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Some good clean fun?!

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Good Morning friends!

Joanne-that is so wonderful that you get to relax and enjoy Sunday. I love Sundays! Is Marisa's net not up? I was thinking of her and hoping that they fix it soon. Can't wait to see your finished ghan!

Sarah-feeling any better?

Stacy-my dd wanted the Barbie nail kit too! I googled it on line and 'bout fell over. it is way tooo expensive! My ds always like gadgets that are super expensive. I am still not sure what we are going to buy him this year.:think

Beth-how was your weekend?

LeaAnne, Vicki, Shannon, Mary and Marisa-sure missing you around here.

I feel a tad better today. The in-laws are coming over to help dh build a closet in our bedroom. Our bedroom is a new addition, we were supposed to add the closet but other things took priority. I am hoping that they finish it today without making a huge mess. :yes Oh and the kiddos are going to see the new Harry Potter movie. They are soo excited!

BBL! Hugs n squishes!

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just a quick post. Still sick. Have doc appointment tomorrow afternoon. Keith is doing a little better, not coughing quite as much as he was. Just wanted to share my happy for the day. Picked up a Ready-to-Read Dora and Diego book at the library for Keith last time I went. Well he is reading EVERY word in the book aloud to us. I am so proud of him. Here’s the book he's reading... He sees me reading a lot so he wants to do it to so he's picking it up really quick. Plus we found it makes potty training easier if we put him in the bathroom with a couple of books to look at/read. =0)

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Hey girls!


Whew, I'm so glad you all agree with me that the $200 nail dryer is insane! I found one for $35 that comes with little decals and things, but of course it's not "the one." :rolleyes Looks like she just won't be getting it. I just cannot imagine a manufacturer even marketing something like that for little girls! :eek


Anyway...today dh helped his friend move, so the girls and I went to the zoo. It was fairly empty and most of the animals were out and playing. :yes Of course, no trip to the zoo is complete until we see the peacock, who roams free. This time I got a picture of the girls with the peacock in the background. :lol Isabella really liked that.

Oh, and of course on my way home I stopped by Starbucks and got my buy one, get one free caramel brulee latte. I've decided after the second one is gone tomorrow :devil I am going to take a break from the coffee.:eek


Joanne, sounds like you're having a nice, relaxing Sunday! :clap You deserve it. How many squares have you joined? Did you work on the scarf? I've been thinking of making one, too. I want a scarf of some kind but not sure just what pattern to use. :think


Leeann, glad to hear you are feeling better! Did they finish the closet with minimal mess? How exciting for the kiddos to see the new HP!


Beth, I hope the Nutcracker didn't take too much energy today! :hug:hug


Mary, thinking of you! :hug:hug:hug


Colleen, LeaAnne, Vicki, Marisa, Sarah, Scooby, and Shannon- lots of love and :hug:hug:hug:hug!! Thinking of all of you and hoping all is well.

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It's done. Finished Keith's afghan. He'll finally have his "Blue, blue and blue" blanket he's wanted so badly. Can't get pics to upload so will try again tomorrow.

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Good morning. I think.... :think Well, the clock says it's morning....


I hope you all have a good, productive, fun day. I am looking forward to Thursday. Today will be less hectic. My oldest doesn't have to go to college this week, and my other son doesn't have swim practice this week. We are doing semi-school, just a couple of subjects that have to be done 180 days, plus a huge home ec special class, so they can help me get things ready for Thanksgiving -- hey, it's a life skill! My dd and I still get to volunteer with the kitties, and I work and she dances. Oh, and I have to tutor, but that's fun.


The Nutcracker is December 4th and 5th. It will be a relief when it is done. I think the ballet teacher is a bit miffed at me for leaving on Saturday when my son was done, but I don't get paid, and I'm not giving up my weekend completely.


My dd asked for a new shrug, so I've been working on that. I started using my alpaca yarn for it, but it's very fine, and it was frustrating trying to get it to fit, so I decided to make something else from that. Now I'm using Caron Pound of yarn for the shrug. I'm using an alternating sc dc, so it has a nice stretch to it, so it can be snug without being a challenge to put on and take off. I'm also using a huge hook, an N, if I remember correctly. It's black. I have about 4 more inches to go on the first arm. Now that I have the pattern down, it should go a little more quickly.


Stacy, It's a challenge when the kids only want expensive things. Wait until they are teens, and all their toys are pricey! My husband is from a family that shows affection by giving stuff, so he tends to go overboard for Christmas. I pretty much decided that I won't be buying anything myself for the kids, since he enjoys it so much. It's a bummer, though. I tend to know what they want more than he does, since I hang out with them all day.


Joanne, is Bux good warmed up the next day? I do like a latte.


Sarah, I'm so sorry to hear that you aren't feeling well. You are such a good role model for Keith, instilling a love for reading at an early age.


LeaAnn, I'm so sorry to hear that you still aren't feeling well. I hope the closet installation goes well. That's exciting!


Since I need to jump in the shower before my dd gets up in 15 minutes, I'd best go! Have a good one!:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Good morning and Welcome to Monday!!! The good thing about this Monday is it means it's a short work week- only today and tomorrow and then I'm off till next Monday (but that Monday will be another story- LOL)


Sarah- Can't wait to see pics of Keith's blanket- and that is so neat that he is reading!! You must be so proud


Stacy- Did you enjoy your Bux caramel brulee? Sounds like you had a fun time at the zoo with the girls. I have joined 20 of the squares!!! So happy that its coming together. I didn't work on the scarf at all!! I spoke to DD and she said no worries- if I don't get it done by Friday- she'll borrow my red scarf to wear to the game.


I made some scarves already for gifts- the one skein scarf from Happy Hooker, the Shelly scarf http://www.crochetme.com/media/p/89470.aspx and the Surreybelle Scarf.http://sarahsweethearts.blogspot.com/2009/08/craftee-saturdeethe-surreybelle-scarf.html


Beth- How was the Nutcracker? Is it finished or are there more shows?


Mary- Sending :hug:hug:hug and prayers for you and your family


Vicki- Nice win by the Jets! My Giants, on the other hand....let's just say I'm glad I fell asleep- The Eagles won :(


LeeAnn- Hope you are feeling better today!


Marisa- How was your weekend?


LeaAnne, Colleen, Shannon---:hug


Off to get ready for paradise!!

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Beth- We posted at the same time. The 'heated up' latte isn't as good as when it's freshly made, but it was decent- and it was free so it tasted just fine! :-)


Since your DH tends to do the shopping, have the kids leave lists around for him to find on what they are wishing for. Just a thought.


Have a great day!!!!

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Good morning ladies :coffee


Of course I copy and pasted from the 'our house' thread as I didn't feel up to typing the same thing twice :lol


Sorry I haven't been here much :( Friday after work me and Mary went to the sixers game and we won :yay:clap Which put us 3-10 :lol We had a few guys stop to comment on us crocheting there....they are always sooo funny :rofl


Then I went straight to my parents after the game and got in around 1 am I think :think

Saturday morning we went to see Harry Potter, which was really good. This was the 1st time though that I didn't reread the book of the movie coming out :( Then when we got home we went to the olive garden for supper (my parents eat early.....about 3 :eek ). Then made a pit stop at a few places pricing things (bed, bath, & beyond; wegman's; panera for bagels to take home; sam's; walmart). When we got home me and my dad made our pumplin roll for thanksgiving dessert like we do every year. While the cake was cooling my mom and I went to visit my aunt and uncle where I finally got to crochet a bit :clap Came home to finish the pumpkin roll and then sat on the couch and watched The Blind Side while I worked on the orange ripple :yay


Got up sunday and my mom colored my hair and we got some chicken chowder together and I made some chicken salad with the leftover chicken :yes My dad and I worked on the sunday crossword puzzle, as we always do :yes Then after my hair was done and I was showered the chowder was done and we ate. Then I helped my mom go through girl clothes. Our neighbor and longtime family friend has a little girl, so she gave my mom bins of clothes.....we got through all of the 'month' sized clothes and picked out what we were keeping and will give the rest back. The amount of clothes is INSANE!!! :eek She could provide wardrobed for a few girls I think :think And many things still with tags on!!! After that, ran to the beauty supply store.


Then I headed back here to Philly and I got to do some crafting. I started steam blocking my bernat squares. I was doing it the water way and found it was taking a long time, mostly because my apt is cold and it takes a few days for them to dry and I can only do 2 at a time :think so I decided to try the steam method which I learned last night is quicker and works much better :yes I got about 1/2 of my squares done last night :clap And I worked a little on the spiral ghan which is close to the finish point :think


At lunch break today I will work on finishing the last set of bernat squares, which are almost done. I anticipate an EXTREMELY busy week at work since we have to fit 5 days of work into 3 days :eek And, I anticipate a mess in my office when I get there because it was supposed to be worked on over the weekend :think


I don't think my lines are fixed yet because I'm still running a bit slow here this morning :( I did read through all the posts and really don't have time to comment individually, but do need to address two things:


Happy belated birthday Sarah :bday




Mary - I'm soooo sorry to here about your FIL, and I know I'm a little late on it, but you and your family will be in my prayers :yes:hug :hug :hug :hug

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Good Morning!

Joanne-so happy for you! :DA two day week! whoohoooo! What are you doing for the holiday?

Marisa-so happy to read your post, :hugyou are cranking those x-mas gifts out super duper fast! Is you net fixed? Good luck at work this week, cramming everything together is exhausting.

Sarah-that is amazing that Keith is reading so well! WTG! You must be super proud of him.

Beth-yeppers, it is morning....I feel the same way. Your Home Ec project is too funny! :yesI am enlisting my kiddos to help out this year too. We are having a small gathering here at our house. Just my family, mom and little brother. Everyone else is staying home or going to other family members. I am looking forward to a peaceful, relaxing day.

They almost finished the closet. It is super cool! Dh still has to tape and texture the cracks, paint and then molding. But I can move things in as the inside is done. :clap:cheer It is just fantastic!

Today will be busy, have to move furniture around in my room, set it up like a bedroom again-the furniture had to me moved to one side for construction-need to bake a bananna bread, grocery shop, laundry...oh my! The list goes on and on, but I am going to enjoy my time putting things back where they belong and not stress. It will all get done.

All my other friends, have a super duper day!

hugs n squishes!:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Back from doctor's office. I have bronchitis. Had to go to wal-mart to get the precription for the antibiotics and it was madhouse with everyone trying to get their prescriptions filled before going out of town. Then had to run to Target to get a some more cough syrup and cough drops. Now I'm worn out and will try to respond to everyone after I go lay down for awhile.

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Good evening ladies :hi


LeeAnn - I keep working on those xmas gifts....but nothing's finished yet :( I'm getting there though :yes


Sarah - :hug :hug :hug Sorry about the brochitis!!! But on the upside, Keith's afghan is gorgeous :yes Hope you feel better soon and the meds kick in :hug

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Hiya friends!


How was everyone's day? Two more days till the big feast! yummy! Guess I should pop into the kitchen to warm up dinner...love being home, cooked ahead of time, so just have to warm things up.


Marisa-you will finish a project soon, I know it!


Sarah-feel better~!


hugs n squishes!~BBL!

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Hi everyone!

Busy day at work- didn't get home till about 6:30- and tomorrow is going to be another long day-


Sarah- Love the afghan you made for Keith-:manyheart Hopefully with the antibiotics you will be feeling better in no time. Good thing you went to the doctor!!!


Marisa- Sounds like a really busy weekend you had! But you did get a lot accomplished. I did not block my squares- just started joining them together. Call me impatient! :lol


LeeAnn- that is great that you can move your clothes into your new closet!!!! Thanksgiving is going to be very quiet this year. DD is not coming down from Boston, youngest DD is spending the day with her DH's family since his grandparents who are both in their upper 80's and in not the best of health are going to be there. Middle DD is going to be helping out with a Feed the Hungry program on Thanksgiving morning. DH is going to go visit his grandchildren and then we'll eat later on. I'm actually kind of looking forward to a quiet day.


Everyone- thinking about you and sending :hug

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Hello everyone.


Sarah, Feel better soon! :hug I'm glad you went to the doc, and hope the medicine helps you feel better soon. Your afghan is gorgeous.


Joanne, a quiet day sounds very nice. What will you do with yourself?


LeaAnn, It is nice to be home and to be able to get dinner in a relaxed manner. I rush around so much in the afternoon now (stay at home mom, HAH!) that dinner is either thrown together, or only halfway done. I think I'll make a deep-dish pizza for everyone tonight. I need to start the dough very early.


Marisa, did you survive your busy day? Only 2 more to go!!!


Yesterday was pretty slow at the ballet studio. Most of the people have left for vacation. I kind of enjoyed it. I finished the first sleeve and the back of the shrug, and started the second sleeve. It's coming along. I was trying to count rows, but I am using a spiral method (I hate connecting with a slip stitch - it never looks right.) So I am going by measurements. I increased every 2 inches, so on this sleeve, going in the opposite direction, I will decrease every 2 inches. Easy peasy! And about 15 more inches to go!!! She has long arms.


I am tired, and I have a busy day today, so I will send hugs to all.:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Good morning!


I didn't do an ounce of stitching my squares last night! I was too tired so I just read for a bit before calling it a night! I feel more refreshed this morning so hopefully at the end of the day I'll still have my "get up and go" to sew some more of these squares together.


I'm planning on spending the day reading and crocheting and watching some football on thanksgiving. DH is now feeling bad that he is going to visit his grandchildren- he said he thought I said I was going to DD's house- Again, he really doesn't LISTEN to what I'm saying I think!!! Anyway, I told him to go ahead with his plans- I'm very content to spend a quiet day. I had my "Thanksgiving" when I went to Boston with my youngest to visit my oldest.


My cousin who I visited when I was in Boston is back in the hospital- please keep him in your prayers!


Have a good day everyone!

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Good morning ladies :coffee


Last night I got a round on my spiral ghan done, and it's a big round now :lol It's about 45" in diameter now, but I still want to go a bit bigger :yes I just don't want him to outgrow it :no I'm going to sit and do another round now before work and hopefully 2 after work and then I'll measure again :think I also blocked more of my bernat squares and am now up to clue 8, which also still needs to be finished :lol I will work on them more at lunchtime tomorrow. I have 5 complete (ends need to be woven though). 2 just need the last round and the last 1 I have the center done, so not much left to go.


I'm sure today will prove to be antoher busy day, but I will get finished the paperwork I started yesterday which was putting home stuff together for each patient. Took me all day and I have 4 left to go :lol Then I will just not worry about any paperwork until next week and stay out on the floor with the other doc for today and tomorrow. It's too much for one person on these type of weeks :yes


So, I'll see y'all later and I'll probably be beat :lol

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It's morning right??? Uggghhhh.....need coffee.

Sarah-Your aghan is just beauuuuuutiiiifullll! I bet Keith is going to love it, does he know it is for him?:yay

Joanne-a relaxing holiday sounds just :c9. I am not stressting...I am not stressing. That is what I always tell myself. :lol

Marisa-another round on your spiral ghan? WTG! :clap:cheer I haven't felt like embroidering, don't know why. I do feel like crocheting instead. I miss it.

Beth-staying at home is harder than working. whew! I keep myself super busy and feel like I am spinning my wheels most days. That is good that you do not have stress about Thanksgiving and all the prep work.:hug

I didn't finish my room entirely. I did get the dresser put back, nightstands and some of the things in the closet. But I had to work on the other half of the house and was able to wash 6 loads of laundry, bake 3 bananna bread loaves, dishes, sweep/mop the kitchen, bathrooms, and living room, dust the dining room chairs and tidy up. :yes Today I am going to finish up the last 2 loads of laundry and clean the bathrooms and that's it! I am tired and need a boost...think I will get more coffee. BBL!

Hugs n squishes! Have a good day friends!

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OK trying to get caught up with everyone while I take a break. (Yes I'm cleaning despite being sick cause I want to put up Christmas decorations but that means I need to get the living room cleaned up)


Marisa - sounds like you're making progress on your spiral afghan. =0) I know what you mean about wanting it to last for awhile.


LeeAnn - You've been busy. No Keith doesn't know it's for him. I've always done his presents when he's asleep so he thinks anything I'm working on when he's awake is either for myself or someone else ;0) So hopefully he'll be suprised when he unwraps it and realizes it is HIS.


Joanne - a quiet Thanksgiving sounds good. Will most likely be what I'm doing also as I really don't think I'll be up to the big family gathering Doug's family does every year.


Beth - can't wait to see the shrug when it's done.


Mary - you and your family are in my thoughts.


LeaAnne - hope work is going well =0)


Stacy - glad you all enjoyed your trip to the zoo =0)


Colleen, Vicki, Shannon hope all is going well for you all.


:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug's to everyone

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Wow, where is everyone :think


I hope you're all caught up with what needs to be done so you can enjoy the holiday :yes I love thanksgiving and am sooo excited :woo


Work was very very very busy again, but at least not too bad today in relation to stress :lol The day passed by quite smoothly :yes Only 1 more before the 4 day weekend :clap:yay


LeeAnn - I hope you got to crochet a bit between all that cleaning :xfin


Sarah - Sorry you're still feel ill :hug :hug It will take a few days :( Maybe the decorations will cheer you up :yes

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Long day at work- so my get up and go has gotten up and went. Dont' think there is any sewing of squares in my future tonight!


Sarah- Hope you are feeling better and as much as I love Thanksgiving and the turkey and cranberry and stuffing (especially the next day), I don't like all the stress it has put on me the last couple of years. And since 2 of my DD's weren't going to be able to make it anyway and DH's DD doesn't help at all, I decided to just say I'm not cooking thanksgiving dinner again this year.


I'm looking forward to a relaxing 5 days off work since when I go back on Monday I'm going to be crazy busy up till Christmas probably- so this is some time I need to take for me so I don't burn out!


LeeAnn- You've been on a whirlwind- Take it easy, girl!!!!

Off for the night.


Thinking of all of you---

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Hey girls!!


Sarah, sorry to hear you are still feeling cruddy. Bronchitis is the pits. I hope your meds kick in soon and you start to feel better. WTG on getting Keith's blanket done- it is so pretty! Great job.


Joanne, a quiet Thanksgiving sounds wonderful, IMO. :manyheart We will actually be going out to dinner because BIL doesn't have an oven just yet. :lol I'm the odd one out though- I love the hubbub that goes along with the holidays, so I will miss being in the kitchen this year.


Marisa, sounds like work is busy, busy!! WTG on getting the spiral 'ghan finished! :cheer


Leeann, you are always so busy! Don't wear yourself out though- make sure to take a "you" break! :hug:hug:hug


Beth, glad to hear you finally had a slow day at the ballet studio! Can't wait to see the shrug!


Shannon, Mary, Scooby, LeaAnne, Vicki, Colleen- hope you all are having a great week and have a wonderful Thanksgiving! (Oops, just remembered our Canadian friends already had theirs.)


I've been dealing with allergies since Sunday morning. My face is sooooo itchy, along with my eyes, ears, nose and behind my eyes. :( Last night I went to bed at 8 right after the kids, and slept until 1, stayed awake until 5, fell back asleep until 6 when I had to be up to finish a paper, and my mom called at 7. :eek With a whole host of other things done during the rest of the day. I am so beyond ready for bed tonight! Will probably take some Benadryl, too.

Today was busy and tomorrow will be, also. I have class, then have to pack for our trip. I also have a project that is due the day after we come home, so I will work on that tomorrow just to make sure it is done.


Well, besties, I am off to bed! Lots of love and hugs all around! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Hiya friends!

Joanne-hope you get a good nights sleep and feel well rested in the morning. I agree with you, the holidays can be extremely stressful. I usually do all of the cooking and cleaning by myself :blush(except when dear mother in-law is here, she always helps) but my mom never ever ever helps...I used to stress about it and stew and be angry. Now I just take my time and enjoy the cooking with my kiddos and dh. They are the reason that I go thru all of the trouble and I know that they just love it. This is what I shall tell myself tomorrow when I am elbow deep in flour baking pies. :yes Have great Wednesday!

Marisa-one more day! you can do it! Are you going to your parents house?

Stacy-have a safe, fun filled trip!

Beth-are you starting your baking tomorrow?

I helped Kathi send out her post cards today and price a few things in her store. I will be running it on Friday, wish me luck!

going to sit and relax!

hugs and extra squishes!

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Good morning!


Stacy- Hope you got a great night's rest and that the Benadryl helped with the allergies. Enjoy your Thanksgiving out!


LeeAnn- If my kids were younger, I would put myself through it doing all the work myself,. I have to say I don't really enjoy cooking- so that is why I'm not going through all that stress of having "the perfect meal" for Thanksgiving. I will miss the turkey sandwiches on Friday- but that's about it. My oldest called last night and said that she is glad that I'm thinking about myself and taking a break from doing Thanksgiving! She said she feels like I do that we had our "thanksgiving" together when I was in Boston. She is going to her friend's house tomorrow. Her friend always hosts a Thanksgiving for her friends who are far from family. My DD said she is looking forward to NOT having to deal with Penn Station and all the travelers/crowds/stress on Sunday. We're actually thinking of planning a "Thanksgiving that is not on Thanksgiving" for next November when all 3 of my DD's and my DH can get together- this way we avoid the stress of the holiday, but get to spend time together.


Hope that you ALL have a wonderful day! I'm so happy to be off work- and after my hair appt at 10, I have to go find something to give DH --his birthday is today---and I didn't get him anything yet!!!

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Hello Everyone,


LeaAnn, Good luck getting all your baking done. We have very simple traditions. The gluten eaters all like chocolate pudding pies -- how simple is that? You bring the pudding to a boil, let it cool a little, and pour it into the premade oreo crust! I make a fairly complicated sweet potato recipe, but the rest is very easy and simple.


Stacy, do you know what is causing that allergic reaction? You poor dear. I hope you feel better soon, so your trip isn't impacted.


Joanne, I love the idea of a holiday on a different day! I am glad you got to spend time with your beautiful daughters. I hope you enjoy your day alone. Personally, I like cooking in a clean kitchen, I just hate cleaning up after.


Sarah, are you feeling any better yet? I am excited to get my tree up, too. We'll have to decide what furniture to move so there's room...


Marisa, Thanksgiving is almost here. One more work day for you!


:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hugfor all my friends.


Today I make my sweet potatoes, the chocolate pies, and the cranberry relish, then I go shopping for white pants. The Nutcracker MUST have white pants -- thing is, he likes to wear black, so we don't own any white pants, and it's kind of hard to find them this time of year....

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