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Got you- been there, done that----and then in a blink of an eye- It's BUT MOM.........


I'm working on eliminating the "but" from his vocabulary cause when he says it it's cause he doesn't want to do what I told him to do and he's trying to change the subject

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I hope that you do- but I've come to realize that everything that happens (either good or bad) happens for a reason- we just don't always know the reason why they happen when they do.


Very true. :yes

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Okie dokie, ladies, bedtime is upon us, so I better get going and get the chickens ready. Hope you both have a wonderful day tomorrow. :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Well, ladies- it's getting late and I've got to be in work by 7 tomorrow! (it's almost 10;45)-


Thanks for the chat!!!!


goodnight =0)

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evening friends!


I missed chat too! :-((( I was going to hop on but got sidetracked. Yesterday I took my watch off and looped my rings on it, I can not find my watch! Oh my gosh! talk about stress! We have searched the house from top to bottom, cushions, laundry, dressers...still can't find it. I am soo sad, the rings that were on there were from our 5th wedding anniversary and 10th. Dh had one of them designed with rubies and diamonds set in white gold the other is a today, tomorrow and forever ring...sigh...back to looking.


will post more tomorrow..hugs!

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Good morning!


Sorry that LeaAnne and LeeAnn missed chat!


LeeAnn- fingers/toes crossed that you find the watch!!!!


Want to wish everyone a good day! Going in a bit early- lots to get finished up before vacation!!!

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Good morning,


LeaAnn, I hope you found your watch and rings. I'm sorry you missed chat.

LeaAnne, I'm sorry you missed chat, too. It's fun to read what everyone's been up to, though.

Joanne, Happy Thursday! I hope your day isn't too busy, and you get a chance to get some packing done today for your weekend with the cousins. What fun!!! And guess what? I thought today was Friday this morning.

Sarah, it is a challenge to be a sahm, but in a few years, you'll look back and wonder at how fast the time flew by. Trust me.

Stacy, I hope you get the class you want. I'm working on my oldest ds's transcript, so he can take a college class this year, while finishing his senior year of high school.

Mary, Colleen, Marisa, Shannon, Vicki, Scooby, thinking of you!


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Hi gang! I forgot about chat - AGAIN! I came home from tkd and put on the baseball game. Then my friend texted me to tell me that her contacts came in and she was sooo excited.

I had a migraine all day yesterday! I could not get rid of it! I ended up not really doing much since my head hurt. Today I have hubby's work clothes in the washer and those are already on the drying rack and the towels that I washed them with in the dryer. I'll change the sheets later.

I need to go back and read what I missed at chat. Have a great day everyone!

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:cheer:clap:yay:clap:cheer:yay It's Vacation time!!!!:cheer:clap:yay:cheer


Didn't go for the pedi tonight- too busy- going at 9 in the morning and then we head to NH from there!!! Weather is supposed to be nice- and I'm looking forward to seeing everybody!!!


I am so happy to be off work till the 9th!!!!


Hope everyone is having a good day-


Off to pack!!!

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Hi All!

Joanne-have a wonderful vacation! how fun! We will miss you.

Beth-I have been confused all week, I think I need to sleep for 2 days. :lol That is so neat that your ds can take colege classes along with high school classes.

Vicki-glad that your headache went away and that you feel better...darn headaches!

Stacy, Marisa, Sarah, Mary, LeaAnne, Shannon and Scooby miss you all around here!

Just got home, we had to take the kiddos to the in-laws then run a few errands. We are leaving at noon tomorrow, going to work until 11 as they needed the help, then off we go! Sooo excited!

Before I forget, dh found my watch and rings,....you all will never believe where????? Any takers???? In the cupboard on top of the peanut butter:think:think:think I was wrapping leftovers and tossed the aluminum foil into the cupboard and must have tossed in my watch too:eek I don't know how I did that...must have been really tired. I was soo happy, dh was happy too...I was freaking out. Now that I have put that stress to bed, I am tired. :):)

Night all, will try to post before we leave, if not please have a Fantastic, Wonderful, Peaceful and Relaxing weekend! I will miss all of you!


hugs and squishes!!!!!

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Hi everyone

LeeAnn- glad to hear that DH found your watch!! And what a funny place for it to be! Have a wonderful time- now that you don't have that worry on you!!!!


Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!!! I'm all packed except for the last minute toiletries and of course my laptop!!!

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Morning all! HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!!

Joanne - Have a wonderful trip and enjoy yourself!

Leeann - Glad you found your watch and rings. That is a strange place to find it, but we put things in strange places at times. A nice, happy ending!

It is :hot here! The rain has moved out and it is bright and sunny. It was pouring here yesterday afternoon. Another day to keep the sprinklers off! YAY!

Nothing grand going on here. Hope everyone has a great day. Talk to you all later!

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:hi, all!


Safe travels to Joanne and LeeAnn today!


Vicki - I hope your headache goes away.


Beth - how's the moroccan 'ghan going?


Colleen - whatcha reading?


Stacy - how's things in LA today?


Sarah - are you having a good day?


Mary - I am praying for you... did you get your results yet?


Shannon & Scooby - :hi and :hug


I hope you all have a slendiferous day!


I am tired of cleaning, and am taking the afternoon off to :crocheting





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Hi from beautiful, gorgeous New Hampshire!!


We hit traffic coming up---UGH, I hate traffic!!! but we arrived safe and sound and the weather is spectacular up here! Oh, heaven!!!! We just got back in from eating dinner- by brother and sister in law should be checking in shortly and then we'll probably go out for ice cream


Have a good night everyone!!!!

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Hi, all~


I hope your Friday evening was wonderful! there is a little "nip" in the air tonight:c9 making it a perfect night for sleeping....


I just wanted to let you all know that I was thinking about you!


Sweet Dreams, Bestiest Besties!!!


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Hello everybody :hi


It was crazy busy at work throughout the rest of the week and I didn't even turn on my computer since wed morning until today :eek On wed we stayed an hour late and I was exhausted, but had to clean the turtles when I got home, which I had already put off since sunday :eek But they looked quite pathetic when I walked in the door :( And that's a job itself :lol Then I had a quick bite to eat watched a show and went to bed. I slept straight from 10:30ish until my alarm went off at 9 am. Had trouble getting up, but made breakfast and coffee, showered, and went to work. Thursday we stayed at work until 9pm and still didn't finish everything :eek So again, I didn't turn on the computer. I sat down and watched a show then crawled into bed. Tonight after work I ran to Boscov's and JCPenny with my friend Mary and got home around 10ish.


Tomorrow we're leaving at 6:30 to head up to newark, nj for paintball :D I've never played before and am not very excited about it, but it's my friend's birthday and that's what she wants to do :think Then we're going out in the evening and I'll be up early sunday to head back because Mary's coming too and she needs to be back to take her mom out sunday. Which is good, because I'll have the day to clean and do laundry :clap It soo desperately needs to be done :eek


So after tonight, I won't be back until sunday :waving See y'all then ;)

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Have fun, Marisa!


it sure sounds like you have more than earned a weekend off! be sure to bring a little project for the ride (well, unless you're driving:lol)



Sarah ~


"Mary" is lovely! You sure did do a nice job!!! :clap WTG, girl!

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Good morning from beautiful NH!!


We went for ice cream last night and it was the first time all summer I had to wear a sweater! It was such a nice evening! And the ice cream was divine!!


The weather today is sunny and no humidity- it is:c9


Brother, SIL, DH and I are going to head to Portsmouth- it's by the water - about 10 mi from here this morning to walk around and check out the sights. Maybe even find a yarn store- to go pet some yarn:lol The cousin's party is at 3:clap


Marisa- Have a fun day- you'll have to let us know about paintball!


Sarah- The teddy is so adorable!! You did a great job on the bear's christmas finery!!!


LeaAnne- Hope you have a nice Saturday!!! And the New England weather right now is perfecto!!!!:yes



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