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Some good clean fun?!

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:hi everyone!


There is NOTHING on TV. :grumpy Guess I could crochet :shrug Maybe I'll curl up with my crochet magazines and dream. :dreaming


Marisa - Your weekend sounds fun, busy, but oddly relaxing at the same time. You and my DH would get along well. He is very particular about cars too, also cleans insides of doors. :yes I wish he'd do that with our house :rofl As for the movie, I watched two in the past couple days: The Blind Side and America. Both good, the second was very depressing. Strangely similar in subject area...and I'm normally a romantic comedy kinda girl.


Joanne and LeaAnne - enjoy your football!


Vicki - So nice to hear from you. Good luck getting your paperwork done and WTG DD on her purple belt :yay Purple is a cool colour. :D


:hi to everyone else! Just think, Monday is done, we're onto the good days :tup

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Good day friends!

Whew! I tried to get on here, but dh would log on as I walked away to do something. :blush I was trying to multi task and make dinner while catching up what all of you have been doing.

Stacy-glad that things are looking up for you. How exciting to go back to college! I am thinking of taking a few classes in the Spring, but we will see how motivated I am by then.:lol

Mary-:cheer:cheer:cheerWay to go on loosing 15 pounds! That is amazing! So proud of you! I am glad that you will be able to visit with your famiy. My little sister stopped at my job to say a quick hello! What a wonderful suprise! I miss her sooo much, she is in Albuquerque New Mexico and doesn't get home often. My twin sis is still att odds...I have tried texting her but she hasn't responded:no

Joanne-Welcome home! I missed you! Glad that you had a wonderful trip and was able to spend quality time with your dd. Is it back to work for you tomorrow? Oh by the way, my co-worker was talking about going to Trader Joe's on Friday, I told her that you all talk about it often, she brought me back a can of coffe-Joe's medium Roast-I made it and it is :c9 I can see why all of you love it!

Sarah-how was your day? Sorry that you missed chat, I longed on but only long enough to post.

Colleen-wow! School starts late over in your neck of the woods! The kiddos start Aug 24, they are coming to terms with it. :lol

LeaAnne-No water??? What an adventure! :yes Your new Vanna yarn sounds just yummy!

Marisa-what a good weekend you had! Detailing you car? That is amazing! I am afraid I am not into it, but I can clean like no bodies business! :lol I actually like cleaning when I get into the grove of it..takes a few cups of coffee and then I can go for hours.

Vicki-now that wasn't much of a summer vacation? I so hope that this week goes by without too much stress! Congratulations to your dd on the Purple Belt! you must be so proud of her.

Shannon-your dd sounds just delightful! Her first week at school was eventful but oh so sweet!

My new glasses came in! Happy dance! I took a pic with my kiddos, they wanted to be in the pic too.

off to relax and crochet, made dinner and dh has to wash dishes.:devil


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Just a quick checkaroo before crawling into bed :c9


Joanne - who won the game? I always have trouble watching preseason for some reason :(


Colleen - you picked all the right adjectives for my weekend!!! :yay:lol (they are adjectives, right?) ;) I haven't seen either of those movies, but want to see Blind Side and never heard of America :(


LeeAnn - I like your new glasses and the kiddos are too cute!!!! :manyheart As for the whole cleaning issue....you can clean my house and I'll clean your car ;):lol


Good night everyone....my bed is calling sooo loudly, it's piercing my ears :eek

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I sure hope I beat Joanne up, since it's 4:10 am. I just can't sleep, but I will want to later.


Marisa, your car-cleaning story was very interesting. Mine gets washed when it rains hard, and when I really can't stand it any more. the wheels on this van show dirt, and look terrible most of the time, so it gets cleaned more than the other one did. I can live with a lot of dirt.


LeaAnn, the pic of you and your children is adorable. I love the new glasses. That's a good look for you!


Joanne, good morning, friend. How's the coffee today?


LeaAnne, school ended late for your bunch. when does it start again?


Mary, do you have a goal number of sweaters for your shows, or do you just make as many as you can between shows?


Stacy, You remind me that I need to get some more paperwork done for my son to take his one college class this semester. I will be very relieved if he does OK in it. English is not his strong suit, but he can do OK if he applies himself.


Colleen, Did you curl up with the crochet magazines and dream? That sounds like a fun way to spend some time.


Shannon, when does school start down there? We'll be starting after Labor Day.


Vicki, congrats on the purple belt. She has certainly come a long way since we first met. And you're back to school already? I have :xfin for the results of your test to be good. I hope you don't work too hard.


Sarah, I hope everyone is well, and your house reorganization is about complete so you can enjoy all the work you've done. Does your wee one go to school this year?


The big date went very well, I think. He walked her to the car, opened the door for her, took her to the movie, then drove her to Walmart so she could spend some birthday money. (Her mom is thrilled -- she has 4 kids, including a special needs boy, and getting out of a shopping trip is like a gift to her.) Then he took her home, so she could get her swim suit, took her to the pool, and they spent most of the evening there. So his first date lasted about 8 or 9 hours. I don't know how long. I was chauffeuring my other son and his girlfriend. It was son #2's GF's bday yesterday. He talked it over with her, and asked her mom and Dad for permission, and took her out to Outback Steakhouse for her birthday dinner. I dropped them off, went home and had my pathetic non-Outback-Steakhouse dinner, and went back to pick them up when he called to let me know they were almost done. We went out for a milk shake (him), a root beer float (her) and a lemon icee (me.) after that, then I took her home.


I hope you all have a great day today. It's my dh's last day before he goes back to Seattle for 3 weeks. The timing is actually pretty good for this. I only work 2 days during that time.


Take care everyone! :hug :hug :hug

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Good morning!


Beth- I got up early today too! Can't sleep! I guess it's the anticipation of going back to work- and knowing that I have something that is due by the end of the day today (and being off yesterday didn't help so I'll be busy today). I'll probably head in early to start working on it while it is nice and quiet.


The coffee is brewed and I'm almost done my first cup! :) It sounds like the DS's are doing well on their dating- you have raised them well, my friend! :hug Oh, and I love Outback!!! That was a great place to take GF for her birthday dinner! And it sounds like the first date for other son went well too! Happy to hear that DH's trip will work out as far as your working schedule.


LeeAnn- Love your new glasses- :yes that is a great pic of you and your kiddos!!! My favorite coffee from Trader Joe's is Joe's Dark (but DH prefers the medium roast, which doesn't usually get made since I set up the coffee pot at night and I use Joe's Dark)

The GIANTS won the game- and it was kind of wierd seeing them playing in the New Meadowlands stadium for the first time with it all bathed in green for the JETS. I still think it's strange that they share the same stadium- and that both teams are called NY, when in all actuality the stadium is in NJ!!!


Mary- WTG on the 15 lbs weight loss! That is awesome!!!!:clap:clap


Colleen- Sorry I didn't see your post about NOTHING on TV last night. Do you get TNT in Canada? I love The Closer and Rizzoli and Isles- both on Monday night starting at 9. I actually DVR both of them- will probably watch one tonight since last night was all about football-:lol


Marisa- You were sure up late last night, but then I remembered you can sleep in today since this is your late day! I like regular season football much better than pre-season- but HAD to watch the Giants vs Jets!!!


Stacy- Good news about school- hope it all works out for you!!!


Vicki- I so don't want summer to be over! Well the humidity I can be done with- but my commute is so much better in the summer than the rest of the year- my route takes me past Rutgers and there are a lot of commuting students at Rutgers! So it adds to the volume of cars both going to work and coming home--more so coming home:( Fingers crossed that you did well and don't have to take that testing again!


LeaAnne- Are you heading back to the Cape before the end of the summer? DD was saying how she really should go there sometime- so maybe next summer we'll take a few days. Sorry I couldn't meet up with you but this was a short trip up. I have days off work around Labor Day- and was thinking of going back to visit- but am leaning towards not since it will be crazy busy up there with all the freshmen of all the universities moving in (my nephew included, who is going to Boston College). I'm thinking a long weekend in October so I can enjoy the foliage on the drive up and back. I'll let you know.


Shannon- How's the granny stripe? Almost done for sis? Sorry you won't get to help her move in, but looks like you'll be seeing her often since she's coming home every weekend to ride her horse! Where are you off to Thursday? Someplace fun?


Sarah- Sorry you missed chat the other night! I saw your autumn afghan on Ravelry- (not sure if you posted it here and I missed it)- it really came out nice!


Hope that is everyone- but if not- here is a :hug Time to get another cup of Joe's Dark- and then start getting ready for a long day at work.


Cya on the flip side!

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Good morning ladies :hi


I slept well last night and woke up at 8. Came down made my coffee and bfast and now here I sit ;) I made blueberry pancakes and scrambled eggs :drool So yummy!!!!


Vicki - Congrats on dd's purple belt :clap And keeping :xfin for your test results! :hug :hug :hug


Beth - I'm thinking you're having trouble sleeping due to the anticipation of knowing dh is leaving for 3 weeks :(:hug :hug :hug I think the whole car cleaning thing comes from the fact that this is my first brand new car :yes AND I have no children so don't have to worry about trying to keep it up behind them :no WTG son #1....That's a LONG first date and it sounds like it went well :clap Also :yay for son #2, I'm impressed that he talked to her parents first for permission to take her out to dinner on her bday. It's hard to find respectable young men these days and I must send out those kudos to you!!!! :hug :hug :hug Sounds like they had a great meal and y'all enjoyed your dessert :yes


Joanne - I hope work goes well today and you get done what needs to be done today :yes The meadowlands had always confused me as well, but such is life :lol I did have my Eagles game on last friday before I left, but missed the end during the driver up to my parents, but they did pull it out by 1 point :clap

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:waving and Good Morning!


Colleen - did you rest well last night, with visions of WIMs stuck in your head?


LeeAnn - I love your new glasses! Your children are beautiful...just like you! I hope your workday goes well today, and that you got that mountain of laundry out of the way... don't forget you have lots of :crocheting time owed you this week!


Joanne - I hope your first day back goes quickly for you! I hear ya about the hubbub around here during Labor Day, and don't blame you for opting to miss it all... I don't know yet if we are going back to the Cape. You would like it there. There is lots to do if you want to be busy, or there's nothing to do if you just want to chill:c9


Marisa - It sounds like you had a great weekend! I could hear the smile in your words:) I hope your first day back flies by for you!


Beth - Your DS's sound like fine young gentlemen! I hope that when my girls are old enough to date, they find guys like that! We start back to school on the Thursday after Labor Day. By then, everyone will be ready to go back:lol

I hope your DH has a good trip, and that you get to play a little. Speaking of which, what's on your hook these days?


Stacy - I hope you get all of your paperwork squared away for school, and that each day brings you more and more :U:U

:hug:hug:hug to you, friend!


Sarah - I hope you are feeling better... the blah's are no fun! What's our favorite little guy up to these days? I miss hearing about him... and You!


Vicki - I hope you aced that test! and congrats to DD on her cool new Purple belt! That is so awesome! Is she going into 5th grade this year? I hope your week goes well, and that your year ends up being better than it sounds like it is starting. :hug


Shannon - How are you doing today? Are you going to share pics of that granny riipple and all of it's yumminess????:drool:drool


:hi, Mary! What's the weather like up in God's country today? I hope it's cooling off for you! What's on your little magic hooky today? Here's a couple of :hug:hugfor you.... just because!


We don't really have much going on here today... just working away on that summer reading. We are trying to get done before Labor Day, so the last week of vacation is FREE!


I hope everyone has a terrific day! :rainbow:c9

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Howdy Besties!


It is another beautiful day here today. No humidity, warm, sunny and best of all...breezy! We went to the park for the usual Tuesday morning at the park (which now seems to be just us and my neighbours :lol) and now DD is playing at their house. :c9


Someone said they thought school started late here. School has always started after labour day here, traditionally to allow the kids to help with the harvest. We go to the last days of June though in the spring, so I think it evens out.


DD and I have plans to take a picnic to the park for our dinner tonight. It's the perfect day for it too. I'm going to go start a macaroni salad and we'll have sandwiches with the left over chicken from last night. We have berries too, so we're all set. Yum!


I read the current issue of Crochet Today last evening. I also did a few rows on my flannelghan. The only WIM I have right now is a certain sunflower square. :hook


Marisa - Your breakfast sounds delicious. I might just have to go cook some of that for myself right now :rofl


Joanne - I hope your day goes well and you get done what needs to get done.


LeaAnne - WTG getting the reading done so you can enjoy the last week before school starts :tup


Beth - Your DSs are doing very nicely. I'm impressed that they are opening doors and asking permission, but more than that is that they are telling you all about it. I think by the time I was 16/17 I didn't tell my parents much about who I was hanging out with or what I was doing and certainly not if I was dating anyone! So, kudos to you mom! By the way, big hugs to you :hug with your DH going away. Glad to hear the schedule is calmer this time around.


:hi Stacy, Shannon, Sarah, Vicki, Mary and anyone I've missed. Have a great day!

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Oh, this dumb computer- I lost what I typed! UGH


Marisa- My youngest DD and SIL went to OC MD at the end of June and loved it here- Sounds like you have a great long weekend ahead of you. Fingers crossed for awesome weather!


Colleen- Please send the nice weather to NJ- You can send it with the bird if you want! LOL.. your picnic dinner sounds awesome!! Enjoy it!!!!


LeaAnne- I think I will plan an excursion to the Cape next summer- I have been there- about 35 years ago! Went to Provincetown, Nantucket, Martha's Vineyard, Hyannis, Barnstable, Chatham and a few other towns. My DD would really like to see a Cape Code League baseball game, so I think I'll seriously look into that. It would be fun.

Hope your chickens get all their reading done so that they can have the last week free b/4 the grind of school begins again!


Stacy- Hope your day is going well- Any fun activities with the kiddos today?


LeeAnn, Sarah, Mary, beth, Vicki- hope you had a good day


I got my project done by noon- so I was very happy about that. It was worth going in early!! Of course, I'm ready for a nap now, but if I do that I'll be up at 2AM or some ridiculous hour of the morning! So instead, I'll watch the Yankees and crochet after dinner. Speaking of which, I'd better get something cooking- it's so hot, I'm thinking grilled cheese and salad..


Have a good night everyone!

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Hi all!


Quick post, just stopped home to pick up the cake and the kiddos and to make a pot of coffee for the road. Today is dear father in-laws birthday and we are suprising him with dinner and a cake. Dd and I made him a pineapple upside down cake last night, going to pick up a bucket of chicken and head over.


will be back soon!


miss all of you!


hugs and squishes!

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LeeAnn- Pineapple upside down sounds yummy! And yourfather- in- law has a great birthday- he shares it with my DD!!!:lol I spoke to her today and her room-mate is taking her out to dinner tonight. She said that what made her birthday special is that I came up to spend the weekend with her:manyheart

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Oh, guess what! Guess what! I PASSED MY TEST!!!!! YAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!! I don't have to retake it! I am such a happy girl!!!


Sorry for shouting, but I just had to share the news! Now I just have to wait for the scores to officially post and I can apply for the license and I can then get the district to pay me back for taking the test!


Today was the special education presentation and it went very well! I was happy about that. I had to find a computer to present with. The room I was in didn't have one hooked up. Good thing I got there a little early! Now all I have to do is finish some paper work for Friday and I think all will be well. I still need to finish school supply shopping for DD. I haven't done that yet. Very bad of me! I am sort of behind!


I still need to catch up on things. I will talk to you all later! Have a good night!



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Good evening ladies :hi


I had a good day at work today, hectic but not overwhelming :clap


:yay Vicki for passing.....I just knew you did ;) I bet you feel a HUGE weight lifted off your shoulders!!!


Colleen - I hope you enjoyed your bfast ;)


Joanne - I'm sure dd will have a good time with her roomie for dinner and I know how she feels that you went there for the weekend.....I love when my mom comes to visit (or I go there) :clap


I about to head out for a bike ride. I haven't had it out in a couple months now so I hope it starts up for me :think


Catch y'all later ;)

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:hi Our picnic was so much fun! DD rode the carousel and the train at the park, she played at the play ground, we went for a walk and enjoyed the gardens and we had a yummy picnic. We also went to the library today, so I'm all set with a couple new books and 3 new magazines. If only I didn't have to clean, cook and grocery shop. :dreaming :lol Oh ya, and the weather was perfectness again! Yippee!


Marisa - You reminded me. I did make blueberry pancakes today! Thanks for putting the idea in my head! It was more of a brunch by that time, but they were good. :think Actually, me thinks there are some left...I'm thinking evening snack :devil Do you have a motorbike?


Vicki - Congrats! :yay


LeeAnn - I hope you enjoyed your FIL's bday.


Joanne - How was your grilled cheese? Any hookin' tonight? Are you working on your granny stripe again?


Hugs to all my Besties :hug:hugPlaying with my yarn. :hook See ya later!


Oh ya, suggestions needed. I have approx 1 lb each of 2 coordinating colours of yarn (one solid, one variegated). Any suggestions?

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Joanne-how neat that your dd shares her birthday with dear FIL! It sounds like you have an amazing relationship with all of your dd's. What a blessing! Glad that you were able to get your paper work done by noon. Does make it for a loooong day.


Colleen-what an excelent day! Spending time outdoors is one of my favorite pastimes! What are you reading? I just finished a Nora Roberts trilogy, I think I need to find something new to read, I am getting burnt out on all her books.


LeaAnne-glad that you were able to have a relaxing day, once school starts, those days are rare.


Beth-your ds's sound just soo sweet and polite! WTG! That is good news that you only have to work a couple of days while dh is away.


Vicki-CONGRATULATIONS! I am soo happy for you! I am sure as Marisa said, it is a huge weight lifted off your shoulders.


Marisa-having a normal day sounds fantastic! How was the bike ride? Your weekend plans sound exciting!


We are going to finish getting ready for school this weekend, iron and gather all supplies-I think I am down to kleenex on the school supply list, why do I always forget the kleenex? Slowly we are plugging away, gathering supplies like squirrels. :yes


Father law was so excited! I was glad that we could spend time with him, he's such a sweet man!


Mary, Sarah, Shannon, and Stacy-hope your day was wonderful and full of joy!


off to bed, tomorrow is my Lesson Planning night. Have a Wonderful Wednesday friends!


hugs and squishes!:hug:manyheart:hug:manyheart:hug:manyheart:hug

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:hi ladies


I am back from my ride and it was a blast :clap I like finding people to go out with who are patient with me since I actually obey the street laws and most of them ride like idiots :(


Yes Colleen, I have a motorcycle and she's my baby :D I put it on as my pic, but it doesn't show on my posts. When I go into my profile I see it there though :think


Anyways, we went over to Deptford, NJ which is about a half hour ride, ate at the Olive Garden and came back home. We hit heavy traffic on 95 coming back, but it went smoothly. It was nice to get it out a bit :D


LeeAnn - when I read your post, at first I thought you were saying that you were getting squirrels as part of your supplies :eek:rofl Then I did a double take and read it again :whew Now I got it ;)

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Oh, guess what! Guess what! I PASSED MY TEST!!!!! YAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!! I don't have to retake it! I am such a happy girl!!!


Sorry for shouting, but I just had to share the news! Now I just have to wait for the scores to officially post and I can apply for the license and I can then get the district to pay me back for taking the test!


Today was the special education presentation and it went very well! I was happy about that. I had to find a computer to present with. The room I was in didn't have one hooked up. Good thing I got there a little early! Now all I have to do is finish some paper work for Friday and I think all will be well. I still need to finish school supply shopping for DD. I haven't done that yet. Very bad of me! I am sort of behind!


I still need to catch up on things. I will talk to you all later! Have a good night!




:yay:clap:yay Congratulations Vicki!!!! I knew you would pass and what a relief that must be for you!!! When does DD start school? And no, you're not bad for not having all the school supply shopping done- I think you've been pretty busy with the testing and paper work!!!:yes

I am so happy for you that you passed- YOU ROCK!!! (and I just couldn't resist posting in Giants Blue) ;)

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:hi Our picnic was so much fun! DD rode the carousel and the train at the park, she played at the play ground, we went for a walk and enjoyed the gardens and we had a yummy picnic. We also went to the library today, so I'm all set with a couple new books and 3 new magazines. If only I didn't have to clean, cook and grocery shop. :dreaming :lol Oh ya, and the weather was perfectness again! Yippee!


Marisa - You reminded me. I did make blueberry pancakes today! Thanks for putting the idea in my head! It was more of a brunch by that time, but they were good. :think Actually, me thinks there are some left...I'm thinking evening snack :devil Do you have a motorbike?


Vicki - Congrats! :yay


LeeAnn - I hope you enjoyed your FIL's bday.


Joanne - How was your grilled cheese? Any hookin' tonight? Are you working on your granny stripe again?


Hugs to all my Besties :hug:hugPlaying with my yarn. :hook See ya later!


Oh ya, suggestions needed. I have approx 1 lb each of 2 coordinating colours of yarn (one solid, one variegated). Any suggestions?

Colleen: I decided not to have grilled cheese- I made eggs and english muffins instead! Can't go wrong with some "breakfast" for dinner!:) Your picnic sounds perfect! What a great way to spend the early evening! I did two more stripes (4 rows) on my granny stripe last evening while I watched the Yankees --it's getting there!! Some thoughts on your yarn- a large granny or a RR?


Have a great Wednesday!

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Your evening sounds good too! And that's pretty good that the only thing you forgot are the Kleenex! Glad to hear that FIL liked his dinner! I do consider myself blessed that I have a great relationship with all 3 of my DD's- they are awesome women!! And each so different! What makes me the happiest though, is that all three of them get along with each other and are really great friends!


Marisa- Glad to hear you had a great bike ride- I would be scared to ride a motorcycle on 95- heck I hate driving a car on 95 with all the trucks!!! Olive Garden - Yum- especially the breadsticks and salad!!!


Happy HUMP Day to all!!! Just looked at the clock and it's 6AM already!! Time to get ready for another day!!!

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Hello Everybody.


My honey is at the airport, waiting for his plane to take him far, far away. But three weeks seems almost easy after that 6 week jaunt a couple of months ago. I stopped at Wal-Mart on my way home from dropping him, and picked up some yarn to keep me company while he's gone. It's RHSS in Gold, Coffee, Medium Thyme, and Fall (a variegated.) Wanna guess what it's for?

Vicki, I'm so happy for you!!! Congratulations on passing the first time. :cheer

Marisa, motor-cycle-mama! I hope you stay safe. I try to obey the traffic laws, too, and lots of people get impatient.

LeaAnn, I hope you had fun at the birthday party. What a sweet surprise. I'll bet the cake was extra good because dd helped make it.

Joanne, your dd's are inspirational. I smile every time I see my dd talking with her brothers' girlfriends. I am glad they all like each other. Is it too soon to hope these end up being long-term?

Colleen, I like the rr idea. Love those round ripples! And you can stop when you run out of yarn.

LeaAnne, Mary, Shannon, Stacy, Sarah, :hug:hug:hug:hug Happy Hump Day to everyone.

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:coffee Good morning sunshines!


I am here with my coffee. The laundry is started and we are having a catch-up day :c9


Beth - :rofl is it too short term to hope for long term :rofl Yes!!! I hope your DH's 3 weeks away go quickly. :hug:hug


Joanne - You are blessed to have a great relationship with your DDs. And I can't wait to see that granny stripe! :hyper Breakfast is good anytime of the day! Yum!


Marisa - I think you have to be a member for a certain length of time to have your avatar show up? :shrug I went and checked out your bike though. It looks fancy.


LeeAnn - WTG getting the school supplies organized. Are your kiddos excited to go back? It is 3 wks today for us.


:hi to everyone else have a great day!


Thanks for the suggestions for RRs and grannies. I should probably finish a WIP or 10 before I start something though. :blush

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