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Some good clean fun?!

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:hug:hug:hug Mary! I hope that you are doing ok... missing family stinks:(


Stacy - I hope that Mia feels better. thank goodness the doctors are ready to deal with her tonsils and adenoids. thank you, too, for the FB chat this morning!


Colleen - WTG on decluttering, and for uncovering garage saleables:cheer I hope you are having a fun Friday!


Marisa - safe travels to you! Enjoy your mini-vacation!


Joanne - your candle holder sounds pretty! Are your tealights scented? Candle parties are lots of fun! Happy Friday!!!!!:)


LeeAnn - Sheesh! You have been one busy lady this week! I will be hoping for lots of :crocheting:crocheting time for you this weekend! The mani/pedi sounds nice!


Vicki - You made it to Friday, girl!!! Yeeeee-aaaaabbbbaa-dabba-dooooo!

any good plans for the weekend? Did your headache go away? :hug


Beth - What an exciting day for DS today!:clap A breakfast date sounds like :c9! Did ya get any good e-mails today? I hope your day was just wonderful, friend!


Sarah - hey there, girl! what's cookin down your way? I sure hope you are having a good day, friend! :hug


Shannon - thinking of you, and hoping you are having a "wicked fun" day!


Well, there isn't a whole heck of alot going on around here today... I am feeling a little lazy and have a headache. "my boys" have gone golfing, and Linds is out with some friends. Jamie and Krissy are just chillin'.

i have that granny that I am working on, and that's about it. Thankfully, I don't have to pay the strictest of attention to granny-ing. It was a good time to pick it:manyheart Oh, and my exciting news is that I have been going out after dinner and walking for an hour. I don't really know how far it is, but it's a good walk.


I hope you all have a great rest of your Friday, dear besties!

I'll catch you all later... I think I will go relax and try to get rid of this headache while it is nice and quiet around here...



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Hello dear friends! Will anyone be around for a chat tonight? Dh is going to a Dodger's game, and since Mia's not feeling well, he doesn't think it's fair to take any of them. I'm thinking of putting them to bed early and checking to see if anyone is here...or working on my sunflower square. :devil Either way, it will be a nice, quiet night here.


((((Mary))))) Hope you feel better. How is the heat over there? I'm thinking it must have cooled off if you're sitting out on your deck. :yes


LeaAnne, :yay for going out to walk! Great job!

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Hi all,

Stacy- I will be around this evening and can check in- but what time do you put the girls to bed? That might be around 11 my time!!:lol


Beth- your breakfast out with DS sounds like a great way to start the day!! Hope all went well at the college today (and how much did the text book set you back? My DD's used to get their books off half.com or other sites)


Colleen- Glad to hear you have enough for the garage sale- and if your DH is like my DH, I'm sure there are plenty of things in the garage that could use a new home!!! Hope you had a great day! Oh, and that afghan is so perfect for a baseball fan!!!! Did you see the kit is on backorder? I'll bet it is popular


LeaAnne- Hope the headache is gone- and WTG on walking an hour every night!!! You go girl!!!!! Enjoy the weekend!!!!:hug


LeeAnn and Vicki---- You made it to the weekend Woo-hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:yay


Mary:hug:hug:hug Sorry that you are feeling kind of down- it's tough when you miss family- I was feeling a bit bummed myself- wishing I was going to Boston again this weekend cause I had such a nice time with DD!! Hoping that one or both of the DD's will be able to come over some time this weekend. Hope that sitting on the deck with :crocheting helped!


Here's a pic of my granny stripe progress as well as a pic of the turn on itself potholder (in Red Sox Colors) that I made and gave DD. Also a pic of Boston taken from the greenway where we enjoyed a cup of coffee!!




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I just got a HUGE surprise in the mail today!!! :manyheart My besties are the bestest. Thanks so much for the box of goodies and all the lovely cards. :ghug You are too sweet!!! I can't wait to put that Art Bin to use!!!



Love ya!!!

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I just got a HUGE surprise in the mail today!!! :manyheart My besties are the bestest. Thanks so much for the box of goodies and all the lovely cards. :ghug You are too sweet!!! I can't wait to put that Art Bin to use!!!



Love ya!!!

Love ya too Beth!!!!!:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Sorry my last post was a lot shorter than I wanted it to be, but I had to go pick up my son from work.


I have my yarn bin set up for my sunflower afghan. It's going to be so easy to grab that and go! I can't wait to use it on my flannelghan which I will make one of these days. I'll bet it will help keep the yarn from tangling.


I love the soft, fuzzy yarn you included. I'm going to have so much fun working with them. I need to come up with a good project or two.:think


The candle is a sweet surprise. It has such a relaxing scent.


And a tape measure and stitch markers -- you KNOW I always need more of those!!! But mostly, I am very touched by the cards, and the sentiments on them. You brought tears of joy to my eyes. I'm so blessed to have you in my life. Thanks so much. I can honestly say that I've never had such a wonderful surprise in my life -- except when the doctor told me I was having twins, but that's another story~!


Joanne, thanks for sharing your pictures. Boston is beautiful. Your projects are great. I think you are quite the talented crochet artist.


My son is only taking one class, so he only needed one textbook, and it was relatively inexpensive. When he gets into his nursing classes, I'm sure the prices will climb!


:hug :hug :hug for Mary, for missing family, for Stacy, for sick children, for LeaAnne, for overall niceness, for Joanne, for great crocheting talent, for Colleen, for thinking of us when she sees a cool afghan, for LeaAnn, for staying busy, for Shannon, because I miss hearing from her, for Vicki, for going back to school way too soon, for Sarah, for dealing with reorganization and renovation, for Marisa for helping people feel better for a living, and for all our other friends.

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Just stopping by to say hi!


Beth, I'm glad you got your package. We love you too! :hug


LeaAnne - WTG on the walking! :clap


Stacy - I hope Mia feels better soon. :hug


Joanne - Nice pics! Your afghan is looking great, love the potholder and nice pic of Boston. I didn't want to put it on-line that I was alone in the house all week, but my DH just got home from Boston tonight. I showed him your pic and he says he walked by there. I'm glad someone took a camera with them :lol You were there at the same time!!!


Mary - :hug Hope things are feeling cheerier.


It is so beautiful again tonight. A nice cool breeze. It's just too bad about that chicken farm upwind that seems to have opened their vents tonight :yuck:lol I got out for my first walk all week this evening and I've already told my family that I am walking A LOT this weekend to make up for lost time. :yes


I made a nice welcome home supper for DH. Ham, potatos, peas, cabbage salad, buns and chocolate pudding for dessert. I'm stuffed!


DH doesn't think we have enough for a garage sale. Hmpf. I haven't suggested he find some stuff too yet. Oh well, we'll have a small one and maybe he'll figure it out :wink


Have a great evening all!

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Colleen- That's funny that your DH was in Boston all week and that he was there when I was too. For all I know, I may have passed him on the street! How did he like it? I know he was there on work, but did he get to the North End? What else did he see?

Your welcome home dinner sounds great- I'm not a big ham fan, but my DH is. I don't make it very often because of the high sodium content. I don't think I'll tell him about your dinner-:lol it would be something he would love!!!


Have a good weekend- and hope you get LOTS of walking in to make up for the week!!!

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:hi Joanne,


I think he was mostly downtown. He did go to the Italian area for dinner a couple times, was there for the tax free weekend you mentioned, they went to Fenway Park (not for a game just for a function), he went to the aquarium and did a couple other touristy things. I think he did pretty well for a working week!! He did bring DD and I some nice gifts thought :manyheart

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:hi Joanne,


I think he was mostly downtown. He did go to the Italian area for dinner a couple times, was there for the tax free weekend you mentioned, they went to Fenway Park (not for a game just for a function), he went to the aquarium and did a couple other touristy things. I think he did pretty well for a working week!! He did bring DD and I some nice gifts thought :manyheart

I think he did really well for a working week! That was nice that he brought you and DD some nice gifts! Fenway Park is a really neat ballpark! (even though I'm a Yankee fan, I do LOVE Fenway:lol) I'm glad that he got to see it! We were down by the aquarium- here's a pic of the water right by it (since someone didn't remember a camera!):lol


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Stacy- I tried to wait around to see if you showed up- but it's only about 7:20 your time- and it's 10:20 my time, and I'm getting tired so sorry I won't be here for a chat. Maybe we can try another evening?


Cya all in the AM!

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Hi, girls~


so sorry that I missed chat... I was have some nice chillin' time with ALL of my chickens tonight! It was just us, and we enjoyed their shows together, and I got 5 more rounds on the granny. It was a great evening! :manyheart


Beth - You are so very sweet! :hug Enjoy every moment of your goodies:c9


Joanne - Nice pics of Boston! It almost makes me want to go there!:lol All kidding aside, I don't go in there often... I am more of a suburb/country girl:lol


Colleen - So glad that DH is safe and sound and home once again! It sounds like he ought to be tired! That's alot to pack into one week while working too! Enjoy your extra walking this weekend! I will be joining you in that. I took the night off.


Stacy - I hope that Mia is doing better, and that the drops aren't hurting her ears. :hug to you and your family, friend! ...and I hope that the Dodgers won for Jorge.


:hugto Mary, Vicki, LeeAnn, Sarah, Marisa and Shannon!


I hope everyone has a good night's rest :yawn


See you all tomorrow!


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:)Good evenin' ladies!

Beth-oh so glad that you received your package! I am truly blessed to be part of this group of wonderful friends! I look forward to reading and hearing all aboutyou.

Joanne-wish you could spend the weekend with your dd's. But hope you have a great weekend!

Vicki-how was your end of the week? Any plans for the weekend?

LeaAnne-so happy that you had a nice relaxing weekend with your lovely chickens.

Colleen-glad that dh is home and that he brought back presents!:lol What a sweetie!

Sarah-I hope you have a better night's rest.

Mary-sorry to hear that you are missing your family.:hug

had a "girls night out" what a blast! One of my co-workers had a get together for teachers-she served wine, crackers, cheese, various nuts and fruit. I stopped beforehand and bought a frapachino-I do not drink. but had an amazing time! What fun! They are hilarious! My face hurts from laughing so hard, what a great way to end a busy week.

going to sit and relax talk to you all in the a.m.:hug:hug:hug

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Good morning!

I slept in this morning and didn't get up until 7:20 which is LATE for me!!! Guess I needed some sleep!


LeeAnn- your girls night out sounds like a lot of fun- and I'm with you-- frapachino- yum! That is a wonderful way to end a busy week!!!


Not much on the agenda for today (which is nice) other than the usual weekly cleaning- which I need to get started on now. If I don't get going first thing in the morning with that ritual, it'll never get done!!!


Have a wonderful Saturday everyone!

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Joanne - I am off to a slow start today too. I was up before 7:00, but I'm moving slowly. It's gray and cloudy here, which makes me feel lazy.


LeeAnn - I am so happy to hear that you enjoyed a girls night out! You deserved that!


LeaAnne - Your evening with your kids sounds so relaxing. What a nice way to end the week. Happy crocheting!

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Good morning!


Slept late, but still feel tired. Going to sit and crochet and drink a cup of coffee. Everyone else is still in bed, I love it!


Joanne-I need to tackle cleaning too, not a whole lot but will still have to get it done. Thank you for sharing your pictures! They look just like a postcard. Fabulous! :-)))


Colleen-maybe you can just relax today?


coffee is done, bbl!

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Cleaning is ALL DONE!!!! Since I wasn't home last weekend, the house really needed every room to be cleaned (DH thinks he cleaned, but well, you know...just not the same):lol


I just sat down, and turned the Yankee game on and already they are losing to Seattle 2-0 ! 2 HR's hit already! This is not looking good.


But on a better note, middle DD and her BF are coming over for a visit- and should be here around 2:30 -3- It will be nice to see them!!


Off to crochet a bit and watch the Yankees and hope that they can turn this around .....quick!!!


Hope everyone is having a nice Saturday!

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Hey there, my Peeps! :lol


I hope you are all enjoying a wonderful weekend of relaxation, family time, and of course :crocheting!!!!


I just finished making meatballs and sauce, and some chicken salad. Nice, easy weekend menu! The house is picked up, and I have some laundry to fold. DH spent the morning outside getting the yard ready to welcome the :rain we are supposed to get over the next few days! Like so many other areas, we really need it here.


so, there's nothing else to do but find a comfy spot for my badorkus and :crocheting!!!!


Enjoy your day, my dearest besties!


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HI all!


Everyone must be cleaning and a workin'! We just finished too...going to sit and crochet while watching a movie on Life Time. Dd is decorating her backpack-she had a plain black one and wants to add "style". lol lol Have to iron clothes for the week, will get to that later on today and perhaps tomorrow.


off to relax! hugs and squishes!

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Hey, hey, besties!


I ended up going to the game with dh- it was all so rushed, I didn't have a chance to pop in and say I wouldn't be here. I am so sorry. :( My MIL took all 3 girls for the night. We were supposed to pick up Eva today but when we called, MIL said she was fine and would call if there was a problem. So dh and I went for breakfast at my favorite Cuban bakery. :devil:devil:devil He actually liked it! And he wants to go back for lunch one day. :clap Then he took me to get my birthday gift early- a direct-connect iPod adapter for my car. The iPod plugs into it and is played through the auxiliary output on the radio. It's awesome!! We had to wait for 2 hours while it was installed, so we went to the Starbucks across the street. Now we are home, Roomie and the kids are gone, my kids are gone- all is quiet. I am working on the sunflower square and eating a cream horn. I :manyheart pastry. I also priced out my school books today. :eek Mine aren't too bad, but dh needs many more since he is going full-time, and then the girls need their uniforms...yikes! At least we have an extra 2 weeks to get the uniforms, though. :yes I can't believe my classes start in a little over 1 week!


Anyway...sounds like everyone is enjoying a nice, relaxing Saturday! Love and hugs to all!! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug


P.S.- LeaAnne- I am LOVING the sunflower square!! :yay

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Hi all,

Had a wonderful visit with DD and her BF- actually they are still here- folding their laundry-

We had a great afternoon and cooked dinner on the grill- grilled veggies, grilled corn on the cob, pork chops and a veggie burger for DD. We also had sweet potatoes. I'm stuffed!


Stacy- sounds like you are getting in some quality time with DH which is good!!!! And that's a neat early birthday present.


LeaAnne- hope you got some crocheting in....I got one stripe done- LOL and hope to spend most of tomorrow with hook in hand


LeeAnn- that's cool that DD wants to style up her backpack- it will definitely be one of a kind and all hers!!!!!


Well, just wanted to stop in - and see what everyone's been up to.


Hope everyone had an awesome Saturday!!!

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Hi Ladies

I was just talking with LeaAnne on the phone and she told me that Colleen and Beth posted pics of their squares. Ladies I just love them. I have 2 squares done but now Iam thinking about changing the colors hmmmmm...... wonder if I could buy more yarn and DH not notice :devil any way I will have to think on that one. Iam working on an afghan for the craft show so I will put the sunflower square away for now.

I hope everyone is having a great weekend. It was cold and cloudy and rainy here today. I think it is the same for tomorrow too. Nice weather to crochet in.

Talk to you Later

Lots of Love


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Good morning everyone!

Mary- Cloudy and rainy are perfect crochet days! Weather here is very humid- but rain in forecast for the day- I am kind of hoping for rain since we really need it (plus it will help fill my pool, which is in need of a topping off:lol) What kind of afghan are you making? Colors?


I'm so glad that all my cleaning is done! Only thing to do today is empty the dishwasher and maybe do a load of laundry- not even sure if there is a full load since I did it Thursday night- I did do towels and sheets yesterday.


Looking forward to a very lazy day today- crocheting , reading, some football and some Yankees (if they don't get rained out)


Hope you all have a wonderful, relaxing day!:hug

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