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I should probably get some coffee before I try to communicate with anyone, but... where's the fun in that?


I hope you all have very nice days. Mine promises to be busy. My dd and I will take care of kitties first thing in the morning, then run to the bank. Then I stop at the ballet studio. We pass out fliers for the performance to the local public schools, and there are some issues with them. I will take care of that this morning, and probably drop off a few at the schools. I tutor this afternoon, then work from 4:30 until 8 this evening. Too bad I don't get paid for it. I also need to remember to reschedule my mammogram.

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Good morning!

Beth- Did you and DD at least get to something fun yesterday? Sounds like you have a very busy, busy day!!!! Hang in there!


Marisa- Today's the day you have your first patient!!! Woo-hoo!!!!! Hope you are feeling better!


Stacy- Loved the pics of the girls on FB~ They are all so adorable! how did your DH do in the 10K? I chuckled at Mia and her socks ! My middle DD has this thing since she was young that her socks can't match! It's kind of funny--but to this day, she will not wear socks that match!


LeeAnn- Did you get a chance to unwind and relax a little yesterday? glad you got your car back!!!


Off to begin another long week in paradise. Tonight is craft club and something to look forward to!


Off to re-fill the coffee--

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Top of the morning!


Joanne-Have fun at your meet up this evening, you are right something great to look forward to. That is so funny that your dd will not wear matching socks. So cute! My dd likes bright, decorative socks as well.


Beth-hang in there my dear friend! That is awful nice of you to do all of the volunteering at the Ballet Studio, you are an awesome mom! extra hugs to you today!


Stacy-did you get all of your homework done? Hope you were able to relax some.


Marisa-as Joanne said WOOOHOOOO bet you can't wait until your first patient arrives.


Yesterday was a bit crazy, but we got everything done-car back to it's original owner-muaa and even had a few minutes to crochet. Finished 2 sets of mitts and am working on the scarf.


I opted out of one of the bazaars that I had this weekend. Had two planned at the same time:eek-one of them was at a friends church. You just drop your goodies off and they sell it, they wouldn't get back to me on the exact times and such, so just backed out. I hope that my co-worker doesn't get upset, but I just didn't feel comfortable, seemed like too much could go wrong....so that leaves me with only one this Friday and Saturday. Still happy tho. And...after the bazaar I am taking a felting class to make Christmas ornaments...yup..I'm crazy.


best get ds up and started on his homework and and and..


hugs n squishes!

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best get ds up and started on his homework and and and..


hugs n squishes!


Love the "and and and..." That just describes my days lately to a "t". I did get some crocheting done at the library today, waiting for shrimp boy for tutoring. I am back to working on hats for the brain surgery patients. I'm also working on an afghan, but mostly the hats. I'm supposed to get 14 more done this year -- do-able, but I need to get busy.


I'm on a brief break before going back to the ballet studio and I wanted to pop in. Please say some prayers for my ballet mistress. She's back at the hospital with heart problems. This time of year is really hard on her.


Joanne, enjoy your craft meetup today. It must make Mondays much better.


LeeAnn, I think you are wise to back out of the one bazaar. It would be nice to have someone else doing the selling, on one hand, but too much can go wrong. I was selling for my friend, and one lady tore one of her bags apart, trying to see how it was made (it was one of those snap bags you like.)


Stacy, your daughters are so adorable. I love the socks, too. How long have we been doing this? I feel like they are growing in front of our eyes.


Marisa, can't wait to hear how your first patient goes. I'm getting cramps from having my fingers crossed for you. doesn't help the typing much, either. BIG HUGS your way! :hug

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


Well, my patient called to reschedule because she's getting stuck at work late :( But at least she called. I rescheduled her for saturday morning :eek


I did however, have my first patient today anyway....just walked in :clap:yay So it's still a very exciting day for me!!!!


I read through the posts, but just kinda breezed through. I am feeling much better today :whew


I hope all is well, I don't have any individual posts because I really did just breeze through reading :blush:hug

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Hi all,

Had a good night at craft club--and I got a knitting lesson from one of the gals! I'm very excited to learn another skill!!!


Marisa- Kudos on the first patient!


Beth Prayers being said for your ballet mistress!!!


LeaAnn- the felting class sounds like it would be fun!! Nope not crazy---just learning lots of new things- it's fun!!!!


Stacy- Thinking of you!

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No word about the ballet mistress. Makes me worry, but hopefully no news is good news.


Joanne, congrats on your knitting lesson. I get to teach my SIL to crochet this Thursday. She's a knitter - which I think will help with the crocheting.


Marisa, Hooray for your first patient, and for having another one scheduled. I am so happy -- sounds like your business is taking off. If you had a walk-in, your work planning the office location was spot-on.


LeeAnn, You are always learning something new, doing something different. I think it's awesome that you are taking the felting class. That sounds very neat.


Stacy, I hope things are going well for you. When is the end of your semester?


Yesterday, with the ballet mistress being out, I didn't get to deliver any of the fliers. I hope to do that today. I will transport my dd to her class and back, and work for a couple of hours at the studio.

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Good morning!


Just a quick fly-by to say hello and see how everyone is doing. Eva and Isabella went to work with Jorge since they are sick. Mia is so easy to get dressed and fed, so I think we will be out of here in time to stop for a coffee. :whew:lol I have to work tonight and tomorrow so I may not stop back until Thursday.


Thinking of everyone! Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug:hug

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Good morning ladies :hi


Well, I got a lazy start this morning and now am going to revamp some paperwork (I was going to do yesterday and then got side tracked by my patient :clap:cheer ) Then I have to leave just after 1:00 to go to Sloan's school (Ingrid's son) for special person's day today :woo


Joanne - :yay for knitting, I enjoy it too but enjoy crochet more but I honestly think it's because I've had much more practice and am just better at it. A knit project takes me so long :eek


Beth - Funny thing about the walk-in patient is that he doesn't even live right here, he drove probably about a half hour to get here! But, he found me on the Activator Method website, which is a different type of adjustment from the traditional one (which I do also) but he didn't want the 'aggressive type' and there are only a handful of us that are certified in the area for that :)


Stacy - I hope the girls are feeling better soon :hug Don't work too hard :wink

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Good Morninnnnnggggg!


Beth-oh my! Hope and pray that your ballet mistress will be ok, poor thing, must be extremely stressful running a studio. Hope you get a few minutes for R & R today. :hug:hug


Stacy-so sorry to hear that two of your dd's are sick, hope they feel better soon. Have a great day at work!:hug:hug


Marisa-I bet you were ecstatic to have your first patient! woohooo! Cheering you on here in CO!:hug:hug


Joanne-that is awesome that you are learning how to knit! Do you find it easier because you crochet? What are you making?:hug:hug


Yesterday I packed up all of my goodies for the bazaar, I am almost ready, just waiting for my order to come in to make the last of the lotion bars and the bigger size of scrubs...hope it comes today.


Other than that, just juggling as much as possible. Going to finish another scarf before schoolwork begins.


hugs n squishes!

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Thanks LeeAnn, WTG on the scarves :clap


Hey, how far are you from Golden, CO? I may headed over there for a visit sometime next summer and if you're not too far, it would be awesome to meet up!? I'm not set in stone with that yet, it all depends if I'm making money or not by then. But one of my good friends from chiro school lives there and is about to have her first baby :clap:yay

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Hi all,

LeeAnn- I'm not making anything yet--I was just practicing last night. I think I'll try a dishcloth first! And when I learn how to purl, try a scarf--it'll be slow going right now since I've got some Christmas gifts and a baby blanket to make (and you know I'll be crocheting them---LOL)


Stacy- Sorry that 2 of the 3 girls are sick- hope they get better quickly!! Glad you popped in to say hi!


Beth- positive thoughts and prayers for the ballet mistress!!!


Marissa- sounds like a good day today- I'm sure Averie loved having you there!!!!


I've got to go eat dinner now--these long days at work just wipe me out!



ETA- Good morning!!! Happy Hump Day!!!! Figured I would just edit last night's post to wish you all a great day today!

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Mornin'... Coffee's still brewing, so I'm not sure about the "Good" part, but I'm pretty sure it's morning.


Joanne, babysitting again already? It seems you were working late 2 weeks ago. Does it turn around that fast?


LeeAnn, I know you'll do great at your craft bazaar. You make your items so pretty, so appealing. And they are high quality at a fair price. You amaze me, all you get done. How are your children doing? Is it strange to have them doing school differently?


Marisa, how very cool that your patient drove so far to get to you. That definitely bodes well for your business!!! I'm so happy for you.


Stacy, I hope your babies are feeling better. Poor things. I think it is probably harder on you than on them, though. I still can't imagine how you juggle everything you do.


Today I'm planning a trip to Chesapeake, VA to the largest dance supply store on the East coast. My dd's pointe shoes are fraying at a seam, and need to be replaced. She needs properly fitted, too. I hope it won't take too long. They are 35 minutes away with good traffic (it's through a tunnel, so that's iffy) they open at 10, and I need to be back here to tutor at 1.

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Beth- Yup- the 'babysitting' did come up quick - but I only have 2 days in Dec that I have to work late- so it'll be good! I worked the last week in Oct and Halloween, and now last Thurs, Fri and this M-T-W.... Glad it'll be over for a while--but I'll be busy non-the-less training 6 new employees on our computer system! I need a vacation! LOL


good luck with the trek to get the pointe shoes! Hope they'll be broken in enough before the Nutcracker!!!


I decided to go in a little later today since I'm working late--and started another Ugly but Warm Hat. When it's done, I'll leave for work! (good thing it only takes about a 1/2 hour using bulky wt yarn!)

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Good mornining friends!


Marisa-Golden CO is about 4 hours away from Alamosa, but it still would be great to meet up. My sister is due the beginning of July but they are going to do a c-section in June towards the middle. Golden is right next to Johnstown..that would be awesome!


Joanne-you are getting those x-mas gifts done fast! wow! I can't believe that you finish a hat in 30 minutes. That is amazing!


Beth-hope your trip for new pointe slippers is fast and speedy. My ds loves homeschool and does not want to return to regular school next year. I am so undecided, I need a bit of advice. He's so much happier doing homeschool, the school is accredited and has such a neat program. He is getting A's and a couple of B's but for the most part has learned sooo much more. He is calm and at ease. I think the logical answer is to let him continue but I am so worried that he will miss out on things like Prom and dances-he however could care less. How did you handle all of the extra curricular activies that only mainstream school provides? My dd on the other hand loves school...I want her to be happy as well. She will continue to go unless she/we decide other wise.


Stacy-how are the girls feeling? How are you?


I finished the sugar scrubs...all twenty of them! There are 2 of each fragrance..they sure smell yummy! Also finished the lotion bars and am waiting for them to harden so that I can package them up...my craft room looks like a disaster again..gosh...better get to cleaning as ds has Early Release.


BBL! Hugs n squishes!

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Good morning ladies :hi


My sister has a swollen ankle :( She slipped yesterday and she said it didn't really bother her until after she got home last night. But she did notice some swelling start during the day and tried to keep it up at work when she was able. Well my mom talked to her this morning and it apparently kept her up a bit during the night and she's having trouble weight bearing today :( My mom suggested an x-ray and she said she was going to talk to me. I just hung up with my mom and haven't heard from my sister at all yet today :think I said x-ray right off the bat too :yes


We're meeting up with my cousin for dinner tonight which is exciting since we don't see him much even though he only lives about a half hour away. My sister always joked with him that she saw him more when he lived on our parents end of the state than now that he lives out here :lol He's a first cousin and him and my sister are the same age :)


I called my patient today to follow up after his visit the other day and he's coming back tomorrow :clap I'm happy to have another visit for the week, but it's a little bitter sweet because it doesn't make me happy that he's injured to have to come that frequently :eek


I have a meeting this afternoon with a massage therapist to network :yay


Not much else going on here


Joanne - I'm glad you're able to go in a bit later with having to stay late :hug


Beth - :eek I dread the thought of dd breaking the new pointe's in.....that was always horrible for me!


LeeAnn - :yay for finishing up the scrubs and lotion bars. As for the whole schooling thing, I have no experience there so can't offer up help. But, I am interested in Beth's response because my bro and sil are homeschooling their kids and quite frankly it makes me extremely nervous that they're going to end up socially awkward :think However, I think that's going to happen more because they keep them sheltered and not so much from the homeschooling itself. I do think that there are similar events through the homeschooling network though if I'm not mistaken :think


Be back later :hug

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Hello ladies!


Had another busy day...delivered the scrubs/lotion bars. I was so excited, it was one of my biggest orders...yippeee! I can actually say that I am not in the red. Baby steps.


Hope all of you had great days!


hugs n squishes!

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LeeAnn, congrats!!! What awesome news!!! I can't speak for CO, but in this area there's a huge home school social group that has prom, other dances, parties, field trips, and other activities, at least one each month. We used to be part of a group that goes to PE at the local recreation center on a daily basis, another group that met at a park once a week, and one that met on the beach once a week during nice weather. We consolidated down to a game day group that meets once a month. My kids are so busy with swimming, dancing, driving, going to college, and hanging out with their friends, they don't have much time for anything else. Also, please don't force your son to go to a dance if he's not interested. I didn't go to my high school prom, and I am so glad. Oh, if your son is on a bowling league, he's getting experience in a social setting free from the bullying he had to endure at public school. I think you have a great family, and your son will be a fine man. You stay active, do things together, play together, work together, he is learning how to behave in proper company. And wouldn't you rather be his role model than some kid in baggy jeans who learned some new 4-letter words?


Marisa, congrats on your return patient. I agree -- it's sad that he is injured to the point of needing your help, but so good that he was pleased with your services and wants to come back. You are on your way!


Joanne, I hope your long week goes quickly.


stacy, I hope everyone is feeling better, and school is going well. When does your semester end?


I need some sleep. Another LONG day...

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Good morning, and happy Thursday! Today I try to convert a knitter to a crocheter, well, at least I'll teach her the basics. And I'll spend some more time at the ballet studio. So ready for it to be over...


I hope you all have a good day. I need to get some :coffee

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LeeAnn- Congrats on delivering one of your biggest orders!!! That's awesome!!!


Beth- Great sound advise you gave there. That's why all three of your inventions are such wonderful, well-rounded young adults. Did you have luck getting DD's new pointe shoes? Hang in there---this too shall pass!!!


Stacy- Thinking of you and hoping that the girls are on the mend!!


Marisa- That's wonderful that your first patient is returning (although it's because he's injured) But isn't that why you are in business--to help those that are hurting? You are on your way Dr!!!!! So proud of you!!!!


Off to get ready for Paradise---the week is on the downside now- and I don't work late! It'll be busy, but leaving at 4:30 is so much better than 5:30!!!

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Good morning, and happy Thursday! Today I try to convert a knitter to a crocheter, well, at least I'll teach her the basics. And I'll spend some more time at the ballet studio. So ready for it to be over...


I hope you all have a good day. I need to get some :coffee

I'm joining you with that :coffee Beth!!! Have fun converting the knitter! Still haven't practiced my knitting because I finally started the baby afghan I need to make for my co-worker! I am going to try to stick to doing x amount of rows on the afghan, and then stopping to work on the knitting. We'll see how that goes. Usually, it's the old "just one more row" so I can get it done.

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Good Morning!

Beth-thank you for your sound advice. I needed it! :hug Dh and I have been talking, we are going to continue to support ds in the homeschool process as long as he would like. He is moving on in Boys Scouts (Tenderfoot) as well as in his bowling league. And does quite well with his peers. We have also joined a Homeschool group that meet once a week. His happiness and sense of peace means more to me than anything. He was really not happy with school and was even contiplating suicide. I couldn not bear that thought and will do anything to help keep him safe. Enough about me, that is awesome that you are converting a knitter to crocheting. seems like most folks knit. Let us know how it goes!:yes

Joanne-it's almost the weekend. :D I bet you are super excited and you get off early. yippee skippy!

Marisa-awesomeness for your business, :)I know it will take off.

Today I have quite a few errands to run, tomorrow and Sat. is the craft bazaar. :yay Also have to finish tidying up and laundry.

BBL! hugs n squishes!:hug

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


I feel like the days gone and I haven't done much :think I brought gym clothes with me to work out, which I'm going to do when I'm done checking in here.


LeeAnn - :yay for delivering you big order. And it sure sounds that ds is better off in this situation. I especially like that you're allowing each child the opportunity to be in the environment better for them and knowing that what's good for one may not necessarily be the way to go with the other one :yes:hug


Beth - Good luck turning the knitter today :xfin How's the ballet mistress doing?


Joanne - I hope work is going well and the newbies are catching on :wink

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LeeAnn- I agree with Marisa- it's great that you are letting each child be in the best position for them to succeed. My oldest ended up in a prep school- she was very bored in public school and she just loved the switch to the prep school and thrived! The other two remained in public school and they were happy there. You must be getting excited for the craft bazaar!!! I bet you'll sell out!!


Marisa- Work went by quickly- I like the newbies--but it'll be a while before they are up and running so to speak! They are a great group so far though.


Beth-How did the crochet lesson go today? Didn't do any knitting today and don't think I will since I'm kind of tired. Better stick to what I know for tonight!


Stacy- Sending hugs!!!

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