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Some good clean fun?!

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Hello there!


Joanne-so glad that you had an awesome time with your dd's, I knew you would. The holiday is quickly approaching.


Beth-welcome home! Glad that you were able to eat at a yummy restaurant and also bring home goodies.


Cleaned my bedroom/craft room unpacked all of my bazaar left overs. Dh put up a book shelf for me so that I can display what I had left. (going to add them to my Etsy shop) I was going to take them to one of the shops but changed my mind. One of the shops that bought my scrubs is selling them without my permission for $18.00. I was really upset yesterday when I found out as we had agreed upon a price...guess that was a tough lesson. I feel terrible because I love having good quality products at affordable prices and feel like she is taking advantage of folks...


enough about that, going to relax and take a break from crafting...yippee! I will start fresh tomorrow on the last order of scrubs and crochet goodies.


hugs n squishes!

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Good morning!


I have a busy day on tap- more training- and lots to do--but craft night at the library is tonight- so I'm looking forward to that.


LeeAnn- That stinks that the shop owner is taking advantage--I'm glad though that you were taking a little break last night- you have been on a whirlwind adventure with all your crafting and shows! Are you ready for the holidays?


Beth- Welcome back! It must feel good to be back home with your family.


Stacy- Kudos to you on the A in espanol!!!


Marisa- Hope you had a good weekend!


DD is home safe and sound! We really did a have a wonderful weekend--and now it's back to Paradise!!!

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Good morning,


I get to take care of the kitties today. I tutor, I work at the ballet studio... Should be a fun day.


Joanne, enjoy your craft meeting today.


LeeAnn, that's very wrong of that shop owner to sell your product at an unauthorized markup. Will you continue providing her items, or will you cut her from your list?


Marisa, did you have a good weekend?


Stacy, did you celebrate your A in Spanish? How are your other grades?

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Top of the morning!


Joanne-good luck in Paradise, know that you will have an awesome time with your meetup. fun fun fun!


Beth-the kitties sound like so much fun, better than anything actually. Were your boys/men excited to see you and dd?


Marisa-how's it going? how was your weekend? Did you get to all of your games?


The shop that overprices my scrubs is a hair salon. She is the one that bought 20 scrubs and 20 lotion bars. I knew that she was going to sell them in her shop but we had agreed upon a price, she added way more than I would...good thing tho. I have all of my business info on my products. I found out about the drastic price increase when I ran into a lady that had bought a lotion bar. I think she was pleasantly surprised that now she can afford my products and can order directly from me. :yes The other two shops are excellent. I price everything and have them ready to go.


Joanne-you are right I have been crafting like a whirlwind. I felt extremely tired yesterday but after resting quite a bit feel much better.


This week we have a few fun things planned. My dd is making tamales for families in her class. Her class is mentoring with the 1st graders and then together they are inviting the families to eat lunch. We are bringing re-fried beans since they are making Mexican food...yummy! Ds is finished with his schooling until January!:cheer:cheer:clap:clap:cheer:cheerDd will be done on Wed. Then on Thursday and Friday I have set the days aside to do whatever my kiddos want to do with mom. They decided they want to bake.:manyheart peanut butter cookies, chocolate chip cookies and apple turnovers. fun fun fun!


off to get my day started. Hugs n squisheeeesss!

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Marisa, did you see me waving when I drove through Pittsburgh?


I sure did!!!! I was jumping up and down waving back to you :wink


Top of the morning!


The shop that overprices my scrubs is a hair salon. She is the one that bought 20 scrubs and 20 lotion bars. I knew that she was going to sell them in her shop but we had agreed upon a price, she added way more than I would...good thing tho. I have all of my business info on my products. I found out about the drastic price increase when I ran into a lady that had bought a lotion bar. I think she was pleasantly surprised that now she can afford my products and can order directly from me. :yes The other two shops are excellent. I price everything and have them ready to go.


This week we have a few fun things planned. My dd is making tamales for families in her class. Her class is mentoring with the 1st graders and then together they are inviting the families to eat lunch. We are bringing re-fried beans since they are making Mexican food...yummy! Ds is finished with his schooling until January!:cheer:cheer:clap:clap:cheer:cheerDd will be done on Wed. Then on Thursday and Friday I have set the days aside to do whatever my kiddos want to do with mom. They decided they want to bake.:manyheart peanut butter cookies, chocolate chip cookies and apple turnovers. fun fun fun!


off to get my day started. Hugs n squisheeeesss!


It's a shame the lady at the shop overpriced your stuff that much :( You will have an awesome thurs and fri hanging with the kids and bonding :clap

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Good morning ladies :hi


Saturday turned out to be a pretty busy day. My sister and I went for a walk over to the strip district to do some shopping at the local and specialty stores over there and it's a little over a mile walk one way AND it was snowing :clap:yay It was beautiful and the first time that it actually was starting to feel like xmas.....it's hard to feel like xmas when the temps are in the upper 50's all the time :( It was super busy over there so since we had to wait over 100 #'s to get our stuff at the Italian store, we passed time at the bar with a morning drink :lol We sang xmas songs on our walk back then took a nap. In the evening we went to dinner at Bridgit's house (my sister's bf's other sister :think ) and had a holiday dinner with their family, father and his gf (their mom passed a couple years ago). It was a wonderful night and we just sat around chatting and laughing up a storm. A couple neighbors popped in too a little later in the evening.


Yesterday I just kinda lounged and didn't do much of anything. I read my book, finished my mom's fingerless mitts for the stocking and did just one row of my graph ghan, which took forever because it was a row starting lettering and I had to attach a new yarn for each letter and each space in between :eek


Now it's Happy Monday :wink

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And now it's Happy Tuesday!


I was really busy at work yesterday- but thoroughly enjoyed craft club. (and am so jealous of those that are there that don't work --and get to craft to their heart's content) I'm feeling overwhelmed at work--and have been assigned as project leader for the next 9 mos or so-We are getting another new system for our department only- that has to "talk" to the new system already in place.


Glad that I'm taking a few days off in January- to re-charge my batteries!!! It's going to be a busy 2012!!!!


Off to get ready!


Have a wonderful day one and all!!!

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Good morning, pass the coffee, and I hope to get my Christmas cards addressed today -- just a few, since I'm so late.


Joanne, I hope your day goes quickly. Do you get time off for Christmas? today is my hubby's last day this year. I'm very happy about that, though I know the animals won't let me sleep in, it's nice to pretend I'll be able to.


Marisa, sounds like you've been having a great time in Pittsburgh. You are welcome for the snow. I think I brought it when i drove through. LOL


Stacy, i'll bet your little ones are so excited for Christmas! I hope you are enjoying the season.


LeeAnn, Enjoy baking with your children. What fun!!!

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Good morning ladies :hi


Joanne....copy and paste alert :lol


Beth and Stacy - I don't want you ladies to feel left out from getting a xmas card, but I didn't already have your addresses in my book :( Just want you to know that I did not forget you ladies :hug


I worked on my graph ghan last night and am doing it in hdc's and am thinking I should've went with sc's, but since I hit the half way point last night (minus the border) I'm just going with it :lol It still looks ok. I have to do some shopping for my sister today (groceries) so she doesn't have to go tonight after work. They're having a luncheon tomorrow and she's helping her boss get it together. I'll head out after my 2:30 patient :clap:yay


Did anyone watch the football game last night? Well the Steelers played horribly, but how about the power going out twice!? :eek


Oh, so my SIL calls me this morning telling me that Caleb (my oldest nephew at 7) is wanting to learn how to knit. She passed it off the first time, but he keeps asking so my mom is giving her money to pick him up a few things for xmas so he can learn. She does not knit or crochet, but he's really into making things in general. I asked her if she's sure that he didn't want to crochet and she said she asked him and he told her knitting is with 2 needles and crochet is with 1 :lol I told her he's correct, but I also told her to make sure he knows that what I sent was all crocheted. When my parents say anything, dad always says knitting either way :shrug So, of course she asked him and he thought I knitted that stuff. Because I told her that if he thinks he's doing what I'm doing and it doesn't look the same, he'll get confused. I think she's ordering an instructional dvd that got good reviews online. I told her that I know the basics of knitting, but am a much better crocheter. Apparently he wants to make a hat, booties, and blanket for her sister's baby that she's going to have :manyheart How cute! I haven't gotten the final verdict yet on knit or crochet, but will let you know :lol


Joanne - :yay for the craft club and taking some time at the start of the year to re-charge :wink


Beth - Thanks a bunch for bringing me the snow :hug :hug


LeeAnn and Stacy - Thinking of you ladies :hug

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evening all!


Can't believe that it is evening..yikes! Where did the day go?


Joanne-hope the weekend gets here so that you can have a bit of a break. :hug Training sounds intensive, do you have to sit one on one?


Beth-how are the new glu. free goodies?


Marisa-that is wonderful that your dear nephew is wanting to either crochet or knit, let us know! Exciting!


Stacy-hope you are doing well.


Had two last minute soap/candle/gift basket orders...happy to say that they are made and delivered, also finished the two sets of fingerless mitts today...no more crafting for me! At least for a day or two. Going to sit and veg..worked like a busy bee today.


hugs n squishes!

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Good morning!


Beth- I don't have any time off- except for Monday which is the holiday- so I'll have a three day weekend. Looking forward to having the day after Christmas off. I'm not taking time off till MLK weekend in Jan when I'll take Fri, and Tues off to make it a "5 day weekend" and will go to Boston to see my DD! I'll bet your DH is happy to have some days off--and here's hoping the pets cooperate and let you sleep in a bit!


LeeAnn- You sure deserve a little break from all the crafting!! I have one more thing to make for someone I forgot about---now how did that happen??:think I started a cowl using LB thick and quick- almost done- but I got soooo tired last night! I'll finish it tonight


Marisa- Thanks for the "copy and paste" alert!:lol I should start doing that too!;) I wouldn't mind a little snow on Christmas eve--the key word being "little"--you know- just to make it festive!!!


Stacy- You must be busy with work and getting ready for Santa to come! I think of you every time I stop at the Bux! (which lately has been every morning-- my treat to me)


One of my friends from work passed her last nursing course last night!:yay I'm so thrilled for her--she's been working her badorkus off --now all she has left is graduation and then the nursing boards!!! I know how hard it is to work full time and go to school --it's not easy--and nursing is quite challenging!! I can't wait to see her this morning at work and make a big to-do about it!!!:yes


Clock is ticking away- so I must get ready--

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Good morning!


Joanne, the shipyard where my husband works always closes the last 2 weeks of the year, even when it changes owners, so I am just accustomed to long Christmas breaks. I am glad you have a long weekend for a trip to Beantown to break up the long winter.


Marisa, you are welcome for the snow! I saw that you wrote that you sent cards to people for whom you had an address, so I knew I wasn't going to get one. I think it's awesome that you could get some sent out. I did my too typical last-minute return to all who sent me one, and one to each of the immediate family members, and that's it. With that unplanned trip to Ohio last week, I didn't have the time I expected. I think it's awesome that your nephew wants to learn to craft. I wish you were closer to teach him. :heart


LeeAnn, are you sure you're done with last-minute orders? I am very happy for you. Your items are awesome, and you deserve your business to take off. Enjoy a break from all the crafting. When is cookie day?


Stacy, I hope you aren't working too hard, but I'm sure the money would be nice this time of year. I am thinking of you!


My hubby is off work today. We are planning on doing some shopping and some wrapping.

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Good morning ladies :hi


It's rainy here today with a high of 60 :eek It's the week of xmas and it should be in the 20's and yep, I'm complaining :( It just does not feel like xmas to me :(


I worked on my graph ghan last night and finished up the harley lettering and now have a million ends to hide :( My least favorite part, but I'll do that before I continue up on the ghan :think


My nephew decided on crochet :clap My SIL had him watch some utube videos for both knit and crochet and he said 'definitely crochet' :manyheart Then he watched more videos I guess and him and the 2nd oldest are excited because they already know how to make a slip knot from some kind of knot making kit they had last year :think Then he went and examined all the afghans I sent out there and was noticing all the differences :lol Too cute!


LeeAnn - you deserve a crafting break :yes WTG on your baskets and the fingerless mitts


Joanne - I'm hoping for some light snow too for xmas eve, but not holding my breath :lol Great news about your friend and I'm sure she'll do well on her boards too :clap and you're right, nursing is very challenging!


Beth - I'd be more than happy to send you out a xmas card.....if I had your address :devil:think You wouldn't have to send one back, but I did include a business card for everyone that I sent to. Just because I know how proud everyone is of me for doing this and thought it would make everyone smile :think:yes


Hope you all are having a wonderful day :hug

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:wooGood Morning!


Yep,....a day without crafting, what will I do?:devil


Joanne-Congratulations to your dearest friend! I bet it is one of the most challenging professions to go in to. A 3 day weekend sounds nice, what do you have planned?


Beth-time does have a way of slipping away, doesn't it? I only sent out a few cards and missed a couple, I lost my address book so am at the mercy of cards sent my way or calling folks. That is awesome that your dh is home, shopping and wrapping presents is fun. Did you get everything on your list?


Marisa-:laughrollMakes my heart a flutter knowing that your dear nephew chose crocheting. love it! I bet you are super excited, will you be seeing him soon?


Today is dd's school lunch. I made the pot of re fried beans yesterday, today ds and I get to have lunch with her and perhaps shop a little. I have been wanting to buy a pair of brown winter boots for myself---they have been my motivation to sell sell sell. :lol I am hoping that I can stop at the shoe store and see what I find. Other than that....nothing....glorious nothing! I baked a ham with all the trimmings yesterday so that we can have leftovers and I can truly relax...oh my, I am not going to know what to do with myself. weeeheeee!


tomorrow is the great COOKIE Bake off!:cheer:cheer


off to sit and enjoy a cup of coffee. Hugs n squishes dear friends, thank you for all of your continued support, my small business would not have started without all of your help.:hug:ghug:flower

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LeeAnn - sure sounds like a wonderful day on deck for you :yes I hope you find the boots you're looking for. I'm also excited my nephew chose crochet, although I do a little knitting too, but crochet is my first love :manyheart I probably won't see him for a while. We just saw them over the summer when we had our reunion and we average about every other year :(

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Good morning, friends!


I went through and read the last few pages, so I at least caught up a teeny bit.


Joanne, glad you had such a fun time with your dd's. The Christmas gathering sounded wonderful! :manyheart And congrats to you on your new leader position! :h5 Good for you, treating yourself every morning. :devil:lol I have been, too...:blush But at the Coffee Bean that is close to our house. I think their coffee is low-acid, it's a bit easier on my tummy, so I can have it more often. :yes


Leeann, how stinky that the shop owner was overpricing your products. :angry I hope you got it straightened out with her. The lunch with your dd sounds wonderful. :manyheart I haven't had tamales in forever- my FIL always buys them from a street vendor close to their house around this time of year, but we haven't been over there in a while to partake. :devil Enjoy your baking time!


Beth, that gluten-free goodies shop sounds wonderful! How thoughtful of your brother to recommend a GF restaurant, also. :yes Have fun shopping with your hubby! How fun. Mine only likes to shop when he can spend with reckless abandon- which is close to never. :lol How are the inventions? I loved the photo on FB with you and your men! Who was that extra one in the photo?


Marisa, how awesome that your nephew wants to crochet! :yay It's really sweet that he is examining your afghans for techniques. Good luck to him, and I do hope you will post pics when he makes something! No worries about the Christmas card- I didn't send them out at all this year, and I can completely understand how you only sent to those you already had addresses for. :yes You have been so busy- speaking of which, how is business? When I read "after my 2:30 patient" in your previous post, I clapped for you. My kids gave me funny looks, though. :lol


Well...I am so glad classes are over, but I have to say that I got a B in anthropology (not terribly unexpected) but I am much more upset than I thought I would be. I know, I know- a B is not bad. But it is just disappointing to me because it is not a reflection of my usual work ethic, if that makes sense. :think This semester was just overwhelming. Still no grade for the other two classes, although I do know I got a 79% in the soc class, but the teacher took the class materials offline and still hasn't posted our official grades. :shrug My astro prof said those grades should be posted by Friday, and as long as I passed the exam, I should get an A. :xfin


Today Isabella is supposed to go stay with MIL for a couple days. My work Christmas party is this afternoon at 12:30, but I don't know if I can go since I will still have the younger girls. I might just go drop off the gift for the Secret Santa exchange. I have been getting lots of hours in the past couple weeks- there have been some management shifts and our lead cashier is leaving at the end of the week, so I expect the high hours to continue until they find a replacement. And Marisa- I have to agree with you in a comment you made a while ago about how I can't complain because I am getting more than 1 or 2 days a week now! :rofl Very, very true.


Well, I must get going and get the girls ready. I have some grocery shopping to do and MIL should be here soon. :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug all around!



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Hiya friends!


Stacy-sooo good to hear from you! Glad that you are getting more hours but know that you must be pretty tired with everything as well. Hugs!


Lunch was sweet! Spending time with my family is always fun, dh was able to go as well. I did buy winter boots but now feel a little guilty...but I am sure that I will get over it. Also bought the rest of my baking goods, do not want to run out in the middle....mother in-law called and asked if I could help her...this is a first. I am more than happy to help. Usually my father in-law does the cooking in their house but he may have to work and she doesn't know how. She invited a few friends including the priest from her church,..she is kinda freaking out. I will make as much as i can ahead and then go early to help her with the rest.


going to sit and watch the tube and call my friend..haven't been able to chat on the phone in ages.


hugs n squishes!

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Good morning, friends!


Marisa, how awesome that your nephew wants to crochet! :yay It's really sweet that he is examining your afghans for techniques. Good luck to him, and I do hope you will post pics when he makes something! No worries about the Christmas card- I didn't send them out at all this year, and I can completely understand how you only sent to those you already had addresses for. :yes You have been so busy- speaking of which, how is business? When I read "after my 2:30 patient" in your previous post, I clapped for you. My kids gave me funny looks, though. :lol


Well...I am so glad classes are over, but I have to say that I got a B in anthropology (not terribly unexpected) but I am much more upset than I thought I would be. I know, I know- a B is not bad. But it is just disappointing to me because it is not a reflection of my usual work ethic, if that makes sense. :think This semester was just overwhelming. Still no grade for the other two classes, although I do know I got a 79% in the soc class, but the teacher took the class materials offline and still hasn't posted our official grades. :shrug My astro prof said those grades should be posted by Friday, and as long as I passed the exam, I should get an A. :xfin


Today Isabella is supposed to go stay with MIL for a couple days. My work Christmas party is this afternoon at 12:30, but I don't know if I can go since I will still have the younger girls. I might just go drop off the gift for the Secret Santa exchange. I have been getting lots of hours in the past couple weeks- there have been some management shifts and our lead cashier is leaving at the end of the week, so I expect the high hours to continue until they find a replacement. And Marisa- I have to agree with you in a comment you made a while ago about how I can't complain because I am getting more than 1 or 2 days a week now! :rofl Very, very true.


Well, I must get going and get the girls ready. I have some grocery shopping to do and MIL should be here soon. :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug all around!




:rofl I don't know if I said you CAN'T complain...I may have, but just trying to remind you of the time when you wanted more :think It's times like that when you really see the truth in the saying "be careful what you wish for" :rofl


Your grades are awesome!!!!! No reason to be disappointed in yourself. You apply yourself well, work full time, take care of the household, be a wife, and be a mother!!!! Sometimes life gets in the way and you just can't push yourself as hard as you would otherwise. You are doing amazingly well with your full plate and I'm so very proud of you :hug :hug :hug


I'm up to 3 patients now :clap:yay and playing phone tag with a 4th still, but will wait until after the holidays to call her back again. I already have her insurance verified and ready to go for her :yes

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What wonderful news to read all around!!! Made my day!!!


Stacy- So PROUD of you!!!! Your grades are amazing---and I can so totally relate to be disappointed in not getting an A---I used to feel like that too--but you must put it in perspective--it's not like going to school is the ONLY thing you are doing!! You have a full plate and then some!!! Give yourself a huge pat on the back and be proud of your wonderful accomplishments!!!!! You are an amazing woman!!!!!


Beth- Hope you had a wonderful day with your DH!!!


LeeAnn- No need to feel guilty about the boots- you EARNED them!!! Enjoy wearing them!!! I treated myself to a pair of boots about a month and 1/2 ago-- I just fell in love with them- and they were on sale! That's great that your MIL wants your help-

Hope you had a wonderful relaxing catch up with your friend on the phone!


Marisa- Yup , proud of you for your decision to go into business for yourself- it's not easy!!


BUSY day in Paradise- and will be for the next 9mos to a year I'm afraid--but it's a good challenge for me! I'm sure it will cut into my crocheting time, though:(.


Off to finish up the cowl I started and the scarf I'm almost done with!

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:rofl I don't know if I said you CAN'T complain...I may have, but just trying to remind you of the time when you wanted more :think It's times like that when you really see the truth in the saying "be careful what you wish for" :rofl


Your grades are awesome!!!!! No reason to be disappointed in yourself. You apply yourself well, work full time, take care of the household, be a wife, and be a mother!!!! Sometimes life gets in the way and you just can't push yourself as hard as you would otherwise. You are doing amazingly well with your full plate and I'm so very proud of you :hug :hug :hug


I'm up to 3 patients now :clap:yay and playing phone tag with a 4th still, but will wait until after the holidays to call her back again. I already have her insurance verified and ready to go for her :yes


Well, of course it is very true that I was wishing for more, and now I do know exactly what that phrase means. :rofl I actually just found out today that I will be getting overtime possibly on Friday and Saturday because the district manager wants every department full and all 4 cashiers working. :eek It will come in handy, though, since I get paid again on Isabella's birthday. :yes Glad to hear you are up to 3 patients, and :xfin that you hear from the 4th soon! How exciting!


Okay, I better scoot. I started this post almost an hour ago while trying to get dinner ready, now it's finished and time to eat! LoL Good night!

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Good morning!


Have fun baking cookies with your children today LeeAnn!!


Stacy- Hectic times for sure, but I'll bet the extra $ will sure come in handy this time of year- and then with Isabella's Bday not far behind!!!


Tonight I have to sew in a couple of linings to the SBT's I made this summer since they are gifts for some of my co-workers. Can you say procastination????:lol:lol

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Top of the morning!


Joanne-I bet your co-workers are going to love love love the SBT! How fun! I bet you already have the fabric picked out.


Beth-what's on the agenda for today? Spending time with your family I bet:manyheart


Stacy-oh my, over time this week? are you ready for the holiday?


Marisa-so happy that you have 4 patients, pretty soon you are going to be booked.


Wrapped gifts last night, just have a few more to go...tonight I will get to those. Soaps/candles for my parents and brother. Need to make a small batch of lotion bars for them but will get to that later as they are going to New Mexico for the holiday and I will not see them till next week...procrastination at it's best. :lol:lol


have my list of goodies made now off to cook. BBL! Hugs n squishes!

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Stacy, so nice to hear from you. My extra man in the picture is Shrimp Boy. He's the shortest one. He fits in well. You did great in school. I know you would get all A's if you were a full-time student and that's all, but you are a full-time Mom with a job in addition to going to school. You are an amazing woman!


LeeAnn, sounds like you are enjoying your Christmas season. I am so glad to hear that. I made fudge this morning, kind of worried about it. I think the marshmallow cream jar that I got is bigger than I was supposed to use, and I'm not sure it will turn out OK -- too Marshmallow-ey. Today I want to get the toffee started, wrap presents, pick up some gift cards, and hopefully have everything ready for Christmas Eve. Enjoy your cookie day!


Joanne, procrastination is trying to finish crocheting the bags right now, not just lining them. I hope you get them done without much stress or worry on your part. What lovely gifts.


Marisa, so happy you have 4 patients now. I am very happy for you!

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