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Good morning everyone :coffee


I'm still trying to wake up :lol I have an appt this morning so will be out early and home late :(


Vicki - I hope your headache is better today and I always love letting people know when they buy me presents :yes:lol


Mary - Thanks for the welcome :hug


Joanne - Yes, 75 is a lot for one day and it's like that almost every day!! So now you see why I hate when I have to do it alone :eek But when that happens, I have to say that the patients are very understanding and don't make any fuss about having to wait a bit longer ;) Next week my receptionist is out, so it will be crazy once again....not as bad as having the doc out, but still rough :yes


Solace - Sounds like you had a fun 4th regardless of all the rain :clap


See y'all later :waving

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:hug:hug:hug:hugGood morning, or it will be, once I :morcoffee


Sarah, your 4th sounds like the wet weather didn't dampen your spirits. I can't wait to see the pics.


Marissa, you sound so very busy. It must be a challenge when someone is gone from the office. Do you get a vacation?


Joanne, how's the weather up there? I'm hoping for a break from the heat soon. I am afraid my dh will melt when he gets back, since he's been in Seattle for so long.


LeaAnn, I like the lesson planning time, particularly since you are getting paid for it. One of my main complaints about teaching is all the homework teachers have to do without being recompensed for it. I hope you enjoyed your time with dd last night. That sounds very special.


Mary, sounds like you had a very good sale. I hope your next one is as nice, but maybe a little cooler?


Vicki, how are you and dd enjoying your summer? What have you been doing? Any news about TKD?


Colleen, are you swimming much? Can you exercise in this heat? What have you been up to?


LeaAnne, I hope you are enjoying the cape.


Stacy - how are your puppies getting along? Is your new dog adjusting? Is he catching on to training?


Shannon - I'm thinking of you and Janna. I hope your summer is going well.


Scooby, Tena, C4J, Frogger, and all our other friends, I miss you!:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug


My oldest is sick today. He actually called in to work. He couldn't eat yesterday. Even though he's 6'5" tall, and works about fulll-time, he's still my baby, and I'm still worried about him.


I worked yesterday, and I work tonight. They are starting a month-long series of classes, and the instructor wants me to man the desk, to answer questions, take payments, and help little ones get new slippers, tights, and leotards. Yesterday was a madhouse, but they were all new dancers, so most of them needed everything.


I have a little more housework to do, then everything will be as ready as it's getting for dh to come home. I should do some baking, too. I don't know if I should make him a welcome home cake, since his birthday is the day after he gets home, and he's not that crazy about cake. I think I'll make a welcome home chocolate pie. Save the cake for the actual birthday.


Well, I need to clean before it gets too hot. Have a great day.

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Hi guys. I was feeling a little better. I am not as dizzy as I was yesterday. I am going to go to the doctor. I don't play around when that stuff happens. I have a slight headache today in the same place that it was yesterday, so we will see what happens as the day goes on.

Belt testing will be in August, probably right before I go back to work. When we asked the main instructor said he was looking at the middle of the month. DD lost her temper at tkd last night at a boy who is a real little *%!$ last night. I needed to "remind" her to control her temper or I would control it for her.


Joanne - Is it cooler up by you yet? We are getting rain again today!


Marisa - 75 patients is a lot. At least they understand and don't get upset about waiting a little bit.


Mary - YAY for selling out of the towels and baby sweaters! Easy stuff to make in the hot weather!


Sarah - How is Doug's step dad feeling this morning? Hopefully you will get some good news today.


Beth - You are on the last two days! You can do it girl! The little ones must have been so cute getting ready for dance class yesterday!


Leeann - YAY for getting paid for planning time! That is nice! Glad you enjoyed it!


Stacy - How is the new puppy doing? What is its name going to be?


I am going to go get ready for my day. Have a great day all and I will talk to you later!

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Here's the link to the fireworks pictures.



And here's a pic of Keith in his hat =0)



oh and that's his daddy's tie he's wearing, it's too long so the rest was tucked in his pants LOL The tie that goes with that outfit was a red and green plaid and didn't fit with what I wanted =0)

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Good afternoon, ladies!


We got back from NOLA on Tuesday. We had a great time. I took DD to the children's museum, and she loved it! She was so cute!


We are now having MORE flooring drama!:angry The guy ordered 44 boxes of samples, instead of the actual floor. Now we have to wait til the end of the month before it can come in. I'm just glad I didn't move everything out again, like I did when they messed up on our carpet.


I'll be back later to talk to everyone. Have a fantabulous day!:manyheart

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:hi all!!


Beth, one more day, one more day!!! :cheer:cheer:cheer How exactly do you make a chocolate pie? That sounds :drool!! I hope your oldest feels better soon. :hug:hug


Shannon, so good to hear from you! I'm glad you had a great time in NOLA. :thair at the flooring problem! Why in the world would he order samples? Is this the same person that messed up the carpet, too?


Joanne, that VIA is yummy, isn't it? I add a bit of half-and-half to mine, and it is :c9. Unfortunately, dh also likes it, so I now have to share. :(:lol Oh, and don't worry about the fleas- both of our dogs were Frontline'd already, and once we put some on the new dog, they were gone within the hour. :yes We kept her outside for the night, just to be sure they didn't get in the house. Oh, speaking of dogs- did dd bring Belle to swim in your pool?


Sarah, the picture of Keith is too cute! :manyheart Your fireworks pics are beautiful. Sorry to hear you are still having flooding problems. And ants- yuck! We had them when I lived with my parents and it seemed like they never went away! Hope you can get it taken care of quickly.


Vicki, glad to hear you are feeling a bit better today, and that you are going to the dr. for it. :yes Yikes @ dd losing her temper at tkd! You're a good mama to set her straight, though. :hug:hug


Marisa, 75 patients! Wowza, that is a lot! Especially for just one person. Glad to hear your helper is back from vacation.


Leeann, how's it going? Sounds like you are really enjoying your job. :clap That is awesome! And getting paid for lesson planning- :cheer!!


Mary, glad your sale went well! How awesome that you almost sold out of your sweaters! Glad you have a cool place to retreat to when the weather gets hot. :hug:hug:hug


LeaAnne, hope you're having a blast at the Cape! :clap


Scooby, how's your summer going?? What is Josh up to? :hug:hug


Okie dokie...I think I got everyone! :whew Lots of people to remember now. :lol


Colleen, have fun on your camping trip! :yay


Yesterday, the girls were arguing by 7:30 in the morning! :eek I had planned to putter around at home and get some things done and phone calls made, but decided around 9:30 that they just needed to get out! So we went to the zoo for a few hours. When we got home, dh was already here, so we went out to Petco to get a few things for the new dog. Then to Jamba Juice. Yummm!

Today we walked to the library. We arrived before it opened, so we went to the park for a little while. We found out that there will be a magic show at 4, but we can only go if dh or Roomie comes home before then. Remember a few weeks ago when I was cleaning like crazy, because I was convinced the owner of the house would come by? Dh and Roomie both thought I was nuts. Turns out I was right- dh called the maintenance guy to see if we can get some grass in the backyard, and the owner wants to come by, to have a look first. :yes:devil Someone has to be here, to let them into the backyard.


As for the new dog...her name is Olive, and she is a year and 4 months old. She is already up to my hip, though! :eek She is taller than Eva, and Eva screams when she walks by. :lol She's not afraid, but I think she is a bit overwhelmed by Olive's size. Yesterday we bought a clicker and some treats, and dh worked with her last night for about 2 hours. She can already sit! :yay She loves to play with Klaus, but has no regard for Roomie's dog, who is very jealous. Even when we bring Klaus inside so the other two can play, Olive will lie by the door or walk around by herself. :lol Roomie says it is because Klaus is the pack leader (my little wiener dog!! :rofl) therefore Olive is trying to gain favor with him by playing only with him. That is too funny! I have a :photo on my phone, I will upload and post it so you all can see her.


Okie dokie, well I've :blah enough. Time to finish up the laundry and figure out what's for dinner. Love and hugs to all! :hug:hug:hug:hug



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Quick fly by to say hi!! Stacy- thanks for the update on what's going on- and glad that there is no issue with the fleas- I'm relieved about that!!!


Shannon- That is so frustrating about the flooring!!!


Sarah- The pic of Keith is adorable!!!


Vicki- hope it went well at the Dr and they can figure out what is causing the dizziness.


Marisa- hope you had a good day- although it will be a long one!!


Dh got home and needs my attention - I'll try and bbl.


Beth- one more day!!!!!


Stacy- I make a choc pie- by using instant pudding in a graham cracker crust- yummy

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Oh, Joanne and Shannon, I forgot to tell you that I joined Lucy's Ravelry group! :clap I have about 20 squares for a cushion already, I think I'll need about 16 more to make it the size I would like. :yes I'm going to do the granny square one next. \


Okay, here's Olive...


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Oh, Joanne and Shannon, I forgot to tell you that I joined Lucy's Ravelry group! :clap I have about 20 squares for a cushion already, I think I'll need about 16 more to make it the size I would like. :yes I'm going to do the granny square one next. \


Okay, here's Olive...

Yay for joining the We Love Lucy group- what is your name on Ravelry? And wow- Olive is sure big- great pic!!! Do we get to see pics of your cushion when it's done???? :yes:yes

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Joanne, my Ravelry name is AlwaysHooked. :yarn Of course I will post pics of my cushion once it's done. I'll probably have to wait until next Friday to get the actual cushion part, but I can at least post the front and back while I'm waiting. :devil

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how's everyone today? I hope well!

Joanne-I used to be paid salary when I was teaching preschool at another site, it was terrible! When I figured out how much extra time I spent, I was earning maybe $2.00 and hour...can you believe that? I am glad that I get paid hourly, I do not bring anything home to work on, but it is only seasonal-till the end of October, that's ok, dh said I can take a break. :cheer:cheer Did you get your granny square finished?

Stacy-oh my! Your Olive it huge! wow! She is beautiful! the kiddos do get restless being at home, mine sometimes want to be hermits tho-especially ds...he never wants to go anywhere. I thought of joining the group on Ravelry, but just haven't gotten around to it. I should. :lol

Vicki-glad that you were able to open your eyes without feeling dizzy, that can not be fun.

Marisa-Oh my goodness! you sure are busy! I bet you're tired! Whew!

Beth-:hugso excited for you! Your chocolate pie sounds :c9. I love chocolate!

Sarah-what a lovely picture! your ds is just adorable!

Shannon-welcome back! I hope that your flooring gets straightened out, that is frustrating.

best get my tush in the kitchen, making BLT's for dinner. BBL!

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Stacy, I LOVE Olive -- she's a beautiful dog. I'm glad she likes her brother better than her roomie. That's the way it should be!!! And she already learned sit -- I told you she was smart!


Joanne, Hooray for Swisher!!! I know you've wanted that badly.


Shannon, welcome home! I am glad you had a good time.


Sarah, love your pics. Thanks so much for sharing them.


Vicki, I'm glad you are feeling better, even gladder (is that a word?) that you are going to the doc about it. I'm anxiously waiting to hear about dd getting her next belt. She's doing so well. How many levels has she progessed this past year? It seems like she's flying through.


:yellOh, tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you, Tomorrow, you're only a day a-way!:bow:fame


I hope I didn't crack your computer screens with that high note there. I'm very excited about dh getting home!

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Hi ladies! Yes, I went to the doctor today and he diagnosed it just as I thought he would - migraine induced vertigo. This doesn't surprise me one bit. My sister gets this too. Hers gets so bad she is flat on her back for a week! I don't get the vertigo part often and hopefully I won't. He also gave me a new migraine medicine called Relpax. Haven't taken it yet so we'll see how it works. He gave me something new because the Maxalt is SOOOO expensive to fill and every now and then it does not break the migraine. When that happens I have Imitrex, but that makes me feel very weird! I don't like to take it, but if I have to to get rid of the pain I will. So we will try this one and see how it goes. He also gave me a medicine for the vertigo.

Stacy - Olive is so CUTE! Funny that she plays with Klaus but not Roomie's dog. Does she know something already?

Joanne - YAY for Swish! The Send Swish campaign was a hit it seemed!

Beth - YAY for one more day!!! You can do it!! DD has gone through 5 belts including her current dark green belt. Yes, she has made a lot of progress. We were just talking about that today. Her kicks are getting better and her flexibility has improved!

Sarah - Has the rain stopped by you? We are starting to clear out a bit. Hopefully you are too. How is Doug's step dad?

Colleen - Have fun camping!

Mary - How is your head feeling today?

Leeann - How did planning go last night? Did you get a lot done?

Marisa - Are you planning a nice, relaxing night?

Ok all, I need to get going and look over my paper and stuff. I will talk to you all later. Have a great night all! See you all on the flip side!

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So glad that you got a new med to try and hope it helps the vertigo Vicki!!! And so cool about Swish- I voted so many times!!!


Stacy- I'll look for you on Ravelry- love the name- always hooked!!! :hook


Beth- Didn't mind the high note at all- I can't even imagine how excited you must be that DH will be home tomorrow!!!!:manyheart

Marisa- How did it go at the doctor's today? How is the heat in Philly? Coming down any?


LeeAnn- I haven't finished the granny square (do you mean the granny stripe blanket or the granny square blanket? ) Yes, I have two going! I put the granny square blanket up stairs in the office on the rocking chair- it's a good lapghan and I really want to work on the granny stripe- so out of sight out of mind. When I get bored, I'll make a few more squares for it! That's neat that you only have to work till October.


And yes, I don't even like to think about what my "hourly" salary has become with all the hours I'm working!:( And DH hasn't told me I don't need to work anymore! :lol


Going to go and pick up the hook and yarn for a while- hope EVERYONE has a good night!!!

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It rained some, but not as much as they had said it might on the news last night so the lakes in the yard weren't too bad and it had stopped by around 3pm so the water is mostly drained off but we need about 2 weeks for the ground to dry up enough to not puddle up when it rains. So hopefully the tropics will stay calm long enough for us to dry up.


Ants we've dealt with since we moved here... Basically there is no way to get rid of them unless we move cause this area is one huge ant bed, the most we can do is get someone to come out a spray in, under and around the trailer and that'll last until this time next year... so that's also waiting for the water to dry up so we can get it done again.


Doug's step-dad is home but that's about all the info I have. He's a little upset with me cause I didn't go to the hospital with Doug yesterday (Doug had picked Zack up from daycare and then took him to his mom at the hospital so she wouldn't have to leave to get him, Hannah was with her cause she will entertain herself whereas Zack gets too rowdy so he was at daycare) I didn't go cause I'm so stressed from dealing with a child that's been cooped up inside for 2 weeks that I took the chance to relax and have some quiet time. Went and bought myself some Sensitive Ears earrings at JCPenny cause the ones I had got discolored and caused an infection in my ears (that's what I get for buying earrings at Wal-Mart)


We finally were able to go grocery shopping today but Keith was so wound up at Doug's grandparents when we stopped by there first that Doug dropped us off at Wal-Mart and we played in the toy section while Doug went to the grocery store... Keith got a book to practice his printing since he wants to learn to write, he can sorta print his name, it's barely legible, but he needs to work on the other letters =0) The book we got is one that we can use dry erase markers to do it over and over again. =0)


LOL ok I need to quit :blah:blah:blah and go deal with laundry =0)


:hug:hug:hug:manyheart:hug:hug:hug to everyone =0)

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Good night everyone,


Beth - yes it is a challenge when someone is missing :( Next week my receptionist is on vacation, which is going to be difficult as well because she does soo much more since she's a certified medical assistant as well, she can help with some therapies when needed. I do get vacation, but I just don't take it. I hate to think of what I have to come back to :( I typically will do a long weekend here and there, but my last real vacation was in April 2005 :eek I think I'm getting to be due :think Oh, and I will always be my parents baby as well so I know how you feel about your DS ;)


Vicki - Glad to hear you're feeling a little better and that the doc was able to diagnose you. I hope you get relief with the new meds and that they don't affect you in a negative way at all :) It was about 8:30 until I was home and settled down so I watched America's Got Talent from tuesday and worked on a bag I'm close to finishing :)


Solace - Keith is absolutely adorable!!!! :D


Shannon - Sorry to hear about the floor sample situation :( I hope the new shipment comes quickly


LeeAnn - I've been tired a lot lately, but I realized (when my mom asked) that I've totally been forgetting to take my vitamins lately :eek So that might have something to do with it :think I already filled my weekly container for the whole week and put tomorrow's right on the couter top so I won't forget them :think Oooooo, and I love BLT's :drool


Joanne - The dr appt went well, it was just my annual pap....nothing exciting ;) He the only dr I see aside from my dentist and eye doc :lol I do need to find myself a PCP though I guess :think Getting into that age where I should get a physical every so many years now :think It was 88 in the car today leaving work at about 7:30!!!! Much cooler than it's been :eek Supposed to rain a little tomorrow and storm on saturday I think they're saying now, I just hope it cools down the temps :)


Good night everyone....it's way past my bedtime :c9

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:morcoffee Goooooood Morning!:plane Eleven hours!!!




I hope you all have a wonderful day. I'm going to be busy with taxi service and yard work today, then last minute cleaning, then more taxi service, then I go to the airport!!! Yay!!!



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:clap:cheer:clap:cheer Yay for Beth!!! DH is home soon!!!!:cheer:clap:cheer Have a wonderful day Beth!!! Between the yard work and taxiing, the day will fly by and b/4 you know it you'll be at the airport meeting DH!!!!:clap:cheer:clap


Hope everyone has a great day- no time to post as I just looked at the clock:eek and need to get my badorkus in gear for another fun-filled day in the trenches!!:lol


Cya on the flip side!!!!

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Good Morning :coffee


Beth - :yay:cheer:clap:woo Only 11 hours to go :D The day will either go quickly since you have soo much to do OR it will go slowly since your waiting for DH is soo very exciting...I pray it goes quickly for you today :hug


Joanne - Have a great day at work!!!

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Morning all! My head is feeling better today so that is a good thing! I need to get the grocery shopping done today. Then maybe the movies. The plan is to take DD to see Toy Story 3. A friend was supposed to go with us, but she hasn't called me back. Oh well. Nothing I can do about it!


The rain is moving out so we can dry out. There will be rain much farther south of us, but hopefully not much around here today.

Beth - YAY!!! Only hours until he's home!!! Today will FLY by!

Marisa - Did you get to crochet last night? Can't wait to see your bag!

Joanne - Have a great Friday at work today! Has it colled down by you?

Stacy - How is Olive doing? Well I hope!

Leeann, Mary, LeaAnne, Colleen, Scooby - hope you all have a great day!

I am going to go get my day started. Have a great day and I will talk to you all later!

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Good morning, friends! Happy, happy Friday!! :clap:clap:clap


Beth, only...4 hours to go?? Judging by your 3 a.m. post. :lol Hope the day went quickly for you!! :cheer:cheer:cheer Dh is almost home!! Did you make the chocolate pie?


Vicki, have fun at the movies! MIL planned to take the girls to see that today but FIL is very sick so she doesn't want to take the chance of them catching it through her. I've heard it's very cute. :yes


Marisa, did you work on your bag? Do we get photos when it's done? :drool


Sarah, I hope the rain lightens up for you soon!


Nothing much going on here today. I vacuumed and loaded the dishwasher, and cleaned up the poop in the side yard. I need to run to the grocery store. I called Admissions this morning and they still haven't received my transcript. :think The woman said to call back next week. I also need to call the church to see about communion classes for Isabella. And I should check in on my old-man friend, haven't heard from him in a couple weeks.

Oh, Olive is a howler. :blush She is really well-behaved for the most part, but when she wants in, she howls until someone opens the door. Dh does it just to stop her, but to me it almost seems that opening the door is a reward for the howling. Any thoughts on that?


Well I'd better get going, the girls are getting antsy. BBL!

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Howdy all! Did the grocery shopping this morning and then DD and I went to go see Toy Story 3 this afternoon! I loved it! It was wonderful!

Then this afternoon I was working on my paper. The table of contents was giving me fits today! It did not want to update nicely for me! I was not a happy camper! I added some more information to my research questions and tweaked my dependent and independent variables. Those are just killing me! I need to do some more work on the IRB, but I am waiting to see what the committee wants on it before I commit more time to it. We have questions and are waiting for the committee to get back with my study chair on another application that he submitted to see what feedback it gets. Until then, I just keep plugging away!

Nothing else going on here! Hope everyone is having a good day and hope Beth is at the airport by now!


TTFN everyone!

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Vicki- Put it aside and come back to it- that's what I always did when I was having trouble with a paper! Which I'm sure I don't have to tell you. I've heard Toy Story 3 is really good! Glad that you and DD enjoyed it!!


Stacy- No tips from me on Olive's howling- sorry- I'm not a dog owner so wouldn't have a clue!!! Sometimes the transcripts take weeks to arrive. Are you getting excited to be going back to school? It was the best thing I did even though I was working full time, going to school 3-4 nights/week, homework, housework, etc. It just seems that you fit in what you need to do to accomplish goals. You have a lot on your plate- so just take it slow and get acclimated to it- and you will learn to let dust bunnies lie where they may!!


Beth- You are probably on the way to the airport or have already picked up DH!!!!!! So happy for you!!!!!


Marisa- Hope your day went by quickly! Mine did- we had a bar-b-que at work today which was nice and an italian ice truck - so refreshing on this, another hot.humid day!


Off to do laundry, water plants, set up coffee for AM (and make a cup of coffee from my Keurig for now)


Have a great night everyone!

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Hey girls!


Vicki, sounds like you had a nice day with dd. :manyheart Good luck with your paper. That is the one part of school I am not looking forward to!


Joanne, how nice that you had a bbq at work! :yay I am a bit excited about school, but also a bit nervous. We still don't know if we qualify for the college preschool, and if we don't, we surely cannot afford to pay for it. They require Eva to be in 5 days a week, even if I don't have classes all 5 days. We will hopefully :xfin find out in the next couple of weeks. I know of a couple other places that will take her only on the days I have class, but will have to see how much it is.


We went to Trader Joe's, then home to make lunch. The girls asked for homemade pizza and apples. Can't argue with that. Afterward, I decided to clean out their art-supplies box, which led to cleaning their room, under the beds, the totes, bookshelf, etc. It took almost 4 hours, but in the end, I recycled two 30-gallon trash bags of papers. :eek The toy box, on the other hand, will have to wait for another day. :yes:lol


Well, besties- I am off to pay a bill, then sit on the couch and :crocheting! I found the patterns for letter pillows on Ravelry! :clap I had made an I and M for the older two, but by the time I had Eva, the designer had taken the patterns from her website. Found that she put them up again last night, so now I have an E to make after I finish my Lucy cushion. :yes

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