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Some good clean fun?!

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Evening friends!

Joanne-so glat that you made it to and from work safely. I was thinking of you today and hoping that all would be well. Seems like you will have to sleep and head back in. Get some rest!:hug

LeaAnne-your baby ghan sounds beautiful! The colors are lovely!:hug

Sarah-sorry to hear that your monitor is out, bummer! Hopefully you can get it fixed soon.:hug

Stacy-Congratulations!!!! Ohh happy dance! You did an excellent job in school! You must be super proud and excited! WTG! Enjoy your next two days of quiet.:hug

Beth-the blend of yarn sounds yummy. :hug How funny, my dh is so picky about colors and patterns. He usually drives me crazy when I am making him something. :yes

The coffee finally did it's thing and I finished all of the laundry, swept & mopped the floors, dishes, made lunch, played a few board games with the kiddos, dinner, dishes again and finished another set of mitts. I am attaching a few pics of the mitts and wrap. I finished another set of mitts in white chenille with gold flecks...very pretty! They are going to Kathi's shop, she thinks they will sell like hotcakes as everyone is asking about them...I hope so!

going to start another set of mitts in pink. I am using different yarns that are in my stash. what fun! Tomorrow is dd's 10th birthday. She has an entire day planned, we are going shopping, book store, fabric store, lunch with dad, movie at home, bowling and then cake and ice cream. I think I am going to have to go to bed early to keep up with her.

have a good night! Hugs n squishes!





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Hey ladies :hi


Just another quick drop in. I'm tired so am getting ready to head upstairs. I'm just about finished unpacking, just a few more odds and ends that can wait until tomorrow now :yes Work was pretty busy, but not crazy. I left my parents this morning and went straight to work, which meant I had to deal with everything when I got home :eek


The ride was pleasant :D We got about a half foot of snow up at my parents and about a foot down here, but I was on all major roads and didn't have any problems :yay


Hopefully I'll be able to get back to my regular routine this week :xfin So, I'll be back tomorrow :yes

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Good morning!!!


Glad you made it home safe and sound Marisa!!


LeeAnn- those mitts and shawl are great!!! I'm sure they will sell "like hotcakes":cake:birthday:cake to your DD!!! Sounds like you have a very fun-filled day planned for her- Enjoy!!!!


LeaAnn- that baby ghan sounds lovely- and love the black/white/bubblegum pink combination. please post pics when you are done!!!:devil


Hope you all had a good night- I went upstairs after logging off- turned on the Eagles/Vikings football game and must have fallen asleep within 20 minutes or so- now here I am at the crack of dawn (actually BEFORE the crack of dawn)- wide awake!!!!


I'm afraid if I go back to asleep I'll feel worse in another hour when I HAVE to be up- so may as well, kick back, and grab a cup of coffee.


Have a wonderful day everyone!:hug:hug:hug

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Goooooood morning! I woke up early, and I feel GOOD today! We may be having company -- some of the kids' friends -- and I still have a very messy house, so I need to hop to it.


LeaAnne, I wanted to try a basketweave stitch since I first started crocheting, but just now feel confident, and have the skills to actually do it. It's not hard, but it does take forever, but it's so warm, and thick, and scrunchy -- I think dh will like it, though he's not commenting on it. He doesn't talk much.


Joanne, I hope the roads are better for you today, so you can get to Paradise and back safely.


Marisa, welcome home! I'm glad you posted that you got back safely. I imagine the cities are more equipped to handle snow there than they are here.


LeaAnn, Thanks for posting your pictures! I'm glad you have an outlet to sell your things. That's very nice. I have a friend who wants me to sell my stuff, but I don't really know where to do that.


Stacy, congrats on the 4.0! I'm really happy for you, and proud, too! And it is hard to please a husband! He went pawing through all my yarn, tyring to find something that would match his coat enough. I'm kind of afraid that I'm going to spend a week making this stupid scarf, and he won't even wear it. Enjoy two more days of quiet!


Off to finish the dishes my dd was supposed to wash yesterday... Love her anyway!

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Good morning ladies :D


I didn't wake up early, but am wide awake :yes My whole week will be thrown off due to not working monday :lol But it's cool, we get another half day on friday for new year's eve :yay I'm going to Hershey (not the park) to visit some friends as I always do for New Year's. They just bought a new house, so I'm very excited to see it :yes


Joanne - I managed to stay awake for the whole game, but I was also busy unpacking and getting everything in order around here :(


Beth - I gotta say that Philly is very bad with cleaning up the snow since they usually don't get a whole lot around here, but between last year and this year so far, I think they'll be getting the hang of it. Now where I'm from in the Poconos.....they're like superstars :rofl


LeeAnn - :birthday to your dd. Love the wrap and mitts :yes

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Hi Ladies

I tried to catch up with everyone. Iam glad everyone had a great christmas. We also had a great time with the kids, big and small, but it was sooooo nice to come home to a quiet house.

We have some snow here but nothing like what Joanne has, and Joanne you can keep it thanks.

I love all the pics that everyone put up, you all did a great job with them.

For the most part DH is back to his old self again, which is a blessing.

What is everyone doing for New Years Eve ?

Hope everyone is having a great week

Talk to you Later

Lots of Love


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Morning all!

Beth-I am sure that your dh will love his scarf, if not, we will have to "bite him!" :lol:lol That is great that your kiddos are having guests over. We do not have as much company as we used to have, but when we do, we enjoy it.

Joanne-hope your communte in today was faster. Will you be off on Friday?

Marisa-so happy to hear that you made it home safe and sound! Your plans for New Year's sound fun.

Stacy-what is on the agenda for today?

Mary-oh so happy that you had a great x-mas with your family and that your dh is feeling back to normal.

I feel rested and ready to go. :D Going to hop in the shower and get the day off to a great start! Dh made pancakes for dd...what a sweetie! I was telling him that I would make them from scratch in the morning last night, I am not very good at pancakes...he must have gotten up early to make them before going to work. Dd is going to be soo happy!

Thank you all for the lovely compliments on the mitts and shawl. I love sharing with all of you, what fun!

BBL! Hugs n squishes!

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Good evening ladies :hi


Another day of work has come and gone :shrug They move by sooo quickly :(


Mary - Glad to hear dh is more like his normal self again :hug I'm hanging out with some friend's for the new year :D What about you?


LeeAnn - How was dd's bday? And I love pancakes too and am also not great with them :think

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Good evening!

Paradise went by quickly and the roads were much better today!


Mary- Glad to hear from you and hear that you had a good Christmas. I'm happy that DH is getting back to his old self.


LeaAnne- That was very sweet of DH to make DD pancackes for her birthday breakfast. Hope you had a fun-filled day celebrating with her!!


Beth- Hope you had fun with the kids friends- I used to love when my DD's had their friends over!!


Marisa- The workweek is almost over- don't you just love it??


We are going to SIL's brothers house for New Years Eve- they are having a Pajama party- it should be lots of fun with everyone in the PJ's (and they are only 10 minutes away which is great)


Hope EVERYONE had a great Wednesday!!!

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Good morning!

LeeAnn- glad to hear that your DD and the family had a FUN day!!!


Not much new to report since posting last night- other than my Christmas gift from my Boston DD arrived- fun mail!! She sent me a Devils Hockey shirt- which I LOVE! (Too bad the Devils are playing terrible hockey and lost again last night to the Rangers!!) I don't know what's up with that team!!


Time to get ready for my last day in Paradise before the 3 day weekend. Next time I go back to work will be next year!!!

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Top of the morning friends!

I'm back, feel much better. I could barely keep my eyes open last night. ;)

Marisa-a half day tomorrow sounds like :c9 dh is off tomorrow.:cheer I think we are going to rent movies and stay home. Dd wants to craft, I do too. :lol ds he will be happy playing his games and reading.

:cheerJoanne-last day of work for the year! How sweet of dd to send you a package. I love receiving mail.

Yesterday was so much fun! dd and I had pancakes (ds was not feeling well so he stayed in bed for the morning events) then we got all "dolled up" and headed in to town. First stop was the bookstore, what a neat little store..we browsed and looked thru the books and magazines. I was able to see the hooded scarf that ya all were talking about. How neat is that! I resisted and didn't buy the magazine, but it was hard. :yes then we walked over to the fabric store. Dd found a kit to make yo yo's, we had to buy a small bundle of fabric, delicious colors! She was super excited! I was too, you can use the yo yo's to make flowers, hearts, butterflies, all kinds of goodies! Shoe shopping at the shoe store, then it was off to wal-mart, had to buy a blade for my rotarty cutter as I have fabric that dd can use for her crafting. Then...off to pick up dh for lunch. After lunch we stopped at the library then off to Aunt Lucy's house, for more gifts and brownies. THen finally home to craft, then back to town to go bowling. That didn't work out tho, they had scheduled two parties and were out of lanes (wish they would have told me that the night before when I had called):blush but it was ok, we went out for pizza. 13 of us! What fun! The pizza place let us take in cake and icecream. Dd was beside herself, She was such a perfect young lady. Very gracious. whew! are you all tired? I am!

Today the kiddos are going swimming at a small indoor water park. I plan on taking my crocheting and a good book.

Now that I have blah blahed enough must get to cleaning.

Mary, LeaAnne, Stacy, Sarah, Shannon and Beth-hope your Thursday is filled with good fun and hapiness!

hugs n squishes!

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Good morning, Ladies!


I'm burned out on the basketweave stitch, and I'm just half through. Do ya think a 3 foot scarf will be enough? :rofl I'll get back to it later.


LeaAnn, the birthday sounds awesome. I had a bowling alley do the same thing for me once. We ended up going to a different alley, which allowed smoking, so that wasn't fun.


Joanne and Marisa, have fun at work! It will be the weekend soon.


Mary, Colleen, Stacy, Vicki, Shannon, LeaAnne, and Sarah, have a good day!:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Hi there everyone

Had a tough time getting online tonight- I think there is a problem with msn.com and when I connect through Firefox that is my home page and I couldn't get on. Thought there was something wrong with the modem, but I was able to get on through Safari browser which is set to Google as my home page. What a production!!


Anyway- 3 days off!!!!! Yipee!!!!!


Marisa- Only 1/2 day to go for you when you read this!! LOL


I was very busy at work and didn't get home till 6 but DH had made a nice pot of homemade chicken soup! YUM!!! So now I get to just relax this evening!


LeeAnn- Sounds like a very busy, yet fun day yesterday! Hope today you got to just relax and craft away!


Beth- I don't think a 3 ft scarf would work for your DH- nice try- LOL!!!!


Hope you all had a great day- and I'll be back in the AM


Off to read for a bit!

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:hi, all!


a quick stop in...


just got home from a not-enuf-of-sleep-over at Mom's lastnight:lol We had fun, though:wink... got laundry to do, and that ghan to work on!


Hugs and luv to ya all!


I will be by tomorrow after work sometime


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Good evening ladies :hi


Another very busy day at work today, but it felt productive :clap


Half day tomorrow and then I'll be on my way to my friend's in Hershey. They just bought a new house, so I'm very excited to see it :yay


LeeAnn - Glad that dd had a great bday, I'm tired after reading it :whew Sorry bowling didn't work out though, it's a bummer when they do that :(


Beth - Take a deep breath and get back to that basketweave stitch :hug Do something fun in between maybe :think


Joanne - happy vaca :D

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Good morning and welcome to the last day of 2010!!!


Stacy- I saw on FB that yesterday was Isabella's 8th Birthday!! Happy Birthday to her!! What special things did you do for her B-day?


Marisa- Have fun at your friend's new house!!


Beth- I agree with Marisa- take a break from the basketweave stitch for a short time and then go back to it. I've been reading every night instead of crocheting since Christmas- enjoying the time away from the hook, but now I'm starting to miss it so will be picking it up again!


LeaAnne- Hope you have a good day at work!


Colleen, LeaAnne, Marisa, Beth, Mary, Shannon, Stacy, LeeAnn, Vicki- Have a wonderful New Year's Eve and may you all have a happy healthy 2011!!


Hope I didn't forget anyone, but it's early and I need another cup of coffee!!!

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Morning all!


Hope everyone has a safe and wonderful New Years Eve and a wonderful New Year!


Not much to report on this front, had a good day ysterday with the kiddos, today dh is home and making his famous pancakes...I hope he doesn't start the kitchen on fire! It's smoking pretty bad!:eek


hugs n squishes!

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Hello all! No, I didn't vanish again. Just haven't had a lot of free time lately. I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. We did!!


I should be packing for my trip to the Superdome (hubby got me tix for Sunday's game for Christmas: WOOT!). Instead I've been loading my projects at Ravelry, and thought I'd share some with you.





I hope you all have a wonderful, colorful, inspirational New Year filled with lots of yarn and hooky goodness!!


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One more. It wouldn't let me in the last post.






Let me know if anyone will be around tonight. I can't think of a better place to ring in the new year than here with my besties!! :)

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Hi all,


I went to the Jersey Shore outlets this morning and met a friend from work. Great deals to be had!! We had fun and then when it started getting crowded around 12, I was out of there!


Shannon- Great projects. And wow- a football game on Sunday!! Have a ton of fun!!!!!


Hope everyone is having a wonderful New Year's Eve.


We're going to my Son-in-laws brother's house for a pj party!!!


See you in 2011!!

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Welcome to 2011!!!!


Hope the year brings lots of blessings to one and all!!!!:yes


We had a wonderful evening with family and friends last night and today is the start of another year. They just seem to FLY by!!!:eek


Today will be a low key kind of day- reading,:book hooking, :crochetingand probably a few loads of laundry :wash thrown in for good measure! (Can't be slacking ALL day- :lol )


Hugs to all for a great 2011!:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Happy New Year! We had a fun party. I stayed in the kitchen most of the time, but 7 teens can make a cook feel very appreciated. When one of the boys gave me a big hug, and said "Thanks for making pizza," It made my day!


Any New Year's Resolutions anybody wants to share? Mine involve exercising more (but more than nothing can be very little!:devil.)


Today I'm going to finish the scarf -- I only have 1 more foot (2 skeins) to go! I can do this!!! He tried it on yesterday when it was 5 feet long, and he really needs more. He's so tall. And handsome. And intelligent. And ...:c9:manyheart


Have a good day!:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Shannon, I love your projects! I want to make a ripple blanket soon. I adore yours! I love the stripe pattern. And those slippers look nice and warm! And pretty. And I love the toy!!! You did a great job on everything!

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