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Some good clean fun?!

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Morning, everyone! :morcoffee


I went to the ballet studio this morning. The director is defrosting the studio refrigerator, and I needed to dump out the water that used to be ice, and change the battery in a clock. I'll go back this afternoon, wipe down the refrigerator and get it plugged back in, then ignore the place until Sunday when we have a meeting.... Dance starts up the Wednesday after Labor Day. Since school starts that Tuesday, a lot of students miss our scheduled classes because the bus schedules need tweaking, so we start on Wednesday.


Marisa and Joanne, enjoy your IRL meeting! That sounds like fun.


LeaAnne, hope you got a good night's sleep and feel rested today. Two out of four Jordans had a good day at work. The third working Jordan (not counting dh of course) had a very short day. The pump house broke again, so the pool is closed for the weekend. He is quite happy. He gets a day off, and will take his gf to a park. My dd did a good job keeping busy. She's sculpting a dragon from clay, designing some on-line creatures, and sketching a lot. And there are always video games.... Too many video games....


LeaAnn, School and homework certainly take a chunk out of the day. I hope it does get better soon.


Mary, Colleen, Vicki, Stacy, Shannon, Sarah, Happy Saturday!!! I hope you have a fun day!!!:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Morning ladies!

Marisa and Joanne-How awesome! that is soo neat that you are meeting each other. :hug have fun!

I worked on the granny ripple last night, going to work on it before we start the marathon of cleaning..other than that nothing new.

ds needs the computer...bbbl!

hugs and extra squishes!:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Happy weekend!


I hope you had a great meet-up, Joanne and Marisa!


Colleen - thinking of you and the yard sale!


Beth - hooray for days off and impromptu date-ness!


LeeAnn - i hope your cleaning gets done quick! what colors are you using for your granny ripple?


:hi, Shannon, Vicki, Stacy, Mary, Sarah...


I just finished spiffing up just a bit around here. MIL is coming over for lobsters tonight... YUMMMMMMM! Other than that, I am still tired. I think summer finally bit me in the bum:lol I guess i better find a :crocheting and go sit on my badorkus for the afternoon!:devil


:hug:manyheart:hug:manyheart to you all!

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HI all! Chores are almost finished-just have to iron, but I will get to that tomorrow. whew!


LeaAnne-I'm tired too..summer is hard work! :-)))) I am using RH Cherry Cola for the ripple, it is coming out soo nice. I am sure that someone will snatch it up before it's finished!


Beth-hope your day is going well. Dd's dragon sounds soo cool! maybe you can take a pic???


hugs n squishes, back to crocheting...yippeee!

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Hi ladies :hi


Joanne and I had a wonderful meet up with the other ladies :yay It was very relaxing and fun chatting about crochet and other things as well. It was very enjoyable and I wished we could have stayed longer :( However, Joanne and I also went to ACM then and bought up some yarn and the Crochet World Afghan magazine (thanks Joanne) :D I also picked up the Crochet! mag for another afghan pattern inside as well as a hat. After that I just kept driving and ended up stopping at 2 more ACM's, 2 walmarts, and a Michael's :eek I picked up yarn for one of the afghans in the new magazine, yarn for the hats and scarves for the 2 kids from the beach, a lighter green for my sunflower squares, some fun chunky stretchy stuff, and some random yarns :whew


Oh, and a pair of PJ's at Wal Mart :D I was going to try to finish my scarf and cardigan before starting with my new yarn, but how much fun is that?! Plus, I reminded myself we're doing a WIP week :think So, I may as well go ahead and start something new :rofl


Sounds like everyone's having a good day and I'll be back in a bit :waving

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Hi everyone!

Had a great meet up and it was fun- I could have spent all day with all of them. I'm glad Marisa and I got to go to ACM - not that I need anymore yarn or anything!:lol


Marisa- Which afghan in the mag did you buy yarn for?


Colleen- hope that your garage sale was a huge success!!!


LeaAnne- I love lobsters! My mouth is watering thinking of them. I had an awesome lobster roll when I visited DD in Boston. Hope you got to spend time with the :yarn and :hook today!


Beth- I'm sure DS is very happy that the pump broke and he has the day off and gets to go the park with his GF! That is cool that your DD is working with clay and sculpting a dragon- I'll be it will be awesome!


LeeAnn- A granny ripple sounds right up my alley- And I like that color! I bet it will be claimed very soon!!!!!


Stacy Shannon, Mary, Sarah- Hope you had a wonderful Saturday!


We had a great time at the BBQ- it was a very nice Saturday all the way around (except for the fact that someone bumped my car in a parking lot - no dent, but mark left on the car and some paint taken off. Naturally, they just left- so I have no clue who did it- but what can you do?)


Oh, and we had a lady come over to us while we were crocheting- she wants to learn- and was so intrigued by what we were doing! We told her to go to you tube- lots of good video tuturials and told her about all the support here at the Ville.


I can also now say that I know how to do a RR!!!!! I was missing a stitch right after the shell- frogged back to Round 3 and now I've got it!!!:yay:yay


Bet you can't guess what I'll be working on!!!:lol


Have a good night !!!

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I got the yarn for the spiral afghan :D In a solid blue and vareigated blue. This one will be for my youngest nephew. Not sure if blue is his favorite color, but everything he gets is blue by default since the other 2 favorites are orange and green :lol


It's working up nicely so far and now back to the couch and tv :lol Maybe I'll get an initial progress pic up before the night is out :think


LeeAnn - Hopefully next year our little get-together will work out for us :xfin

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Hey ladies!!


Just stopping in quickly- I am in the middle of cleaning/reorganizing my desk, and couldn't resist the urge to pop in. :devil The John Williams show was awesome-ness!!! :yay We had so much fun. I bought cheese, crackers, wine, grapes, a Caesar chicken wrap, and pesto pasta salad from Trader Joe's, and we had a picnic beforehand. :manyheart The Phil was fantastic, and they played a number of well-known scores (Jaws, Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Superman.) Some were accompanied by scenes from the movies. The only bad part was we had bench seating, so by the time we left, our backs were so sore. But we had a great time and it was nice because it was different than the usual "dates" we have. :D


Joanne and Marisa- glad you had a fun meet-up!


LeaAnne, enjoy your lobsters. I've never had them- truthfully, I'm a little afraid of seafood. :blush It's one of those unfounded fears.


Colleen, where is this chocolate cake recipe? Stupid George is on his way and I need chocolate!! :lol


Mary- I didn't send the weather back- it's supposed to be back in the 90's by Sunday! :eek I wish it would stay in the 70's- it is beautiful out right now! :manyheart


Leeann, Sarah, Scooby, Shannon, Vicki, Beth- hope you all are having a nice weekend!


Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug


Oh my gosh!!!! I completely forgot to tell you this! So, last night, dh and I were talking about his trip to Seattle, and he commented that he wished there was a way for me to go. Of course there isn't, because we wouldn't have a sitter for the amount of time we'd be gone. So I told him that we are planning to meet up next summer, and he said, "Well, then, you should go!" :woo Of course, the only thing is if I have to go to MI again, which it sounds like I may have to. But I do have the "all clear" to go if I can!

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Oh my gosh!!!! I completely forgot to tell you this! So, last night, dh and I were talking about his trip to Seattle, and he commented that he wished there was a way for me to go. Of course there isn't, because we wouldn't have a sitter for the amount of time we'd be gone. So I told him that we are planning to meet up next summer, and he said, "Well, then, you should go!" :woo Of course, the only thing is if I have to go to MI again, which it sounds like I may have to. But I do have the "all clear" to go if I can!



Yes Stacy, how did you forget to tell us this!!!!! :yay I'll keep my :xfin that it works out :clap


I'm heading up to bed and am going to try to read a little before falling asleep :think But just wanted to share a pic of what I've done so far on my new project, which is going well so far :yes


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Good morning!

Wow Marisa- Look at the progress you made on the spiral afghan in such a short time. Love the colors you chose! It's going to be awesome


Stacy-:yay that you have the all clear for next summer. Now if MI doesn't get in the way, you'll be all set:lol Sounds like you had a great time at the concert- it must have been awesome!!!


Colleen- How did the garage sale go yesterday?


LeeAnn- Do we get progress pics of your granny ripple?


Shannon- Still waiting to see if you are done with your cleaning:lol:lol


Beth- Another day closer to DH's return!!! Hope you have a nice relaxing, taxi- free Sunday!


Vicki- Enjoy your Sunday- hope you get to relax a little today!


LeaAnne- I meant to tell you that Marisa brought her sunflower square to show and it is beautiful! Great pattern for those that know what they are doing. ;) I'll have to give it another go


Sarah- Hope that Keith is feeling better and that his temp is back to normal!!


Mary- How's things in God's country today? The weather here is starting to creep up a bit, but still rather enjoyable!


Got up a little later than usual today- which is a good thing! Not much planned for today other than getting the sheets changed and the laundry done. Which leaves time for a pedicure and then some :crocheting time!!


Have a wonderful Sunday everyone!!!!!

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Good morning ladies :coffee


I slept in today :clap Woke up just after 9, and came down to make my coffee and straightened up the dining room, since I had stuff all over the table (good think I don't use it for eating :lol ) Now checking in and organizing my coupons that were stuffed in an envelope.....I bought a coupon book yesterday :D


Yep Joanne, the beginning was a bit tricky but once I got it going, it went well. I'm thinking I might try to finish that scarf today in between to break up projects a bit :think We'll see, maybe when I get to the bigger rounds.


I hope everyone is having a great sunday so far :hug :hug :hug :hug

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Just got in from getting my pedicure!!! Felt soo wonderful--especially the massage chair!!!


Now off to get a pool cover and hopefully talk DH into taking a stroll by the beach!!!


See you later!

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:sweat:whewBoy, I think I deserve a break by now, don't you?:lol


Sorry I haven't gotten back til now. I'm at Mom's, so I could see my sis today. Of course, she just left to go riding, but I'll see her when she gets back. I finished her granny stripe!!! My camera's broken, so I'll have to use Dad's a little later, and I'll get them up here.


DD is waiting for me to play Mario, but I promise I'll be back in a bit to talk to you all. She's yelling at me!


Have a great day everyone!!:manyheart

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Hello hello hello!

Marisa-love the spiral aghan! How cool is that? I have never seen one before, it is lovely, and I especially like the colors.

Joanne-you are up and popping! A pedi sounds :c9 I bet you can convince dh to go for a walk.

Shannon-hope you have a good visit. My little brother came over yesterday and spent the night, he's such a sweetie, I could just gobble him up! :lol

Stacy-so glad that you and dh had a wonderful date night.:clap And double awesome that you can meet up with the gals next year. I am not sure if I would be able to, CO is far, not further than CA but I have never traveled that far alone. Will have to give it some more thought.

Colleen-how was the garagle sale?

Beth, Sarah, Vicki, LeaAnne, and Mary-hope you all are having a relaxing Sunday!

Still plugging away on the ripple have about 16 rows done, was thinking of buying more yarn and adding the coordinating colors...dh said that was a "good idea":devil he thinks it's to plain with just one color, who am I to argue?:lol:lol more yarn:think:think So...will have to make a trip to walword and hope and pray that they have the colors-Claret and Tea leaf to go with it, if not will just have to make it a solid variegated. :):D

other than that, not much going on, have to iron clothing and finish up laundry and should clean out the cars....Marissa !!!!!! can you hear me????? I need help???? :yes:yes:yes

the family is still asleep, musn't wake them up, only thing left to do is:hook:devil

hugs and squishes!

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Shannon - Mario is always fun!!! :D


Thanks LeeAnn and if I lived closer I'd help with the cars ;) Speaking of....mine should get done today too, but I'm feeling kinda lazy after all my running around yesterday :lol WTG dh for suggesting another color :clap


Thanks Beth :hug I hope your having a great day!!!

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I'm back! And I came in third.:( Stupid DK and Peach!:angry:lol


Joanne and Marisa- That is so cool that you got to spend some IRL time together! I'm so jealous!!


LeeAnn- WTG to your DH for suggesting more yarn! Don't you love it when they give you a reason to keep 'em around!:lol


Beth- Sorry it's been so busy for you!:hug:hug When does DH come home? How's your dad doing?


Stacy- Yay for your DH too! I hope you can make it! The concert sounds so awesome!


Sarah- I hope Keith is feeling better! How's the puppy coming along?


Vicki- I'm so glad things are slowing down for you! How's DH's baseball afghan going?


LeaAnne- How are you and your chickens today? Hope you're having a lazy Sunday!


Colleen- How did the garage sale go??? I think Joanne has a wonderful idea. A percentage of my sales will go toward my bestie retreat!


Mary- How's the weather in God's country today? I hope you're staying cool! And don't worry, we won't let you miss a chat!:lol

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So, yesterday Janna went into the bathroom to go potty. She always kicks her panties off. This time, they flew into the air, and landed on her head!:rofl It was so funny!


Is it okay with everyone that I start my WIPs on Thursday? We're going up to Arkansas for the day, and I need something to do in the car. I just started a flannelghan for DH, but it's a surprise so I can't work on it in the car. We're going for a genetics test for Janna. They're going to try to piece all her little "quirks" together.


Well, here's my granny stripe! Sister loves it! It's 67x56 inches. The border is 1 round of 3 dc clusters, 1 round of dc's, 3 rounds of sc's, and a round of scallops (which is curling a bit, but oh well.)


The pictures won't load!:( I'm so sad! I'll try again in a little while.

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hey, all!


I am in the middle of a laaaaaazy Sunday!:lol I am feeling a smidge guilty about that, but, I suppose all of my "gotta do's" will wait for me, right? I have started making my WIP list :blush There's a chance (slight as it may be) that I could finish in.... a month! :rofl... I so need WIP week to get in the groove!


Marisa - nice ghan! I hope you get loads of time to work on it today:devil


Joanne - I popped over to "the other CAL", and saw the picture of you girls. Very nice! I am so happy that you had a nice time:U


LeeAnn - enjoy your break of homework today! Glad to see that you are getting some Hooky time! and I :manyheart when DH gives support for more yarn!!!:yay


Colleen - I hope your sale was a big success! and that you are enjoying a nice, relaxing day with your fam:c9


Beth - Sorry that you are so busy today:hug I hope that tomorrow is better for you :hug


Shannon - WTG on finishing your sis' ghan! And :clap:yay for getting to see her this weekend! :heehee at silly Janna, and boo for DK and Peach!:lol


Mary - i hope your basement is still nice and cool.... it looks like another "wicked hot" week ahead for the northeastern part of the continent. :hug


Stacy - your date sounds so nice! :c9 a picnic and the shymphony? How romantic! :manyheart Give Jorge an extra big squeeze from all of us besties for giving you the :tup!


Sarah - I hope that Keith is feeling better, and that you have had a chance to finish the dreaded sew-age of the blue puppy! I can't wait to see it!


Vicki - :hi! I hope you are having a great weekend. And glad that things are settling down for you.


Here are a bunch of :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug for whoever wants one!


"see" you later on!


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Hi friends!!

I need lots of :hug:hug:hug:hug today. Stupid George is doin' his thing, and I feel :loco. Plus, I'm worried about tomorrow. Silly, I know, since I am an adult, but school has always weirded me out. :blush

Dh went to pick up his cousin, who is going to stay with us and watch the girls this week while I'm at school this week. T minus 24 hours and we will be Roomie-free for 10 days! Where is the Cabbage Patch when you need it? :devil


Shannon, I love Mariokart! Dh always beats me, though! :lol @ Janna's panties falling on her head! So is she fully potty-trained now?


Marisa, your spiral is so cool! I found instructions on the Interweave website how to make a 3-color spiral- I think I'm going to try it for a hat idea I have.


Leeann, gotta love a man that will tell you to buy more yarn! :devil


Joanne, :yay for a pedi! Still need to go and get mine! :eek Have fun at the beach, if you go.


Well, I'm going to scoot and get ready. I'm heading out to the grocery store when dh gets home- as in, AS SOON AS he gets home. :lol

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:hi, Stacy!!


here you go... :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug


and, :tryme for stupid George!


I hope you have a nice relaxing day, that you feel ok, and that you remember that we are all with you in spirit tomorrow, :cheer:cheer:cheeryou on!!!! I am proud of you! Enjoy every moment! :manyheart

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Had a great day so far- after the pedi, went to the pool store with DH and we lucked out- all pool covers 50% off and all the chemicals and supplies to close it for 9.99!!! Guess it paid off to wait till now to get the new cover!!!


We then took a ride to Red Bank, NJ- it's on the Navesink River- and they have lots of little shops and restaurants. So we walked around- I found the LYS that I knew was there- but it was closed :((It's closed on Sunday and Monday) We had a bite to eat and then went to the park by the river and watched the boats- very relaxing!!!!!


It's getting hot here again- so looks like I may get a little more use of the pool- and we'll close it after Labor Day.


Shannon- I can't wait till you can get the granny stripe posted! Your border sounds great! I'm going to do the border during our WIP week! And I don't have a problem with you starting on Thursday- good luck with the testing in Arkansas! Loved the story about Janna and the flying panties!!!!:lol


Stacy- You will do fine at school!!! I was nervous too when I went back--mostly because I was so much older than most of the students- but everyone was so wonderful! You can do this- and you'll be fine- I am so proud of you for taking this step!!!:hug:hug:hug And YAY that you are almost upon a roomie-less 10 days!!! Guess what I had yesterday at Starbucks?_ A pumpkin spice latte!!! It was YUMMY!!!!!!


LeaAnne- :lol about your WIP's taking a month!!! When are we starting the WIP week again? :think My memory is failing me now! Is it Friday? Glad you liked the pics- it was a fun time.


LeeAnn- :yay for more yarn- and on DH being the one to encourage it!!! Which pattern are you using? i found a granny ripple on Ravelry that I want to try!


Well time to get the leftovers ready for dinner..So glad there was so much food left over from the BBQ and that I got to take enough to feed us for tonight! Love it when I don't have to cook!


Have a great rest of the day!:hug

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