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Some good clean fun?!

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Hello, and happy Pizza day!!!


I am supposed to get my phone line fixed -- lots of static. We think it may be messing up our internet -- so I had to do a quick cleanup so the house is presentable, some what. I am not a good housekeeper. Hopefully the technician will get here soon, and fix it, so I can go about my day.


Have agreat Friday everyone! LeeAnn, good luck with the bazaar!

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Good morning ladies :hi


Glad to see all is well here :) My sister's ankle is feeling better and will probably get aggravated later because we're going out for 'light up night' in pitt and will do a bit of walking. I told her to take it easy during the day so it's ready for later :lol But, it'll be a slower walk for us so we'll be leaving earlier than originally planned to make up :yes We met my cousin for dinner last night and the food was amazing! Unfortunately he's having trouble with one of his kids, totally like my bro as a child and he's just at the point that he doesn't know what to do :( We told him to talk to my mom for some advice, but quite frankly you can only do so much! And, he's being deported to Kuwait at the end of April. His soon to be ex-wife (they still get along fine, just kinda grew apart) said that when he leaves, if the kid doesn't shape up then they're moving somewhere else.....where? we don't really know that yet :shrug But the kid (he's 16) is even worse towards her and has been ongoing for quite a while now and she won't be able to deal with him on her own :( OK, I'm rambling!


I'll be getting my signs up soon hopefully. I'm not sure what all these provisions mean and can't determine from this paperwork if I need a permit for laying vinyl on a sign/structure that's already erected, so left a message at the building dept of the township and am now awaiting a call back. I sure hope she's in today so that I can have my answer right away. He said he could have the signs up next week for me! :clap:yay


Joanne - Glad to hear your newbies are a good group :hug


LeeAnn - Have fun at the bazaar :cheer


Beth - :drool pizza!!! We might order pizza before we go out later, but homemade is so much better :wink

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Hope everyone had a good day--that Marisa got her answer about the sign, that Beth's tehnician came at a reasonable hour so she could enjoy the rest of the day and pizza night and that LeeAnn sold out at the bazzar! Also that Stacy is having a good day and that the kiddos are feeling better!!!!


It's the weekend and I'm a happy camper!!!

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Hello hello!

Beth-so hope that your internet was fixed, did you get a chance to relax today? Or did you have to go in to the ballet studio?

Joanne-Happy TGIF! What is on the agenda for the weekend?

Marisa-your poor cousin, teenagers can be quite a handful, hope things work out for him. Did you get permission to put up your sign?

The bazaar was wonderful! I only have 3 lotion bars left! woa! They sell like hotcakes, so far this week I have sold 30 of them. :eek Also sold a mitt/scarf set, a few soaps and candles-especially the holiday ones. Tomorrow we will be in the same place form 9-1 and then my Fiber class from 2-5. Long day, but then a break from all of the bazaars till Dec. 3.

going to head to bed early. Dd is at a friends house (sleepover) and ds is hanging out with my little brother.

hugs n squishes!

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LeeAnn-:clap:clap So excited for you that you are having such success at the bazaar!!!! Enjoy your day today!


I got up early- did ALL my cleaning before logging on. If I do say so myself, I did a pretty darn good job!! (and still haven't gotten the cleaning lady that DH gifted me for our anniversary----)


Off to run a few errands--


Hope you all have a wonderful day!

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Good Morning ladies!


Joanne-can I have some of your energy? I need to do a little bit of housework and just do not feel like it. :lol Did you enjoy the rest of your Saturday? I sure hope so!


Beth-how ya doing? I know that you are busy but hoping that you get a little bit of time to relax.


Marisa-how's it going? Have you been working on any projects?


Stacy-I bet you are happy that Winter break is almost here. Yippee!


The bazaar yesterday was wild! whew! Sold Sold Sold! oh soo happy, have orders for about 10 more lotion bars, 3 scarves, a set of mitts and a baby ghan..oh my gosh! I have to get started on the crocheting, but the lotion bars will have to wait until my order comes in, then have to order more supplies. I am on :c9:c9:c9


the felting class was so much fun! I think I found another hobby...watch out! Here's a pic of my little snowman that I made in class, then I came home and showed dd and she made one too, ds is in the process of making his as well. So neat, I highly suggest it.


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Good morning!


I had to run out to the grocery store w/DD to get ready for Thanksgiving so we were out nice and early and everything is put away!


Going to go over to her house again later today to visit with the little guy


LeeAnn--I'm so excited for you!!!! How wonderful that you had such success and all those orders!!!:clap:cheer:clap


I love the snowman!! How fun that this is something that your kiddos can do with you too!!!


My middle DD called me last night and one of her BF's friends wants a hat like I had given him last year for Christmas. So that's what I'm going to work on- I used Wool Ease Thick and Quick (which I have in stash since I bought some when it was on clearance for $2.:yes)


Hope you are ALL having a good weekend- the weather here is gorgeous today- going to go up to sixty degrees!!!! Great day for a walk!

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It is turning out to be a beatufiul day here, too, Joanne. It must be nice to enjoy a nice, clean house. We did our Thanksgiving shopping, too. So very nice to have it done!!!


LeeAnn, great job at the Bazaar, and your little snow man is too cute.


Marisa, I hope all is going well for you. Did your Saturday appointment show up?


Stacy, I hope you aren't getting swamped with school, work, and all your other things. Do you still get to crochet from time to time?

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Hi all,

Had a good day- hat done, made another, worked on a scarf for my oldest and spent about 4 hours with the little guy! Had Starbucks peppermint mocha (they had buy one/get one free between 2-5 today so I went and got one for DD and myself)


Watching the Giants game and they are losing to the Eagles....


Beth- Watched the Skins game and can't believe they lost in OT---I was rooting for them--cause you know how I feel about the "Boys"!! LOL

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Good morning.


Joanne, I need to check out that pattern. You are flying through those hats! I need to make about 11 more to reach my goal for the year, and I feel the time closing in on me.


Marisa, LeeAnn, and Stacy, I hope you have a good Monday. Do you get any time off for the holiday this week? My kids only have college on Monday. I'm not sure if the ballet studio will be open on Wednesday, but I will get Thursday through Saturday off.

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Good morning! A rainy day here-fitting for a Monday, I suppose!


The hats work up really quick Beth- I use either 2 strands of WW or a bulky yarn. There's nothing fancy about them- but they are warm!


Wishing you all a good day. So happy that it's a short work week!!! And craft club tonight!!!

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


OK, so once again I've cut and pasted (Joanne) :wink


Where to start :think I feel like I haven't been in here in forever. We had fun out on Friday night and my sister's ankle was doing much better by then, although not 100%. Saturday was a lazy day and we ran some errands. My sister and her bf had tickets to see Bob Segar so I drove them into town, they went out for a nice meal before hand. He called off work, it was the one thing he wasn't willing to give up when they hit him with the job being overnights instead of days (I think I mentioned that mess already). I watched some tv and crafted :yay I started a pair of fingerless gloves for my sister and I sewed the pieces of my knit sweater together from last year :blush The shoulder seams are not great at the tops, but I'm not working on the hood which should cover the not so great area :xfin:lol


Sunday was another lazy day :eek That was when I started the hood and I finished the first glove of my sisters. I also went to the car wash and made it before the rain started :lol I've been neglecting my baby since I moved and it was well overdue. I was having trouble finding a touchless car wash, but did and it's not too far from my office. So, she got a good washing and let me tell you, she was FILTHY!! I've noticed though that there's a place across the street from work and about a block up that does a hand wash for $15, so I might take advantage of that :think


We made a nice big pot of beef barley soup yesterday which was wonderful :drool It was lunch today :wink This morning my patient came in again, and will come back wed morning before I head out to the poconos for the holiday. :clap:yay I also met my accountant after several phone calls and got my quick books all set up. I still have stuff to do in there to get finished setting up, but it was a good meeting and I'm glad I didn't try it on my own.....it's so complex and has so many capabilities and probably about half of it doesn't apply to me since my chiro software will keep track of my billing and I have no payroll yet :lol


Now here I am, I have some other stuff to do, but wanted to be sure to get in to say hello :D


Joanne - I hope you have fun at your craft club tonight :hug How cute that dd's bf's friend wants a hat :clap It's raining here too. Sorry about your giants :devil We only got lucky because you guys played worse than we did because we didn't play well either :shrug I didn't find the game very exciting :(


LeeAnn - How cute is your little snowman!!!! I love it :manyheart Great job at the bazaar :h5 I'm still working out what I need for my sign :sigh


Beth - No sat appt :( I called on friday to confirm and she told me she cancelled it because I'm not in network with her insurance, which she didn't but such is life. I'm glad I called :yes:shrug Enjoy your weekend and have fun with the kids, try getting some 'me' time too

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Good eveniing all!


Gosh, can't believe that the day has flown by. whew!


Marisa-sounds like you bus. is picking up, yippee!


Joanne-how fun to spend time with your gs and drink yummy coffee too. Have a great night with your IRL friends.


Beth-glad that you are getting a few days off to rest and recover. Have you already started cooking?


My mom came over today, we made 6 pies! 2 for each of us and 2 for the church...yikes! I had also did a deep clean in the living room before she got here, dusted the entire house...needed to take a break. Ds is caught up with school work and is at my great aunt's house-he wanted to spend the afternoon with her. :D Dd is playing her Nintendo and dh is still at work. Going to get a few minutes of hook time in before starting dinner.


Hugs n squishes!

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Hi besties!

Remember me? :blush:lol It's always so crazy around here lately, but you know what? I realized that it's not school- it's work. :blush I can't complain, because I am getting lots of hours, but that is truly what takes up my time. :yes Two of the cashiers left, and I am getting most of their hours. It will come in handy for Christmas.

The girls are fine. We stopped going to our Y classes, and are thinking of cancelling our membership. The girls can still participate in their activities, we just have to pay a little extra. :think

This weekend we are going to visit BIL and his family. It will be nice to get away for a while, although I will still have work to do for my internet class. I can't wait to hit up the Black Friday sales- we are getting the girls a Kinect for Christmas, and one of the stores (Target, I think? :think) is going to have it bundled with the Wipeout game Isabella wants. So that is the one thing I hope to score. :xfin

As for crocheting...I am in the stocking stuffer swap and have made a couple small items for that, but that is the extent of it. Isabella is waiting patiently for flip-top mittens, and I bought Vanna's Glamour in purple and silver to make a scarf for myself. I will take those with me this weekend, and hopefully get to work on them.

I will have to go back and read to see what you all have been up to. I did see that Leeann was very successful at the bazaar- :h5!! Awesome! And Joanne got to spend time with Ryan- yay! I bet he is growing by the day. :manyheart Beth, enjoy your time off from the dance studio. My kids are so enamored with the Angelina Ballerina Nutcracker movie right now- every time they watch it, I think of you and your dd. Hope your other inventions are well. :hug:hug:hug Marisa, I see you have a sign up. :cheer Boo for the client who didn't make it on Saturday, but it wasn't meant to be. You will find the perfect ones soon, I'm sure. :yes


Well, I better scoot. The girls were sent to bed early for arguing, so it looks like I have some time to :hook. Good night!


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How can you tell that the ballet mistress isn't feeling well? She cancelled classes for the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. She never wants to cancel classes.


My dd and I walked into Petco to take care of the kitties, and they had two cages of adoptable guinea pigs. These are animals that were dropped off because the owners didn't want them or couldn't keep them any more. They are cheaper than the ones the store actually sells. There was a very adorable gray and white one who seemed very frirendly. So I kept going back and checking them out while we were cleaning cages and taking care of cats. Unfortunately, they were all females, and we had 2 males at home. So we went to check out the other animals, and found the male guinea pigs for sale. They had one who is just Toooooo cute. I hope to post pics on Facebook. His name is Little Rocky. He has a stripe on the top of his head, very skunk-like, with a cowlick right there, and only there. He's soft and snuggly -- sweet little guy.


Stacy, a lot of money right before Christmas is a very good thing!!! i know it's putting a lot of constraints on your time, but it's a temporary thing.


Marisa, sounds like a lot is happening in your part of the world. I'm glad you found a car wash. You probably feel more like yourself with your car looking like itself. I'm glad your sister's ankle is healing. Did she like the concert?


Joanne, I need to make hats without many holes in them, but I may use two strands of WW and a big hook just to make something fast. I need to get caught up.


LeeAnn, Sounds like you and yours are doing well. Would you want to bring in income by crafting, and not working outside the home in any other area? Some women would feel claustraphobic if they "had" to stay home, others would find it liberating.


Well, haven't had my coffee yet. I wonder if Joanne has any extra to share???

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Good morning!


Stacy- That's great you are getting more hours especially in time for Christmas shopping! Good luck scoring that Kinect bundled package on Black Friday! Have fun at your BIL's and let me know how you like the Vanna's glamour yarn. It does look pretty!!!


LeeAnn- Do you ever stop? Wow- 6 pies!!!! That plus all the crafting you are doing, the homeschooling, the selling--


Beth- How's the ballet mistress doing? Did you get a chance to try the ugly but warm hat?


Marisa- Can't wait to see pics of the finished sweater! That beef barley soup sounds yummy! It's definitely starting to be soup weather!


Off to get ready for another day! Had fun at craft club and finished one ball of the Debbie Bliss cashmerino yarn I'm using to make DD's scarf. It's so soft and nice to work with. I should have it done in time if I work on it again tonight and tomorrow night!


Have a good day!

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Beth- I've got a full pot of coffee so there is plenty to share!!!!


We posted at the same time, and just as I had asked about the ballet mistress, there was my answer in your post. I'll think positive thoughts and say some prayers for her!


I would find it very liberating if I could stay home and not go to work!! Just sayin.......



Have a good day!

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Good morning ladies :hi


For the topic of the morning, I would also love to stay home :wink


I got alot of stuff done yesterday, organizing and paperwork. Got a bit of stuff input into quick books and still have a bit more to go on that :yes I did laundry last night so tonight I could pack. We're going out for wings with some friends tonight and I'm sad that my sister's bf will miss it....he really loves wing night. I'd also like to finish the 2nd fingerless glove of my sister's pair so she can wear them over the weekend, I only have a cuff to finish up.


Tomorrow I'll leave after seeing my patient :D Then it'll be the pizza hut buffet for dinner with my parents (and prob the neighbors, maybe some cousins). They enjoy it and for some reason get extra excited about going if any of us are home to go to :think:lol After that, my dad and I will be making our pumpkin rolls :drool


I'm hoping to find some sales over the weekend. I could use some new clothes and since I'm broke right now can't really spend much so this could work out well. Not to mention, my mom will probably buy some :lol Which makes me try to be even cheaper :think But, I think I've lost about 30 pounds since March and now my clothes just don't fit well anymore. I've been trying to dry things more, which I usually don't, trying to shrink a bit. :shrug


I just got a call from the township that they have my sign permit for me, so I have to run back up there with my check for the fees and get the permit :clap:yay


LeeAnn - Wow, 6 pies!!! :drool Oooo, I love pie :wink


Stacy - Glad your getting hours after they were only giving you a day for a while (careful what you wish for :wink) It definitely will come in handy for the holidays. Good luck with the kinect :xfin


Beth - :yay for the new guinea pig! My sister loved the concert :D


Joanne - WTG on the scarf :clap

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:hugGood Morning!

Beth-Would love to share a cup of coffee with you, like Joanne said, made a whole pot. :devil I love crafting and selling but I do also love my job. I like that I can do both and still take care of my family. Your poor ballet mistress, she must be feeling under the weather and quite stressed to not be able to get everything done. Your new furry friend sounds simply adorable! oh how soft and cuddly.

Joanne-so glad that you had an awesome time with your friends. Those scarves that you make sure work up fast! I have an order for 3:eek I need pink, purple and blue sparkly yarn. On my way up to my sisters I am going to stop at Joann's to pick some up, hope I can get them finished in time.

Stacy-so happy to read your post, glad that you are getting more hours. My dd does not have anything in mind for x-mas. Little sweetie.

Marisa-bet your car is nice and shiny clean. Fantastic! Will you be headed to your parents today?

Today ds and I are finished laundry, cleaning the bathrooms and packing. Tomorrow we wil be headed to my sister's house for the holiday. guess I had better get moving.

Hugs n squishes!

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Marisa-I was posting but then my sister called, that's great that you are headed to your parents tomorrow. I love shopping and can get into serious trouble. WTG on the weight loss, are you doing anything in particular?


hugs n squishes!

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Morning, all! I hope LeeAnn has a safe and fun trip. I will miss her hugs and squishes while she's gone.


Marisa, I hope your holiday plans go well, too. Safe travels, after you see your patient, that is.


Stacy, do you get a break from school? I guess you're working a lot, particularly on Black Friday.


Joanne, I am getting my coffee early today so I won't be trying to bum off of you again... LOL. I thought you'd share. Is this the last day of your work week? Mine was last night, and it feels REALLY GOOD!!! Of course, I have a lot of baking and prep work for cooking a feast tomorrow, but I enjoy that.


Everybody have a great day. Have an even greater tomorrow!!!

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Good morning!!!


Safe travels to Marisa and LeeAnn---Happy Thanksgiving- many blessings, and have fun with your families!!!


Beth- No worries about the coffee--you know I'll always share! Enjoy your day today--I am working- but once 4:30 rolls around- I'm out of there!!!


Stacy- Safe travels to you too- when do you go to BIL's? Do you have to work on Black Friday? i can't believe how many stores are opening at 10PM or midnight on Thanksgiving! Hope it's not too crazy for you!


Off to get ready--and it'll be a slow commute since it's still raining. Sure hope it ends today--

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Hey ladies :hi


I feel like I have so much to do so will try to be brief :think I went to get my sign permit yesterday and pay my fees and on the way rear ended a lady getting onto the business district highway. It still doesn't make sense to me, but it is what it is :shrug That's why we have insurance. The important this is that it was very low impact and we are both fine and uninjured :yes


We went for wings last night and had an enjoyable evening chatting with friends that we don't see all the time. This morning I ran to the bread store before I left the house to pick up my sister's order for tomorrow since she forgot. I also picked up a fresh loaf of marble rye/pumpernickle to take to my parents....it's my fav and my dad loves it too :manyheart


Now I'm here and have some paperwork to fish through. My patient is due in at 10:30 and then after I input his info into the computer system, I'll head out. Oooo, I might see if the tablet I want is on sale black friday, but it would be an online order since its a windows os and I have yet to find any stores to carry them. But, that's what I need for my chiro software to run on it :think


I hope you ladies all have a wonderful day, I know LeeAnn's already gone, but please have a safe trip :hug


I'll be back from my parents house :hug

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