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Some good clean fun?!

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Hello friends!:waving How are we this fine day?


Beth! I'm so glad you're okay! Don't ever feel foolish for being prepared, especially when dealing with a hurricane! You don't want to mess with 'em! :yay:cheer:yay for DH coming home tonight! Are you getting all the TV time that you can today?:lol


Sarah- Good luck finishing the puppy! I can't wait to see him. Is Keith feeling better today?


Marisa- Looks like you have a nice, relaxing weekend ahead of you! Enjoy it!! I absolutely love my orange kitchen! It was blue before, and I couldn't figure out anything to do with it. You'd think blue would be easier than orange!:think


Joanne- I am totally in love with your RR! What pattern is that? Who's it for? It looks amazing! Have a great 1st day of vacation, and stay safe up there! I hope it doesn't get too Earl-y for you!


Colleen- Another playdate???:2eek:eek Just kidding. I hope it goes well and they have lots of fun! I'd love to have some crock pot recipes, but I don't have any to share. I have one dinky crock pot that I used once. I'll have to go get me one soon!


LeeAnn- The car show sounds like a great way to lift your dad's spirits! I'll be praying that it works. :hug:hug for you all! How's your little friend at school?


All other besties--> Have an awesome day!!:hug:hug:hug:D:hug:hug:hug


I'm feeling better today. I guess my allergies were just acting up. I'm about to putter around the house for a bit, then work on a RR that I started about a year ago. It's for charity and I feel horrible that it's not finished yet. Thanks to WIP week, maybe it'll get done this year!:lol


I just found out that International Crochet Day is September 12th! What should we do to celebrate???:manyheart

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Hi all,

Feels weird to be posting mid day on a Friday!!!


Beth- Three cheers for DH coming home tonight!!! :yay:manyheart:clap And for Earl not doing much! Better to be safe than sorry. I took all my deck stuff and put it away too! I think that is why we are not expecting to get much either! Kind of like if you bring an umbrella it doesn't rain, but if you forget it, you get a monsoon!:lol


Shannon- The pattern I'm using is Crochet Dad's 9 point ripple. I'm not sure how large I'm going to make it yet ~~ or who it is going to be for. Did you have the appointment with Janna in Arkansas yet? I may have missed it if you did.


Colleen- Good luck with the playdate- hope it goes better than the last one!!!


LeeAnn- Glad to hear that your Dad is doing a little better and hope that the car show helps his spirits!


I went to the library to return a book and took out a book on felting- it was in the new book section and caught my eye since I've been wanting to try my hand at felting! It's called "The Felted Bag Book" by Susie Johns. It has crochet patterns, knitting patterns and wet felting patterns (don't know what that is, but I guess I'll find out:lol). Then went to the post office and headed to ACMoore with my 50% off one item coupon. Got there and they had some bright pink Patons Classic Wool on sale for $3.00/skein- got 4 of them- and then bought an Aran one that was regular price with my 50% off coupon.


I then went to Starbucks and redeemed my free drink coupon and got myself a Pumpkin Spice Latte.


I know this is WIP week, but I'm dying to try some felting! I guess if I do some work on my WIP's , I can reward myself with a new project!!!



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:hi Besties. It has felt like Friday all week and now it finally is! :clap The temperature has dropped about 10 degrees in the past 12-16 hours and I am thrilled. It is raining, but that's okay. We can use some of that too. :D


Shannon - I'm glad you like your kitchen. Paint colour is such a big choice and it's nice when it works out. Good luck on your RR! Is this the blue one? I'm digging that shadow box idea. Got me thinkin' :hook


LeeAnn - :hug to you and your family. I hope your dad's spirits are lifted by the car show.


Beth - Happy husband homecoming! It's always nice to have the family where they belong :yes


Crock pot recipes :clap Shannon, I use mine for a roast of beef. Just shove it in there with some beef broth, salt & pepper, maybe a shake or two of worcestershire sauce, maybe a chopped onion if you like for flavour, put it on low and go about your day. You can put the potatos right in there with it if you like/have room. My cousin has a great macaroni and cheese recipe, here's that one:


Slow Cooker Macaroni & Cheese


7 oz pkg macaroni cooked

12 oz can evaporated milk

3 eggs beaten

1 stick butter, melted

salt & pepper to taste

3 c. cheddar cheese grated & divided


Mix macaroni, milk, eggs and butter. Add salt & pepper and 2 cups cheese; stir well. Pour into a 5-qt slow cooker and sprinkle with remaining cheese. Cover and cook on low for 3 hrs. Do not take lid off until it is ready to serve. Makes 12 servings.


OK, now I'm hungry :lol In the spirit of WIP week I think I'll go stitch a row or two. :hook

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Thanks for the Mac N' Cheese crock pot recipe Colleen!!!


I often make a stew - just throw in some cut up beef cubes, carrots, celery, onion, garlic, potatoes and some spices and water, turn it on low for about 8 hours and it's done!


there are so many things you can make in it- and lots of recipes on the net!!!

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Hi Ladies

Thanks Beth for letting us know you are OK. Praying that DH gets home safe tonight.


Last night at bingo DH and I were working in the kitchen. When they start playing bingo we have a break then so I took the 3 afghans that needed the ends done and got tham all finished.


The temp has not dropped here yet but they say by tonight it will be alot cooler :cheer:clap:cheer:clap:cheer:clap I can't wait.


I don't know if I will be back tonight, depends on the weather. Iam in such a better mood now that the humidity will be gone tomorrow :cheer:clap:cheer:clap:cheer:clap


Here are pics of the afghans.




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:drool Oh Mary those are beautiful! What pattern are you using for the one you are working on now? :drool :drool :drool I love the sage and cream one. :manyheart Pretty pretty!


DD is off to another play date :rofl What can I do, she's a social kid :rofl The play date this morning went fantastic! The mom stayed, the kids played, we had coffee and chatted. I am on cloud nine! :c9


I am working on my WIPs. :hook:clap:cheer:cheer:cheer:cheer Here's some cheers for everyone who is crocheting. Let's get 'em done!


Oh ya, I have to share this with you. We were at Old Navy the other day and they had the modelquins or whatever they call them dressed in NFL t-shirts. On one side they all had Saints shirts on, and on the other they wore Giants shirts. I so wish I had my camera. I thought about Shannon, Joanne, LeaAnne and Vicki.


Happy Friday!!! It's leftovers night and a LOOOOONGGGGG weekend. Life is good.

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Hi all,

Had a nice relaxing afternoon watching the Yankees (WIN) and browsing through patterns for felting! I found one in the book I got at the library, a couple on Ravelry and one in one of the books I had at home. Now the decision process- which one to do???:think


I did do some :crocheting too! I worked some more on the RR!!!


Mary- Your afghans are beautiful!!!:manyheart I love the color that you chose! Are those "mile-a-minute" afghans? Still waiting for the humidity to drop here- but tomorrow is supposed to be fantastic!!!:clap:clap:clap:clap I'm happy about that too!!!


Colleen- Glad to hear that the playdate went well this morning and that the mom stayed and you got to have a "playdate" too!:lol Are you working on your flannel'ghan? Or another WIP?


Oh, it would have been great if you had your camera to take a pic of those mannequins with the Giants and Saints Jerseys on!!!


Hope everyone had a great day! I'm so happy I still have 4 more days of relaxing time!!!!:c9

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Ok while Keith is down for a nap here's his presents. The puppy is finished, decided not to put a collar on it. The pillow is just a travel pillow with thomas fabric handsewn over it as I haven't figured out the sewing machine Doug's grandma gave me yet. I found the fabric in the remnants bin at Hobby Lobby for less than $2 so couldn't resist.





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Ok while Keith is down for a nap here's his presents. The puppy is finished, decided not to put a collar on it. The pillow is just a travel pillow with thomas fabric handsewn over it as I haven't figured out the sewing machine Doug's grandma gave me yet. I found the fabric in the remnants bin at Hobby Lobby for less than $2 so couldn't resist.





Sarah- The puppy is soooooo cute!!! Great job on it!!! And what a great find with the Thomas fabric- he's going to love them both!!!!:yes

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Sarah the puppy is sooo cute. You did a great job. Thanks for showing.

Joanne do you think I should work on a WIP LOL

Thats what Iam doing, finishing up some stuff for the sale so I can start some more things.

Colleen The pattern Iam working on for the afghan is a pattern I got about 20yrs ago on a ball of yarn I got in the USA. I have made sooo many of them that now the pattern is in my head. If I go to DD's I will bring it so you can see how it is done.

The other 3 afghans are mile-a-minute.

I called LeaAnne at about 5pm and her DD said she was out for a walk. I just wanted to check on her to make sure she was OK.

Anyone else want me to check on you have to pm me your phone number.


Thanks for looking at them

Talk to you Later

Lots of Love


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Looks like Hurricane Earl is fizzling out- Good news about that! I called DD and her flight is scheduled to leave on time!! And the weather tomorrow is supposed to be nice in NC for the wedding!!! She'll be home Sunday night and we are going to get together on Monday!

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:hi friends!!!


Oh my gosh, it feels like forever since I last posted! :lol School is good, but I'm having a heck of a time trying to figure out where to fit in housework and studying. I'm only taking 7 units, and one of them is a yoga class, so it should be fairly easy. It will get better once the girls are in school- I'll have an hour and a half after I get out, to get stuff done before the big girls get out. Right now, when I get home, they want me to play, to tell me about their day, etc. I am a wee bit worried about the CA geography class I'm taking, though...I've never been good at that sort of thing, and there is lots of memorization...it's just so boring! :blush I know it will really help me in the long run, though, since it is just about CA.

Eva is slowly but surely adjusting to school. I like the teacher in the other class a lot better than her teacher. Her teacher wants me to stay until after breakfast (which is at 9:30, and I have a 9:35 class!) but the other teacher will take her hand and get her involved in an activity as soon as we get there, so she doesn't cry.

My dad arrived last night at midnight. Today we did some shopping for the party. Our toilets and showers are backed up yet again :angry and the maintenance guy was supposed to be here at 3. In his usual fashion, he's late, so I have the portable potty I keep in the car, all set up in my bathroom. Hopefully he shows up soon.


Let's see...I didn't take notes when I read through, so please forgive me if I forget something.


Marisa, your scarf is beautiful!!! Did you use a pattern or make it up? :clap for the crock pots- I love mine!! Dh really hates it, but I think it will be getting a good workout this fall while I am in school. :rofl


Joanne, :cheer for pumpkin spice lattes and dd's flight leaving as planned!


Beth, :hug so glad to hear you are safe! Don't feel silly for preparing for the hurricane- better safe than sorry!


Leeann, sorry to hear about your dad's friends. I hope the car show lifts his spirits a bit. Glad to hear dd is adjusting to her new school.


Mary, your afghans are gorgeous! I love your shawl idea- I've also heard that scarves are going to be all the rage this year. :devil Thanks for the update about LeaAnne!


LeaAnne, how is everything at the chicken coop? I hope the house at the Cape fared well. I was worried when I heard Earl would hit Cape Cod. Glad to hear your MIL is home, at least!


Shannon, the puppy and pillow are cute! Great work. :h5 Sorry to hear Keith is still sick- I hope it clears up soon.


Colleen, thanks for the recipes! Good luck with getting the epi-pens and school stuff done. Glad your playdates went well!


Vicki, how's school going? How is dd?


Scooby and Shannon, hope all is well with the two of you!1 :hug:hug:hug


I have to run and figure out what is for dinner. Oh, I received a notification that my FB may have been accessed by someone else, so if you receive any kind of emails or messages from "me," please do not open them! Who knows if they're a virus or something...

Anyway, I really better go now! Love and hugs to all!!


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:hi! I am here, and "Earl" is just starting to drop some rain...


:ty, Mary for calling to check on me! I tried to call you back, and it won't go through:think


I gotta go catch up on everyone's day... be back in a few!


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Wow! What a busy day! ...and :drool:drool at everyone's projects!


Sarah - your puppy is oh, so cute! and the pillow looks nice and squishy for Our little buddy! He is gonna be tickled with his gifts!


Joanne - I really like your RR! That CrochetDad's pattern looks so nice! It was so nice to read a midday post from you, friend! And good luck with the felting...I will be curious to see how you fare with it.


Mary - OMG! Those 'ghans are stunning! Your work is spectacular! My favorite is the one currently in progress. What is the varigate called? Is that the pattern design that you were working on before? I truly love it!


Beth - :cheer:clap:hug for DH's return, and for the weathermen to be wrong about Earl! I had forgotten just how close to the coast you are... the girls are right... better safe than sorry!


Stacy - WTG on settling into school! It mightn't be easy, but then again, nothing worth having ever is! :hug:hug:hug I am so very proud of you!


LeeAnn - I hope you had a great day, and that the car show is just what the Dr. ordered for your dad's spirits! :tup. :hug:hugand squishes, dear friend!


Marisa - TGIF!!!!! You sound like you have yet another fun weekend planned! Enjoy!


Colleen - Thank you so very much for the crockpot mac'n cheese recipe! it sounds sooooo good! I am like you, and use my crock in the summer, so as to not heat up my kitchen. I like to cook ribs in mine. Put a rack of ribs in, and cover it with a bottle of bbq sauce. cook on low for 4-6 hours, then crisp them on the grill, if you so choose. yum!


Shannon - WTG on your RR! how much do you have left? Did you hang your shadow box yet? I vote for an afternoon chat to celebrate International :crocheting Day! It's on the 12th? If we don't want to chat, maybe we could all make the same little quickie project?:think


Vicki - welcome to the long weekend, friend! I hope that your week went ok.


I had a short day... I must have been tired, because i slept until 11:45!:eek:eek I haven't done that in at least 25 years! :lol:lol:lol I managed to get some grocery shopping and general cleaning done, and as Mary told you, I went for a walk. I did 2 1/2 miles in less than 45 minutes! :clap:clap I must say, I am pretty proud of that! I haven't even picked up my hook yet today! I guess it's a good thing that I started WIP week early!:devil


I hope everyone has a great night! I will check back in a while, and see if anyone's around:devil:tup


:hug:hug:hug:hug to you all, dearest friends!

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Good evening ladies :hi


Work was quite busy today, but now it's over and it's the weekend.....for 3 whole days :clap I have 3 things to work on during WIP week and 1 feels more like a chore...the stained glass afghan, but I so desperately want the finished product. So, that is one that I have to push at just because it's boring :eek No deadline, if I finish next year, that's fine :lol


Joanne - The Eagles really just don't even look good so far :( I agree that you can reward yourself with the felting project. And, might I add that it only takes a minute to get it started before it turns into a WIP ;):rofl


Colleen - Sounds like dd is having a fun day :D


LeeAnn - Glad your dad if feeling a little better, hopefully the car show will really perk him up :xfin


Beth - better to be prepared and not need to be than not be prepared and need to be :think:D DH comes home :clap:cheer:yay:cheer:clap


Shannon - Keep going on that rr, it'll get done eventually :D Persevere!!!!


Mary - your afghans are gorgeous :manyheart


Sarah - the puppy is adorable!!!! :manyheart


Stacy - The first week is always the hardest. You'll adjust quick enough :yes:hug


LeaAnne - Glad to hear your doing well, hopefully you won't get much more than that drizzle!!! :think


Going to change into pj's and remove my eyes :eek

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Quick stop in to wish everyone a good rest of the night!


So happy that Earl is a fizzle- we didn't even get rain!!!


Stacy- Hope the shower/toilet situation is straightened out by the time you read this Have a great day tomorrow- it's the birthday party!! How long is your Dad staying in town? Is there any way you can get Eva in with the other teacher? And I'm so proud of you- it'll all work itself out with school- you just need to get into the rhythm of it- and you are right- once the other two are back in school, that'll make it easier!


Off to do some more RR- and you are right Marisa- only takes a minute to start something and then it becomes a WIP!!!!!



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Sarah - I love the puppy, he is so cute! Good job!


Stacy - Good for you settling into school. You'll get the schedule all figured out. As far as the teacher...I like the other one too. Getting her involved in an activity is exactly what she should be doing. And don't let her tell you when to leave. It's CHILD CARE. It's her job to take care of Eva when you have a class to get to. Her JOB. You go in there on Tuesday and say, "I can't stay, I have a class. Eva will do great if you get her busy doing something. Thank you, have a good day and good bye".


:soap I just had to say that. OK, gotta go crochet. :hook

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