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Good morning ladies :hi


I got some crochet time in last night working on my graph ghan while my sister ran around doing busy stuff and laundry after getting home late. I told her I'd finish up the laundry tonight and take care of the sheets in the spare room so they're ready for company on thurs night after the steeler's game. She has to meet a friend after work to drop off a ticket for the game to her for her new boss that just came over from Germany and will be here a few years. The whole week seems to be busy. Tomorrow I signed up for a holdiay party with the Pittsburgh Young Professionals group to network, but they haven't sent me any confirmation and I've contacted a 2nd time, so we'll see if I hear something today or tomorrow. Meanwhile, my sister has dinner with some girls from work tomorrow. Then it's the Steeler's game on Thursday. Friday a neighbor is having their holiday party, so we're headed over there. Saturday is in the air....we got tickets for a victorian house xmas tour, which I'm excited about and she is too but is now feeling bad since she and her bf only get to see each other on the weekends right now with his work schedule. So she might try to get rid of the tickets now :think I told her I was excited about it, but if she got rid of the tickets that would be fine too....but between us, I really hope to go :xfin


I ran to the bank this morning before work and when I got here, my lights were on :think I swear that I turned them off last night when I left, but I could be mistaken :think Everything was locked up though, but I still did a thorough check when I got in :shrug


Beth - I understand you're bitter sweet feelings of the nutcracker ending :hug Enjoy lunch with SIL and I can't wait to hear your report of her crocheting :yes


LeeAnn - I hope dd is feeling better.....I know just how she feels :lol Glad to opted to stay at your parents overnight when the storm hit :hug Just how far is the convenience care place from you?


Stacy - I wonder where your posts are? Maybe in cyberspace with some of mine that have disappeared :think Glad to hear the soc presentation went well and sent you positive thoughts for your spanish dialogue today :xfin When work gets to you, just remember back to when you were only getting one day a week and you wanted more :devil Good luck with your upcoming finals!!!!


Joanne - I'm so proud of you making the hats for the giving tree :hug Glad you had a good night at craft club...even without your extra skein of yarn :( OH, and I hate to be the bearer of bad news.....but Friday? It's a few days away yet :hug

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Morning, yup it's morning already.:yes


Beth-oh my! you were up early, I hope and pray that you found the missing piece of equipment. Your meet up with your sister in-law sounds fantastic! How fun! I love pizza! mmm mmm good. Please let us know how she is doing with crocheting. I hope she likes it, the more crocheters out there, the better! WTG ordering your ds pics. And getting a head start on your twins pics as well. I have not sent out x-mas cards this year..yikes! I will, just have to get to it.


Marisa-that is strange that your lights were on but you remember turning them off.:think Your week sounds very busy and exciting! I love being busy. That is also great that you get to spend time with your sister. Do you both have a lot in common?


Joanne-that is great that you had your IRL meetup, I bet you look forward to those. How many scarves do you think you have made? I bet your hook is smoking. :lol Sorry dear, it's only Tuesday..I am glad, have another bazaar this Friday and Sat..not ready at all.


Stacy-so sorry to hear that all of your posts have been lost in cyberspace..:hug My gosh, you must be exhausted! keeping up with everything is difficult especially this time of year.


Tonight ds has a ceremony. He is now a Tenderfoot and will be working towards the next rank. Made the gallon of beans just have to add the chile...also finishing up a scarf for an order.


BBL! hugs n squishes! I do need energy, I'm running on empty. :lol

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Morning, yup it's morning already.:yes


Beth-oh my! you were up early, I hope and pray that you found the missing piece of equipment. Your meet up with your sister in-law sounds fantastic! How fun! I love pizza! mmm mmm good. Please let us know how she is doing with crocheting. I hope she likes it, the more crocheters out there, the better! WTG ordering your ds pics. And getting a head start on your twins pics as well. I have not sent out x-mas cards this year..yikes! I will, just have to get to it.


Marisa-that is strange that your lights were on but you remember turning them off.:think Your week sounds very busy and exciting! I love being busy. That is also great that you get to spend time with your sister. Do you both have a lot in common?


Joanne-that is great that you had your IRL meetup, I bet you look forward to those. How many scarves do you think you have made? I bet your hook is smoking. :lol Sorry dear, it's only Tuesday..I am glad, have another bazaar this Friday and Sat..not ready at all.


Stacy-so sorry to hear that all of your posts have been lost in cyberspace..:hug My gosh, you must be exhausted! keeping up with everything is difficult especially this time of year.


Tonight ds has a ceremony. He is now a Tenderfoot and will be working towards the next rank. Made the gallon of beans just have to add the chile...also finishing up a scarf for an order.


BBL! hugs n squishes! I do need energy, I'm running on empty. :lol


LOL, well considering that my sister is supporting me right now and I'm living with her and her bf, we do see each other alot! :yes We do have alot in common....now anyway :lol When we were younger we couldn't even be in the same room :eek BUT, there is 6 years between us, which is alot when your kids :yes This is the first time living together since she left for college 20 years ago :eek My mom was pretty worried I must admit, but we're doing well :yes It helps that her house is 3 floors, so there's enough space to 'get away from each other' when we need to. But, really we're all so busy that our paths don't even cross that much aside from weekends and/or events :think


:yay for ds and the ceremony tonight :cheer WTG on moving toward the next rank. I'm so happy for you and him that this is working out so well for him :hug :hug

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Hi all,

Rainy and it was so busy at work today- We have more new employees and I'm training - plus trying to get some of my work done- plus finishing up training the last crew that started- it's crazy! But I'm home, so I'm good!!


Marisa- Have fun at the Steelers game! Is this your new team?;) (or are you a closet Eagles fan now:lol) Sounds like a very busy week...how's your cold? I'm finding that hats w/bulky yarn work up quick--


LeeAnn Congrats to your DS on moving on up the ranks of Scouts!!! My bro and his son (who is now a sophmore at Boston College) are both Eagle Scouts!

good luck with the bazaar--you are sure the Crafting queen right now between your bazaar's and orders!! I haven't counted how many scarves--guess I should do that--


Beth- Hope you had a good day despite the early morning hours! How'd your SIL do with the crocheting?

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I got a bonus! Both of my sisters-in-law showed up for lunch! It was wonderful. The one who is learning to crochet is doing a great job. Her dc looks great. I'm so proud of her.


I am tired. I just wanted to pop in before bed. I'll talk to you all tomorrow -- hugs.

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Good morning!

Beth- Sounds like you had a lovely little bit of "me" time enjoying lunch with both SIL's! That's wonderful that your one SIL is doing well with her crocheting--how could she not with you as her teacher!!!


LeeAnn- Kudos again to your DS---what's on your agenda today? Soaps? lotions? crocheting?


Marisa- Saw your answer re: Eagles and Steelers in another thread- I'm not surprised that they don't broadcast too many Eagles games in Steeler's Country!!! How awesome that you get to the game!!! Nothing like a live sports event! Have fun!


It's another rainy day and I can't believe that I heard the word snow in the forecast--hoping it's just in the NW part of the state. I am not yet ready to deal with it--a little sprinkling on Christmas Eve would be ok


Have a good "Hump Day"!!

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Good Morning!


Yupppeerrrrsss, it's morning. :yes


Joanne-oh gosh, sure hope you do not get any s...:eek :hugWe have been hit with quite a bit. This last weekend was really bad. Last night my temperature gauge read -2 F. :wbrr:wbrr:wbrr:wbrr:wbrr:wbrr my car didn't heat up until I was almost home...it was super cold. I am not ready for all of this cold weather but guess I must prepare myself. Happy Hump Day to you!


Beth-that is awesome that your sil is crocheting, now ya all can get together for a bit of hook time. :hugAny pointers? Next week I will be teaching another crochet class to a few ladies at a coffee shop in Manassa. Small town about 40 minutes from Alamosa.


Marisa-do you feel better? :hugI forgot to answer your question, the Convenient Care is here in Alamosa, bout 15 miles from our house. Not the best place to go but it will work in a pinch. That is so neat that you and your sister get along well. My twin and I get along for the most part but we can disagree but our little sister is so much younger than us, it's hard to relate. We get along but we are just in different stages.


Stacy-how are you? Getting things done I am sure. :hugMy ds is doing extremely well homeschooling and loves it! He has worked ahead in some of his courses and is going to have a good vacation-so proud of him, he is so dedicated! Hope you and your family are doing well.


Today I have to make a batch of sugar scrubs, make 3 sets of fingerless mitts/scarves and get ready for the weekend. Tomorrow I will be delivering the last of my lotion bars-until my supply order comes in on Friday then I will be back in business! :lol


back to work, it is an Early Release day...gotta get a move on it. HUGS n SQUISHES!

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Good morning ladies :hi


Last night I colored my sister's hair, did 2 loads of laundry, 2 rows of my graph ghan, and read a bit before bed.


My sister decided to keep the tix for the house tour on Saturday :clap:yay She decided it might help get her in the xmas spirit since she's not feeling like it's xmas (probably because of the warmer weather we've been having :think )


My cold is doing better, still am a bit congested mostly in the sinus area now, but otherwise, not bad.


Joanne - When people ask me if I'm a Steeler's fan, I tell them it's my 2nd team and that I'm an Eagles fan and I always get a funny look :lol I do wear my Hines Ward jersey to the tailgates on game day :yes After I went to the first one with nothing Steelers on.....I've never been anywhere where the whole city just walk around in their own sports clothes ALL THE TIME! :lol The last Eagles game I went to was at the Vet :eek After they built the Linc the tix went way up and I wouldn't pay. I've been to several Steeler games and my sister invited me out every time the Eagles played here and it was usually pre-season. We're lucky we very rarely play each other :lol I have my Eagles lamp in my bedroom at the house, but packed the rest. One of the boxes went there by accident and when my sister opened it said I wasn't winning any points with that one :rofl But, I packed it away. I also don't have any sports stuff in the office, but will probably end up with black and gold in here just because I need to cater to my audience :lol blah, blah, blah :blah Hope you have a great hump day at work today and the training goes well :xfin


Beth - Awesome to get to have lunch with both SIL's....so did you start to show the 2nd SIL how to crochet too? Glad to hear the 1st SIL is doing so well. My sister got back to her scarf last night that she was making for a friend whose bday was a couple months ago already :eek And is one of the girls she's meeting out tonight so was determined to finish it to give to her. Problem is that she hasn't worked on it since she missed the girls bday and lets just say she noticed that she was going a bit slower and less consistent since she's just a beginner to start with :yes


LeeAnn - 15 miles isn't too bad, but understandable to be stopped by the snow. I guess the way you worded it made me think it was super far :think:lol You have a really busy crafting day ahead of you with your sugar scrubs, fingerless mitts and scarves. :cheer :cheer :cheer

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Quick pop in---


LeeAnn- I can't imagine making three sets of fingerless gloves and scarves in one day!!!


Marisa- I think that is a wise move to go with the black and gold colors---you MUST cater to the hometown crowd for your business!!!!


Beth and Stacy- HI!!!


Will post more in theAM---I'm starving and just realized why---it's almost 8PM!!!

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Can't believe I slept in and posted before Joanne!


My brother-in-law who had cancer passed last night. My poor sister. She loved him very much. I'm not sure if I'm going to Florida or not. Don't want to be a burden to her, but want to be there if she needs me.


Joanne, Friday will be here soon. I hope you have a good day in Paradise.


LeeAnn, don't hurt yourself crocheting so much! Good luck preparing for your bazaar.


Marisa, I hope you are feeling better. I agree-- decorate with black and gold in the public rooms. You can always do a private area in "your" colors.


Stacy, I hope things are going well for you. Are classes about over? My dd has her last class today. She turns in her portfolio at the end of class and picks it up on Tuesday. My son has two more Friday classes. My other son somehow ends the Tuesday after that. He's taking an 8-week class, and they got another day.


I am tired of hats, so I pulled out an afghan kit and started working on it yesterday. It's a round ripple in a bulky 100% wool. It looks like it will be very fast. I needed something fun.

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Good morning ladies :hi


Late start for me today because when I woke up I couldn't go back to sleep and wasn't really ready to be up yet so decided to read a bit before getting moving. Tonight is a home Steeler's game so will leave early and even earlier if the guy hosting our tailgate needs any help. He has to pick up his kids and if he's late coming back from dropping them off at his mom's he'll get stuck in a lot of traffic :( So, if I can keep an eye on things to let him do that earlier, then I'll head over early. Otherwise, we usually go down about 2 hours before gametime. Only I usually go hang at the bar while most of the rest of them go to the game, but Steph got me a ticket tonight because there were extras. Apparently the long time season tickets holders skip the cold, night games :lol


Have stuff to do so can't stay and chat. I want to try to whip out a hat to wear tonight :think We'll see what happens :shrug I making one of Joanne's 'ugly' hats :wink

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Hi all,

I was running behind this morning and then after work (left a little early) I went to my DD's art reception at the university! It was wonderful!! I'm so proud of her. Her artwork was really amazing--she has really branched out as an artist!


Beth- I'm sorry to hear about your BIL! Hugs and prayers for your sis and her family and all of you!!! I'll bet the RR in bulky wool will be awesome!!! I'm 'itching' to start another afghan- after I finish the baby ghan and a few more scarves or cowls and hats.


LeeAnn- I'll bet you are up to your eyeballs in crafting getting ready for the bazaar and all those orders you're getting!!!


Stacy- I saw on FB that you are nearing the finish line with school this semester. Hang in there!!! You are doing great!!!!

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Not much new since last night when I posted- two more rows on the blanket, then border! I WILL finish it tonight so I can make a few more hats/cowls--and I can't believe that it's only 2 more weeks till Christmas!


Have a great Friday!!! I know I will knowing that after 8 hours of "paradise" I'm free for 2 days!!

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


Joanne - Only 2 weeks! :eek I better work on my xmas cards :yes Glad to hear that dd's art reception went well :hug


Beth - Have a good day and I hope the coffee kicked you into gear :wink


We had fun at the game last night and the Steelers won :clap:yay Tonight we have a xmas party at a neighbors house and I think my sister wants to go to the mall this afternoon so I'll probably join her. :yes Not much else going on right now.


Oh, I did make my hat yesterday and had it done for the game. I'll have to get a pic....I'm so behind on them :think It surely did work up really quickly!

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Welcome to the Weekend!! So happy it's finally here!!!! Two days of no work. My DD is starting to get really bummed- she has to return to work on Monday and has really been enjoying her time at home with my GS!


I know it's hard- and it breaks my heart- I wish I could afford to give her some $ so she could stay home! Please keep her in your thoughts as she begins the transition to working mom

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Good morning


Been up for a while- taking care of the usual Saturday morning routine. Heading to the store, then to bake cookies with DD and her MIL, then to a Christmas party this afternoon.


Thinking of you at the bazaar today LeeAnn and wishing you tons of sales!!

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Hello friends!


So very sorry that I have been MIA. Things in my neck of the woods are super hectic and busy.


Joanne-I will say a little prayer for your dd, transitioning back to to work is difficult. Lots of mommy hugs! I bet you are so proud of your artistic dd! That is amazing! How was your x-mas party and baking? Hope you had fun!


Beth-your dd's pic on FB is stunning! Wow! How neat! How has your weekend been?


Marisa-sounds like you have a fun weekend planned, shopping is one of my favorite pastimes. Do you feel better?


The bazaar was another hit! whew! Got home late last night and had more orders to fill....have about 6 more to do before Monday..will start tomorrow, I am burnt out.


The kiddos are at the in-laws, good thing, cuz I have been so busy I haven't had time to think.


This next Friday will be the last of my holiday sales...I am setting up shop at dh's work. We have permission from his company,...just have to get those items ready before then...going to relax before the steam comes out! :-)


hugs n squishes!

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Good morning!


LeeAnn- Wow you have been going non-stop with the crafting and the bazaars. Remember to take care of you--Glad to hear that you are having success, though!


I had a good day yesterday between shopping, baking, and the party- and then back to DD's after the party to hang with her for a bit since SIL was working. Not much crocheting done- and still have a few items to make! I did manage to finish the rows on the baby blanket, and this morning will do the border.



Hope you all have a good Sunday---and get done what you need to get done.

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Unusual morning here, but good. I got the grocery shopping out of the way, went out to breakfast with my dd, and made a cat sweater for my "old lady." She's 17-year-old, and not doing very well. She's snuggled up in the sweater sleeping now, so I think she likes it.


Joanne, how are things going with Ryan's first Christmas? Lots of hugs to your dd going back to work. And lots of kudos to your other dd for her successful art show.


LeeAnn, I am very proud of your success with your crafting. It seems you have some wonderful results with your sales. I'm with you, it's time to address some Christmas cards!


Stacy, I hope exams go well, and you get your break soon. I am so ready for my kids to be done with college so we can get some time off.


Marisa, Are you having a good weekend? Is your headcold gone yet?


Well, here's the pic of the cat, if you haven't seen it on FB...


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Good afternoon ladies :hi


Yep, I'm at the office :eek I came in to see a patient today :clap One of my sister's friends that can't get here during the week, so here I am. She had a fairly simple complaint though so her visit was quick. I've just been getting aquainted with my software a bit more. I have a training set for Tuesday to learn how to put the insurance info in. Now I'm done and am getting ready to leave to head back to my sister's but I do have some research online first.


Joanne - Prayers and hugs to your DD :hug How was your xmas party?


LeeAnn - :yay for all your holiday sales, you are really doing well :h5


Beth - I'm still congested but feel fine otherwise :yes

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Hi all,

Yesterday was a good day- lots of fun- shopping, baking cookies and a fun time at the Christmas party. :)


I finished the baby blanket today and bordered it using a row of sc and then a row of reverse HDC that one of my friends at craft club showed me. I really like that stitch!!! :yes It's a little awkward at first, but I got used to it quickly. I also finished what had started out to be scarf, but turned it into a cowl/neckwarmer since I had messed up and did about 10 rows using another pattern (too many WIPS at once) Those 10 rows are similar in pattern, but the scarf was skinnier there so now the skinny section is behind your neck! I used the Amazing yarn which I really like using! The colorways are so pretty.


The scarf pattern can be foundhere It's in German, but if you scroll down it's in English- I like it alot!!! I also made one that I turned into an infinity scarf


The pics aren't great- a photographer I'm not!:lol






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Hello all!


Just quick pop-in to say- I am almost done! :cheer:clap:woo Presentations are all finished- just have finals this week and I will be freeeeeee! Can you tell I am just a wee bit excited? :lol

The girls stayed with my IL's this weekend, so on Friday night dh and I went out with some friends to celebrate a birthday. Yesterday I worked and dh had his MET exams, so we didn't see each other at all until I got home at 10:30. I did some Christmas shopping, and am almost finished with the girls. This morning we went out for breakfast, and I had to work in the afternoon.

Tomorrow after dropping off the girls, I am going to get a coffee, come home, catch up here, and clean the girls' room. I have my Spanish final on Tuesday but I'm really not even worried about studying for it. It should be easy-peasy.

Love and hugs! I will be back tomorrow to catch up. :hug:hug:hug:hug

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Stacy- Are you excited? Just a little bit??:lol Good luck with your finals!!! I know you'll do great!!!


Marisa, Beth and LeeAnn- Hope you have a good Monday- I have a busy day on tap- first day of systems training with the 4 employees that started last week.



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