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Oh, Stacy- take some of these from me for stupid George making your feel crummy :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug



And here's some of these for tomorrow for your 1st day of school:cheer:cheer:clap:clap YOU CAN DO IT!!!!:cheer:cheer:clap:clap:cheer:cheer

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:hi ladies


Shannon - sure you can start your WIP week early and I was :rofl at your Janna story :D


LeaAnne - It's nice to have a lazy day and well needed sometimes.


Stacy - Here are some :hug :hug :hug :hug :hug :hug :hug for you. A 3 color spiral sounds pretty cool :D You'll do fine with school!!!!!


I made a plastic bag holder from my new curly q yarn and here is my pic :D



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Marisa! The plastic bag holder came out so neat! Did you just make it up as you went or is there a pattern out there for one! You are getting so much crocheting done!! You are putting me to shame- I still haven't picked up a hook but plan to now! Dinner is done, the Yankees won and now it's Hooking time!!!

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Got to sleep in today. So got about 14 hrs sleep. Much needed after averaging 2 to 4 hrs a night since Wed. Keith still sounds like a frog, his nose is a little runny and he's got a cough from his nose draining down his throat. Doing laundry now. Still have to make some pieces of the puppy before I can sew it together.

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:hi I'm finally getting a chance to sit down and say hi! It was a busy weekend. The garage sale went great. We spent Friday evening as a family getting everything ready. We set up early Saturday morning and managed to have a steady stream of people until we closed at noon on Saturday. We got rid of a lot of stuff and took most of what was left to donate. DD did very well selling toys and her money is burning a hole in her pocket. My house is happy to be less cluttered.


Saturday afternoon I baked a chocolate cake to take with the peach cake and we went to our friends for a BBQ. It was great to see them. Today we went to church, went to the store, did stuff around the house this afternoon, I made turkey meatballs for supper, and I went for my walk this evening. It went so quickly.


I hadn't planned to buy DD much in the way of new clothes for school, but this past week her summer t-shirts started to look too small. I'm going to get her to try on a couple things each day and tonight's 3 items were all too small :eek Looks like I might be shopping soon.


Stacy - :hug:hug:hug That you feel better soon. :cheer:cheer:cheer for your first day at school. You'll do great! and :yay:yay:yay for roomateless-ness for 10 days. :c9 Enjoy it.


Marisa - The cake went over well. My top layer (the cream cheese layer) stayed kinda runny :think Should it be runny? Tasted good anyway. Thanks so much for the recipe! Love your plastic bag holder and WTG on the yarn shopping spree!


Joanne - That is great that you got to meet some IRL crochet friends (including our Marisa). I went to the "other CAL" to check out the great pic. Your RR is looking great! I knew you'd like doing one once you figured it out. Your day today sounds great. Hooray for a sale at the pool store. It's hot here again too.


Shannon - I'm so glad you finally took a break! Love the panty story. Good luck with the testing.


LeaAnne - Yay for lazy days. did the chickens get their reading done yet so they can goof off for the last week? This is our last full week of summer :eek How did that happen?


Sarah - I hope Keith feels better soon. Glad you got some sleep last night.


Beth - How did DD's clay project turn out? I would think she might kinda enjoy some time to herself...I know I would! :lol


Vicki - How are you doing? I hope things are calming down.


LeeAnn - I hope you had a great weekend and got some crochet time in.


Mary - Here we go again with the heat! :hot


:hi to anyone I've missed. Have a great evening. I am off to bed early. It's fall swimming lesson registration tomorrow and if you're not in line early you don't get the day/time you want. DD and I will go at 7:30.

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Hey ladies :hi


Joanne - I followed the Crochet Dude's pattern, but found that I had to make changes because of the stretchy yarn :eek I had it done and put the bags in and it hung down to the floor and the bags were popping out of the holes :lol So I took it down to 5 rounds and started over doing single chain spaces instead of triple chain spaces and it worked much better for that yarn. I also did a less # of rows overall. Here is the pattern link and it's near the bottom of the page.




Sarah - It's good you got to sleep in, you needed it :hug I hope Keith is feeling better :hug


Colleen - :yay for the garage sale doing so well. The cake should not be runny, soft yes, but should not run when cut....unless it's too warm and not right out of the fridge. So if it sat out for a while before you cut it, that could be why :think



Well ladies, I finished my scarf!!!!! I worked on it yesterday when I met the girls, and only had a row and the edges left to do. I was going to leave it for WIP week, but decided to just do it and get it done :D The pattern had fringes, but I don't like them so went a different route...........




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NOOOOO!!!!! I didn't save the pattern for the puppy and now it's no longer on the designers website... ARRRGGGHHHH!!!!!! :bang:thair:yell :bang:thair:yell :bang:thair:yell


Ok deep breath, managed to find something similar to do the ears... but the tail is going to take some thought to figure out (none of the patterns I can find have one that is similar but I think I can figure one out that'll work) Spots are easy they are just rounds. But did go take screen shots of how to put it together in case the person takes it off Ravelry before I finish the pieces. (I did message them to see what was going on but wanted to figure something else out in the meantime in case they don't get back to me in time since it has to be finished by the 26th of next month)


ok off to try and figure out a tail...

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Good morning and Welcome to Monday!!!


Marisa- thanks for the link! And for the pattern adjustments for the curly-q yarn!!! Your scarf came out beautiful and I like the edge you decided to do instead of the fringe!!!! One project down, a million more to go!:lol:lol


Colleen- I was glad to hear that the garage sale was a success! :yay for de-cluttering and for making some extra $. I :lol when I read about how you didn't plan on getting DD too much of anything for school and then lo and behold, she has had a growth spurt!!! I can only imagine the hole that the newly "earned" money is burning in DD's pocket! What does she want to get with her earnings? Good luck getting into the swim class that you want!!!


Sarah- How frustrating for you!!! But I'm sure you'll figure out what you need to do for the tail! And maybe the designer will get back to you. WOW 14 hours sleep!!! I don't think I've slept that long in a gazillion years!!!:lol Hope today goes well, that Keith is feeling better and that the tail gets figured out!


LeeAnn, Vicki and Marisa- Have a good day at work today!


LeaAnne- Have the chickens finished all their summer reading so you guys can enjoy this last week of summer? (Can't believe it's the last week of summer- kids here go back to school the day after Labor Day) Rutgers has their first football game this Thursday--where did the summer go to?


Beth- What's on your hook these days? How are the dating sons doing? And did DD finish her clay dinosaur?


Someone mentioned the Pumpkin Spice Latte (I think Colleen)- Yes, they brought the Pumpkin spice latte back early---but lo and behold even though the email I got about it said they are not on the menu yet, just ask for one, I went to another Starbucks yesterday and they looked at me like I had 10 heads or something. They said they can't make them until Tuesday! I told them I had just had one the day before at another Starbucks- and they still insisted they couldn't make it till Tuesday. DD in Boston went to get one and they told her she had to wait 2 weeks till they would have them!


Shannon- I hope you had a nice visit with your Sister and your family- I read your post on FB about how your fam from New Orleans threw you a baby shower 5 years ago despite what was happening with Hurricane Katrina- That is awesome and made me feel good inside that you have such a wonderful family!:manyheart


Mary- Hope the heat is not too bad today and that you don't have to spend the day in the basement to keep cool!


It's time to get this day started! Make it a good one!

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Good morning ladies :coffee


Nothing new here this morning.


Joanne - Yep, a million more to go sounds about accurate :lol Have a great day at work.


Sarah - I'm sure you'll get the puppy figured out :xfin


I hope y'all have a wonderful day, whatever's on the agenda :D

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:coffee Good morning! (That's a coffee icon, but I'm really drinking a smoothie :D). We are all done fall registration now and got the swimming class we wanted. :tup It pays to go early and we are usually up early anyway. So, we've got swimming and science this fall (yes my DD picked science over everything else). Nothing starts until October, so we can relax and just get settled into school in September.


Marisa - I love your scarf! I think I have that pattern somewhere. I like the edge you did. I'm not crazy about fringes myself.


Joanne - I think it was LeaAnne or Stacy who asked about the Pumpkin Spice Latte. I don't indulge in Starbucks very often and can't quite get my head around pumpkin and coffee. Maybe I'll see if they carry it in the fall and treat myself someday while DD is at school. I'll think about you. ;) DD wants a Breyer Horses toy with her garage sale earnings.


Sarah - I'm so sorry about the pattern disappearing. I hope you hear back from the designer :hug


I hope everyone has a fantastic day. It's already warm here and going to be hot and humid.

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good morning!


Good Luck, Stacy!!:cheer:hug:cheer:hug... you will do great!


Colleen - hooray for getting the swimming class you wanted, and for DD picking science! :tup way cool!


Joanne - it was I who mentioned the latte... not that i have tried it either, but it's early to be hearing about pumpkin stuff... It made me feel better that in my part of the world it's 2 more weeks away:lol:lol


Marisa - I love your scarf! It's very pretty. I am thinking that Krissy's teacher would enjoy one for Christmas (she's very chic :wink)


Sarah - Yikes about the puppy pattern! I am sure that the designer will help you:yes I hope that you made a suitable tail lastnight, in spite of not having a pattern.


Mary - I am especially thinking of you today, as our temps are back in the 90's for the week... :whew...


Shannon - :hi! Did Sissy enjoy her new blankie? When do you get to go see her dorm?


LeeAnn - I hope that you have a great and quick day today, friend! When are you going to get more yarn?


... we are nearly done with summer reading.... 3 out of 4. It's my high schooler who is not yet done. she says she will be done early, and I trust her, but am a little stressed out about it. The books she has are not interesting to her, so it makes it a chore for her, poor kid.

We don't have much going on today, a few friends are coming later this afternoon, and I need to get some groceries. DH will be travelling quite a bit this week.... in and out, but still.


have a great day, everyone!

and stay cool!!!!


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Hi Ladies

Stacy good luck on your first day of school. I know you can do it. :cheer

Yes ladies Iam back in the basement. WOW is it ever hot here today and it is going to get hotter each day til Friday when it cools off.

Dh and I had Dinner for lunch today. BBQ steak and salad. Tonight I will have fruit for supper.

I managed to get 3 afghans done the past couple of weeks. Just have to do the ends and take a pic of them. Then I will post them. Last night I started another afghan but I might have to put it on hold til the weekend.

If it stays hot tonight I will be here on the computer.

I hope everyone has a good week.

Talk to you Later

Lots of Love


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:waving, friends!


food shopping - :check

2 loads of laundry - :check

vacuuming - :check

kitchen & bathroom cleaned - :check

pool vac'd and filter changed - :check




It's :hot here, too... sounds like a good evening to do some stitching with thread :scrachin... :idea Lace and Bobbles? Oh, YEAH:yes:tup... :lol


...Hey, anyone up for chat on Wednesday night:?


Hoping you are having great day, everyone!

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:hi everyone!


I'm melting! It is SO hot. I love air conditioning :manyheart


LeaAnne - WTG on your checklist. I got lots done today too. :whew Now I'm tired. I'll keep Wednesday chat in mind and try to be here.


Mary - Stay cool.


Stacy - :hug How was your first day of school? I've been thinking about you and :cheer


DD had a friend over this morning and she and I went swimming this afternoon. I washed her bedding, did some paperwork, made some appointments, and put away all the leftovers from the garage sale. :whew It must be time to relax now. :yes

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Hi all!


HOT, HOT, HOT here too!!!! I think tomorrow night I'm going in the pool after work!!! Tonight I have laundry going since I didn't get it done over the weekend!


Mary- Wow- 3 afghans!!!! I can't wait to see the pics- Stay as cool as you can!!1


LeaAnne- Pumpkin Spice Latte is SO good! But not on a hot day like today for sure!!!!! You got lots done- nice checklist! Enjoy your bobbles and thread!


Colleen- WTG on getting DD's swimming class you wanted- the early bird does get the worm- LOL- and that is really cool that she wants science!!!!!! Hope you are relaxing now!!!!


Stacy- Hope you had an awesome first day of school!!!!!!


Marisa and LeeAnn- hope you both had a good day at work


Shannon and Sarah- Hugs to you both!


Gotta run and get the clothes into the dryer and the next load on.



I'll try and be here Wed night too! And hopefully no internet/computer issues this time!

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HI gang! I had a very frustrating day! People kept coming tome for things that were not my problems to solve or for things that I can't do anything about. Then there were issues with the reading program and the computers. I was not a happy girl today. I was ready to shoot an e-mail off to the reading coordinator, but I had a friend read it and she told me I couldn't send it the way it was written. I had kind of figured that out already. Someone in the reading department is going to help me tomorrow. She knows I was not happy today.


My dinner is in the oven. DD already has her homework done and her lunch made. YAY! I get to work on my paper tonight. I got the laundry done yesterday and the vacuuming done. I didn't get to the dusting. The dust can wait. I was watching the Yankee game yesterday and I was reading and planning. I was so tired. I figured I would close my eyes for a little bit and I would feel better. An hour later I woke up. I guess I was just a little tired!


Hope everyone had a great weekend! I will try to get bac on here to see all my besties on a more regular basis. The beginning of this week has just been crazy!


Talk to you all later and have a great night!

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Vicki!!!:hug:hug:hug Sorry you had such a rough day!!!!! But yay for DD getting her homework done and lunch made for tomorrow. Take a deep breath and positive thoughts coming your way for a much better day tomorrow!!!!!:hug:hug:hug

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:hug:hugVicki! sorry that you are being put under so much undue stress:( I, too, am sending :U thoughts your way!


Mary- I hope you get to get some stitchin in....:hug:hug


Stacy - I am thinking of you, and can't wait to hear all about your first big day! :cheer:cheer:hug


Colleen - according to my calculations, it is for sure time to chillax!:lol WTG getting so much done in the heat! :tup for AC!!!:hug


Beth - I hope your day wasn't too :loco! Here are some :hug:hug:hug for you, just because!


Marisa and LeeAnn how was work? I hope your day treated you well:manyheart


Sarah - did you hear back from the designer?


Shannon - how was Janna's day? What are you guys up to?


Joanne - Is it hot enough for ya?! :lol I hope you get that laundry done quick! :cheerfor Rutgers first game... it's on the same night that the Patriots play your Giants in their last preseason game! :cheer


...well, I better get off here, and go make dinner. Creamy garlic shells and grilled pork chops! Yummy!



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Joanne - I hope your day was a good one!


LeaAnne - Creamy garlic shells :drool... do you have a recipe? We had bbq sausages and hotdogs on a bun (lazy me :devil). Too hot to cook.


Vicki - :hug I hope you can relax tonight.


Stacy - :hyper looking forward to hearing about your day.


My eyes are so tired feeling. I think it must be allergies. Just hit me this afternoon, whamo!


It's just about time to get the girl ready for bed. I'll try to be back later (if I'm not asleep on the couch :lol).

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Joanne - Is it hot enough for ya?! :lol I hope you get that laundry done quick! :cheerfor Rutgers first game... it's on the same night that the Patriots play your Giants in their last preseason game! :cheer


...well, I better get off here, and go make dinner. Creamy garlic shells and grilled pork chops! Yummy!



Well, since Rutgers isn't on TV, guess I'll be watching the Giants vs Patriots!!! DD and SIL are going to the RU game- they got season tix:yay


Creamy garlic shells sounds delish!!!!

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