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Good morning ladies :hi


Ran some errands this morning so got in a bit late. I had some things to pick up and needed to get gas too :yes I have to run up to the mall this afternoon, my dad sent me a link for a free pair of panties at VS only good today and then tonight we're going to the Pitt vs. Duquesne basketball game :clap:yay


Joanne - The printer won yesterday :( BUT, today's a new day and I have a couple more tricks up my sleeve :lol


Beth - I think I'm only having a problem because of the way my router is :think But we'll see what today brings :lol


LeeAnn - Very cute gingerbread soaps and snowmen :manyheart I went to Joann's last night and got some yarn for a harley davidson afghan....we'll see how that goes :think And over the past couple weeks I made my sister and myself a pair of fingerless gloves and am making a pair for my mom too :yes They're going to be stocking stuffers.


Hope all is well and I'll try to check back in before I leave here for the day.

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Quick good morning--

Love the new soaps LeeAnn!!!


Relaxing in a recliner with a cup of coffee and sunbeams sounds delightful and what I'd love to be doing--but I've gotta run and get ready for another day in Paradise.


I'll try and check in again after Paradise--so far this week- I've left every day on time!!

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Good morning,


Quick stop by... LeeAnn, your snowmen and gingerbread men are adorable! You do great work. I'm so glad you share pics with us.


Marisa and Joanne, good luck at work today. I hope Marisa conquers the technology, and Joanne just conquers the Thursday.


Stacy, it's almost over. You can survive the classes!


I recently bought a new broom, so WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH!

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Beth-you are just too cute! What's on the agenda for the day? Do you still tutor Shrimp Boy?


Joanne-so glad that you are able to leave work on time, staying late can become quite a habit, before you know it-you have stayed at least an 1-2 every week. :)


Marisa-did you get all of your errands run yesterday?


Got up early, dh was sooo loud! grrrr...feeling kinda irked going to drink a cup of coffee and then try to think about what I have to do next.


hugs n squishes!

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Good morning ladies :hi For a few more minutes anyway


I slept in this morning, so had a late start. But I decided not to set my alarm last night so I guess it was intended. :wink The game was alot of fun, I really miss it and am one of the 8% :think that is excited to have nba coming back, although why on christmas day! :eek Sounds a bit like a gimmick to me :think


LeeAnn - I won against the printer yesterday :yay Now today I need to battle the scanner :think I did get my errands done too :D Good idea to give your wrists a little break :hug


Joanne - By the time you see this, you'll be home from paradise and I hope you got to leave on time again :xfin


Beth - This technology stuff is for the birds :eek How do you like your new broom?


Catch y'all later

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I did leave on work again on time!!! 4 days in a row---I'm going to make it 5 tomorrow!!!!


I stopped at Michael's on the way home- picked up a gift for step granddaughter (and didn't buy yarn) Also went into Bed Bath and Beyond and B&N--and got lost in the craft books for a while--i love looking at them.


Home and need to work on the baby ghan---so hope you ALL had a good day and I'll see you again in the AM

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Good morning


Hope you all have a good day!


Beth- Does Nutcracker start tonight? Please tell Amanda "break a leg" for me!!


Stacy- WTG on the presentation (saw post on FB). You're almost at the end of another semester!!! WTG!!!!


Marisa- I agree about the Christmas Day start to the NBA Season!!! Should be interesting to see how this shortened season plays out.


LeeAnn- After the early start to your day yesterday (thanks to your loud DH), hope the day went better after you had your coffee!!


I'm ready to start my 2nd cup already and then get ready for Friday in Paradise--and then @4:30--I'm out of there!!! Weekend here I come!!!:lol

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Good morning -- start of a very long day here...


Joanne, Happy Friday! I'm glad you have been able to leave on time for a whole week. Feels good, right? The actual Nutcracker performances are Saturday and Sunday, but there is a dress rehearsal for the "big girls" tonight. It's scheduled to last until midnight. I certainly hope it doesn't do that. My day started before 4:45 this morning -- I couldn't sleep. Can't wait for this to be over.


Marisa, I agree about technology. Why is something created to make life easier so difficult to get running smoothly? I want to get out my sons' laptops and install all the software, work on the network, etc., but my husband feels it would be a good learning experience for the boys to do all that. ??? Right now, it will have to wait one way or the other any way.


LeeAnn, I hate it when I can sleep and my husband or cats or kids don't allow it!!! No wonder you were irked yesterday. I planned to sleep in yestserday, but the cats didn't get the memo, and woke me up at the usual time.


Stacy, congrats on the presentation. The end of the semester will be here before you know it! I hope you get a nice break. You have been accomplishing miracles every day, raising 3 kids, going to school and working.... You're my hero!


Do you hear my coffee calling me? I think it's ready now...

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Good morning ladies :hi


My sister and I did a few things at the house last night (we had our to do list attached to the alarm on my phone :lol ) and got alot accomplished. I think tonight we're going shopping for some cheap stocking stuffers and going out to eat :yes


Joanne - I hope you get out of work on time again for this lovely friday and that will make it a whole week for you of leaving on time :xfin


Beth - You are stressed girl, and until it's over, I don't think you're going to sleep well :(:hug I must say that I agree with dh that it would be a good learning experience for the boys to set up their computers :yes I definitely heard the coffee calling you loud and clear :wink I'm going with tea today since I'm feeling a bit of a sore throat :(


LeeAnn - I hope today is smoother than yesterday :hug


Stacy - Hope all is going well :hug

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Top of the morning!


Rushing thru..lots to do today.


Beth-wishing that today flies by for you and is not too late. :hug:hug


Marisa-dinner out sounds fantastic! We are having pizza..yummy!


Joanne-Have a great weekend!


off to buzz thru my list of chores,...getting ready for the bazaar tomorrow. Have a big order for more lotion bars.:cheer

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Good luck at the bazaar today LeeAnn- I know you'll do great!


Beth- Break a leg to Amanda at the Nutcracker this weekend!


Stacy- You must almost be done with school!! Did you ever find the Kinect?


Marisa- Have a good weekend- Did you get anything shopping last night?


DH and I are heading to the Conair/Cuisinart Warehouse sale that they have once/year. Hoping to find some things for great prices like I have in the past!


Better get hopping- the sale is waiting!!!

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Rehearsals are done. We are almost sold out for both performances. It looks like it will be the best nutcracker yet. I am so excited to watch it.


Joanne, good luck at the sale. Are you looking for something for you, or for some gifts?


LeeAnn, I hope the bazaar is going very well. Your items are adorable and practical. You should do great!


Stacy, school is almost over. Do you have a tough exam schedule?


Marisa, I hope you are enjoying your weekend. Do you have many patients scheduled for next week? Are things picking up?

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Hi all,


Hope the Nutcracker was a resounding success Beth!


I was looking for gifts- My youngest had mentioned an ice cream maker (both her sisters have one that I had bought) I also picked up a pot/pan set for oldest and a coffee maker and a coffee grinder for middle DD . I got brushes (1.00 ea) for everyone and a hairdryer (they had the ionic ceramic one for 9.00!!) -also picked up set of pots/pans for DH's oldest.


After that we had breakfast at Cracker Barrel, and went to a few more stores- then B&N for a a coffee and a break and then a few more stores. I'm done with shopping for Christmas!!!


Hope the bazaar was a success, LeeAnn!

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Beth-how awesome! The nutcracker sounds just perfect! Glad rehearsal is done and over with.


Joanne-did you find any good sales? sure hope so.


Marisa-how's your weekend going?


Just got home from the bazaar...it was a hit! whew! Lots of sales and more orders for both crochet items, sugar scrubs, and lotion bars. Going to start on them this week. But for now going to spend the rest of the evening with my family. I missed them today.


hugs n squishes!

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Have a great day too Beth!!! And LeeAnn, Stacy and Marisa!


I got my Christmas gifts wrapped!! That's definitely a record having them done so early.


LeeAnn- Way to go on a successful bazaar--I'm so happy for you. (and to answer your question, I got awesome deals!!!


Went to Starbucks this morning since each year I get a Christmas mug from there. Today they are 1/2 price- they have a promotion- the 12 days of Christmas- and today was the day for the mugs. I'm enjoying a cup of coffee right now in it! Got my cleaning done and laundry is going.


Rest of the day is football and relaxation!

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Good morning--welcome to another Monday!


Beth- You must be so happy that the Nutcracker is now a memory!!! How'd it go?


Marisa- Hope you had a good weekend.


LeeAnn- Good luck getting all your orders done. You must be so happy that things are working out so well with your crafts!!!


Stacy- You are on the last leg of another semester!!! Did you have to work this weekend? How are the girls doing? Are they getting excited for Christmas?


Hope you ALL have a wonderful day. Time to finish getting ready and have another cup of "joe"!!

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Good morning ladies :hi


Not much going on around here. I'm sick :( I had the sore throat on Friday and Saturday which turned to a cold yesterday. Saturday we went to the last home Pitt football game and we won....I was kind of dragging myself. So yesterday I skipped the steelers tailgate :eek and stayed in bed all day.


Joanne - We got some stocking stuffers and I picked up xmas cards on Friday. Glad you got the gifts you were looking for, and wrapped already :yay Awesome!


Beth - Not picking up just yet. I have 2 appointments this week for my same one patient :lol BUT, I should get my sign up this week too :think Which I hoping will be helpful :xfin


LeeAnn - Awesome job at the bazaar, how are your orders coming along?

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The Nutcracker is over! I am really happy to see it go, but just a tad sad that my baby girl is growing up, and may not do another.


Joanne, congrats on getting that Christmas shopping done. Sounds like you found some amazing sales.


Stacy, is school almost over? My kids have 2 more weeks. I can't wait for break!


Marisa, I hope you are feeling better. Head colds are no fun.


LeeAnn, Do you have any more bazaars coming up? How lovely that you got some orders.


I'm going to try to settle down and get some crocheting done today. My house misses me, too, but I think today I will concentrate on recuperating mentally from the Nutcracker.

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Joanne-a new cup is just heavenly isn't it. Gosh, you sure are fast! Wrapping and getting ready for Christmas. WTG! Hope your Monday is going well.


Beth-I bet you do need a day of relaxation and recovery from all the stress. Whew!


Marisa-hope you feel better and that bus. starts picking up lots and lots.


Yesterday was a busy day. I had to take dd in to convenient care-she had a terrible sore throat. Luckily she did not have strep..but she does have a terrible cold. I was also invited to dinner last night from one of my former preschool students. She is in the 2nd grade and doing wonderfullly. What sweetie! I have become great friends with her family, it was so much fun! However, a storm hit as I was driving, so instead of coming home, I spent the night at my parents house. Didn't sleep all that great, but did get to spend time with my mom and brother. I drove my dad to dialysis and then came home to put dd back to bed. Also have to make a gallon of chile beans for ds's Boy Scout function and 3 goodie bags...and of course the orders..oh my gosh! Feel stretched thin, but going to start plugging away at my to do list.


BBL! Hugs n squishes!

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Hi friends!


Guess what? I've posted about 3 times already, and every time I come back, my posts are gone. :(:think So odd...


Joanne, sounds like you found some awesome deals at the outlet! :cheer for Christmas shopping being finished!


Leeann, WTG on getting new sales and selling lots of items at the bazaar! I am amazed by how many craft fairs you have been to lately. :nworthy How is ds doing with the homeschooling? Will he take a break for Christmas? I'm glad to hear your dd did not have strep. Poor dear- I hope her throat feels better soon. :hug


Marisa, how is the practice going?


Beth, the Nutcracker is over! :yay But I can understand how you are sad to see your dd growing up and possibly not doing another show. :hug Hopefully you will be less stressed now. Are you still helping a bunch at the studio?


Let's see...our soc. presentation went really, really well. :cheer:whew We haven't received a grade yet, but as soon as it was over, I felt a huge sense of relief. Tomorrow I have a 5-minute Spanish dialogue, and this weekend I have one last anthro assignment. Next week I have finals- 1 on Monday and 2 on Thursday, and one over the weekend. I am very much looking forward to being home for 2 months! This semester was very trying.

I've been working lots of hours at work, also- almost every day, except Monday and Thursday, which I have off due to classes (mine and dh's.) Our head cashier is leaving at the end of December, so I anticipate picking up more hours. I hate to say it but, the job wears me out more than anything. :blush I had a mini-meltdown last Friday, and I just wanted to quit. But Saturday morning and much of the afternoon was spent at home, hanging out with the girls, and Sunday morning we had a nice family breakfast before I had to leave, and it was quite refreshing. :manyheart

Well, I better get moving and work on the Spanish assignment, so I know what I'm talking about tomorrow. :D Good night! :hug:hug:hug:hug

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Good morning (technically) my friends. I couldn't sleep. A piece of equipment didn't make it back to the studio after the Nutcracker, and I'm obsessing over it. The good news is that I finally did something about my son's graudation photos that I should have mailed out last year. I finally ordered prints. They will be ready when the sun comes up -- love those 24-hour places! and the prices were better than I expected. Now to get the twins' photos taken so i can start procrastinating about mailing them out, and to get the Christmas cards addressed so I can stick the photos in there...

I am meeting my sister-in-law at a restaurant that serves gluten-free pizza for lunch and for her second crochet lesson. She did very well the first time, and she's been working on it, as time allows. Can't wait to see her progress!

Stacy, great job on the soc. project. I know you will be glad to get a break from school. You are amazing to do everything. I can see how work will wear you out. Dealing with the public can be nerve-wracking.

LeeAnn, don't know how you do it all, but I'm very proud of you for getting it all done. I wish you could syphon off a touch of your energy and send it my way, but I'll just watch from the distance and marvel... I hope your dd feels better.

Marisa, I hope you are feeling better. Too close to the holidays to be getting sick!

Joanne, I hope you aren't working too hard.

Oh, for whoever asked, it's the beginning of the month, so I'm still working at lot at the ballet studio.

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Good morning!

Beth- Sorry to hear that a piece of equipment didn't make it back to the studio! But more importantly, I hope you were able to get a little sleep or are you still up since 3?


Stacy- Work does wear you out--especially when you have three little ones to tend to, plus going to school. The 2 mo break from school will be a most welcome relief, I'm sure! Hang in there!!! This time of year working retail must be very trying!


Marisa- Hope today finds you feeling a little better!!! I am hoping beyond hope that I don't come down with a cold--seems that quite a few people at work have them! Tis the season!


LeeAnn- You are one busy lady! Between homeschooling, your craft orders, and everything else. Remember to take some time for you!


I had craft club last night- and brought the baby blanket to work on, and can you believe it, I forgot to toss in another skein of the color I was on? UGH!!! But I did have some amazing yarn in my tote, so started another scarf! Have a few more rows left on the blanket , then border, then done!


I'm trying to get a few more hats done for the 'giving tree' at work-maybe tonight!


Off to get ready for another busy day in Paradise. (is it Friday yet?)

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