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Good evening friends!


Joanne-that is so neat, you must be super proud of your dd. WTG! The cleaning lady sounds like :c9 I bet it will be worth it. Did you start your ripple?


Beth-your ripple colors sound so awesome and winterish. How cool! Oh my gosh, you are going to be busy this month, hope you can get a few days of relaxation in as well.


Stacy-hang in there, it was a long week, do you get to rest tomorrow?


Marissa-oh my! your website is fantastic! I love it! I know you will do well.


The bazaar was a hit! Sold almost all of the lotion bars, a few sets of the fingerless mitts, a few candles and a bar of soap. All in all it was a good sale day. My mom helped me, it was nice to spend time with her.


Have a few more orders for lotion bars and fingerless mitts, going to work on those. So happy that my Seasonal job is over...:cheer:clap relaxation here I come,...haven't slept in a few days.


hugs n squishes!

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Congrats on a successful day, LeeAnn!!! And Lucky you- done with the seasonal job!!! (jealous)


I had a nice day-- and I went to ACM to pick up some Amazing Yarn that was on sale since I love the way the scarf and fingerless mitts I made for myself xame out with that yarn. It was on sale for 3.99 plus additional 10% off today so came to 3.59 skein--then I had a coupon for an additional $10.00 off if you spent $25.00. I'm going to make sets for my DD's for Christmas out of this yarn!


My DD did an awesome job today and the she had lots of kids that went to her table to make accordian flag books. She had prepared all the materials and the theme was for the child to make a book about themselves and things they like. It really was amazing. I ended up staying a few hours! A few teachers even came up to her to compliment her! You can read about accordian flag books here if you are interested. http://www.squidoo.com/flag-book

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Good morning!

Set my clocks back before I went to bed last night! Woke up at my usual time so I actually did get an extra hour! It was 5:30, which if we didn't set clocks back would have been 6:30!


Hope you all have a good, relaxing Sunday!


Two of my teams won yesterday! Rutgers pulled off a win and the Devils did too- both in OT!!! Now today, Let's Go Giants!! (would be great if they could win against the Pats, but the Giants have lots of injuries, so not holding out great hopes)

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Good Evening all!

Joanne-that is so neat! Your dd sounds like she did an amazing job with the kiddos and activity. Yippee for new yarn! I will have to look up the amazing yarn again to see what colors they have. Found a pattern today for fingerless mitts, going to give it a try, if it's too difficult I will go back to the easy peasy one.

Beth-how was your day? did you get extra sleep?

Had a good day, finished a scarf, cleaned up my craft room, kinda,..have my sewing table to organize, but it sure was a mess! Whew! Also made a lotion bar for an order, my mom will be delivering it on Tuesday as she lives 3 miles away from the lady. going to grab yarn and hook and relax. I miss those relaxing days...so happy to be able to.

hugs n squishes!

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Glad you had a relaxing day LeeAnn!!! I did too!!!:clap


DD and BF and DD and Ryan came over for dinner --actually ate before the Giants game--so as my DD said, it was linner!! It was an impromptu belated birthday dinner for my youngest whose birthday was on Tuesday. We had great fun!


The Giants won:clap so it was the perfect end to a wonderful afternoon/early evening!!!!


My DD's each took a scarf/hat set that I had made-even before I got to take pics, but I'm so happy that they like what I make:manyheart


Enjoy what's left of the evening--of course those on the West Coast still have lots of evening left!!!

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Good morning!

I'm not rising and shining either Beth!:lol


Somehow, the weekend just flew by and here we are facing another Monday! The only bright spot? I have craft club at the library tonight!:clap


Off to re-fill the coffee and get it together for another Monday, Monday!!!

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Top of the morning ladies!

Beth-I am so sorry that you have such a loooong day, wish I lived closer to help you out. Thinking of you and hoping that you find a little bit of time inbetween to rest or enjoy a cup of coffee.

Joanne-you are so right, the weekends sure do fly by! That is exciting that you are meeting with your craft friends, fun fun fun! Have a great day in Paradise!

Got up early just because...made a pot of coffee and am getting dh and dd out the door, then I plan on finishing up my craft corner, laundry and perhaps a little bit of cleaning. The town of Alamosa built a new library, ds and I are going to go check it out, so excited cuz I joined a book club.:clap:cheer

BBL! hugs n squishes!

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Good morning ladies :hi


I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend :D Well, Pitt lost and the Steelers lost and both games were home, so we had 2 games back to back. Pitt played Sat night and the Steelers played last night. I had intentions of coming in on Saturday morning, but as I was getting ready to leave the house, my sister was also getting ready to leave and so I opted to go shopping with her :lol She had a great shopping day. Got a couple pair of jeans (she's been having trouble finding ones that fit right), and 2 cute tops. Then she got a pair of boots that she's really excited about too. She's very thin and every time she tries on the tall boots she doesn't like them because they sag so I told her she needs that scrunchy style of boot and she loved it and they looked so cute :manyheart What else, some other little stuff. Nothing for me since I'm broke so I helped her look and I don't NEED anything right now so it worked out.


I have my first patient scheduled at 2 today :xfin I'm so afraid of a no-show :( Ingrid's bringing the kids over here in a bit for a few hours. She has an interview and didn't have anyone to watch them so I told her to just bring them here. They are very good kids and they amuse themselves well. I told them to bring some crayons and stuff :yes The boy is 5 and the girl is 9.


I guess that's about it for now, I do have some computer work to do and bill paying online :sigh


I'll be back later

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I sure hope your first patient wasn't a no-show!!! You may have mentioned Ingrid, but I don't remember--is she a friend of your sister?


LeeAnn- Have fun with the book club!!!


I had a great time at craft club as usual- the 2 hours flies by!! Almost finished a scarf with the Amazing yarn- colorway Glacier Bay-- I LOVE IT!!!

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I thought I'd feel more rested with the time change, but so far, I've been waking up in the wee hours of the morning, so I haven't been able to enjoy it.


We are on the intense-rehearsal schedule for the Nutcracker now, and parents have 10000 questions. I'm also selling tickets. And I'm trying to help the ballet mistress who has been sick. She asked me to come in early today. Silly me, I forgot about driving my dd to her college class -- good thing I have boys who can drive who are off this morning.


Joanne, I'm so glad you get to meet with your club. I miss my crochet group so much. They met yesterday morning, but I couldn't join them.


LeeAnn, hooray for being off work for a bit. I hope you'll share pictures of your craft corner when it's done, so we can admire it.


Marisa, did your first patient show up? I sure hope so.


Stacy, what's going on? How are the girls?


I guess I need to jump in the shower before the kids beat me to all the hot water...

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Good morning,


After coming home I made a quick hat- http://www.crochetville.org/forum/showthread.php?t=108013&highlight=ugly+warm+hat


Using two strands throughout, it took me about 45 minutes. I'm going to donate it to our departments craft/bake sale for charity. Also will probably make a few more for the mitten/hat tree that another department does each year. These get donated to a local homeless shelter.


Beth- Sure sounds like your days are going to be busy, busy, busy!!! Aren't you glad your DD decided to stay with ballet? I just love the Nutcracker!


Off to get ready for another day in Paradise- and then hair cut/color after work!


Hugs to all!

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Good morning ladies :hi


Well, no patient yesterday :( I had a feeling just because it was one of my sister's friends and lately he's been a bit shady :think Just no showing up when he says he will and stuff like that :shrug No sweat though, we're working on it :yes


I did finish up my paperwork that I needed to make up yesterday though :clap:yay Now I'm going to work on a flyer or postcard or something to send out. The guy is here to free my furnace of stink bugs :eek He asked if 7 was too early and I said no way, get it done. :lol


Not much else exciting, oh, I finished up a pair of fingerless gloves last night while I watched the first half of the eagles. I didn't get pics yet to share. My eagles suffered the same fate as the steelers the night before :sigh


Be back later.......


Oh, Joanne - Ingrid is my sister's boyfriend's sister (that just kept getting to long) and I can't quite say my SIL :lol


Beth - Glad to hear dd has a 'chauffer' (sp? don't look right :shrug) today :wink

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Marisa, the only reason I can spell chauffeur is because my dd had so much trouble when it was on her spelling list. I'm sorry your patient didn't show. I hope you get a REAL first patient very soon. The flyers/post cards sound like a good idea, and your web site is so nice, I'm sure you'll come up with something stellar.


Joanne, you are a crocheting machine!!! How nice of you to donate so many items. Isn't it great to have a home for what you make?

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Good day friends!

Joanne-so glad that you had a fantastic evening with your IRIL friends. Thank you for sharing the hat pattern, I am going to try to make one later this afternoon. The amazing yarn is beautiful! I looked it up, oh my gosh, the colors are stunning!

Marisa-bummer that your patient did not show, a flyer sounds like a great idea. Will you be designing it yourself?

Beth-this month is going to be super busy for you, hope you can get more sleep. The time change makes me feel tired towards the evening, but it is kinda nice. I get to bed at a decent hour. :devil

Yesterday I finished another set of mitts, a scarf and am trying to finish the baby ripple that I had started oh so long ago. The new library is awesome! The kiddos really liked it.

This weekend I am teaching a crochet class, any ideas? I checked out a few beginner books and am going to search the net for printables. I am thinking of starting with a ch, then sc if they master that. Do you think a basic scarf would be too much of a project to start with?

BBL! Off to grab a cup of coffee, ds needs help with schoolwork. I love that I am home to help him, feels so good.

hugs n squishes!

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Thanks Beth :hug


LeeAnn - Yep, I'll be designing it myself :eek I'd like to do postcards because I think they'd be more effective and would have a better chance of catching someone's eye before hitting the trash can :think But, I think with postcards I would have to get them made, whereas I can do flyers myself at less cost. But, I have to look into it further.

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Hi besties!


Marisa, I'm sorry that your client didn't show. :( How disappointing. I agree that the postcards would probably be better, but fliers are probably easier. Plus, for postcards, you would need the addresses in the area, wouldn't you? I am amazed at how organized you are! You know exactly what you need to do. :hug:hug:hug I hope you get some new clients very soon.


Joanne, thanks for the link to that hat. I need to mail out my mom's birthday gift tomorrow and she was just telling me that she needs some new hats. :lol Btw, I had a peppermint mocha today and I wasn't too impressed. :( Maybe as a small treat, it would be okay, but I usually get a large :blush and it wasn't worth the $$. Sadly, I don't think my caramel brulee is coming back.


Leeann, glad you enjoyed the new library. How is your ds doing? Is he still seeing the therapist? I know you had mentioned weaning him from it a while back. I love the activities you do with your dd- reminds me a lot of me and my mom when I was younger. We were always shopping or crafting together. :manyheart


Beth, :hug:hug:hug It's Nutcracker season again, huh? Sending you lots and lots of hugs and prayers to get through it without going crazy.

:wink And thank goodness for male inventions with licenses! :yes


I have been busy, busy, as usual. I've been getting a lot more hours at work, so instead of working 1 or 2 days, I'm there for 4 or 5. :eek I love it, but dh is giving me a headache about not being home to cook and clean, etc. :sigh And 1 of my classes isn't going very well- the sociological analysis one. I have a feeling my grade is going to be very low, and I will have to re-take it because it is required for a soc. degree- if that's what I decide to go for (thanks, Joanne. LoL) I'd still love to be a dietitian :dreaming but unfortunately my schedule doesn't allow me to drive the 1+ hours each way almost daily to the college that offers it. :sigh

Well, it's almost time to pick up Eva. Gotta run, then I work tonight. I don't work again until Friday, though, so I am looking forward to *hopefully* some hooky time tomorrow. :cheer

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Joanne, you are a crocheting machine!!! How nice of you to donate so many items. Isn't it great to have a home for what you make?

:lol I wouldn't call myself a crocheting machine!:lol But hats are quick and the Ugly but Warm hat pattern is super quick since you use two strands and a big hook! I'd had that hat in my list of things to try and I'm sure glad I did- I'm thinking of adding a flower to the one I made last night and make it "feminine" I did it in a gold color and am going to put a Magenta colored flower. I'm so happy to be able to make these for a good cause--:manyheart

Good morning ladies :hi


Well, no patient yesterday :( I had a feeling just because it was one of my sister's friends and lately he's been a bit shady :think Just no showing up when he says he will and stuff like that :shrug No sweat though, we're working on it :yes I'm sure you'll have patients soon!!


I did finish up my paperwork that I needed to make up yesterday though :clap:yay Now I'm going to work on a flyer or postcard or something to send out. The guy is here to free my furnace of stink bugs :eek He asked if 7 was too early and I said no way, get it done. :lolI'd have been there at 5AM if I had too--anything to get rid of the stink bugs!!!


Not much else exciting, oh, I finished up a pair of fingerless gloves last night while I watched the first half of the eagles. I didn't get pics yet to share. My eagles suffered the same fate as the steelers the night before :sigh


Be back later.......


Oh, Joanne - Ingrid is my sister's boyfriend's sister (that just kept getting to long) and I can't quite say my SIL :lol


Beth - Glad to hear dd has a 'chauffer' (sp? don't look right :shrug) today :wink

Thanks for clarifying who Ingrid was- as soon as you explained, I remembered you mentioning her- Good luck with the postcard...or flyer...whichever you decide to do!

Good day friends!


Joanne-so glad that you had a fantastic evening with your IRIL friends. Thank you for sharing the hat pattern, I am going to try to make one later this afternoon. The amazing yarn is beautiful! I looked it up, oh my gosh, the colors are stunning!

I love the Amazing yarn- especially like the way the colors flow into each other and best of all--no color changes or tails to weave in!!!!

Marisa-bummer that your patient did not show, a flyer sounds like a great idea. Will you be designing it yourself?


Beth-this month is going to be super busy for you, hope you can get more sleep. The time change makes me feel tired towards the evening, but it is kinda nice. I get to bed at a decent hour. :devil

Glad you are enjoying your 'free' time!

Yesterday I finished another set of mitts, a scarf and am trying to finish the baby ripple that I had started oh so long ago. The new library is awesome! The kiddos really liked it.

Now who is a crocheting/crafting machine?:lol Glad the new library was awesome! I love libraries!

This weekend I am teaching a crochet class, any ideas? I checked out a few beginner books and am going to search the net for printables. I am thinking of starting with a ch, then sc if they master that. Do you think a basic scarf would be too much of a project to start with? We had a girl (about 18 or so) stop by last evening and she wanted to learn to crochet. One of the other ladies showed her a chain and then sc- and she is going to practice that. She didn't come till about 1/2 hr before the library was closing. Next week she is going to start a basic sc scarf so that might be a good plan for you! Also dishcloths are fast


BBL! Off to grab a cup of coffee, ds needs help with schoolwork. I love that I am home to help him, feels so good.


hugs n squishes!

Glad you are able to be there with him!


Hi besties!


Marisa, I'm sorry that your client didn't show. :( How disappointing. I agree that the postcards would probably be better, but fliers are probably easier. Plus, for postcards, you would need the addresses in the area, wouldn't you? I am amazed at how organized you are! You know exactly what you need to do. :hug:hug:hug I hope you get some new clients very soon.


Joanne, thanks for the link to that hat. I need to mail out my mom's birthday gift tomorrow and she was just telling me that she needs some new hats. :lol Btw, I had a peppermint mocha today and I wasn't too impressed. :( Maybe as a small treat, it would be okay, but I usually get a large :blush and it wasn't worth the $$. Sadly, I don't think my caramel brulee is coming back. The hat was so fast and easy- two strands throughout- I really like it and would wear it myself- Not ugly at all!!! I had the Gingerbread latte over the weekend:manyheart Like it so much better than the peppermint mocha:yes


Leeann, glad you enjoyed the new library. How is your ds doing? Is he still seeing the therapist? I know you had mentioned weaning him from it a while back. I love the activities you do with your dd- reminds me a lot of me and my mom when I was younger. We were always shopping or crafting together. :manyheart My mom wasn't a crafter--my grandma crocheted lots of things- I remember fondly the red poncho she made me when I was in 8th grade. I loved it and wore it everywhere! She also did alot of thread crochet and even made a bedspread! Wish I had asked her to teach me to crochet--I know I could have learned a lot from her!


Beth, :hug:hug:hug It's Nutcracker season again, huh? Sending you lots and lots of hugs and prayers to get through it without going crazy.

:wink And thank goodness for male inventions with licenses! :yes


I have been busy, busy, as usual. I've been getting a lot more hours at work, so instead of working 1 or 2 days, I'm there for 4 or 5. :eek I love it, but dh is giving me a headache about not being home to cook and clean, etc. :sigh And 1 of my classes isn't going very well- the sociological analysis one. I have a feeling my grade is going to be very low, and I will have to re-take it because it is required for a soc. degree- if that's what I decide to go for (thanks, Joanne. LoL) I'd still love to be a dietitian :dreaming but unfortunately my schedule doesn't allow me to drive the 1+ hours each way almost daily to the college that offers it. :sigh

Well, it's almost time to pick up Eva. Gotta run, then I work tonight. I don't work again until Friday, though, so I am looking forward to *hopefully* some hooky time tomorrow. :cheer

Do the best you can with school- You are raising 3 amazing daughters, plus working!!! You can only do so much. Soc analysis is a tough course- and takes a lot of work! I found it so very interesting though! Hoping you get in some hooky time tomorrow!!!


Off to watch some hockey while I crochet another hat and figure out a flower for the one I made last night!

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Evening all!


Stacy-so happy to see your purple post! Sounds like you are super duper busy...but getting it all done. I know how stressful juggling can be. Hang in there!


My ds is doing lots better. He has weaned himself off of counseling and is going when he feels like he needs it. His moods have stablized, he's not so sad and grouchy. We have enjoyed spending the days together. Tonight he has Boy Scouts, we also joined a Homeschool group that meets once a week. We are both looking forward to meeting everyone.


Today I was able to get all of my goodies boxed and inventoried for a bazaar next weekend. It is at a friends church, you do not have to be there to sell, you just set it up and they do their own thing. Good thing cuz I have another bazaar at the same time. eeekk...just received orders for 20 lotion bars in the little tins and 20 jars of body scrubs...8 oz size. I'm going to be busy as a bee.


off to enjoy dinner with the family. BBL! hugs n squishes!

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Evening all!


Stacy-so happy to see your purple post! Sounds like you are super duper busy...but getting it all done. I know how stressful juggling can be. Hang in there!


My ds is doing lots better. He has weaned himself off of counseling and is going when he feels like he needs it. His moods have stablized, he's not so sad and grouchy. We have enjoyed spending the days together. Tonight he has Boy Scouts, we also joined a Homeschool group that meets once a week. We are both looking forward to meeting everyone.


Today I was able to get all of my goodies boxed and inventoried for a bazaar next weekend. It is at a friends church, you do not have to be there to sell, you just set it up and they do their own thing. Good thing cuz I have another bazaar at the same time. eeekk...just received orders for 20 lotion bars in the little tins and 20 jars of body scrubs...8 oz size. I'm going to be busy as a bee.


off to enjoy dinner with the family. BBL! hugs n squishes!


Wow- not only are your the crafting machine--you are soon going to be the bazaar queen!!!

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LeeAnn, sounds like your crafting is taking off. How wonderful! You make most excellent items -- I am glad they are selling well. Homeschooling is wonderful -- lets you be closer to your child. I've found that a scarf is a huge undertaking for a first project. May I suggest a sampler scarf that has 6 to 8 inches of each stitch as they are learned? I also like the idea of a wash cloth. Or a cell phone pouch, or something small and square or rectangular.


Joanne, happy Hump day!!! Since I'll be at the studio 7 days this week, it doesn't mean that much to me, but I'm sure you are looking forward to the weekend. How is Ryan doing? How is your hubby?


Stacy, I :nworthy a working mother with several small children, but add going to school on top of that -- you're my idol! And seriously, can't Jorge clean and cook???


Marisa, you really do have a good vision for your business. You will do great! Good luck with the post cards. Please post a pic when you get them ready to send.


Well, I spent 8 hours at the studio yesterday. I don't think I'll be there as much today. We got a lot of things caught up from the mistress being sick last week. She was so worried. She feels better now. It's hard to rest and recuperate when something is worrying you.

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Happy Hump Day!!!!


Beth- Ryan has some congestion and was running a slight fever so they took him to the pediatrician on Monday afternoon and were given antibiotics to give him if he got worse. She sent me a pic yesterday afternoon and he was smiling--such a happy boy even if he is sick. Glad that the ballet mistress is back!


LeeAnn- Love the names you come up with for your soaps- saw them on FB-- you have a real flair for your crafts! And they are all so nice!


I made another ugly but warm hat, added a flower w/a button center to the one I made the night before and finished up a scarf that I forgot I had started:lol I decided to stitch the ends together to make it one that you wrap around your neck a few times.


Marisa- Fingers crossed that you get to the office and there are no stink bugs! Did you decide on postcards or flyers?


Stacy- You made it through to hump day- and no work till Friday!!! Hope it gives you a little window of time to :crocheting


Off to get ready- the time is just slipping on by as I sit here!

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


Hope all is well at the ville today


My sister has a haircut tonight so I'm going with her and I think Ingrid might join us as well. Then we're going out to eat and my sister's bf will meet us out then. I spent the morning making a simple logo. I had asked a friend to do it for me and that was 2 months ago. And since I'm not going to nag, I did it myself. I'm waiting to hear back from my sister and dad and then I'll share it here to get your opinion as well. My sister and I like the postcards better, maybe I'll do some of each. The flyer I made is a tri-fold brochure so would need cost of envelope and stamp as well to get it out in the community. The postcard would be cheaper to get in the mail and would catch an eye.


Stacy - I think either way, I need the addresses, but there's way of doing mass mailings within a community (although I still have to look into it :lol ) You're doing great, so don't get yourself down!!!!!!


Joanne - I hope Ryan is feeling better :hug I woke up this morning feeling like somethings trying to settle in :eek


LeeAnn - Great to hear that ds is doing better :clap And you are on a roll girl.....I also like the dishcloth idea. It's a small project with instant gratification, even for a newbie, and it's useful :yes


Beth - I'll share a pic when I decide and finalize :wink


I also called today to get another quote for my signage.....once that's up, I might actually get some patient's :lol

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