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Some good clean fun?!

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Hi all,


I had a very busy, but nice day!:manyheart I really cleaned like a whirlwind this morning- bathrooms/kitchen sparkling, bed stripped and mattress flipped, sheets washed and bed made. Vacuumed, dusted, and put Halloween away and put Thanksgiving out.


DH and I then headed to Princeton where we walked around/in and out of shops, stopped to have lunch and then headed to B&N where we read for a while while enjoying a cup of coffee. I had my Nook and am reading The Confession by John Grisham- it's really good. DH had his Kindle and he was reading The adventures of Robin Hood. After that, we headed to Trader Joe's (thought of you Stacy) and stocked up on fruits/veggies, and my Greek yogurt and Joe's Dark coffee.


Got home, made a quickie dinner and now I'm just checking in before I get my crochet on!:)


LeeAnn- Sounds like you had a busy day planned. The embroidered tea towels sound lovely and you must post pics when they are done!


Marisa- I love your squares!!!


Beth- Wow- time for "The Nutcracker" again already!!! :eek It seems like yesterday you were talking about it- when it's been almost a year!!!! WTG on your Mom's vest!!!!!!:cheer:cheer:cheer


Hope everyone had a very nice Saturday! And don't forget clocks get turned back and you get an extra hour sleep!! Which for me, probably means I'll be up at 4:30 instead of 5:30!!! (that darn internal clock!):lol

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Good morning ladies :tea


I'm up and working on my oldest nephew's afghan, which I decided to go with a straight ripple (just yesterday). I've decided I didn't think I was going to like how the squares were going to come together for the vision in my head :lol And no time to waste just to see how it will work :no


Have a wonderful sunday everyone and I'll probably be around most of the day. Just a few errands when the stores I need to go to open up :yes

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I'm home. And it feels so good. Spent the day yesterday going to garage sales then went to the bookstore and read a couple of new books out by authors I read. Found A LOT of yarn at one of the garage sales. (got 18 skeins for $4, most never used, the yarn is all acrylic, mainly simply soft, some REALLY OLD and some Red Heart and she gave me a free spool of crochet thread when she asked if I used it and I said I had just gotten a set off the small hooks to start trying making things out of crochet thread but hadn't done anything yet)


Felt soooo good to sleep w/o being woken up by the puppy several times during the night.


While wandering around the nearby town found out that a Bead store had opened up near one of the thrift stores I go to. So I went in... I managed to restrain myself and buy only 4 crystal flower beads to make earrings, necklace and bracelet out of once I figure out how I want to do it and get the rest of the beads to match

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Hello there!

Marisa-that is cool that you are making a ripple, granny ripples are my fav. I almost started another project last night, but stopped myself. I must get the baskets done soon.

Joanne-you were like a whirlwind yesterday! What a lot of cleaning you did in a short period of time. WTG!

Beth, Vicki, LeaAnne, Sarah, Stacy and Mary-hope your weekend went well.

We cleaned and cleaned yesterday. It took almost the entire day, but the beds are switched, bedding is washed, rooms are dusted, swept, mopped, vacmd., and tidied up. Now I just have to get the rest of the house to match. It seems like I am going backwards in the housecleaning dept. I clean and clean but the re-organizing is what throws me off. Dh is driving up to the in-laws for a load of wood. Normally I would go with him, but I just feel like I need to get caught up and go grocery shopping as well. He usually takes all day-love him to death but I just don't feel like being gone that long. ok best get to cleaning so that I can run those errands.

hugs n squishes!

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Ok here's the yarn, 2 of the crystal flowers (I got 4) and Keith with the puppy






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Sarah- WTG on the yarn at the garage sale! I'm sure it feels great to be sleeping in your own bed!!! The bead store would be my middle DD's undoing. There is a great store in Boston and every time we are there she spends at least an hour there!


LeeAnn- I have a granny ripple on my long list of things to make! I did get a lot done yesterday. Today I finished my clue#7 square ! I also ran to Walmart to pick up a few things and then went to JC Penney to take advantage of their big sale. I bought myself a Purple Pea Coat- that was orig 200 and it was on sale and I got it for 49 with the coupon. I love it!!! A break from the usual black or grey coat!!


Watching the Giants 38-0 winning against the Seahawks. And I'm sure Vicki is glad that the JETS pulled out a win at the last minute!!!


Here's a pic of my squares done so far (one of each)


Have a good night!


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Evenin' all!

Marisa-I forgot to tell you, but I love your squares! They came out very nice, good work! Did you get lots done on your ghan? how many squares will you need to do total for the cal?

Joanne-Your squares are wonderful too! you have sure been busy this weekend. Do you still lots to do as far as gift making?

Sarah-oooohhhhlaaaaalllaaaaaaa! I love the yarn! How pretty! And your ds, is just too cute!

Today was another busy day, I think I am going to start on a prayer shawl that I was planning on making. I cleaned out my blanket cupboard, we bought those vacuum bags, they are just wonderful! you can fit lots of blankies in the extra large ones and then pooof! The air is sucked out and they are half the size. How cool is that? Slowly we are crossing things off of our "to do list" the kiddos and John have been helping out so much. I very greatful, I was feeling slightly overwhelmed....k...off to relax and get some :hooktime in.

hugs n squishes!

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Nice yarn haul, Sarah!!! And Keith looks cute with the puppy. Does he miss the pup?


LeeAnn- I've been slacking with the gifts- all of my crochet time has been taken up with the squares for the mystery ghan. But I did start a scarf for myself tonight- I'm making the single skein scarf from the Stitch N' Bit... book by Debbie Stoller. I opted to use Paton's wool that I had in stash- Using leaf green and purple. I'm going to use the Caron's Country for a scarf for DD as originally planned.


Marisa- It feels GREAT to be all caught up on the Mystery Ghan!!! Not many more to go- looks like we're doing 45 total. I'm very curious to see what Wednesday's clue will be. Please let it be easy- and in one color- since I'm going away this weekend, I hope I don't have to lug all the colors!! LOL OH, and congrats on your Eagles win!


Off to read for a bit before calling it a night!

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:hi everyone! Just stopping by for a quick hello. I hope you all had a great weekend. Time is just flying. It has been busy here and I haven't had a chance to keep up.


Mary - It was great to see you on Friday and thank you so much for the towels. We all love them and DD has put one of hers in the kitchen and one in the bathroom (just for her hands ;)).

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LeeAnn - As Joanne said, I think we're doing 45 squares. We haven't started joining any yet so I still don't know what it will look like but have some ideas forming in my head (and some forming in other peoples heads that made it into my head :think:lol ). It is fun though going along with sooooo many people step by step :yes I'm on the 9th row of my ripple. Should be more by now, but I shopped, cooked, helped Mary with her homework (but computer issues ate up more time than actually doing problems), just finished exercising and showering. Now going to work on the ripple some more and then head upstairs to read a bit before bed. :yes


Joanne - I'll keep my fingers crossed for you that it's a solid color this week :xfin I wonder :think I think we only have 8 squares left and joining with about 4 or 5 weeks to go yet :think


Colleen - Nice to see you fly through :hi


Catch y'all tomorrow! :c9

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Joanne - not really. While I was at Doug's Mom's I went to one of the thrift stores I haven't been to for awhile and found some of the Mega Blocks Mini Blocks that was Dora but it was building a house with a bed, couch and bunch of other furniture for inside and out so he's been occupied playing with that so not missing the puppy too much, especially since he doesn't have to keep chasing the puppy to get his blocks back.


Also found him the shirt he's wearing in the pic with the puppy, another winter shirt, light jacket and 3 Golden Books (Bambi, Aladdin, and a Winnie the Pooh one). He loves being read to. He's also got the Leap Frog Tag system that helps teaches to read and he loves that... LOL he's got most of The Cat in The Hat memorized... he was reciting it as we were wandering around the thrift store he got the blocks/clothes/books from. He's doing really well at learning to read and is constantly amazing us on what words he recognizes and can read when we're out shopping. And if he doesn't know the word he'll ask us what it spells and usually after the second time of having it spelled/pronounced has that word down.

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Oh and I also found him another shirt at another thrift store. Bought a Cookie Monster shirt at Wal-Mart and found two Mickey Mouse framed posters for his room at one of the garage sales yesterday. And all under $25 for ALL the stuff I've gotten him. LOL yes I'm the queen of garage sales/thrift stores here. Doug's family comments on it A LOT about how good I am at finding deals. Ok and I'm babbling so guess I really need to get to bed but it was nice being able to stay up w/o having to worry about being up at 6 am.

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Good morning and Welcome to Monday!!! Hope it is a good day for all!


Sarah- You sure did get alot for a little ! I love getting deals!!!! Keith sounds like quite the smart little boy. One of the best things you can do for a child is read to them and seems like you've got that covered!!!


Marisa- I think your calculations are right. Wonder if we'll be doing 8 squares this week or 4 or ? With the holiday coming up here it would be nice to have extra time for joining! (Although Bernat is located in Canada and they already celebrated Thanksgiving)...


Colleen- Thanks for flying by-


Mary- Good luck with your craft fair- I'm pretty sure it's in November!!


Beth- I know Monday's are a busy day for you- hope it goes by quickly- how's the vest?


Vicki, Stacy, LeeAnn, LeaAnne, Shannon- Thinking of you!!


Off to finish getting ready for Monday in Paradise!!!

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Good morning, can you smell the banana bread in the oven?


It's a busy Monday, like Joanne said. We have the cat volunteering, tutoring, my son working, me working, my dd dancing, and my other son swimming. I want to shop for groceries and craft supplies, and go to the bank, and work on my last Christmas present that I have planned so far (though I saw a pattern for slippers that uses the rubber shelf liner for non-skid tread, and I may whip up a pair for my Dad.)


Oops, doggy needs out, so I have to go! Have a good one!


p.s. Love all the pics! Sorry i can't comment on everything now.

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Good morning ladeis :coffee


I slept great last night and am ready to take my hectic monday on, head first!!! :rofl


Sarah -I hope you're getting a good night sleep as I write this :xfin:yay Awesomes job with your deals at the garage sales and thrift stores :clap And, it's great that Keith loves reading :yes


Joanne - We still have 2 days to see what's in store next for us from bernat :think


Beth - I do, I do smell the banana bread :drool Remember to breathe in between all of your running around today :yes;)

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Morning all!

Joanne-your ghan is going to be finished soon, that sure was fast! Are you ready for another work week?

Marisa-you are right, joining a CAL is so much fun! It is neat to see and hear what others are doing as well as sharing the same passion for crocheting.

Sarah-I like to bargain hunt too! I am thrifty or so I think....except when it comes to shoes!:lol:lol

Colleen-very nice of you to stop in, what's on your agenda?

Beth-you are hopping today! the banana bread does make me want to make some.:yes I made 2 loaves last week, but poof! They were gone! This week I am really going to try to make granola bars...just have to get with it. Can you send some of your energy my way?

LeaAnne, Vicki, Mary, Stacy and Shannon-what's a happenin'?

Today I must get the bathrooms cleaned then will tidy up and do one thing on my list. I am hoping that the energy will seep into my body...because right now I feel like going back to bed. Off to get the kiddos to school! BBL!

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Where is everyone?????


Had a good day in Paradise today- and didn't mind at all being inside since the weather was cold, rainy, windy- and generally yucky!!!


Beth- the Banana bread has me drooling, but I'm being good- WW weigh in tomorrow at work!!! Your busy Monday is almost over!!!!


LeeAnn- Love granola too!!! And I'm definitely ready for this work week since it's a short one- only 3 more days and then I'm off for Beantown!!! Will probably need to work late tomorrow and Thursday to get things that need to get done before I leave. And Wednesday is my get rid of the gray appt at the hairdresser after work.


have a good night everyone !

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Where is everyone?????



have a good night everyone !


Doing laundry... All the clothes I took to Doug's Mom's house needed to be washed to get the smoke smell out (she smokes in the house and has for 30+ years)


Plus trying to find a pattern to make with the green/white/offwhite simply soft yarn I got at the garage sale

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Hey ladies :hi


Just a quick check in since I'd like to have time to work on something tonight :lol


Hope everyone's day went well and I'll probably check back in if my internet decides it wants to work :think


Work was super busy of course, but manageable with Mary's help :D

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Hi, friends!


I just finished with my today's gotta do's :whew!


I wanted to come by and wish our dear Ms. Mary a happy, wonderful, healthy and superterrificness :bday! :hug:hug:hug:hug


Beth - How's the Nutcracker shaping up?...btw... I think it was the smell of banana bread that drew me to sit down and check in:wink :rofl YUMMY!


Joanne - Are you headed up here on Friday? I think of you every day at break when I enjoy a pumpkin spice coffee... it's Dunkins not Starbucks, but it's right next door, so I have time to get it:D


Marisa & Joanne - your Bernat squares are awesome! :nworthy


LeeAnn - are you enjoying being home?


Colleen - whatcha been up to? How are the tutoring and volunteering going?


Sarah - nice haul on the yarn! And Keith and his new puppy are TOO CUTE!


Shannon, Stacy, Vicki - :hi!


things are beginning to settle into a routine (:xfin I hope). It sure is an adjustment, though... I have been pretty much a SAHM for almost 9 years:eek. Hey! I have my own wheels! With shiny new license plates!:clap What a feeling that is in itself! Oh, and my other big news is that I was called to the office today, and the store manager told me that the district manager was so impressed with my displays that they shared it with the region to copy! What a nice feeling that was:c9 ....so at the end of the conversation, I was informed that I am no longer "seasonal help"... I am a real "part time" employee:wooAlthough I am not sure exactly what "part time" is... last week I worked almost 40 hours:eek


I hope everyone is well, that your families are happy, and most of all that you are all getting stitchin time:wink


see you all soon!


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Hi, friends!


I just finished with my today's gotta do's :whew!


I wanted to come by and wish our dear Ms. Mary a happy, wonderful, healthy and superterrificness :bday! :hug:hug:hug:hug


Beth - How's the Nutcracker shaping up?...btw... I think it was the smell of banana bread that drew me to sit down and check in:wink :rofl YUMMY!


Joanne - Are you headed up here on Friday? I think of you every day at break when I enjoy a pumpkin spice coffee... it's Dunkins not Starbucks, but it's right next door, so I have time to get it:D


Marisa & Joanne - your Bernat squares are awesome! :nworthy


LeeAnn - are you enjoying being home?


Colleen - whatcha been up to? How are the tutoring and volunteering going?


Sarah - nice haul on the yarn! And Keith and his new puppy are TOO CUTE!


Shannon, Stacy, Vicki - :hi!


things are beginning to settle into a routine (:xfin I hope). It sure is an adjustment, though... I have been pretty much a SAHM for almost 9 years:eek. Hey! I have my own wheels! With shiny new license plates!:clap What a feeling that is in itself! Oh, and my other big news is that I was called to the office today, and the store manager told me that the district manager was so impressed with my displays that they shared it with the region to copy! What a nice feeling that was:c9 ....so at the end of the conversation, I was informed that I am no longer "seasonal help"... I am a real "part time" employee:wooAlthough I am not sure exactly what "part time" is... last week I worked almost 40 hours:eek


I hope everyone is well, that your families are happy, and most of all that you are all getting stitchin time:wink


see you all soon!



AWESOME LeaAnne :clap:cheer:yay You must have done a great job. When no one's looking, you should take a pic of your display to share with us :devil:lol My guess is that 'part time' means you can rack up the hours without them paying any benefits or giving the perks :think:lol Just my guess though. I used to work at old navy part time in undergrad and I always pushed 40 hours too :eek But, I'm soooooooo proud of you young lady!!!!! :h5 You are doing an amazing job :hug :hug :hug :hug :hug :hug






And :bday Mary....I didn't even know :blush

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