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Some good clean fun?!

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Hello friends!


Happy Thanksgiving! I popped on my sister's computer to check on all of you. We had a speedy trip, since then we have been baking and visiting.:c9 Getting ready for the big sales tonight and tomorrow morning.


Hope your holiday was fantastic, filled with great folks and yummy food.


Night all, hugs n squishes! I will try to pop on here tomorrow, if not we will be headed home Saturday morning.

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Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!! I'm still stuffed from all the delicious food yesterday! Middle DD and her BF and his Bro made some delicious side dishes- all fresh, and from scratch! So good!!!!! Even the fresh cranberry sauce was out of this world. ( I usually buy canned)


My youngest did a fantastic job hosting her First Thanksgiving~~~of many, I hope;)


Going to relax and take it easy- nothing is on sale that I need bad enough for gifts to deal with the crowds!


Have a good day after the feast!!

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Hello everybody!


I'm very excited to meet with my IRL friends today.


I've finished 3 UBW hats (Or are they WBU? Can't remember.)


I have a cat on my lap.


Joanne, how nice to enjoy family time, and to watch your children host the meal.


Marisa, I hope you had a good visit with your family, and your travels went well.


LeeAnn, did everyone have a good time? thanks for hopping on the computer to send your squishes our way.


Stacy, love the pic of your hubby with the turkey on his hand. He probably could have fit his head in the baby ostrich my daughter picked out for us. Why do 5 people need a 22.88 pound turkey???

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Good morning ladies :hi


We went shopping yesterday, but we went late enough to miss the EARLY crowd and early enough to miss the afternoon crowd so it really was not bad at all :D I got a pair of jeans, a pair of slacks and 2 tops that all look really nice on :yes A lined zip up hoodie, a xmas door mat for the office, and rain boots. My mom got us all xmas pj's which we'll open on xmas eve....it's a tradition and it'll be our only presents this year. I asked if we could not do xmas like always since they've been giving to me for months already and I really can't give back right now, so they all agreed. I'll just have to get something to ship to Phoenix for my nephews.


Then it was a lazy day. We were home by about 2:00 and then it was an eat and sleep rest of the day :lol I'm not sure what we're doing. My dad saw jackets are on sale at Burlington Coat Factory so mentioned driving up to wilkes barre (about a half hour) to check them out for me, but I told them I really don't NEED one. But, they've mentioned it a few times now :shrug Bunny (remember my mom's cousin who was a nun that passed away last year? Bunny is a sister from a different parish who was a very good friend and always joined us for thanksgiving with our nun so we still invited her) got alot of stuff too since she recently lost a chunck of weight as well. Me, my mom, and bunny are going to the movies tonight to see the new Footloose....that's whats in the cheap theater :wink


It sounds like you ladies had a wonderful holiday and for that I am thankful!

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OK, looks like we're going to the outlets in Reading today. My dad wants to go for me to get stuff :lol I hope he understands that I don't want a whole lot of stuff since I'm not sure if I'll be losing anymore weight yet. I'm not necessarily trying, but I am planning on getting back to my regular exercise routine which has been severely lacking since my move :think I've been quite sporatic with it :(:shrug


Alright, have a great day everyone :hug :hug :hug

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Good morning!

I've been out and about this morning! Went to Trader Joe's - and then stopped in at Joann's and ACM- couldn't resist- I mean, they are right across the street from TJ's! :) Didn't buy much- but picked up a couple skeins of Amazing yarn in Mesa colorway- it's on sale and they had a 25% total purchase coupon. Then at Joann's , who also had 25% off total purchase, I picked up a couple skeins of Patons Wool and some buttons.


Rutgers plays at noon today so that's what we'll be doing.:clap:cheer


Beth- hope you have fun with your IRL friends!! DD had a 19 lb turkey and there were 10 of us and we still had leftovers!!!


Marisa- Sounds like your Dad WANTS to buy you some things- so just let him- it'll make him happy!!! We're going low-key this year--I'll give them each something hand made (although middle DD already took a hat I made cause she liked the color. It was an UBW hat in gold Wool ease that with a flower w/button in the middle that I added to it. It was for me, but she saw it and gushed about it- so it's hers. Guess I'll just make another for me!


Stacy- I loved the pic on FB too. Did you have any luck getting the Kinect you wanted for the girls for Christmas?


LeeAnn- Hope you had a wonderful holiday!

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Glad to see you are home safe and sound, LeeAnn!!!


Beth--how was your IRL get-together? Hope you had fun!


Marisa- Can't wait to hear about the adventures at the outlets. Safe trip back home!!


Stacy- Hope you and the girls are having a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend!


I'm babysitting this afternoon for a few hours and planning to take him for a nice walk- it's supposed to be another beautiful day out there!!


Off to re-fill the coffee and put away the Thanksgiving decorations....and start the Christmas decorating- simple, yet festive!



EDIT: I finished decorating for Christmas--put out more than originally planned- but I had Christmas carols on and DH actually got in the mood to help!!! Just have to put up the large tree in the family room--next Saturday. I did put up the small tabletop tree in the living room!!

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This is the week of the Nutcracker. I really enjoyed my long break, and want another one. Last year, the kids had the decorations up the day after Thanksgiving. This year, we may not decorate at all. My son who used to be most into these things is going through a phase where he thinks he's too cool.


Joanne, I may rise, but I'm not sure I can shine! I hope your day in Paradise goes well. Did you get your walk with Ryan?


LeeAnn, glad you're home safe and sound. I hope it was a great visit.


Marisa, I'm glad you timed your shopping trip to miss the crowds. We went later than I wanted, but it wasn't too bad -- kind of picked over -- not much in my size, but we found most of the things we wanted to get.


Stacy, did you work Black Friday? Was it insane? I've worked it at a toy store before -- not fun.

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Top of the morning friends!

As Beth said, I rose but am not shining.:lol maybe after a few cups of coffee.

Joanne-that is awesome that your dd hosted her first Thanksgiving feast, what fun! Homemade food is the best, but my mom can sure whip up something out of a box too. :) Joann's had an amazing Black Friday sale, but my sister held me back, :devil only bought a few items..yarn and felting tools. The fleece was on sale for $2.99 a yard...didn't buy any but sure wanted some. I bet you are almost finished with your x-mas gifts?

Beth-I hope that your inventions will help decorate, maybe your ds will change his mind. Do you have to work lots of hours this week?

Marisa-sorry to hear about the lil fender bender, thankfully you and the other lady are ok and not injured. Did you find lots of goodies at the outlet mall?

Yesterday was spent crafting, I found the cutest gingerbread molds as well as snowman and tree molds...so fun! Made up a batch of the neatest soap, will take pics later to share with all of you.

must get laundry started, BBL!

hugs n squishes!

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Good morning ladies :hi


We had fun shopping on saturday and I got 2 pair of jeans, 4-5 tops, and 4 bras :D We went to the movies in the evening. Then sunday we went to bfast and I left. The drive wasn't bad, but the traffic was heavy. It started to rain for the last hour which slowed the traffic down much more than it should have :think


I still have things to bring in from the car to work here, but wanted to check in. I got a new printer that I'll need to hook up. I have an all in one printer/copier/scanner, but it's just a flat bed scanner and I needed an automatic feeder to scan multiple pages into one document and my dad found a good deal on one :D So now it's got the fax too, so I'll be able to downsize from two machines to one :lol


Joanne - I sure did let my dad buy me stuff. I just don't want him going crazy, because I think I'm still losing weight :think I was down another 4 pounds from the last time I was home at the end of october :shrug So no sense buying a pile of stuff that might need to be replaced again. :yay for the xmas decorations...I put out my tableclothes and welcome mat, but that's all I have right now. My sister has a small tree for me in her basement though, I think that's next weekend or the weekend after :think


LeeAnn - Glad to hear you made it home safely :clap How exciting to find some new molds :bounce


Beth - I'm sure you'll be busy all week with the nutcracker. Sorry ds is going through the too cool phase :(


Stacy - I hope all is well :hug

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:hi friends!


Glad to see everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. :manyheart We went to visit my BIL and his family. It was wonderful to see my niece, and all of the kids had so much fun playing together. Of course, since we were gone, I was very lucky to not work on Black Friday. On Thursday, we went out for dinner. My SIL and I went out on Thursday night to look for the Kinect, but the line just to get into Target went all the way around the back of the store to the shipping docks. :eek So we went home. :yes On Friday, dh made the turkey, and SIL and I made the fixings. It was so yummy and juicy- falling off the bone! Thanks for the compliments on the photo. :D I have a picture of him with it after it was cooked, but he really was unappreciative of the comment another FB friend left and asked me not to post another one. If I can get it from my phone, I will post it here. :yes


This week is a busy one, with 2 tests, a paper due, and a presentation. After that, though, I have no school again until finals on the week of the 12th. :woo


I will have to go back and catch up on what you all have been doing, but it will take a while. Sending lots of love and hugs to you all! :hug:hug:hug:hug

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Good morning, everyone. I hope you have a great day. I didn't sleep well last night, just couldn't go to sleep, so I'm not much for conversing today. I'm going to try jump-starting with lots of coffee ;) to see if that will help put some bounce in my step. Take care, and have a good one!

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Good morning!

Beth- Hope the coffee helps you jump-start your day! It usually works for me--I'm about ready for a second cup already! I didn't sleep well either last night- and it's going to be another "fun" day in Paradise!


Stacy- I wouldn't have waited on line at Target either! Hope you'll still be able to get a good deal on the Kinect for the girls. Good luck finishing up the semester!!!


Marisa- Sounds like a nice visit home and some very good deals at the outlets! Congrats on the weight loss without even really trying!


LeeAnn- Can't wait to see the new holiday soaps!


I had 1/2 day yesterday since my heater went in the car. Thank goodness my son-in-law was able to fix it (and for about 1/2 the cost that it would have been) My heat pump was shot. The parts alone came to a little over 100! I'm seriously thinking that it's time to start looking for another vehicle.


Well, time to get that 2nd cup and jump start the day!

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Good morning ladies :hi


Nothing exciting going on over here. Got the fax portion of my new machine working and now am going to play around with the printer/scanner part to get it set up to a network :xfin


Stacy - Glad to hear you had a good holiday.....I also would not have waited at target :no


Beth - Hope you're doing better after your pot of coffee :wink


Joanne - :yay for sil fixing your heat!

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morning all!

Joanne-so glad that you were able to get your heater fixed, brrr. Hope Paradise flies by!



Beth-did the coffee help? maybe you can relax today?


Marisa-sounds like a great deal printer/fax/copier/scanner all in one. WTG!


Stacy-good luck finishing your classes.


getting ready to run out the door, going to register for the bazaar this weekend, long story...the wonderful lady is holding a booth for me. BBL!


hugs n squishes!

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Marisa- hope the uninstall/re-install worked---nothing like technology to try one's patience!!! I was having some issue while in the training room today- some of the computers and their programs were acting up a bit. It was strange! Thank goodness for the "help desk" LOL


Wow LeeAnn- another bazaar!!! You are really doing great!!!!


Beth- I hope the coffee was enough to jump start your day! It did mine and now I'm having another cup!!


Stacy- Hope your day went well.

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Happy Hump Day Ladies!!!


The temps have dropped here after the rain. I sure liked those 70's while they lasted!!!

It is almost December though and I'm not in FL or Cali...so cold weather is definitely on the horizon!!


My goal for today is to leave work ON TIME again!!!!;)

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Good morning. I've got coffee, I'm wrapped in a warm blanket, and I'm sitting in a sunbeam. :c9 I am going to relax this morning, maybe take a walk later.


Joanne, I hope you get home on time today. Happy Hump Day, and congrats on fixing your heater in your car. It is hard to decide whether to buy another car or stick with the old one. This is a good time of year to buy a new car, though. Last year's models are all marked down.


Marisa, I hope you won the battle of the network. Our sons are getting laptops for Christmas, and I'll get to play with setting up a network so we can all print off our one and only printer. I may need to update the OS on the old computer. That would probably be an improvement...


LeeAnn, so happy that you get another bazaar. You did so well on the last one. Do you have enough crafts ready for another so soon?


Stacy, sounds like school is almost over for you. Did you get the classes you want for next semester?


Oops, gotta go refill the coffee cup. :morcoffee

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Top of the morning friends!

Beth-so glad that you are getting a chance to relax with a cup of coffee and snuggly blankie. :hug New computers? cool! I bet your kiddos will be soo excited! We are sharing the laptop here in our house, it's a pain. We have a desktop but need to do serious updates on it, it's not hooked up to our wireless router...so we share. Now that ds is homeschooling he is always on the computer, I try to get on here before he gets up and towards the end of the day. Are you working on any crochet hooky projects?

Joanne-hope and pray that you get off from work on time, bet you will be hooking this evening with the delcious Amazing Yarn.:hug

Marisa-did you get everything all figured out? sure hope so. Have you been able to get hook time in?

Yesterday I finished the last of the new soaps,...I think.:devil today I am going to work on Lotion bars, lots of them...also making a gift basket for charity-Ds asked for one for a special little kiddo, I think it will be so much fun!

not sure if I had shared the pics of my snowman family, and here's one of the gingerbread soaps, forgot to take pics of the little snowman, bells and santa hats before packaging them up. Sorry.:hug

best get my tush in gear, have another long day ahead. hugs n squishes!



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