I had started and made a little bag. It is a "snappy" kind of bag, you use a tape measure to make it snap back, it's soo neat! Dd and I want to make more.


Other than that, we have been hanging out. The kiddos are helping my get myself motivated to exercise more. We danced for 17 minutes..whew! Doesn't sound like a long time but it was hard work. They have a dance game on the Wii. We are doing the 8 day challenge..sweat and burn...woa, I am out of shape.


I have been reading a few Nora Roberts books as well as other mysteries. Best clean up my little craft corner.


hugs n squishes!

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Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy


I had to come tell you that I have a new patient scheduled tomorrow morning at 11 and another on monday (the one I've been playing phone tag with) :clap:yay


And, my 2nd sign went up today since the weather is finally clear :clap


happy dance!!! :cheer:clap:yay:hug:manyheart:jumpyay:woo:fame:bow:day:2hug:dance:bounce:2rock:h5:elle:tdance

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OK, now for everyone else:


Marisa again, You are flying through that graphghan. I can't wait to see a pic of it. I think you are an amazing young woman!


Joanne, I am tempted by the Bernat mystery ghan. I actually have a couple afghans worth of yarn set aside -- maybe I'll join in.


LeeAnn, How do you find time to read with everything else you do? Do you sleep? I just have trouble getting what I'm supposed to do done. Sheesh. I must be doing something wrong.


Stacy, enjoy your weekend with no (or one) girl(s). I hope you have some fun.


I walked the dog today. I think we're ready to increase our route - gasp. Just add another block in the mix.

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Thanks LeeAnn and Beth :hug


I figured I'd check in while waiting for my patient this morning. I'm almost done with the ghan's border. I have less than a half round of dc left and then a round of sc :clap I'll have a pic on monday to share :bounce


Jusy flying through....I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

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Hiya ladies!


Quick fly by waiting for dd to get herself ready. We are headed out the door to lunch, crochet/craft get together and perhaps a teeny tiny bit of shopping.


Marisa-wtg! Can't believe how fast you are!


Beth-i sleep a little. Thank you for the lovely compliment. How cute that your dog wants to walk another block, great motivation!


Joanne-hope you are relaxing this Sat.




hugs n squishes!

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