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Some good clean fun?!

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Hello there!

Joanne-bet your are glad that today is over and have only two days left of the week. Your crocheted flower sounds soo cute! Didn't get a chance to make the hat yesterday, but hope to soon. Poor lil Ryan, hope he feels better soon.

Beth-how many recitals do you have each week? No days off? Oh my! What about the rest of your family?

Marisa-keeping my fingers crossed that you are booked with clients.

Today was another busy day, made 4 of the lotion bars, but need to remelt one as I bumped it and it broke...grrr...

Also added a few goodies to my website, what fun!

working on a scarf to match the mitts that I had made last year. It's working up rather fast.

off for a bit of hook time, made dinner early for the kiddos, will re-heat dh's when he gets home.

hugs n squishes!

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Good morning!!!


I work late today and I'm getting ready to pour my 2nd cup of coffee!!! (You all know how I feel about this working late thing;))


Not much new to report, other than I finished another hat and then finished the amazing yarn scarf for my DD - that I turned into an 'infinity scarf" I want to make a pair of fingerless mitts and a hat to match.


My oldest is coming down for Thanksgiving- as she said, she's NOT looking forward to the travel on the busiest holiday -and it will be a quick turn around- she has to be back in Boston on Saturday for a writer's workshop she is attending so she'll be heading back home the day after Thanksgiving--- but I'm so glad she'll be here to share in Ryan's First Thanksgiving!


Have a great day everyone!

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Top of the morning ladies!

Joanne-that is awful sweet of your dd to brave the roads and tavel during a busy holiday season just to spend Thanksgiving with lil Ryan and the rest of your family. :manyheart Will you be cooking?:hug

Beth-how are you? I know that you are running and busy, but please know that I am thinking of you.:hug

Got up early as dd has Honor Choir on Tues. and Thurs. Ds has his meet up today, we are super excited. I hope that there are other children his age to hang out with.

Didn't get much hooking in...seems like every time I sit down, someone needs something but I am going to try again. :devil

Nothing new to report...hoping to :hook

hugs n squishes!

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Good morning ladies :hi


Not much here. I'm very tired today after a rough night of sleep. I fell asleep great and then woke up at midnight and tossed for the rest of the night :( My sister loves her haircut and we decided we have to take my mom there too next time she's in. We went out after for dinner and it happened to be wing night, so I'll give you one guess what we had :lol


I went to the bank today to close on a line of credit for the office, so that will be a big help with bills and getting a sign :think Not as good as a loan, but it sure is better than nothing. I hate to keep asking my parents and my sister for money to pay my bills. But, they are very understanding and very supportive so I count myself lucky to have them every day!!!!


LeeAnn - thanks for the finger crossing :lol Great job on the scarf and lotion bars (even if you did fudge one up :wink) I hope ds' meeting goes well today and I'm sure dd will have fun at choir practice.


Joanne - The little ones will ALWAYS make you smile!!!!! I hope work goes well for you today :hug


:hi Stacy and Beth!!!!! Hope your morning went well as we get ready to venture into the afternoon hours (Well, I guess Stacy has a while yet :lol )

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Top of the morning ladies!


Joanne-that is awful sweet of your dd to brave the roads and tavel during a busy holiday season just to spend Thanksgiving with lil Ryan and the rest of your family. :manyheart Will you be cooking?:hug My youngest is hosting her First Thanksgiving:clap:clap I'm so happy!!! We are all bringing something- she is only cooking the turkey and stuffing! I'm bringing the egg nog and the sweet potatoes with marshmallows. Middle DD is making fresh cranberry and green bean casserole and another vegetable to be determined! DD's MIL is making the mashed potatoes, her SIL is making an apple pie and pumpkin pie and not sure what her FIL is brining ( I think cider and beverages) Oldest DD is just brining herself! She doesn't have a car (that's why she moved to a city- she HATES to drive) so she'll be taking a bus to Newark early in the morning and then driving with my middle DD. I know it's going to be a tough trek, but I'm so excited she's coming!


Beth-how are you? I know that you are running and busy, but please know that I am thinking of you.:hug


Got up early as dd has Honor Choir on Tues. and Thurs. Ds has his meet up today, we are super excited. I hope that there are other children his age to hang out with. I hope it went well!!!


Didn't get much hooking in...seems like every time I sit down, someone needs something but I am going to try again. :devilThe Joys of Motherhood :lol:lol


Nothing new to report...hoping to :hook


hugs n squishes!


Good morning ladies :hi


Not much here. I'm very tired today after a rough night of sleep. I fell asleep great and then woke up at midnight and tossed for the rest of the night :( My sister loves her haircut and we decided we have to take my mom there too next time she's in. We went out after for dinner and it happened to be wing night, so I'll give you one guess what we had :lolLet me see---would it be wings????:lol:lol


I went to the bank today to close on a line of credit for the office, so that will be a big help with bills and getting a sign :think Not as good as a loan, but it sure is better than nothing. I hate to keep asking my parents and my sister for money to pay my bills. But, they are very understanding and very supportive so I count myself lucky to have them every day!!!! You are very lucky and knowing you I know that you are so appreciative. Glad you got a line of credit- like you said- it's better than nothing!!!


LeeAnn - thanks for the finger crossing :lol Great job on the scarf and lotion bars (even if you did fudge one up :wink) I hope ds' meeting goes well today and I'm sure dd will have fun at choir practice.


Joanne - The little ones will ALWAYS make you smile!!!!! I hope work goes well for you today :hugIt was a long busy day and will be busy till next year. We have 6 new staff starting Monday and then Dec 5 a couple more- it's great that the company keeps growing, but it's tough when they are all new:yes


:hi Stacy and Beth!!!!! Hope your morning went well as we get ready to venture into the afternoon hours (Well, I guess Stacy has a while yet :lol )


off to figure out something to eat! I'm staving and it's after 8!!:eek

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Good day or shall I say evening!


Joanne-I am so sorry that I had forgotten that you mentioned your dd would be cooking the turkey. How wonderful that all of you are taking something. That is awesome! Could you share that with my family? When I cook, I do everything...takes me about 2 days and hard work and then two days to clean everything, but I love it! Oh my! You are going to be training for days. Good luck!


Marisa-glad that you were able to get a line of credit, I am sure that is taking some of the pressure off. Your family sounds fantastic!:hug


The meet-up with the homeschool group was neat, we were early and waited then ran to the library and then went back again to the place where we were meeting. I guess all of them meant 1:30 instead of 1:00. They all said that they run behind because it's a different lifestyle. However, they were all really nice and supportive. Ds made a couple of new friends, he liked it. We hope to be meeting up every Thursday.:manyheart


Finished the scarf this morning and started on another set of mitts, almost done but my wrist was on fire...have to take a break.


other than that, nothing juicy. Dd went to bed already. It's almost 8 but she went to bed at 7:15...poor darling, she's sooo tired.


Sold a basket at one of the shops where my items are sold. Yippee! Also picked up the goodies that I had at Kathy's shop as she is closed due to medical reasons. Her cancer spread, they did another surgery.:( She is now in Colorado Springs awaiting radiation and more testing. I stopped and had a great visit with her last Friday. We took her dog Regis for a walk. She has been down lately. Worried about her.


I think I have rambled enough. So sorry! Hugs n squishes!

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Good morning and Happy Veterans Day! 11-11-11!!!

Thanks to all those who served or are serving our great country and their families!!! Take a moment today to reflect on the sacrifices these men and women and their families make so that we can enjoy our freedom.


Have a wonderful Friday!!!!

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Happy Veterans day as well! Thank you Joanne for your post, I had forgotten. :-)




Great fantastic wonderful news.....my twin sister is pregrnant with TWINS!!!!!!! Isn't that soo exciting? Happy Happy Happy!


hugs n squishes!

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Good morning :hi


Joanne - How exciting for your dd to be hosting thanksgiving dinner :manyheart I'm heading back to my parents house. My sister and her bf are hosting thanksgiving here with his family but my mom already had invited some people and didn't want to back out. But I think from now on she'll be planning to come out here :think So I told my sister I was going back because I know it'll make my mom happy to have one of us there. My sister never goes home for thanksgiving because she works every year, so has to stay here. She volunteers for thanksgiving and easter, but gets off christmas in return, which is the big one for my mom :yes


LeeAnn - Glad to hear the meet up went well and ds liked it and made some friends :hug So sorry about Kathy, I will keep her in my prayers :ghug I hope your wrist is feeling better.


Beth and Stacy - Hope all is well in your neck of the woods :wink


Not much here. I went home a little earlier yesterday than I've been and zonked out by 6 :eek Then was up for about an hour and a half when mother nature yelled at me, but then slept until 8 this morning :eek I still feel a little sluggish which may be due to too much sleep. But I can feel the stuffiness in my head, so hopefully all the sleep will prevent it from escalading :think:xfin


Be back in a bit

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Hello -- remember me? I have been working a lot at the ballet studio, both mornings and evenings, got yesterday morning off to catch up at home, and took this morning off to run errands. I only have to show up for an hour this evening -- almost like a vacation.


Marisa, congrats on the line of credit -- not as good as a loan, but it's much better than nothing. I hope your clients start rolling in soon. I know you'll do great.


Joanne, it's very exciting that your dd is hosting her first Thanksgiving. I've had my childred making turkeys for me for a while now. We haven't even discussed menu for this year, except my hubby wants his chocolate pie -- a premade pie crust with chocolate pudding -- so simple, but it makes him happy. Gotta love that man!!!


LeeAnn, i'm sorry about your friend Kathy. I hope the surgery takes care of her cancer. And I'm so excited about the baby twins. Are you the twin of the expectant mother? I highly recommend having twins -- they are a constant source of joy.


Stacy, I am thinking of you and your family. I hope everyone is doing well, and school and work are going great. How are you enjoying your apartment without the roomie situation?



Gotta go tutor. happy Veterans Day! Thanks to everyone who has served or raised someone who served, or married someone who served. We are a great country because of them!!! :manyheart

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Good morning!


Leeann, how exciting! Congratulations to her!! I didn't even know your sister was your twin! :eek Glad you enjoyed the homeschool group. You are a soap-making machine! Look at you go. :nworthy I'm sorry to hear about Kathy. She has been in my thoughts a lot lately as I wondered how she is doing. I will continue to pray for her.


Joanne, how fun that your dd will be coming to spend Thanksgiving with you all! I bet the mitts and scarf are going to be beautiful. Amazing is a gorgeous yarn. :manyheart I don't know if you're a fan of white chocolate or peppermint, but today at TJ's I picked up a bag of Peppermint Pretzel Slims and they are awesome! I am not a fan at all of white chocolate, but they taste almost yogurt-y anyway. Yum!


Marisa, good luck with signing on your line of credit. You're right- anything helps! :hug:hug:hug I am so, so, so happy for you. :manyheart I hope you find some clients very soon.


Beth, :hug:hug thinking of you as you prepare for the Nutcracker and being a busy ballet mama. (Busier than usual, anyway. :wink)


Well, today I had planned to take the girls to the Natural History Museum, but when Isabella woke up, she asked if we could get some modeling clay so she could make things. Since I had a mountain of laundry to do anyway, we went to Michael's and stocked up on crafty things for them. So far they have painted and made polymer clay animals. Turkeys, snails, and now Isabella is making Angry Birds. :lol After she is finished, we will bake them. :yes And I have gotten a good amount of cleaning and laundry done, so I am happy. I have to work tonight, though- wish I could stay home and spend it with dh, but I asked for Sunday off, so must go in today.


Well, I'm going to scoot and crochet a bit before the next load of laundry is finished. Love and hugs all around! :hug:hug:hug

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Beth, you crack me up! :lol "I highly recommend having twins." I always wanted a set myself, but after every girl I was so thankful to not have 2 babies at once. :whew I don't know how moms of multiples do it. :nworthy


Life without Roomie is fabulous. :manyheart


Oh, and Joanne- the soc. analysis class itself would not be that bad (it is actually a very interesting topic to me) but the teacher is just not good at explaining her expectations. She is currently writing her dissertation for her EDD, and is making us write research papers (no less than 25 pages) on a topic. We must have every part that a dissertation has but she does not explain exactly how we are supposed to go about it, and as a result, half of the class is totally confused and missed lots of points. :( I have a very bad feeling that I will have to re-take this class if I want to keep my GPA high.

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Congrats to your sister LeeAnn-- I didn't know she was your twin either- That's so cool a Twin having Twins!!! She must be excited!! And nervous about it!!


Beth- I, too laughed at the statement "I highly recommend twins" I definitely don't know how moms of multiples do it and I am totally in awe. I had my hands full with 3 young girls within 4 years I can't imagine 2 at once!!! You sure have been busy!!

My DH's favorite pie is "Pudding Pie" too- and since you all know how I love to cook (NOT), this is one of my favorite things to make! I use sugar-free instant chocolate pudding in a graham cracker crust and it is delicious with some whipped creme on top!!


Marisa-Congrats on your first patient!!! Hope the sleep helped and that you are feeling better. That's sweet of you to go home for Thanksgiving!


Stacy- Sounds like a wonderful fun day for you and your girls! Thanks for the tip on the peppermint pretzels. I'm a fan of DARK chocolate, but I think I may have to try them! I will probably make a trek to TJ's either Sat or Sun early morning! Did you use the 25% off entire purchase including sale items at Michael's today? i stopped on my way home and got some Charisma yarn which was on sale for 1.99 so it was 1.49/skein! Also got a couple of skeins of Vanna's which was also on sale for 1.99/skein! Hope your night at work goes by quickly!


Off to finish watching the Devils hockey game and pick up the hook and yarn!


Hugs to you all!

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Hello there!


So happy to read everyone's posts.


Stacy-goodness! Reading your post made me tired. Glad that your dd's are into creating with polymer clay:c9 love it! :hugHope that your soc. professor will realize that the class is just not getting her style of teaching.


Beth-love your high recomendations of twins!. :lol My mom said that we were easier than my little sister and brother..I think we kept each other entertained. Glad that you were able to get the morning off. Your pudding pie sounds perfect right about now. :hug


Joanne-great deals on the yarn! yummy! So wish we had a Trader Joe's here, I have never been to one but have heard such great things about them.


Marisa-yippy skippy for a new client! I bet it will pick up, I can feel it!


I was so tired today, I feel run down. I knew my sister was pregnant before she told us, I could feel it. Sounds strange, but her pregnancies always affect me more than her. Just do not feel like my normal self. I am hoping and praying that everything goes well. My mom is super excited! We will have 7 sets of twins in our family. :eek Better skoot have to get ready for my crochet class tomorrow. Thank you all for the suggestions, I think we will start with a chain and then move on to a sc and if time is on our side-a hdc and then dc. Printed off step by step directions just need to gather supplies.


hugs n squishes!

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Good morning--Rise and Shine!!


That is strange how your sister's pregnancy affects you- but I've heard that twins have this uncanny way of sensing things in their twin, before the twin knows it!

Good luck with the crocheting class today--I know you'll do fine! Let us know how it goes!


Beth- Are you 'off' today? Or do you have to go to the studio? You've been very, very busy- remember to take some 'me' time!!!


Marisa- Hope you are starting to feel better- Rest up this weekend!!!


Stacy- Hope you had a good night at work! Sounds like there is a problem with that teacher if the class is having a problem. I'm off to TJ's this morning! I can't wait to see what new things they have since I haven't been in a few weeks. (and of course, JoAnn's is right across the street and Starbucks up the street so there will be a few pit-stops):lol


Have a wonderful day!!

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Joanne, Saturdays are rehearsals, so there are lots of people in the studio -- it's a great time to sell the tickets, but also it's good to have someone in charge in the front (while the teachers are in the back running the rehearsal) to keep an eye on the kids that are dropped off, and to keep the office end running smoothly. I'll be there from 9:15 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. today. I am ready for some me time.


LeeAnn, my hubby is a twin: His twin sister set us up on a blind date, and we ended up with boy/girl twins. It made my mother-in-law very happy. She already had a set of twin granddaughters, and my mom already had a set of twin grandsons. It hits my hubby's family in every generation, mine in every-other. I think the twins were easier because they entertained each other, but also because I had experience by the time they came. Now when they were 2 years old, they plotted mischief together. The things I caught them doing that the oldest never did...:devil I hope you feel better soon. how nice of you to take your sister's morning sickness for her! Good luck with your crochet lessons today. Can't wait to hear how it goes.


Stacy, The kids at my son's community college are required to take a one-hour pass/fail class in "College Success." The different requirements between different teachers are amazing. My son had to attend one seminar. His girlfriend had to attend 4, write a journal, map out her college/career plans, etc. I hope your teacher chills a little.


Marisa, Hooray for your first patient!!! I am so excited that your business is taking off.

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Good morning!


I got alot done yesterday- and looking forward to a nice relaxing day today! Rutgers won their football game!!! And so did the Devils last night! Now it's Giants football today!!!


LeeAnn- Happy that all went well-can't wait to read all about it!!


Beth- Will you get some "me" time today? i sure hope so!


Stacy and Marisa- Hope you are having a good weekend.


Off to get my coffee---and enjoy the solitude and quiet!!!!

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I have to do the grocery shopping this morning. I already told everyone that they will each be cooking a meal this week. I feel better already. There is a ballet company meeting, get everything finalized before the performance. After that, I am going to kidnap my daughter and do something fun with her. We both need it.


Joanne, so glad you had a productive Saturday so you can have a relaxing Sunday.


LeeAnn, congrats on the successful class! Will you have more?


Stacy, I hope you are doing something fun today.


Marisa, We're all here, cheering you on!


Off to make up a list... (No whooosh today - my broom is in the shop!):lol

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Good Morning!

Beth-That is wonderful that each one of your family members is cooking a meal! Awesome! I bet you are tired...whew! What will you do with your kidnapped dd?

Joanne-so glad that your team won and that you get to enjoy the day hooking..fantastico!

Yesterday was a busy, fun packed day. After I dropped ds off at the bowling alley, I ran a few errands. The first one was at the fabric shop, found this cute little pattern to make small coin purses using a tape measure as the top, it is difficult to explain but they are going to be super duper cool. Also stopped to visit with Kathi as she is back for the weekend. She was out gardening, that was great! She will start her intensive 16 days of radiation tomorrow. Keeping my fingers and toes crossed for her.

Then picked up a friend to go to the crochet class. what a blast! I only had two students. More one on one time. The shop owner also taught us how to spin fiber...so cool! Then it was back home to the family. I was gone all day...gosh, so fun but yet exhausting.

Today we are going to pick up Boy Scout popcorn and deliver, also going to the in-laws to pick up our car. Remember when I broke the windshield wipers? Long time ago, but it had been in the shop since. They had to replace lots of parts..took forever. But glad it is all done. yippeee! Lesson learned for me. :devil

going to grab a cup of coffee before the family wakes up and finsh a scarf that I am making...so many projects/ideas/wips.....so little time.

hugs n squishes!

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Beth- I went grocery shopping bright and early- it's all done, and put away! The rest of the day is MINE!!!

Hope you have fun with DD!!!


LeeAnn- It sure sounds like you had an awesome day! Learning to spin sounds like so much fun! And you are so creative! I'm always so impressed with the ideas you come up with!

I totally agree---so many projects, so LITTLE TIME!!!!

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