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Some good clean fun?!

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Hahaha Is your Sis already at her school, Shannon?

I start on the 30th- Eva's birthday. I'm on standby for this class, though, which means I show up and the prof. will tell me if there is room. I'm #8 though, so there should be. :xfin that lots of people don't show. :lol Or else the only class I will be in is yoga, which only counts for 1 credit.

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I'll be praying that you get in!


Sister moves in this weekend.:( I'm really upset because I'm going out of town on Thursday. I can't believe I won't be there to help her move in.:(

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Oh, Shannon- I saw a rhino the other day (was that what it was called? :think) Anyway, I thought of you and had a good laugh. Dh thought I was :loco.


Well, I better get going. We're supposed to watch a movie, just waiting for dh to pick one. Love and hugs to all!! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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hahaha a rhino!!! Whoopee!


Good night Stacy, and enjoy your movie! It was great to talk to you. I wish I had gotten here sooner! Love ya!!:hug:manyheart

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She understands. If I had known they were the same weekend, I would've stayed home. But the plans were already set before I realized. I hope she lets me visit. She's coming home every weekend to ride her horse, so I'll see her.

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LeaAnne, yes, please, I would like to help test your pattern! Your weekend sounds like it was fun, except for the well part. But hey, it's always good to get in a workout!


Sarah, how frustrating to be on close to chat time, and miss it.


Shannon, I'm sorry you won't be there to help your sister move. You have such a wonderful relationship with her. At least you can send her lots of care packages during the year.


Stacy, being on the wait list doesn't sound like much fun. College starts way too early! It's still summer time!!!


Mary, you sound like you can fly through those sweaters. I hope you get some cooler weather soon.


Joanne, happy Monday. Do you have plenty of Joe's Dark to help you get to work today? I went yarn shopping with a friend this weekend. She took me to TJ's before we went home, so I could stock up on Gluten free pasta. Of course I thought of you and Stacy.


Vicki, LeaAnn, Marisa, and Scooby, thinking of you all!


Hey, today's the big date for my son. He so desperately wants everything to be perfect, it's almost funny. He asked me to drive him to the girl's house, so he could find it with no problem, so we went for a ride yesterday.


Tomorrow is my dh's last day home before he's gone for 3 weeks. I'm so tired of his place of employment, but in this economy, I'm not going to complain too much. At least he has a job!


Well, dd and I need to take care of the kitties today. I guess I should get rolling! :morcoffee

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Wow- what a chat! And now I'm out of time to post responses !!!


Want to wish you all a good day- I'll be back later when I get home. the ride may take longer than it did coming up here cause the weather has decided to be on the rainy side!! Oh, well, it was worth every second of spending time with my DD!!!


I'll catch up later.

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Good morning, everyone!


Sarah - so sorry that we missed you last night! :( I was having "tucking in issues" with my chickens, and had to go.... I hope to catch you soon!


Beth - How is your back feeling? I hope you are doing better! Will this be DH's last trip for a while? ...and too cute about DS's date!:heehee I hope he has a wonderful time!


Joanne - safe travels, friend! :hug:hugso glad you got to share a nice weekend with your DD!


Marisa - How was the Trot-n-Brew? and the rest of your weekend? I hope it was great, and that you are feeling good!


LeeAnn - I forgot to answer last night... YES!:yes you have earned some big time :crocheting time!!!!! :nworthy... great job this weekend!


Vicki - Missing you, and keeping you in my thoughts, friend:hug:hug:hug I hope that you are doing ok as you start the new school year. How did your exam go?


Colleen, Mary, Stacy, Shannon - :ty for the fun chat last night! I am so happy that I made it this time! :hug:hug:hug:hug


Well, all... I have a pattern to type:wink, so I am going to go for now.

I hope your day is filled with :U, :lol, :manyheart, and :c9

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:hi everyone! I am waiting for the chicken to cook for supper, so I thought I'd check in.


LeaAnne/Mary/Stacy - Thanks for chat! Much needed. Let's do it again soon!


Shannon, LeeAnn, Sarah - I am so sorry I missed you :(


Beth - I am on the edge of my seat wanting to hear about the date!


LeeAnn - :nworthy You rocked the cleaning yesterday! Do tell what you will be crocheting in your earned time!!!


Marisa - How was your weekend?


Joanne - Sounds like you had fun in Boston! How was the trip home?


Vicki - I bet you are busy! How did the test go? How was DD's belt test? Is she a purple belt? Was today the first day of school? If so, how did your day go and how did DD's day go?


I wasn't feeling the greatest this morning, but I'm fine now. It is beautiful here today! Very breezy. I almost forgot what a breeze felt like it had been hot and humid for so long. I'm excited to have windows open and fresh air coming in. Hope you are all having a great day! :hug

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I'm home- got in around 2:30- unpacked and then decided to go in the pool for a bit- it was HOT/HUMID!!!


The thunder is rumbling and it looks like it's going to storm, so I'm going to sign off and BBL.


Just wanted you all to know I made it home safe and sound!!!

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Hi everyone! I know I have been gone for a while, and I have MISSED you all so much!!!!

I took my test last week on Friday and it was H-A-R-D - HARD!!!!! I will get my results within 7 days, so hopefully all will be well. I told my sister that if I had to take this test again I would NOT be a happy girl!

Houston, we have a purple belt!!! She did so well at her test! She looked great and now we get to do it all over again for her new belt. We have graduated to the advanced class so that actually helps since it is a little later on Wed. nights. Not so much rushing!!

Today was the first day back for teachers and I am already running around the building! I was told at 12:15 today that I have an ARD on Friday at 9:00 A.M. for an initial referral. ALL the paper work needs to be done. IEPs,, behavior assessment, behavior intervention plan, present levels of performance, all of it. And I have teacher rotation to teach tomorrow for the special ed. portion. This will be fun! I will sit with the counselor after rotations and start on the paper work to get it done. Such a joy!

I just wanted to stop by and say hi! It has been really busy and I hope to be able to stop by again in the next couple of days. Talk to you all later and have a great night! Miss you all!

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Thanks LeaAnne! LETS GO GIANTS!!!!!!!!


It stormed before, but did nothing for the humidity! Hopefully, some more rain later (after the game)



Hope you all have a good night- I need to watch this game!!!!

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Good evening ladies :hi


Wow, it sure was busy and I missed chat :( I haven't done one yet. Yesterday when I got back my internet wasn't working right as it's always messed up when there are thunderstorms around me. So, I didn't really pay it any mind :lol Just watched tv with :hook and :yarn in hand :D


The trot n brew was fun and me and mary finished at 34 minutes :rofl We just walked, neither of us runs. It consists of 5 bars and there's the entry fee and then at each bar you drop a quarter for your drink (If you're seriously running, you can get water or soda to substitute the beer) and it is actually done as a fundraiser for handicapped children :manyheart How could you not participate :think Anyways, the route passes by my aunt's house, so my mom and aunt came down when we were passing to cheer us on :lol and then again when we came back past :D Also pass my grandma's house and her neighbor was outside so I ran over and gave her a hug and said hello (don't see her since my grandma passed away several years ago).


When I got home my father had started washing the cars, which he wanted to do last weekend when I was home but we had too much going on. But, he got this new polish he wanted to try and I said I'd help. I thought we'd be doing it sunday. So, we washed and then started to polish and he openned a door and it was still dirty so I cleaned up the insides of the doors. (Background: I'm like OCD when I wash my car. I go to the car wash every sunday, weather depending, and run through the touchless and then I dry with my shammy towel, but I dry the outside and the insides of the doors and the wheels....the whole shebang ;) ) So anyways, their's were filthy and I couldn't have it. So I cleaned that part up while he kept polishing, which was super easy with this stuff....just spray on and wipe off :clap And gave it a really nice shine. Then we ate dinner and my dad started on the windows, so I went to shower (windows are my weakness, no sense even attempting to try :lol ) and when I came down mom and mary weren't ready to head out yet so I pulled out the vaccuum and finished mom's just in time so my dad just had his and mine to do (but mine was already clean because again...I do it every sunday)


Then me, mom, and mary picked up my aunt and went to the church picnic where my cousin is a nun :D Kept her company a bit. Then back to my aunt's to sit for a bit and had a piece of zucchini pie, which she made for me. It sounds scarey but is o so good....it's just like a spice custard pie :drool


Then went back home and relaxed on the couch with :hook and :yarn watching tv while mom dozed on the chair and mary worked on school work.


Well, that was all saturday. Sunday we lounged around, ate dinner at 1 and then me and mary headed back, but it was rainy and foggy so it took a little longer than usual :( Since my internet was down, I was just watching shows off my dvr and crocheting the cardigan I'm working on, which is what I'm about to do now :D


Joanne - I'm glad to hear you had a great time with dd :D


Sarah - Are you still feeling 'blahs' or a little better now?


Stacy - Glad to hear things are starting to look up :hug :hug :hug


Colleen - Did the girls have fun in the tent? What movie did you watch after finishing your book?


LeeAnn - WOW!!!!! You make me feel like a lazy bum!!!! :eek Glad you got soo much done. If you lived closer, I'd recruit you to come do mine....I'd pay of course ;):lol


Mary - :yay for losing 15 pounds!!!!! Awesome job :clap I hope the sunflower ghan is not a race....I'd definitely lose :(


LeaAnne - Sorry the well ran dry, but you had fun anyway and that's all that matters :D


Beth - How did ds's big date go?

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