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Some good clean fun?!

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Thanks, Joanne! It was fun to make. Now that you mention the colors again, I do remember that you were using them for your rr. :blush Sorry about that. Pasta and salad sounds perfect! I have no idea what we are having. I had planned for chicken pot pie but it is waaaaaay too hot to use the oven. Maybe I can get dh to pick something up on his way home. :devil


Shannon!!!! I will try to be here. Hopefully dh will want to play his video game so I will have some time. :lol


Speaking of dh- he took his electrical licensing exam today and passed!! :clap:clap:clap I am so proud of him, he was really worried that he hadn't studied enough. Hopefully this will open a door to new employment possibilities.

:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clapCongrats to Jorge!!!!!!:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clapThat is awesome news:cheer:clap:cheer:clap


And I think he should pick up dinner to celebrate his achievment!:devil


Will try and be here for chat.


Shannon- Hope to "see you" later!!!

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:waving, friends!


Stacy - congrats to Jorge on his exam! :cheer:cheer that is awesome! and your square came out really pretty, too!


Colleen - :cheer for lunches with mom! ... and double yay that she is going to make that vest for you... it really is stunning!


Joanne - whatcha got hookin' while your rr and granny stripe take a rest?


Beth - sorry that your plans got cut short, but glad you got a little visit in... and Hooray for smiling DS's who enjoy sitting next to their sister!


Mary - Hope your face is carrying a big ole :U, today!


Sarah - :hug:hug to you, my friend... hoping that things are good down your way!


LeeAnn - I hope everyone's day was a better one today! the bus was too full? Yikes! Did they correct the issue? And grrrr at last minute school supply requests!


Vicki - I hope you are well, Mrs. C., and that the lesson plans are coming right along. before you know it, you'll be right in the grovveroo! :wink:hug


Marisa - I hope you had a super yummy lunch and had a great day, too! I like the colors of your square:manyheart


Shannon-ness! :clap:clap woot! you are coming for chat!!!!:clap:clap


yes, err... well... the stay up over... right! My girl and her friends are KOOKS and a half! I never hear as much laughter as when they are here:manyheart... it's all they do, it seems. anyway, I passed out on the couch at about 2:30. they did not. :yes they did it! an all nighter! :rolleyes. Then they went back to one of the other girl's house around 9:30 this morning. She is still not home. I told her I need to pick her up at 8, after which, I am sure that she will go straight to bed:lol They only napped for 2 hours this afternoon, and are hanging out. .... ahhhh, to be young!


I spent today cleaning, food shopping, paying bills... you know, all the fun stuff:rofl... I am done! dinner, dishes, laundry, all of it!!!! So I will for sure be back for chat!


:hug:hug:hughere's some hugs till then! see you in a couple of hours!:devil

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Good evening ladies :hi


Work went quickly and of course was busy again :D it always gets busier as the week goes on :eek


Colleen - :yay for mom's ;)


Stacy - :clap:yay:clap:yay for dh passing his licensing exam!!!! It should definitely open up work opportunities since today he is now more valuable than he was yesterday in that field ;) Good luck :hug


:hi Shannon, Joanne, and LeaAnne, I hope you all had a wonderful day.....as well as all of you who haven't been here yet today :D


Off to sit with :hook and :yarn

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I am trying LeaAnne's square and am running into trouble! I think I'm missing something on round 4 -- cause I already have 5 yellow clusters done and they are closer together than all of yours.


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Joanne - don't give up. just spread those yellow clusters out over 5 sts on the brown. the first "leg" of each cluster goes into the same stitch as the "last leg" of the previous one. Does that make sense?

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I sent a message to Amy and Donna- This has been the last few days and wondering if there is something going on- I zip through other sites, and here it seems to be taking forever!


Going to frog and try again now!

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Hello there!

How is everyone?

Joanne- Before I forget, here's a link for the granny ripple, it is fairly easy and works up rather fast.

LeaAnne-thank you for sharing your lovely pattern! I can't wait to try it out!

trying to get homework with the kiddos done..oh my gosh! It's killing me!

be back in a few

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:hi I just got a call from Mary telling me that Shannon was going to be here for chat. Thanks Mary! You are the best! :manyheart


Gotta go catch up.


:hi Shannon! Where you been girl? How are you?

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