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Some good clean fun?!

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Hello All!


Another busy day! whew!


Beth-you are just too funny! I loved it whooosh! Sorry I did not share the new yarn colors...oh but its oh so pretty. I was walking by the yarn ya know just to have a little looksie and this Red Heart Shimmer I believe it's a pewter color...so soft and scrumptious! I made a set of fingerless mitts and am now making the scarf to match, I hope I have enough yarn..I hope I hope. Your new projects sound fun, I bet you already have them in the mail. You are super duper fast.


Joanne-your evening sounded :c9 Glad that you were able to meet up with your IRL buddies...so much fun!


Stacy-miss you but glad that everything is ok, stressful but ok.


Marisa-thinking of you!


We took the kiddos out trick-o-treating, not my favorite thing to do, but it is our last year as they are gettig too old. :devil


off to get a few minutes of hook time in. hugs n squishes!


Happy Haloween ladies!

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Good morning!

LeeAnn- You are never too old for trick-or-treating!:lol I can't wait till Ryan is a little older and is really into it! For now, he was probably thinking what are these people doing putting me in a banana costume!:lol


I don't think I've ever seen the pewter color in shimmer. Only seen red, green, royal blue and white I think:think I love pewter and I'll bet the set is going to be gorgeous!


I made a hat last night at craft club- it is from the Chicks N' Sticks book- the surfer cap. It's basically shell stitches and looks nice with the Shelly scarf.


Today I'll start a scarf to match, and like you, LeeAnn, I hope I have enough of the yarn. I'm using Caron Shadows in the color "soft merino" and when I checked their website it looks like they don't carry this color anymore! I made a skinny scarf and hat with the colorway Opal Mist so I guess I'll just make a skinny scarf to make sure I have enough!


Marisa- Hope you made it home to Pitt safe and sound! Good luck with the inspection!!!


Beth- How was your broom ride yesterday?:lol


Stacy- Did the girls have fun trick-or-treating? Due to the snow storm over the winter, there were some towns that had to cancel trick-or-treating until Nov 4--still too many downed wires/trees.


Have a good day!

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Yesterday, I spent a lot more time than usual in the ballet studio. The ballet mistress was sick, and I did the calling to rearrange classes and cancel private lessons, plus I wanted to be there in case anybody showed up for class at the wrong time (not listening to messages, you know.) I did finish the hat/scarf set for my brother-in-law. I just need to mail it off. I started a rug for my bathroom. Those tiles get cold in the winter!!! I would love to put in that in-floor heating I see on the home improvement shows. I think that would be the definition of luxury.


Joanne, will we get to see pictures of the world's cutest banana?


LeeAnn, in Virginia, you can legally trick-or-treat until you are 12. My kids started handing out candy at 13. At first, they would dress up for it, but eventually, they became boring. They just get the door for me. We didn't get many treaters this year, about 8 according to my son, but that's double what we had last year.


Stacy, I saw that your daughter's lunch box was invaded by red ants. That sounds very Halloween-ish. Do they bite?


My annual broom ride was very exhilirating -- cool wind in my face, hair blowing in the breeze, moonlight streaming over us (me and my black cat, of course.) LOL

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Hi friends!


The girls had fun trick-or-treating last night, but they didn't get much candy at all. We waited until dh came home from class at 8- I think that was too late. There were tons of kiddos still out, but probably most of the houses ran out of candy beforehand and turned off their lights. :shrug

Mia was due to go back to school today, but she woke up coughing like crazy, so I kept her home again. Tomorrow she will go, though- by 10 a.m. she was feeling "much better." :lol

As for the ants in the lunchbox- yes, red ants do bite, and it is possible to be allergic to them. My niece must carry an Epi-Pen because she is allergic, and there are tons out in the desert, where they live.


Beth, glad you enjoyed your broom ride. :lol


Joanne, how cute that Ryan was a banana! I love itty-bitty baby costumes. :manyheart Good luck with your scarf! I hate the uncertainty of how much yarn there is to work with.


Leeann, your scarf/mitts combo sounds lovely. I've never seen the pewter color- just blue, black, pink, and red. Good luck finishing your soapy goodness- I can't believe how quickly you make everything! :eek Did you decide on the blueberry or vanilla?


Marisa, sorry to see that your plans were ruined. I was in shock when I saw how much snow the East Coast received. Yikes! Hope you all are safe and sound. :hug:hug


Well, I am going to scoot for now. Dh will be home late from a meeting, so I called in to work. They weren't sure if they could find a replacement, so I have to call and see if they need me to come and help close after he comes home.

Love and hugs!!! :hug:hug:hug

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Hi all,


Beth- there are pics of Ryan on my FB page--I 'shared" them from my DD!! Don't have any on my camera!


Stacy- Went to the Bux today--peppermint mocha and gingerbread latte are out!! Treated myself to a 'skinny' peppermint mocha! YUM


Hope you all had a good day---I just got in a little while ago. Today is DD's birthday- so I stopped to wish her a happy day on my way home---her and DH were going out to dinner to celebrate--and her MIL was going to babysit so I just stayed a little bit and then let the other grandma have her turn with the little guy!

See you in the AM

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Good evening all!


Joanne-a lil bananna? How adorable! I am going to have to pop over to FB to check out pics. Lil cutie pututie. Happy Birthday to your dd, was she excited to have a night out?


Beth-that was awful nice of you to stay at the ballet studio in case anyone called in. Loved your broom ride story...so cute!


Stacy-we didn't have a single trick-o-treater...I always buy candy just in case. Glad that your dd is feeling better, nothing like a day at home to rest.


I made several jars of the bath scrub..vanilla and blueberry. They smell oh soo heavenly! I took them to work and sold a few. I hope they are a huge hit because they feel so luxurious and wonderful on your skin. I took a few pics to share with you.



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Joanne, I didn't see the pics on your facebook page. :(


LeeAnn, your body scrub looks amazing, like everything you do. You do such a good job of packaging everything. So nice and professional, yet still handmade -- lovely.


Stacy, I am sorry your girls didn't get many treats for Halloween. They should have come here. We only had 8 trick-or-treaters, and they could have gotten a lot of our candy. Did you have to go into work?


Marisa, I hope you had a good trip.


I am brain-fried after a very difficult couple of days. Now to try to get some sleep...

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Good morning!


Beth- When I look at my FB page they are there- with all the silly changes they keep making to FB who knows? I don't get it. there is a little drop down thingy and I'll change it to public. Maybe then you can see it?


Love the jars of bath scrub, LeeAnn!!!!


Off to get ready for Paradise!

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Good morning!


Just a quick pop-in today. I have an astronomy lab due tomorrow night, and the Spanish instructor just added homework and a journal for my 8 a.m. class tomorrow. And I have to work tonight. We will see how this all plays out- I may need lots and lots of coffee later! :eek


I ended up not going to work at all last night. I guess they found someone. But we found out that someone used my ATM card at a gas station up north (with my pin, which is not written down anywhere, so that is very scary.) My card is in my possession, also, so I had to get that all straightened out. Then I worked on a surprise for my scarf swap partner. Hoping to mail on Friday, since I don't have class.


Leeann, your soaps look wonderful! I love your containers and the presentation when you take photos, too. :yes


Joanne, I can't see the pictures, either. :( Although I think if you use the drop-down menu and select "just friends" or something, it will work. If you click "public" then anyone on FB can see them, even people who are not your friends.


Beth, :hug hope you're feeling better and got a good night's sleep. Did your inventions register for classes already? What are they taking next semester?


I found out today that Eva's school will be open for winter intercession, but only if I work or take classes. However, my school is not open for winter intercession. :think Go figure.

Well, I better get scooting. This homework isn't going to write itself, unfortunately.

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I did select just friends! I decided public wasn't a good option...So wierd that you guys can't see it cause you are in my friends! My FB seems wierd lately- alot of my friends have that tickler thing on the right- I don't have it- I wonder if the picture not showing has anything to do with me clicking share from my DD's picture? I still see it though


I had a busy day and then went for a mani/pedi (love the massage chair as you all know).


See you all in the AM

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I don't have a ticker, either! At least, I don't think so...I really don't know what it is. :shrug:rofl A mani/pedi with the massage chair sounds sooooo nice right about now. :dreaming


I just finished my Spanish homework, now off to bed. 5:30 will come soon enough, and I still have astronomy homework to finish.


Good night!


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Good morning!


Good luck finishing the astronomy homework, mi amiga, Stacy! (is that what you say for my friend?) I only took 1 semester of Spanish eons ago!


I started yet another Shelly scarf to match the hat I finished. Once finished I'll post pics of this set and the other one, along with the scarf and fingerless gloves I made for me with the "amazing' yarn.


Off to get ready for Paradise and then a quick visit after work to see the little guy. DD has decided that she is going to do Thanksgiving this year! I'm very excited! This will be the first year that it isn't falling on me! I've already offered to make the sweet potatoes with marshmallows and will help her plan her shopping/menu.


Have a good day!

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Joanne - ugh! Are we supposed to be thinking about Thanksgiving already? I'm not there yet!!! So glad you get to see your little guy. I can't wait to see the pics of your projects. you make such lovely things. I finished the hat and scarf for my brother in law, and I'm almost done with the panda hat my sister-in-law requested so she can use it as a gift.


Stacy, in your honor, my hubby and I went to a Mexican restaurant yesterday. It was very good. Muy bien -- me gusta la comida mexicana. Did you get your astonomy homework done?


LeeAnn, I imagine you are busy working and crafting away, and helping your son with his school, and your daughter with her homework. I hope things are going great at your house.


Marisa, thinking of you, sweetie, and hoping you are getting closer and closer to opening!


Off to go shopping with my dd. We are looking for art supplies (and YARN!) for her, and shoes for me. :manyheart

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Ok, since this was long and I didn't want to type it again, I cut and pasted yet again :lol


Good morning ladies :hi


Don't even ask me where this week went The seminar went well and i was excited about the snow I was probably the only one though. There really wasn't a large amount in Newark, but what did come was heavy and slushy and since the trees were just starting to change, the snow building up on them caused a lot of branches to fall from being so heavy. When the trees are bare, theres only the branches to catch the snow, but add the leaves and all the snow stays So the branches broke and fell into streets or onto wires pulling them down. So we decided not to go out saturday night then for our halloween party We stayed in and watched Bridesmaids (it was hysterical!!!)....her sister joined us who had a conference and didn't have intentions on fighting traffic to get back to her house (about 45 min north and were at 15" before we started our movie). A friend from our seminar also stayed with us since she lives on Long Island and we still had the seminar on sunday too.


I missed seeing Joanne, but it just wasn't necessary to battle the weather I brought some fingerless mitts to work on and I started them anyway and am on the 2nd one now. They're pretty cute I wanted something small to take with me.


I stayed at my parents on sunday and then headed back here monday. Came to the office and my door to the utility room was fixed so I called the inspection people. I worked on making up some paperwork. Which is also what I did all day tuesday. The inspector came back yesterday and I passed So now I can do business!!!!!! I just need patients I had lunch with my attorney, which is the first time I actually met him and he is a hoot Missed my realtor who slipped a card under my door while I was out just to say hi. I'll have to give him a call, he is a sweetheart too.


So then I ran up to the community center to get my certificate and big lots is right there so I ran in for a document frame to hang it on my wall. Came back and did more paperwork and got all the things together for hanging that still needs to go up.


Now today, I'm going to hook up my printer to the desktop since the laptop won't come on so I can print my paperwork and see what I still need or what needs to be changed. Hopefully I can get to the hanging stuff too, but if not I'll get to it tomorrow


Oh, and I had a call from a doctor in Maine whose step son just had a baby out here and was looking for an activator doctor (that's the seminar I just had, I've been certified in the technique since 2003) and I am the only one in this area. However, I let him know that I don't actually do activator on infants, but do a traditional adjustment to which he asked a few questions, but I feel like he seemed ok about it (not all activator dr's are) and asked if I do activator on adults. Of course I do, why would I keep my certification for something I didn't use Anyhoo, I told him I do either way with adults or children depending upon what they like. I do a couple different techniques so that i can cater to a larger group of people, not to mention medical history can dictate which one I should do as well. So, we'll see if I get a new patient or not (maybe 3)


Um, I think that's about it for me for now, but I'll think I'll be in and out throughout the day today.


Oh, oh, oh.....my website is up!!!!!! http://www.pancherichiro.com

Feedback is appreciated, both good and bad


Hmmmm, none of my faces copies :( Oh well, :shrug


I didn't take notes as I read through the posts, but Beth, your table looked awesome!!!!! :manyheart

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Hi Marisa- I got to read it twice!:lol Your website is fantastico!!!!!


Hope everyone had a great day- It's late, just got home a little while ago and I'm going to get settled in and watch "Bones" while I work on yet another Shelly scarf for our craft fundraiser at work!!!


Hugs to all!!!:hug

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Joanne, Happy TGIF to you!:yay


Marisa, keep all the good news coming! You are doing great. Love the website.


Stacy, I hope all your school work isn't getting you down. The kids had early registration the last week in October. My oldest is taking a pile of health classes and another psychology. He's waiting for a certain algebra class to be offered, so he can take it before he starts taking all the science requirements. My dd is taking art history and appreciation, and my other son is taking another automotive class about engines. Have you registered for next semester yet?? What do you want to take?


LeeAnn, how was Halloween? How is school? Are you ready for your craft show?

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Good morning ladies :hi


Thanks Joanne and Beth about the website :D


My sister is going to send out a mass e-mail today to her friends that I'm open and we're doing a special that if they print out that e-mail, they'll get a discount on their first visit :idea Gotta get them in the door :yes


I got my paperwork printed out yesterday so am ready to roll if someone were to walk in my door. I still need to make and print out some general forms to keep track of stuff in here, but the important stuff is done :D


I still have more to hang up, but got 2 done yesterday in between all the printing :yes


I have to what else I'm going to do, not sure just yet :think


Joanne - Did you finish the scarf last night?


Beth - Wow, your kids have all the subjects covered there. The art history class is not an easy one....at least it wasn't when I took it, but I really enjoyed it :yes

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Hi all,

LeeAnn- GOOD LUCK at the craft bazaar!!! I know you will do great!!!


Beth- I agree with Marisa- Art appreciation was a hard class, but I did learn alot. quite a few people in the class I was taking dropped out-they thought it would be an easy class--WRONG!!!


Marisa- Yay for being OPEN FOR BUSINESS!!! So happy for you and proud to know such an industrious woman!!!!


Stacy- Had a gingerbread latte on the way home from work today- YUM!! Thought of you, naturally!!! Hope your day went well- and that you have a relatively easy weekend--although I think you have class on Saturday?:think


'll be heading to Newark tomorrow to see DD- She is participating in Newark Reads Festival, and is facilitating an art integrated workshop for elementary school age. You can read about it here http://secure.adpay.com/clicknbuy.aspx?itemid=7517102&p=2047&st=1 I'm very proud of her.

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Joanne, have fun today. You have many reasons to be proud of your daughter. That's so impressive.


LeeAnn, good luck at your bazaar. I know you'll do great, sell a lot of stuff.


Marisa, good luck with new clients. The e-mail special sounds like a great way to get someone in through the door. Make sure it says it can be forwarded to friends.


Stacy, I hope you have a fun weekend. Don't work too hard.


Today is the first day tickets go on sale for the Nutcracker, so basically I just lost my entire November. The "good" news is that I'm not tutoring 5 days a week now.


I started my first ripple afghan. It's going to be very manly -- brown and green. The yarn was on clearance. It's very soft. I am not sure I'm going to let my son have it...

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Joanne, have fun today. You have many reasons to be proud of your daughter. That's so impressive.


LeeAnn, good luck at your bazaar. I know you'll do great, sell a lot of stuff.


Marisa, good luck with new clients. The e-mail special sounds like a great way to get someone in through the door. Make sure it says it can be forwarded to friends.


Stacy, I hope you have a fun weekend. Don't work too hard.


Today is the first day tickets go on sale for the Nutcracker, so basically I just lost my entire November. The "good" news is that I'm not tutoring 5 days a week now.


I started my first ripple afghan. It's going to be very manly -- brown and green. The yarn was on clearance. It's very soft. I am not sure I'm going to let my son have it...


Good morning!

Which ripple afghan pattern are you using? I'm going to re-attempt the Neat Ripple from Attic24. I tried a swatch last weekend- DH kept talking, lost my count and gave up. I decided to turn the scarf into a sort of neck warmer by adding a button. I'll get pics in the light of day--probably tomorrow. I also made a hat to match a scarf last night. Gotta get gift sets together -you never know when you might need a gift!:lol


LeeAnn:cheer Good Luck at the craft bazaar:cheer


Stacy and Marisa-:hug and good thoughts for a good weekend for you both!!!


Still haven't contacted my DD's cleaning lady about starting here, so off I go to start the weekly ritual. I still can't justify the added expense in my mind, although I would so love to have her. :think

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