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Some good clean fun?!

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You have been having some fun Marisa -glad to hear it!!! Sunday would probably work out ok for me. Funny, you will be in Newark and I'm heading there on Saturday to visit DD- she and BF have art displayed so I'm going to see it. There was an article in the Star Ledger about the art gallery's in Newark and there was a big art gallery crawl last weekend. My DD sold four pieces of art- a ceramic piece, watercolor painting, and 2 others. She was very excited.

Where would you like to meet up on Sunday?


Stacy- So happy to hear that Mia is feeling good. I finished up my things for the scarf swap- just need to package it up and mail it...hopefully this Saturday before I head to visit DD!!!

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Where do i go to complain? I think somebody stole about 3 hours of my sleep last night, and I feel so :tired 4:45 comes way too early.


Last night my dog slipped out of her harness and took off down the road, so we got to play "chase the black dog at night." Fun game. My twins won -- they found her, cornered her, and managed to bring her home. I did manage to get some good exercise in, but then I couldn't go to bed right away -- too wound up. Maybe I should try that exercise thing in the morning when I don't need to go to sleep. :think


Joanne, happy hump day!!! I'm sure you'll be glad to see the babysitting-at-Paradise week come to an end. Have fun with Marisa in Newark. Congrats to your dd for selling 4 pieces. That is awesome.


Marisa, did you get your inspection? My fingers are getting cramped from being :xfin for you. I'm so glad you are having fun in the midst of all the work setting up your business.


LeeAnn, I'll bet you're busy with all the crafting to do on top of the work and that mom thing -- seems the mom thing can be a full-time job in and of itself.


Stacy, so very happy to hear that Mia is doing well. Is she sleeping better, or is it too soon to tell about that? Is school going OK for you? It's great that Eva got along so well with her cousin. Did you finish the items for the scarf swap?


I finished washing the afghans for the sale yesterday, and finished most of a scarf. I need to add fringe. I'd like to make 2 more scarves, but things are busy here. Ten is a good number. I can live with that. I added a card to each afghan with the colors, the design, the size, the care instructions and contents, and the price. That way, if I'm not there and my friend who is helping gets asked a question, she can answer it.

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Good morning!!


Beth- Wow- two nights in a row- first the cats, now the dog---maybe tonight is the night that you get a good night's sleep- sounds like you could really use it!!! I'm happy that you've got everything together for the craft show. I think 10 is a great #!!! I finished another scarf last night- using the Amazing yarn. This one, I'm keeping for me! It's really soft- and I made it a little wider than usual and I love it. I'll get pics on the weekend when there is some light. This is the time of year when I leave for work in the dark and come home in the dark when I'm the late babysitter.


OH, and Beth- mark your calendar--you'll get an extra hour of sleep Nov 6!


Hope you all have a wonderful day- time to get ready for the joys of paradise--when what I really want to do is play with yarn!

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


Sorry, I forgot to stop back yesterday about the inspection. I need a new door on the utility room, but should be good to go after thats fixed. He said it needs a bigger grate on the bottom and one on the top as well to allow airflow to heater :think Something along those lines.


Today I ran for an oil change and they kindly let me know my inspection is due this month :eek But they couldn't do it while I was there and I'd have to call back to schedule an appointment. I totally didn't even realize it was due :blush It's always been due in Feb :think Oh boy, my dad just called and there's someone in their town that can do it for me while I'm passing through :D Apparently it's hard to find someone to do it from a different county :lol


Now I have to run up to the bank to drop off some paperwork and we have a pitt football game tonight, so I'm hoping to get some computer work done in between....but I'm not so sure :lol I'll take it with me to my parents in case I get any time. I'm just creating my own forms/paperwork for the office :D


Gotta run :hug

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Hello friends!


Marisa-so happy that your inspection went well and that you are having an awesome time. :hug


Beth-oh dear, hope you can sleep better tonight, that must be rough. Not sleeping drives me crazy.:hug I bet you are getting more and more excited as your sale is getting closer? How fun! I will be here cheering you on.


Joanne-babysitting is no fun...:hugI kind of do that at work too...only now everyone is getting restless as we are working so far into the Month of October,...it's terrible. We are short teachers in every classroom and and been trying to cover..ugggh


Stacy-how's the little one? feeling lots better, I hope.:hug


I am almost done with soap, have a few more bars to make but am awaiting the red soap dye. I bought these little reindeer rubber ducks to add to the tops of soap...so cute! And then I am going to make Gingerbread scrub as well as Vanilla and peppermint, so excited fo these but again waiting for the containers to arrive. Candles are all done, yippee! whew! This has been a lot of work, I am officially exhausted..back to work I go.


hugs n squishes!

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Good morning!!!


Hope you are getting a good night's sleep, Beth!!!! How did it go with the twins registration? I sure hope they got the classes they want!


LeeAnn- WTG on getting all the soaps done! I know what it's like to work short handed- not fun at all!! Hang in there--the light is at the end of the tunnel for you with work!!!


Marisa- Safe travels to your parents today and good luck getting the car inspected. Here in NJ, you don't have to get a new car inspected for four years!


Stacy- Hope Mia is continuing to feel well and things are getting back to normal (although, really, what is normal?:lol:lol)


Have a great day---it's a rainy one here----Stacy's favorite weather, mine- not so much :lol

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Good morning, Friends,


Joanne, it's Thursday, almost TGIF day. You'll be done "babysitting in Paradise" very soon. I know you'd rather be babysitting Ryan, but you can't always get what you want.


Marisa, very good news about the inspection. Replace the door with a more ventilated door, and you're set. That's not too bad. Do you need a re-inspection when you get the new door installed? Speaking of inspection, is your vehicle inspection determined by the county you're in?


LeeAnn, congrats on finishing the candles, and way to go on almost finishing the soaps. Sounds like you'll be ready for the craft sale when it gets here. I'm getting excited, but I'm a little nervous about mine this Saturday. I am pretty much done with all the work, just need to run to the bank to get change, and I'll be done.


Stacy, still sending positive thoughts your way. I hope your little one is feeling great by now.

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Good Morning ladies!

It's me again. :manyheart

Joanne-oh my it's almost Friday..thank goodness! Any big plans for the weekend?

Beth-your sale is going to go wonderfully! I know it. I can't wait, I bet you are excited.

Stacy-how are you on this fine day?

Marisa-do you have an opening day soon?

I am staying home for a bit as ds is taking NWEA tests, I have to help him get started. We downloaded the apps and such now waiting for nine so that he can log on...whew!

have a great day friends! I can't wait till this evening, maybe just maybe I can relax.

hugs n squishes~!

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Hey ladies :hi


I'm at my parents and they're calling for some flurries tonight :yay:clap (They just said a winter storm watch for the weekend) :think I got here a while ago and went with my mom to her dr appt and then we came back and ate dinner. We're going to run out to walmart and drop my car off for its inspection tomorrow. Yes Beth, I think the county is for the emissions tests :think And Joanne, aren't we lucky to do our inspection yearly :eek


LeeAnn - After my door gets fixed I'll have to call back for another inspection. Once they approve me to open, I'm open :yes


Alright ladies, I'm gonna run but will be back tomorrow before heading out to Newark :hug

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Hi all,

a LONG day in Paradise!!! Looking forward to seeing you, Marisa-on Sunday- maybe the hotel where your conference is? It would be easy for you- and not too far for me- and I can't wait to see you. Hopefully, the weather cooperates!! I don't want SNOW yet!!!


Almost Friday--TG!!!


Off to watch the baseball game- and crochet- I just sat down around 8!!! I'm beat!

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evening all!


It sure has been a looong day, it's not over yet, helping ds with his homework, finished sewing dd's costume-she is going to be an "Oreo" cookie, soo cute and making the baby bootie soaps...so tired.


hugs n squishes and yes,TGIF!

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They say it's morning, but I'm having a hard time believing it. My dd and I have an appointment at the college bright and early. She's seeing a special counselor for special needs students, since she's deaf in one ear. Hopefully, it will help with her class next semester. This semester it hasn't been a problem -- we didn't even get her any accomodations. Next semester, she should get to sit on the right side of the classroom, and hopefully use a recorder to help her take notes.


I tutor around 1, then I "get" to take shrimp boy and at least one of my kids bowling. I really don't have time for this right now. The good news is that my hubby has offered to come with me to my sale to help me carry things up stairs and get set up.


Happy TGIF!

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Good morning!


Beth- You have a great hubby there offering to come to the sale to help you get all set up. You must be getting so excited!!! Good luck with the college- it shouldn't be a problem- and bowling-well you don't have time- but it sure is fun! Do you bowl too, or just chauffeur?


Marisa- Good luck with the car inspection today! And safe travels!


LeeAnn and Stacy- Happy, Happy Friday!!!!


Off to get ready for Paradise!

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Good morning ladies :hi


Not too much going on here. We got some flurries yesterday :) Mom made me breakfast and I'm going to stay around here for supper before heading to Newark. I got my acceptance for cigna insurance so now I'm officially a provider for an insurance company :clap:cheer


Sounds like everyone has their halloween plans ready and I hope you all have fun :yes


Joanne - The seminar is at Renaissance Newark Airport, 1000 Spring Street, Elizabeth, NJ 07201 and it goes until 1 on saturday and 5 on sunday :D


I'll be back later :D

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Good morning ladies :hi


Not too much going on here. We got some flurries yesterday :) Mom made me breakfast and I'm going to stay around here for supper before heading to Newark. I got my acceptance for cigna insurance so now I'm officially a provider for an insurance company :clap:cheer


Sounds like everyone has their halloween plans ready and I hope you all have fun :yes


Joanne - The seminar is at Renaissance Newark Airport, 1000 Spring Street, Elizabeth, NJ 07201 and it goes until 1 on saturday and 5 on sunday :D


I'll be back later :D


Quick fly by- LONG day in Paradise- LONG commute home and I'm tired!! Time to watch the 7th game of the World Series


I'll be in touch Marisa- I'm thinking lunch Sunday before you head home?


Have a good night EVERYONE



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Morning- I slept in today!!! It's a rainy, cold, dreary day here--


Not sure if I'm going to head to see my DD today--it may be tomorrow instead-we'll see.


I need to get my oil changed- which I had planned on doing when they opened at 8--but since I didnt' get up till after that- you know that isn't happening!


Off to re-fill the coffee and get this day started.


Rain, Rain, Go Away--come again on a Work Day!!!

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Top of the morning friends!

Beth-I am soo excited for you, can't wait to hear how your sale goes. :cheer:clap:cheer:clap Hope you SELL SELL SELL.:hug

Joanne-that is great that you slept in, doesn't it feel good? A day of crocheting sounds :c9 but don't think that will happen unless I get everything on my "to do" list done. That is awesome that you get to meet up with Marissa. Fun fun!

Marisa-snow fluries are so pretty. Did you take your crocheting with you to your parents house? I am ecstatic that you are now closer to being open....yippy!

Stacy-how are you? Did you survive the busy week?

Yesterday was a painful day at work...ugggh Last night we took the kiddos out to dinner and to two Halloween events, then shopping and back home. I feel asleep once my head hit the pillow. I have been exhausted, I know that I am pushing myself too hard, but I know that it will be worth it and that my stash pile of soapy/candle goodies will last for awhile with only the need to replace.

Today I am working on the body scrubs, I was supposed to get to it this week, :devil all of the supplies that I ordered came in, now the fun begins.:lol

off to soapy land!

hugs n squises dear friends!

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Have fun in soapy land, LeeAnn!!!!


Me, not so much fun---just finished scrubbing the 2 bathrooms and kitchen. Everything is nice and squeaky clean so that is good!!! Still have to dust and vacuum....and after that---go out for oil change. I'm definitely going to call my DD's cleaning lady next week- DH gifted me that for our anniversary- I spoke to her once when I was at DD's and she was there- and still haven't called her to set up a date for her to come. Part of me thinks that I should just be able to do this since I have no kiddos, but the other part of me says go for it since I work so hard during the week and really need to relax and catch up on fun things on the weekends. Life is short, and all that!!


Beth- Hope things are going well at the craft sale.


Marisa- Maybe a change in plans. I'm not going to DD's today after all--it's snowing in Newark--but you probably already know that since you are there!!! Rain/mix of white stuff here- just generally yucky- I may be going to see her tomorrow. Not going today- she's calling me later to let me know how she's progressing on her HW and her thesis.


Stacy- You want some of this rain? I know how you like it!!!! Hope Mia is doing well and that you are getting in a little 'me' time too!

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:c9 I had SO much fun at the sale!!! My good friend came and helped me. We sat and crocheted and talked, and took turns checking out all the exhibits, and had a really good time. I did sell enough things to make up for the price of the table and then some, but managed to spend pretty much all I made.:blush I get to give a little cash to both the girls who made things for my table, though, so that's great. I didn't sell any afghans, but traded one to a quilt maker for some bags and a tea cozy. Now I have about 4 Christmas presents off my list, and I have a lovely green silk zippered bag for a new crochet hook case. I will see it and touch it every day -- how great is that!


Long story short: I will do this again. I will make small items that I can price relatively cheaply (No more afghans!) and I will always bring a friend. It was AWESOME!!!


Joanne, staying home in the rainy snow sounds pretty smart, but I'm sure you'll miss meeting with Marisa. A cleaning lady sounds very smart for you. Not that you can't clean up after two adults, but you work long and hard -- you should get to relax more.


Marisa, I hope your trip is going well, and you stay safe in the bad weather. Snow flurries are lovely.


LeeAnn, sorry your work week has been so hard. It sounds like you are exhausted. I hope you get your stash built up enough that you won't have to make candles and soaps all the time now. There was someone selling products like yours at my sale who brought little samples around, so everyone could smell her scents, and see what she had (she was selling bath salts and candles, among other things.) I think that was the most awesome idea. It really generated interest among the other vendors. Isn't your first craft show right around the corner?


Stacy, I'm hoping you are having a great weekend. Will you trick-or-treat on Monday or this weekend?


Oh, here's a pic of our table...


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Glad to hear you had so much fun at the craft sale Beth!!! That's awesome!!!!!


It's snowing here most of the day- which is just absurd before Halloween. Haven't left my house. I think I'm going to start a Neat ripple (from attic 24) but right now I'm finishing up a hat as I watch the Rutgers football game (on national tv which is pretty cool)


Oh, Beth- the table looks awesome!!!!


Off to finish watching Rutgers!

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Good Morning ladies!

Beth-your table looks fantastic! I am so glad that you sold al ot of your goodies, the ghans are sure purrtttyy too. And that you were able to go shopping and crochet sounds like the most amazing day. So happy for you.:hug

Joanne-a cleaning lady sounds like a delightful idea. :yayI would if I could. I hope that you were able to start your neat ripple, love ripples. :hugWhat colors will you be using?

Finished the body scrub, they were fairly easy to make, and smell heavenly. Dh and the kiddos were my testers, they all loved it! So happy, I might make another batch today either Blueberry or Vanilla, can't decide maybe half of each:devil

Also finished the stocking soaps, I really need to take pics of everything and get them up on my website but I think that will have to wait until I am finished with work...with any luck this week will be our last week. My contract is up on Friday....woohoooo!

Going to sneak in a bit of hooky time in as I bought some new yarn. Hugs n squishes dear friends!
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LeeAnn, you naughty, naughty girl, buying new yarn and not telling us what type, color, texture, and any plans you have for it, (besides giving it a good home, and loving and petting it...) I hope you get your hooky time in. You've been so busy. congrats on getting so much ready for your sale. I am sure it will be a huge success. Which are you making? Vanilla or blueberry, or both???


Joanne, Kind of early for a winter wonderland, but I do remember Trick-Or-Treating in snow more often than not as a child in Ohio. Always got big costumes, so they'd fit over a winter coat... Are you enjoying your weekend even if your plans were changed? I hope you are relaxing. I need to go check out the neat ripple. Attic 24 has the most lovel.y things.


I fell asleep around 8 p.m. yesterday, woke up around midnight, then went back to sleep until what would be late for me on a regular day -- it was already daylight when I got out of bed. It felt REALLY good, too. Today, I'm working on a scarf for my brother-in-law. I made him a hat, too. I hope to finish so I can mail them off. My next project will be a hat my sister-in-law commissioned. Then I get to work on fun things. :cheer


Stacy and Marisa, have a fun, safe weekend! Hugs to all! :ghug

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Hi all,

Can I tell you all that I don't like shoveling snow? Seriously, we were lucky- the northern part of the state and NW have about 10-12 inches- no power and schools are closed tomorrow. I didn't go to Newark today since there was a State of Emergency and also lots of road closures- and this morning they were saying if you don't have to go out, don't. By this afternoon, it seemed better, but I stayed close to home- and spent the afternoon with DD and Ryan watching the Giants game.


I did a swatch of the Neat Ripple this morning and I messed up somewhere--of course it probably didn't help that Dh kept talking and I was having a hard time concentrating! I'll have to try it when he is not home and I can have quiet. It's probably just a stupid little stitch missed or something.


I'm going to do it in lots of colors- Stylecraft Dk that I got from Deramores. If I can't get it, then I'll do another Granny Stripe with it!


In the meantime, I finished a scarf to go with a hat I made- took pictures, but need to find the cord for the camera. Started another scarf.


Marisa- I'm sorry that Mother Nature ruined the plans to get together, but my niece is graduating in May from Carnegie Mellon and I am going to plan to attend--and hopefully we can meet up in Pitt!! Safe travels home--and good luck with the final inspection and may you be open for business really soon!!!

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Hi friends!


Can't stay long- my pillow is calling and I am more than ready to meet it. :yes

Mia is feeling much better, and will be heading to school tomorrow (as long as they allow her to without a doctor's note, which I have been unable to attain for some reason.) I have been working or going to class every night, and it is catching up. Tomorrow we have a full day, with class, parades, ballet, and trick-or-treating. I would rather skip ballet, but they haven't been in 2 weeks, so we really have to go.

I will check in probably Tuesday to say individual hellos, but please know I am thinking of all of you! Lots of love and hugs to everyone. :hug:hug:hug:hug

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Good morning everyone and Happy Halloween!


Hope all the kiddies have a fun day trick or treating! i'm working late again today and then tonight is craft club with a stop between work and crafts to see Ryan for his first Halloween!!!

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