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Some good clean fun?!

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The background is dark purple. :manyheart It looks fantastic, now that I have the correct shade of yellow. :lol


Burning Man (from my understanding) is like an extreme-arts festival. It's held once a year in the desert in Nevada, and they live only off the resources they bring with them. :shrug Think "giant rave" in the desert. :think



I love the purple!


:tup... I see about the Burning Man... that makes sense.

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I just gave Isabella a lactase pill- she's had a ton of dairy today and is now doubled over on her bed. Poor thing. :( Anyway, it was her first pill-swallowing experience and it took her 5 minutes and a full glass of water. She did it, though. :yes I hope it helps.


:(:(poor chicken!:hug:hug

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that's kind of what I was thinking, too... it would be fun to sell it on the web, but, in the long run, I think the exposure via a publisher would be better. would you agree?

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Thanks to all of my besties who were around tonight! It was so much fun to catch up with you all... .and Mary, if you want to chat tomorrow night, I'll be here!


...anybody want to pick a time for WIP week? It sounds like we could all benefit from it!


I am in for whatever the group decides:cheer


:hug:hug:hugto you all, my dearest of friends... I guess I better go see what I can find quiet to do during this stay-up-over!:lol


I hope you all slept well, and I will catch you later....

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Fell asleep on the couch :lol But figured I post a pic of the sunflower square I started :clap I do have some other things going that need to be worked on, but now that I picked up the yarn today....I had to try it out. I think I may have stitched a little too loose :think


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Good morning and Happy Hump Day!!!


Marisa- I like your sunflower!


LeaAnne- I think maybe I'll try it tonight- take a break from the RR I started and see if I can't figure this pattern out- everyone says it's easy and a great pattern so I hope I can do it. And at least I know the designer!!! How was the stay up over? Hope you got SOME sleep!!!!


LeeAnn- Sounds like a busy busy day for you!!! Which granny ripple are you doing? Maybe I would have more luck with that than a RR. I think I must be adding a stitch somewhere- I'll take another look-see tonight. This Sunday I plan to start the border on the granny stripe.


Colleen- Your DD comes up with some of the most amazing things! Loved the story about the University! Hope that your Mom comes through!


Stacy- Hope you have some cooler temps- we have rain again today, but then they are forecasting sun and 80's for the rest of the week into the weekend!!! Do you start classes this Friday?


Beth- How was your meet up with DS's GF's mom's? Do any of them crochet?


Mary- I may be around tonight too- if I'm not crashing by then- I woke up at 4:30 and couldn't go back to sleep so we'll see.


Vicki- How's it going with school? I can't believe you're back already- it just seems so weird to me being from the East Coast all my life- school never starts till after Labor Day although this year I think a few towns are going back the Thursday or Friday b/4 since Labor Day isn't till the 6th. Hang in there ----only about 9 mos to go- LOL


Time to get ready! Remember your vitamins!!! Cya later!!!!

Hope everyone ha

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Good morning,


Joanne, my sons gfs' moms are friends of mine. It's so funny. Son #1's gf is one of the girls I taught to crochet. She's so awesome -- she's very sweet and pretty, and she sews, crochets, knits, and scrapbooks. Her mom does not, but appreciates the fact that I am willing to teach. Son #2's gf's mom is a long-term friend of mine. We are two of the three that meet for crocheting IRL. #1 mom couldn't meet with us, since her youngest child wasn't feeling well. #2 mom and dd came to my house, and we drove the rest of the way. She doesn't like driving onto the military base. But we were cut short -- ds #2 called from work. They were closing due to the weather, and I had to pick him up. So we all left. He loved the trip home, stuffed into the back seat between his sweetie and his twin sister. My friend pulled down the visor, opened the mirror, and made a big show of keeping her eye on them in the back seat. (teasing.)


Marisa, nice sunflower square! Love your colors.


LeaAnne, Definitely publish! It's a great pattern. Would Labor Day week be a bad idea for a WIP week, because people have to get kids started to school, lots of them go out on vacation, etc, or a good one, because a lot of people get an extra day off from work? How did the stay up over go? Did anyone sleep?


Stacy, :hug for your baby with the tummy troubles. I hope she feels better soon.


Colleen, so nice to read your chat. I would imagine your mom would be thrilled to be asked to make something. I like it when people want something handmade.


LeaAnn, sounds like a busy day at your house. I'm glad you have all the shopping for supplies done. I had to do that this year, for my son in college. His prof asked for a bunch of things. I really didn't expect that. I thought loose leaf paper and something to write with would be about it.


Vicki, I hope school is going well for you.


Shannon, nice to hear from you through LeaAnne. I am thinking of you.


Mary, inquiring minds want to know what's flying off your hook this week?


Sarah, I hope things are going well for you!


Lots of :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug for my besties!

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Good morning ladies :coffee


Still trying to get my eyes open here :tired and push my butt into gear to cut up some lettuce to take a nice salad for lunch today :D Maybe I'll hard boil and egg too :think

Nothing new since last night.


Thanks Joanne :D


Beth - Sounds like y'all had a good time :D

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:hi everyone!


How is everyone this fine Wednesday? It's hard to believe the week is half over and this day is disappearing! DD and I went to the bank this morning, my mom came and had lunch with us (I think she's going to make me the vest :clap), and now I can think about getting something done around the house.


LeaAnne - Was there any sleep to be had at your house last night?


Marisa - I hope your eyes opened and that you packed a good lunch. I made egg salad today. yum!


Beth - What kind of adventures do you and Quicksilver have planned for today?


Joanne - What colour is the RR you were trying? I hope you figure it out or your fingers find something they enjoy more.


Stacy - Good luck with your hats. I hope Isabella is feeling better. Poor girl.


LeeAnn - I hope the school shopping is done now and that DD's bus works out better today. Poor sweetheart. I would have been in tears over something like that at her age. :hug


Vicki - I was glad to see on FB that things are settling down for you. It is hump day on your first week back with students :clap


:hi Mary, Shannon, Sarah and anyone I've missed. Have a great day!

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Hi all!!


Beth, sorry your plans were ruined. :lol @ your friend pulling down the visor and "watching" your ds and his g/f.


LeaAnne, Leeann, and Colleen, thanks for the chat-ness last night, even if it was short. :hug:hug:hug It always makes me happy to chat with a bestie.


Joanne, which rr pattern are you using? What colors will it be?


Everyone else- please accept lots of love and :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug. It is too hot to think here- almost 110! :eek I dropped off paperwork to the child care center this morning. Tomorrow is the Open House and we will meet her teacher. I need to be sure to remind them about her fish reaction. I completely forgot tell them when I went to register.

I'm watching Roomie's kids again for a couple hours, and they are being complete crabs today. Isabella has picked up on it and thinks she is going to be sassy- she has the wrong idea! So glad for the open house tomorrow because I think she was planning to ask if I would watch them again. My nerves are shot, though! :blush

I'm going to figure out what is for lunch, then maybe turn on a movie. BBL!

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Oh, and I could definitely benefit from a WIP week. :yes Just let me know when...Labor Day week works out for me, it will be the free week between me starting and the girls starting school.

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Nice square Stacy!!!:clap The RR is in Vanna's Baby cheery cherry, lamb and bluebell. But I'm giving it a rest till the weekend when I don't feel so stressed to get something accomplished after work! Glad that you had a good excuse not to have to watch roomies kids tomorrow- Try and stay cool- 110 is TOO HOT!!!!! We had another cloudy, off/on rainy day- but the rest of the week and the weekend is supposed to be sunny, clear and 80's!!! So excited for some nice weather!!!!!!:cheer


Colleen- :yay for Mom going to make the vest for you! I figured she would- ;)!!! Mom's love to make things for their children!:manyheart Sounds like a nice day in your neck of the woods!


LeaAnne- You must be sleeping today!!! :lol:lol!! Guess the stay-up over was a hit!!!


Beth- That's so neat that they are your friends and I was :lol about the mom looking in the visor to keep an eye on them!!! Sorry your visit was cut short!


Marisa- Hope you had a good day at work today!


Vicki- How's things going at school? How is DD settling in with school?


Shannon- Hi- hope to see you around here soon!


Mary- What's flying off the hooks? Afghans? Sweaters?


Sarah- How are you all feeling? Did you finish Keith's B-day present?


LeeAnn- Hope you had a great day today- and don't forget to let me know which granny ripple you are doing:D


Well, off to figure out dinner- think it's pasta and salad tonight!


Have a good evening!

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Thanks, Joanne! It was fun to make. Now that you mention the colors again, I do remember that you were using them for your rr. :blush Sorry about that. Pasta and salad sounds perfect! I have no idea what we are having. I had planned for chicken pot pie but it is waaaaaay too hot to use the oven. Maybe I can get dh to pick something up on his way home. :devil


Shannon!!!! I will try to be here. Hopefully dh will want to play his video game so I will have some time. :lol


Speaking of dh- he took his electrical licensing exam today and passed!! :clap:clap:clap I am so proud of him, he was really worried that he hadn't studied enough. Hopefully this will open a door to new employment possibilities.

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